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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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143981 No.143981 [Reply] [Original]

I want to thank you, /jp/. <- tl;dr


For the last four years or so, I've been living more or less free of emotion. I'd been pretty emotionally scarred at a young age, but not to the point of ceasing normal human function. These last few years, however, had been extra difficult. I'd stopped wanting anything. Nothing was important to me anymore, nor could anything matter. I resigned myself to letting fate or whatever the hell it is that makes the world turn take the reigns. Every day, I get up, go to work, browse /b/, go home, browse /b/, and then sleep to start the cycle once more. It wasn't until about two and a half years into this cycle that I realized I had stopped feeling happy or sad altogether. Everything just was. There was no positive or negative to it. It just was. Like before, I shrugged it off. It was inconsequential whether or not I could get upset or mad or happy. Emotion hurt me more often than it helped, so I didn't care if it was gone. It was strange, I thought, that I could stop feeling, but I accepted it as life, and went on. It was about this time that I stopped talking to people for anything other than my required daily tasks. (cont.)

>> No.143985

Over the past few weeks, I'd started going to /a/ just to see what was up. I sort of like anime and manga, but not to the extent of these people. When /jp/ emerged, I decided to check it out. It was pretty alright, and several threads proved to be relavant to my interests, more so than /a/.

I hung around and lurked. I'm a natural lurker. No matter where I am, I sit back and take in any information I can. I never participate with other people either; I only watch intently, observing the methods of each persons involvement in the activity, and how they differ from height, age, gender, etc. If I've nothing else to do, I'll go on Wikipedia and find a random page. From there, I read as much as I can as long as I can, opening a tab on anything that interests me. Unfortunately, I digress.

Yesterday, I saw a thread asking for a recommendation on a good first Visual Novel. One of the suggestions was Narcissus.

>> No.143989

I'm not sure why I did, but I found the game and downloaded it last night.

I started playing today, and at first, it seemed like a crappy teen drama show. Still proceeding, against what I considered to be my better judgement, I continued through, and then it hit me like a fucking ton of bricks. Like a Falcon Punch to the Uterus, or the foot of The Goddamn Batman to the head of some poor chocolate ice cream loving bastard. Setsumi was me. Even though she retained her basic ability to express emotion, she still reflected almost everything I was: Complete and total apathy on the grounds that feeling was no better, and only meant pain later.

By the end of the story, I realized that in the back of my head, my conscious was practically screaming for her not to walk into the water.

As the epilogue and credits rolled, I could honestly say that I felt strongly about something. I'm still not sure what it was that I felt, but I know that it was there, and that I liked it.

I want to thank you today because you helped me feel something more than what I've expected out of the world. Just like Setsumi: Nothing.

I'm going to look for more things that can make me feel this way in hopes that maybe I'll find I like emotion after all.

Love, (as much as we are able to give)

>> No.143990

Not your blog, but please continue.

>> No.143993

is this sum cp?

>> No.144001


go post this shit in /b/ or even better, go post it in your pathetic blog. Nobody gives a shit about you or your stupid emotional problems.

>> No.144007


>> No.144058

Idiot, this is /jp/. Of course we care.

>> No.144053

Has nobody else considered that this could be a troll?

If it is, 6/10.

It's way to long and too many people could care about something like this on /jp/. Go try /b/.

If not, good luck?

>> No.145886


>> No.145916
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>> No.145929


if only that were real...

>> No.145932
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>> No.145933

Setsumi ;_;

>> No.145935

i loved that part. Sage goes in all fields. Except the password.

>> No.145969


Its real. It happens every day... no, every minute. It is the heart and soul of /jp/.

>> No.146032

it's the world that's broken ;_;

>> No.146219

Haven't seen this on /jp/ before, and threads don't disappear like it used to (lol fast updates). Probably not a troll.
so, heart and soul of /jp/ = oldfags going "so ronery ;_;" with Rainbow Girl playing in the background?

>> No.146233


Story of my life

Also try some kana ls

>> No.146237
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>> No.146239
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>> No.146240
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>> No.147249

Kinda a threadjack but whatever, what would /jp/ suggest for my next visual novel? I've already played through planetarian and narcissu which were both awesomeness.

>> No.147256

/a/ is not your blog, however /jp/ is. moot agreed.

>> No.147269


it is real i played through it earlier today. the imouto route is the best

>> No.147274
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apathy for the win.
Since my empathy is working as a Chinese Room right now, at least it allows for better responses. The extra layer of rationality is like a shield that protects you from the rest of mankind.
And holy crap, this thread is from last night

>> No.147284
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OP: I know man, I felt the same way. Only, for me it was Tsukihime that 'broke' me emotionally. To be specific, Hisuis route. I'm so much like her it's incredible.

Some time after that I watched AIR and now I feel like my emotions are like that of any other human. I finally broke out of my hard, silent, stoic shell and became a real person.

Now ... now I'm not afraid to feel alive anymore.

>> No.147299

Oh lawd, is dat sum awesome as fuck copypasta? Cause i think it is

>> No.147304

>not really

>> No.147395

ha, air had only 1 or 2 sad scenes, overall it wasnt sad at all

>> No.147576

>>143981 OP

I might start this post with 3/10 GOOD EFFORT, but that doesn't apply here. In /jp/, you don't get props for being an asshat.

That said, it was nice to hear that. I don't care if the OP is a troll. If he's not, nice for you and best of luck. If yes, who cares.

Now go play Kana.

Then try Yume Miru Kusuri. It's not as good, but it'll certainly make you feel something.

>> No.147614

RRRRage? I gotta start that one...

But wait. Which one first? Ever17 or YMK?

>> No.147626

save ever17 for last, or else everything else afterwards feels like crap

>> No.147642


YMK is a bit on the short side, so do that first.

>> No.147649


Leave Ever17 for later, you will never shit as many bricks as you will shit with Ever17.

>> No.147672

Oh my god MORE
