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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 388 KB, 985x1400, 122262105390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1389554 No.1389554 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1389560


>> No.1389562

Anti-male hormone therapy? I honestly think I'd prefer suicide.

and you know, sage

>> No.1389574

Is this a real poster? Says a great deal about their tolerance.

>> No.1389582

But you'll still be on the sex offenders list.

>> No.1389615

>anti-male hormone therapy
This proves my theory. Pedophiles are true men. We're so overflowing with manliness that the faggots are trying to use science to stop us. But we must not let them fool us. Manliness isn't a disease, it is the symbol of fertility, the bringer of life. That's all we want, a planet full of life, and we will prevail!

>> No.1389620
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>> No.1389626


>> No.1389630

is there one of those in japan?

>> No.1389669

Yes. Every man, 90% of the women and a good deal of the children are on it. Some animals and inanimate objects too.

>> No.1389687

Well, considering that they usually look for cute models instead of sexy models for their adult magazines, that's not surprising...

>> No.1389699


>> No.1389714

...Why are you still living with your mom, and why didn't you lock the door before going to a not work safe board?

>> No.1389717

Anon, calm down. Now go tell your mom that you went to that link by an accident. Blame it all on me for posting it.

>> No.1389729


>> No.1389735

But you're him, aren't you? I am too.

>> No.1389750

Do you hug your loli imouto often?

>> No.1389755

>Do you rape your loli imouto often?

>> No.1389769

Every day. We sit on the bed in front of the TV and cuddle all the time. She's always having me hold her and carry her around; she's 11.

>> No.1389776

She rapes me ;_;

>> No.1389780

Did you clear up the misunderstanding yet? You wouldn't want your mom to take away your imouto now would you?

>> No.1389787


>> No.1389799

I hope this is true. I hope she saw. I hope she knows.

>> No.1389805


1. She didn't see it.
2. She saw it, realized it was porn but did not see it long enough to tell what kind of porn it was, and turned her head.
3. She's planing on giving me a talk later.
4. She saw it and doesn't care.

I really do hope it turns out to be 4.

>> No.1389807
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>> No.1389818

>4. She saw it and doesn't care.
No. See
Seriously, she sounds paranoid and crazy, she will fucking rape you.

>> No.1389871

Why 4? Why not 1?

Here's what will happen though: your mom will take away your imouto and put her in a safe home. There she will be gangraped daily and become damaged. She'll end up as a crackwhore.

Your mom will go crazy of guilt and drink herself to death.

You will be put in jail on suspicion of child rape where your cellmate will, surprisingly, not rape you to death. Instead he'll teach you a really cool trick involving a dog, an accordion and a deck of regular playing cards. When you are set free you will tour the country doing shows.

You father, freed from the burden of his family, will be truly happy for the first time since college.

Have a nice day, anon!

>> No.1389874

Backwards torso, I don't like it ;_;

>> No.1389875

>You father, freed from the burden of his family, will be truly happy for the first time since college.
Good end!

>> No.1389885

Wait wait wait, is this the situation at the moment: your room has no door?

>> No.1389927
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>> No.1390191

Why am I not allowed to molest bags? They have no rights under the law.

>> No.1390201

In Japan, bags have more rights than you do.

>> No.1390895
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>> No.1390950


>> No.1390972
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>> No.1390983

God dammit, I just saw this thread too and I wanna see the naked lolis.

>> No.1391019

Loli island? DO WANT

>> No.1391035
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>> No.1391042

lol japan

>> No.1391048

Loli stole mah pornz

>> No.1391066
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>> No.1391071
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>> No.1391077
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>> No.1391084

oh god what, these are fictional stories. Fucking magazines making fun of their own readers.

>> No.1391140

What was the /r9k/ thread?

>> No.1391143
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>> No.1391150


>> No.1391155

hahahaha ``Supported by COMIC LO''

>> No.1391183


more like alot of their readers like 3d too in Japan. Remember how cp was legal till 2001(?) and legal to possess until recently?

