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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 490 KB, 700x706, 52331392_p5_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14111366 No.14111366 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>14098900

Current LoV Event: Idols' Festa


Lord of Valkyrie links:
>Game link:
>English wiki:
>Japanese wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
>Grind table by an anon:
>Required strength for explorations and their rewards:

Millennium War Aigis links:
>Game link
>Japanese ULMF thread:
>English ULMF thread:
>Japanese Wiki #1:
>Japanese Wiki #2:
>English Wiki
>XP chart
>Vid anon's channel:

Angelic Saga links:
>Game link:
>Japanese Wiki
>English Wiki

Osawari Island
>JP Osawari wiki
>Osawari chat
>Osawari FAQ

Miscellaneous links:
>Staff Twitter:

>> No.14111375

Aand I forget the subject

>> No.14111376


This is one example of why people say you should awaken an archer first.

>> No.14111378

50th thread, for those of us keeping count.

>> No.14111388


Yeah I would have made it, was just waiting a little longer before making since wasn't quite that far onto page 9. Oh well lol

>> No.14111400

- Melissa
- Kaede
- Justine SSR
- Witch
- Chizuru
- Naga
- Shion
- HD7
- Kaede
- HD7
- Naga
- Witch

I came for my 4th Alice. I get my 4th HD7 instead... and SSR Justine. This is probably gonna be like my beach Riku - early 3 and never completed the 4th.

Speaking of which, I should purge all the not-4 copies from the last event. I don't have space to hold onto them. Even if I did, I wouldn't want to roll for them on the revival gacha (months later) as there'd be new gacha to work on.

>> No.14111407

Anyone else wish Nutaku would implement a resource page that monitored each games stamina/charisma/force/whatever?

>> No.14111411

I've been making junk accounts to feed myself referrals on Osawari. Hope this isn't illegal.

>> No.14111413

Try sending it to them as a request?

>> No.14111418


>> No.14111425

So, to paraphrase my talk with an Nutaku Osawari dev:

"I understand you had to get some art edited. But these look shit"

"Yes, they are shit. We had a short deadline to get this game out the door so we outsourced the art edits. I hope we never do that again, i.e. we get to do all future edits in-house."

"Right, but will you fix the current shit?"

"I will do everything in my power to fix it. But changing the art needs a maintenance period so we want to do it in a batch instead of a string of hot-fixes. As for the new characters, we're going to work to keep them closer to the original. But understand, we must do some edits."

"Ok, was worried we'd be stuck with these fugly portraits forever."

>> No.14111431

Well, that's promising, at least.

>> No.14111434
File: 4 KB, 216x100, Oswari Island 025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been lucky, lot of people have used mine, unsure as to why since I asked after 10 no need to use it but been grateful since extra tickets are always nice.

When he says must, I wonder if they are referring to breasts on lolis, or faces still.

>> No.14111466

Is the train still hot? Might as well get mine as the first in the thread and maybe I can still net a Harashima Yu

>> No.14111467


Well then, new code to spam:


> I wonder if they are referring to breasts on lolis, or faces still.

I didn't ask for clarification. But if the edits were unsupervised outsourced work then I'd say loli boobjobs and maybe some leg extensions are necessities while face is negotiable. I mean look at all the other games Nutaku let in with ordinary anime eyes. Heck, some of the Osawari girls right now have unchanged anime faces.

>> No.14111482

3rd for code spam

>> No.14111499

Yeah, but with these changes being done no way to know for sure. Just have to wait and see what happens when maint happens I guess and hope they are just making oppai's.

>> No.14111514

Seems really odd that they'd be so pressed for time that they'd resort to that. Hopefully we can hold them to fixing the eyes, at least. And some of the boobs in the h-scenes, not because of size, but because of horribly mismatched placements. Just general fixes for art that's blatantly off, not what was necessary because muh lawmakers.

>> No.14111528

Reposting my code, currently sitting at only 2, so any help is appreciated.


>> No.14111532

Might as well post mine as well:


>> No.14111536

Still kinda sucks that you can only input one code.
They don't have to give an r ticket for each one, any after the first could be gacha points or something.

>> No.14111540

Do you have a quick system for doing that?

>> No.14111566

hopping on the code train:


>> No.14111567

> Seems really odd that they'd be so pressed for time

If I had to guess, they had to recruit an in-house art team first. If that decision was made at the same time as "ok, Nutaku has proven it can get paying customers. Make Osawari happen by specific date X", they'd be really short on time.

>> No.14111571

Reposting my code need help please.

>> No.14111581

underated post

>> No.14111583

Adding to the spam train, I'm at 1/10 right now


>> No.14111597

Not really. cock.li is good for a quick email though.

>> No.14111600

someone should make a pastebin where the osawari codes would be posted, i don't say they need to stop spamming, we can always make a new thread when this is page10; what i say is that ti will look more organized than some codes scattered all over the threads

>> No.14111603

Man, don't abuse cock.li
It's a cool little service for us.
I used temp-mail.org since Nutaku accepts emails from it.
It'd also probably be smart to use a fresh proxy each time rather than signing up for 10 accounts on your static IP.

>> No.14111605

Maybe a googledoc would be better, so ppl can put how many/10 they have.

>> No.14111608

I guess I'll drop my code too. Thanks ahead of time.

>> No.14111615

There was on made on ulmf

Just add yours to the bottom, I'll add it in on the next thread op.

>> No.14111636

neat, thx anon, if/when i have time i could make some extra accounts to get to input more codes, so in the "forum name" put "jp" or "anon" so i give those priority (after my own ofc)

>> No.14111647

Reposting code:

>> No.14111650

Here's mine: 8GT9O6JYGM77LWRJU7MEF

Add it in Menu > Friend Invite for a free gacha ticket

>> No.14111702

>But understand, we must do some edits.

I'll take this as we will never see characters under a DD cup just like in every other Nutaku game. I mean who the fuck wants diversity right.

>> No.14111706

But anon, loli is wrong.

>> No.14111727

I've been grinding the first boss on owasari island for 4-6 hours and I still can't seem to catch this foxslut fucking 7% catch rate.

>> No.14111733

I'll drop my code here
You get a free ticket for using any code in the friend invite list

>> No.14111739

I just got mine an hour ago after nearly two full days of farming her.

makes me worried if all events are going to do these bullshit catch rates too.

>> No.14111758

Most likely. Really hope the do something about that.

>> No.14111769

I suggested they add a capture you can earn/buy with in-game currency that increases your catch rate.
They probably won't, though.

>> No.14111773

If the other Nutaku games are anything to go by, will we not be getting anything like that.

I would be fine with a system that raises the catch rate by say 2% every 5 failed attempts.

>> No.14111781

Here´s another

>> No.14111810

droping my code

>> No.14111827

Holy fuck, got Noa (tiger girl from Area 2) on my first try. There goes all my luck for when the event starts.

>> No.14111837

Refferal spammers fuck off

>> No.14111853

No one is going to use your fucking code when there is a thousand and one of them already here.

>> No.14111900
File: 707 KB, 954x536, This is Bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting mine as well , just for the hell of it.
7CH7XMXEVMKABK1CXQPVA Thanks for your time

>> No.14111919
File: 54 KB, 397x282, Azami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find Azami's Stats insanely high for a Normal rank?

>> No.14111928

Yeah they are decent but low hp could pose a problem later on down the line.

>> No.14111934

So is anyone familiar with how the Osawari event will work?

>> No.14111998

you rack up points for prizes and mons catch event boss mons as if it was a regular map including legendaries that pop up if its anything like jp version the event is cut into 2 parts first phase is 7 or so days then second phase opens a new map

>> No.14112009

forgot to add you can do phase 1 if you want through the whole event second phase is stronger so be careful eventually theyl add a danger zone where you need items to beat it and full sl cards

>> No.14112057

Reposting mine too.

>> No.14112062

Can we stop spamming codes, NO ONE here is going to fuck use yours when there is like 35 above you.

>> No.14112079
File: 340 KB, 804x453, a976e6d4_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting patiently for edits to go away

>> No.14112159

I'm running out of money on dmm aigis. The drop rate from oasis is too much. I don't want to sell the fodder either. What can I do here?

>> No.14112196

All story maps have boosted drop rates right now, they do that whenever new story maps come out.

>> No.14112233

Buy SCs, buy extra room, do premium summons and sell them for money so you can feed your waifu.

You do love your waifu, don't you?

>> No.14112335

I swear to god if you drag them into the thread.

>> No.14112370

Just sell the damn fodder or farm Dragon Hunting instead

>> No.14112390

Do pastoral gate and sell that fodder if you need money to get you to the Monday daily.

>> No.14112395

Run forest road and sell everything then oasis again. That's what I do.

>> No.14112398

holy shit the angelic saga chatango is a goldmine
Some fat old fuck starts whining that he didn't get anything good from the 20sta Saturday EXP. I tell him that I got plenty of HR exp and my boss reward was 2HR/1SR. He interprets this as a personal attack and begins putting on the tough guy "Log in dude, say that to my face" act while some other fucking retard starts whining "don't feed the trolls"
This is the fucking userbase, and this is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.14112405

The osawari chat is decent enough
Barely anyone is in it though so that probably helps

>> No.14112416

He fucked off after I started spewing fire. You want to hear his excuse? "I have to go to sleep so I can take my son to Chuck E Cheese in the morning."
I mean what the fuck.

