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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13861220 No.13861220 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13839193

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill

>> No.13861231

August releases review is out:

Rance 03, rance-style game from debonosou, card battle game from astronauts. Looks pretty good.

>> No.13861247

>Gi Koihime

At least there is a couple of interesting titles next month.

>> No.13861261

>Traveling Stars
What the hell is the point of adding in the other world at all if you're just going to drag the guy back to ours for some plain school setting? Might as well focus on the 10 years he was in the "other world" as it would be more interesting than another generic school setting

Really that entire second paragraph just kills any possible interest I could have in the title

>> No.13861262


At least I still have Sorcery Jokers for this month.

>> No.13861265

Edgy manchildren detected.

>> No.13861272 [DELETED] 

How is that even remotely connected to what I said in >>13861261? Or are you blatantly shitposting because people are ignoring your other troll thread again?

>> No.13861273

It's kind of weird how 異世界 and fantasy stuff is all the rage in LNs, but eroge are still stuck with the same boring generic school settings.

>> No.13861290

Rance maybe? It looks depressing as hell.

Because half of those come from webnovels and those cost nothing to write and can keep adding characters upon characters without an end in sight.

>> No.13861310
File: 154 KB, 577x707, 金.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green's responses make me laugh every fucking time.

>> No.13861329

Isekai/Fantasy stuff was all the rage back during PC-98 days.
Unfortunately the current eroge industry is extremely conservative and afraid of trying new things storywise.

>> No.13861335

For some reason 異世界 VNs are cursed to be shit. First Rosebleu made their nonsensical DLC VN with zero plot, now Frontwing is making children-oriented Hatsumira with retarded RPGmaker-like battles against zombies.

>> No.13861336

You guys really should find a new hobby. Complaining about school setting in eroge is pretty dumb since most eroge is all about dating schoolgirls.

>> No.13861342

Looks like a backlog month!

>> No.13861344

At least the gameplay stuff will probably entertain me for a while.

>> No.13861369

>most eroge is all about dating schoolgirls
Precisely because
>the current eroge industry is extremely conservative and afraid of trying new things storywise

>> No.13861376

It doesn't have to be that way, though. Look at some of the crazy shit we got back in the '90s and early '00s.

I mean, I'm fine with some, or even most eroge having school settings. It would just be nice to see a bit of variety occasionally. You can only play so many paint-by-numbers 5-girls-in-a-school moege before they start feeling a bit stale.

>> No.13861382

>crazy shit we got back in the '90s and early '00s.

Such as? Enlighten me. The only thing comes to my mind is Yuno.

>> No.13861390

Aoiro Rinne, for example.

>> No.13861392

Elf's games.

>> No.13861393

さよならを教えて, 蒼色輪廻, 肢体を洗う, 腐り姫 and so on and on. Its suspicious how you don't know any of them and know only translated title although they are mentioned all the time here.

>> No.13861410

It's more like school settings have proven to sell well.
1) Craftwork hasn't made anything in such a long-ass time, it must have not been profitable.
2) This subsidary of Mink hasn't made a game since 2008; the main company is making only school settings games. That means it wasn't profitable.
3) Silky's is still alive, but all of their games are in school settings, that means it wasn't profitable. Silky's Plus is seeming to "re-try" non school settings, with Neyuki, it seems.
4) Liar Soft is still making crazy shit today.

>> No.13861426

>Its suspicious how you don't know any of them and know only translated title although they are mentioned all the time here.

Not everyone is interested with old games with bad art.

>> No.13861430

The art for those games isn't actually bad, unless you consider all anime art to be bad.

>> No.13861438

Then why were you asking for them?

>> No.13861447
File: 117 KB, 640x480, 8709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The art for those games isn't actually bad


>> No.13861452

Yeah, that's really not bad. It has nice line work and nothing is really anatomically shitty. The worst part is the shading of the hair but that's about it. It's just standard anime art.

>> No.13861461

>Yeah, that's really not bad.


Sorry, that's the only reaction I can give you. Either my standard is too high or your standard is too low but I believe it's the latter

>> No.13861465

That's quite a bit better than most random eroge artists.

>> No.13861470

Helps only needing to draw a single tachi-e with a single expression and a naked version for every single character.
Anatomy fuck ups start appearing in the CGs, the normal-intended ones.

>> No.13861473

I don't think it's that bad. It's kinda dated but that's about it. At least it fits with the atmosphere of the game.

>Either my standard is too high
Good one. What's your example of good eroge art, then?

>> No.13861475

>Sorry, that's the only reaction I can give you.
That's because you don't actually know anything about art and just like new stuff because it's shiny and colorful.

>> No.13861477

>Either my standard is too high
I think you just call things bad because they're not similar to what you expect in "good" things. Like someone calling a blue painting bad because all they've seen is red paintings. If you actually tried to critique the art, you really couldn't, because there's not anything objectively bad about it, from an art standpoint. It's just not what YOU have come to like/expect and ergo you say it's bad even when it's pretty standard and fine.

>> No.13861478

>What's your example of good eroge art, then?


>> No.13861481

Are you serious?

>> No.13861486

Fair enough, I haven't played the game. Though in that case that picture is a really poor example.

>> No.13861490


>> No.13861494

I think he's just baiting now. Best way to get us /jp/sies riled up is to be stupid and insult stuff out of ignorance.

>> No.13861498

Its usual shitposter attacking from different angles, since his fake thread failed. Just learn to ignore him already.

>> No.13861501

Then it looks like >>13861475 was spot on.

>> No.13861513


Yeah, no. Any people with decent aesthetic sense wouldn't say shit like >>13861447 this is better than >>13839193 .

Let me guess. You guys think Ooyari's art is good right?

>> No.13861518

Oranges and apples, anon.

>> No.13861521


>> No.13861522

I'm not a big Ooyari fan but you are one dumb motherfucker.

>> No.13861523

They're both shit honestly. For me Hanasaki Workspring is slightly worse because I keep seeing that same fucking style copypasted everywhere.
And no, Ooyari can't draw faces/heads for shit.

>> No.13861532

You art fags are the worst.

>> No.13861540

>you are one dumb motherfucker.

Speak for yourself.

So it's bad because it's mainstream? Epic. I wonder who's baiting now.

>> No.13861542

>I wonder who's baiting now.
You would know that best of all.

>> No.13861543

Oh come on, Oyari is pretty decent. I like hanasaki style more, but still.

>> No.13861546

Stop feeding the troll.

>> No.13861552

At least feeding the troll isn't offtopic whining.

>> No.13861558


Great, someone with different opinion is called a troll now?

>> No.13861559

Just because he has a different opinion doesn't mean he's a troll.

>> No.13861568

I imagine the main thing would be ignoring people with calm posts (>>13861477) and focusing on stirring up shit:
>Any people with decent aesthetic sense wouldn't say shit like >>13861447 this is better than >>13839193 → .
Insulting everyone who disagrees with him + strawmanning (no one ever said the rail-soft art was better than anything, they just said it wasn't bad). And so on.

It's not that he's a troll because he disagrees, he's a troll because he's intentionally stirring up shit and refusing to engage in actual discourse.

>> No.13861579

Are you new to 4chan?

>> No.13861622

>So it's bad because it's mainstream?
No, it's bad because it's a boring and flat style everyone copied just because it's easy to produce and sells for some reason. It'd be great if everyone copied a good style instead.

>> No.13861635

A good style being? Remember that this is something people are meant to fap to.

>> No.13861641

>sells for some reason

It sells because it's good.

> It'd be great if everyone copied a good style instead.

Such as? Well, it doesn't matter since if everyone copied that you are going to call it "flat" anyway.

>> No.13861669

September will be better.

>> No.13861672

Isn't the Rance 03 remake supposed to have voice acting? If so, I'll be looking forward to it a lot.

>> No.13861675

Poyoyon Rock, Kiriyama Taichi, Munyuu, Hamashima Shigeo. They have a decent understanding of anatomy and forms which makes their art look more fleshed out and erotic. Ichikawa Saasha also draws nice bodies but their faces are off.

SAO also sells because it's good.

>> No.13861699

It does, there are previews for the voices up on their site. Rance isn't voiced as one would expect

>> No.13862013

Let's be real. SAO ain't that bad.

>> No.13862049

It was written by a teenager, dude. It's not objectively "good" or objectively" "bad", but that fact speaks for itself.

>> No.13862067

>It was written by a teenager


>> No.13862077

That speaks for itself, anon.

>> No.13862087

SAO is popular precisely because it appeals to the unwashed masses of teenbros and self-alleged "otaku" who don't know any better.

>> No.13862095

That's a new one.

>> No.13862100

No it's not. Do you contain yourself in this thread only? Are you not aware of the teenbros of the big W?

>> No.13862103

>4 pages total
Definitely a common term.

>> No.13862107

That's the wrong archive. Check the big W.

>> No.13862114

Unless "the big W" means Warosu, I'll have to admit that I don't know what "the big W" means.

>> No.13862365

It means Warosu. You got that right.

>> No.13862388

I've come to the conclusion that the downfall of this thread was not the creation of /vg/ or the deterioration of the eroge scene, but just the moving of nukige discussion outside of the thread. Without nukige, there just wasn't enough to discuss anymore to preserve decent on topic discussion.

>> No.13862397

Why the fuck was nukige kicked out in the first place? They make up the majority of releases.

>> No.13862409

So you say, but there hasn't been a post on the nukige thread in nearly 48 hours (the last post was me trying to bump so it doesn't "count" really).