>> No.1391203

His little sister stole his Comic LO?

>> No.1391215
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Think of these pics like those anti-smoking ads sponsored by tobacco companies. They do just enough so that it looks like they're trying.

>> No.1391262
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>> No.1391277

>Lolita Lights

That has a nice ring to it.

>> No.1391299
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>> No.1391301

if their trying to cure lolicon why would they cover the poster with loli?

>> No.1391305


>> No.1391321

i guess but its still kind of hard to think about quitting loli when its staring you in the face. Its like if an anti smoking ad was covered with a bunch of people smoking and having a good time.

>> No.1391322
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>> No.1391330
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>> No.1391332
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>> No.1391359
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Nothing else I have tops >>1390972
or >>1391035

>> No.1391367

Why does japan love LIFE so much? is it the only board game they have?

>> No.1391375
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>> No.1391379

Looking kinda tsundere there, Blossom.

>> No.1391384

This thread is making me hard

>> No.1391397
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I don't like this one.

>> No.1391409
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>> No.1391416
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>> No.1391419

You're under arrest, you loliphile

>> No.1391420

This needs some translation

>> No.1391428
File: 96 KB, 943x1416, 1222804701179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not why I don't like that one. I'm sure my dislike for that image has nothing to do with it being a pic of a WHITE hand in handcuffs and the word "caution" everywhere in ENGLISH.

>> No.1391426

What do these ones say?

>> No.1391437

>WHITE hand
It's a greyscale image. It could very well be a yellow hand.

>> No.1391443
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>> No.1391446
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>> No.1391447

It's comic lo's semi-serious campain to try to convince pedos not to molest lolis

it's pretty noble of them i guess

they're also providing a public service, if they (we) didn't have a fresh supply of lolis in comic lo, rin etc. then they (we) may be tempted to go seek a real loli

but as we all know, right after you've fapped the last thing on your mind is sex

>> No.1391449


>> No.1391452
File: 240 KB, 850x1200, 1222805528336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I take back what I said here. Loli GPS. I need not say more.

>> No.1391477

>semi-serious campain to try to convince pedos not to molest lolis
I think that's absolute bollocks. It's humourous publicity for their magazines and nothing more.

>> No.1391490

They actually have these in japan now. At least voice actresses doing loli voices.

>> No.1391506
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>> No.1391517
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>> No.1391526
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>> No.1391529
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>> No.1391541
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>> No.1391548
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>> No.1391552
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>> No.1391555

wow, that one actually made me shed a tear

>> No.1391562


>> No.1391610
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>> No.1391651
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>> No.1391657
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>> No.1391663


>> No.1391668

Wow, I feel guilty.

"We'll never forgive the criminals who made the world this way"

Right - Cute charms
left - Panic alarm

>> No.1391678


>> No.1391693

You should only feel guilty if you rape kids

>> No.1391706

I don't, but, as a pedo, I have guilt by association.

>> No.1391716

Kind of like how you get that twinge of guilt whenever you watch a "War is a terrible tragedy" movie, like Grave of the Fireflies, or Schindler's list.
You didn't have anything to do with it, but the haunting feeling remains.

Or maybe that's just me.

>> No.1391722

that's just sadness and sympathy, and possibly empathy if you've experienced something similar

don't confuse it with guilt

>> No.1391736

ye gods... I guess I'll have to eat my words
here >>1391477

>> No.1391748

Considering I don't generally experience guilt without accompanying sadness and sympathy, I think it's a fairly common mistake.

>> No.1391750

lol at OP post

since when has the translation for ロリコン been "lolicon"?

>> No.1391754

maybe if you're a vulcan, most human beings know their emotions

>> No.1391761

lookin' pretty cute there, little sister...

>> No.1391762

You can't possibly be serious.

>> No.1391766

How can anyone take that seriously when LO is full of loli raping stories.

>> No.1391775

What do

>> No.1391776

By maintaining a strict distinction between fantasy and real life.

