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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14145512 No.14145512 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys like neo-Aya?

>> No.14145513
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>> No.14145564

I like the shorts.

>> No.14145571
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congrats on the weight loss, Aya

>> No.14145595

>showing knees

>> No.14145604

Chubby Aya is the best!

>> No.14145612

It's nothing to be congratulated about... she hasn't been eating properly due to the recent tax hikes eating into her already little disposable income and recent clothing purchases.

You should be worried about her.

>> No.14145955
File: 100 KB, 500x402, paper boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a newspaper delivery boy.

I like it.

>> No.14145994

very very dorky

What's with all the Tohos becoming dorks?

>> No.14146041

Aya is probably the most competent Touhou. Good for her to get an appearance.

>> No.14146079
File: 376 KB, 995x1440, tumblr_n62c9t0VbA1sje3mto7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is Moe Harukawa?

This person can draw like a MOTHERFUCKER, yet we've only heard of them recently when they drew Forbidden Scrollery?

What about doujins? the guy who made the fairy comic made doujins prior to drawing it. how is this not the cause with Moe Harukawa?

>> No.14146147

Neo-Aya is my fetish.....

>> No.14146153

She's cool!

>> No.14146195

She took on a pen name for Touhou work. Maybe to avoid attention, or maybe her main work is gay furry porn or something. But no, I don't think she was picked from the Touhou community.

>> No.14146280

I do.
So the elf ears stayed forever. Don't try to nibble on them.

I have always kept an eye open to find doujinshi resembling her style to no avail.
I wish she stopped with the secrecy. I bet the reason for this is because she draws lewd things as well.

And wasn't there an interview video?. But she was wearing a mask I think.

>> No.14146287

Moe is a she.

All that's known about her is that Zun scouted her and that she's apparently not old enough to drink alcohol.

>> No.14146305


Someone thought this was her and I agree. But the name given is simply 逃. Sneaky girl.

>> No.14146308

Did he fuck her?

>> No.14146309

Same slut, different outfit.

Just like jaypee's mum.

>> No.14146402

Those are some sharp ears. I bet you would eventually poke your eye out one night if you were married to her.

>> No.14146467 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 712x923, Ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that's known about her is that Zun scouted her and that she's apparently not old enough to drink alcohol.

Fuck me, I've drank, and I can't draw anything that good. Maybe it's genes? or maybe some people are just extraordinary

>> No.14146472

I bet that's her, it's too similar not to be her work

>> No.14146482
File: 76 KB, 712x923, Ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that's known about her is that Zun scouted her and that she's apparently not old enough to drink alcohol.

Fuck me, I drink and I can't draw anything that good. Maybe it's genes? or maybe some people are just extraordinary

>> No.14146714

The way the profiles are drawn, gives her away immediately.

I guess if she was drawing lewd, she would be altering her style in purpose so people don't find out.
But she is purposely sneaking naked shoulders and exposed girl napes.

>> No.14147184

>naked shoulders and exposed girl napes.
Coming from a pervert like you?

>> No.14148660

I think it's stupid, though.
Obviously she knows how to draw well, so why deny herself a wider audience by using a different name? whether she draws lewd or not?

I can search a few official 2hu artist names and find something lewd, it's like, big whoop, we all do it. So I don't know why she's gotta be secretive

>> No.14148667

>But no, I don't think she was picked from the Touhou community.
That sorta bums me out. Some of the appeal of official 2hu artists is that Zun saw their fanwork and decided to give them time in the spotlight, cause he liked their work so much. The fact that she might not be a Touhou fan is kind of a shame, then.

>> No.14148678

I like it. Her usual outfit is much better, but variety is the spice of life.

>> No.14148738

I like the lacy skirt a lot and her old color scheme compliments her hair and eyes, but this outfit suits her too considering her profession, and is pretty cute too.

>> No.14148757

Color is important. To we have a color picture of this outfit yet?

>> No.14148763

Jesus Christ, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.14150133

I said it before and i said it again.

Moe Harukawa is a genetically engineered Touhou artist created by ZUN and his cahoot to create the ultimate Touhou artist ever.

>> No.14150332
File: 273 KB, 900x1200, c291537aee0dcd60b4137012f86e2d1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya is a cute boy

>> No.14150352

She has visible breasts.

>> No.14150388

At least they know how to keep these 2hu manga interestling again in putting in cute Aya. This Kusozu crap was boring as HELL.

>> No.14150475
File: 782 KB, 700x1713, 52756421_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14150483

I liked it.

