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1475046 No.1475046 [Reply] [Original]

So, most people here should have finished Chaos;Head by now.
What did you all think about it?

>> No.1475048
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It was awesome?

>> No.1475096
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how do you like mine?

>> No.1475115
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HF will take forever

which VN will be english patchend next?

>> No.1475050

I don't know.

>> No.1475053

shit was SO cash

>> No.1475054

I loved it. It isn't ZOMG BEST VN EVAR but it was fun as hell and had its fair share of brick-shitting moments.

>> No.1475056

>those eyes
>whose eyes?

what's the deal with this anyway?

>> No.1475057

Needs H-scenes

>> No.1475061

I see you haven't played C;H yet, whose eyes are those eyes

>> No.1475062

Terrible ending. Pretty repetitive after the first few chapters.

Compared to the other translated VNs I've played, it's near the bottom.

>> No.1475065

you're correct, but I can't bring myself to "play" VNs

>> No.1475068

I fucking loved it.

not Hisui route like awesome but still great shit

>> No.1475073

It was ok. A good read, for sure. I don't see what the big deal is about it, though...

>> No.1475077

enjoyable + english

we don`t have many VNs like this

>> No.1475079

It was so technologically advanced! The characters blinked! <3 <3 <3

>> No.1475085

It was only OK. Nothing spectacular. Nice to see another thing translated in English though.

>> No.1475087


That's a horrible looking 're' you've got there.

>> No.1475091

full voiced.

I`d kill all of you to get my hands on a voiced Tsukihime

>> No.1475098

Average, too much time spent on build-up but the delivery is pretty mediocre.
The only really well done thing is Takumi's fucked up mind but even that got repetitive after a while.

>> No.1475101

And then you'd miss them as you have no one to bitch about them as they weren't to your liking.

>> No.1475135

Do want whatever game that is.

>> No.1475259

Let's hope for something by black cyc

>> No.1475303

I expected to shit a fucking skyscraper and ended up not being scared even once.

Main character sucks, the story is interesting only in the beginning and I didn't really like the art.

Honestly, I had much more fun reading UBW. And I'm not trolling.

>> No.1475311

Takumi reassured me I'm still not living the worst possible life.

>> No.1475371

Needs more Yua.

>> No.1475387

I'm hoping for Demonbane, but I know I'll only be disappointed.

>> No.1475391

It's shit.

>> No.1475415

Haven't finished it yet but the main character is so fucking pathetic that I'd like to strangle that little bitch. It's totally killing my enjoyment when he whines about every little thing. But I guess this will have to do until HF is finished.

>> No.1475596
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Sure, and you played F/sn for the Fate route.

>> No.1475487

It got too repetitive but the story and general mythology was interesting and the ending was decent. With it being my first VN i can't really compare. Maybe my second one will be better (Ever17).

>> No.1475496

I liked it, I only pity that we didn't get a proper epilogue neither was explained how half of the cases happened

>> No.1475504

It will, but it'll still be overrated shit on /jp/'s standards.

B ending, motherfucker.

>> No.1475528

It's awesome

>> No.1475539

>B ending, motherfucker.

Personally, I don't think I can be bothered to go back through a game that never pauses for choice selection while carefully picking out the Whose Eyes choices just for an alternate Bad End.

>> No.1475583

AA end is the true end.
I agreed, don't bother me about it.

>> No.1475597

I haven't played F/SN.

>> No.1475610

How do I get to the AA route?

>> No.1475615

By answering the YES/NO questions at the end right.
The answers should be obvious.

>> No.1475622

So what is the purpose of the delusions outside entertainment value?

>> No.1475631

You need to choose the delusions with "whose eyes are those eyes?" to get the B ending on your second playthrough.

>> No.1475681

You can basically try all outcomes (outside of these specific requirements for the endings AA+-yes no questions right,A get them wrong, B whose eyes are those eyes ) in every choice without worrying about a thing.

>> No.1475709

This game started off like it would a half-decent horror/suspense game except that it turns in Bleach in the alst 2 chapters, the new-gen case is resolved in an incredibly retirded manner that doesn't make sense if you think about it for more than 10 seconds. It had promise, but it was bugged down in mindless moe and otaku humour most of the time. And Takumi is the most pathetic male lead EVER. It's one thing being a prison bitch, but he's also a complete retard; he absolutely can't find a truth unless another character slowly spoon-feeds his dumb ass. He will forget, ignore or completely misinterpret important clues that were staring him right in the fucking face. It hurt so much slogging through this story with him as the lead.

And finally, this thing was rushed to a conclusion, there are things which were introduced for no apparant reason -- like the curio shop, which had it's own BGM...what fucking use at ALL did that have to the story? The fact that Takumi could materialize delusiosn without a di-sword out? The creepy phone messages (you'd think he'd play them for other people...).

>> No.1475721

That "Chaos;Head=Bleach" troll is really getting old. Not to mention inaccurate.

>> No.1475727


Di-sword = zampacto
Real-booting = shikai
Negative snake = bankai
"particles" = reiatsu

Deny it.

>> No.1475732

I believe, I just did.

>> No.1475740


In a sense he IS right however. Takumi suddenly became a master of his powers the moment he got his Di-Sword. It isnt even really Bleach Level,its something on its own complete diffirent level. It's like the author didnt even feel like going more into and letting Takumi gradually explore his powers. It's like he just wanted them there as a plot device and he will have them awaken when he's ready to end the story.

I myself do like Takumi though. Although I dont mean that I liked his mindset,I just like how he's handled by the writer. He's very stubborn seemed like quite a realistic person. He always stuck to the side that believed he was in the right. It got annoying at times but thats just the kind of personality he has and he never truely strayed or changed from it.

>> No.1475744


It's even more overrated than ever17(which wasn't that bad to be honest).

I guess my high expectations ruined it for me. Completely fucked-up/retarded male lead who can't spill one full sentence without going paranoid and "whose eyes are those eyes" being tossed over and over again got boring after like, the toilet murder.

Just move along, VNs are shit in general unless you're really into them and chaos;head is no exception.

>> No.1476278

Tell me a good VN translated to english please.

>> No.1478333

Game needs a BB end.