>> No.1391777

here's how it works:

while pedos are at home, fapping away to their new issue of comic LO, they are not:
- lurking in parks
- hanging outside schools
- hiding under your sister's bed

Comic LO is at the forefront of child protection

>> No.1391788


Any evidence I have is anecdotal, but I would disagree. not that it really has any bearing on anything.

>> No.1391806




I'll have to get back to you on that; although I'm here, I'm also at work.

>> No.1391826

Do you translate for ¥?

>> No.1391832

I'd settle for just the basic gist of each one.

>> No.1391842

Since when was Stan possessing a loli?

>> No.1391843

Most of /jp/'s users are safe.
They are reverse pedos, projecting themselves as little girl being raped, therefore it's more likely for them to dress like little girls and play some bdsm than raping a real child.

>> No.1391847

Most /jp/edos just want to be the little girl so they can rape other little girls and get away with it.

>> No.1391853

No, most of /jp/ is what >>1391843 said. Closet faggots who want to cuddled and raped by men.

>> No.1391859

We want to become little girls because it's our inner desires and that's it.

No sex.

>> No.1391861

Well, I, personally, want to be cuddled and raped by a little girl. I can't really speak for everyone else, I suppose.

>> No.1391867


FFFFUUCCKK!!! Translator of the OP pic here. Looks like I'm going to be locked in my room translating these things for the rest of the month!

>> No.1391865

interview with a 5th grader about how the lolita organisation helps little girls (fake interview) and a humorous brochure to visit "lolimanga island", a pun (the highest form of comedy in medieval europe and modern japan) on
the name of an existing island whose name escapes me at the moment

>> No.1391872

you can speak for me good sir

except for the raped part

if i could hug a litle girl every day for the rest of my life, i'd be the happiest man in the world

>> No.1391875

Both of these appeal to me. But purely as a fantasy, I don't want to really have sex with another man (maybe just once... without roleplay bullshit) or be a little girl (I like having a penis, if the operation was quick and reversible I'd do it. Simulated reality would do the trick)

As for sex with real little girls... I have no interest in having to run from the law or coerce anyone. I'd do it on, like, a desert island.

>> No.1391878

>I am gay
good for you, fag

>> No.1391884

Not exclusively. I don't even collect gay porn. Fapped to some on a few occasions, don't really like it.

>> No.1391887
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>> No.1391888

Please do.

>> No.1391891


>> No.1391900

mental lolicon condition is awwright

>> No.1391902

I lurk there frequently. But I only really post in /jp/

>> No.1391904

People often say, "I want to be the little girl," but I usually think, "I want to hug the little girl."

>> No.1391905

First one
Come to Loli-manga island, exist quietly away from the world, etc. More to it than that, and it's actually kind of calming in a way that travel ads tend to be.

WALL OF TEXT one is Q and A, little sister found a loli comic in her brother's room, but he's never done anything bad, Should she talk to their mother about it?
A: WALL OF TEXT about how he and others like him aren't bad people, etc.

>> No.1391913

You are a professional translator, no?

>> No.1391922

I believe you are in the majority, not the minority.

damn quick reply eating my replies...

>> No.1391926

Same here, though in retrospect it would be kind of nice to be a little girl. You could be cute and get hugs and stuff. ;_;

>> No.1391929

>little sister found a loli comic in her brother's room, but he's never done anything bad
Brother must have the willpower of a zen master to avoid fondling a sister like her.

>> No.1391931

Technically, I was checking other people's work in video game translations, but I've been out of the game business for a year or so.

>> No.1391933

The ad actually goes on with suggestions on horrible punishments for him if he does, so...

>> No.1391955

Give an example of one.

>> No.1391990

"Inform your parents, then cut off his penis..." etc.

>> No.1392006

Inform your parents that he's a pedophile, or inform them that you're going to cut off his penis?

>> No.1392010


With just a little planning, you can do both at the same time.

>> No.1392023

If he's a pedophile, I'd say.

