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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.19_[2015.07.03_11.47.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13728440 No.13728440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You come home from a long vacation and find out your house was broken in by niggers and THIS is in your basement.

What do you do?

>> No.13728451

posit in on /jp/

>> No.13728455

Untie her and switch bodies
Aww yeeeeeeee

>> No.13728470

Untie her, ask if she's alright and then call the police and report the break in.

>> No.13728474

How do I know it was niggers? Are they still in the house?

>> No.13728479

Take off the gag to start with. Explain yourself, miss.

>> No.13728480

yes nigga is in da house

>> No.13728503
File: 370 KB, 1000x1161, 2fc6aec32338df4b821ed64197e01c485fbab490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13728508
File: 51 KB, 428x510, 1352999308925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides are in orbit!

>> No.13728526
File: 82 KB, 440x423, eatalltheeggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13728537

Was this show any good? I read the manga and found it at least above average, but stopped when Crunchy picked it up.

>> No.13728539

Well considering the fact that i'm a horrible horrible person, I would probably gag her and cuff her to something immovable, maybe screw some ring hooks into some wall studs and lock her in a room with a gag, blindfold, and white noise playing on ear covering headphones so all she could hear would be white noise, or the sound of a fan looping 24 hours a day.

Then I would probably torment her, occasionally feeding her or walking her to the bathroom to prevent messes. Over time I would probably just molest her and all that, probably no sex though, for whatever reason I get more pleasure from giving than receiving.

Maybe I wouldn't lock her to a wall, maybe i would just treat her like a living bed ornament/masturbation aide, while still leaving her in a sensory deprivation state, since im kinda into bondage to some extent I suppose. Would be kinda fun for awhile.

Maybe I would be extremely abusive and use her as a stress reliever ranging from sex to pure torture with breaking bones and slashing while telling her to scream because it makes me hard. Seems possible considering I love the adrenaline rush I get when someone picks a fight with me and I start beating them until awhile after they've started crying.

Maybe I would tell her that if she wants to escape unharmed all she has to do is listen to my life story that night so I could get some things off my chest. That seems probable since I've got a lot of things I want to get off my chest and having someone that cant leave until im done would be an ideal candidate.

Maybe I would untie her and offer her my phone to call the police so she could get back to living a normal life. Nah, i'm a horrible person.

>> No.13728545
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, (project-gxs)_Yamada-kun_to_7-nin_no_Majo_-_02_(10bit_720p).mkv_snapshot_21.42_[2015.05.01_13.43.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it.

>> No.13728552

You and me both mah bruddha.

>> No.13728557


>> No.13728560
File: 45 KB, 312x327, 1375062056456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgiest thing I've read this year.

>> No.13728611

I'm hard now and really pissed off

>> No.13728765


>> No.13729281

I call the janitor.

>> No.13729417

Is he going to wipe up my semen?

>> No.13729561

is that the dubs finger guy

>> No.13729602

That means she turned into 3DPD, right?

UNTIE her and tell her to GET THEE FUCK OUT

>> No.13729709

Ask the niggers why did they waste so much rope on her torso when her hands are tied separately. Or she's a cripple.

>> No.13730001

I would wonder just what is so insufferable about this attractive blonde girl that would cause African-Americans of ill repute to abandon her in someone's basement unscathed.

>> No.13730047

You know, thats actually a good question. I bet that girls actually a tranny. I'd suck her weenie.

>> No.13730049

guys fuckignh elp me i need a show to watch now fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkk

>> No.13730074


>> No.13730082

theres no cute girls in that i like the music but i want cute girls not old man thnanks

>> No.13730100

Take the tape off her mouth, tie her to a sturdy chair, & feed her all fucking day until she gets nice & fat. Keep doing this until her gut's down to her knees & she can barely walk. Maybe jerk off onto her while I'm feeding her.

I love how casual your wording is. Almost reminds me of Joel Rifkin when he recounts his murders in great detail.

Get out, normie.