>> No.13862412

They weren't really kicked out. There was just some dude who used machine translators or something and didn't feel comfortable in this thread so he made a new thread for it and it stuck.

Silly because it's not like we know Japanese in this thread either.

Anyway, anyone have good faps recently? I haven't done much in terms of VN style nukige, sticking mostly to the rpg maker games and such. I downloaded innocent girl at some point but it wasn't as good as pure girl.

Well since then, /vg/ has also started multiple threads for H games, so a lot of people probably started going there. It's too bad both of them are awful.

>> No.13862414

I finished Sapokano recently, but that doesn't mean I want to post with the type of people that pushed for a separate thread. But you may have a point, since I don't really post about Nukige that appeal to me anymore in this thread.

>> No.13862428

>Silly because it's not like we know Japanese in this thread either.
I think there's a significant difference between machine translators and people at least trying to learn the language. I know that I feel out of place in h-game places where everyone machine translates.
Most of the nukige thread isn't filled with "the type of people who pushed for a separate thread", its for the most part just people who like nukige who saw the thread (like me).

>> No.13862435

I'm reading Yabai and it's really good. Basically the MC's little sister commits suicide, and the MC finds out she was being bullied at school. He kidnaps the 3 girls who were responsible and rapes them until he gets the truth out from them. I normally don't like rape but this is one of the few cases where the girls genuinely deserve it.

>> No.13862439

>I know that I feel out of place in h-game places where everyone machine translates.
This. I use a text parser with mecab in case I don't understand a word, but when I visited the hgg threads on /vg/ everyone machine translates everything they play and eat that shit like it's normal. It's a bit unsettling.

>> No.13862456

This one?
> I normally don't like rape but this is one of the few cases where the girls genuinely deserve it.
That does sound entertaining. Although I'm a pussy who can only handle fake kimochi ii rape

>> No.13862459

That's the one.

>fake kimochi ii rape
That's what stands out about this game, it doesn't devolve into that or mindbreak. The girls hate it all the way through, surprisingly enough.

>> No.13862464

>That's what stands out about this game, it doesn't devolve into that or mindbreak. The girls hate it all the way through, surprisingly enough.
Why had I not read this before? Thank you anon, that's exactly what I like.

>> No.13862478

I enjoy nukige as much as I enjoy moege or scenarioge for their strong points, but I honestly cannot say I enjoyed the quality and general air of the posts in that thread for the full threads that I lurked in.
To be honest I don't think anyone besides the uptight DeepDarkEroge shitters here would mind Nukige discussion. At least I would prefer it over ebin "Hanasaki Cuckspring" forced memes that are popular recently.

>> No.13862492

If anything, I think having the nukige discussion here would scare away the 処女厨ズ, which would lead to an improvement.

Same here, rape should be rape, not a cheap copout.

>> No.13862519

Rape leading into mindbreak and lust is pretty hot for me. Each has their place.

>> No.13862524

>but I honestly cannot say I enjoyed the quality and general air of the posts in that thread for the full threads that I lurked in.
This. That thread reeks of /v/ crossboarders. There are people who openly admit to not being able to read Japanese, people who encourage machine translation, and other unpleasant behaviors. They also love to get into the most horrible arguments. I can't stand that place. And if that's how those threads are, why the fuck are they here? That's essentially /hgg/ on /jp/.

>> No.13862548

There's a bit of machine translation, but the thread is pretty much fine. The only really bad post was >>13845567 and that was just some dude succumbing to teenage angst and taking trivial things too seriously.

>> No.13862567

I'm aware there are people who enjoy cheap copouts.

>> No.13862584
File: 246 KB, 1022x763, yesssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kidnap and rape
This is my fetish

>> No.13862588

I dunno, that's like saying biknis are "cheap coupout" for nudity, or that kneesocks are a "cheap copout" for barefeet, or that lightly tanned skin is a "cheap copout" for people who like dark skin. Everything is it's own.

>> No.13862625

Those are alternatives, not copouts. If a woman was expected beyond doubt to be naked and turned out to be wearing a bikini, that's when it would be a copout. >>13862456 had it right.

>> No.13862635

Mind break is a common fetish and usually clearly labled, so it's unlikely one would approach such a work and expect beyond a doubt that women would hate the rape throughout. There's a whole fucking tag for it: https://vndb.org/g1458

>> No.13862636

pls don't do this again

Let others have their fetishes.

>> No.13862646

I just found out that Sanoba is currently the best selling eroge in 2015. Damn Japan and their shit taste.

>> No.13862659

What game would you have as the best selling? As far as I can tell 2015 has been pretty lackluster... maybe Evencile?

>> No.13862671


>> No.13862677

Sakura no Uta

>> No.13862684

It's like saying that a non-powered human surviving after falling into a meat grinder is an "alternative" and not a silly copout.

I know there's a tag for it, eroge is mainly meant to satisfy otaku delusions.

>> No.13862696

Now you're just pulling out inane analogies to prove a non-existent point.

>> No.13862704

The /vg/ h-game threads read like neo-hongfire

>> No.13862708

Yuzu soft is popular, even if their last three games have been incredibly boring.

>> No.13862713

Why? It's good. Maybe not the best, but at least it's not some literal piece of garbage selling more. It could have been Angel Beats or something.

>> No.13862715

>>13862588 is inane analogies, given that they're visual differences and therefore irrelevant.

>> No.13862722

Somehow meatgrinders are relevant?

>> No.13862723

It's a borderline piece of garbage.
Only the art and like one heroine in the whole game are good.

>> No.13862724

Don't argue, he's just one of our many resident autists. Treat him the same way you would the hetare dude or milf autist.

>> No.13862737

>milf autist
I haven't seen him around. Is he kill?

>> No.13862743

It's a "that's not how human beings work" thing.

I don't see you proving me wrong.

>> No.13862748

Nah, I think I saw him a few weeks ago.

>> No.13862758

Your "proving wrong" attitude is cancer. You're arguing about god-damn fetishes, anon.

>> No.13862764

What VNs have the best art you have ever seen?

>> No.13862769

Calm down everyone. Let's go back to discussing Hanasaki Workspring.

>> No.13862773

I'm arguing about retarded, copypaste copouts.

>> No.13862775


>> No.13862788

I sure love seeing regular humans survive a meat grinder, fappity fap. Needs to happen more often.

>> No.13862791

Hanasucky cuckspring is fucking garbage, I'd rather not.

>> No.13862793

Very intelligent.

>> No.13862801

Unlike comparing human behavior to purely visual differences, which is astoundingly intelligent.

>> No.13862804

That's only you. There's thousands of people who'd rather fap to mindbreak than realistic rape, and they buy games so it is profitable. It has enough following to be considered an acceptable alternative to suffering rape on its own, which is just a different fetish. You don't get to decide what constitutes a valid fetish and what doesn't.

>> No.13862806

Thank you.

>> No.13862810


>> No.13862818

I'm not arguing anymore, anon.

>> No.13862823

see >>13862684
Acceptable among delusional otaku, maybe.


>> No.13862833
File: 244 KB, 1002x1029, top_visual02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys can be so insufferable at times.

So light made yet another sub-brand, Campus.

I guess it's gonna focus on school-themed games? I don't know the artist but Midougai was okay before for me in Sweet Home scenario.

>> No.13862834

>Acceptable among delusional otaku, maybe.
Which are the consumers of this entire fucking medium, are you retarded or just autistic?

>> No.13862844

>I guess it's gonna focus on school-themed games?
Wow, how innovative!

>> No.13862846

So how's the VN industry holding up these days? I haven't been paying attention in years.

Are the new popular titles as good as old classics? Better?

What about the creators? Any new faces to look out for, or is still the same old circlejerk?

>> No.13862851


Replying to shitposters is shitposting. There's nobody you need to convince. Nobody else is on his side.

>> No.13862860

Are sub-brands some sort of legal tax evasion scheme?

Bet you didn't see that one coming.

>> No.13862865

That's exactly my point, anon. You figured it out, good for you.

"I am the majority" is the loser's final attempt.

>> No.13862869

I'm on his side.

>> No.13862926

As always, it depends on what you're looking for.
I personally find enjoyment in recent games. I guess it's no 2005, though.

>> No.13862952

How are you supposed to self-insert into high school protagonists when you're in your late 20's?

>> No.13862957

I don't personally have any interest of coming back to the medium, I'm just curious about the consensus from the people who are still into it.

The big titles of few years back made a splash that reached people even if they weren't into VNs themselves, just related media, but recently I noticed a distinct lack of anything like that, so I was wondering if it was the case or just my outsider perspective getting more and more distant.

>> No.13862964

By regretting every decision you made in your life since childhood and having a strong desire to relive your youth?

Is this your first day here or something.

>> No.13862970

We haven't had a repeat of 2011 if that's what you mean.

>> No.13862976

Are you speaking from a Japanese-reader perspective or from an English-reader perspective? If it's the latter, there really hasn't been much in a long time. For Japanese readers, it's been pretty ok for awhile.

>> No.13862998

The industry is slowly dying.

>> No.13863025

By not having matured a bit since the day you graduated high school.

>> No.13863061
File: 198 KB, 810x639, 3fad2374be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading 'Sekai de ichiban dame na koi". It's an older game and it was hard to find online, but it's very well written and voiced compared to more recently released games. Past year has been pretty shitty for VN releases imo.

>> No.13863107

I never have any issues with self inserting as a high school kid, it's a chance to relive my glorious 青春.

