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13705258 No.13705258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13705277

Whoa dude, censor that shit.

>> No.13705283

Anzu already has a thread, dude, >>13702740

>> No.13705554
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God I miss being a neet.

>> No.13705786


That's two of us.

>> No.13705791
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I wish Anzu was a real loli, not a fake one!

>> No.13705847

I want to sniff Anzus butt.

>> No.13705865

>Need to take PC to shop
>Shops open and close while you are in work
Even the simple things get ruined by work.
The worst part is thinking "This is my life from now on".

I went from neet to wageslave. Any anons done the reverse? How did you find it? Better? Becuase I feel I would feel better with more time and less money. I think a part time job would be best.

>> No.13705913

No one can live forever as a NEET.
You can have your parents to pay your rent for a while, but that can't last forever.
I have a job and go to college, so I don't have much free time, but I know that I'll have money to enjoy my hobbies later.

>> No.13705922

Money isnt a problem. It's the time.

>> No.13705937


I just hate every single second of it it's like i lose 10-11 hours a day for a retarded wage that after i pay for rent and other expenses i end up with half of what my dad used to give me for my expenses.

I admire those who have the courage to stay a neet even into their late 20s.

>> No.13705948

Then you come home tired out, so you cant do fuck all, and it's the afternoon, so you have a few hours before bed for the cycle to repeat.

My Japanese has taken a big hit since getting a job.

>> No.13705952

I just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on its carcass

>> No.13705964

Your name is not important.

>> No.13705976

But what is important is his plan.

>> No.13706019

But you simple cannot live without money. You can't pay rent, or even the internet. You can enjoy your hobbies with little time, but you can't with no money.
It's true that while working you don't have a lot of free time, but without it, you can't even live.

>> No.13706026

basic income needs to happen.

>> No.13706027
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Tell me about it. Up until recently, I lived off of nothing but the goodwill of my parents, but I wanted for nothing then. Then I was pressured to get into university, but they were still kind enough to let me pick whatever I wanted to do.

I don't hate it. But I still live with them off of their goodwill. They're very well-qualified and have high-paying jobs, they pay for my tuition so I don't have to get a job. Some people are less fortunate: I now know of multiple classmates whose parents don't help them, they have to get up in the early morning, commute for two hours on average on a crowded bus, work for four to six hours for around twice the amount of a minimum wage. Then they have to waste half of that on tuition expenses, and half of what's left on sub-par living expenses, leaving them with a pittance each month to enjoy themselves.

It's a hard life that of the college student. I got well-off easy, but if you can get some support to at least maintain some semblance of your NEET life, by all means do so, or else you will be absolutely miserable.

>> No.13706073

>You can enjoy your hobbies with little time
No you can't.
I work over 45 hours a week, not counting lunch break (normal office hours around here).
When you're back home it's impossible to enjoy anything, you are too tired and work shit is still running in your mind, and the free time left is too little unless you start eating sleep time (which works for a tiny while but makes everything way worse in the long run). Yeah I have money I can have any game console I want or videogame and figures and onaholes and whatever, but what good is that if they're all sitting around collecting dust because I barely have enough time off work to clean that fucking dust? I haven't finished a videogame in years and I used to finish all the games I started. Not to talk about all the creative projects I had to throw right into the trash can because it's mathematically impossible to put enough time into them with work.

>> No.13706092

There are still weekends. I personally spend my 1 hour commute catching up on anime/mangoes on my phone.

>> No.13706095

>mfw I noticed myself wishing games were shorter
Work has killed my enjoyment of games.

>> No.13706108

Commuting is such an annoying requirement. I go to college, and spend two hours travelling per day. I can't imagine what it's like if its for work.

>> No.13706127
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8 hours monday-friday and 5 hours saturday?
You have almost the whole weekend to play, mate... I do know that's it's not a lot of time, but what can you do without money?

It may be foolish, but i have high hopes for my future. I'm studying to be a judge, so I would have to work only 30 hours a week and I would get paid a lot. I know it will be hard, but that way, it would be possible to have money AND free time. One can dream, right?

>> No.13706180




I work till 2 PM on Saturdays after that i go to the market to buy the stuff i need for the week and after that is laundry and some housekeeping.

Saturday night i have to waste it with my gf only to be rewarded with sex from a woman who way older than i'd like her to be.

Sunday it's just aweful i have to go lunch at my mom's and stay with my folks for a couple hours, worst of it is that i have to take my gf there because she became BFF with my mom. After that there's only 5 or 6 hours till i have to start the wageslave cycle once again. Time i usually waste shitposting here instead of actually doing something i enjoy.

>> No.13706184
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>tfw when you will ever be an immortal neet with a foxgirl serving you. Or spending all your time with rabbit girls, and a doctor to look after you.

Living the dream.

>> No.13706199

kill yourself sexhaver

>> No.13706219

Having a job takes a lot of time, but at least you get some money.
A GF takes a lot of time AND consume a lot of money.

Guess where is your problem.

>> No.13706230

I see the tummy, but not the NEET

>> No.13706238


I was well in my path to wizardom, however somehow i panicked and before i could realize it i was dating this woman.


It pains me to admit you are right.

>> No.13706257
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I've never worked a day in my life and just abuse my socialist government system. I even have a doctor that helps me with getting false benefits and she knows that I'm only faking my conditions.

I can even push for a free ticket to another part of my country if I hate the city I live in.

I make over $800 at the end of the month and only $120 goes to paying rent. I never have less then $1,400 in savings.

>> No.13706318


>> No.13706406
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>> No.13706429
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If I pull that off, will you die?

>> No.13706439

Lucky guy.

I'm British and the government is cracking down on that stuff. First they said I was fit for work when I had bad anxiety/panic attacks and depression. Then when I was on JSA they started putting me on "work experience", where companies can find free labour, rather than hiring someone (kinda funny how the government doesnt realize or care this isnt helping employment). Which was full time. Then I got an actual job.

I'm sure Canada will go the same way eventually. Enjoy it while it lasts bro.

Any other wageslaves here unable to relax on sunday because you worry about work on monday?

>> No.13706546


>I'm sure Canada will go the same way eventually. Enjoy it while it lasts bro.

I'm actually in plans of opening a savings account with good interest since I shop a lot online. That way if that happens I will have a good pool of money to dip into and I wont need to work as hard.

>> No.13706569

>a savings account with good interest

I didn't think those still existed.

>> No.13706777

I put 5k into a savings account last year.

I've made around 30 cents in interest.
