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1368254 No.1368254 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1368299

Silly Saber, Archer has no sex drive.

>> No.1368308

But Masters are known to command their Servants to pleasure them.

>> No.1368390
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They finally meet in the Throne of Heroes?

>> No.1368402

Archer only loves swords and Saber has been described as a sword more then once. It all makes perfect sense!

>> No.1368415
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>> No.1368463

Ubw Shirou > Archer

>> No.1368955
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>>1368299 At least not for Seiba. I think he's more of a tsundere man myself.

>> No.1368991

How ironic.
It had been this man's style to use tactics that weren't like that of an bowman.
The Servant, who preferred close-combat with his twin swords instead of his bow, couldn't respond to Saber's attack because he had returned to using his true method of warfare.

"It was a shot worthy of the name of Archer.
Had your Master been with you, this end would not have happened."

"....Ha, don't be ridiculous, Saber.
If THAT had been here, I couldn't have even had the chance to fight you."
He returned her praise with laughter.
The shape of lips wasn't one of conceipt, but one of honest companionship.

"Ch, I cannot hold my body together any longer. Do you have anything else to say Saber? It is the duty of the victor. If you have any questions, ask them."
There was the sound of dispersing sand.
There was no splattering of blood.

>> No.1369068

where'd you get that?

>> No.1369076


>> No.1369143
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I don't think the Emiya Shirou that became Archer ever was in love with Saber. He admired and respected her yes, but . . . I don't think he was in love with her. In fact, Rin asks him point blank in UBW and he basically tells her no.

And when Caster was sexually harassing Saber, Archer didn't care either way.

Yet, when talking to Shirou, Archer mentions that all of his mortal "desires" have been returned.

And the way he said it seems like he was saying oh, yo, I got a sex drive again, wtf?

>> No.1369164

He certainly cared for her or admired her in some way or another, and not managing to save her (the way Shirou does in Fate) is one of the things that troubled him.

But Archer/Shirou mostly went through life alone.

>> No.1369180

Right, and backstabbing Rin and letting her get abused showed that he was in love with her? The only girl Archer loves is Ilya, that fucking pedo. He had no qualms about backstabbing Saber or Rin, but he chosed not to kill Ilya when that could've taken down Berserker easily.

>> No.1369186

Remember, archer came from HF shiroh, so it's not as pedo as you described it.

>> No.1369192

>archer came from HF shiro
I don't think so, Tim. Go play HF route and come back once you have.

oh wait you can't, go spout some more dumbass theories

>> No.1369195

Fate Archer is HF Shirou.
He became a hero purely by being a badass, so no sad life, no betrayal by his ideas, no reason to take his anger on his past self.
Helps him, sacrifices himself too so Shirou can enjoy enjoy the saber putty he missed on the past.

HF Archer is UBW Shirou.
Wary of Shirou falling in the moralfag and devoid of enjoyment route, when he understand he won't suffer from the fate he was in danger himself in the past
(and the one that had condemned the Archer that he had met), sacrifices himself to save Shirou's life.
HF Shirou proceeds to become terminator.

UBW Archer is Fate Shirou.
No Saber, no girl, Ilya, tragic fate, final destination.
When he gets summoned by Rin, since Rin spends most of her time with Shirou, he is denied Rin dickings, thus ANOTHER reason to hate his past self.
UBW route ensues.

>> No.1369200

When did Rin ask Archer if he loved Saber? She only found out his identity when he betrayed the gang, and the next time they had a conversation was at the end.

>> No.1369201

Can't you fags just shutup. Yeah RinxArcher is good, SaberxArcher also makes for some interesting implications. Hell even SakuraxArcher is good too. Just stop shoving shit down our throats. Fuck.

>> No.1369204
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Did someone say Saber x Archer?

>> No.1369213
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servant saver?

>> No.1369214

Does any Archer/Sakura porn exist?

>> No.1369216
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Hmm Male Saber x Gil
Or Saber x Jil

>> No.1369218
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>> No.1369221

All I have are Shirou/Sakura, Rin/Sakura and Rider/Sakura.

>> No.1369225
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Best Archer route EVER.

>> No.1369229
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>> No.1369233
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Best pairing EVER.

>> No.1369238

Nasu was pretty much setting it up in UBW with Gay Bulge piercing Rho Anus.

>> No.1369240

That wasn't an h scene?

>> No.1369241

That wasn't an h scene? Because I fapped furiously.

>> No.1369248

It's safework, so no.

Archer's incantation of Rho Aius would make a great orgasm voice though.


>> No.1369250
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Any rapidshit of any doujins of these two?

>> No.1369268


>> No.1369278

I want to be best friends with Archer.

>> No.1369284
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Reminds me of this.

>> No.1369308

I think I just felt something in my heart

>> No.1369320

Tears are flowing. ;_;

>> No.1369325

A good childhood that I never had ;_;
(yes the crying face is over used now, but whatever)

>> No.1369329

I have to choose between Saber, Rin, Rider, Bazette and Karen? Fuck you.

>> No.1369330

>domination games


>> No.1369331

It's funny that the post with the most ridiculous picture (saber) was the one I liked the most...

Assassin would make a cool friend

>> No.1369332

Good enough choices for me. I guess you could also count Ilya, though the incest isn't implied in the description.

>> No.1369333

Rin only gets kinky when there's another girl involved. And I think she's the type that dominates you outside but gets dominated in bed.

>> No.1369346

I dunno, her Obey Command Seal for Archer?

That's a hell of a lot of kink there.

>> No.1369347

Is Karen actually British?

>> No.1369350
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Thunderhorse girls have a 50% chance of being a dominatrix and a 50% chance of wanting to be dominated by her less-aggressive boy.

>> No.1369352


Spending time with Shirou in UBW-> dominated in bed.
Spending time with Archer in Fate due to recovery and Shirou sticking too much with saber -> Masturbating to virgin Saber as she is painfully penetrated.

>> No.1369357

>The Servant, who preferred close-combat with his twin swords instead of his bow

Uhh no, Archer used swords because he had to in a close combat situation. He couldn't use his bow in such a close distance.

He could always become invisible, run far far away, and then snipe everyone to death if he wants to.

>> No.1369360

Dude that was translated directly from the Fate Hollow game, what do you want to argue about?

>> No.1369362
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>> No.1369363

Reminds me of one thing, why can't he remain invisible and kill everyone?

>> No.1369365
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Shirou, no, most anime guys just don't know how to take advantage of their tsunderes like this guy here.

>> No.1369367

When they are in Spirit form(when they are invincible), they can't interact with the rest of the world (and I guess other spirits too?).

>> No.1369370

Archer never had the intention to kill other Servants if they didn't stand in his way.

>> No.1369390


>> No.1369394
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Except maybe Lancer. Come on, Archer seemed eager to fight him in the Prologue. Then again, Lancer did stab him when he was a teenager. That sort of builds resentment.

But it's funny, most of the Servants ended up getting a grudge against Archer somewhere or another. Hell, Gilgamesh was leery around him, under the contempt there was fear.

Then again he was the one thing to counter GOB.

>> No.1369395


>> No.1369414


>> No.1369427

Karen is looking kinda Balalaika there.

>> No.1369431


>> No.1369510

Is that her ass?
