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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 34 KB, 940x214, cropped-brickor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14189471 No.14189471 [Reply] [Original]

Who mahjong otaku here? Let's get some games started on Tenhou like the good old times.

>> No.14189494

I brought my mahjong set to college, but no one knew how to play.

>> No.14189599
File: 407 KB, 599x721, koromo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting on two more.

Does your school have a Japanese culture club? They might know.

>> No.14189641

I'm already in four clubs, I can't fit more.
I heard they have shogi, so I kinda feel bad.
I don't own a shogi set or go set.
I'd use tenhou, but it requires Adobe Flash.

>> No.14194851

I thought Akagi was about gamble. I watch the live action movie.

>> No.14195400

Why was Akagi drawn in a way to make everybody purposely ugly?

>> No.14195529

FKMT's art is more expressive that way. It wouldn't be the same with bishounen or cute girls.

>> No.14195792

need one more person

>> No.14195799

Not everyone has Adobe Flash.

>> No.14195803

Because otherwise you'd get saki
no one wants saki

>> No.14195806

I forgot how tenhou works, what button do I press again to join?

>> No.14195865

>It wouldn't be the same with bishounen or cute girls.
So, what you're saying is that you haven't read anything of his that isn't Akagi?

>> No.14195877

I've read Kurosawa and Kaiji. So, what's your point?

>> No.14196080

That was a long ass game
Also a fucking frustrating one for me. Not a single bit of drawing luck outside of one tsumo

>> No.14196260

I've been training against AI for a while to get the hang of the yaku.
But I have the feeling that I don't know what to make of the discarded tiles of others.
I guess If there's 3-4 of the same tile there I need to stop waiting for it, I guess.
But I don't know jack shit about predicting the other hands.

>> No.14196265

Is there any mahjong game in English so I can learn this shit?

>> No.14196372


I hope you find this helpful.

>> No.14196538

Thanks. Seems complicated. This is going to take awhile.

>> No.14197050

just some simple tips from a noob
>be wary if someone discards only 2 different suit
>no one is tossing one particular dragon/wind past mid game
>someone discards middle tiles early on and chi/pon honor tiles
>any opened hand
>most common waits are two sided, some are lucky to have three, making it more difficult to toss safely. be wary of 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 4/7, 5/8, 6/9 traps. in the case if riichi, middle tiles and pairs wait takes into effect
>if someone riichi and you are two or more tiles away for tenpai, it's best to give it up and play it safe

>> No.14197362

I don't know if you can join private lobbies with this yet though.

>> No.14197384

Predicting the other hands with any certainty is mostly snakeoil. Don't worry about it now.

The best place to learn how to get good is justanotherjapanesemahjongblog (google it)
Just slowly make your way through that and you'll be great in no time.

>> No.14197599

7447 still got people in it, or is thread dead?

>> No.14197618
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>> No.14197645

We 3:0 now.

>> No.14197689

And we're liev

>> No.14197783

every time i have a good hand some fucker has the dragons

>> No.14197784

That's the way it is sadly.

>> No.14197792

Every time I have a good hand some faggot deals a dangerous tile and goes under. It's happened the last two games I've played.

>> No.14197797

Maybe it's spite?

>> No.14197802

tanoshii isn't it?

>> No.14197808

One maybe, but the other was a close game and he dealt into a very obvious chanta. I believe he was just stupid.

>> No.14197809


>> No.14197816
File: 44 KB, 512x512, 1431849834494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for that game. Another?

>> No.14197818

I just started playing yesterday and I'm already mad at people. Very tanoshii.

>> No.14197844

Delinquent Mahjong thread?

>> No.14197954

might want to add this after that last few games:
>when the dealer riichi, abandon all hope

>> No.14198042
File: 241 KB, 640x640, 1443444643457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for those two games. Wish I wasn't falling asleep during the second. See you fags next time

>> No.14198299

That's a gold mine of info. Thank you.
I guess I'll go with defence theory first.

>> No.14198869

Do you guys know any irc chatrooms?

>> No.14198946

The only ones I know are #lmc and #t/a/noshii on Rizon.

>> No.14199303

Learn how to not put down winning tiles if someone is in riichi, even if you're in tenpai or close to tenpai. At least when I first started out I was stubborn as fuck and kept trying to complete my hand before they did, and I always put down their winning tile without fail. Learn to back down and aim to draw for the round. If they complete a hand that has a lot of yaku, it will fuck you over for the rest of the game.

>> No.14199347
File: 1.26 MB, 963x700, 0fc17576740c8ddef0a8b66f37b06e6f[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could've been

>> No.14199583

I appreciate the tips, but read the conversation. I was complaining about others dealing in to obvious hands.

>> No.14199590

Rank up on Tenhou so you can play against people that don't suck.

>> No.14200515

I started playing four days ago, and I'm working through that mahjong blog posted before.

I keep forgetting all the yaku and yakuman hands, so I lose a lot of chances before I can think, since you only have 12 seconds per move on the client I use. Plus, I can never tell what hands my opponents are working on, unless they open them, and even then I can't figure it out most of the times, outside of going "He discarded that so it's a safe tile"

>> No.14200550

Play against some AI
Try saikyou no mahjong

>> No.14200561

How would that help?
Mahjong is primarily about reading other people, wouldn't I learn all the wrong 'patterns' of reading other people if I was playing robots?

