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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14251267 No.14251267 [Reply] [Original]

What otaku video games are you playing?

>> No.14251270
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World of Warships while alt-tabbing to manage Kancolle while listening to a mix of WWII propaganda, sea shanties, and Kancolle doujin remix albums.

>> No.14251279

What counts as an ``otaku video game?"

>> No.14251280

>Nep nep with jap voices for added weeb
>Bit of rune factory, I count it as since no one plays it.
Thats about it, not much of a gamer.

>> No.14251286
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video games that otakus play

>> No.14251458

Digimon world 2.

It's not a good game but clearing out every dungeon floor 100% provides a nice timesink.

>> No.14251540

Offtopic here

Is that quote referenced in anime? I swear I've seen it before, possibly in oreimo?

>> No.14251550

call of duty

>> No.14251556

I'm waiting for League to get its Japanese voice pack so I can play on Japanese servers and pretend I'm Japanese.

At that point I'll probably stop doing anything else in my life.

>> No.14251597

I want to play more cute games like >>14251286 but my old torrent website resource just went down.

>> No.14251602

iktf bro, the website I use for ROMs is down for maintenance.

>> No.14251633

doujinstyle and doujingravity still have lots of stuff

>> No.14251811
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>> No.14252169

I have been playing Dark Souls again and having lots of duels in the Burg just like I used to. I had gotten really rusty so it was tough at first but I can feel it coming back to me. I even parried someone.

>> No.14252534

seiken densetsu 3

>> No.14252588

I want to try G-Darius sometime.

>> No.14252591

Nah, I know its from FF Tactics, just swear I've heard it some place else

>> No.14252665

d-do you use kaillera?

>> No.14252676
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I was going to solo play it since it's my first time playing it. I'm kind of busy right now anyway so I probably won't get to play it again until some time next week.

>> No.14252764

>first time
In that case good choice of a game and have fun.

>> No.14252827


>> No.14252860

Splatoon which I stream as well, SkyDrift, IIDX, Smash Bros. 4 for DS. I haven't played Dota 2 much recently. I also want to play Earthbound again.

>> No.14252999
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A shame university net has great speeds but can only use them well for P2P things such as torrenting, otherwise I would be playing this non-stop till the end of time.
Much faster than iRO when at home, and always a joy to play.

>> No.14253014


>> No.14253024

Ghost Slide.

Dammit, Marche, your crippled brother can walk again and you want to break his spine is what you're saying.

>> No.14253055

Sweeper of Suika. Some Touhou fangame I found on Google Play. It's just sokoban puzzles but the Engrish is practically AYBABTU level.

>> No.14254082
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Planetside 2 and MGSV

>> No.14254146

man, who knew the jay had worse taste in games than /v/

>> No.14254173
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Touhou 6.

>> No.14256126

WoW 1.12

>> No.14256390

I tried the Nostalruse, but it wasn't for me. The magic of 10 years ago is gone.

>> No.14256403

Far Cry 4. I'm a shit game otaku

>> No.14256872

I liked Darius Gaiden better.

>> No.14256926

I like to pretend I'm reimu with a gun

>> No.14256940

king of fighters

I wish I could just play iori in bad rats 2
things would be so much better

>> No.14256972
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Morrowind (just finished the winter island, but don't really feel like going back to the continent and doing shit again)

Arcanum (mages city, kinda got bored, my companions suck while I can 2 hit everything)

Undertale (can't beat undine cause no healing items, can't go back and buy cause random encounters)

Dwarf Fortress -adventure mode- (can't figure how to get items out of a fucking wool bag that has another wool bag inside with a better sword than mine)

Tag Force Special -sora partner- (can't beat the xyz faggots with my shitty fire themed deck, sora is useless)

Demon King Chronicle (can't beat the zombies in the hole nor the demons in the demon zone, don't want to waste time grinding)

>> No.14257118

Trying to get back into SMTIV right now. I forgot where the fuck I'm supposed to go.

>> No.14257131

Do we have /jp/sies playing somewhere? RO is probably the only old game I wouldn't mind playing again if I had people to play with.