"If he touches you excessively, steals your underwear, or gets in bed with you, tell your parents"

I'm a particular fan of "Smashing it with a tool or bar is fine too"

>> No.1392032

>or gets in bed with you
my little sister was constantly asking to get in bed with me because she was scared or lonely or cold or whatever

she was cute when she was little too

never had any sexual feelings for her, but it was nice.

>> No.1392037

[x] You're the scariest.

>> No.1392039

It's kind of implied throughout that it's the unwelcome kind of "sibling closeness"

>> No.1392048

What if he's masochistic and it's his fetish to be abused by a girl? It's mine.

>> No.1392054

When your balls are busted you probably won't really much care for fetishes any more.

>> No.1392058

Then I imagine he'd hae a few momnts of bliss before the police come knocking...
A pleasant memory for the jail time after you get through the 94% conviction-rate court system.

>> No.1392070

So wait, there is not irl paradise loli island? D:

>> No.1392071

actually it's over 99% in Japan

>> No.1392089

You will never fuck a child or even a preadolescent (unless you live in certain countries). Get it in your heads, grow up and start liking real women.


>> No.1392093

>child or preadolescent

>> No.1392096

Over 90.00?!

>> No.1392106

> You will never fuck a female or even a male (unless you live in certain countries). Get it in your heads, grow up and start liking hands.


Fixed for accuracy

>> No.1392109


Japan's all messed up

>You will never fuck a child
Why would I want to?

>start liking real women.

>> No.1392114

>Hi, I'm just wandering in; nice board you got here

>> No.1392115


>> No.1392140


>> No.1392145

I already did. Both.
Crown me, bitch!

>> No.1392160
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>> No.1392162

Only counts if it was at the same time. And yes, they have to be two separate people.

>> No.1392169
File: 35 KB, 467x458, 1222818519811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a god.

>> No.1392179

They were two different people, but there was a difference of a day and a half between them...
Oh well, I'll try harder next time.

>> No.1392192

SO CLOSE. SO close.

Day and a half from being crowned King of the world.

>> No.1392201


>> No.1392239

September 28th, 2007. 00: 45 hs.
Me and my girlfriend's sister (15 years old, after heavy drinking during her birthday), getting refreshed (without my girlfriend noticing, obviously)

September 29th, 13 something hs.
Apparently, my girlfriend's sister told the story to her younger sister (age 6, my girlfriend is the oldest of the three) telling her that "she loved it". The YS comes over to my house. I am alone, and she wanted me to do her the same things I did to her sister (the middle one).
Not wanting to fuck shit up, I put it in her mouth.

September 29th, 13 something hs. +15
She leaves. I clean up. Nothing happened between my girlfriend's sisters since then (nothing sexual. I am still a very good friend of theirs). End

>> No.1392287

>Me and my girlfriend's sister (15 years old, after heavy drinking during her birthday), getting refreshed (without my girlfriend noticing, obviously)
Enjoy your AIDS for fucking a granny.

>The YS comes over to my house. I am alone, and she wanted me to do her the same things I did to her sister (the middle one).

>> No.1392295


>> No.1392307

Whoa, close one. Can't let us get distracted by the lies of loli sex.

Even if that were true, a 6 year old that's willing to go demand such a thing after hearing a story like that's gonna turn what she did into a story. You're fucked.

>> No.1393095
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>> No.1393104
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>> No.1393119


Um... this is 4chan. Just thought you should know.

>> No.1393183
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>> No.1393205
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>> No.1393215

I think a girl having childlike traits makes them cuter, or at least seem more pure. As far as 2d images are concerned, it's just another element of design.

>> No.1393644
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>> No.1393876

Are people in this thread really pedos, or are you just joking?

>> No.1393880


go away

>> No.1393893


stay where you are

>> No.1393901


be ambiguous about your decision to leave

>> No.1393907

Haha, no you aren't

>> No.1393916

You three are always there to help.

Yes, some of us really are. Although there much less of us than 2-3 years ago.

>> No.1393978

Which version of pedo are we talking? Lolicons seem to make up the majority of us, these days...