>> No.14200584

You're learning the Yaku, right?
It's just a way of sandboxing with more time.

>> No.14200691

>Plus, I can never tell what hands my opponents are working on, unless they open them, and even then I can't figure it out most of the times, outside of going "He discarded that so it's a safe tile"
And you're not going to be able to until you have lots and lots of experience. Just focus on one step at a time.

>> No.14200693

how do you set up good waits? I lose 50 iq points whenever the riichi button appears and I have to choose my discard. what else should I look for besides series like 3334 and 23456?

>> No.14200715

Most of the time you'll have ryanmen (23, 45, 78, etc) waits. Look for those.

>> No.14200731

Where can I find clubs and players? I live in southern California, so you would think there'd be tons but I can't seem to find any
Whether it's college clubs, craigslist, online forums, tournaments... Nothing!

Anyone in the irvine area want to play irl?

>> No.14200744

I know about that but what about 3+ sided waits? when I see characters talk about 5 or 6 sided waits in saki I have to stare at the page for 5 minutes just to figure out what the winning tiles are.

>> No.14200748

Play offline until you memorize the yaku. How are you supposed to discern hands if you don't even know what kind of hands they could be aiming for? Don't try to be Akagi until you've got the basics down.

You're on the right track kind of since you're learning about betaori. Remember this however: It's far more important to know when and why to defend than knowing how to defend. There will be lots of talk about different kinds of suji and all that shit, but what you need is to make use of furiten and the basic suji.
That and tile efficiency are all you need to go from being shit-tier to intermediate. Do not try to play in a half-assed way where you don't go full defense and try to discard a slightly more dangerous tile to keep your tenpai or whatever. When you choose to defend you take the 100% safe tile. Even if it means losing your tenpai. It doesn't matter how big your hand is if you deal into someone else's hand.

>> No.14200752


>> No.14200776

>Mahjong is primarily about reading other people
No, it's not, it's just a smaller part of it. You either watched too much Akagi or have some poker background.
Even with opponent's hands being completely open you won't be able to win unless you get into tenpai. It doesn't matter what hand they are making if you can get into tenpai and win before them. Your MAIN focus for now should be learning about your yakus, shapes and effective discards.

I tried to check my old archives for useful links, but almost all of them are dead. But start by reading http://osamuko.com/tile-efficiency-101-part-1/.. The same blog has also basic defensive strategies.

>> No.14200835
File: 34 KB, 354x282, midget uncomfortable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking computer keeps tenhouing.

>> No.14200847
File: 117 KB, 809x612, 2013-10-09-001726_809x612_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to let a computer beat you, anon?

>> No.14200987
File: 251 KB, 1345x829, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally.

>> No.14201802

Keep at it.

>> No.14202427

There are at least two or three major riichi mahjong groups in the US. One in New York, another on the other coast but I forget which city, and apparently there's one in Seattle too.

>> No.14203250

Does Furiten apply to every possible configuration in your hand?

Say you have a hand that, depending on the wait, could be a tan'yao or a more valuable hand.

If the waits for the tan'yao are different, can you still discard them without being in Furiten if what you're aiming for are the waits of the other hand? Or does the fact that you discarded a possible wait of your hand automatically make it furiten?

>> No.14203284

Furiten for one out means furiten for all outs. If you have 45678 waiting on 369, discarding 9 puts you in furiten for 3 and 6 also.

>> No.14203289

I'm unable to come up with an example at the moment, but let's say you have a hand that's configured so you have a wait for a certain hand on 3, but if you look at the hand differently it could be a 56 wait on something else.

What I'm trying to get at is that the 3 wait and the 56 wait are for two different hands.
Would discarding a 3 make you furiten on the 56 even though it's a different hand altogether?

>> No.14203390

The yaku are irrelevant. As long as you're in tenpai, and you've discarded one of the tiles that could complete your hand - regardless of whether or not that tile would give you any yaku - you're in furiten. If you change your wait so that you're no longer waiting on anything you've discarded, then you won't be in furiten anymore.

Let's say you have a hand like 4445m345789p345s. You're tenpai on 356m. 3m gives sanshoku pinfu, 6m gives pinfu, and 5m gives nothing. If you had at any point discarded 5m, then you'd be unable to win with either of 36m.

>> No.14203399
File: 417 KB, 731x624, atozuke furiten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See image. This is furiten.

>> No.14203409

>start game
>computer wins instantly
>-48k points
What a good start.

>> No.14203524 [DELETED] 

This is a retarded question, but what is the guy in your image going for?

>> No.14203666

A yakuman on the first hand? Ouch.

>> No.14203690

Yeah, and he did that three times in a row. GG, no re.

>> No.14203709
File: 180 KB, 813x407, ae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ryanshanten on first turn for kokushi mousou
>north player goes riichi
>I give him an ippatsu Ron while trying to get into isshanten
>It's a shitty yakuhai with seat wind

I don't want to play anymore

>> No.14203721

That was me. Sorry man, couldn't let you have it

>> No.14203880

1:0 folks. Try not to hurt me too much.