>> No.14112436

Who was it? I can think of at least one caustic fuck on that chat.

>> No.14112446

"doct0rdo0m" and his fuckbuddy "Breeya"
They're all cancerous, tbh.
I can maybe stand Gullwing.

>> No.14112455



>> No.14112459

Ah, okay. Not the guy who I was thinking of (SaucePirate), but still probably just as retarded.

I mean, when the devs flat out told the guy that his bitching and moaning was unfounded, you know the guy has issues. He literally spent two days complaining about Flora being an insta-win card, even though she still has her weaknesses (she's still broken, sure, but there's definitely more than a few card combinations that can best her).

>> No.14112460

Anyone have a video for War of Magic with Calliopes?

>> No.14112465

Yeah Sauce is a salty fuck. He's been bitching in the Osawari chat too, lmao. This doom guy is just as bad though.

>> No.14112475


>> No.14112506

Does that need the witch -1 UP patch? Just tried with 10/10/11 max Calliopes and couldn't catch the wolves

>> No.14112520

Nope that was before the witch update. He does use a non CC Calliope though. Not sure i fthe extra range from CC messes up what she targets and lets thing slip by or what.

>> No.14112531

Targeting, and thus timing, is very specific on that map unless you have Despara.

>> No.14112534

Never mind the non CC Calliope is 9 cost so that explains why he uses her.

>> No.14112790

After a few tries it seems like I'd need either an un CC'd Calliope or one more cost reduction on my 11 cost Calliope

What a downer

>> No.14112874

Anyone got War of Magic with Despia?

>> No.14112952

I have been playing Osawari Island since it was released for literally 2 days straight. I always wondered if all these clowns flaunting their stuff were for real, I mean all these hentai games that have not even been out for a week and they are already at the end-game content.

Well, call it luck or whatever but like I said I literally started playing since release for 2 days straight. These clowns somehow are way ahead of me and are max level idling chibis. I am close to max level with some chibis, but no:

1)I am not 1 hitting mobs

2)I am not idling chibis

Seriously, you cheaters are fucking losers. If I am wrong and the facebook comment I read does not describe the usual end-game asshats, then I guess the asshat with the fake profile on facebook is an idiot.

>> No.14112956

You need some help, man.

>> No.14112957

What on earth are you talking about

>> No.14112965


I beat that 'doct0rdo0m' guy in Tournament yesterday. Can't remember what his deck was like though. I think it may have been the one where he spent his 8 mana turn to decree my 1500 Jill? When I had a 2000 Sakura in my hand?

>> No.14112986

I wonder why does it say "stats up" upon enchanting eromons, while stats actually go down?

>> No.14112987

Saturday XP dungeon, 3:

20 sta per step, 10 steps to boss. Damn that hurts. Didn't get any drop except 1000 coins.

Boss: Lv 60 Emily, Book of Awakening, suicides her into my 4 drop. Uh ok, so this boss has perma buff cards but the AI is too dumb to use them right. In fact, AI just put down a 2nd Emily and buffed her with +300 Def - which my 4 drop punched through anyway.

Oh I give up, AI just put down a 4 drop on its 9 mana turn. Nothing else.

>> No.14113000

Bunch of fucking one-liners, I bet you spend as much time in the game, I don't feel sorry for anyone that doesn't enjoy playing the game because I had a great time for 2 days straight, and still playing tomorrow. But the thing is now I know for sure that many of these asshats were full of trash.

>> No.14113003

NutakuDev, please take some sedative medication.

>> No.14113008

I have no idea what the fuck you are saying

>> No.14113032

Another oneliner. Think I haven't read tryhard jokes of one line before, on youtube specially? It's because when there's not much to say, nothing like trying to look like the smart one with one line of text, it's as easy as then giving it a thumbs up like an idiot.

And you are a fool if you think Nutaku is mad about a bunch of cheaters that hopefully are gonna get banned, I am pretty sure you know by now that Nutaku makes a lot of money from their games.

>> No.14113038

Anon, I'm honestly starting to think you have autism or something and are incapable of getting your thoughts across through text.

>> No.14113044

Is Aigis on Nutaku ever going to see the auto battle function?

>> No.14113045

Maybe in a year or two if it's not delayed due to malicious hacking

>> No.14113046

That's longer than a one-liner but still on the same trainwreck of tryhard jokes at every opportunity, that's, let me count... 5 jokes since my reply. You fucking suck, hope you get banned for cheating you stupid fuck.

>> No.14113052

People are whatting at what you are saying because you just all of sudden start saying this and that about cheaters and such. I've been playing since start as well and I have a couple of maxed out units (only sr my sl and 60 ssr not quite) and I don't 1 shot chibis but I'm farming area 3 and can 3 shot them about.

I haven't checked facebook stuff since its a spam of codes so I have no clue about these people that are saying they are 1 shotting or having a bunch of legends and no one here has said that either.

>> No.14113054

I'm not even joking. I genuinely have no idea of what you are rambling about. Are you mad at some dude on facebook who claims to have played through all of Osawari?

>> No.14113075

Speaking of cheating, I looked at osawari traffic, and it does some crazy shit. Apparently game client sends requests to nutaku server, which then proxies them to osawari server, and then returns HTTP response converted into JSON, with HTTP headers and shit. No wonder their servers lag as hell.

>> No.14113079

suck my dick, dude

>> No.14113084

Also, apparently you can at least modify what eromons you are trying to catch, client sends stuff like this to server when you click on "catch" button:
So you can insert 5 eromons with needed id, and have 5x rolls at it.

>> No.14113099

Man, fuck these legends
Spent all my stamina over the last 12~ hours on it and I can't even get the jester to show up

>> No.14113102

Funny enough I just had her show up suprisngly as I was trying to capture boss. So have 2 legends now, the jester and gym clothes girl from 2nd area. Sad that I still can't catch 3rd boss. Rng is Rng

>> No.14113173


While there are worse out there, that is still pretty atrocious.

"B-But it works right? You can just throw more hardware at it right?"

>> No.14113178

In Osawari, is 1-4 or 1-5 better for farming gacha points?

What's the best map for farming exp?

>> No.14113188
File: 197 KB, 311x457, way to break sprites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, compared to Angelic Saga it looks like osawari has tons of content in terms of artwork and H. Glad they decided to localize it. I just hope this poor editing is redone soon.

>> No.14113241
File: 320 KB, 160x120, 1412968627907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes me glad they are addressing it and based on feedback there is definitely regret on the sloppy edits

>> No.14113250

so does osawari get harder? I feel like there's no real need to use skills, or even switch characters that often

>> No.14113252

yes there will be once you get to the city stage you will know true pain since the boss uses shields that go up fast again before you can do damage and she aoe's

>> No.14113278

>playing Osawari
>MC isn't a retard
>the mascot isn't an obnoxious shit
I might even play this along with Aigis

>> No.14113281
File: 290 KB, 850x1162, better waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ichigo is a lovely character

>> No.14113311
File: 693 KB, 819x448, osawari2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In contrast with poor edits some art in osawari is just godlike.
I mean look these curves and stuff.

>> No.14113318
File: 61 KB, 208x182, 1356927324884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im having fun with Osawari, it has good H and it looks pretty (edits aside obviously) but the drop rates are killing me. Already 3 days and cant catch the fucking fox.

>> No.14113324

im oddly ok with oppai hametena but the face ruins everything

>> No.14113331
File: 61 KB, 317x374, 26a6c55510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14113349
File: 53 KB, 480x470, 220df989c774b7ee8d1019ec5d43ef5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Poor Hametena

>> No.14113403
File: 300 KB, 713x464, ojousama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a virgin
Well no longer it seems.
Also how is she an Eromon being 'a childhood friend'? Is there something I don't understand?

>> No.14113421

I can't help but feel like that Nutakubosho guy is just paying me lip service whenever I ask anything and doesn't actually give a shit

>> No.14113432

He's actually a bot.

>> No.14113435

From nutaku's help page:
>...you find yourself on an island populated by strange beings known as “Eromon”, physical representations of beautiful girls’ sexual fantasies, Osawari Island.

I guess she's supposed to represent the childhood friend fantasy. That, or Eromon are just a thing that exists all over the world in the setting and Osawari is just a place with a lot of them.

>> No.14113436
File: 73 KB, 317x374, 1442658740767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, better than original now.

>> No.14113441

Oh so in Osawari I don't lose a duplicate card when skill level up doesn't proc? That's a good thing.

>> No.14113449

>I guess she's supposed to represent the childhood friend fantasy.
Yeah, that was the first thing which came to my mind too. Like the island constantly spawns eromons based on lust and fetishes of people all over the world.

>> No.14113457

I want to thank whoever had the idea of making an angel squirrel hybrid.

>> No.14113469

>click 'useful info'
>suddenly a brown girl paizuri
>stats with lewd descriptions surrounding the picture
This is golden.

