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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14894398 No.14894398 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>14871878

Aigis Mini Guide for Desert maps/Awakening:

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Flower Knight Girl


Sengoku Providence

>> No.14894407 [DELETED] 

It's nice ass she has there

>> No.14894419
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Nice ass

>> No.14894440
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>> No.14894461
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Conrad-kun is amazing in many ways

>> No.14894831
File: 631 KB, 960x640, oasis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I think I know where I'm spending the rest of the game grinding

>> No.14894839

If you were playing jp ver you be where you are in nutaku in 3 weeks easily. such a shame you didnt switch.

>> No.14894850

I have a DMM account and '3 weeks' is a wild exaggeration

>> No.14894856

Is that the map to grind on dmm too?

>> No.14894858

I literally got back to where I was within 4 weeks. Its not even exaggeration.

>> No.14894866

A completely new player probably can't, but you can definitely get to Oasis in 3-4 weeks if you know what you're doing.

It's a good grind map and relatively easy to get to. Base Struggle 2 and one of the new jungle maps should be better and give more efficient fodder.

>> No.14894868

BS got to oasis in my 2nd week ez.

>> No.14894876

Yeah I could see that. But not getting to level 139 in 3 weeks.

>> No.14894960

>not using the SC you get from having twice the events for xp boost


>> No.14895023

I made an alt account on DMM, I got in there in 5 days

>> No.14895096

In 奇妙な魔群 the goblins spell a secret message

>> No.14895167


>> No.14895437

This is a very nice drawing of Spica. Know who the illustrator is?

>> No.14895486

>Goblins have this secret plan to spell out a message for you
>suddenly Kerry

>> No.14895542


Learn to use saucenao and iqdb.

>> No.14895546

Wait untill you see the second aniversary one.

Kerry draws a heart.

>> No.14895568

this map was fun, it had the message and it felt good aoeing them down

>> No.14895592
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gacha plat
don't know if i should feel lucky

>> No.14895622

I gotta say that's really cute

I think I might have seen the gif of her movement pattern before

>> No.14895660

One of the best ninjas and units in the game, also a "young lady" in nutaku, feel very fortunate!

>> No.14895678

her skill doesn't one shot like whatshername though

>> No.14895737

she gains rare 1shots after her AW like other ninjas
i actually like her skill over assassination
i rather have more reliable damage than RNG-dependant kills, that way i can think in strategies rather than luck

but then again, it's a matter of tastes

>> No.14895757

Saki and the plat ninja have the lowest assassination proc chance, even lower than the gold rogue, but Saki compensate it with her awesome att speed after awaken.

>> No.14895763
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After 400+ charisma of just brute forcing the same team over and over making sure I micro everything I beat it with 50 cc units. Feels like shit when i can do it prob easier.

>> No.14895765

thanks, i was going to use her anyway, being a "young lady"
good to know she gets really good! but i will probably never awaken anyone because i am bad

>> No.14895767

Oh for those who are new you can do this map 50cc~ a pirate just saying. Also any gold or silver ninja where aria is.

>> No.14895810

Odette event on iOS this coming week. Is she worth farming up if I already have molde? If so, to what degree? I had a bitch of a time with Maribel this week, something like 16 copies fed and only -2, 3/5. Can only imagine how much worse Odette will be

>> No.14895847

>400+ charisma
on that map? wow is it really that hard?
i got it on my 3rd try

>> No.14895872

No its not that hard.
I was just brute forcing it with a terrible comp imo.
I didnt have enough physical damage only bashira and spica.

>> No.14895875

Done it on first try because used video

>> No.14895881

Level 14 majin w/out buffs.

>> No.14895937

fooken gellius

>> No.14895988
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Feel like i am bashing a wall, anyone want to give me any tips for being able to clear awakening token stages? who should i work on

>> No.14896022

You don't need AW maps now, focus on story maps and levelling your units. You need units to be at max level to AW them, and you have only Katie ready.

>> No.14896026

Spica all the way...oh wait, you don't have her?? hahahahahahahahaha.

>> No.14896031

Should a new player wait till his entire team/core all max CC to start awakening or at ccX?

>> No.14896044

ok, i will buy her, i'll start hardcore farming demon crystals until i have the 200 required, i am at 80

>> No.14896055

No, some units like Spica or Katie can be awakened ahead of other units, but grinding for orbs when you don't have anyone to use these orbs on is definitely pointless.
Get target unit to max level and only then bother with orbs.

>> No.14896060

How good is the plat cannoneer on the dmm tp? Have both the gold cannoneers but not the event plat that was in the last gold rush, dunno if I should just wait for that one again or jump on this one

>> No.14896061

>some units like Spica or Katie can be awakened ahead of other units
because of the maps? are they easier?

>> No.14896067

For today's soldier/pirate AW map follow this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydKazDcM1Y0
If you can't do even this, raise your units to match video.
Well, monday aw map is definitely easiest, but reason is that they have huge immediate utility due to global/class buff AW ability.

>> No.14896132

should i be maxing silvers?

>> No.14896158

Daily reminder a based anon suggest you only need CC30 :^)

>> No.14896177

who is based anon? does he upload to youtube? i can't read chinese so its hard finding the right maps to watch

>> No.14896275

No that was just a jab at some guy last thread claiming CC30 is just as good as CC50.

Naturally you want your levels and affection for unit used as high as possible. higher if possible will make runs smoother especially in a video.

If you are worried you cant do it just make sure your affection is near 100% or levels near it +/- 5-10 levels.

>> No.14896286
File: 348 KB, 595x404, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (79).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have any chance at level 5 map with this team?
Wasted quite a lot of charisma today trying to clear it, but it feels like I'm doomed without dancer.

>> No.14896290

Forgot to say, its not Furfur who gets me, but first Great Demon rush, I just don't have enough dps to bring them down fast enough.

>> No.14896377

One of those times investing in a Cannoneer would likely pay off.

>> No.14896504

Hmm, another idea is to buy ranged units attack buff, but can't decide if its worth it to spend 3 SC for one black armor. On other side, next event is star trial most likely, and while I'm at at, I could use buff to clear remaining story missions and finally get AW prince.

>> No.14896548
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I don't know how this happened, description says CC50 for 1* but my team only has a bunch of golds and silvers that are CC30 at best.

I wish I could actually do the maou map with the same efficiency, but my duelists are pretty bad (wizards/archers in this map required some very panicky retreats already) and I can't use Metus as a crutch because she doesn't do well against swarms, so no second time fairy for me.

>> No.14896610

>Maintenance is currently underway

whoa nigga
I never asked for this

>> No.14896626

Maintenance on not-Tuesday? Is this real life?

>> No.14896637

and without notice

>> No.14896655

Clearly a surprise delayed anniversary event for Anna, with a 5 SC apology for not actually being on the anniversary and an announcement that all following events will be constant, with no breaks from now onward.

I wish. I like talking shit about Nutaku but I'd gladly eat my words if they suddenly decided to be make Aigis decent, I don't play EN Aigis but localized FKG makes me very worried.

>> No.14896663

There's notice posted in news section. Amusingly, its going to be till 5:20 instead usual :00 timing.

>> No.14896679

dammit just when i was trying to fap

>> No.14896776

Yes, surely anon.
Sure thing is... Tea Team got a real talent to be a bunch of jerks even when fixing stuff.
They could at least give a warning or something.

>> No.14896817
File: 348 KB, 768x1024, 46282274_p36_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fapping to Aigis
Why not browse fanart? It's often better

>> No.14896869

>bullying KT

anon please, I just fapped

>> No.14897056

wow, the maintenance is still going on. I wonder what they're fixing

>> No.14897060


couple min

>> No.14897063

Its over

>> No.14897066

Claudia still not fixed. Guess they have to hire the QUALITY localization team again for that hurr.

>> No.14897078
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Not bad for my first blind run.

>> No.14897103
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Would you get bullied by Calliope?

>> No.14897137

If she turned into a loli, sure.

>> No.14897176
File: 323 KB, 1128x631, senpro3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably getting tired of Senpro already.

Every boss is the same, there's only one strategy. You just overpower the enemy while keeping your hp up and buffing everyon when needed.
If you lose then that only means you're underleveled or don't have the characters of the countering element, not because 'you did something wrong'.

It wouldn't be all that bad if we actually had events with different rewards instead of the Youkai rotation.

It's a shame since the base of the game and the artstyle are good. Units all having common generic animations doesn't really help.
I'm probably a bit spoiled by FKG but Senpro feels like a demo-base for something bigger. I hope the devs will implement more features in future.
But for now the only thing I can see myself interested in is the story.

>> No.14897194

I wouldn't mind, though I'd rather bully her, anon.