>> No.13863113

None of that shit happened even when you were in school. It shouldn't be that hard to pretend.

>> No.13863376

No idea, but if there is something that many eroge companies are fond of, is dividing their brands to cater to specific audiences. sweetlight was their last attempt, if I recall correctly.

On the contrary, I think many big names from before have been experimenting with related media like anime and LNs. I'm sure many people already got the Urobuchi Gen experience everywhere else even if you don't follow eroge and know him by name, even.

In the case of direct adaptations to anime, from what I can see, the amount of adaptations has been growing even more. Aokana is a good example: the anime got announced almost at the same time as the game. I don't know what timeframe you're comparing to, but from 2010 on, there's been relatively known adaptations like Oretsuba, White Album 2, Ushimirai, Majikoi, Grisaia... Then there's upcoming stuff like Utawarerumono2 and Dies Irae anime, and all the ufotable works with Type-Moon.

I think the ones getting the most exposure aren't "eroge" though since no ero, but stuff like Steins Gate and Danganronpa, and meta stuff like Kanojo ga Flag, Kaminomi and Saekano still get "mainstream" people asking me questions about eroge and general interest in the medium itself. Steam has also brought a lot of those, I think...

>> No.13863450
File: 292 KB, 1277x715, 浮気ワークスプリング!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13863467

Orc rape and ryona game featuring Inori being repeatedly assaulted, abused and raped when?

>> No.13863473

When you get around to making it.

So never.

>> No.13863506

This isn't /agdg/ or /evn/ anon.

>> No.13863508

Please and kindly fuck off with this shit.

>> No.13863517

Why? Inori is shit and I want to see her suffer a horrible fate. All the better if it involves tentacles and quadruple amputation.

>> No.13863533

> Inori is shit

Fuck off with your shit taste.

>> No.13863545

>Fuck off, fuck off!
Make me, you little cuck shit.

Now what, you'll cry a bit more and redirect me to /pol/ or something?

>> No.13863556

G-go away!

>> No.13863560

Keep crying, bitch.

>> No.13863570

Can we please drop the whole Hanasaki issue already? It's stale and moldy already.

>> No.13863585
File: 1017 KB, 1359x745, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking beta MC.

>> No.13863606

What's wrong with keigo? It's cute.

>> No.13863616

No, it isn't.

>> No.13863620

It is.

>> No.13863698

What are you guys talking about? I don't get it.

>> No.13863705

I imagine it's some character named Keigo.

>> No.13863741

>Let's be real. SAO ain't that bad.
This is the same person who thinks VNs are superior to books or other video games.
Not surprising.

>> No.13863743
File: 961 KB, 1280x720, フェアリーテイル・レクイエム.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two routes into fairytale requiem, it's honestly more disturbing than I thought it would be, but in a different way than what I expected.
Especially the bad ends, damn.

>> No.13864261

That OP image makes me rage, One Up used to use nameable protags but this game that had me hyped ended having the protag with a set name, such a dissapointment.

>> No.13864275

Does that really matter?

>> No.13864277

That is extremely petty.

>> No.13864279

LovelyxCation 1&2.

Yes it does, like a lot.

>> No.13864285


>> No.13864290

You have some guts, posting something that isn't just cute girls.

>> No.13864308

Orion's work in the past two years has been rather good.

>> No.13864311
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x1200, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girls are QT. Only reason I foresee anyone playing it.

>> No.13864316

Nah i just prefer to play as me than some dude.

>> No.13864323

It's still some dude even if he shares your name, you know.

>> No.13864333

So you actually use your actual gaijin name? That's fuckin' pathetic man.

>> No.13864338

The One-up game is surprisingly good bar the rather basic battleship like gameplay.

>> No.13864339

I have adopted the moniker 剣八らま様 when dabbling in Japanese affairs, such as inputting names in VNs, or on my falsified Japanese birth certificate.

>> No.13864347

What do you use as your Japanese name? I prefer 大介. I do whatever for the surname.

>> No.13864351

>name self Daisuke
>every time a girl calls out to me I pretend to hear "daisuki"

>> No.13864362

Abusing the quote function is one thing, but using it to put words into people's mouths is even worse.

>> No.13864364
File: 474 KB, 500x715, koi_to_mahou_to_kanrinin_ep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this artist, fuck why is his art only used in absolute kusoge ...

>> No.13864368

That art looks pretty standard to me.

>> No.13864385

I think huge eyes like that is super cute. I know most people disagree.

>> No.13864386

Nice hand.

>> No.13864397

It reminds me of Gotou Junji's art except shinier.

>> No.13864404

People in japan with my name would be extremely rare so my name is unique and thus the MC is me.

Yes. Most of the time you never see the MC parents or past so its entirely possible to have the MC being a gaijin raised in Japan.

I like the setting but no nameable protag so wont touch.

Im kinda worried because there is such little ammount of devs with that feature, Lune hasnt announced anything, nor Tenco. And now its even lower with One Up out.

And i know im not alone as i have been in some bbspink and 2ch threads with people with the same preference.

>> No.13864409

I imagine being in space fucking space-women would also be extremely rare for you.

>> No.13864410

I meant in fiction.

>> No.13864411

It's not funny! Micchi puts a lot of effort into describing and talking about the games. He also downloads trials and goes to great lenghts to provide us with information. Greenfucker just pulls one random negative comment out of his ass for every game.

>> No.13864418

Even in fiction. What, 99.9% of men died in that cancer? Well there you go, you know your place.

>> No.13864421

Green is always right though, blue is a pleb.

>> No.13864433

It is rather funny, don't get mad because Green guy is right most of the time and has some standards.

>> No.13864449

Looking forward to this. I will try anything that's murder/mystery suspense. It will probably suck, but seeing it's a doujin-game it probably won't be too lengthy to finish anyway.

>> No.13864513

I thought the Sakura no Uta trial goes into the third chapter, but I keep getting booted to the main menu after the pool scene. I guess I was wrong?

>> No.13864523

It's just the prologue, chapter 1, and chapter 2. A few of the scenes in chapter 2 are specific to whatever girl you choose. Chapter 3 is where the actual routes are.

>> No.13864730
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>> No.13864915

Why are people pretending that doesn't look like shit? If a VN with art like that was released today it wouldn't get a free pass.

>> No.13864927

That's what I'm wondering too...

>> No.13864950

It's anatomically correct and has fine line work. It's not winning any awards for best art but it's not unpleasant to look at.

>> No.13864952

The "unpleasant to look at" bar is really, really low.

>> No.13864962
File: 78 KB, 650x650, shitty art.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That there sprite is the work of a professional, experienced artist. It's not like they're going to shit out something truly awful like pic related (I just googled around for "deviantart shit art").

>> No.13864966


>> No.13864974

>it's not unpleasant to look at.

It's definitely unpleasant to look at.

Don't compare amateur artist with professional artist.

>> No.13864980

>Don't compare amateur artist with professional artist.
Compare to shuffle's artist then.

>> No.13864983

Given the art in a lot of eroge, that's a higher standard than most people have.

>> No.13864988

An amateur artist given $5 for comission becomes a professional artist. And if you note, I didn't compare them. I just said that as a professional artist with lots of experience it's natural that his art will be at LEAST pretty ok, and that callign it shit when there is much worse stuff out there is foolish.

If you call mediocre stuff "shit", what do you call the stuff that's really shit?

>> No.13864990


>> No.13864994

Art discussion really goes nowhere.

>> No.13864995

It fits the feel of the game. It wouldn't feel right at all if it had art with the current standards of today.

>> No.13864999
File: 145 KB, 800x600, 3950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad.

>If you call mediocre stuff "shit"

Pic related is mediocre. This is shit >>13861447

>> No.13865003

So what do you call >>13864962 ? 超shit?

>> No.13865009

And what are you doing to improve that other than whining you fucking piece of shit? At least we're not discussing steam eroge saled or arguing about greentext.

>> No.13865016

>eyebrows visible through hair
>not shit

>> No.13865017


>> No.13865029

Eh, for example, I just read the August release>>13861231

I find the green guy agreeable but there's a particular thing I notice, I find his liking shota but hating loli (because young boy being fucked = lucky but young girls being fucked = victim) to be a bit unfair.

I don't know if he's speaking for real though so I don't know if I should pursue that further.

>> No.13865040

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13865054

>I don't know if he's speaking for real though so I don't know if I should pursue that further.
He's probably half serious about it considering his prior comments on lolige, the other half is just poking fun at Blue.

>> No.13865062

Yeah, if it's just taste or something, I don't care.

>> No.13865068

What else would it be? The word of God?

>> No.13865073

So...you want to talk about E-celeb instead of eroge art? Great. I don't expect anything from a retard who keep whining like you.

>> No.13865079

If that's really his true reason for disliking lolige, I would say it's kinda hypocritical.

>> No.13865086

Nah, Zen has shit taste. Flat is justice.

>> No.13865088

Nah, it's just an example of discussion.

You can shift it elsewhere.

>> No.13865141


He is right though, thats why female on male rape is okay but male on female is unaceptable.

I mean who wouldnt like to get free pussy? Cant say "who wouldnt want free dick?" for females.

>> No.13865143

But kami-sama, shota are perflats too.

>> No.13865144

>Attractive women taking advantage of little boys just makes them lucky. Men taking advantage of little girls makes them victims.

Doesn't sound hypocritical to me, dude. Boys and girls aren't the same thing when it comes down to things like this.
And yet, the former seldom happens in reality and if it does nobody speaks up because why would they? If I was "raped" by attractive adult women I certainly wouldn't mind.