>> No.14113511

I like her a lot and I don't get the idea that cats have sensitive tongues. Is it the fact that they don't force themselves to consume dropped/given food? They use their tongues all day making sure that they are water resistant and clean when they aren't eating or sleeping.

>> No.14113522

To have cat's tongue is a japanese expression referring to not being able to deal with hot food or drinks.

>> No.14113559

Anything I should know about Osawari Island in order to not get myself screwed badly? You know, like saving silvers for CC in Aigis.

Also, is it so important to collect referrals?

>> No.14113575

I dunno what's so good about the referral rewards, used mules to get 10 and reward girl didn't seem so strong. I didn't play again after the first day though, didn't like how the events would play out. I'd rather endure Taimanin Asagi with that kind of system.

>> No.14113576
File: 167 KB, 494x531, osawari4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they edit her somehow? Eyes look normal. something about her chest seems...off.

>> No.14113582

TA has zero interactivity at all, and much worse regarding paywall.

>> No.14113591

I can suffer that system there I think since I like a few of girls there already. It's a lot less suffering not to get rewards if you have girls you like. Sort of figured that with Kancolle when I didn't care about getting Musashi when I was new then as long as I could blow up things with Kongou.

>> No.14113602

Personally I like how Osawari is more 'modern' in terms of free-to-play mechanics and is more user-friendly compared to previous nutaku titles. (Except for Aigis probably. It's grindy but still friendly)

This is pretty much the 'evolution' most japanese ccgs have overcome starting a few years ago. While most western freetoplays still dwell on that 'invite friends or pay real money' or payment locked content, Japan quickly understood that this isn't the way. You can look at mobage market. Most of the top popularity ones(except for Cinderella Girls, I still don't got how this archaic model keeps running and robbing people's wallets. Probably idols) offer pretty equal enjoyment to both dedicated free to players and paying members.

>> No.14113610

originally a nun which would honestly offend many I guess

>> No.14113619

>offend many
I could tell them to suck my cock dude, and they'd get offended. I wish people grew some thicker skin instead of feeling offended all day

>> No.14113624

You can hurt feelings anymore, didn't you get the memo?

>> No.14113627
File: 760 KB, 1404x1920, 45506a2722b93f2b6a62cc40fd62cd5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would too convincing nutaku though well shit goddamn these scans are great

>> No.14113634

It's the necklace which.... is under her dress? The coloring of it looks off, the string around her neck crosses over very slightly onto her dress so I think it was supposed to be outside instead of inside.

That's going to bother me every time I see it.

>> No.14113638

I like how this artist colors the skin and gives volume to things. Pretty smooth and fuwa-fuwa feel.

>> No.14113642
File: 329 KB, 850x1162, sfw version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot izanai's breast showed in that scan damn

>> No.14113648
File: 72 KB, 405x273, karen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I think they just fucked up the coloring/ visible layers within that face expression.
Original sprite has a fully visible neckale.

I think this should be reported?

>> No.14113652

of course.

>> No.14113672

sure dont see why theyd censor the necklace

>> No.14113679 [SPOILER] 
File: 137 KB, 638x428, 1442667647037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so I've 4M'd some of the previous event's gacha harvest. Spoilers because Cecil's 4M portrait.

>> No.14113687 [SPOILER] 
File: 119 KB, 565x798, 1442667892647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncensored version

>> No.14113697

No wonder her collarbone area looks weird in >>14113576

>> No.14113701

Is that a guy on the left?

>> No.14113703

What the hell, nutaku? There are no goddamn laws about nuns in porn, any site like pornhub is full of real-life nun cosplay sex videos.

>> No.14113710

Oh cmon, she didn't even have cross on her. This doesn't make sense.

>> No.14113712


>> No.14113714

That makes me wonder: Are there any DMM games with futas?

>> No.14113720

Pero Pero technically has one at least

>> No.14113724

In Aigis, there's silver angel who is of both sexes and with disturbing enough scene that wiki warns you to play it in all-ages version if you are sensitive.

>> No.14113769

>disturbing enough scene
what happens? prince is actually chill for futa on male?

>> No.14113776

Where do you find high resolutions body shots like this?

>> No.14113794

just scans around the internet wish I could find more

>> No.14113799

No idea, I have plat and gold angels so I didn't raise silver. Just stumbled on wiki entry saying there was huge uproar when they released it and that you should play it in all-ages if it bothers you.

>> No.14113802

According to the wiki
-Immoral cowgirl and (Mosaic/Blue Man)

Seems like it's just a futa getting fucked. Maybe blue Prince turns into Cthulu for the scene

>> No.14113829
File: 233 KB, 524x541, 1442177950458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main dish is not the breast here.

>> No.14113831

It's on sadpanda at /s/43ffaff74b/844803-280
I think the dicks may touch, but I'm not sure. Maybe it's Prince on futa balls or something. His/her crotch area is so pixelated it is indeed rather disturbing and I have no idea what is going on based on the image alone. Someone has to max his/her affection and read the scene to know.

>> No.14113837
File: 19 KB, 500x324, a2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed to notice her breasts too when I posted that

>> No.14113872

What does the 3X mode in Osawari?
3X loot for x3 stamina cost? Also I like it as a solution for people who can't spend too many time on a game daily.

>> No.14113876

3x loot/exp at the cost of only the 1/3 of drop chances

>> No.14113879

No, drop chances stay exactly same.

>> No.14113880

No, drop chances are unaffected. It's just that you only get one run's worth of captures for three runs' worth of stamina.

If you're farming for girls, then 3x is not the answer. If you're about to level or you're short on time, then 3x is what you do.

>> No.14113883
File: 496 KB, 959x539, Q1ZL3M3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go home, Meiko, you're drunk.

>> No.14113884

3x is good for grinding event points at riskier stages

>> No.14113885


Its 1/3 the drop chances as in you only get the drops once, instead of doing 3 runs and having 3 sets of drop chances. I know the capture rate is the same, thats why its also 1/3.

>> No.14113889

>Spent about 1000 stamina running area 3
>Still can't find the jester slut

Fucking send help
I know if I run anywhere else I'll waste my luck finding the wrong legend

>> No.14113892

After I got the jester, about 10 runs later I encountered her again lol. I didn't use capsule since have her, obviously failed on catch.

>> No.14113895

I just want to find her, cap her and move on, I'm stuck in fucking groundhog day

>> No.14113899

I'm sorry for bothering you, it's probably something I could've googled but my japanese isn't that good:
What are some 'major' companies who develop games for DMM? Or is it DMM itself working with different artists and making these kind of games? Because while some games look similar in terms of layout/gameplay and artists hired, some look really different.

>> No.14113907

g-transporter com/

>> No.14113911

DMM is publisher, they don't develop anything themselves (well, actually, they do sometimes, but its rare and I don't think there are any online games among their stuff).
Finding names of companies behind games is quite hard. I remember aigis was done by guy with nick starting on W, but couldn't find his name again when searched for it.

>> No.14113913

Is there any point of having multiples of one girl in Osawari?

>> No.14113920

for using? not particularly unless the skill is awesome which most I don't think aren't to warrant another. But they are still useful in that you can skill up your main girl with them to make the skill better.

>> No.14113926

Sorry, should've specified. Besides skill purposes, is there any point to *keeping* multiples?

>> No.14113933

no, unless you really like them and want multiple

>> No.14113955

Fair enough. I captured a second Noa, so I'll keep her on-hand just in case.

>> No.14113960


>> No.14113966 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 241x327, 1442674653179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the whole enhanching system and for once I'm glad that you don't need to level up your character to max level before 'evolving' but the H-scene unlock is pretty unintuitive.

Do I unlock the scene after I unlock the first 'part' of the next rarity?
What does 'Super Smut' mean? Is it just a fancy name for rarest cards having a second CG sequence?
What's the difference between extra and the second CG here? Are the voiced lines different?

>> No.14113967

> What's the difference between extra and the second CG here? Are the voiced lines different?
Yes, every unlockable scene has different voiced lines.

>> No.14113970

Yep, that one.

>> No.14113973

You unlock a new scene when you increase the rarity, super smut means it can final evovle into a SL rarity and yes has a second cg scene thatts slightly animated. H means that it has a sex scene and final rarity is SSR

>> No.14114000
File: 69 KB, 376x408, oneesan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Lewd

>> No.14114003

you can change your character look also if you like non lewd too if you are into semi lewd and whatnot

>> No.14114004

Thank you.

>> No.14114006

What's the data string for the stage bosses? I'm tired of getting completely fucked by RNG.

>> No.14114007

lol you would think and maybe in the jp version but here means super legend I think lol, and oh hte chibi girl it says super smut lol, lewd would be more humorous though

>> No.14114011

I didn't dig too deep, and didnt actually try replacing things, but apparently monster_ids are map-specific, so you would need to encounter boss once, record what id she had, and then use it.

>> No.14114027

Can someone with Ellis post a full body shot of her initial HR appearance?

>> No.14114030

that's just because otaku are oversensitive pussies that can only handle moeblobs

>> No.14114034

Neat. You should probably delete your posts though since we have a guy monitoring the thread and posting anything relevant in the Chatango and once the devs find out we know this, it's game over.