>> No.14897268

are those awakening gems? or awakening orbs?
Dev Tea got me all confused kek

>> No.14897279

Looks like Blue Orbs to me

>> No.14897283

Blue balls?

>> No.14897365
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Which one /jp/? I have hard time here

>> No.14897374

Aria cutest.

>> No.14897410

Jerome > Aria > Katie > Julian

>> No.14897419
File: 413 KB, 921x641, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i fuck up guys? should i have AWed spica, fedora/iris, katie first

>> No.14897425

You could have done much worse anon, damn I want her bad.

>> No.14897438

Mine need 2 black fairys to level 80

>> No.14897455

does anybody else have anxiety feeding that last rainbow fairy.
Like the 50% odds to skill up to 4/5 isnt that bad but 25% i just can't risk wasting them

>> No.14897498

Yes, you've done for. Better restart account.

>> No.14897509
File: 54 KB, 700x180, huehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awakened your silvers yet, phaggots?

>> No.14897512

Pssh yes, did Mischa and Nenya first.

>> No.14897548

Ranged DPS first is a great choice, most people go Spica since she's their best and gives a small boost to Bashira too. Fedora or Iris next (I'm aiming for a 16 cost Fedora on monday), Katie can wait till you got a duelist awakened.

Nope, I've raised 8 units from 1 to 5 already, at 4 on a 9th, If you truly believe you have luck you'll be fine.

>> No.14897737

I'd awaken silver desert waifus if I could.

>> No.14897741

Would also drink with Hashim, he looks like he's seen some shit.

>> No.14897756

brown sluts
They should've made more of them

>> No.14897818

>most people go Spica since she's their best and gives a small boost to Bashira too

WTF are you talking about man, that is not the main reason, it is because she is undoubtly the second best archer in the game, plus she is in the trading shop.

>> No.14897837

Damn son, Switching to BSII from IB is draining my gold fast.

>> No.14897843

Even if with Nanaly in the party i prefer to AW Spica because is globally more useful thanks to her passive.

>> No.14897924

WTF are you talking about man, your tone makes it seem like you're not agreeing with me even though your words backed up what I said?

>> No.14897927

>2 bronze that can drop 2 times per run
>2 Hashim per run

The grind is real.

>> No.14897976

Can't seem to kill that demon magus in BSII, anyone managed to tank him? His melee attack almost oneshots my Clissa and he attacks faster than healers heal

>> No.14897988

4 healers and don't try to tank him, Witches and archers are the way.
At least that worked for me.

>> No.14897989

Use full range units. He's made of paper

>> No.14897996

I'm pretty disappointed the only gacha black I've rolled is Nanaly. Spica is just better and she's free.

>> No.14898002

He went past my ranged dps while attacking them till Bernice stopped him with her skill up, 3 healers on her and there were 0 problems.

>> No.14898005

You can tank him with Bernice with her skill on and 3 healers.
Much easier to just shoot him down with archers tho.

>> No.14898046

Is Agnes a good unit? Her design makes my dick hard as rock, and I have 27 crystals I'm not afraid to waste. Just need the last push

>> No.14898062

>Spica is better
Eh depends, Nanaly is simple broken.
You should be happy to have her at all.

>> No.14898071


Man..back in the day the only person who could tank him consistently was Yurinia....why dev tea!! why!!!!

>> No.14898076
File: 49 KB, 567x121, moment of weakness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just gave up and rolled
No fucking regrets. I really wanted a femdom necromancer, but whatever, I just wasted all my luck forever

>> No.14898089

Yurina never...

>> No.14898157

Do you know how happy I'd be if she's the next event unit. though it'll probably ridiculously easy considering we've got Awakening now.

>> No.14898243

Do you really expect Yurina? She is clearly a banned unit, at this point i'm just curious to see how they are going to connect the others BK events, we may never get them.

>> No.14898257
File: 1.55 MB, 1200x1636, 51288790_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a banned unit
Why would they even ban her? What, are albinos offensive now?

>> No.14898261

Yurina is nothing special, Bernice still tanky than her

>> No.14898287

Why they banned the silver ninja girl?
Who knows?

>> No.14898308

bondage in h scenes. can't allow that in christian game.

>> No.14898314

Nutaku aigis R18 ver was a mistake.

>> No.14898324

Agreed. At this point I'd rather read their cute all-age scenes in english, than have no units altogether

>> No.14898330

Nutaku's working to get control over "developing" on their Aigis verison (like Osawari) i don't know ihow the matter is going to end but if they get it will be fun to see how the game will turn out.
Worse? I don't know, it's hard to make it worse that this frankly.

>> No.14898371

damn son
you should have more moments of weakness

>> No.14898372

>Worse? I don't know, it's hard to make it worse that this frankly.

Hahahaha, oh my friend, it can be so, so much worse.

>> No.14898381
File: 563 KB, 954x640, witness me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's hard to make it worse that this frankly.
You haven't seen shit, my friend

>> No.14898391

I actually think the eyes are worse than the tiddies

>> No.14898396

That's hilarious, Osawari style.

>> No.14898400

I like tiddies and oppai lolis myself, so I wouldn't even mind
But the faces are a crime, yeah

>> No.14898415

That's one sexy spurdo, man.

>> No.14898450

Bondage is bullshit when we've got Rowana, Berna, and several others.

>> No.14898462

I'm glad I wasn't drinking else my laptop'd be soaked after seeing this... work of art?

>> No.14898479

drinking your dad's piss again, fag?

>> No.14898591


Mobile Aigis?

>> No.14898607

Anyone actually played shooting girls? Sounds interesting enough.

>> No.14898611

I like it but many has found the game kinda broken because machineguns and snipers may be stronger/more useful overall.

>> No.14898623

>FKG and SG
>This spring

Oh... this will be good

>Still no Quiz of Valkyries
I don't even.

>> No.14898624

>>We started the year with the successful Hitsuji Chronicle

>Every aspect of the game has been rushed
>Half the JP launch girls were missing
>Events have all been fucked and boring
>Whales keep quitting because the game is garbage
>Constantine said Hitsuji is not making much money
>Shutting down in JP with no word on what the developers will be doing

Different definition of successful than what I'm used to

>> No.14898630

hmmm stronger like can't even use others because they are so much better, or if you want to be optimal you need to use these units but you can use others if you want to and do slightly less better.

>> No.14898631

>HC succesfull at all

As far as i like the core, the game is crap
and the devs never fixed anything even on DMM.
Such a waste.

>> No.14898639

Let's say that Snipers can rape from afar and machineguns are like good in everything at side for some small points, still i don't remember if the game was THAT broken honestly, i enjoyed the time spent on it.

>> No.14898646

Thats a really stupid comparison. It's like comparing a Bandit with an Avenger, the two are similar in what they do, but one is better than the other depending on the situation.
In this case we are talking about how Yurina was the definite counter against that certain demon without the need of much babysitting.

>> No.14898660

Not to defend Nutaku, but it's not like they can outright say that HC is a bust either.

Still sad that the devs don't give a fuck, while games like Saga get more attention and still have a smaller community because of it. Or Pero and Osawari on the other side with their whale-heavy systems.

>> No.14898670

All they had to do was not mention it, like the other game that launched simultaneously with Hitsuji, Duel Squad.
And if Hitsuji is apparently worth mention, imagine how badly Duel Squad is faring for it to be forgotten.

>> No.14898672

I kind of doubt this will ever happen. Dev Tea loves all their characters to the extent they still don't allow multiple summons in a game where you regularly accumulate enough gold to summon thousands. God help Nutaku if they allow their photoshop monkeys to even vaguely touch one of them.

But it would still be hilarious if it does happen.

It would be good if they let the original artist do the edits, the rather heavily censored iOS version still manages to look good. A shame that Nutaku doesn't give two shits about user experience and would rather butcher half the game to make it cheaper on their end.

Reminder that this is the company that let the horror that is Silly Girl into their games just so that her "artist" could shill them on his website.

>> No.14898680
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Ah I see, thanks. Well, still will be worth a play and see how long I will keep at it.

>> No.14898770

They delete/hide facebook posts that criticize them. You don't even need to be an ass or profane.

There's no way they'll ever post anything except how awesome things are and and will be.

>> No.14898791

Just started FKG, are the flower stones just for gacha and more girl slots? Anything in particular I should blow them on?

>> No.14898826

You can also use them to restore stamina and raid points, but this is generally unnecessary because events don't require more stamina/raid points than you naturally obtain. You should just save them in batches of 50 to roll the gacha, and expand your inventory whenever you're running out of slots.

