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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14207921 No.14207921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this the new thing for niggas?


I don't care for this type of music much but I am noticing alot of black weebs everywhere now is this the new norm?

When I was young I got bullied often by classmates for liking Japanese games and media, now it seems like its more acceptable for blacks and other brown people to enjoy.

I can't lie it really kind of annoys me for some reason as the people are unbearable faggots generally.

>> No.14207930
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This shit is hilarious in a cringey way though. The chuunibyou is real.

>> No.14207936

It was like a progressive thing that happened

>Normalfags picked up on nerd culture
>they began to emulate it for attention
>some of them realized they legitimately liked it
>with nerd culture came otaku culture
>more people jumped on the train
>now too many people like anime and are sucking the life out of it
>weeaboos galore, girls dressed in thigh high socks and miniskirts, guys toting Shitgeki no Killyourself merch
>normalfags see this and emulate it again
>the cycle will continue

>> No.14207948



This is the worst imo.

I dunno if he realizes how big of a faggot he is or if maybe its a joke.


It's funny you mention shingeki, he mentioned it in this song.
I'm surprised that its affecting the black community so much though. As I said I was bullied regularly for liking it as a child and I learned to not bring it up to not get fucked with.

I only new 4 other people in my neighborhood as a child who liked my hobbies and 2 of them just grew out of it and became thugs to fit in. The other 2 learned to hide it as I did.

>> No.14208008

Oh look /pol/kun creating the exact same thread again that still has nothing to do with /jp/.

>> No.14208044

That video is over 3 years old, so no it's not "new," and either way Josip is definitely not some ex-triple-og hood nigga (ie: the type that bullied you) turned weaboo. He's probably closer to what the 3rd poster was talking about. By continuing to talk about him you're literally just feeding into him and giving him ammo to talk about his "haters."

Just enjoy the increased, but misguided, support the anime industry is giving the west while it lasts. Eventually everyone will get bored of slapping kana under their song titles & twitter handles and figure out something else to spend more time telling people they like than they do actually partaking in it.

>> No.14208049
File: 75 KB, 789x1100, 528f6a514970d0e74c7b610056c2d448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like normalchads found mousy petit nerd girls sexually attractive (lots and lots of fucking)
then they picked up on casual nerd shit she liked

>> No.14208058

>noticing alot of black weebs everywhere now

Black people have been weebs since the 90s, probably before you. You only notice it now because internet.

>> No.14208086

Why are niggers so into anime ?

>> No.14208135

I don't speak for all black people but I got into anime like most of my brothers and friends from watching DBZ. It was the only "cartoon" we could watch without looking like pussies.

From there, we grew to like anime, particularly shonen, and from that, everyone's palette begins to change to their own favor. Some niggers start to like Sailor Moon, some like EVA, some like moeshit.

Basically, DBZ is why black people like anime.

>> No.14208184

>Basically, DBZ is why black people like anime
Speak for yourself.
Also, a reminder that black americans aren't a accurate reflection of all black people.

>> No.14208203
File: 42 KB, 375x375, 1413110751859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speak for yourself.
>I don't speak for all black people

>> No.14208210
File: 18 KB, 300x320, 1444373678546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't speak for all black people
>Basically, DBZ is why black people like anime.

>> No.14208211

Well he is just being logical anon.

>> No.14208234

This thread reminds me of that one black autistic from /prog/ (r.i.p.) who fucked a hatate cosplayer and a couple of other bitches before dumping them all and going back to his Youmu tulpa.

>> No.14208320


Just let niggas be niggas, no need to hate!

>> No.14208346


Dude, DBZ introduced the whole fucking west to animes in general.

>> No.14208366

Literally every race ever watches anime. Why is it so surprising and deserving of any attention when Black people watch it?

>> No.14208424

Because everything is funny when niggers do it.

>> No.14208496

Then why doesn't /pol/ find it funny when black guys bang white women? They get awfully mad, bro.

>> No.14208586

good thread

>> No.14208589


>> No.14208601

The very idea of someone parading around their waifu on fucking display like she was something to show of deeply offends me. There is very little more disrespectful than that. There is a huge divide between expressing love for your waifu and essentially whoring her out for the purpose of self promotion.

That sort of shit is exactly how normies treat each other in real life and it is repulsive when they do it.


>> No.14208611

As a black it's actually funny to see people hating on you for no reasons.

The guy in OP's video is a faggot though.

>> No.14208629

This is true.

>> No.14208642

That;s my question, bro. That's my question. Black guys doing things is amusing according to that guy. So doing the whole anime thing? Funny. Doing white women? Not.

It makes no sense.

>> No.14209049

That's true though.

By and large even RULL HUOOAD NIGGUS love dbz

>> No.14209052

Do you like DBZ?