>> No.14114062

soo nutaku added a pentagram on her for some reason but censored the nun? are they trying to tell us theyre chaosfags!?

>> No.14114070
File: 29 KB, 428x169, d4f44800e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit forgot to add the image

>> No.14114077

I think it's because that white...hoodie thing resembles what nuns usually wear. They probably decided it was too troublesome to remove it completely so they edited it to look like a...white piece of cloth with a picture?

>> No.14114084
File: 407 KB, 250x250, 1442360921929.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on top of that her portrait is stuck on stage two

>> No.14114087

she still mentions the lord and how lewd she is

>> No.14114091

What character?

>> No.14114095
File: 65 KB, 479x270, 36048564a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14114133

just realized they censored her lewd cleavage goddammit nutaku this isnt a sfw game

>> No.14114136
File: 69 KB, 640x800, seira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they just add a pentagram and nothing else whatsoever?
Did they outsource these edits to some primary schoolers or something?

>> No.14114156

Could be somebody there thinking religious references should be purged. Miko being turned into sorceress and a nun being given a pentagram seems to indicate they want to imply these characters have nothing to do with religions.

Based on the aforementioned, they probably do think their playerbase is between 7 and 14.

>> No.14114158
File: 85 KB, 371x489, e2e0159f33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non censor version compared to >>14114095

>> No.14114218

This artist looks really familiar. Isn't that the creator of that manga about a couple who has sex in VR because the girl hates her looks irl?

>> No.14114320

Contributing code

>> No.14114327

go away

>> No.14114348
File: 401 KB, 480x270, aS6zngY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of the Bosses worth hunting for? Just caught noa and was wondering if the first fox boss was good or not

>> No.14114350

Go play in a fire.

>> No.14114358

Can't speak about all bosses, but Izanai is good, also has a decent aoe heal

>> No.14114362

They are only catchable SSR units.

>> No.14114369
File: 99 KB, 672x502, 2015-09-20 01-49-51.006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's Disabled person - san.

>> No.14114371

Each time I enchance my character in osawari it says 'new voice unlocked'. But I still here those two voiced lines in the main screen which are bound to character's rarity. Does it mean more voice is unlocked in H/touching mode?

>> No.14114377

Don't know about osawari, but in other DMM games "voice unlocked" means you can play one of her voiced lines in "gallery"/"album". Voiced lines are like stuff they say in battles, or when appoined to be main girl, or when levelled up, and so on.

>> No.14114381

Did they googletranslate the artist names or something?

>> No.14114393

A lot of the units have the same name as machine translation so it's entirely possible

>> No.14114397

Ahhh quality Nutaku translations

>> No.14114431
File: 176 KB, 959x280, 1433318940162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14114441


I'm thrusting into myself, and I'm a girl? NICE!

>> No.14114460

What? Plenty of people have sex with a mirror on the girl's face to kiss and imagine they're fucking themselves.

>> No.14114496
File: 499 KB, 805x497, Young lady complex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a [creative translation](c)(tm), you filthy young lady complexer.

>> No.14114512

LOL, this is awesome.

>> No.14114528

Jesus fucking Christ that is awful.

>> No.14114552

Face edits, machine translation, religious censorship, what will they come up with next?

>> No.14114553
File: 58 KB, 333x505, Buy our shekels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14114574

Fuck these drop rates, finally got Izanai after 3 days...

>> No.14114576

They'll put in males drawn by murricun artists as [nutaku exclusive characters](tm) cause muh gender equality. You heard it here first.

>> No.14114578

You are going to love area 2 then, the boss has a lower catch rate.

>> No.14114583

Buttfucking included, of course.

>> No.14114607
File: 108 KB, 561x413, endOfBeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beach time's over girls, I don't have storage to keep you around forever.

>> No.14114624

Nutaku honestly doesn't seem to know what it's doing with anything and it doesn't seem to have any kind of idea on what it's primary market wants.

>> No.14114630

I wasn't playing that game but why did they change Hellfire girls to 'US edition' again?

>> No.14114633

This could all be on devs end.

>> No.14114642

No idea, but I assume it's to appeal to American audiences.

>> No.14114646

I've been saying Nutaku is a bunch of clueless idiots since LoV came out and they started their descent into changing everything.

>> No.14114648

God. What was wrong with HER face? She isn't loli and doesn't have a flat chest in the original. Why did they have to do it?

They're seriously just 'cutting' the characters cast. Basically any non-edited girl is just better because she doesn't look this bad.

While edits in Aigis were hard to notice unless you know the original - Osawari is a disaster.

>> No.14114656

There were edits in Aigis?

>> No.14114659

Oh you have no idea.

They cut whole characters from our Aigis.

>> No.14114661

That's not edits.

>> No.14114669

Well there were characters who got a 'boobjob'.

>> No.14114670


Welp, not even the same character in my opinion. That is the unaltered version of an event character for OI.

>> No.14114671
File: 132 KB, 313x220, f863b2e0bf947320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah, I decided to look around at all my characters and see exactly how much they changed, Jesus fuck this is horrifying.

They edited characters too. They removed a lot of characters and edited a ton more to make them "fit".

>> No.14114678

> edited a ton more to make them "fit".
For example who?

>> No.14114680
File: 335 KB, 622x465, mamoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh eyes

>> No.14114682

Go look on the JP wiki and find it out yourself, I've not touched our Aigis in so long. There was a lot back then but I'm sure there is even more now.

>> No.14114683

I'm playing both DMM and Nutaku Aigis and didn't notice any difference at all, except chars who were updated on DMM version.

>> No.14114684


>> No.14114687

Bullshit, I can't think of a single edited CG in Aigis (aside from the obvious decensors).

The whole point of them not adding certain units like Mischa (besides the devs being dicks) was because they didn't edit their CGs to begin with.

>> No.14114688

So, nobody and you are just full of shit.

>> No.14114693

So it looks like...they made all the eyes smaller?

High quality work right here.

>> No.14114699

There's a wide variety of edits depending on the character, from removing crosses, adding pentagrams, lengthening bodies or shrinking eyes.

Take your pick!

>> No.14114715

Yeah this game is a fucking train wreck already. Nutaku is getting bolder and bolder with edits with every new game.

Funny how they went from very minor boob size edits in LoV to fucking DDs on every character on top of all this shit.

>> No.14114717

Post this stuff on the forums please! Good stuff.

>> No.14114720

Not that anon but I'm sure I saw an oppai loli edit in Aigis out there somewhere. Let me find it.

>> No.14114725

Of course they are, they can taste the money.

>> No.14114729

If it's Lilia, she looks exactly the same as in JP. She just randomly ages ten years in her scenes.

>> No.14114730

Yet amount of users registered for osawari far exceeded their wildest expectations.

>> No.14114740

Easy to get players when you sweep edits under the rug, would have probably been far less if people knew....At least I fucking hope.

>> No.14114749

They said they outsourced edits for osawari, I can only hope they learned a lesson about outsourcing.

>> No.14114752

Registered users don't mean much for a new f2p game. Active players matter far more.

>> No.14114762

I'm going to marry Ichigo and you guys can't stop me!

>> No.14114764
File: 17 KB, 277x57, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something seems wrong here.

>> No.14114770

To be fair, the scientist is the prick instead. At least we don't see her as much.

On the other hand, Hametena is literally Problem Children's Kuro Usagi/Black Rabbit, so that's a plus.

>> No.14114772

Would be nice if they just stopped editing stuff at all, but no that is crazy talk.

>> No.14114773
File: 74 KB, 546x599, Sybilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hrmmm. I'm pretty sure I thought this girl here received the edit but when I Compared her in both wikis - they're perfectly identical.

>> No.14114782

Sybilla got by fine because dat cash money
Can't censor a mascot

>> No.14114785

She never did. Then again, it's a miracle we even got her to begin with.

We got fucking Liana instead of black Iris though.

>> No.14114786

but they censored black iris

>> No.14114788

I've been curious for a while: Is her name some kind of a lewd pun? Like in 'namahame'?

>> No.14114789

Let's just mark this up as Nutaku has no fucking idea what they are doing.

>> No.14114796

I'm sure they would if they could find companies to handle the payment without them doing it.

>> No.14114797

I find the Professor to be amusing enough. She's the type of character that's amusing when she does her thing and doesn't outstay her welcome, which is how she's treated in Osawari.

>> No.14114799

If it is, I hope it's as amazing as Kurito Risu.

Fair point.

>> No.14114801

MangaGamer sells outright pedo games (like Mikan) and they don't have any problems with their payment processor.
Its bullshit nutaku is making up.

>> No.14114805

They're not trying to find a solution, that's the problem. They've settled on Probiller or whatever shit and aren't changing despite the overwhelming negatives.

>> No.14114810

We don't know the details of the contracts they made. Unless we see those its all heresay why they do what they do.

>> No.14114811

The fact I was able to order AND have shipped to me Imouto Paradise with no issues whatsoever makes Nutaku look like a bunch of fucking liars.