About the only other use for them is to blow them on fairy dailies to get a boost in power during the beginning (which is by no means necessary, you can do the Cineraria event fresh out of the gate) and on dragon dailies later on because you didn't get a gold dragon in umpteen runs and are incensed.

Speaking of Cineraria, don't forget to poke raid bosses (these are tagged "event" in the raid screen) whenever you have the points available, the current event just begun and its character is very easy to max out. Also be sure to get the accessories and 100-year fairies on the second half for a large power boost.

>> No.14899028



Shifting blame or truth, who knows.

>> No.14899078


Seems like that "there's no lolis on Nutaku" works for real.
Still if that's the case why some cards in DP has been removed (nothing really important but still), Aigis will never get these lolis, NEVER.

>> No.14899093

>There is nothing stopping the JP dev team from putting those characters in the game.

So...it's all dev tea fault?...naaaa

>> No.14899116

Both are in fault, Tea Team are a bunch a jerks that hate Nutaku community and Nutaku are a bunch a bitches too scared to point their feet.

>> No.14899125

Credit where credit is due, this particular thing is Tea's fault. No two ways about it.

The very fact that there is an "unapproved list", however, is Nutaku's fault. Game says these girls are adults, the fuck do you know better? They should've told their payment processors to shut their faces up much earlier.

>> No.14899135

Its funny because from what they said long time ago in the chat, nutaku team in the great majority is composed of womens.

>> No.14899136

Because Nutaku knows dev Tea doesn't talk to filthy gaijin and there's no way to confirm it.

>> No.14899167
File: 245 KB, 677x555, true story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are in the same boat!

>> No.14899199

On that topic, what does Nutaku even do?

They certainly don't develop the game or implement the events, and their translations are so awful that Google Translate does a better job. Do they exist just to censor random shit and feed lies to their player base?

>> No.14899240


You're not the only one. Ok, strictly speaking FKG has an even simpler combat engine but that game knows what its sell is. I'll hover around SenPro until I find something else to devote time to. At least it's good for AFK combat, but I've no problem going back to efficiently grinding Kanpani. There's the slim chance SenPro will do something interesting.

In other news, got Hideyoshi off the 40-magatama pull.

>> No.14899280

also marketing and probably servers

>> No.14899315


Act as legal advisors for the devs and the paperwork to make payment processors happen - how well they do those jobs is a completely separate issue.

Oh and actually do the network engineering (read: use Amazon Web Services) to host and admin these games (notably, database maintenance). In the case of GK, they actually have to manually implement the events (because that's how Dev Tea does it on DMM).

>> No.14899577

I want to awaken my nanaly but I can't get those awakening orbs. Fuck those maps are so difficult.

>> No.14899620

ummm you know archer orbs are only on mondays right?

>> No.14899911

Is this cycle's group of girls good enough to consider spending SC on?

>> No.14899936

Monica improves your DC drop chance, Robert does the same for trust items, Lyla is nice and gets you more gold after AW, Clissa is great but not as broken as other blacks. You could do worse.

>> No.14899937

Depends if you need fodder or not.

>> No.14900023

The new "Awaken me, my Prince" ad on nutaco uses a fucking silver unit art

That feel when I literally can't wake up dot jaypeg

>> No.14900092

Like I keep telling people, Nutaku's PR is crap.

>> No.14900157

>this particular thing is Tea's fault. No two ways about it.
That's what nutaku says. They also sworn to god that they are against censorship and would never do it right before doing osawari thing. Nutaku are always misinformed or lying, so them saying "its all tea fault, we greenlit them" is not credible.
Games are hosted on dev's servers, at least in Aigis case. Check traffic yourself, it all goes to millennium-war.com, which is registered, owned and maintained by devs directly, nutaku has no access to it.
So all they really do is just providing front site and payment solution.

>> No.14900191

>They should've told their payment processors to shut their faces up much earlier.
That is NOT something you can simply do when your a business. At least not without serious consequences. Not even legal consequences either. Even if Nutaku or any business in general would win a legal battle, it would most likely put them in the red and drag their name in the mud. It's just not worth that trouble.

>> No.14900225

There are many payment processors who are content with lolis, tentacles, extreme guro and ryona and everything else japan games have to offer. And there are no "legal consequences" to say "fuck you" to bigoted processor and sign up new contract with someone like JAST/J-List or MangaGamers are using.

>> No.14900278

I can believe Nutaku was dumb enough to sign some bullshit agreement with their current processor for 5 years or something though.

>> No.14900281

Is it really that easy? You say simply do this, but what is the real thing entails? Do you know?

>> No.14900295

MangaGamer broke up with their payment processor in feb this year because of fraud (some faggot bought games with stolen credit cards for steam keys), and they got new payment processor working within like week.
Certainly world didn't end for them and they didn't go bankrupt or anything, and it was simple enough that they could find new one, sign up all legal stuff and change site code to work with new gates in such short time.

>> No.14900330

Hametena is now full young lady on english!

>> No.14900349

Now if only they could fix the Angelic Saga mascot.

>> No.14900372

>Now if only they could fix the Angelic Saga mascot.
now if they could only fix osawari game

>> No.14900376

Why is awakened Thetis so fucking ugly ?
I really don't want to awaken her.

>> No.14900420

she needs chemo to get rid of those tumors

>> No.14900464

Can or will nutaku do this? Seems to me they arent willing to do anything to make sure this golden tree stays golden and is looking for a alternative route.

>> No.14900550

I don't think so, Nutaku is and has always been all about cutting corners and fucking over its userbase for short-term profit. I'd like to say that this will later bite it in the ass, but their player base is so retarded that it may well not. Just look at all these morons defending this piece of shit of a company on Facebook.

Though well, they do delete everything opposed to them there, so it's not like you'll see any other kind of post.

>> No.14900753
File: 416 KB, 955x632, NoNinjaNoProblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As we still don't have a silver Ninja, I guess Dev Tea decided an easy route would just be to replace Awakening requirements.

>> No.14900863

Woah this map drops a platinum witch.

>> No.14900904

100% on first clear too.

But I'm getting shat on because I have no blockers to handle these tigers and sandworms, so I'll probably end the event with a maxcost princess. Joyful.

>> No.14900930

Just got kikyou from gatcha. The wiki mentioned she has 3x plat event unit drop but it's unlisted. Do we know if that's only post awakening? Also, does it only apply to gold rush plats (will it not work on Belinda this event)?

>> No.14900947
File: 270 KB, 320x480, Anastasia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Angelic Saga Mascot should stay how she is.

Thanks to Japan's obsession with making idiot protagonists and their violent female partners, dealing with another violent, flat-chested loli is enough to want me to rip my hair out.

It also helps that her and Anastasia are the only edits that I will ever like from Nutaku.

While the same argument applies to Anastasia, her edited art is diamonds that don't remind me of the large amount of violent, flat-chested, red-head tsunderes we running around.

Everything else needs to go though. Hametana is so much cuter in her original young lady state. It's a shame I'll probably never get her unit.

>> No.14900957

Who else is waiting for tomorrow/today to get enough Demon crystals for their first AW Fairy. I'm at 77 right now.

Ah, forgot the name

>> No.14900964
File: 140 KB, 729x156, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (80).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valks are all eccentric folks it seems.

>> No.14900965

someone still plays that shit?

>> No.14900966

>We don't want to change content in our game
>Removed units
>changed drop table
>changed original events
>changed events timeline
>changed CC/AW materials

Ah, hypocrisy.

>> No.14901099

is this plat witch good? and farmable?

>> No.14901107

what did Elaine do?

>> No.14901163

She keeps bitching how desert is too hot, she's too tired, and then mountains are too rough and so on, while various infantry units keep pointing that unlike them, she's riding fucking horse.

>> No.14901175
File: 59 KB, 560x604, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'd like to get Lyla. but I only have 17 Sacred Crystals and I don't really fancy my chances

>> No.14901213

I got my 2nd Lyla from the daily 2k summon.

>> No.14901250

Do it. I wanted the plat dragon rider and Aisha on dmm, rolled ten times and got both plus kikyou and the plat alchemist. Just gotta have faith

>> No.14901275

Are you a F2P?
If you the answer is yes then don't do it, if you are willing to spend money on it you can try your luck, maybe.

>> No.14901293

>>14901175 >>14901250
Rolled four here, still no delicious flat Nadia for me, but got Elsha and merchant Totono, which is mostly par for the course regarding my luck on getting units after their highlights.

>> No.14901353
File: 78 KB, 933x250, 20160310whitday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X-Overd confirmed for being 女性向け

>> No.14901378
File: 158 KB, 535x574, Monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I can swap her back to he normal armor.

>> No.14901382

so it is homoge?