>> No.14203884
File: 25 KB, 273x357, 1305638436583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kokushi mousou never happens,

>> No.14204009
File: 95 KB, 400x400, 1439107286456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I had ryanshanten ON FIRST TURN
I could have had like 20 chances
And instead the hand ended on the SECOND TURNAROUND

>> No.14204079

obviously he detected the dangerous pressure coming from your hand and moved to block it.

>> No.14204296

How does one enforce furiten? Seems like there's no way of knowing unless you self-regulate

>> No.14204302

There's this little thing called Chombo, look it up.

>> No.14204324

I never played on tenhou. Does the program actually allows you to go "tsumo/ron" with a furiten hand?

>> No.14204339

No, the game won't allow you to attempt to call a win when you're in furiten.

>> No.14204355

I understand chombo, I'm just wondering how I can look at someone's Ron hand and know that they could have gone out earlier. Seems like furiten would go unpunished in most cases

>> No.14204365

Some anon already mentioned it:
>If you change your wait so that you're no longer waiting on anything you've discarded, then you won't be in furiten anymore.
And if you're no longer in furiten you are allowed to declare win.

So you just look at someone's Ron and check:
Is he in furiten now? -> He must pay chombo.
Is he not in furiten right now? -> He won and it doesn't matter that he could or could not be in furiten several turns ago.

>> No.14204390

1:0 friends.

>> No.14204525


Minefield mahjong, for the interested folks

>> No.14204690


>> No.14204925

what do these numbers actually mean? sorry, I'm new to tenhou.

>> No.14204934

First number is the number of people waiting, second is the number of people playing at the moment. If you don't read Japanese search for Tenhou documentation, pretty much everything there is explained.

>> No.14204936

players waiting for a game : players already playing

>> No.14204956

Oh I see, thank you guys

>> No.14205111


>> No.14205115

3 now.

>> No.14206064
File: 25 KB, 433x380, 1424092484815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does everybody just arrange their hands in manzu-pinzu-souzu-fanpei?
Is it a rule that you have to arrange them in that order?

And in case it isn't, why does everybody, even professional players, always do it?
Doesn't that make it easy for anyone to guess what you're drawing/discarding if the spot you put things in your hand is pretty much telling anyone what you're aiming for?

>> No.14206277

>even professional players, always do it?
This way it's easier for the audience to follow .

>> No.14206692
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>> No.14206721
File: 715 KB, 919x783, tenhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I was so fucking close to completing the best hand I've ever made fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.14206733

You don't have any yaku.

>> No.14206746

I thought it was ryanpeikou

>> No.14206759

Ryanpeikou is closed only.

>> No.14206803

What does it mean for a discarded tile to be highlighted or not highlighted?

>> No.14206824
File: 90 KB, 776x663, guest.chat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played on a guest account for years because I don't read moonrunes but is there a guide for how to sign up? I'm guessing that having a real account would be better for playing than just showing up every once in a while on a guest account.

>> No.14206825

Tsumogiri. The darker tiles are ones that were discarded as soon as they were drawn, instead of from the hand.

>> No.14206827

Wow, didn't know that was a thing they tracked and showed to spectators.

>> No.14206834


It's really useful information once you start getting real good. Difficult to keep track of during a game though.

>> No.14206887

I mean, I knew it was useful but didn't think they were capable of doing so because of how the game loves to pause every two seconds because of latency or something.

>> No.14206895

It pauses because someone is waiting to decide to chi/pon/etc. Tenhou also throws in random pauses just so you can't rely on pauses for getting information.

>> No.14206973


>> No.14207150

>wasn't paying attention so accidentally chi on instinct and screw myself over
Why do I even bother playing, I'm not even good.

>> No.14207179

>those two guys who keep calling tiles


>> No.14207576
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, tanoshii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-did I do good?

>> No.14207635
File: 237 KB, 700x614, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fc2f03234f9660d5b180aed86e4d3d7b5%2Ftumblr_nfb28o8Lud1tbp51do5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. When you're up to it, come visit 7447 and play a couple games.

>> No.14207684
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>Believing in flow

>> No.14208084
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>> No.14208162


>> No.14208227

Holy shit

>> No.14208232

Sick yakuman dude.

>> No.14208332

Thank you for games.

>> No.14208518

Do you guys play against Japanese player, too? I'm always afraid that I make them upset because I'm a beginner. Ah baka gaijin waito piggu ruining our mahjong...

>> No.14208576

Nah, they're people too, so, I guess, some of them are bad, I don't know why I should be afraid of them. It would be great to play against a real pro or at least a very good player, but I don't want to pay for a ron2 account.

>> No.14208606

Don't feel that way. Everyone is a beginner once.

>> No.14208750

It's okay, you play against smurfs and other scrubs until you sign up and gain some rank points.

The only people you'll offend are the ones you beat with a randomly dealt good hand.

>> No.14208929

Fuck off Nodoka

>> No.14209217
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>> No.14209438
File: 215 KB, 755x674, ss+(2015-10-11+at+10.12.59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could have I handled this hand better? It seemed amazing to my eyes at least, so having it come tu just a mangan felt lackluster

Did I cheapen it somehow, calling aside?