>> No.13865150

Can't you?

>> No.13865155

Meh, it comes down to saying manipulating little boy is okay, but manipulating little girl ain't.

I'm fine with either in fiction so that's where I disagree with him.

>> No.13865156

It would be very misogynistic

>> No.13865160

You're a big reader

>> No.13865161

> manipulating little boy is okay, but manipulating little girl ain't.
Apples to oranges here, buddy. You can't just call hypocrisy on something you don't agree with.

>> No.13865165

That doesn't even make sense though.

>> No.13865173

It's hypocrisy because both of these acts are illegal and wrong in real life.

>> No.13865190

Think about it. Most of the time the shota is being "raped" by relatives or girls that are related to the shota.

On girls though it goes from some serial rapist, to some pedo or someone who forces themselves on the little girl.

Even eroge companies acknowledge this on their scenarios.

Im sure the rapist gender ratio of males is astronomical compared to females too.

>> No.13865196

The ratio being unbalanced doesn't mean it's alright to rape a boy, but a girl is no-no.

>> No.13865209

Who gives a shit if the material in an eroge is "right" or not? Might as well complain about rape nukige containing too much rape.

>> No.13865218

The problem is when zen tells me to kill myself for liking wrong things. It hurts.

>> No.13865220

Eustia had pretty beautiful backgrounds.

>> No.13865226

I don't give a crap myself. I support both kind of rape in my eroge.

My problem stems from the opinion that sex with little boy = lucky boy, sex with little girl = victim girl from that greenguy.

Fortunately, the eroge industry doesn't give a damn and just makes what sells.

>> No.13865240

> former seldom happens in reality and if it does nobody speaks up because why would they?
Man, how can you be so out of the loop?
There was recently big number of cases where older women were jailed for 20+ years for fucking shotas, like that one famous usa teacher. It was all over internet last month.

>> No.13865248

I guess but my point is that kinda gives it a bigger stigma than female on males.

I have noticed too that the Shota tends to be the protag while the little girl is an heroine for some reason wich kinda hints at different perception towards what gender rapes what.

I dont like rape if:

A) Is other than the protag, so no gangbangs.
B) If it doesnt lead to the female liking it and becoming your personal slave.

>> No.13865260

Today I finally decided that the people in this thread are just as dumb as the people in the rest of /jp/.

>> No.13865270

Took you long enough.

>> No.13865275

>Didnt found out until now.

I guess we know why you are here.

>> No.13865289

Zen's a faggot anyways, plus tons of people hate lolicons and pedos, some people hate you for playing eroge in general, you should be used to it. If that isn't enough for you he's 1. probably joking and 2. said a few times on lolige (Crayon Tulip I think) that it keeps pedos away from real children, so he probably has some degree of sympathy.

Please don't bring this celebrity-tier shit up again, though. Micchi probably puts a lot of work into the info of those monthly posts and you guys always shitpost about the one line Zen shits out. Or fuck, just read another eroge blog, there are tons of them.

This thread has never exactly been the ivory tower of intellectuals of /jp/ in the first place. The thread has always gotten derailed by people assuming what they're talking about is related because it was tangentially related to eroge.

>> No.13865310

People will always notice the negative comments more than the positive ones, but yeah, I will keep that in mind.

And no, Micchi's blog is helpful.

>> No.13865480

Are you guys serious?

>> No.13865535

Are you?

>> No.13865599


>> No.13865620

You're an idiot.

>> No.13865657

This new clockup game sounds like very cool thing.

>> No.13865737

Guns, bayonet, post-apoc and plenty of sex.

Heck yes.

>> No.13865747
File: 169 KB, 900x580, Glock 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bayonet on a pistol.

Fucking Japan.

Though Murica did it first.

>> No.13865903
File: 457 KB, 1000x350, ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dal Segno

They're not even trying anymore aren't they? Just name it Da Capo IV.

>> No.13865919

I assume there is a reason why they didn't call it that. Da Capo name would probably sell better so it's safe to assume they want to distance it from the D.C. series.

>> No.13865939

I am still playing it.

>> No.13865949
File: 250 KB, 1277x716, not inori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13865952

Silver hair = slut.

>> No.13865954

Damm Circus have the most generic girl design of any company i know.

>> No.13865961

That's clearly a light shade of purple

>> No.13865965

Nice sameface on pink and yellow.

>> No.13865969

Why are moege MCs such shit at sex? Or is that moege girls are becoming more sluttier?

>> No.13865970
File: 100 KB, 700x649, 9f5650c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was the trial for this?

>> No.13865972

The later, by definition, eroge MCs are gods of sex unless the game is NTR.

>> No.13865975

That's from GKG so that's probably for realism purpose.

The main guy is super hetare.

>> No.13865977

GKG is not a moege though.

>> No.13865986

Dropped and blacklisted. Thank god I didn't start it yet.

>> No.13865989

That's an awful reason to drop a game, but okay.

>> No.13865990

Stop being autistic.

>> No.13865992

I hate hetare protags and I hate uwaki sluts even more.

>> No.13865996
File: 317 KB, 1280x718, best2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but she's the best girl. I forgive her.

>> No.13865997

Rinka ain't a slut.

The hetare guy is definitely love or hate though. He's the main character but he serves purely as PoV and has no contribution to the greater plot (aside from relationships with the girls and the position of his mom).

>> No.13866005

You need to be more autistic.

>> No.13866023

She's from a goddamn 2012 game, please do not apply new "memes" to old character.

>> No.13866039

Show me some examples of truly awful prose in a VN, I want to know what it looks like. I can't fully appreciate the good without knowing the bad.

>> No.13866040

I like the character designs, they reminds me a lot of black rock shooter. But will this be a nukige? Because from what I got the heroines who are called "witches" are fighting obsessed creatures and are in need of a human male's semen to fight. But Clockup are good at making nukige with interesting plot so I'll be looking forward to this.

>> No.13866044

Of course it's gonna be a nukige.

Clockup make nukige man.

>> No.13866045

Hapymaher is a good example of text that's just long for the sake of long and is just boring as hell as a result.

>> No.13866047

Clockup is a nukige company, though they make some really interesting nukige.

>> No.13866048

Go play JOKER.

>> No.13866058

Joker is very endearing in its own unique way, I think.

>> No.13866077

In term of sales. What's the most successful eroge company in Japan?

>> No.13866082 [DELETED] 

Wasn't it KR from Alicesoft or something?

>> No.13866090

No proof, but if I had to take a wild guess it would be Type-Moon.

>> No.13866169

If you mean of all time, then ELF.

>> No.13866180

Ugh, their work just isn't very good though.

>> No.13866185

Shut your whore mouth, nigga.

>> No.13866219
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>> No.13866221


>> No.13866224

So hyped.

>> No.13866228

I don't see the appeal...

>> No.13866237

Titty demons, gritty setting, well-built protagonist with a fucking kukri, guns.

It's what I want, sex + violence.

>> No.13866238

There haven't been that many games for edgy teenagers recently, so it makes sense they'd be hyped.

>> No.13866245

Why are you being so condescending?

>> No.13866246

Generic moege #232429 sounds so much better.

>> No.13866249

Not that guy but I enjoy both.

Gun is my fetish so it edges out more.

>> No.13866251

Speaking of sales looks like Alcot's Love Rec flopped quite hard. I hope they fire the other artist and make Clover Day's FD from this lesson.

>> No.13866270

It wasn't meant to be condescending. If you're an edgy teenager, I'm happy for you that you finally got something to play.

>> No.13866281

What's your problem against badass nukige man?

>> No.13866283

To be fair, there isn't particular lack of them at the moment. It seems a new one comes aout every couple of months, which is a good pace compared to some other niches.

>> No.13866290

What's the last post-apoc eroge that focus on both sex, violence and is long (10-30 hours)?

>> No.13866293

I grew up. But that's okay, there's room for kids, too.

>> No.13866301

You sound like a real fun dude

>> No.13866303

But I'm in my 20s right now but I still enjoy both vanilla nukige and dark nukige.

>> No.13866304

Why is this thread so bad now holy shit

>> No.13866309

Sekai Project happened.

>> No.13866310

Thank you. I hope you've enjoyed my posts and I hope you enjoy your death, sex, and violence.

>> No.13866319

Because autists cannot ignore shitposters no matter how many threads are ruined because of them.

>> No.13866327

This thread isn't worth saving anymore. The only enjoyment left to be had now is shitposting.

>> No.13866336

You're literally 21 aren't you

>> No.13866338
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>> No.13866340

"Gomen", but I don't think I should reveal my information.

>> No.13866342

Shit, setting aside all the idiots in this thread, this actually does look pretty good. Looking forward to MangaGamer localizing it someday, since Euphoria's doing so well for them.

>> No.13866344


Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.13866345

I'm sorry but this is thread for untranslated games, not localization discussion.

>> No.13866349

> setting aside all the idiots in this thread
> Looking forward to MangaGamer localizing it someday,

Aren't you the idiot?

>> No.13866351

Guaranteed replies.

>> No.13866465

I'm pretty hyped for this and Tokyo Necro in general.

Here's hoping both are good.

>> No.13866615

As opposed to figuratively?

>> No.13866753

Is there any place where I can obtain information on eroge sales, figures, flops/successes and the like? Preferably one that is not overflowing with fake information, flaming and shilling. The more information it provides, the better, both on new and old games. Japanese is of course fine.