>> No.14901416

Anyone know if I can see the Osawari Island HCGs for the most recent stuff somewhere online (I'm aware of cg sets on hitomi and ehentai, but they don't have the stuff I'm looking for)? The EP rewards from the current Nutaku event are hot (so are the 20 voucher rewards, for that matter), but I don't have time to actually earn them this time.

>> No.14901437

H-hey guys, Dina is finally in eng Aigis!

>> No.14901441

Does Aria need deployed for her awakening passive to work?

>> No.14901446

Just tried it out and no she doesn't have to be deployed, the boost even stays when you retreat her

I assume all the other AW stat boosts are like this? I plan to AW Spica and Belinda so that's pretty great

>> No.14901447

God it hurts so bad to waste 8 stamina for just one x3 drop...

>> No.14901449

No, just in the team.

>> No.14901455

It hurts even worse when you waste 8 stamina only to have the page crash on you.

>> No.14901463

Then she shall be my first, then Bernice!

>> No.14901464

>Thursday gem daily supposedly the easiest
>first half: yeah, this doesn't look so bad
>suddenly Dina
>completely wrecks my shit


>> No.14901470

was it not supposed to be Friday and Monday?

>> No.14901474

Hmm, she didn't really hurt my Bernice very much, was easiest daily for me so far of the 3.

>> No.14901475

She has that whether she's preCC/CC/AW. Only applies to gold rush.

>> No.14901480

I put her down late, so her skill wasn't active. Dina + 2 valkyries hurt.

>> No.14901486

>You were mislead by their young look

Minerva does like 1500 damage so you really should've expected Dina to hit about the same. But yeah these AW map valks hit surprisingly hard

>> No.14901487

so nutaku aigis went from 1.2.4 to 1.2.7

>> No.14901490

hotfix? Got data updated just now

>> No.14901492

Ah I didn't use skill. Though Dina is usually only attacking by herself and taking 30 percent or so of Bernice's health which gets healed right away, so didn't notice something like that. Guess the valks are dying too quick to do anything.

>> No.14901498

claudia is now 1.2 not 0.0

>> No.14901499

Again, my Bernice wasn't ready so I withdrew her early. Tried to have Karma intercept but she caught a fucking valk instead. So Dina walked right up to my Prince and wrecked his shit.

>> No.14901515

> ==Issue==
> -Failure that the acquired EXP was given more than it should be when [Ace Soldier Hashim] was combined with certain Unit, after the data update on March 8th (Tue).
They managed to fuck up Hashim twice, lol.

>> No.14901531

I seem to recall 4 hashims from BS2 giving...690? Wonder how much they will give now

>> No.14901549

Sounds more like Hashim was getting too friendly with a specific unit and giving them extra exp rather than everyone.

>> No.14901561

Damn, and they catched it before us? Weird time to start daily hotfixing DevTea

>> No.14901574

around 900ish if I remember correctly.

>> No.14901581

At least u got a drop

>> No.14901607

I was off by quite a bit. It was level 33 bronze soldiers I was thinking of.

4 level 20 Hashim gives 780 exp.

>> No.14901611

These fucking tigers are surely annoying.

>> No.14901669

Oh nice, some witches got sex quests. Got a cost down on my new Altia.

>> No.14901902

I had faith for 35 rolls, and I got Junon and no one else.

So don't you worry guys, I'm suffering your bad luck for the whole lot of you. Go roll these blacks.

>> No.14901905

Damn, we sure are on a bad streak. Well except the guy that roll 5 times and got two blacks I guess.

>> No.14902001

I just noticed that Rachel is my main source of damage. Should I aim to awaken her? She's currently 50CC40

>> No.14902016

Okay, who should I raise first? The soldier or the chronowitch?
My soldiers are kinda shitty honestly, 11cost Katie and 14cost Lizelotte.

>> No.14902035

Soldier is godly.

>> No.14902163

Just 1 block short on the last map, and I would have gotten it first try. Ah well, plenty of time.

It's mostly block count with a modest amount of healing support, since not even the black tigers hurt actual tanks too much. Just that you need to get rid of them either really quickly before more arrive, or at least without setting off half the map if you are going to AOE.

>> No.14902174

I find Spica to have better damage, but maybe that's because mine is AW90 vs around AW60 for Rachel. Though once I get the money, I'm interested in trying out her skill awakening.

>> No.14902192

How many SCs do I need to use at once to have a decent chance of getting a black?

>> No.14902206

33 rolls should statistically net you a black, so 165 crystals. However, I got two blacks with 5 rolls yesterday, so RNG is bullshit and you really can't depend on it working as you expect

>> No.14902208

I seem to recall reading the average was 167 crystals or so. It's just luck tho, you could get two blacks on 5 tries like>>14898076 or be like>>14901902

In the end, you won't get gacha blacks without trying your luck so no other way around it but test yours.

>> No.14902211

RNG is RNG, you can just roll a single time in your life getting Nanaly or rolling 20 times without getting a singleblack... like me...

>> No.14902217
File: 28 KB, 488x488, 1446599815434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dina is in the daily orb quest
>not in the actual game itself

Fix this shit, dev tea
they literally have explicit permission from Nutaku to impliment Misha, Nenya, and Kagerou now, why the fuck won't they

>> No.14902219

My average is probably around 40 rolls, worst streak is over 70 or so.

Probably the best way to be satisfied is to accumulate desired girls by not rolling like crazy every time one shows up.

>> No.14902247

That mission is a big slap to the face, i tell you.

>> No.14902263

Is Amanda and Aisha worth trying to roll for then? I'm poor so I don't really get SC all that much apart from the free ones.

>> No.14902265

I follow my dick when I roll

>> No.14902273


Judge for yourself.

>> No.14902284

Japanese whales are real.

>> No.14902285


>> No.14902293

This guy must have been really lucky to get all of those same units.

>> No.14902298

Go for it anon, both are great. Post results for glory or misery.

>> No.14902313

Define decent chance.

About 23 rolls give you a 50% chance of getting at least one black. 30 rolls has a 60%. 40 rolls has a 70% chance. 50 rolls a 79% chance. 60 rolls a 84% chance. And so on.

>> No.14902404

Just a reminder that in the middle ages the crusaders where riding horses throght the desert and they litterally melted themself and their horses because the plating. Oh and taking the armor wasn't an option, you took it off, you die.

>> No.14902409

Another day, another shitty silver roll.

Well, that's it then. I'll gather enough SC to roll 14 more times, for an even 50, and if I don't get my expected 5 plats and 1-2 blacks by then, I'll go find another shitty game to play.

That'll show you who's boss, game.

>> No.14902465

Or you could be me and roll 200+ times without a black.

>> No.14902486

That's bad

>> No.14902501

Or you could be me and roll 200+ times with 13 blacks.

>> No.14902517
File: 115 KB, 550x386, there are seven more up there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll do the 50-stam map for 20-year dragons from now on.

>> No.14902714
File: 524 KB, 792x701, Nutaku Quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like they don't want money.

I mean, Hitsuji Chronicle already failed in Japan. This one is just about as fucked as Angelic Saga.

>> No.14902765
File: 91 KB, 358x600, flowknight19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think nutaku will do to her? She has plenty of lines in the story.

>> No.14902772

I'm going to be honest. This is easily the best face shrink that's been done on Nutaku so far.

>> No.14902779

Master tier trolling.
Dev tea plz.

>> No.14902786

that's because from what it looks like they didn't shrink the face.

they shrunk the whole bloody head

>> No.14902803

I cropped out the rest, but her arms were elongated and the edited breasts were atrocious

>> No.14902807


>> No.14902841
File: 716 KB, 897x598, Cantshowthatonachristianimageboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what's wrong with your copy of her but here's mine. No edit's from what I can tell.

>> No.14902852
File: 280 KB, 960x640, traditional Banana Ocean clothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they would have to do anything with her. Aburana looks young and doesn't have massive gazongas, but she's not loli.

There's much worse cases to worry about.

>> No.14902864

Best case scenario: Nothing. We find out that Nutaku took half a year to localize the game because based FKG devs told them to eat shit until they gave up on censorship. General rejoicing.

Likely scenario: Nutaku removes all stories (stories only got added to the game after a couple events, and regular map stories are still being added now) and a bunch of completely random characters, pretends that they never existed or promises to add them but never do. Its player base eats this right up.

Worst case scenario: The void laughs again, unfriendly: "There is life eternal within the eater of souls. Nobody is ever forgotten or allowed to rest in peace. They populate the simulation spaces of its mind, exploring all the possible alternative endings to their life. There is a fate worse than death, you know."

>> No.14902867

Usually the cutscenes in Hitsuji only transition to "Edited" mode when the full body comes into view. The first one or two images showing the girls face/chest are usually normal until genitalia shows up, then they suddenly face morph into Derp mode.