>> No.14114813

So the moral of all this is that you can take a big steaming dump on a popular DMM game and the Western audience will still lap it up like it's velvet cake.

I'm kind of envious of Nutaku for coming up with this model. If people are dumb enough to hand them money after all this, then well, they deserve all that cash and more.

>> No.14114817

Not news. Companies like Sekai Project are scamming western retards for years.

>> No.14114819

Yup, the way MG handled Imouto Paradise was:
>'All characters are 18 or older' disclaimer
>Put only sisters with big boobs on cover(That was even the original design if I'm not mistaken)

>> No.14114822

Please, Sekai Project and their endless Kickstarters for VNs that already have translations hit gold way before Nutaku did.

>> No.14114828

The fact they would even go into a contract with them as a company that localizes Japanese porn games shows how much insight they have.

They knew there was going to be lolis, I like to think they are not this blissfully unaware to Japanese porn games.

>> No.14114829

I don't understand what Bashira's awakening ability does

>> No.14114831

Its like you've never been in a niche market before.

>> No.14114840

>I like to think they are not this blissfully unaware to Japanese porn games.
I don't think there is a single person working for that company that has played a h-game. There may be one guy who watched an anime once and even that was probably one of the more western influenced ones.

>> No.14114843

I'm going to pirate the second and third Grisaia games once Sekai finally translates them.

>> No.14114852

Not worth it. They're far worse than the first one.

>> No.14114851

The sad thing is I believe this. The fact they would even partner with a biller like they did is fairly solid proof of this,

>> No.14114858

I'll be the judge of that. Besides, it's free. I have unlimited bandwidth so not like I'm actually losing some form of money here.

>> No.14114862

I don't know, they could be h-game players but the fact is they are horrible at business. This whole thing seems like an enthusiasts dream company backed up by zero people with business experience.

>> No.14114864

We /vnts/ now.

To be fair, a few people at MG were walking on eggshells with Natsuiro Mikan. Doddler was arrested for carrying loli material not too long ago, so it makes sense for him. There was also this.


As for ImoPara, it's probably as >>14114819
says, it was easier to slip the lolis past the moral guardians' radar. Not so much when the loli is the main/only girl in question, as with Natsuiro Mikan.

>> No.14114867

Normally, an archer would prioritize first flying enemies in order of the distance between them and the nearest point you're protecting, and then 2nd they'd target non-flying units in the same way. Victoria and Bashira's awakening make them immediately switch focus to an archer/mage unit as soon as it enters their range.

>> No.14114876

The thing with that is all Nutakus games are much like Imouto Paradise in the fact loli characters are almost buried under titty monsters to the point they could leave them completely uncensored and no one would bat an eye at them.

>> No.14114877

It's not worth the time investment unless you've read through every single translated thing and are desperate for it. When you reach the point where you keep going because you hope it'll get better, take my advice and stop reading. The sequels are just bad for the most part.

>> No.14114883

Doddler was arrested for onahole, its has nothing to do with eroge at all.

>> No.14114889

I get the feeling they're the opposite. Nutaku feels like bunch of guys in suits who have no idea about the niche, but they figured it'll bring in a lot of money.

>> No.14114890

Yeah, anyone who imports loli onas in the original box is an idiot.

>> No.14114892

Yeah, but Nutaku doesn't (or didn't) have the established reputation that MG did.

Same with JAST, really, except unlike MG, JAST still goes out of their way to censor shit.

Oh, is that the story? That's even stupider (on the lawmakers' part) then.

>> No.14114898

Nah, suits have a method to their madness, plans ahead, researches their market, every move feel sterile and designed to get money. Here we have a bunch of chucklefucks making bad contacts and bad business decisions because they don't know any better.

>> No.14114903

And it does. Success!

>> No.14114908

I honestly don't know how you guys can make those judgments, since I've never seen the devs talk about their hobbies.

The one positive they have (or had) going for them is that they were able to seek out popular h-game forums like ULMF and Hongfire, advertise their games there, and maintain open communication for some time.

Right now, they haven't been doing that as much because who knows what the fuck Nordland is doing ever since that two-week vacation, but at least we have the Chatangos to make up for it.

If you guys want to ask them what their favorite animu or eroge or whatever to judge their casualness, be my guest, I suppose.

>> No.14114925

Nordland please go.

>> No.14114947
File: 103 KB, 853x479, kisaragi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, I found Nutakus new mascot.

>> No.14114973

When you look at a lot of the decision they've made lately it seems like they were made by someone outside of this 'culture' or 'fandom' or whatever you want to call it.

>> No.14114977

Blargh, just don't have the time to grind tournament enough. What will I miss out on by not getting EX Nena?

>> No.14114981

Maybe we can get a nutaku guy to come here and tell us if the like anime and manga and gaymen.

>> No.14114988
File: 156 KB, 804x535, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much.

>> No.14114989

Haven't played osawari after I cleared the first world due to connection dropping with every action. Is it better now? Kinda unmotivated to get my eromons again after playing DMM osawari, but I really want ranking rewards so I need to start grinding to be able to do event maps.

>> No.14114992

Osawari drop rate is mystery. Noa has lower chance than fox girl, yet everyone including me got her much faster (~6 tries compared to 40+).

>> No.14114993

Yes, errors are gone.

>> No.14115012

Like what, specifically?

We can rule out a lot of things as incompetence or laziness on their part, and we can play the pessimist and say they are more concerned about money than making their audience happy, but what specifically looks like they're clueless about the fandom itself? Honest question.

>> No.14115015

I love how these retards mistranslated "do rank 1 alchemy 5 times" into "perform 1 patterns of rank 5".

>> No.14115019

Yeah, it took 30-40 tries to get Izanai, but I got Noa on my first try.

Legendary's been a crapshoot either way though. Still haven't seen a single one of the second area's.

>> No.14115029

Also got Noa on my first try.

>> No.14115039

I got Izanai on the first try. It actually made me think the first one was guaranteed drop until I reached the end of second area.

>> No.14115052

Well considering all the translations look like they are badly edited machine translations, I'm not surprised.

>> No.14115059

It's probably just that the japanese company is handling them.

>> No.14115081

If the translation was done by the devs for OI and they are not native English I can mildly understand, so long as they make an effort to fix it I don't mind.

I sadly expect it will stay like this.

>> No.14115087

> devs did it!
Nutaku's explanation for everything.

>> No.14115115

Aand, that's the second 70/7 run without a single drop of anything, what a damn waste

>> No.14115126

Second? Pfft. I got zero drops 12 out of 20 times during this event.
And then all CRs failed except guaranteed first one.

>> No.14115131

4 Chloe and only one SU here.
50% my ass

>> No.14115132

If it was an amateurish or low quality translation that is just roughly somewhere close to what the original japanese text said I could believe Nutaku did it, but whoever wrote them has bare minimal understanding of the basics of english language. This is roughly what a lot of japanese to english translations made by japanese companies tend to look like.

>> No.14115143

Nah, when japs do translations, they don't fuck up factual information. This is most likely just machine translation with some editing.

>> No.14115155

I've only gotten 2 Chloes's in ~15 runs.

>> No.14115161

Apparently Chloe is supposed to drop 45% chance on 7 stamina map

>> No.14115315
File: 746 KB, 1440x808, Oswari Island 026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This loses some story power considering the booblift lol.

>> No.14115584

Are the levelup stamina refills in Aigis like the crystal refills that overflow you?

>> No.14115593

No, they take you to full.

Almost time for me to attempt Phalanx 3, wondering whether sherry will be duoing it with heals or I'll have to use my other 3 princesses

>> No.14115607

Face someone 300 RP below me in AS. He loses 50% of his life to 3 drops... Deploys Natalie to kill a 3 drop... Finally, he gets out his maxed Sylvie. My 2001 Sakura gets a book and activates her skill...

>> No.14115680

I farm Phalanx 3 by dropping Cloris then Calliope then the prince and overkilling it with Sherry and Iris.
Sherry should pop out just before the 3rd wave and be tanky enough not to die before the 4th wave where Iris is out.

Its a really easy map when you realize that tanking the armours is a stupid idea as they have extremely high stats compared to normal armours. Had to check the JP wiki to learn this though.

>> No.14115695

Can anyone think of any obvious maps where a full silver team wouldn't work in Aigis? I'm interested in how much of the game can be done without any strong units (other than the prince).
Elaine looks like a good lightning rod, the heavies have very good def and Crave has more atk than my platinum rogue so I'm thinking it might go well once I've finished levelling my Silver team.

>> No.14115713

The later desert and asian story maps.

I've got a 99 awakened Dina with a 45 awakened healer and some of the enemies will still wreck Dina without more support.

>> No.14115925

Oh god finally caught this foxslut Izanai after 50 encounters Dreams do come truuu.

>> No.14115927

There was a time when you could be sure a 2001+ character would not be lost to an Invite. Not anymore. I just made a comeback thanks to Ryumei bouncing Miyo away and a maxed Sylvie charging into EX Invite.

In other news... MONEYYYYYYY!!! Sunday dailies are MONEYYYYYY

>> No.14115999

Finally got Noa...I can see what people mean, it took way less time than Izanai despite the lower %.