>> No.14257140

How do the random encounters prevent you from going back and buying
All you have to do is make it to another save point to get full health again

>> No.14257144

get a vpn

>> No.14257157

I can't get to the other save point before dying, there are 2 random encounters that always happen, a double battle with the bubble shit and the worm shit. I can win one, but two? And I don't remember how much do I need to walk back, so there may be more enemies

The only healing item I have is the snow piece, but I promised I'd take that to the end of the earth so I'm not using it

>> No.14257159

I hate to be the guy but jesus christ how bad can you get
UT is easy

>> No.14257163



>> No.14257173

Not him but most free vpn are shit. And if he just has to use money then maybe he'd rather use it on something else than getting one.

>> No.14257178

having proper internet is pretty important to me and vpns aren't very expensive
I was looking them up during my dorm time and decent ones were about $5/m

>> No.14257215

no, it's still pretty easy
also just sayin, you won't get the real pacifist ending on your first playthrough

>> No.14257485

It doesn't matter, I'm not playing this shit game again

>> No.14257582

Does anyone on /jp/ play Neverwinter Night or Neverwinter Nights 2?

>> No.14257778

You know there's a flee command, right?

>> No.14257824

I tried, it doesn't work

>> No.14257845
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I was playing pic related, but then realized there were no nipples and 1 vs 1 mahjong sucks so I deleted it

>> No.14257861

Keep trying or just do it better. Undyne is definitely not that hard on normal/pacifist route.

>> No.14257880

Dwarf fortress and LoLK

>> No.14257938

What's a decent private server?

>> No.14257942

Hearts of Iron II

Finished up a Japanese campaign yesterday where I conquered my way through China and Persia. Took the Belgium colonies in the Far East and then helped choke off and surround the Soviets from two fronts when the Germans invaded.

Then I used Persia as my entryway into the middle east too, to help the Italian defense and turn the tables on the UK.

I turn turned my attention to South America, making a significant beachhead out of Peru and fighting my way upward into Mexico. At the same time I was island-hopping in the Pacific to Hawaii, conquering it and cutting off any hope of major naval actions in the Pacific for the US.

By this time Germany had conquered the British Isles and helped with the Invasion of the US by landing on their east coast.

Shit was tight.

>> No.14257970

is FFXIV otaku

>> No.14258208


The Gif That Didn't Move

>> No.14258270
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I drive.

>> No.14258697
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Vicky2. Trying to outrun American sphere of influence.

>> No.14259010

Persona 4: DAL, Mike: Project Mirai DX, Dungeon Travelers 2

>> No.14259162

Dragon Carnival
Dragon Mahjong 3
Dragon Academy 2

>> No.14259475

osu! anyone?

add me: altairx26

>> No.14259599

I played nwn1 for a long time, but that was several years ago

>> No.14259631
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I beat pepsiman and even though it was released only in japan it was so american they couldn't get japanese people to read the script so the whole game was in english.

I was thinking of getting a vita TV bundle for $60 last week but it turns out they only play the shit games. If only sony and nintendo realized I don't want to play outside.

remember to subscribe and like

>> No.14260263

DOTA 2 and Mincraft

>> No.14260389

I played a Dance with Rogues. Never finished part 2. It was amazing

>> No.14260412

>All these kusoge that jp plays
/jp/ renaissance when?

>> No.14260675

are you bad at dota 2 (like me)

>> No.14260710

I just tried playing that game and was disappointed. I like the OP and the art, but 1v1 mahjong is the most boring shit ever. Also it's not fully-voiced which was kind of a deal breaker when it comes to galge.

>> No.14261983

I like very immersive games with outstanding soundtracks and believable/fun characterization. With all the garbage that gets released since normies ruined video games it's tough to find games that fulfill this criteria but I have a few and /jp/ is probably one of the better places to ask.

Nier: Easily one of the best games of last generation, absolutely stellar OST.

Resonance of Fate: Very unique JRPG with a deep battle system and a really well crafted set of characters.

Eternal Sonata: I've actually only played the demo but the music was absolutely mesmerising.

Silent Hill 3: Probably my favourite game of all time, just a masterpiece from beginning to end.

Bayonetta: The perfect action game, would be tempted to pick Devil May Cry 3 instead if not for the awful soundtrack.

Final Fantasy 10, 13 series: Obviously the latter is hated by everyone but they really sucked me in, probably my favourite OSTs next to Nier.

I've heard very good things about Dragon Quest and Dark Cloud. The Neptunia games are fun enough but painfully mediocre once you look past the cute girls. Still haven't played Atelier.

>> No.14262182

This is exactly me wtf

>> No.14262217

When /ghost/ reopens.