>> No.14209485

Not really. Toitoi honitsu is mangan. The only real way that could have been worth more is if you stayed closed or got some dora.

>> No.14210434

What the FUCK was that. I got ron'd twice

>> No.14210510

I didn't knew that this was possible. I thought there was a rule that only one player gets the points.

>> No.14210524

In some rulesets, yes. In tenhou you can get double ron'd, but not triple ron'd.

>> No.14210618


>> No.14211211

There's a si gle player mahjong app called tenhoG that I enjoy. What sets it apart is the practice mode that throws Hans at you and asks you to score them. Great practice for calculating fu an learning yaku. It got me off my dependence on calculator apps.

>> No.14211395

Is it on any app stores?

>> No.14211441


>> No.14211496


>> No.14212252


>> No.14212277

2:0 now

>> No.14212279
File: 67 KB, 630x399, A-Third-of-Leads-Are-Not-Getting-Called-Back-skeleton-waiting-image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14212281

3:0 now my friend.

>> No.14212370

I'll be back for more in a couple hours. Sorry anon

>> No.14212373

Sure, let's play again then.

>> No.14212635

And back while I avoid my resposibilities.

>> No.14212662
File: 573 KB, 320x240, rongasm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atamahane (head bump) is disabled in ari-ari, which is the most popular ruleset on tenhou.

>> No.14212688
File: 13 KB, 236x214, snes supermahjong3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. I'm new to tenhou, the last three days were actually the first time in my life that I played with real humans. I used to play on my SNES emulator. Y-you guys deflowered me.

>> No.14212707
File: 242 KB, 1608x1284, 3-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now that your cherry is gone, it's time for you to truly enjoy some vigorous mahjong on a table

>> No.14212744

Who is the guy on the left?

>> No.14212761

Damn Saki has some thick thighs.

>> No.14212765


>> No.14212810

I miss the Saki and Akagi ads/events on tenhou

>> No.14212841

I tried my best. Good game.

>> No.14212844

>A universe where I actually win
I was terrified to even play when we started.

>> No.14212853

And then you wake up.

>> No.14212858

This match was pretty good, slow and steady, I wish more games were like this one.

>> No.14212870

Fucking chiitoi is such a shitty yaku. Why does it even exist? You are more likely to get the 3-shanten toitoi than the 1-shanten chiitoitsu. Fucking shitty hand.

>> No.14212876

I don't know why I try so often since I seem to fail so often. I didn't know I snubbed lady luck this badly.

>> No.14212878 [DELETED] 

Chiitoi is for pussiesme, I love it. It's safe as fuck.

>> No.14212905
File: 153 KB, 640x1440, true quid of mahjong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-shan-ten from 1st turn with 16 uke-ire and it never comes.

Kanna was right. This game really is an illogical pile of shit. Some faggot can win on a stupid tanki hell wait before you get your mathematically probable hand finished.

>> No.14212951

This it the last game out of me for a while I recharge my brain.

>> No.14213056

same here

>> No.14213059

>This universe
Thank you for the games. Good night.

>> No.14213066

Good games. Last one was close.

>> No.14213341
File: 480 KB, 768x1280, IMG_20151012_172830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this app is great. The rule explanations are cute too, big bonus.

>> No.14213361

Has anyone played this? Is it good?

>> No.14213607

We're 1:0 now...

>> No.14213626
File: 538 KB, 982x1400, img000020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2:0 now losers.

>> No.14213662

Anyone else?

>> No.14213799

You lie kisama. There's no-one in here

>> No.14213884

Everyone left after one game.

>> No.14214002

That was my first time ever seeing an actual chankan

>> No.14214255

Too bad it's in ネエハンゴ

>> No.14215213

I bet she'll rub your dick beneath the table with her feet to distract you

>> No.14215631

Lewd. Truly she is a powerful mahjong lesbian.

>> No.14215657

A man can have his fantasies, right?

>> No.14215894


>> No.14217518

I wonder how much trouble getting one of those automatic tables is? Then again, I'd have to have live players too

>> No.14217786

I think they're a touch pricy. I'm personally just going to visit a hardware store and pick up some timber to build myself a halfway decent table until I get my hands on some nice materials or the cash to just buy a good table.

>> No.14218015 [DELETED] 

They are cool but an amateur like me don't really need one.

>> No.14218026

They are cool but an amateur like me doesn't need one.

>> No.14219575

Why are baka gaijins so shit at mahjong?

>> No.14219611

I'm sorry I am not perfect anon.

>> No.14220028

Not everyone is a natural-born Akagi.

>> No.14220156


>> No.14221939
File: 23 KB, 567x349, tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyoutarou please, you aren't that much better, now bring me some tacos.

>> No.14222666

I wish I was mahjong otaku. I really do.

>> No.14223038

It's never too late to give up your happiness and become one.

>> No.14223046

What's stopping you?

>> No.14223168

I taught myself how to play, it's not that difficult.

>> No.14223176

Honestly I'm probably not smart enough

>> No.14223211

It has nothing to do with intelligence. It's just practice and learning from your mistakes.

>> No.14223230

I'm an idiot but I still learned. It depends more on how much time you put into it.