>> No.14116015

Just caught my 2nd Izanai..... back to back...... what the fuck is up with this rng.

>> No.14116021


>> No.14116109

You're forgetting the magic city maps now. The first one can be done with all silvers I believe, but silvers aren't going to be tanking 4k damage hits. And any event maps that are god tier or higher are only sometimes doable with all silvers.

>> No.14116237

I'm jealous that you got to 4M Cecil. I just ended up 4M'ing Coo. Here's to next Summer, I guess.
You're a monoster. I think you can get these units next summer in addition to new ones, so I would try to find a way to save them, if you coud. I've been max evolving the ones I do have in order to keep it down.

Osawari Island's edits are slowly killing my soul.

>> No.14116243

Kisaragi not upgrading to SSR is a crime.

Notably, EX-Nena is lacking the boobjob regular Nena got.

So, have they gotten around to rolling back the atrocious hackjob editing in Osawari, since they admitted the wall-eyed, leperous wallaby they outsourced to done fucked up, or have they scheduled the necessary maintenance yet?

>> No.14116256

Monster, my apologies.

Anyways, I asked about having the black rank bandit girl (Amanda, I think was her name) in DMM Aigis earlier and how she affects drops. But does she affect drops in autocompleted missions like in Dragon Hunt?

>> No.14116368

Everything god and above is designed specifically to be not beatable with silvers or non-awakened golds.

>> No.14116383

that's the problem with RNG
it tends to be random at times

>> No.14116390

>does she affect drops in autocompleted missions like in Dragon Hunt?

i'm interested in this as well

>> No.14116398

Ummm, hello? Amanda adds bonus to gold/plat cans. There are no cans in any story mission.

There are no units with bonus for units, so story mission drop cannot be affected.

>> No.14116428

Damn, you are right, I'm being an idiot. But as a concept, like for instance if there was a bronze drop bonus on some unit, would it affect autocomplete?

>> No.14116434

Yes, it would.
There are units with bonus for gold received from mission, and their effects are added to autocomplete results.

>> No.14116444

Okay, thank you very much.

>> No.14116483

Another day, another long slog with no FUCKING JESTER

Where the FUCK is this SLUT


kill me

>> No.14116492
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1420024312944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nutaku fucks with osawari's visuals for muh christian gamers

>> No.14116502

Christian gamers who play porn game about fucking cute unhumans (lust incarnations).

>> No.14116522

now with satanic symbols on their nuns

>> No.14116538

Someone should write to support claiming to be religious christian and saying that pentagrams on nun clothes highly offends him.

>> No.14116588
File: 16 KB, 694x279, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got this actually

>> No.14116596

are all the boss monsters on osawari worth farming

>> No.14116608

There's no other easy source of SSRs, and they much better than anything of lower rarity.

>> No.14116612

Only 30 points, 70 more to go for Ex-Jill. How long will it take if my deck is about 1250?

>> No.14116614

only 5maps are open atm cave being the last might as well try to do that while waiting on eventsave your R cards for event to bring in a better catch pool

>> No.14116646

>save your R cards for event to bring in a better catch pool

Tell me more

>> No.14116653

>save your R cards for event to bring in a better catch pool

Go on

>> No.14116655

>tfw noa wont join you

>> No.14116672

not many eromon being offered that are hr atm

>> No.14116698

Maybe that's the intention, but it still happens.

>> No.14116708

Man, I'm genuinely interested in putting a few bucks into Osawari but I can't feel confident giving them my money with those fucking edits

>> No.14116711

What the fuck am I going to do with all these silver samurais

>> No.14116712

Wondering about same thing. Maybe I should switch to 5sta map, at least it drops archers.

>> No.14116720

Mincost one?

Or skill up Leanne, Elaine, or Bernard?

>> No.14116721

Will Osawari's events ever award premium items (gems and bananas), or will it just be for Eromon?

>> No.14116726

nope unless english version changes that but other than that you do get very worthwhile items money and points

>> No.14116733

K. Shame, that would've been my only chance at the running girls.

>> No.14116736

eromons if your reach 70k 150k and SL for a whopping of 500k your recieve prizes also while climbing up points

>> No.14116739

A lot of people, me included, have been propositioning them for a freemium gem to balance out pay2win and GRIND. If they actually do it is a different story, but they're listening.

>> No.14116742

Would you need to be an all out whale for 500k?

>> No.14116747

why does osawari feel nicer compared to the other games.

Hearts to enhance are easy to get, leveling isn't bad and leveling skills is pretty good too

>> No.14116758

Because you only just started?
It has a whale gacha and ungodly grind for those legend sluts from quests

>> No.14116768

I mean compared with fucking angelic saga where you have a 40 card fucking deck with shit you need to grind

>> No.14116789

I've been asking myself that same question, and I think my answer is something like this.

Unlike the other DMM/Nutaku games, leveling comes naturally here, and minmaxing shit is purely on the side.

It's crazy to see your characters outpace your own level, instead of finding and grinding four copies or running the same map a bunch of times just to level your units.

Of course, you still end up doing the latter, but the grinding is instead focused on getting new girls, instead of feeding your current ones, so it's a goal that you look forward to. It's similar to grinding arena in Saga to get gacha points, if gacha in that game was actually decent for getting HRs. Here, whether it's grinding for gacha points, gems, or just money, the rewards are palpable.

Of course, some of the rates here are still shit, and this game does the same thing as Saga, where it expects you to spend a lot at once if you want a chance to get anything super-rare, but at least it offers a lot for free players. Until events get here, anyway.

Also, maybe it's just me, but the grind at the start was absolutely unbearable for me. It's pretty common for you to outpace your stamina early on and level up quick, but here, between the constant crashes of the first day and the fact that exp actually doesn't scale ridiculously, I feel like I've been hemorrhaging stamina this entire time. Hopefully that changes soon.

>> No.14116799

>an actual well thought out description on 4chan

good summary, I agree with you

I also wish the auto battle wasn't an item so I could grind faster

>> No.14116804

Same way I feel about Aigis, for a different reason. I'm not confident paying in a game where there are several week delays for events

>> No.14116808
File: 23 KB, 639x138, TUObUr6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who threw a bunch of money into Aigis, you really shouldn't. Not just because of the lack of events/progress in general, but because waifu collection really starts to peak when you realize you can't fit all of them on your team. I dumped a lot of cash to get the waifu I wanted (Lilia) and I don't even use her in my team.

At least I can take solace in the fact that I'm literally drowning in blacks (I got basically one of every black before I drew Lilia; the only black I'm missing is Olivia).

Also, Lilia has some of the best h-scenes in the game.

>> No.14116811

> I got basically one of every black before I drew Lilia
How much did you spend?

>> No.14116816

$800, with me probably getting Lilia somewhere around the $500-600 mark.

I was planning on stopping at $750, but I figured I'd give the devs one more chance and try to shoot for Monica. Not only did I get every other gold except her, that was prior to the six-week delay of events.

And so I say, no more. It's a crying shame, really. The things I do to fulfill a pink-hair fetish.

>> No.14116821

I suppose I should note that I actually got most of the blacks in the first $200, with the $300-400 mark being amazingly bad. I was also lacking in plats until the $500-600 mark, when I finally drew Lilia and Nanaly (the last black I was missing at the time). I think I drew Bashira, Elizabeth, and Celia at the $700 mark too.

>> No.14116848
File: 353 KB, 409x532, NightmareFuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ this is so terrible it's hilarious

>> No.14116852

What the fuck is that

>> No.14116863

please tell me that isnt real

>> No.14116872

You must be rich

>> No.14116874

This is an atrocity to catgirls everywhere.

>> No.14116884

I'm calling the police.

>> No.14116887

Where is that from

>> No.14116921
File: 8 KB, 314x301, 1437642020453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been trying to catch her to find out what was wrong with her

>> No.14116985

Did Nutaku not even look over the edited art before they pushed it into the game? I mean what the fuck is that.

>> No.14117025

How did original look like?

>> No.14117039


>> No.14117043
File: 27 KB, 180x270, 2bcac4b591279930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little small but it works.

>> No.14117046

30cc one to save for awakening, random stuff like mages need them

>> No.14117048

Well, at least in her case original is fucking ugly too.

>> No.14117052

Yeah it's not amazing, still miles better then whatever the fuck that is we got.

>> No.14117102
File: 1.28 MB, 260x187, 1423395496150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nutaku is looking into the problem
inb4 editing department gonna get fired

>> No.14117110

>tfw farming Noa for 5 hours

fucking whore just get caught

>> No.14117116

Hopefully everyone at Nutaku gets fucking fired so they can maybe get some people with brains.

>> No.14117176

why the edits? are big eyes a problem in society now?

>> No.14117209

Why the edits? We have no fucking idea. I can only assume they finally went off the deep end and decided big eyes = loli.

Nothing would make me happier then the whales running away from Nutakus games and watching them dry up and die, maybe then they will start to use some fucking common sense.

>> No.14117314

thats a bit of a overreaction, they'll probably fix it

>> No.14117318

Nah, they have been doing this since LoV was their only game.