>> No.14263133

Shouldn't be an issue if you're civilized since getting in the top 16 is piss easy with prestige bonuses alone, and there if you're uncivilized there is no tangible penalty for being in a sphere, and the prestige boosts you get from westernizing will push you into the top 16 anyways. What, are you some sort of roleplayer?

>> No.14263154

Pokemon TCG online. If that counts as a video game.

>> No.14263157

final fantasy viii

>> No.14263354

I'm downloading silent hill 3 because of you. It better not be shit

>> No.14263428

I have to unite the brave and proud Japanese people first.

>> No.14263474

Which mod are you playing? I'll admit I've only ever played Japan in vanilla, but they seem to always westernize and unite before 1860 in VickyMod.

>> No.14263478

Binding of Isaac

>> No.14263551
File: 6 KB, 256x240, Guardian Legend, The (USA)_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like The Guardian Legend, you play as a girl that can transform into a space ship and you have to blow the heck out of a cyber planet with a gameplay that is TLoZ with guns and vertical shoot em up sections.

It also has nice music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QrTvNl8NuQ

>> No.14263568


You should really play 1 first it's a sequel.

Or at least read a synopsis of the first game.

>> No.14263594

Currently replaying Metro 2033, Stalker and Civ 5 here and there. Might replay Silent Hill 2 in the near future.
You've got perfect taste in video games, pick up Dark Cloud, it's well worth your time or finish Eternal Sonata because its also a damn good game.

>> No.14263701

back to /r9k/ dear

Personally I'm partial to some of the older Atelier games, but they're all pretty good.
I assume you've played Ar Tonelico?

>> No.14263713

What defines "an otaku game"

>> No.14263756

Give me a working torrent for metro 2033, I tried all and they're all shit

>inb4 "I buy my games"

>> No.14263779

Fire Emblem

>> No.14263789

>The Neptunia games are fun enough but painfully mediocre once you look past the cute girls
Just dont look past them then.

>> No.14263818

What the fuck, I will just say don't listen to this retard.

>> No.14263879
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>> No.14264140

Dragon quest is excellent. If you have a DS pick up DQ9 its probably the best one in the series as far as custimization goes

>> No.14264366

HPM. It was more of a thread related post though. Anyways, in HPM you need to wait until Emperor Meiji becomes relevant. I'm actually on a France save right now.

>> No.14264399

>buying games you can get for free.
Sadly I can't help you there, I got my copy for free as some humble bundle anniversary shit and I was lucky enough to notice it when it happened. If I find one, I'll post it here.

>> No.14267353

I recently discovered memories of fear, so I'll probably play some of their games if I have more free time soon.

>> No.14267846

Trying to 1cc Perfect Cherry Blossom on lunatic and playing Genius of Sappheiros. Just beat the lakebed temple. I'm also contemplating buying a PS4 to play Bloodborne and Neptunia V2.

>> No.14269438

My last 50 games or so have been2.8k - 3k. And I only play Treant Protector AGHS build rush

>> No.14269478

Are there any sandbox otaku games yet? I want to free roam in an anime style world. One with stuff in it to do.

>> No.14269607
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Lightning Returns?

>> No.14269690
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It's pretty good
Also Edna is the best girl, no contest

>> No.14269722
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that's dumb, you're dumb

>> No.14269937

Playing this myself. The change to battles taking place on the overworld is neat and all but the camera keeps getting stuck on walls. It's really annoying.

And Edna is definitely best girl. Rose isn't bad either.

>> No.14269978

Sakura Spirit. Why the hell dont they just show the nips already?

>> No.14270022

Isn't the game all about the nips? You even play as one, right?

>> No.14270161

Thinking about getting 200% Orange Juice
what does the jp say

>> No.14270466
File: 487 KB, 768x975, 1441679606707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it , FBF version here
personally I wasn't hooked, and I love Orange-Juice

>> No.14270552

if I ask what FBF is will people bully me

>> No.14270574

Fruitbat Factory, the English publisher
now get out before you get bullied!

>> No.14270623

Espgaluda. The last stage of final boss is a nasty shit.

>> No.14270733

ok, thank you!

>> No.14270883

Going to be playing Tree of Savior early Tuesday morning. Has /jp/ forgotten about Tree of Savior?

>> No.14270946

>Sign up with facebook
>Download through steam
Yeah, call me when I can sign up and download from their site.

There's something about the feel of it that's off too. I don't think I can take it easy in that world.