>> No.13866913


>> No.13867028

disturbing, really?
In what way?
I've read it and it never really felt like that.

>> No.13867091

What's the difference between the the full voice version of CLANNAD and the memorial edition? Not an EOP by the way, just never read CLANNAD before.

>> No.13867105

Nothing, memorial supports 7 but you can still play fullvoice in it.

>> No.13867118

That's it? Kinda misleading then, I thought there would be extra content. They just should've called it Windows7対応版.

>> No.13867122

Basically is the general mood at the ending of the routes which go disregard reality, truth and whatever else and get a fairytale happy life runnig away from all your problems, forever. It's really weird and compared to similar stuff I find it to be disturbing, since it's played straight optimistic.

Also I've just finished Odette's route and does the game delve in whatever happened with her and Odile? because her flashback said fuckall, Alice's and Gretel's gave at least some more info. Going by their route I can make some assumptions, but that's about it.

>> No.13867131

Any other VNs that use fairytales as motif?

>> No.13867149

Is there a difference (other than being all-ages) between the ordinary Senshinkan edition and the vita-to-pc backport of it?

>> No.13867151

I remember mining the word fairytale from the opening of Hime Jiru.

>> No.13867152


>> No.13867154

That's odd. Masada VNs tend to have a load of extra content when they do the backports.

>> No.13867166

Instead it has a fandisk to cram all the SoL and extra content.

>> No.13867175

People complained that it was "Complete edition" marketing so they made a fandisk instead.

>> No.13867201

>vita-to-pc backport

>> No.13867217

PS Vita presumably

>> No.13867280

New thread?

>> No.13867294

No, it's not even on page 9 yet

>> No.13867313

New thread.

Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.13867331

Anything Rail-soft
Not even joking.

>> No.13867332

Of course you're not joking; bait isn't funny.

>> No.13867343

>long sentences make good prose
This is supposed to be an 18+ thread

>> No.13867346

I love Mareni, but a look at EGS should tell you how polarizing he is.

>> No.13867351

People shit on authors I like in English. Plebs will be plebs.

>> No.13867356

Fucking great post friend

>> No.13867367

And you too, good chap.

>> No.13867368

He's right though.

>> No.13867369

It wasn't long enough so I didn't like it.

>> No.13867430

Stop posting in this thread.

Migrate now

>> No.13867507

you are trying too hard eop dude.

>> No.13867520

Grisaia, really?
I'm an EOP and I wouldn't even post in that thread. Get some standards.

>> No.13867524

Grisaia is a pretty good game, well above average. Not sure why you're implying someone with standards wouldn't like it.

>> No.13867528

>I'm an EOP
Then why the FUCK are you here? Go back to your club on /vg/.

>> No.13867531

>ランス03 リーザス陥落
>真・恋姫†英雄譚 2 ~乙女艶乱三国志演義[魏]~

Enough to last half the month I guess.

>> No.13867532

It's fucking garbage.
But please ignore this post, I know I just bit your bait but still let it slide.

You go back to /vg/

>> No.13867535

I usually don't post except for this one time. I like reading what other people have to say about VNs even if I can't read them yet. Is that a crime?

>> No.13867536

It's not bait, I'm serious. Maybe as an "EOP" you haven't read many games, in which case you don't have the proper context with which to appreciate games, but really, Grisaia is undoubtedly above average.

>> No.13867537

Of course not anon. But why would you mention you're an EOP if you're a thread regular? You know that leads to angry replies.

>> No.13867544

I'm sorry.

>> No.13867546

Get your cancerous ass out instead

>> No.13867548

Its ridiculous attempts at "serious" plot during the routes undermine the good points of the game. It should have stayed a comedy about mentally handicapped girls like it was in the common route, everything afterwards felt like an utter waste of time.

>> No.13867551

I can tell you weren't in this thread when Grisaia actually came out.

>> No.13867555

The comedy is far above average though. Like, it's actually funny unlike most "comedy" games that all have exactly the same antics. It's worth reading the common route even if you don't read anything else.

>> No.13867556

It's well known that any eroge that gets an English release immediately turns into kusoge.

>> No.13867559

The common route and routes written by the main author were pretty enjoyable.
>Its ridiculous attempts at "serious" plot during the routes undermine the good points of the game.
No they don't. The game's good points, particularly comedy, stand strong even if some routes are pretty shitty.

>> No.13867567

Ok, on this point I can wholeheartedly agree. Eroge do pretty shitty comedy in general and Grisaia is an exception to that.

I guess the atrocious routes soured my opinion of the game.

>> No.13867615

What do you think about Akagoei then? I'd say the more serious moments and action are pretty bad compared to the comedy.

>> No.13867627

I haven't read it yet. It is in my backlog through recommendation, but it doesn't strike me as particularly interesting.

>> No.13867649

I'm currently reading Shuumatsuron, and I've found it pretty funny but the humour gets old after a while and the serious moments are only really interesting in concept, and even then the series is supposed to be fairly incomplete since Kinugusa wrote it.

I've only read Kajitsu so I can't comment on the rest of the series (in backlog), but I get the feeling Grisaia as a whole is probably better. Then again, I haven't got a clue where the series goes, so I could be wrong.

>> No.13867660

I don't understand why people like Akagoei at all. Everything but some routes of shuumatsuron is just boring moege. Kaito is interesting character, but he alone is not enough to make games memorable.

>> No.13867669

I agree so far. I'd give Akagoei and the FD both quite low scores, and I don't think Shuumatsuron is going to get much better.
Nonethless I think they're worth reading *because* Kaito is an interesting character though. Most other places it fails hard, but I think he's interesting enough that it stands out.

>> No.13867673

Last year, I chose to do something different for my birthday, and I ended up reading Semiramis no Tenbin as an 怒りゲー. I wasn't disappointed at all, I got exactly what I was expecting from it, pure anger and disgust, thanks to Ami.

Can anyone suggest something similar, something that will make me rage? (Ebin memes like Uwaki Workspring not included.)

>> No.13867687

Ami was so fun to read about, a bitch being a bitch throughout.

>> No.13867695

I'm sure being contrarian is fun, but there's simple bitch, and then there's pushing people to suicide as an experiment and thinking nothing of it bitch.

>> No.13867708

That's what is fun, most games wouldn't have even dared to go there and would have pussied out then try to redeem Ami with some retarded sob backstory.
Not semiramis, that was Ami being a manipulative sociopath the whole game and it works because of that. Without her, I wouldn't even remember the game, because it was extremely boring outside of her.

>> No.13867721

That's what I'm saying, it was memorable, but that doesn't make her "fun".

>> No.13867743

Not sure since I'm weak against things like this so I tend up avoiding them, but the last thing that made me feel that way was Fraternite. I have a bit of a nee-san complex so it was kind of harsher because of that, but it was just overall depressing and only made me feel mad and sad.

>> No.13867766

Fraternite was actually in my backlog because Clockup, but I guess I'm putting it on high priority. Thanks, anon.

>> No.13867779

Now, now children we don't have to post >>13864730 again.

>> No.13867931

It was fun to read about her, therefore she's fun.

>> No.13867973

Is this what /a/ calls an edgelord?

>> No.13868000

How does it feel knowing translation scene becoming bigger and bigger and you guys learned Japanese for nothing?

>> No.13868010

What kind of idiot learns a language just to read eroge?

>> No.13868013

Feels good because there are still thousands of VNs, games, and manga that will never be translated.

>> No.13868015

>moogy JUST said the fan translation scene is pretty much dead
That said, I can use Japanese as a way to get a certain group of girls to like me more, I hope.

>> No.13868040

People in this thread? LOL

>> No.13868047

Stay delusional.

>> No.13868050
File: 130 KB, 689x688, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is bait but fuck, I smile every time I read something like this.

>> No.13868053

I will, thanks.

>> No.13868059
File: 20 KB, 200x227, 200px-Mild-Bobby-Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew the true comfort that lies in not having to worry about the haphazard art of translation as channeled through ragtag weeaboos ever again.

>> No.13868073

>translation scene becoming bigger
Feels bad because there are more retards now.
>you guys learned Japanese for nothing?
A language has more uses than porn games, mate. And even if it was only that, I like reading the original.

>> No.13868085

Translation is ALWAYS inferior than the original. There are lots of thing that will lost in translation especially in Japanese to English.

>> No.13868108

Do you guys also read manga, novels and LNs in Japanese too or do you only read VNs?

>> No.13868115

Why wouldn't I?

>> No.13868121

I don't read LNs because they almost always suck.

>> No.13868122

Only manga with furigana and LNs aren't able to be text hooked so no

>> No.13868123

It's still pretty hard for me to read LN in Japanese but I read manga in Japanese if possible.

>> No.13868135

Something like Prison School is pretty easy to read although it doesn't have furigana.

>> No.13868137

You need to get off of that text hooker crutch.

>> No.13868151

I read LNs too but I don't give a shit about manga.

>> No.13868166

I read manga and the occasional novel. I've basically stopped picking up new LN series at this point and only read the series I've been following up to this point. VNs are still my primary use of the language

>> No.13868189

I wonder whether bait that this thread wouldn't take even exists.

>> No.13868220

So..what vn you currently playing /jp/?

>> No.13868223

I just wish the main heroine's route wasn't as shit. She's so adorable in common and all the other routes, but her own route is so short due to being mostly shared with Asami's parts and the short after credits epilogue just makes you rage at how flimsy of a reason her mother's disappearance was. Though you could argue the whole game is her "route" as she's so central no matter which other heroine you aim for.