>> No.14150514

so do you, what's your point?

>> No.14150673

Kosuzu is cuter than Aya.

>> No.14150930

Who cares, give me visible hips.

>> No.14153292

>This Kusozu crap was boring as HELL.
Too bad, it's what the manga is about and what will it stay being about.

>> No.14153380

>The fact that she might not be a Touhou fan is kind of a shame, then.
Just because she might not have been a Touhou fan when she started out doesn't mean she isn't now. Judging by the amount of work she puts in I think she really enjoys the setting and characters, even if she doesn't play the games or indulge in derivative works.

>> No.14153575

That's cute as fuck.
Hopefully there will be at least one doujin about her new look before the year ends.

>> No.14153731

damn, how can she keep growing younger, that she-devil. what a cute.

>> No.14154086


Another youkai infiltrating the village?

>> No.14154172


I'd this crow elf so hard. So hard.

>> No.14154182

Being fit is more healthy than being chubby, dude.

>> No.14154198
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>> No.14154220


Human meat prices were hit by tax hikes?

>> No.14154421
File: 88 KB, 479x800, 1443437208356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed be fanartists.

Quite the opposite.

>> No.14154562
File: 150 KB, 468x796, 1442861060253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya's wearing an old timey paper boy outfit. Cute Cute.

>> No.14154573
File: 54 KB, 525x525, 1432945738191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya's new theme?

>> No.14154587

Is it just me, or is she wearing the ZUN hat? Typical of ZUN's waifu.

>> No.14154620

Ideally to wipe the slate clean. Perhaps she wants to have a clean and prestigious portfolio without any smears on it.

Even Kiyohiko Azuma has H dojinshi with his old circle name on it floating around out there.

>> No.14154658
File: 2.95 MB, 3072x1728, 3some-sidecar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya only wishes she would even be half as cool as Tintin, the Rumored Belgian Phenomenon.

>> No.14154681

Is she wearing ZUN's hat?

>> No.14154685

I miss when Captain Haddock was a meme.

>> No.14154720
File: 614 KB, 800x569, 1443452572155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14154758

No fucking way.
There's no way that's Hatate and that's from a ZUN official manga.

Even for Touhou there's a limit to how cute something can be and that picture has trepassed it twice.

>> No.14154811


My penis never felt that way about a bird.

>> No.14154832

Newsboy Aya is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.14154842

That picture is like a cuteness singularity

>> No.14154899

What have we here? Matching uniforms?

>> No.14154910

Partly it's just tradition - you use different names for different kinds of work (like you're supposed to do around here), and keep it up for the sake of separation even if everyone knows you're the same person. There's a reason why people always refer to ZUN as "ZUN" rather than "Ohta Jun'ya", even in TV appearances.

Also, there's a lot of prudes out there. Japanese idols can lose their jobs if it gets out that they have a boyfriend. Almost every VA who does porn work does it under a pseudonym, even if their voice makes it blatantly obvious who they are. There are some people who refused to play HM because one of the sprite artists had porn on his Pixiv page.

>> No.14154932

No, I don't. And I'm very sad that so many people here like it (even you, Proreimirat). You all would probably like absolutely anything, even if Aya was wearing a cardboard box.

Like seriously, what the fuck is that? Was there any explanation in this chapter about the new outfit? Yeah, she's reporter, but she is not THAT kind of reporter. That suit jacket, that tie and hat, it's like she is going to a boring official meeting. "Mr prime-minister, what's your stance on recent changes to Japanese constitution which allow its military troops to fight outside of Japan?". Fuck no, her methods are much closer to yellow journalism. And Gensokyo is full of plebs and I don't see why she would need a suit for an interview. Also I can't imagine how the fastest tengu Aya would fly with that stupid hat. She must be holding it with both hands to prevent it from falling off during flight.
ZUN's designs may be extremely silly, but they usually make sense. This time I don't get it. I wonder if it actually was Harukawa's idea/proposal.

Also this >>14150332 is the ugliest Aya I've ever seen. Harukawa has godlike style, but this time I just can't stand it. Just compare that Aya with this Hatate: >>14154720. I think Harukawa hates Aya or something.

>> No.14154950

>Also this >>14150332 is the ugliest Aya I've ever seen
That's fanart you plank

>> No.14154960

>Also this >>14150332 is the ugliest Aya I've ever seen. Harukawa has godlike style, but this time I just can't stand it. Just compare that Aya with this Hatate: >>14154720. I think Harukawa hates Aya or something.
That one is fanart.