Although in this case for Mirei, her cutscene at first is normal for her face and breasts shot, then turn into "Editted" mode when the full body comes into view, then when they climax and a white flash shows on the screen, the image returns to the JPN original.

Probably incompetence on Nutaku's part.

>> No.14902872

>There is a fate worse than death, you know.
Silly Knight Girl soon.

>> No.14902883

This is before the climax part though.

>> No.14902897

Why does everyone tell me not to roll for the gacha but they do it anyways?

>> No.14902913

I have never told anyone not to roll (in Aigis)

you have to follow your heart at some point

>> No.14902929

This don't have any sense, there's other nn-censored lolis on HC, why they reworked that one?

>> No.14902959

What's the third premium gacha (not counting the DMM points one) in FKG? I get 2 random dragons after 11 rolls?

>> No.14902961

>this doesn't make sense
Welcome to Nutaku, nobody knows what goes inside these lunatics' heads. Not even themselves, evidently, since whenever it suits their purposes, they do a complete 180 on things they're on record for saying.

You have to realize that their business model is not hosting a gaming website, it is to butcher DMM games so that they can release them as fast as possible and make a quick buck off of idiots. "This model is sure to fail in time," you might say, but apparently there are a lot of idiots to dupe, and they're very slow to wise up.

>> No.14902972

I know that Nutaku does shit all day every day, but placing a random "censorship" (i don't have the character so i can't check) wich changes at random with the original picture seems too much even for their "standards".
I've got many lolis in HC and not a single one has been censored, i don't know what i'm supposed to think about it.

>> No.14902974

>there's a farmable platinum witch on a 40/3 right now
oh baby

Also, should I awaken Iris or Fedora first? That is, does Fedora's cost reduction apply to all units or just her? If it does apply to all units, does it apply before she's deployed?

>> No.14902989

Exactly that. No chance-up for any particular units (but the same 0.5%/6% rates for rainbows/golds), and you get 2 20-year dragons for each 1x roll and 2 100-year dragons for each 11x roll.

Generally not worth it, either roll the gachas with units you like or store your stones until there are gachas with units you like. There's a schedule of events here, you can follow it to see if there's any girl you like coming up (revival events always come with a week-long gacha for the girls that were released during that event):


>> No.14902991

Just her.
Honestly i say Iris but depends on what you are looking for.
Iris for an heal AoE bomb when placed, Fedora for fast placing.

>> No.14903019

Should I farm the platinum witch or the platinum Mage on iOS?

>> No.14903022


Also what is the term 'revival'? I often see it mentioned here but FKG is the only game I'm playing which has it used. Is it when previous event characters get into gacha?

>> No.14903027

Witch. She's the best free witch you can get

>> No.14903036

She's better than the black witch?

>> No.14903041

They are "extra" events in which previous event characters are made available again. For example, we currently have a new event for Cineraria, but we're also having a revival event for Robinia, who could originally be obtained about six months earlier. All revival events are more or less identical for FKG, and involve farming an event item to buy the girl (2000 event currency, can only be bought once) and her skill/slot flowers from the shop. Item drop rates are rather high, so you can max out the character after 4-5 days of farming.

Unlike Aigis (which also has infrequent revival events), these items are not shared between revivals in FKG, and the event currency you get will be useless when the event shop is removed (usually a week after the event's end). You should buy everything you want before that happens.

>> No.14903048

The term "revival" used that way is when a an old gacha\event gets "resurrected", that way people can get stuff they lost the first time.
Depends on the game how the revival works though.

>> No.14903049

I see now, thank you.
>these items are not shared between revivals in FKG
Gotta remember this.

>> No.14903064


>> No.14903090

"Free" witch, anon. Despara is better if you feel like trying your luck with 50 rolls in the revival gatcha

>> No.14903173

Wait so was I supposed to buy Anna on dmm aigis?

>> No.14903213

Revivals works that way on Aigis.

>> No.14903227

Well fuck me then.

>> No.14903251


>They have been consistent and competent.

Jesus Christ, people actually think this.

>> No.14903261

No, they figuratively melted.

>> No.14903272

Jesus Christ there are people that still play aigis on nutaku.

>> No.14903281

Actually, the heal bomb acts instantly so she actually gets healing done just as fast as if she were cost reduced because she doesn't have to go through a healing animation first.

>> No.14903292

Well, Nutaku did handle awakening quite well, if you ignore the two months of delay in which they fed their users post-awakening events without it. You'll also need to ignore the Babelfish-tier translations, total lack of anniversary content, the fact that DMM Aigis gets three times as many events at any given time, and that the removed units still aren't back in the game, most likely because these idiots didn't actually tell Dev Tea about it.

I've said it and I'll say it again, you have to be retarded to think Nutaku's Aigis is even remotely approaching anything playable. Our problem is that there are too many retards around, so Nutaku can just not fix shit and still profit.

>> No.14903301

>They have been consistent and competent
>missing units/events even if not blacklisted or anything
>broken translations
>units are still rolling vanilla without a single buff/balancement
>other crap

Really most of this community deserve to be treated as shit just like Tea Team is already doing.

Like i've said depends, i mean, i prefer an heal bomb in maps like desert or poison swamp and can be useful to heal more characters right away but that's just my point of view anyway.

>> No.14903323


I need to CC her, but I just pulled 3 golds in 22 rolls plus the event unit and revival unit are in queue too. Money is starting to strangle me as well as the EXP fodder.


The usual advice is "have some in stock in case of a collection event you really want" and "first buy inventory expansions. You'll need them. Most certainly if you roll good on gacha."

>> No.14903409

That's not subjective at all. There are no practical benefits to -1 cost on a healer over the heal bomb.

>> No.14903425

Depends on the point of view i guess, just like you i see that -1 to not be that great change and i frankly believe that Fedora got the worst passive between all the Healers.
Still talking with people i've heard that -1 is more usefl that an a AoE heal.

>> No.14903432

Just because some people believe something doesn't mean they're not wrong.

>> No.14903436

That guy is genuinely crazy or paid shill. All his posts are like that, for several months.

>> No.14903447

The same can be said to those saying "heal > cost" though.
Depends on the situation i guess.

>> No.14903451

anyone who uses the word toxic in context of attitude is bonkers in my book. Could be both though

>> No.14903470

Toxic is normally used by devs or people working for them, i can't believe people can really use that word, maybe it's just me anyway.

>> No.14903511


>> No.14903519

I can't tell if this is serious or not.

>> No.14903528

I don't know why but i've probably laughed more than i should have.
Thans for the ride.

>> No.14903547

Poe's law
but yeah this a sincere product of the anti-goobergate efforts by bona fide betas.

>> No.14903790
File: 10 KB, 283x79, sshot-2016-03-10-[17-55-07].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care about the rare gold dropped from the enemies, I want my shiny gold enemies NOW!!!!!

>> No.14903839
File: 71 KB, 640x480, Kanekane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad, no GET! for you.

>> No.14903854

I don't get it. Is blue-dicked prince some sort of a meme? It's even mentioned on the seesaa aigis wiki

>> No.14903860

Prince is blue in a lot of the sex scenes, I think he's also transparent in a few of them

>> No.14903941

don't give them ideas!

>> No.14903980

Anyone having issues with the 30 stamina event quest in HC not dropping any items besides potions? I have not seen 1 equipment drop from there and I have 225k points now.

>> No.14904096
File: 43 KB, 732x450, wolf armor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mom said I could be anything I wanted

so I became a wolf armor

>> No.14904137

Why is he blue?

>> No.14904143

woo 10 free employee stones at kanpani

>> No.14904216

It's just a way to show he's there without obscuring the view of the girl.

>> No.14904229

So now that Metus is a human, how will they do a revival of that gold rush map where she dueled the stupidly strong demon lord with her broken lich stats?

>> No.14904299

yeah, the key to defeat it easy is to kill the valks fast, my spica + soma can manage very well untill i need to replace both of them for magic dmg and healing, by that point they can outheal her and so the map is done

>> No.14904306

After having done it more I see what happens for me, Dina comes in and starts attacking and by the time the valks come out she is at 30 percent or so. By the time they do their long pass around she's gone. So she never has to tank Dina plus valks.

>> No.14904364

Whoah 10 Stones for free in kanpani just because unexpected downtime...Thats awesome!

>> No.14904371

I'm thinking of spending 10k yen for a pack of SC to roll. Is this a bad idea?

>> No.14904394

Gatcha rates are pretty terrible so you could always argue it's a bad idea.

I still spend every once in a while since it's the only way to get a decent chance at some waifus though.