You've probably already played SubaHibi, but I'll mention it just in case. Looking-Glass Insects chapter in particular.

>> No.13868266

Manga, anime, books and videogames. LNs aren't my type of thing, although I'll occasionally read something.
The EOPs that think you learn a language just for one thing are retarded. And if you're not partaking in otaku culture then you are probably only here to shitpost.

>> No.13868273



>> No.13868293

I gave up on anime years ago. I'm surprised you can still put up with what's probably the worst medium in existence.

>> No.13868295

I agree, porn powerpoints and games meant for children are on a much higher level of class than animated cartoons.

>> No.13868300

>I'm surprised you can still put up with what's probably the worst medium in existence.
That would be LNs.
Seriously, at least anime has animation, voices, and good BGM to go with your cute girls. The majority of LNs are a bunch of wordy, poorly written shit that maybe has a few illustrations here and there.

>> No.13868302

Anyone know if it's possible to get the first In'youchuu game to work on Windows 8?

I'm a despairfag and love Tinkerbell games, so I'd like to experience the series that put them on the map I guess. But the installer just refuses to fucking work, and if I just copy the game files off the discs I get an error message.

Kowaku no Toki fucks up too but that's a bit less important. Still like to play that too.

Will I just have to get the DLsite version?

>> No.13868303

They also read like an anime script with more boring narration to compensate.

>> No.13868305

They don't take long, they're easy to scrap, and a good time waster when I am having a series slump or waiting for monthly serializations.

But that's besides the point of the VN General thread so I'll just leave it at that.

>> No.13868309

Install a virtual machine, easiest way.

>> No.13868314
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It's been a while since I've played it, but I only now noticed muramasa has a lot more content than just the VN. Does anyone know if it's any good?

>> No.13868319

>It's been a while since I've played it, but I only now noticed muramasa has a lot more content than just the VN. Does anyone know if it's any good?
It's good but it ends as you would expect considering what was said in the game.

Also remember than Narahara wrote none of that extra content

>> No.13868320

There's still a few talented LN writers, like Romeo or Sakurai. Anime doesn't even have that. It's just poor adaptation after poor adaptation. It never produces any original content, and talent in the industry is basically non-existent.

Though to be fair, I'm getting worried for eroge too at this rate. I'm sick of moege so only like five games a year even interest me.

>> No.13868329

I think everyone who isn't the lowest kind of moebuta is sick of moege.

>> No.13868335


Dank meme you got there m8.

>> No.13868336

I played through the fan disc's joke movie story and enjoyed it, but I've been holding myself from reading the proper continuation chapters. The game's true ending was just too perfect of a finale and I don't want anything to fuck it up.

>> No.13868339

天気雨 is tempting, I like the 田舎 setting

>> No.13868344

星空のバビロン, Turned out to be pretty decent for a nukige.

>> No.13868347

>>Also remember than Narahara wrote none of that extra content
Thanks, didn't even notice that. I don't think I'll bother with the additional content then.

>> No.13868350

> 田舎

Is countryside is not in your vocabulary or something?

>> No.13868354


>> No.13868355

I never said morebuta, in fact I want less 'buta.

>> No.13868410
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I just started 魔王と踊れ 2. I'm enjoying some fourth wall breaking at the tutorial right now.

>> No.13868412

Would you guys consider yourselves having high or low standards?

>> No.13868421

>like five games a year even interest me.
That's a pretty reasonable number. I'll never understand why people want more good stuff coming out, you wouldn't have time to go through all of that shit.

>> No.13868450

If anyone here truly had high standards they applied in all areas of life they wouldn't be reading eroge.

>> No.13868535

Low. I'll read moege as long as they have at least a heroine I like and I fap to all sorts of trashy loli nukige.

>> No.13868559

I would pick up a game just because it has art I like.

>> No.13868568

I did that once, I got bored of it three hours in after the novelty wore off.

>> No.13868609

Pretty low. I can read the stupidest shit as long as I find something about it mildly amusing or "fun".
On the other hand some small, minor details can make me give up on a game even if it's otherwise good.

>> No.13868614

>small, minor details
Non-virgin heroines?

>> No.13868645

Low and I don't like how they are steadily rising with each title I read.

>> No.13868658

No, that's not minor enough. I can deal with sults as long as they're fun.
I'm talking about small things most people wouldn't give a shit about. It can vary from slightly off voices and the way a scene is written in more obvious cases to things like the way a VA pronounces some word and BGs that don't match the character style.
Of course unfun or annoying characters are on that list too, but I think that has less to do with standards and more with my personal tastes.

>> No.13868662

Pretty high, but I can still read the occasional moege from time to time. I just won't rate it highly.

>> No.13868696

Low, I'd say. I even managed to find some enjoyment in titles most people consider bad, such as 巫女喰イ. I still don't read moege, though, and I'm definitely not touching an AXL title again.

Whenever I see someone equate non-virgins with sluts, I get the urge to ask him if he realizes his mother is not a virgin.

>> No.13868714

I only accept women that have only had one partner.

>> No.13868718

>Whenever I see someone equate non-virgins with sluts, I get the urge to ask him if he realizes his mother is not a virgin.
In this case I'm talking about the other extreme from virgin heroines, though those don't appear that often outside nukige these days. Still, whether a girl is virgin or not is pretty down on my list of priorities.

>> No.13868720

About medium. If a game doesn't catch my interest within 4-5 hours I'll drop it. I play moege but if it doesn't have any good interactions or comedy that's actually funny I'll drop it.

>> No.13868809

I actually find non-virgin heroines more exciting nowadays just because they're so rare.

>> No.13868818

Do you get excited thinking about the previous dicks that came inside the meat toilet?

>> No.13868822

I think about how they can actually please the protagonist instead of screaming in pain.

>> No.13868827

I'm honestly fine with just a heroine who's actually loved a guy before, just that, maybe went out so she has some romantic experience.

>> No.13868835


>> No.13868845

Why can't there be more perverted virgin heroines? Or virgins who can take the pain without screaming so much and spouting the same old lines?

>> No.13868859

It doesn't matter that much to me, as long as they aren't slutting it up all over the place.
Also I think it's ironic how people even go after multiple girls in one game, how can you expect them to be faithful and committed if you aren't.

>> No.13868866

Because you are the alpha harem master, it's not your job to be pure and cute.

>> No.13868873

Then you don't deserve faithful, cute, and pure girls.

>> No.13868876
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>if you aren't.
That's easily solved.

>> No.13868878

Doesn't matter if you don't deserve them, these games aren't meant to be realistic.

>> No.13868884

You might be fine with the statement that the girl is a virgin and not getting the whole pain and bleeding thing, but the otaku who actually buy this games just need more, they need the blood and the pain and the corny, canned sentences the girl has the obligation to say as she is deflowered. It's funny because often fifteen lines later the girl is already shaking her hips, moaning loudly as they experience the utmost pleasure and completely ready to ahegao if it were needed.

>> No.13868883

But I'm faithful during their route.

>> No.13868893


>> No.13868896

The next thing I hate next to non-virgin heroines are non-virgin protagonists.

>> No.13868903
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I love ex girlfriends routes.

>> No.13868906

You sound like a massive loser.

>> No.13868921

I've been getting into LNs recently. It's true that they're mostly fanfiction-tier garbage, but there's actually a fair amount of good stuff in there if you do a bit of digging, so I doubt I'll run out of material any time soon. They're also pretty convenient for reading on the go. Not so easy to do that with eroge.

There are a few "proper" novels I'm interested in but I haven't really delved into those yet. I watch anime occasionally. Not a big fan of manga unless it's H-manga.

>> No.13868925

This is what 処女厨s actually believe.

Me too, they feel like there's an actual connection, as opposed to just teenage kawaii dokidokis.

>> No.13868944

>they feel like there's an actual connection
But that's what childhood friends are for.

>> No.13868945

I'm sure my virgin heroines would agree with me.

Speaking about non-virigin protagonists, Soreyori got me BOILING during Haruka's route when the MC lied to her that it was his first time also during the first H-scene. And then they never mentioned this incident again if my memory serves me correctly.

>> No.13868957

90% of the time their connection boils down to 'I've loved you since forever but haven't even done a single thing to try to get you beyond being your mother'.
Childhood friends with a damaged/strained/fucked up relationship on the other hand are nice.

>> No.13868969

Don't make a girl sad just because, Towa was playing the bitch role in her route too, it's throwing salt on the wound.

>> No.13868972

Your virgin heroines are no more than implausibly written ego fuel for insecure kimowota.

>> No.13868976

Do we really have to do this virgin vs non-virgin in every threads?

>> No.13868982

Actually I feel the opposite, ex girlfriend heroines feel like they'll just break up again after game finishes, so at least for me its less connection and loyalty than other types.

>> No.13868985

That's exactly why I read VNs though.

>> No.13868989

>Childhood friends with a damaged/strained/fucked up relationship on the other hand are nice.
Like who? Seriously can't remember any recent game that's had this.

>> No.13868993

>they'll just break up again after game finishes
After spending a whole route fixing what was damaged in their relationship?
Other heroines look more likely to break up because they've never had relationship drama with their boyfriends.

>> No.13868994

No, it's just one or two people pushing the argument backwards and forward. They even do this shit in the nuikge thread except the angle changes to complaining about a lack of non-virgin heroines.

>> No.13869000

It's worse because it's a completely pointless argument. The virgin side won a decade ago and that's not going to change at this point. Can we just drop the issue now please?

>> No.13869004

>The virgin side won a decade ago
Only for bad moege.