>> No.1393988

That because if anyone posts a picture of a real little girl, they get b&.

>> No.1393991

>That because if anyone posts a picture of a real little girl, they get v&.

>> No.1393993

I mean real pedos. You know, r@ygold, hussyfan, etc. Not the ``I like drawn girls but real ones are gross'' kind.

>> No.1394015

Sure, I like 3D little girls. Women aren't sexual beings to me - they're just people like men are.

>> No.1394018

That said, the more lolicons that pop up, the less actual pedos will exist, by which I mean pedos not in denial who are downloading actual cp. As distribution of illegal content is generally done for e-penis stroking, rather than actual money (at least on the internet), the most effective method of minimalizing child porn is by pushing its often ambiguous virtual counterpart.

And yes, some people say that fapping to cartoons will make you fap to actual kids, but those same people also believe that Grand Theft Auto will make you shoot cops.

>> No.1394038

I still say you're in some pretty massive denial if you claim to like 2D lolis and hate breasts, but not 3D loli.

Just fess up to it. It can't harm you here. What are you afraid of? That, if you admit it to yourself, you'll all of a sudden change? Nothing changes, you are only able to consciously delight in your desires.

So come, shed the stress of constant denial. Be honest to yourself. Embrace the inner pedophile.

>> No.1394039

UNICEF should partner with ComicLO

>> No.1394059

Me? My 4chan page style has a Rin and Sakura in all their full breasted glory and I fap to both males and females of all ages indiscriminately... so long as they're 2d.

In terms of people who are focused on lolicon, I'd say denial is better than incarceration. If a lolicon can convince himself that he likes the art for other reasons, then I suppose it could be possible that he does, given the nature of a virtual environment, even if it is unlikely and I for one refuse to force 'sexual enlightenment' on them.

>> No.1394069

That one should have to so fervently deny his true self because of social taboos, even if he would never be a criminal or do an evil thing, is why I can never say I'd be a normalfag.

>> No.1394070

I'm sure you've fapped to rape hentai before. That means you want to rape a 3D girl and should be locked up.

For the record I like both grown women and lolis, and I actually prefer the former.

>> No.1394071

That'd be up there with a Batman/Joker team up to crush the mob.

>> No.1394076

Don't you love it when Anonymous twists your words? I said:
>like 2D lolis and hate breasts

If you like breasts as well, does that make you a pedophile? Obviously not. If you like normal hentai as well as, and especially more than, rape hentai, you obviously would not fetishize rape.

>> No.1394080

Why would I fap to rape? I personally dislike violence (especially when applied to younger appearing characters), though situations where consent is uncertain are fair game for me.

If you think that's still bad, then we'll have to lock up /d/ entirely won't we?

I'm merely standing up for those who should be allowed to say 'what' they see when they fap.

And for the record, I also prefer older men and woman.

>> No.1394086

>I fap to ... males

>I like ... grown women

>I also prefer older men

Wow, a lot more fags on 4chan than I thought.

>> No.1394089

I've fapped to plenty of rape stories. They aren't my preference, but whatever gets the job done.

I prefer the bittersweet love stories myself, but I'm a sucker like that.

>> No.1394104

Monosexuality is a handicap alienating you from half the internet's porn.

>> No.1394114

You're gonna tell me half the porn on the internet is gay porn? Now that's laughable.

>> No.1394126

Gay porn? You're not getting it.
Normal porn includes men 'and' woman.

>> No.1394132

Sure, but I never fap to the men in my loli hentai.

>> No.1394141

What's the difference between fapping to some loli and fapping exclusively to loli? Either way you're attracted to it, and it doesn't mean you like pig disgusting 3D children.

I partially agree with you. I can't remember the last time I fapped to a rape doujin. But I know I used to, even though I would never ever consider raping anyone.

>> No.1394146

If you can only fap to 2D loli, you're a pedophile. I don't care what you think, you're just going to deny it because you fear being a pedophile.

>> No.1394150

There's plenty of good loli porn to fap too. Even if I did nothing but masturbate all day, I still would be able to look at something new each day.