>Like seriously, what the fuck is that? Was there any explanation in this chapter about the new outfit?
If you see one of your friends wearing different clothes from the last time you saw them, do you immediately march up and demand an explanation?

>> No.14154980

IIRC that Tribute Phantasm artist got bombarded with people asking if she was Moe Harukawa and accusing her of selling out, to the point where she shut down her Twitter. So that might have something to do with it.

>> No.14155006

>If you see one of your friends wearing different clothes from the last time you saw them, do you immediately march up and demand an explanation?
Touhou characters are known for their highly deterministic style of clothing that only tolerates subtle variation. If you seriously haven't noticed that by now, I have to call into question your entire knowledge of Touhou.

>> No.14155015

>That one is fanart.
Yeah, I noticed the file name now.

>If you see one of your friends wearing different clothes from the last time you saw them, do you immediately march up and demand an explanation?
It's different. Clothes are important part of character design. It's one of things that define a character.
And we already saw a lot of different clothes in FS (for example Marisa or Remili's outfit in >>14146079), but usually they maintain original intent and at least some resemblance of original style.

>> No.14155071

It's hardly the first time that someone has worn a different outfit for a single chapter. Heck, Kosuzu does it all the time.

>> No.14155090
File: 248 KB, 800x569, 1443447801616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no way that's Hatate and that's from a ZUN official manga.

What makes you say that?

>> No.14155098

Oh boy.
I wonder how are you still alive? This kind of autism would have make you kill yourself after seeing the Reimu in a detective outfit we had time ago.

>> No.14155103 [DELETED] 

>complaining about autism
>on the autism containment board

>> No.14155104

I think Aya has had enough of a precedent wearing the same style to warrant freaking out. I mean, she has a new hat. Shit's crazy.

>> No.14155127

You should go outside once in a while. If someone doesn't like something, explains why he doesn't like it and he is sad that people don't share his tastes it doesn't mean he is mad about it.

>Reimu in a detective outfit
And that was just a gag, idiot.

>> No.14155139

And it's not a gazebo this time. Heck, it's ZUN's hat!

>> No.14155212
File: 151 KB, 600x600, JET TENGU NO COMPLAINTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14155222

The characters wear costumes. They're not the costume

>> No.14155245

If someone doesn't like something but it's not mad about it he won't make a wall of text where he swears every two sentences.

>> No.14155284

>swears every two sentences.
/jp/ - Christianity culture

Now I'm indeed mad that I need to share a board with retards like you.

>> No.14155364

>disdain for unnecessary swearing is a Christian thing
I remember with fondness that time Cicero called Catilina a dick-munching gaylord in front of the senate

>> No.14155605
File: 18 KB, 225x225, 1408890107025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese idols can lose their jobs if it gets out that they have a boyfriend

>There are some people who refused to play HM because one of the sprite artists had porn on his Pixiv page.

The Japanese are weird.
Seriously it's like, just lighten up, it wouldn't be the end of the world, y'know?

>> No.14155642

Good times.

>> No.14155655

An idol is basically a substitute girlfriend. It's a big deal.

>Seriously it's like, just lighten up, it wouldn't be the end of the world, y'know?
If you can't take your anime girl games seriously, what's left for you?

>> No.14156022

An Aya/Hatate chapter? Meaning an Aya vs Hatate chapter. This is a wonderful day.

>> No.14156039

I love Chubby Aya.

Please don't bully Aya, if you can refain, I'll appreciate it dearly.

>> No.14156052

The hell? Aya isn't a slut, take that back.

>> No.14156059

Touhous are adorkable.

>> No.14156098

Why do people have to be such fucking spergs? It's just too easy to bother whomever you want these days.

>> No.14156103

Purity and chasity. Nips perception regarding aidorus qnd seiyuus are that, they are suppose to be pious and all.

>> No.14159614

That was around 3 years ago though.
Now she probably get wasted with Zun on weekly basis.

>> No.14159845
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>> No.14161895

even ZUN portrait this kind of culture and up to eleven in the lunarians and still he is an apologist of these fuckers

>> No.14163136
File: 77 KB, 513x750, IMG_20150930_092153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14164185 [DELETED] 


>> No.14164208

I want to smell her butt

>> No.14167705


>> No.14168170

So close to perfection. If only she was wearing a skirt or pants instead of shorts. Then again, she had a skirt in her previous design so the variety might actually be better. Still, I think I would have liked pants way more but this is pretty neat, too.

>> No.14170270

I appreciate this artist rate of books