>> No.14270991

I have a beta key but I haven't played it yet

>> No.14271241
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I want to finish Galaxy Angel and be with Chitose in part 2 but for now I'm still stuck with Ranpha and it kills my desire to play.

I kinda wish it was a straight visual novel instead of making me sit through the kinda stiff RTS segments, but that's just me.

>> No.14271320

Guess I should start GA soon since I'm about halfway through S3 of the anime.

>> No.14271339

It's very different from the anime, I'll tell you that much.

>> No.14272254

I forgot it existed and missed the beta registration period. See you in-game in January /jp/. ;_ ;

>> No.14272750


I'm just not good at the game and the best I can do is give map vision for my team ;_;

>> No.14273233

Different anon here but I've been looking at 200%, thanks!

>> No.14273375
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You know you can just buy wards which are 75 gold instead of 4200

>> No.14273694

Stalker Clear Sky

I just got into the Garbage but there are a fuckton of bandits right out the gate and they throw grenades at me

>> No.14273699

Akiba's trip and senran kagura SV.

>> No.14273847

Phantasy Star Generation 2


>> No.14273900

Unbelievable as it is, but I'm the first poster in this thread playing Illusion title, namely SBPR. I'm more messing with it than playing though.
Tried to play Mugen Souls, got sidetracked by the censorship shitstorm on its Steam forums and dropped it altogether. Censored or not, shit wasn't worth torrenting.

>> No.14274071
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the dungeons of the original traumatized me, but maybe I'll give this a spin

>> No.14274154


This is actually my first time playing a classic Phantasy Star. I'm only familiar with the online games.

>> No.14274890

Deltazeal and 200% mixed juice. Former is great, the latter is meh.

>> No.14276722


I do that as well of course and sentries and dust if required etc.

But there is a limit to how much of these wards (4) you can buy before they run out of stock they only last 8 minutes.

>> No.14276797
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Wards are fine. You don't need to put them down all at once either, just in key areas. Map awareness is supposed to make up for the unseen areas.
Aghs is good on tree but I don't think rushing it is a good idea. Stuff like force staff and glimmer will help your team just as much.
You wouldn't happen to be Australian would you.

>> No.14277522

Glimmer really when I can nature's guise?

On the rare occasion I don't get AGHS as first core item, I get blink.

At the end of the day, I'm just too passive especially for a game that rewards aggressiveness.

I am Australian yes why do you ask?

>> No.14277532

Garou Mark of the wolves.

in an SNK phase now.

>> No.14277578

Why are otaku games so damn casual?

You would think someone who has time to play games for 12+ hours a day would want something difficult. At least this is what I do. Yet the most popular games are easy as fuck and simply take a lot of time to play.

Why can't Japan make something like Brood War except with cute girls and in anime style so i can play it 16 hours a day?

>> No.14277594

People just want to "take it easy".

You know I heard its the motto of a particular board on 4chin.

>> No.14277597

>but I'm the first poster in this thread playing Illusion title
You're not. I've been following them for years. I liked what they were trying to do with SBPR but the poor optimization killed it for me. I hope their next game runs better and uses their anime style.

>> No.14277613

Yeah that is what I do most of the time and then I watch anime or play a VN or whatever, but sometimes I want to have a little excitement.

You would think there are some popular games that cater to that but nope, none. Maybe I have the wrong expectations or something but to me it feels weird. Anyways, it sucks that I have to play western trash and listen to abysmal voice acting when I want to play a fast game.

>> No.14277619

>Anyways, it sucks that I have to play western trash and listen to abysmal voice acting when I want to play a fast game.
STGs, fighters, and rhythm games both top out in skill level at a point that's probably significantly higher than where you are now.

>> No.14277625

>a little excitement

To be honest, I don't think I really feel "excitement" with all the animu, mango, games and what not. There's just escapism like OP's pic.

>> No.14277736

Either you suck at immersing into fiction or the works you get into are shitty. I've had a more memorable experience with something like Baldr Sky than a lot of irl things.

>> No.14277817

Glimmer isn't only about the invis but also the magic resistance, not to mention there aren't always trees around such as during a highground push.
You don't need to be super aggressive as tree but he's pretty good at an advantage

I know someone just like you who also is Australian. They're kind of a jerk and I want to bully them so badly but I'm worried they'd leave.

>> No.14278608

So you don't play STG or platformers? Because a lot of otaku/doujin platformers are "What if Mario was unfairly hard?"

You need to get into wild 90s-ish anime instead of this slow paced reality and moe anime of the current age.