>> No.14904458

>tfw can't clear CC25 maps with a full CC50 team

>> No.14904479

it's time to git guder

>> No.14904487

I've never regretted spending money on gacha shit less than Aigis.

>> No.14904512

You need to change your strategy then.

>> No.14904520

Because the payout is so good?

>> No.14904586

>want to AW Shiho.
>only have 3 mix cost Calliope from WoM.
It's hard, man

>> No.14904643
File: 355 KB, 955x637, calliope plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your problems and my problems are not the same.

Not pictured: three more fodder Calliopes, two mincost Calliopes used for WoM, one 30CC'd Calliope used earlier for Shiho.

>> No.14904648
File: 299 KB, 1366x728, shihoawaken1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That said, I for one am enjoying my shiny new AW Shiho.

>> No.14904734

What do I do with Khuri, the silver Vampire Hunter? I already have Vincent

>> No.14904736

Hang onto her incase you ever Awaken Vincent or if you have a Karma, to awaken Karma.

>> No.14904738

You sex her, what else?

She's actually pretty decent if you can mincost her.

>> No.14904741

Raise CC50 mincost one. She is one of most useful silvers ever.

>> No.14904825
File: 25 KB, 409x406, 1428514467613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just about to finally win the 50/5
>surprise maintenance

>> No.14904846

o shit you're right

>> No.14904853

>use gold mailbox in kanpani
>About 20 fairy envelopes
>5 Lilianas, 1 Clulu, 1 Klara

Good to see that the weekly increased drop chance also affects the envelopes

>> No.14904887

You don't need her to awaken VHs...As for Karma, maybe in 6 months (or more) we will know.

>> No.14904892

Not now, no. But they'll replace the rogue requirement for VHs down the line.

>> No.14904995

They literally warn you like 24 hrs in advance. Hardly a suprise.

>> No.14905088

How do you get silver VHs in DMM Aigis? I get silvers of everything but that. She is so damn rare.

>> No.14905112

Missions, or Trading post.

>> No.14905372

why am I such a shitter?
I can't even get more than 1* on Base Scramble I

>> No.14905754

man, this new event is pretty annoying
I keep leaking something on the 5sta map.

>> No.14905808

Team? BS1 is pretty hard ifyou are not prepared and BS2 can be harder than Immortal Beast depending on your team.

>> No.14905977
File: 384 KB, 515x531, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (81).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it with this setup myself. Key trick is to separate fist 6 pack on top lane apart, deploy copper archer there, let him shoot at first 3 tigers then retreat him.

>> No.14906008
File: 152 KB, 514x455, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM.R18 (82).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, why nobody is talking about this shit?
"Pay 200+ SC in a month and get 1 plat+ guaranteed summon ticket", wtf.

>> No.14906017

Oh, and fucking cost reduction fairies for 250 SC stamp card. How cute.
Feels like they are desperate to milk whales as much as possible before abandoning game.

>> No.14906049
File: 90 KB, 780x481, Milking Aigis is fuuuuuun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those wondering how the card looks like.
Sure is milking the game around here.

>> No.14906059

Maybe that's why nutaku hints at "big changes" in the way they manage aigis? JP Aigis suddenly closes down in 2 months and dumps game to nutaku to develop.

>> No.14906064

I don't see the green haired time fairy there?
Black exp armour, plat ticket and a black and plat fairy?

>> No.14906068

DMM Aigis closing?
Nah, not going to happen.
Whales in Aigis are real, Devs are rich as fuck just adding characters and copy pasting same maps all over again.
Not going to close for sure.

>> No.14906074

Look better, 7 and 12 are bond fairies (rarity CR), not the usual exp ones.

>> No.14906082

And the 29th for the Black CR, can we talk about p2w now?

>> No.14906087

18th not 29th my bad.

>> No.14906095

it just something for all the money that got burned by REAL supporters

>> No.14906106

Between B.Iris, Despia, Aisha, Kikyou, Ester, Alice, and Metus, who would be most worth using Happy on to max level? Have them all at CC80, but dunno which is most reliant on levels post-awakening. Or should I just save it for whenever Anya/Karma/Eterna come back on revival?

>> No.14906107

Whales are called REAL supporters now?
But eh, i guess that's make them willing to spend at least 250 SC every month.

>> No.14906118

Well, it's not like there are rankings or pvp. Who knows? Maybe there are whales that stop at legend because of a lack of better stamp. And if they milk the whales more the game is healthier and that's good for you. Hell, now that they have implemented a summon ticket it might drop for the rest of people in some event.

>> No.14906126

>it's not like there are rankings
I can see next black event unit being ranked event. No reason to stop halfway when they are out to squeeze game dry.

>> No.14906137

They got the potential to milk them even harder

>> No.14906145

milking kills games

>> No.14906151

Well, they wouldn't be the first to be consumed by greed I guess. Hopefully they don't.

>> No.14906163

Honestly that doesn't seem like a "please use this much!" as a reward for those that do. You underestimate how much nips spend on these types of games.

also you're trying really hard with the nutaku shilling.

>> No.14906175

Basically the same thing that happened in FKG. They made spending a little bit worth worth it. Both are completely single player games so not sure why this is a big deal.

>> No.14906200

Does it work with chance-up?

>> No.14906201

FKG never had any pretense to be "hard" or anything. You collect girls there just for sake of collecting.
Aigis is totally different, as last majin event showed. There's huge disparity between premium and free units, and you simply cannot beat these maps unless you have certain premium units, and now they are making this gap grow faster and deeper.

>> No.14906206

Unknown, it says "we will publish details about ticket summon some days later".

>> No.14906223

majin maps are not essential collecting waifus is

>> No.14906246

You are talking about the same idiots that burn more than 30000yen rolling a gacha trying to get a single character.

Depends on the game, there's so many game using that "practice" and are still rolling good.

>> No.14906253

You can't beat FKG ultimate maps without a team full of rainbows either.
Neither those nor the majin map give you new girls as reward so I don't really care.

>> No.14906324

They're not idiots if they have the money to spare. It's honestly not that different from people who spend enormous amounts of money on having a car with a more prestigious symbol at the front. In fact, even ridiculous whaling in games like this is comparatively cheap when compared to the kind of luxury shit people with lots of money buy in "the real world".

I'm always puzzled by the weird hate people feel towards whales, they're funding the game for everyone else and are usually the kind of people who can afford it.

>> No.14906405

This. It's just about collecting things to help ease off the XP grind.

>> No.14906472

Did I understand Altia's awakening ability right? When she's in team, killed soldiers don't count as killed and retreat automatically? And she also gives 15% hp to them?

>> No.14906510

So... what do you guys expect or hope for next week? Momiji, Rita, Gold Rush? Yurina? Break? Doom?

>> No.14906515
File: 45 KB, 254x278, 0cb1134d7d678fc11dfd47e223e805f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more breaks.

>> No.14906518

what the fuck, how
I admit I haven't played during breaks but that's still a lot

>> No.14906525

It's simply the result of continuing to play even during breaks. Even though I have no need to.

>> No.14906565

>Thanks for the break devs!
>Too many events, please give us a break!

Fucking idiots.

>> No.14906959
File: 109 KB, 554x459, two boss maps are ridiculous though, i'll grant you that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't beat FKG ultimate maps without a team full of rainbows either.
Well, that's news to me.

Last few do require me to ampule up a few more girls, though.

>> No.14906977
File: 205 KB, 449x589, cloris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, was Cloris amongst the girls with a third scene? I don't remember her on the banner

>> No.14906983

Post again once you've cleared the hardest ones. By then they'll probably add even more difficult ones, though.

>> No.14907046


>> No.14907096

Today's witch ex map is fucking hard, the travel time for enemies to get to a base is really short. I never have enough unit points to stop all of them. And trying to throw a cheap 50/50 silver soldier in their path just makes her die in a heartbeat.

>> No.14907101

And you stole your mom's jewellery while you were at it?

>> No.14907105

aigis has the deepest lore

>> No.14907112

Katie's awakened defense up passive works even if she's not deployed which is awesome. Does it stack with Len's defense up passive? Plus 7% for everyone seems pretty good.

>> No.14907126

this is my Base Scramble I team
I've gotten 1* a couple times now

>> No.14907131
File: 337 KB, 612x494, bs1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my Base Scramble I team
I've gotten 1* a couple times now.

>> No.14907133

You forgot the pic, waiting for it.

>> No.14907154

>do a rare roll in aigis
>a bronze comes out
Literally what the actual fuck?

>> No.14907160

Send support ticket demanding refund, this is a bug.

>> No.14907176

I don't speak nip. I can only sit in silent suffrage that japanese rng is just too much for me to handle.