>> No.14223257

What's your favorite song about mahjong?

>> No.14225638

>oorasu オーラス The final round of a game (South 4th round in a Han Chan). Probably a contraction of English “all last”.
Today I learned something new I guess.

>> No.14225699
File: 32 KB, 194x242, ritz gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy just hit me with an open yakuhai with 5 dora hidden in his hand on the 5th go-around and then tsumo'd a kokushi fucking musou when I was east the next round.

Starting to believe in the flow because there's no other way to explain this shitty luck.

>> No.14225767


>> No.14225790


>> No.14225794

Sometimes crazy shit happens. It all evens out in the end unless you are in fact playing against Akagi.

>> No.14225873

Mahjong sucks.

>> No.14225877

You suck.

>> No.14225886

no, it's tanoshii

>> No.14226619

No, you suck at mahjong.

>> No.14227145

Fuck those people who immediately ron/tsumo on the shittiest hands.

>> No.14227265

Holding out for better hands is a sure way to never get first.

>> No.14227451

B-but my beautiful tenpai.

>> No.14227502

If your play hands that are less than mangan and you're not trying to catch up in the last round you should kill yourself.

>> No.14228460

Sounds like a good way to never win a hand.

>> No.14228837

Well, at least both of you are following a strategy. I am literally what poker player call a "donk" - I play cheap, fast and risky hands much to the upset of the other players.

>> No.14228843

>much to the upset of the other players.
It's just more money for them, isn't it?

>> No.14228892

Less, because the hands are cheap.

>> No.14229024

I always hit the auto-pass cruise control and aim straight for mentanpin. If I lose some yaku along the road to tenpai (i.e. drawing a triplet to lose pinfu, having a 1 or 9 in a meld to lose tanyao) I just roll with it and keep going for tenpai.
This hits mangan pretty often because mentanpin is already mangan on its own, and even without additional yaku red 5s work into this hand and they keep nudging up the han value.
Sometimes these hands get bloated by yaku like sanshoku or iipeikou into haneman. With dora that's baiman.

>> No.14229307
File: 116 KB, 402x347, Last time it was 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only started playing mahjong last week. What does thing that pops up when I win mean?

>> No.14229706

You leveled up.

>> No.14229858

Check arcturus first whenever you have questions about tenhou.

>> No.14229949

I'm relieved to find out that that "9" is bad and no one expected anything from me during those games I lost.

>> No.14229956

>is already mangan on its own
Shit something's wrong with my brain.
is almost mangan on its own*

>> No.14230309

>three games ended with 40k+ points
>in all of them were second

Why are you so bullshit, tenhou?

>> No.14233545

It's time to get good.

>> No.14234970

But I'm already good anon. It's just tenhou bullshit doesn't allow me to win anything.

>> No.14236402

1 MORE MAHJONG http://tenhou.net/0/?L7447

>> No.14237129


>> No.14237612

So speaking of mahjong I just finished part 3 of Kaiji and it was by fat the shittest gamble of them all.

Why is it that mahjong somehow manages to be duller than rock-paper-scissors?

>> No.14237671

It was good, you faggot. Dullest part was pachinko in comparison to the rest of the series.

>> No.14239724

this place is so alive tonight!

>> No.14240940

Mahjong is terrible and I hate it.

>> No.14242650
File: 55 KB, 416x662, it should pass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but I keep playing.

>> No.14242813
File: 241 KB, 695x373, 1373406546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> And instead the hand ended on the SECOND TURNAROUND
And I thought I’ve experienced all the possible kokushi fails.

>> No.14242858
File: 438 KB, 1033x807, 1445270841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where has the flash client gone? I somehow managed to outplay bots in the web client, but it doesn’t even highlight possible meld on chi/pon.

>> No.14242911

i am new as fuck. do i just wait untill people start a game and hope i checked on time/ at the time

>> No.14242963

The bots do nothing other than tsumogiri, though.

>> No.14242985
File: 17 KB, 1400x527, shift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better read arcturus for a week and play with bots (on tenhou or a standalone app), like I did. People that do not learn the rules usually experience only frustration online. Learn tiles, yaku, furiten, order of winds and dragons– that’s a minimum. Then read 1–2 guides written by pros on tile efficiency.

What’s with the flash client, anyway?

>> No.14243774


>> No.14244216


>> No.14244347

What guides for tile efficiency do you recommend? Preferably in English so I can actually read it.

>> No.14244353

>tfw tenhou deleted my 2dan account from 2008 just because I didn't access it in about a year
Fuck tenhou.

>> No.14244371


>> No.14244436
File: 306 KB, 853x480, Arigatou.PaniPoni.Dash.Ep04.[x264.AAC][DAAE84CB]_0016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google "just another japanese mahjong blog", it’s a blog on blogspot. Articles there are divided into three categories, the other two being defence and riichi strategy– also worth reading.

>> No.14244529
File: 359 KB, 600x851, 1438645892117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Good luck at the tables.

>> No.14244547
File: 52 KB, 237x239, yotsubaww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to play mahjong IRL with a couple of my friends but then one of them became an alcoholic and we haven't been able to play since.

>> No.14244590

Do you want to jump on Tenhou and play with us?