>> No.14117326

it wasnt this bad in LoV

this looks like a mistake

>> No.14117336

I'm more talking about edits in general, yes this is an extreme case but it's still edits just like all their other games.

>> No.14117430

Why did they have to remove the '3'-mouth? Are they against cats?

>> No.14117444

It was a sacrifice, we had to get rid of half of all the eye sizes and the cat mouth to get pentagram nun.

>> No.14117516


Damn, it's an amazing 5 drop stats. But I can give up on generic stats.


Yes I am a monster. Because I did not want to go through the pain of "oh damn, I drew a 5th copy of someone", I'm not going to spend any more rolls on their gacha pool even when they come back. The new summer girls next year will be in a separate gacha pool, I'll need all the rolls I can in that one, not the past one.

> inb4 editing department gonna get fired

Actually, I get the impression they didn't have an editing department and hiring (which is a slow process) didn't make it in time for Osawari launch deadlines. I can believe it, it's pretty low on the scale of WTF that companies experience. Take for example: http://thedailywtf.com/articles/Translation-Server-Error

>> No.14117523

>, I get the impression they didn't have an editing department and hiring (which is a slow process) didn't make it in time for Osawari launch deadlines.
There was a talk about deadlines and someone here said that they were going to fix the game edits 'in batches' of updates.

>> No.14117536

thing is why edit what wasn't needed to be edited why waste time on that?

>> No.14117545

remember to voice your opinions mods lurk here

>> No.14117546

Well here what I think:

The internet's rules and regulations are pretty vague sometimes. Like for example:
On pixiv there's a clear guideline that you're required to censor your work if it features genitals, genitals touching, highly detailed guro, etc. And most of the people follow this regulation. Athough some add shittons of black bars to censor things, while others just add small half-transparent heart-shaped marks or about 10% pixelization which isn't even visible on a preview. There's even more: some artists don't censor their artwork AT ALL and get away with it. And even get into daily rankings with it.

The thing is: if you do an uncensored piece of work, there's a 50% chance it will get administration's attention. And that attention would be most likely diverted to you by some passerby who clicked 'report a violation'.

I think that pretty much applies to every other R-18 corner of the internet. I'm not defending shitty edits, I'm just saying that Nutaku probably did them because they didn't want to get in any troubles with 'depicting lolis' or anything they could come up with. Although they choose the 'censorship method' very poorly.

>> No.14117561

or they can just add the every character in this game is depicted 18 years or older like any other game

>> No.14117562

> fix the game edits 'in batches' of updates.

Actually, the dev said "instead of hot-fixing each image as we fix the edits, we'll wait until we have a batch to push through all at once to minimise maintenance periods".

>> No.14117570

Is nutaku aigis down? Getting server error 0 all the time.

>> No.14117573

Same here for me.

>> No.14117575


>> No.14117578

So is this the Big Change they promised?

>> No.14117579

No chance, since its unannounced.

>> No.14117581

The big change will be in that loli's bust size so she can be the next event unit.

>> No.14117583

What promised Big Change?

>> No.14117585


>> No.14117586

They can't talk about it yet, so we can only guess.

>> No.14117588

The only acceptable 'big change' is adding lolis unedited. Everything else can fuck off.

>> No.14117593

Please let it be autocomplete and Android - it makes DMM Aigis so much better.

>> No.14117594

We don't really need new units without new challenges. I can beat immortal beast and all events lately were too easy, and I only joined in beginning of june. Those who play since start are having everything maxed out, most likely.

>> No.14117596

I wouldn't mind if it were the all ages version and there were no lolis scenes in 18+ but you could still use them there.

>> No.14117614

android version lags like a bitch though

>> No.14117620

Get a decent device.

>> No.14117628

>everything maxed out
I would, if there was an autocomplete button. But I just stopped grinding dragon hunt sometime around karma event, and my only maxed units that aren't silvers are Katie and Belinda
Auto complete fucking when. THATS the major change that we need

>> No.14117633

Did you stop doing monday dailies as well? Plat cans are enough to max out at least your regular team.

>> No.14117656
File: 247 KB, 622x817, whaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just fought a whale who had the sense to have a proper mana curve. Whale 6 drop, whale 8 drop, whale 10 drop, maxed Miyabi on 12, whale 9 drop to finish the hazing.

>> No.14117695

yeah. I'd need to grind fairies too in that case, and I already have 3mil gold so gold cans aren't needed
My team is enough to 3star every map except for a few challenge ones anyway, I don't see them throwing in an event that'd be too hard

>> No.14117699

I totally see them doing awakening and god-tier maps before autocomplete, just like it was on dmm, so its reasonable to have your most important units ready for it.

>> No.14117735

How rare and good is Seria in Osawari? Is the first one you get the only one?

>> No.14117742
File: 209 KB, 557x463, osawari_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed that they didn't edit her chibi, and it has proper nun robe. Also, there are some other nun eromons who were not edited at all, wtf?

>> No.14117745

She is good, solid stats and aoe def skill

Checking her page she is available in ticket gacha only, so try not to lose her lol

>> No.14117749

So is Nutaku down or is it just Aegis?

>> No.14117751

Osawari works fine, so its only aigis.

>> No.14117758

AS is okay.

>> No.14117765

remember to let them know how you feel

>> No.14117772

can you go over 100 eromons?

>> No.14117785

yes there is 1683 after all

>> No.14117793

in the box

>> No.14117819

With storage you can have more but I assume you meant on hand eromon. I tested and yes you can go over 100. It will even let you quest and collect if you are at 100 exactly, however, it will not let you obviously after you are over 100.

>> No.14117835


>> No.14117837

>accidentally deploy B-team on latest quest
>get worked over by the boss
>you get NOTHING for losing a stage (even xp) but 10 minutes of wasted time
well fuck me

>> No.14117840

Of course you get nothing, you failed

>> No.14117844

There's an item in shop called Eromon box+10 but it costs 300 golds

>> No.14117862

Jap games aren't kind to failures.

>> No.14117874
File: 29 KB, 361x172, osamvup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck

>> No.14117879

For some reason I can't spin the step-up gacha. After I click it I end up on a constant 'loading' screen. Is it bugged right now?

>> No.14117902
File: 226 KB, 953x498, osawari7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a single girl you rolled was edited
Nutaku makes you feel good for something which should come as a given.

>> No.14117909

Aigis down for almost 5 hours and not even single word from nutaku. Splendid communication.

>> No.14117914

tomato cans will appear more during the event dont fret

>> No.14117926
File: 70 KB, 305x448, 5352bd7044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did get the treatment

>> No.14117929

9 runs of 7 stamina map, 2 Kloe dropped, 0 plat cans. This is so damn annoying.

>> No.14117938

They'll blame the devs anyway so they figured they don't need to say anything.

>> No.14117940

Small preview fooled me then.

>> No.14117948
File: 311 KB, 761x470, osawari8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Air Red-san looks like a great artist.

>> No.14117953

I keep trying to roll that unit. I'll persist.

>> No.14118085

Is Nutaku Aigis still down?

>> No.14118097


>> No.14118098

No, "application error" clearly means that game is working fine.

>> No.14118146

Hear that? It's the sound of me needing a kind strangers help.


>> No.14118152

Just use dummy accounts.

>> No.14118184

Surprisingly many artists upload their official Osawari art on pixiv.

>> No.14118192

AIgis is back up.

Anyone got a link for dwarfs and giants 2?

>> No.14118202

Not even notify of any kind acknowledging downtime, while dmm version is getting SCs for every smallest glitch.
They are really taking us for subhumans.

>> No.14118217

She shows up area 3, so you could just capture her instead.

>> No.14118237

Island just crashed and not letting me on, anyone else?

>> No.14118246

Ditto for PPS and LoV.
Still in DH on Aigis, but it'll prob die once I finish.

>> No.14118247

AS looks down.

>> No.14118251


Great, 8 more stamina and I was gonna level
inefficiency for the lose

>> No.14118265

502 bad gateway

This shows up with DDoS attacks, not the only cause but can be.

>> No.14118270

>mfw someone DDOS Nutaku for shitting up their localizations

>> No.14118330

Gotten a 504 messege too, so they stopped fucking Aigis and are now going for the website and the other games?

>> No.14118376

DDOS for putting tits on the lolis.

>> No.14118457

From Osawari chat:

Dev: "It is a memcache issue and they are fixing it right now "

>> No.14118485

Aaand we're back.

>> No.14118512

That was the most horrible drawing luck I've had. NOTHING on-curve showed up for 4 turns. No comeback traps either. Ah well, at least losing to someone 400 RP below gets me closer to having easier matches.

>> No.14118547
File: 790 KB, 960x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, if i can 3* immortal beast, is it better than DH for fooder? gold? or DH is plain better until oasis arrives?
thanks in advance

>> No.14118557

iirc beast is better for everything, however you can't really afk easily at it so not as good for setting just 2 units down and afking.

>> No.14118561

5 more Charisma needed for Immortal Beast but it can give 5 fodder instead of 4 from Dragon Hunting I believe, the downside is it can't be afk farmed with just a Spica and a Prince.