>> No.13869005

Yeah, the responses are mostly the same too.

I'm just going to ignore it.

>> No.13869010

Until the issue that even the developers are complaining about is fixed, nope.

And clueless virgins who only fucked the MC because he's the MC are more likely to be loyal?

There was one in 13nin no Uruwashiki Kedamono. She cracks a joke about the MC's 竿 in her first appearance.
It's a great title overall, though, so this is hardly the only reason I'd recommend it.

>> No.13869015

I find that strained childhood friends kind of defeat the point while going back to the whole 'I had a crush on you as a kid so I must love you now too'. Personally I prefer the obsessive kind of unhealthy childhood friend relationships. Those tend to be fun.

>> No.13869017

Recent games suck in this department, half of them have replaced childhood friend by imouto with no real change in the writing either.
Drama-free imouto routes is something I really, really hate.

>> No.13869025

>Until the issue that even the developers are complaining about is fixed, nope.
Why do you this on 4chan of all places?

You are better making shitstorm on Twitter.

>> No.13869031

I like the whole 'rediscovering each other' aspect, they start to hang out again, become friends and the feelings resurface and end up giving it a go.
There's also the 'we love each other but there's some fucked up stuff in our past that keeps us away'. A shit version of this would be Kaede from Shuffle, a non-shit would be Umi from konyaku.

>> No.13869032

Said developers are taking care of that side, apparently.

>> No.13869034

Cool, thanks. I had this on my backlog.

I agree. It's really boring. There isn't even a point in the imouto archetype anymore, they're just glorified childhood friends.

>> No.13869039

So why are you bugging 4channers?

You realize we don't comprise of the market majority right?

>> No.13869045

>Why do you this on 4chan of all places?
Because he knows people will reply and are bothered by the conversation.

>> No.13869049

That makes sense.

He's fishing.

>> No.13869050

>they're just glorified childhood friends.
I'd say even worse, the MCs tend to have literally no reason for loving them beyond being hot, not wanting to give them to other guys and the imoutos having the hots for them and I don't see how that overcomes the little sister zone.
At least childhood friends are outside of the family.

>> No.13869057

Keep in mind that it has some really brutal scenes.

Because the Japanese side has its own anti-処女厨/独占厨 faction, there's no need for me to say anything there.

So you're saying the kind of people who are responsible for the stagnation of the industry deserve to be treated better?

>> No.13869059

>them beyond being hot, not wanting to give them to other guys and the [insert archetype] having the hots for them

There, you just described every moege

>> No.13869062

It's too bad because imouto routes with drama can be pretty interesting, but they practically don't exist.

>> No.13869065


I find it even more hilarious that there is a faction of people who get off on sharing their partner

>> No.13869070

But there's a real difference between fucking someone from your family and outside of your family.
Basically stuff imoutos and niisans do and feel in their routes is completely normal family stuff until they start fucking, there's simply no proper 'I don't see her as a little sister' scene that makes you buy it.

>> No.13869075

When you accuse anyone who doesn't share your extreme of belonging to the other extreme, you know you're out of arguments.

Is there a term for this?

>> No.13869076

Will having more non-virgin heroines really make VNs any better?

>> No.13869078

I literally don't give a shit about the virginal status of a heroine, I do care about you constantly shitting up this thread and the nukige thread with the same stale conversation. Posting stuff here accomplishes absolutely nothing other than bothering people are repeating the same discussion ad nauseum.

>responsible for the stagnation of the industry
I'm not Japanese and I'm not living in Japan, I'm not part of the industry.

>> No.13869086

Variety and that's basically it.

>people are repeating
people and repeating*

>> No.13869088

At the very least, it opens more possibilities for the routes.

>> No.13869094

>the kind of people
Reading comprehension pls. Also >>13869010.

>> No.13869101

Like the heroines ex showing up? I'm raging already.

>> No.13869102

No, not even slightly. It will just make a few autists complain less about not being catered to. Does anyone seriously believe having one or two non-virgins in the average moege will change the way things are written and handled at all? Nah, it just makes the "fucking pussies who can't get vaginas get your purity mentality out of this fundamentally escapist medium for virgins!" feel like they accomplished something.

>> No.13869109

This, hilariously, is what 処女厨s actually believe.

>> No.13869116

>page 6
So many more hours of having to put up with this stupid conversation again, can we stop giving it attention please?

>> No.13869125

Go to sleep, moogy

>> No.13869127

Not until games are about sexually experienced girls/women/ladies instead of whiny, clueless high schoolers who are fawned over by faggots who thing so much as having a crush on another guy automatically disqualifies a girl as a potential partner.

Gods, they piss me off so fucking much.

>> No.13869130

It's a clear issue that the developer side itself agrees must be fixed. There's really no excuse for supporting it, those who do so are the annoyances.
The discussion should end at "yes, it needs to be fixed" but some people mistakenly believe the opposite.

>> No.13869135

What exactly needs to be fixed? Who exactly are these developers? You'd think they would want their games to sell, first and foremost, rather than pissing off their customers.

>> No.13869142

You missed the link? Of course they want to sell, that's why they keep making the same formulaic thing over and over again. Hence them asking the audience to let them write something else without risking bankruptcy.

>> No.13869147

>Gods, they piss me off so fucking much.
That's great and all but you don't need to spam the thread with said discussion for the umpteen time

>> No.13869150
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But they can't make what they want ;_;

>> No.13869152

Fuck off.

>> No.13869179

Oh well, sucks to be them. If they don't like it they can quit. If a vegan shop started selling meat, would anyone be surprised if no one wanted to buy it or they even got shit for it from their usual customers? Of course not, because they had a customer base and then suddenly decided to try and cater to a different demographic with something that pisses their original target demographic off.
If it works, it's all good, they can make what they want and not go bankrupt, but in the case of eroge, unlike a shop, their potential customer base for the "something else" they want to write is either too small or doesn't exist. It's just business, and if they want to stay in it, they'll have to keep producing what sells.

>> No.13869190

Oh, it's this guy again. Always the same non-arguments.

>> No.13869198

処女厨s aren't the "target demographic", you're just a small but autistically loud minority.

>> No.13869206

If this is true why don't the devs take a risk and make what they want? Checkmate.

>> No.13869211

Autistic people like you is the one who need to fuck off.

>> No.13869212

Small and loud demographics don't move copies.

>> No.13869216

Okay, at this you're just refusing to accept any opinion that's not yours. Stop it. Unless you're buying the games you want, you won't win.

>> No.13869221

Because they can't, see the Kakyuusei fiasco.

Can't buy what doesn't exist, m80.

>> No.13869226

Why are they afraid of going bankrupt then? If it's such a small minority of autists, why does the company give a shit? The fact is that the profit lies with this apparently "small and loud" minority. Accept it and move on. Or buy 200 copies per game so your actually small and loud minority seems like something big.

>> No.13869231

>Okay, I'm out of arguments and my insecurities have been triggered, so stop it.
Fixed for accuracy.

The online battle for purity tends to be so fierce it's scared companies away from anything else, especially after what happened to Elf. See >>13869190.

>> No.13869238

Trying to steer this thread back on topic...

What are some games with heroines that aren't all good friends or even actively despise each other? Looking for some good catfights.

>> No.13869241

Actually, I think I recall someone a couple of months ago saying that some developers announced they'd been taking the 処女厨s too seriously, and will stop doing so. Was that true?

>> No.13869247

You can always just play nukige if you want sluts, you know.

>> No.13869250

Nope, 処女厨s will reign supreme.

>> No.13869255

Kicking Horse Rhapsody deals with jealousy issues between the heroines.

>> No.13869261

Enjoy your delusion, キモオタ

>> No.13869262

Really? Which developers?

>> No.13869266

I will, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.13869267

They are slowly working on it, take Hanasaki for example.

>> No.13869275

No idea, I just vaguely recall something like that. I wouldn't be surprised, though, after they begged for some freedom in storywriting.

Things like that エビん meme make me smile sarcastically whenever 処女厨s accuse literally anyone else of whining.

>> No.13869276

Hanasaki didn't do particularly well and it wasn't an anti-処女厨 act as much as it was just kind of a mess.

>> No.13869278

Yeah no, the girls were all high school virgins.

>> No.13869287

They have all the freedom they want. What they lack is customers for that stuff they want to make with all that freedom they are requesting. Can't force people to buy what they don't like.

>> No.13869290

They were all virgins but two of the heroines were interested in someone other than the MC. The devs are taking it one step at a time, in a few years you will get all the sluts you want.

>> No.13869301

>two of the heroines were interested in someone other than the MC
What's wrong with some competition? It's not like there's an NTR end.

>> No.13869303

They're literally stating they don't, but I guess you know more than them, so I'll trust you.

>> No.13869304

>What they lack is customers for that stuff they want to make with all that freedom they are requesting.
No fucking shit. That's virtually the same as no freedom because no one will buy their games unless they're fit a strict set of criteria.

>> No.13869305

It's not really that simple, especially when it's the writer who needs to sell the script to get it published.

>> No.13869306

And they got tons of shit for it, the buyers will be wary of their next release which might lead to decreased sales. Hanasaki itself didn't do too well.

>> No.13869318

Otaku are fucking disgusting animals.

>> No.13869320

That would require them to step outside of their rooms, so I doubt they are. Unless Japan has a disgusting animal delivery service.

>> No.13869323

I wish I could fuck disgusting animals.

>> No.13869324

But that might mean the heroine has a chance of cheating in the future.