>> No.14244598

Not right now, I haven't slept in 36 six hours and my brain isn't working like it should.

>> No.14244606

It's okay, 2dan is nothing. You can get back easily.

>> No.14244612

Yeah, but it was still an account from 2008.

Fuck tenhou.

>> No.14244785
File: 26 KB, 221x221, please respond T_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I can’t play on tenhou in this new web-beta-shit.

>> No.14244831

Why not?

>> No.14244945
File: 293 KB, 1024x1024, tumblr_mjv68dyCdf1qjfk8po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went there one more time
> everything’s large as fuck
> possible melds are now in submenu
> huge green rectangle buttons
> huge menus are now messing with the tiles on the table, very convenient
> no seconds counter, only ticks when the time goes out.
> each element in the centre stacks to one huge block, that’s not how design works
> naki in different places
…and more, but I think this is already enough
Don’t know why, but after I logged in as myself and then logged out, the table looked more like the old tenhou table. I mean tiles became smaller and the wall appeared.
I think that they probably remade it because muh tablets, but I personally play on a desktop and I want the old design back, because it was fairly better.

>> No.14244997

That sounds nothing like the in browser I'm used to. I'm not even sure how you got there.

>> No.14245068
File: 349 KB, 787x694, 1445303835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tere a new way to login? inb4 paying for шiиdoшs client

>> No.14245130

That looks normal I believe. Strange.

>> No.14245133
File: 2 KB, 295x38, e11f3c3790c2a5c5d73d25c0a71d451e[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14245136

Why don't you fags just use the flash version?

>> No.14245185
File: 216 KB, 314x320, mus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14246984

Just use the windows client with the crack.

>> No.14247109

whats wrong with the flash client ?

i just used it earlier and seemed fine.

also as i just started out i went to the 4774 lobby, to bad its completely empty the entire day.

>> No.14247448
File: 375 KB, 726x619, lmao_toitoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay guys i just played my first richi game on tenhou. and one of the first games in general. and i got pretty lucky. even though half the time i was figuring out what the numbers where on the character tiles i still managed to win.

pic related.
where did i get the 1 han from?

here is the match if you want to painfully watch me fumble

10/21 | 牌譜 | 般東 | http://tenhou.net/0/?log=2015102100gm-0007-0000-3db1d2f2&tw=1
1位 OD_fag(+43.0) awsd(+12.0) NoName(-45.0) ReisenUI(-10.0)

>> No.14247464

Toi toi
white dragons
4 doras

Typical recommendation for all new players: do not call pon unless it's your wind or dragons. Do not call chi unless you can get into tenpai with the call. Do not ever call open kan.

>> No.14247468
File: 127 KB, 662x807, but then… and then….jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you open the old flash client?

>> No.14247492

You're probably using chrome which by default blocks flash plugin and thus site don't even offer you flash client.
Stop using that shitty botnet and migrate to firefox.

>> No.14247599
File: 537 KB, 739x1568, 1430568432049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am using firefox that also is a botnet. It seems that my flash plugin can’t be found. Dunno why, though, gonna reinstall it. Thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.14247635
File: 47 KB, 332x342, 1396564341001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could at least write that my flash plugin is missing so it won’t look like I’m a happy player picked randomly to test their beta crap.

>> No.14247689

why not ever call open kan? even in this dora case?

for chi i just try t get a all suit most of the time.

i am using chrome

>> No.14247740
File: 43 KB, 600x450, Keine.Ron.600.518659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14247867

in 4774 ?

>> No.14247926

>This S3-1

RIP my first sanbaiman.

>> No.14247942

This spectator mode is amazing. I have no idea what two of you are doing, but it doesn't seem very efficient.

>> No.14247957

Fuck me.

>> No.14247987

>3 dora
>3 ura
My sides.

>One guy with a closed 2-man wait with 3 8-mans in his hand.
>Other guy with closed 8-man wait with 3 2-mans in his hand.
It's wonderful seeing the folly of others instead of my own.

>> No.14248023

Let's see you play hotshot.

>> No.14248088

Sure, but I doubt I'll win. I'm just laughing at how silly some actions are when you know everyone's hands.

>> No.14248109

We 3:0 here.

>> No.14248118
File: 336 KB, 413x395, 1333279547002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol’d.
t. the one who left

There’s nothing bad in closed waits. Early riichi is justified in your situation, cause you two wanted to secure or get 3rd place for yourself. It was just the situation when mahjong laughed at you.

>> No.14248172

Is there a way I can rejoin? I got disconnected.

>> No.14248178

Everyone did.

>> No.14248179

Guys, there was a error message in tenhou. And I couldn't read it, I clicked "no"?

>> No.14248186
File: 52 KB, 480x279, tokoro ga dokkoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leading in ranked and the game disconnects me and then I can't rejoin.
I joined another game and it happened again. That's 2 games where it disconnected me and I couldn't rejoin.


>> No.14248190

>Someone stole my spot.
Well I guess I'm just an unnamed background character after all.

>> No.14248198

I'm disappointed we couldn't continue the last game. Maybe next time.

>> No.14248322

>These last three stones in orasu

Just kill me.

