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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 77 KB, 441x600, 1216344589294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1440159 No.1440159 [Reply] [Original]

What's this about? And does anyone have this by a more reputable source than ANN?


>> No.1440182
File: 142 KB, 800x600, 1223695309068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And now a word from the faggot police.

>> No.1440197
File: 65 KB, 400x635, 1223695755868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I'm a cop then.

>> No.1440216
File: 3 KB, 276x245, 1223696133405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a fucking crazy monster about to gobble up some helpless by-passer. What are the origins of this?

>> No.1440226
File: 122 KB, 500x589, 1223696477839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you make sure not to fucking arouse suspicion. It's not that hard. You people always talk about suppressing your power levels. Well, how about doing it for something that actually matters.

>> No.1440239
File: 138 KB, 749x723, 1223696863837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My power level is too high. I cannot suppress it.

>> No.1440163

Too lewd.

>> No.1440309
File: 13 KB, 267x238, 1223698427634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mention something, citizen?

>> No.1440168

here I thought that was Reisen

>> No.1440174

The internet's Most Trusted anime news source.

>> No.1440188

I wonder how many of us have the potential to be in this guys situation.

>> No.1440187

God I hate the Miller Test. If your neighbors think something is obscene it's illegal for you to own or view it. The perfect example of how terrible democracy can be.

>> No.1440191

Anyone who has Touhou fanart will be arrested if you live in Ohio. Tough luck.

>> No.1440193

Uh? None of us? That guy ORDERED manga. As in he PAID MONEY for them. AKA BUY.

/jp/ does not know what the word BUY means unless it applies to figures and dolls.

>> No.1440194


I was referring to the contents of our hard drives.

>> No.1440200

>In July, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa posted the ruling that struck down some of charges against Handley

>struck down.

Fuck, yeah.

>> No.1440201

Can be erased easily

>> No.1440205

Digital possesion can get you in as much trouble, but of course it's harder to get caught.

Although when I read
>1,200 manga volumes
I did feel slightly less sympathetic for the guy because his own buyfaggotry got him into this mess.

>> No.1440207


If the police end up raiding your home at three in the morning you won't have time to delete it all.

>> No.1440225

If you have it on at that time ("Put away your dxxk! Go to sleep!") you can.
If you are sleeping and have the computer off...

>> No.1440234

I hear that magnets can destroy hardrives. Is this true? How large would the magnet have to be, and how fast would it be?

>> No.1440240

Yes. Medium to large (not those you put on refrigerators). Immediate

>> No.1440251

That's not helping at all! How dare you made me sad =(.

>> No.1440252

This is all because of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund: http://www.cbldf.org/pr/archives/000372.shtml

These people got part of PROTECT declared unconstitutional. They still need money for the continued legal fight, so consider donating if you can. There are donation links in the above blog post.

>> No.1440452
File: 27 KB, 468x444, 1223701006075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some of us are vile criminals.

>> No.1440267


well, hard drives are made of what is called "hard magnetic" material, meaning they still contain traces of the information after they have been remagnetized. That is why you need to use a shredding program to actually destroy the data on the disk by multiple overwrites, which makes it much harder to recover. Even this can't fool police-level forensics though.

If you just delete the files, all of the data is still there on the drive and is recoverable, so this is an ineffective tactic. Deleting the partition is also ineffective because it still leaves the data there on the disk, easily recoverable with forensic-level utilities.

The only way to be sure that the data is gone is to destroy the disk, a-la microwave or fire.

So yeah, if the cops really want to, they can find almost anything, which scares the shit out of me due to all the touhou fanart I have.

>> No.1440268

oh shit
i hope they dont find me

>> No.1440274

You can't get rid of files until they're actually written over. Even if you delete them, the police can retrieve those files! Smash that shit!

>> No.1440276

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk0s10

never worry again

>> No.1440285

if you use linux, the shred command is your firend.