>> No.13869325

Here we go with the nonsensical argument again.

Somehow a loud minority manages to shitpost the jap internet and forces everyone (devs) included to make virgin only games, yes, people shitposting on the internet literally ruins the market.

Now the anti-virgin shitpost the virgin losers in every threads.

And no, the Kakyusei fiasco has nothing to do with it, as proven in the past threads.

>> No.13869330

Did they? I know people here raised a stink over it but we're hardly their target market. Did 2ch get upset as well or something?

>> No.13869339

That's the freedom of the market.

You are free to make what you want, we're not obliged to buy your shit.

Van Goth died a poor man.

>> No.13869342

That looks nice for a quick read, thanks.

Any that are less comedy oriented and feature heroines being properly nasty to each other? I don't know if I've seen anything like this but I'm curious if it exists.

>> No.13869343

see >>13869190

>> No.13869349

Well, there's Tsuiroku Jinsei which has a scene where the two best friends get into a nasty bitch fight over money/drugs. But that's nukige with some really gross scenes. You can try that if you're into that sort of thing.
Other than that I don't have any other ideas.

>> No.13869353

It's kusoge but here you go.
Skip to 1:12.

>> No.13869354

It's not even an argument, so yeah, it's a non-argument.

Personally, I do not give a shit about virgin or non-virgin (all the virgins are capable of acting like huge fucking sluts and corruption exist so it doesn't even matter), but the truth is that the market so far do not ban non-virgin games.

>> No.13869359

You're more ignorant than you think.

>> No.13869360

Not buying your shit doesn't mean your shit's banned.

>> No.13869366

It does, unless you enjoy going out of business thanks to an autistic minority.

>> No.13869370

Not that anon, I'm pretty clueless about this whole virgin/non virgin issue (I knew it was a thing, but I didn't knot it was so huge). Where can I read more on the topic of companies complaining about the lack of freedom and obsessive otaku flame wars? In particular which games inspired it, since when is it a thing and what companies are trying to do to achieve their desired freedom.

>> No.13869375

If they were really a minority you wouldn't go out of business.

>> No.13869379

>Autistic minority.
This again. They would already be bankrupt if it were really a minority.

>> No.13869380

No, it doesn't, banning means there's a goddamn authority prohibiting the creation or sales of your products.

The autistic otaku shitpost on the internet, that's not authority.

>> No.13869381

>but I didn't knot it was so huge
It's not though, you'd be better to look to anime industry if you want to read those types of complaints.

>> No.13869383

Some of it was posted in the nukige thread, the rest is common knowledge.

Does it count if she doesn't hurt other heroines, but she's a complete sociopathic bitch to everyone else?

>> No.13869384

But that's not "banning" it. It is in a figurative sense I guess, but there's no government law saying "All eroge MUST have virgin heroines. Anything otherwise is jail time."

>> No.13869385

There are different kind of stories being written but no company is buying them. The alternative is releasing them as doujin but even that requires an artist and a programmer and the japanese independent market is shit.

>> No.13869394

Elf almost went bankrupt, and scared the other developers away from innovation. Are all of you 処女厨s so unintelligent you need the same thing repeated over and over until you get it?

>> No.13869395

Thanks. The Teatime game actually looks interesting though I fully believe you when you say it's a kusoge.

>> No.13869396

The japan doujin market is as varied or even bigger than the fucking US of A.

Fucking Nasu and Ryu07 made it by fucking NScripter games.

Now there's even crowdfunding platform.

>> No.13869399

Elf wouldn't have had an issue if it were truly a minority.

>> No.13869400

It's funny at least. If you play it watch out, some dude in cheetah print will try to NTR you.

>> No.13869401

Elf didn't get bankrupted due to kakyuusei.

They went on making a shitton of games after that.

Their decline started sometimes after the end of the -saku series.

>> No.13869406

>Does it count if she doesn't hurt other heroines, but she's a complete sociopathic bitch to everyone else?
That's interesting in its own way. Have any in mind?

>> No.13869411

That debacle is widely known, and the fact that non-virgins weren't such a big deal until then shows 処女厨s are indeed a minority.

see >>13867673

>> No.13869412

Have you seen the damn thing in the last ten years? Independent eroge market is basically nukige or obscure shit that doesn't sell these days. Even they fall back on their own cliches often so they can get two coins to rub together.

>> No.13869417

>and the fact that non-virgins weren't such a big deal until then shows 処女厨s are indeed a minority.
That's just fucking illogical.

>> No.13869427

Who bought those titles with non-virgins, then? Let your logic enlighten me.

>> No.13869428

Doujin games are always going to have harsher times, but plenty of doujin games in Japan have made it to corporate level more than the indie of US of A.

>> No.13869438

My point is if then the virgin losers were a minority, they are not nowadays.

>> No.13869441

What game is this?

>> No.13869445

Yes, everyone's mindset magically changed in 2005.

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.13869455

As said, elf didn't die after kakyuusei, the debacle was hugely overblown.

The point here is that a minority cannot control a market simply by shitposting.

>> No.13869468

That was roughly when the age of muh purity began.
Apparently they can, given that this is exactly what the developers (and a large part of the Japanese audience, not to mention us) are complaining about. I repeat, how do you explain non-virgins being acceptable until that debacle?

>> No.13869469

Visual novel style maybe.

The RPG maker games and other types are booming all over DLsite.

>> No.13869473

I have no idea about USA indie market unless it's the same thing as the international one. Doujin game market has decent number of 'professional' companies that make lower budget games that cater to smaller niches, but when it comes to eroge market most of those niches translate to fetishes. Things like NTR and monster girls have plenty of successful indie eroge but things you could find in a mainstream game don't sell.

>> No.13869481

>I repeat, how do you explain non-virgins being acceptable until that debacle?
Non-virgin is still acceptable now.

Still, here's my theory, there's a shift in demographics, the virgin start to outnumber the non-virgin because the virgin start to buy games en masse to prove their point.

This in turns means less non-virgin games coming out and the old crowd start leaving.

>> No.13869485

Most of those are nukige (if you're talking about the eroge market as opposed to the general market.)

>> No.13869495

I repeat, yet again, the fact that it's not "acceptable" is exactly what the developers (and everyone else, really) are complaining about.

I guess I was right about you 処女厨s in >>13869394.

>> No.13869499

Uh, I guess, what's wrong with making nukige again?

And yes, I'm talking about the eroge/visual novel scene in general, they are interconnected.

>> No.13869510

As said, there's no law banning non-virgin games and non-virgin games are still made in today 2015.

You can't just force the virgin losers to buy games they don't want to buy.

>> No.13869513

I'm out. See you guys next thread, maybe.

>> No.13869515

You guys better not carry this shit over to the new thread.

>> No.13869518

see >>13869359
and >>13869190

>> No.13869522

Nothing. I've spent more money on them than I have on big companies, but I doubt somebody who can't write what they want for a big company would make a monstergirl nukige on RPGmaker. Or maybe they would and this is all about writers being unsatisfied because nobody wants to publish their fetish nukige.

>> No.13869523

Oh never fucking mind dude.

>> No.13869530

The reality is they CAN make story if they want via NScripted or RPGmaker. It might not sell but that's what artistic spirit is for.

So the problem is on their part.

>> No.13869539

see the first line of >>13869231

see >>13869130

>> No.13869552

Japs really don't want to risk their stable emplyment to do what they want. It's the same outside eroge, where people flip out because nobody is willing to pay them for their artistic vision. I think the drakengard/neir guy had that happen, if I'm not thinking of the wrong person.

It's not that they want to make something they like, no matter what, it's that they want someone to pay them to make the things they like.

>> No.13869572

Well, you can't have your artistic freedom while depending on the costumer's money in a capitalist society.

Van Goth comes to mind.

>> No.13869574

Who the fuck is this Van Goth you speak of? I know Van Gogh, but not this guy.

>> No.13869580

Yes, I meant Van Gogh, sorry.

>> No.13869596

Can we have a new thread and stop this virgin non-virgin bullshit?

>> No.13869601

No. Wait till the thread dies or if you're so impatient wait for page 10 so everyone gets this out of their system fully.

>> No.13869609

No. Fuck off if you don't like it.

>> No.13869618

It's already stopped.

>> No.13869646



>> No.13869951

How good is Tenbin La DEA compared to Ikusa Megami Verita?

>> No.13870401

It has much smaller scale, only one small town and only few months of time. Okayish game overall, but nothing great.

>> No.13870524


For untranslated VN thread.

>> No.13871940 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 800x600, omake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished いつか、届く、あ空に。

This was my first vn from 朱門優 and I'm definitely impressed.

The common route was very good. The text was very straightforward and didn't waste any time on anything insignificant.
The characters were also very fun and had their own distinct personality. I really enjoyed how the towns fairy tale was told at the beginning and brought up at the relevant time.

I honestly didn't want the common route to end because I knew the game was going to change after it.

The routes were very short but still interesting.
Except 傘's route which felt extremely rushed. The protagonist starts liking her out of nowhere. The route does include some more plot that completes the game but in a weird way. Also, what the hell was up with that tank? Didn't fit at all.

>> No.13874258

last post get :^)

>> No.13874265

Fuck off.

>> No.13874271

No, you fuck off kid.

>> No.13874276

Nah, shitposter.

>> No.13875023

I'm playing 虚ノ少女 at the moment. I was wondering: Do I need to get the あの日の思い出 ending first before I can get Yukiko's H-Scenes on Jan 6 during the second run through?