>> No.14248326

iam waiting for someone in the lobby 7447.

hope to see anyone ;-;

>> No.14248344

>go tanki
>one stone is the last in the game
>two are in dead wall

such a bullshit rng

>> No.14248392


>> No.14248400

Need one more.

>> No.14248559

cant we chat in game ?

>> No.14248564

No, you can chat outside in the lobby if you have a registered ID though.

>> No.14248599
File: 228 KB, 624x491, tenhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i try to re login in a new window i gett an ok screen and then i get a full blue screen where i cant do anything.

>> No.14248824

has anyone ever taught about finding a voice over place to hang out ?

or do people not want to talk

>> No.14248882
File: 526 KB, 713x720, [OWA Raws] Another - 07 (BD 1280x720 h264 Vorbis Chap)(Hi10p)_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are at least two IRC channels, but I don’t go there anymore.

>> No.14248905

got a link ?

>> No.14248921
File: 584 KB, 895x518, i dont get it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could someone explain these points to me ?

isnt this only 2 han, worth like 2000

>> No.14248935

On Rizon there's #t/a/noshii

>> No.14248938

Mixed triple chow is probably sanshoku which is worth 2 han.
With tsumo you get 5th han and it's mangan for 8000 points.
On ron you get additional 10 fu, which makes it 7700 points.

>> No.14248949

>all simples
>mixed triple chow
No wonder you don't understand, all the terminology is fucked up.

>> No.14248954

this triple chow is just a repeating non-terminal meld across the three suits right?

>> No.14248959

It can have terminals. Like that guy said it's probably sanshoku. It would help if you posted the hand so we wouldn't have to guess.

>> No.14248967
File: 507 KB, 853x480, 15 tiles [Underwater-Mahjong] Saki - 01 [v2][CB375B6F]_0019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to learn anything about mahjong with Saki is pointless. It’s anime about cute girls doing lesbian things and definitely not a try hard tutorial. Screens like these are exist only so experienced players could laugh at them.

>> No.14249008
File: 50 KB, 720x480, [Jarzka] Saki 11 - Prank [480p 10bit DVD FLAC] [1415E84C].mkv_snapshot_08.05_[2014.08.22_21.50.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of real strategy, Saki is better than Akagi. Akagi is all about doing the wrong thing and having it pay off because of "flow" or "genius".

>> No.14249043
File: 373 KB, 853x480, 123 234 345 55 7777 [Underwater-Mahjong] Saki - 23 [A1F775F7]_0034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5 good advices on 25 episodes don’t do much difference.

>> No.14249089
File: 79 KB, 720x480, [Jarzka] Saki 01 - Encounter [480p 10bit DVD FLAC] [9EED32CB].mkv_snapshot_05.10_[2015.10.21_10.12.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you getting at?

Incidentally this >>14248967 was just an animation error that was fixed in the DVDs.

>> No.14249099
File: 357 KB, 853x480, [Underwater-Mahjong] Saki - 02 [4482BF52]_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14249198
File: 190 KB, 483x543, 32fu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres another one

am i right in assuming this hand was 32 fu and rounded up to 40 fu making it a mangan ?

>> No.14249320


>> No.14249485

Yes, fu is always rounded up to the nearest 10s place.

>> No.14249854
File: 567 KB, 565x574, 04NENbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14249864
File: 97 KB, 783x720, 1444748952001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14249919

I have to host mahjong games this Saturday, but I've forgotten how to play since I haven't played in over a year.

>> No.14249951

Remember: no kokushi.

>> No.14250132

I only know the chinese terminology, too.

>> No.14250270
File: 58 KB, 276x281, 1437731771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14250320

Want to get in 7447 and play to relearn?

>> No.14251269

I haven't played since 2011 until this thread appeared. You will quickly remember how to play.

>> No.14251877

I changed back to Noname for a few games and didn't copy my ID. Am I fucked?

>> No.14251968

Yup. That's 20 fu for winning, 2 fu for the kanchan wait, and another 10 for getting ron with a closed hand.
Rather than using the normal rules for rounding up you always go to the next ten, so 32 becomes 40.

>> No.14252228

Situation before you open kan'd: a worthless pon with otherwise concealed hand.

Situation after that: For a single additional han, you revealed three fucking dora, big probabilities for toitoi or hon-itsu and also opened up additional dora and uradora (latter for those who can riichi, ie. not you).

>> No.14252246

After watching reading mangas i had the understanding that you can go for quick wins or expensive wins in richii.

but now i am playing i am mostly just trying to get into tenpai at all and dont have much choice at all for what hand i go for.

>> No.14252351

The Akagi bullshit doesn't happen. In real life it's not so flashy, but it does exist to some extent.

The decisions for what hand you go for happen long before you get tenpai or iishanten, usually the choice is made the very moment when you see your starting hand.
From then on you may discard to take shapes that have less uke-ire, but will give a yaku if they hit, or go straight efficiency and choose the best shapes but lose out on possible yaku.

Learn about tile efficiency and you'll find yourself making these decisions in your games. I think the guide on "just another japanese mahjong blog" is the best one.

>> No.14252606

Ah, I just played someone called Hirotan and his little ass got ron'd so hard I got horny just thinking about it.

>> No.14252607

Yeah, shall use the non-flash client.