>> No.14118601

>everything maxed out
Yeah, keep dreaming anon. Last I checked, the only person to have come the closest to maxing everything out was the one who hit level 200 a while back.

On average, the longest playing, and most hardcore, players are at the 160-180 range, a couple exceptions excluded. Below them are the longest playing, but not hardcore, players who are in the 140-160 range on average. These would be the guys like me from before the first event.

Though I'm only 146 so you can see how low I stand compared to the others.

>> No.14118614

so the only down-side is the inability to afk it
i guess i will only farm DH when i need to do other stuff at the same time
thx guys
also, i have only got 4 drops max, will check the wiki later to see if there's a 5th drop

>> No.14118620

If you wan't to level up certain types of units (mages and Heavies) it's rather good. I'd still go with Dragon Hunting since you can get more fodder per exp cost with a lower chance of failure on your end since you can just afk it.

>> No.14118631

Well, I don't know then why are you all so slow. Rank 126, I have Spica at 50CC70, plat bandit (one with spirits bonus) at 50CC70, Odette at 50CC70, Monica at 50CC60, Kate at 50CC60, gold pink female HA (Bernice or something like that) at 50CC60.
I'm maxing out other units now, but they aren't really needed.
Sure, I don't have any blacks and it takes a bit longer to max them out, but sure you would accomplish it if you played 4x times more than me.

>> No.14118636

I've been on JP for about a week before EN released and I've got almost an entire team at max level with 4 awakened units, one of those at max with 4/5 skill, almost ready to be skill awakened, with 26 other units CC'd and above level 40 that I'm not using.

And I'm only level 155.

I can very easily see someone on EN version having a completely maxed team as they don't have awakening or a lot of new event units to throw exp at.

>> No.14118648

The term used was
>everything maxed out
That means EVERYTHING maxed out when you first think of it. Unit level, cost reduction, unit cost, and player level would be max. If you're just talking about unit level, then sure, a lot of people already are like that (not me, I'm still working on it). Though you (first anon) didn't say unit level, just everything maxed out. So I went with what everything meant to me.

>> No.14118650

Which was why I mentioned player levels.

>> No.14118656

Aren't you that retard who claimed how its "uttely bad luck" to not max skill Odette? I see you didn't learn anything from that fiasco.

>> No.14118660

EN version level 156 here, Max level units are
4 platinum units(1 with 5/5 skill), 10 gold units, 5 silver units, 1 plat with 5/5 skill.

>> No.14118666

So saying that most players haven't maxed out their player level, unit level, unit cost, AND skill level is a retarded statement? Please show me that you have maxed out everything then.

>> No.14118681

I'm sure the guy who said that was talking about main teams, thanks to updates its almost impossible to get everything maxed without spending millions on the game.

>> No.14118682
File: 775 KB, 960x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 drops indeed

>> No.14118684

If I hadn't spread across 41 units, a lot of them being event units, and awakened 4 units I'm sure I could have a lot of units at max skill and low, if not lowest cost.

Player level, yeah fair enough, that takes a while, but if you focused on even just half the units I did and didn't have to bother with awakening you could be very close for everything else.

>> No.14118694

Yeah I realized my misunderstanding. For us however, it's easier to pull off something like that since update rate for us is almost zero. I don't think anyone has though.

>> No.14118707

You're arguing semantics for no real reason. Most players are likely to never max out their Prince's level. Same with cost reductions since you're likely going to spend 1000's of dollars even just to max CR golds.

It's pretty obvious he was referring to team levels since he brought up difficulty and that is the most directly related.

>> No.14118717

I don't know what else you expected from the retard who argued that it'd take ungodly levels of horrific luck not to get 16/16 for Odette's skill in a week for the average player because
>B-B-But I was talking about if you spent $50,000 on SC to spam her 60/6 map 24/7 for 7 days straight.

>> No.14118718

>you're likely going to spend 1000's of dollars even just to max CR golds.

Not with gold rushes and base+ summons being a thing.

>> No.14118720

I'm close to you in number of units (34), though I don't grind as often as i could. I mean, only 6 units aren't cc'd that require it (4 silvers, 1 gold 1 plat) is good enough. Average level is 50CC40 right now.

>> No.14118728

Incoming reply from Xcellion defending himself that he didn't say those words EXACTLY.

>> No.14118730

It's ridiculously easy to max cr and skill up golds on DMM. Of course, English version doesn't have gold rush.

>> No.14118734

Here's a reply. Fuck off.

>> No.14118735

You fuck off, trippy. Fucking retard.

>> No.14118739

If you're that assblasted when someone calls you out on being retarded you should head to one of the forums, like HongFire with Lafate instead.

>> No.14118753

None of those exist on the English version and it would still take a long time just to get a few golds max CRed.
You're likely going to need more than 7 copies for at least a few of them and no gold unit has been given out 7 times. Also base SP summon averages out to like 1.5 random gold units per subjugation mission.

>> No.14118782

> ridiculously easy to max cr and skill up golds on DMM. Of course, English version doesn't have gold rush.
As easy as it was to max skill Odette, you fucking clown. GR gives you only one copy of gold because its completion bonus, and different GRs have different sets of units.

>> No.14118794

guys guys, Xcellion has a point in anything he says, but does exaggerate it to the max, i don't fully support his words (mostly the Odette thing) but for the CR gold subject i get what he's saying
Having GRs, base+ summon, DOES provide DMM players with more gold units than Nutaku
but then again
> ridiculously easy to max cr and skill up golds on DMM.
is exaggerating it

>> No.14118807

You could get only 3 copies of most popular golds from GR in 2 fucking years. Base+ gives you random unit from huge selection. You can calculate yourself what are your chances to get ~9 copies of same unit at this rate and how many years it will take.

>> No.14118817

But given that you'll have above average luck for some of them, and sometimes get them from premium summons too, it's entirely reasonable to min cost one or two gold units.

>> No.14118833

Namefags gonna namefag.

>> No.14118839

I hope next event will be star trial. I'm so tired of collection/drop events.

>> No.14118853

Most new events are.

>> No.14118872

Ironic they use Aigis art for nutaku frontpage now, yet its most desolated of their games.

>> No.14118924
File: 564 KB, 957x538, ScreenHunter_31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Body of a young lady.

My fucking face. You would think Nutaku would attempt to change stuff like this considering how they grew her like 4 cup sizes.

>> No.14118929


Doesn't look much different to me.

>> No.14118934

wow, so she looks like shit even on the JP version.

>> No.14118967

Why must Nutaku troll me so?
>CC Bernice.
>I'm sure she'll last me a long time.
>Use premium summon.
>Alright then at least Bernice can offtank.
>Use basic summon a few hundred times the next day.
Even Leeanne got more use than Bernice and I still don't have any ranged units stronger than Gold from summons.

>> No.14118985

Right there with you, except I also have mage armors too so she's even less useful.

>> No.14119460

Osawari's capture percentages have to be BS

Noa's capture rate is way less than 6%

>> No.14119474

rng is rng

>> No.14119480

Get used to it. It took me at least 20 tries to get the 2 20% girls in 2-11.

>> No.14119482

took me about 100 tries to get the first boss, I got Noa on my first try and the 3rd boss on my 5th or 6th.


>> No.14119505

git gud, I have three Noas already, even after catching her on my first try.

And yet, still no sign of the legendary.

>> No.14119510

Iv been doing this for 7 hours

i dont know how to git gud

>> No.14119517

Blame the desire sensor.

>> No.14119599

A new Osawari Island player here, would be grateful if someone could add my friend code please: 43I40C4WTAEK8DCTJ6N1F.

It's probably too late now since everyone has used their code already most likely, won't hurt to try though.

To other beginners: by using this code (in Menu -> Friend Invite) you help me get some stuff while getting yourself a ticket for rare gacha too. Only 1 code can be used by each player.

>> No.14119856

Done. Dropping my code here since I just started too


>> No.14119884

So Osawari is just timing your mons, and then grinding a ridiculous amount for drops? And event rewards are ranking based? And Nutaku completely butchered the art for every card so everyone has the downs?
I'd rather play Pokémon shuffle even if it doesn't have naked girls.

>> No.14119897

I hate shuffle because it has 5 fucking hearts and random ass difficulties, also leveling is a fucking bitch

>> No.14119950

IIRC from when I played JP Osawari for a few weeks. There's two separate lists of rewards for Events, one for rankings, and a separate one for individual points.

>> No.14119959

Any idea how much of a pain in the ass grinding EPs is? The girl from the first event apparently needed 70,000 and you could grind all the way to 300,000 for extra rewards/ranking for the other girl.
I think 300,000 gives a ticket that guarantees a girl with an H-scene so I imagine that isn't grindable without a decent amount of stamina potions.

>> No.14119999

Enjoy! Just used your code.

If someone wants to use mine:

>> No.14120078

Not him, but I played a bit of DMM osawari. 300k might be a huge pain in the ass and might depend on if you can run the hardest map reliably, since it has the best stam/EP ratio. I know 150k is grindable without the use of any stam pots and not using the best map either, I did it when I started in the middle of an event.

>> No.14120103

new thread