>> No.14278642

Either of you named 'Handsome' and have a picture of Remilia as your avatar?

>> No.14278678
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No, sorry

>> No.14279691

Tales of zestiria mostly

>> No.14279745
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best game

>> No.14279768

>dwarf fortress
>adventure mode

Why even bother? Just play net hack if you aren't going to play hard mode

>> No.14279779


>> No.14279788
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>> No.14279879

I thought jaypee was bully free

I was wrong

>> No.14279886

Laughing at the teenage Osu players itt.

>> No.14279922


>> No.14279957


>> No.14279975
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>> No.14279999

Adventure mode is infinitely harder than fortress mode.


>> No.14280351

Ys 2, but I'm probably going to drop it and move onto Oath in Felghana because I'm getting bored with this combat system.

>> No.14280373

Tree of Savior has been rather fun so far.

>> No.14280459

It isn't very otaku, but I am having fun playing the Divinity: Original Sin enhanced edition.

>> No.14281580


These items all seem to be situational and I just can't read the situation often, I'm a kuuki-yomenai.

Hence I go for the "4200 gold ward" because wards are always good.

Another point is that the eyes can ulti and do damage as well as opposed to my normal ulti which just entangles and does no damage.

Basically, if I'm lucky I can contribute to a teamfight without being anywhere near it (and my living armor as well which is global all game long).

Please no bully me. I zero self confidence and zero friends period.

>> No.14281584


I'm just too cynical I guess, and jaded.

Plus I grew up in a family environment where my mother instantly dismissed any fictional stuff I got into, nonstop, like "thats obviously fake and bullshit why do you buy into it, are you stupid?"

>> No.14281935
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I don't really think glimmer and force staff are too situational. They're really the best items for supports. I think sticking to one build every game is part of why you have trouble reading the situation though. You just gotta try through trial and error and eventually you'll learn to adjust your builds accordingly. You just have to believe in yourself.

Sorry but I have to do it. There's no helping it so please bear with me.

>> No.14282132

I thought Mek was the best item for support? Though I go tranquil so I can devote living armor to teammates and towers instead of me.

Where are you from btw?

Even thought I'm from Australia, because I'm a late owl I often play US West, without much lag issues.

Would you consider adding as buddies? Maybe. I-I mean only if its o-ok with you.

>> No.14282172

I tried to play Tree of Savior but it kept giving me an error whenever I tried to log in so I gave up.

>> No.14282178

Oh, that tends to happen to me. But to me last good KoF was XI. I even dare say it was the best one so far.
Although I'm on a touhou phase right now.

>> No.14282202

Mek is good of course but sometimes a core will build it. Tranquils with soul ring is pretty good
I'm from the US. I'd love to add as buddies and play a bit. I'm not home so I can't add you for a while

>> No.14284113

I don't get it...

>> No.14284157
File: 87 KB, 676x609, Dwarf_ac90ce_5693223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should play Dwarf Fortress, especially adventure mode.

>> No.14285178


>> No.14285238
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Please rate.

>> No.14285422
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>> No.14285426


>Ar Tonelico

I don't like how Gust makes games specifically the part where they excel too fucking much in a single aspect to the point that it reaches the heavens and the other aspects are at rock bottom quality to the point that calling it shit would be a compliment.

>> No.14285791

Well, at least I was the first to say it. Their attempt at damage control was what killed the little gameplay SBPR had in the beginning for me. I'm talking about Free H, all clothes unlock, all girls shown on map, cheaper skills, enemy removal, 100 fucking percent save bundled with the update. It's like they did what they could to water it down back to a H-scene viewer+poser. Why do they hate their own games so much. I'm afraid to think what they'll do to AG4.
As for the optimization/performance, I found patch v1.04 (0925) to be the fastest for the open world part. It doubled FPS for me in comparison to 1.00-1.03, and patches 1.05+ perform equally worse. Try 0925 if you're after gameplay, because newer patches focus on Studio mostly while adding a hairstyle or two here and there.

>> No.14285861

too many guys

>> No.14288015

Wow, okay, thanks for getting my hopes up for nothing. Guess I know who the real bully is now.

>> No.14288825

>Dwarf Fortress -adventure mode- (can't figure how to get items out of a fucking wool bag that has another wool bag inside with a better sword than mine)

Every fucking time. Bags are pretty buggy at the moment.

>> No.14290441

3D Costume Maid 2