>> No.1394151
File: 262 KB, 527x746, 1222852667233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, so you're only getting half the experience when and if a male character is included. It's much nicer to be attracted to both participants, wouldn't you say?

Pic partially related.

>> No.1394154

Most of the time the guy isn't even on camera. Sometimes, he's even transparent.

>> No.1394159

I'm not the one you were replying to, but I need to ask:

Are you a fetishist? And by that I mean someone who pursues fetishism for its own sake, never lingering too long on any given idea and always pushing the limits of what their mind can handle. Fetishists tend to be the most extreme kind of sexual escapist.

Is that you?

>> No.1394168

Even if it's loli yuri, I generally end up focusing on one or the other. I never really understood the appeal of lesbianism. As long as one of them is attractive, I'm happy.

>> No.1394165

Heh, I love that too, but J-porn is more infamous for that, as opposed to western stuff. There's nothing like pixelated genitalia to get the juices flowing, though.

>> No.1394175

Nah, I'm just a pedophile. I have different hankerings every now and then (sometimes I wanna see a blowjob, sometimes I wanna see happy sex), but it's always about the pure, unadulterated loli.

>> No.1394177

As I mentioned before, I prefer non-lolis, there just happen to be a few loli characters that I'm attracted to (like Ilya and Rika), and I still don't agree with you.

>> No.1394180

I don't like lesbians, much. Really, they wouldn't have any attraction to me, so why should I have any towards them?

>> No.1394185

You don't agree with me probably because you haven't experienced it. You're not a pedophile, you said yourself you prefer non-lolis. It'd be like you saying "I only like healthy 2D women, but I'm actually a pedophile when it comes to 3D." Sounds plenty like denial, doesn't it?

>> No.1394201

Not a bad deal. My mind tends to wander, so I switch perspectives pretty rapidly. And I've always assumed lesbianism was fun due to there being two immediately attractive characters for male viewing simultaneously. The three way (Fate Route) in Fate/Stay Night being a good example of how well adding a male character can improve the appeal (I mean that it gives the male viewer a gateway into the scenario).

It's not like I can automatically like male characters, either. Mental preparation is needed, usually using the image of a trap to associate sexual attraction with the male form and then just filling it out so that even things like beefcake can be enjoyable.

>> No.1394206

I wouldn't do a three-way. To me sex should be about concentrating on your partner, and making sure that she has as many orgasms as possible. You just can't split your attention between partners.

>> No.1394223

Ah. I only asked because I tend to view things in rather prevalent shades of gray due to my own habits. Perception is reality within the confines of a virtual environment and all that crap.

>> No.1394241

In the real world it would be incredibly difficult, but in the virtual world, men and woman have infinite fortitude and genital fluids they can ejaculate constantly without physical consequence. That is, in things like j-porn, equal attention and companionship could be given sufficiently to members of an entire harem, so long as the main works hard.

Virtual porn for some of us is all about the escape from reality, so they seek out impossible scenarios consciously.

>> No.1394264

>Virtual porn for some of us is all about the escape from reality, so they seek out impossible scenarios consciously.

Just a thought, but given that it is impossible to copulate consensually with a child in real life, some of these people might be drawn to lolicon for that same reason? i guess it's like that harem thing. Sometimes it's wish fulfillment and other times it's simple reality aversion.

>> No.1394272

>impossible to copulate consensually with a child in real life
Not impossible, just very improbable. Education could change this, but unfortunately public schools aren't allowed to give sex ed without direct parental permission.

>> No.1394297

I meant biologically speaking. Until around thirteen or so, kids aren't even past their main hormonal developments that make them capable of making the decision mentally. In addition, there are dangerous things that happen to a child's brain when you try to force sexual stimulation on it. I'm not saying every kid below twelve is a walking fetus, but more than education certainly comes into play.

Also, maintaining an actual harem (as in giving each of the girls the proper amount of affection, attention, love) is also technically 'possible' if improbable.