How to use it here:


>> No.1440287

>This is *not*, by the way, a "secure erase", and it makes no effort to erase sectors that have been spared out or anything like that. -some guy on the internet

>> No.1440297

its quite enough
no one will be able to retrieve anything
regardless of who they are

anything else is pure paranoia

>> No.1440303


But with this kid of thing, you want to absolutely sure that it's unrecoverable.

>> No.1440314

and one dd low level format is absolutely enough
you cant magically reproduce data from nothing

its like disassembling your face into atoms and expecting someone to identify you

>> No.1440315

I would have a hard time explaining to an officer, the contents of my touhou folder.

No sir, she's like 100 years old.

>> No.1440329

Ah, Friend Computer. I just wanted to know if possessing this material here is considered treasonous or not.

>> No.1440334

The best counter is a simple magnet. Keep it nearby your computer at all times.

>> No.1440357

The best solution, I say, is to use a livecd and use your ram as your hard drive. Get a backup generator in case you lose power and there you go.

Never have to power off - never lose your ram drive
Dont need to worry about power outages or spikes
Unplug to erase everything

>> No.1440403

I'm not sure why you guys are making such a big deal over this. Loli is still legal in the U.S. thanks to the Supreme Court. Let's just hope that McCain doesn't get elected, since he was one of the people who tried to make it illegal in the first place.

>> No.1440424

LOL you think the damn "for the Children" Democrat Party and Obama are any different? Just thank goodness for the Supreme Court.

>> No.1440437


>> No.1440440

Still don't see how this affects any of us.

>> No.1440449

I hear there are a lot of /jp/sies that get issues of Comic Lo off of Ebay. If I were them, I'd be worried.

>> No.1440453

Well, the presidents can be for or against whatever they want, if the Supreme Court says it is Unconstitutional to charge something the president can't do a goddamn thing about it. And the Supreme Court can't be really fluctuating with what they call constitutional and unconstitutional so we should be good. Just don't live in a red state is the best solution.

>> No.1440455

They probably wouldn't be that much better, but they would undoubtedly be better than someone who actively crusaded against lolicon. Obama is much more likely to appoint future Supreme Court judges who would uphold the ruling against the Protect Act. A real liberal would never try to take away someone's personal liberty to fap to a drawing, but unfortunately American Democrats are still too moderate to nominate someone like that.

sage because I wasn't trying to get political with the McCain comment, it was just an offhand remark.

>> No.1440494

Presidents can't make legislation. It'd actually diminish McCain's power in that regard.

Yeah, he can nominate justices to the SCOTUS, but remember how those judges have to, you know, be approved by CONGRESS? A *Democratic* Congress, right now. Granted, McCain's a real law-and-order type, but you don't appoint judges based on that (or at least, not solely on that). Since, you know, their job is to uphold the CONSTITUTION, and with a "WAR ON TERROR" and KULTURKAMPF over abortion and religion and faggotry like that, is any President going to stand up and say "WELL, MY FIRST PRIORITY FOR THIS COUNTRY IS GETTING RID OF THOSE FILTHY PEDOPHILE COMIC BOOKS"?

Anyway, the last ruling on this was in, what, 2003? After a decade of shooting this down and with Roberts enjoying taking on low-profile cases right now, I think precedent is on your side. YOU DAMN PEDOS.

>> No.1440540

>Anyway, the last ruling on this was in, what, 2003?
2007 actually.

And even though Congress has to approve a candidate before they become a Supreme Court Justice, the fact remains that Justices nominated by conservative presidents tend to vote more conservatively, and the same goes for liberal nominations.

While I agree that lolicon is hardly going to be an important issue for presidential candidates, I find it very hard to approve of someone who has tried so hard to keep people from fapping to fucking drawings. I don't even like loli that much, it's just the disregard for the principle of civil liberties that irritates me.

>> No.1441401

I believe you mean a DOD low level format