>> No.14907180

Please stop with this toxic attitude, Nutaku does not and has never let bugs in its perfect and immaculate game.

This is clearly a feature. You can get blacks from the normal gacha with very low chances, right? So why shouldn't you get irons and bronzes from the premium gacha?

>> No.14907182

This post >>14907160
is serious.
Send a ticket.

>> No.14907185

>Please stop with this toxic attitude

Please stop, my sides still hurts from yesterday.

>> No.14907186

You are more than prepared for BS I and if you've got another healer BS II. Have you checked some videos for reference if you are stuck?

>> No.14907191

Ask someone to make a post for you then.

>> No.14907199

They discovered your filthy Gaijin heritage. Nothing to do now anon.

>> No.14907212

Yeah I have Christopher CC'd at 41 too.

The timing usually doesn't work out because of unit cost difference and somebody dies, usually to a big mummy.

>> No.14907216

Are cannons worth awakening or are they an afterthought?

>> No.14907222

Send them something like this from お問い合わせ form below game window (不具合 one)
先ほどレア召喚を回したと何故かブロンゼ<copypaste unit name from wiki>出てしました。此れは明らかにバッグですから結晶が返してお願いします

>> No.14907233

ok never mind
I just unfucked myself
better skill activation and unit swapping

>> No.14907256

Good to hear anon. BS II is slighty harder so be prepared for a challenge. Great farming map so the sooner you unlock it the better. Not so good for your gold reserves though.

>> No.14907261

7% defense is useless in most cases as its such a tiny bonus, even on my AW53 Bernice 7% is a 37 extra defense, meanwhile Adeles 10% health gives 256 extra health to Bernice which will be far more useful, especially against magic attacks.
Defense really doesn't help as much as you'd think, just look at Spica and Bashira.

>> No.14907313

Day 4 of daily Aigis bug fixes,
On March 11th (Fri) at 7:00(EST), We have distributed compensations to users
who were affected by the following failure.

Failure that some Sacred Crystals were lost from users who logged in during certain period of time and took specific steps.

>> No.14907314

So it stacks then?

>> No.14907389

Yes, as long as bonuses are different, e.g. '+5% def to all' and '+2% def to all' do stack; double '+5% def to all' do not, etc.
[Base stat]*[Prince buff]*(bonus1 + bonus2 + ....)

>> No.14907396
File: 61 KB, 750x750, 1300006611093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent, thanks for the info.

>> No.14907426

>Defense really doesn't help as much as you'd think, just look at Spica and Bashira.
I've found that defense is kind of situational important, like magic resist.
For example those nigger goblin kings, I've made the mistake once or twice to put Lyla (CC70) infront of one... And ho boy, does she melt under those rapid attacks, thanks due to her lack of defense. Whereas Prince can tank them reasonably well, and he has like half her HP. I've found that Spica last a tiny bit longer than Bashira under black goblin archer fire too... though not by a whole lot. Either way both kind of vanish when those little shits start rapid firing their bows.
But yeah, 37 extra defense is not going to make the difference between dying in two or three hits when a boss mob hits for 1800 damage.

Still, having a passive 7% bonus in those maps in which you dont get to deploy all of your troops seems nice. It's 7% more defense than having that slot taken by benchwarmer Kelly, who then doesn't get a chance to get deployed.

>> No.14907477

Is dmm aigis dying so fast they're trying to milk people harder?

>> No.14907487

Is this the thread where people who only started playing DMM Aigis two days ago make retarded claims about how DMM Aigis is now dying?

>> No.14907498

Who knows

Stop being this toxic

>> No.14907509

I started playing dmm aigis two days ago. This game is so dead it feels like a single player game.

>> No.14907510
File: 144 KB, 494x454, 1383234282966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14907540

Today I asked my cat whether he knew about DMM Aigis and he just yawned at me.

Clearly an obscure and dying game. We should all just move to EN Aigis, which is fresh and lively and gets so many events that its players are begging Nutaku to stop.

>> No.14907542
File: 964 KB, 385x7000, NstCbdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just rewarding people like this guy.

>> No.14907551

>I started playing dmm aigis two days ago. This game is so dead it feels like a single player game.

My sides on orbit.

>> No.14907557

If people who can blows 250 SCs/month, the rewards isn't that matter to them.
The people crying about it is the same cheapshit who never paid but want everything for free. I bet they want break too

>> No.14907580

Its piss easy. Spica and Silver Archer left, then Prince south middle to block. Then healer above prince. Valk far right down. Replace silver archer with healer. Place healer top middle, place heavy top right. Activate heavy when under fire. Done.

Place additional bronce soldiers to block leaks if your units are too weak. I just place Deine and two healers left and she nukes everything.

>> No.14907595

I want an Aisha.

>> No.14907645

I'm going to do it guys. I'm going to whale. Don't try to stop me.

>> No.14907654

post results

>> No.14907659

You forgot that you need a plug for the top soldier that the archers will ignore when the bottom ones are close to the exit.

>> No.14907668

how much $$ will you spend? hope that more than 50$ bucks, because less than that or using free SC won't make you something even close to a baby whale.

>> No.14907693

cc70 Spica and cc50 tits archer kill everything for me. What i forgot was the duelist you need to stop the witch for a bit if you use standard units.

>> No.14907730

I'll try it later, but from my past experiences in DMM, the second top soldier will always survive with 1 hp left (hence need to use a bronze soldier).

>> No.14907738

You just never tried to tank axe golem with someone like Garret. He will have exactly 4005 EHP (of needed 4000, leaving him with 5 hp after each golem's attack) if you buff him with def buff of Ruiz, Len, Lizelotte and Bernice together.
Stats are not random numbers, devs know what is limit of your units and are trying to design with this stuff in mind, pushing you to the edge.

>> No.14907747

Archers have the cutest girls.

Why aren't there any black male units?

>> No.14907755

>asking why there are no niggers
>in a japanese game

be thankful anon

>> No.14907759
File: 239 KB, 575x394, base scramble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rolled through both Base Scramble maps with this team
finally seeing a use for pirates

>> No.14907764

I have 96 SC right now so probably going to do 250 rolls when I get home.

>> No.14907773

What's base scramble in dmm?

>> No.14907780

So, not a whale at all, just a free user wasting his cristals. Sorry anon, I had faith in you.

>> No.14907783

Base scrambelu

>> No.14907793

250$/month isn't that big money. Average paying granblue user spends >800$/mo according to researches. This is not even whale territory.

>> No.14907795

There is a black "rarity" male, the dark knight guy
If you reffer to the skin tone, think of the desert and jungle guys as them.

>> No.14907806

250 rolls is 1250 crystals, sounds decent whaling to me.

>> No.14907823

My spica has 13 cost and the silver archers is at 9 cost, so they are very fast to place down. The Prince is thus also faster there, boosting the archers enough to kill the initial wave.

>> No.14907824
File: 429 KB, 572x554, ffb5935b92f94daabe57a13444c5e83a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spended another 165 SC on gacha this is the result. The last 2 are カメラとリルケ.

How do i even use amanda? Shes not my ideal black and she doesnt seem very broken either as a black :/.

>> No.14907828

Well I got closer this time, thanks to the soma next to spica. Still leaked two valks.
I'll get there eventually, still wouldn't call this one piss easy though. That's what I'd call yesterday's daily.

>> No.14907832

Amanda is pretty shit.

>> No.14907836

I don't even know half these units, bloody hell nutaku.

>> No.14907837

Turn her into rainbow crystals.

>> No.14907843

> How do i even use amanda? Shes not my ideal black and she doesnt seem very broken either as a black :/.
She can tank completed mithril golem and not give any fucks. And she boosts drop rate for gold and plat armors.

>> No.14907844

She can tank golem with skill

>> No.14907845

It is the gacha after removing most of the old units
so that people can actually get something new.

>> No.14907848

So she can tank any non physical super boss and be super broken at it? Thats a safe relief almost scared myself for not having any good duelist. What about normal bosses?

>> No.14907850

> 2 blacks of same name, 4 golds of same name, 2 plats of same name
Gee, they aren't even trying to pretend to have fair RNG, as always.

>> No.14907856

Oh I see, well thats cool

>> No.14907858

It means the rate up is doing its job. Its my fault for rolling on the bad rate up because of Aisha imo. I went in the intention to get zenobia but got anal fucked.

>> No.14907859

You got one of the best boss tankers and damage dealers in the game, that plat dragon rider,

>> No.14907877

She can tank everything. Seriously, is the any boss stronger than golem?

>> No.14907883


>> No.14907885

Level 15 Furfur is strongest bastard now, AFAIK. He hits for 16100 physical, not even Amanda can tank him.