>> No.1394304

Hm, so you actually believe what those people say, huh. You do realize that the "damage" done to the psyche by sexualizing children is that they learn to enjoy sex, and it's no longer a "sacred" thing to them, right? That's the "damage." To moralfags and christfags, that's certainly damaging. Do you actually believe it is, too?

>> No.1394315

Not really. It's a question of wires that aren't ready to receive a current just yet, if you get my meaning. It has nothing to do with psyche and everything to do with trying to activate systems on the body that haven't finished building themselves. Literal brain damage, not philosophical bullshit.

To explain it better, I'll just say that the body processes sexual stimulation differently and that a child's body is like an unfinished dam in that regard.

>> No.1394319

So, uh, who's spouting this bullshit using your mouth? Honestly, you're not correct on this one. Kids are fully able to enjoy sexual pleasure without any repercussions. The only time it's "damaging" is when it's with a partner that's older. Sexual activities between two prepubescent kids is considered "sexual play" and completely harmless, regardless of what they're doing - they could be having full out intercourse. It's when one partner is older that it suddenly is "damaging" because it's viewed as desensitizing the child to sex.

>> No.1394337

Is this going to turn into a neuroscience debate? We could sit here forever being 'experts' or agree to disagree on that because it doesn't really affect the topic at hand.

Regardless of whether it's possible for a child to consent, 'most' of the internet's users would find sexual intercourse between an adult and prepubescent individual to be anything but romantic and therefore, the idea of a 'kind and loving' exchange between the two might appeal to at least newfag sexual escapists, who would 'see' the situation as being normally impossible, regardless of whether it is or isn't.

>> No.1394340

"'Sexually Reactive' children are pre-pubescent boys and girls who have been exposed to, or had contact with, inappropriate sexual activities.The sexually reactive child may engage in a variety of age-inappropriate sexual behaviors as a result of his or her own exposure to sexual experiences, and may begin to act out, or engage in, sexual behaviors or relationships that include excessive sexual play, inappropriate sexual comments or gestures, mutual sexual activity with other children, or sexual molestation and abuse of other children."

From http://www.selfhelpmagazine.com/articles/sexual-development.php

There you have it. Exposure to sex is bad because it means they'll try to do things that they find pleasurable, and which, under other circumstances, are completely fine.

>> No.1394353

Oh, I have seen the light and am illuminated.
I concede.

>> No.1394358

>However, normative (or expected) sexual behaviors are usually not overtly sexual, are more exploratory and playful in nature, do not show a preoccupation with sexual interactions, and are not hostile, aggressive, or hurtful to self or others.

So as long as it's not for the purposes of sexual pleasure, anything goes. But as soon as the kid is getting pleasure out of it, it's EVIL BAD HORRIBLE MUST PREVENT.

>> No.1394359

Here, I'll even change the wording for you:
Even though it's possible for a child to consent, 'most' of the internet's users would find sexual intercourse between an adult and prepubescent individual to be anything but romantic and therefore, the idea of a 'kind and loving' exchange between the two might appeal to at least newfag sexual escapists, who would 'see' the situation as being normally impossible, even though it is.

>> No.1394363

I love you /jp/. You always have the most important discussions.

>> No.1394366

>'Most' of the internet's users would find sexual intercourse between an adult and prepubescent individual to be anything but romantic and therefore, the idea of a 'kind and loving' exchange between the two might appeal to at least newfag sexual escapists, who would 'see' the situation as being normally impossible

there are still plenty of pedos into loli, but you're saying that the escapists are drawn in by the taboo of it?

or the unnatural feel of the material?

>> No.1394374

For escapists, the unnatural feel is what they're after, though most fetishists will soon grow bored with the genre and move on to things like futanari and tentacle rape (I actually keep a place in my heart for consensual tentacle sex). People with particularly strong perspectives on how 'unnatural' something is tend to stay for a bit longer, even years.

'Rebels' are the ones who fap to things solely because they're taboo and in my opinion tend to be pretentious assholes.