>> No.14252635

Oh man, why did I register as male? I want to have a sexy female voice...

>> No.14252891

Are there any good physical books on mahjong?

>> No.14252898
File: 372 KB, 326x804, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14252922

>"I'm so hipster, I only believe in having all text available in .mp4 form! Who needs books~?"

>> No.14252949
File: 903 KB, 640x480, shot0060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ‘I’m so hipster, I only believe that having some ancient knowledge in printed form makes me look smart and attract chicks in starbucks’

>> No.14252967

Books don't make my eyes feel like pain incarnate, unlike staring at a computer screen for the equivalent amount of reading time.
There are legitimate reasons to have a paper book, especially as the book gets longer.
Ideally, every book would also come with a free plaintext file, so you could have both.

>> No.14252982

Who let you out of /v/?

Not sure about now, but 4 years ago there was only ONE english book about riichi mahjong and it wasn't very good:

>> No.14252990

do it like me: print out the guide.

>> No.14252997

True, that is possible. Which guide do you speak of?
May as well find out about any good educational content now.

>> No.14253028
File: 322 KB, 640x480, Order 05 - Brotherhood_0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> unlike staring at a computer screen for the equivalent amount of reading time.
Even old CRT monitors had switches for adjusting brightness and contrast. Modern displays have presets to switch between luminosity levels. It’s your problem for using your hardware in a way that hurts you, not mine. I sit before display 24/7 and my eyes are fine.
> There are legitimate reasons to have a paper book
You play from a smartphone or going to read that book to beguile freezing evenings on climbing Everest?

> Who let you out of /v/?
Fix your detector.

>> No.14253034

>owning a smartphone
Why would you do that? They're replaceable in every way for much less money.

>> No.14253079

> Why would you do that?
You’re asking the wrong person.

>> No.14253726

>Which guide do you speak of?
Sorry, it's in German

>> No.14253885


Not in anything other than Japanese.

>> No.14254612


>> No.14254654

Too late it seems…

>> No.14254907
File: 569 KB, 968x824, 22.10.2015 sanbaiman 6 dora + haitei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine his pain when he ended up the last.

>> No.14254985


>> No.14255004

brb in 5 min gonna make tea

>> No.14255022
File: 389 KB, 640x705, 1430918213356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14255067

> forever 2:0
I’m out, gonna go shopping.

>> No.14255359

Back to 1:0. Nobody around to play?

>> No.14255433


>> No.14255487

oh yay another mahjongbot

>> No.14255547


>> No.14255550


>> No.14255587
File: 226 KB, 498x443, [Exiled-Destiny]_Ghost_Hunt_Ep19_(E852DF5E)_0031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I come in it’s either 1:0 or 0:4

>> No.14255640

I usually find it 0:0, which sucks.

>> No.14255905
File: 130 KB, 532x587, 1445502565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, the first place. After five rounds grinding 40+k and somebody stealing my first place.

>> No.14257212

is it just me or is all that you get in this game a pinfu and tanyao plus dora

thats like the only hands i see

>> No.14257403
File: 899 KB, 1280x720, [Anime-Koi] Hitsugi no Chaika Avenging Battle - 01 [h264-720p][6C14B3AA]_0013-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. But sanshouku, ippeiko, honitsu and especially toitoi I see pretty often. Ittsu, chanta, honroutou and chinitsu are more rare, but also happen from time to time. In general you still try to aim for the first ones.

>> No.14257410

i just want a mahjong version that focuses heavily on rare hands.

maybe make stuff below haneman half points...

>> No.14257422
File: 273 KB, 568x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Ghost_Hunt_Ep19_(E852DF5E)_0029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Chinese mahkong or something. It’s not as about speed as riichi is. Also flowers and messed discard, blergh.

>> No.14257434
File: 110 KB, 352x200, 1357183977781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 players mahjong

You can make monstrous hands in it, every round ends up mangan and up

>> No.14257483

The other hands take more time and most people try to shovel out whatever they can as quick as possible.

>> No.14257859
File: 153 KB, 400x399, 1444022306002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 3 players mahjong
Is like cheating.

>> No.14258035

Only real men do 4p.

>> No.14258133
File: 45 KB, 247x278, 24.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think of it, it may be even an empty riichi just for the sake of not letting your hand develop.

>> No.14258225

>deal into clearly visible at least baiman hand when you're first
He deserve it.

>> No.14258246
File: 430 KB, 1066x720, [Coalgirls]_Durarara!!_18_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[D23D0EAD]_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, no. He just didn’t notice how I changed my wait. Look at my kamicha’s discard– there’s a 4 sou. He discarded 4 sou because he thought it was a safe tile.

>> No.14258257

Yea, I give it to you - it was a nice trap. But still he had 2s which is genbutsu against you and his toimen (at first I didn't noticed your toimen riichi. Well it's still quite hard to read his discards from this screen, so if you have log I will gladly watch it).

>> No.14258495 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 3091x4000, 14113553581560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. Toimen went for hell wait log=2015102212gm-0009-0000-x9a438c0ec091&tw=3&ts=10

>> No.14258537
File: 135 KB, 3091x4000, 14113553581560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. Toimen went for hell wait.