>> No.14907887

They're spotlight units. So no, they're not hiding it, they literally have a gigantic banner on the shrine that says it.

>> No.14907888

But based gellius can. Mfw gellius on nutaku.

>> No.14907893

sick trips
my gf has him too, I hate her now

>> No.14907895

Can he?
9380 def + 4175 hp is still not enough.

>> No.14907899
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, Kitakubu-Katsudou-Kiroku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gellius can
>16k physical
are you high?

>> No.14907900

Did you not see the whale using gellius on lvl 15?

>> No.14907902

Confirmed for not playing on DMM
It's first form

>> No.14907907

went back to check on the vid. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28383583
my bad it was just lvl 14.

>> No.14907909

>not my ideal black
Dude are you kidding, tanned tit monsters are amazing

>> No.14907918

It may be tail akin to my fetish but, I am in need of a 2nd soldier.

>> No.14908013

Do you need to deploy her to boost the drop rate of armors?

>> No.14908031

I seriously doubt it because that's not how Cuterie, Cellia, etc. work

>> No.14908169

means as long as shes in party formation.

>> No.14908357

Just realized, but, isn't most optimal dupes combining now is awakening them first, getting their rarity CR, and then combining both unit and fairy?
My autism is going to kill me if you can get fairy for every copy of unit.

>> No.14908448

You can only get the crystals/CR fairy once per character.

>> No.14908469

Because powercreep is compensated by buffs to old units.

>> No.14908479

Speaking of which, EN valkyrie buff when?
>they expect me to spend 14 UP on Elaine

>> No.14908497

I'd rather have gimped Mischa than buffed Elaine

>> No.14908500

Aisha for game breaking.

>> No.14908520


>> No.14908544


Seems like I missed the gacha heroics. Two Amandas eh? Pity you didn't get Aisha but you did good.

>> No.14908558

Its never too late. So far I believe I only used 3 set of 150 sc on this acc. My blacks so far is Cornelia esuta and amanda. With a huge variety of utility units in the lower rarity I am thinking how to use. On another note I might be able to mincost fuuka so thats amazing.

>> No.14908573

That's just in the majin's weak first form. He transforms into rape mode after you beat his first form.

>> No.14908575

Guys I got Raven in aigis, how useful is she? judging by the stats,Sandra is way better (I don't have her, but have Meteor and she is.....crap).

>> No.14908583

She's kinda strange, basically she's amazing against groups of strong units without high assassination resistance. I had fun using her against the super fast mummy kings.

>> No.14908611

She isn't useful as much as two event units.

>> No.14908846

Speaking of event units, what units are worth looking for on Nutaku for the near (heh) future?

And another question for the vets on DMM, if you could go back in time and save/invest on a collection/farm unit who and what would it be?

>> No.14908895


>> No.14908922

>what units are worth looking for on Nutaku for the near (heh) future?
Everyone coming in next months is useful.
>if you could go back in time and save/invest on a collection/farm unit who and what would it be?
It would be very long list, but top two are Karma and Waltz or Hana. This majin event made it very obvious that you cannot do well without dancers.

>> No.14908954

I take it you guys mean invest more on Karma? I would love to have her revival event to get her or Anya and yet at the same time I shudder to think how much time/SCs would I need to get a good one.

>> No.14908972

Karma isn't that great or much important. You can do every event without her.
Anya is must when her AW come.

>> No.14908998

Sandra is specialized in nuking flying enemies, Gloria is for ground ones, Raven is a bit weaker but is good for both ground/flying and has 80% assassination. She has a limit of only 9 enemies though.

>> No.14909015

She is just like a cheat. When you do use her its stupidly easy. When you don't you really don't need her just like cheats.

>> No.14909035

Isn't her main draw her ability to become literally unkillable?

Which makes me wonder at the Majin event that's running, if not even the greatest of whales can defeat it...

>> No.14909072

I can't call her cheat. Cheat is likes Aisha or Minerva tier. She's still does jack shit outside of buy time on very hard hitter.
Like most of event units, she's cliche unit.

>> No.14909097

You can have more then one cheat anon.

>> No.14909122

Of course no unit is indispensable to finish a map or event, but in the case of Karma she is your "get out of the jail card", also there is this majin map where she shined the most

>> No.14909164

Meh. Cheat is likes they're killing everything in every situation from rush mobs to boss.Like Aisha or Minerva.
Karma isn't cheat tier
>also there is this majin map where she shined the most
Necromancer is superior

>> No.14909257

I'm not sure it's that simple. A necromancer needs 2 slots, one for her and one to deploy tokens, while being a weak option as a ranged unit outside of Metus's skill maybe. Karma only needs one slot and does notable damage herself for the duration of her skill. Of course neither compares to Raksasha.

>> No.14909268

How broken is altair?

>> No.14909283

Her skill awakening lets you get 15 cost out of her after 5 seconds, which is pretty unparalleled, but because it has a long duration she's not good if you're looking to get a lot of cost out of her. She is a very capable fighter though, and you don't have to worry much about her dying.

>> No.14909293

If only she has Reinforcements III

>> No.14909381
File: 421 KB, 550x532, 84f8d2a0e0af7e5a061c0f6c7c874f3c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous roll anon here, this is my last set of 150 sc(120 sc on gacha 30 on barrack.). No idea what to do with chrono wicchi.

>> No.14909382

I think I'll sell her, I already have a SA Sherry...and from what I see, the skill works somewhat similar to hers without the IK.

>> No.14909387

Also I think I finally convinced myself to not whale for another 6 months i think I can clear any content now. Long as its not majin tier maps that is.

>> No.14909402


Have her lead an army of witches to victoly

>> No.14909449

Don't. Just wait for her skill AW and decided. Premium units always have something better compared to event units

>> No.14909495

Agnes and Towa! You really did good.

>> No.14909509

I say so myself too 3 blacks today 1 dupe and 5-6 plat and 2-3 of them are really good too.

Still no zenobia and I was too afraid to roll on revival gacha

>> No.14909540

Nips have also been complaining for a while that she's weaker than the event ones so it's almost certain the devs will give her something broken for AW/skill AW.

>> No.14909554

Do black units always get buffed when they're two weak from power creep?

>> No.14909584

Usually but not always.

>> No.14909653

Planing to awaken Mehlis / Shiho....how much is the att speed increase? negligible? or very noticeable?

>> No.14909712

Buffs usually happen in large waves where they try to balance almost everyone up to the normal level of powercreeped new units.

>> No.14909736

Like a .5 second increase, not too noticeable.

Best thing about AW Shiho is her amazing sprite.

>> No.14909743

According to the sees wiki,

Mehlis attack speed is about a 1.1x increase, it's not broken or anything but it puts her roughly on a similar DPS to a plat mage. However it works with her skill since it is a range increase.

I was thinking about AW Mehlis too but I figured other girls should get priority

>> No.14909790

When feeding for skill up/cost reduction, is it better to feed 4 at a time or one at a time?

>> No.14909804

provides the same chance of success
I wouldn't feed so many that you would accidentally go overboard if you get lucky

>> No.14909859

Personally, It feels better to do it 4 at a time. I only stop that when I only need 2 or 1 more for min cost.

>> No.14910243

I want more blacks.

>> No.14910271

Walk outside to the ghettos. EZPZ.

>> No.14910322

looks like somebody just got kicked out of the Trump rally

>> No.14910679

>try to manual base scramble I
>fails the mission
>manual base scamble II
>clear it, 3 star it too
I cant remember what I used on 1 mfw.

>> No.14910713

yeah Base Scramble II was actually easier than I for me too. I think it gives you more time to get your big guns out, the first one puts you under more pressure especially if you don't have good cost reduction. Post team?

>> No.14910833

For unit drop farming events I like to feed off 3 from the last map with a fairy for the exp.

>> No.14910848

a normal team standard no deviation.

>> No.14911121

Is such a thing even possible?

>> No.14911168

whenever I CC a black, I always feel overwhelmed by 1/80
I wish we had mini-happy or something, that'd give 80k exp

>> No.14911415

Black armors work great.

>> No.14911595

If I knew where to get one
I know the majin maps award them currently, but I couldn't clear lvl4

>> No.14911621

Is it possible to get a +3 weapon without hammers?

>> No.14911631

I did get a labyrinth pike +3 without hammers. To this day my only +3...

May as well say no.

>> No.14911638

Yes, but you have better chance to pull 5* without posts than that.

>> No.14911645

RNG is RNG, i've burned i don't know how many hammers without gettign a single +3 and the only one i've is from a random development.

>> No.14911739

new thread, i thought I did 89 but seems not. Will fix on next one.

>> No.14912584

heil hitler
