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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 204 KB, 800x600, ARIS_E0203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1365292 No.1365292 [Reply] [Original]

Get out, these are mine!

>> No.1365300

Jesus fuck this game is getting more interest than Touhou.

However, I support that.

>> No.1365301

What is this?

>> No.1365305

Horny chicks are always awesome.

>> No.1365306

>Horny virgins are always awesome.


>> No.1365307


Wanking tou Bokusou

>> No.1365319

I've always wondered what the things in the silver roll are. Why would she have condoms if she was a virgin?
Some kind of bizarre sexual candy or masturbatory aid?

>> No.1365321

For the dildos,probably.

>> No.1365325

Oh, true enough.

>> No.1365334

Dildos can't cum, why put condom on it?
Hmmm, maybe it's for the lube + rib on the condom?

>> No.1365335

Prevents infection, and AIDs if you're sharing your dildos. Basic sex ed?

>> No.1365336

i more wonder, how she use dildos if she's virgin

>> No.1365338

There could be bacteria and shit on the dildo,you put a condom on it to prevent infections and shit since its sterile.
The lube on it is a nice bonus.

>> No.1365342

Do virgins share dildos often?

(Although I guess you should still use a condom on your sex toys if you don't have a pot to sterilize them with boiling water in.)

>> No.1365343

They don't stick it in all the way.

>> No.1365350

theres not much bacteria or shit could be on dildo, but couldnt at panties, so mainly its for lub

>> No.1365351

Virgin does not mean hymen intact.

>> No.1365354

Pah, it's so troublesome to be the little girl. I even have to sterilize my sex toys before masturbation? Fuck this shit, I'm staying as a man.

>> No.1365356

I don't know, if you use the same dildo for anal and vaginal...

>> No.1365359

I would just wash my dildo, seems easier to me. Plus you can't get AIDS unless you share your toys, and even then it's not very likely since virus don't live for very long outside of the body.

Although one thing to be watching out for is if you stick it in your pooper, don't stick it elsewhere unless you wash it first.

>> No.1365362

You don't need to sterilize your hands if you just want to get off manually; and if you're a man, you still should sterilize your sex toys if you use them.

>> No.1365370
File: 55 KB, 165x140, hbreffcewg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has probably seen it already, but I just thought I'd point it out.

>> No.1365371

Just washing with water won't be enough; you need to use soap of some kind. Even then, you're advised to sterilize with boiling water.

>> No.1365385

/jp/ - sextoys for little girls and their use

>> No.1365400

If little girls don't masturbate properly, they'll never become sex obsessed adult women. That can't be allowed. We must all educate ourselves so we can become better equipped to promote a greater level of general female masturbation in our societies.

>> No.1365404

>Virgin does not mean hymen intact

And intact hymen doesn't mean virgin, particularly with those people with super natural regeneration abilities.

Yes I'm looking at you, you moon princesses/possessed by phoenix/true ancestors

>> No.1365405

Those don't look like little girl's sex toys; little girls tend to just use whatever they can find around the house, like pillows or teddy bears.

>> No.1365411 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 800x600, 1222326998453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why this face remind me aya?

>> No.1365421

Why is this making me hot?

>> No.1365426

what shoud i do if i want pure naive little girl as my waifu? ;_;

>> No.1365432

Marry a 12 year old.

>> No.1365438

Those breasts are awfully large... I'm not sure I'm interested anymore.

>> No.1365456

If she's still young and adorable, what does it matter if she's developed a little early? She's still a little girl.

>> No.1365459 [SPOILER] 
File: 185 KB, 800x600, 1222327661426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guees that was bad point of view

>> No.1365462

I'm a pedophile, I don't find breasts sexually attractive. What you suggest would be like fucking a retard, saying "she has the mental age of a 6 year old, so just pretend she's well-developed for her age!"

>> No.1365463

They always look larger hanging down. Don't fault her for an optical illusion.

>> No.1365465

your pedophilia is diffrent from mine, 6yo girl mind + attractive body is not that bad thing, however i dont like agrassive little girls that much

>> No.1365467
File: 35 KB, 306x382, dong.1219993829029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you'd be fine with a mature, experienced adult woman in the body of an adorable 6 year old?

>> No.1365469

Well, I don't either. That's just the body type I prefer. I prefer intelligent, laid back girls who don't mind just having a conversation, and are willing to discuss any range of topics.

>> No.1365470

>I prefer intelligent, laid back girls who don't mind just having a conversation, and are willing to discuss any range of topics.
So girls who don't exist, right?

>> No.1365474

See >>1365469.

What you just did is like a normalfag saying "I'm an ass man" and his friend turns to him and says "So if it was a little girl's mind in a woman's body with a perfect ass, you'd hit it?"

>> No.1365475

Way to be narrow-minded. My cousin is a perfect example of this. I guess you just don't talk to lolis very often, do you?

>> No.1365476

That would be hot.

>> No.1365478

we all do anon.. we all do..

>> No.1365481

The 2D > 3D rhetoric is more just for show, you know.

>> No.1365483
File: 55 KB, 800x717, konata-suimsuit.1212372254375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be Konata.

>> No.1365484

Konata has the mind of a 13 year old little boy.

>> No.1365485

Personally I like the mind of a eight-year-old in the body of a eight-year-old.

>> No.1365487

Speak for yourself. Some of us hate our humanity and escape from it in every way we can. Like me.

>> No.1365488

Shota, without any risk of balls touching?


>> No.1365489

I guess this is an appropriate thread.

Anon from earlier.

Sister didn't say anything. At dinner, I couldn't look her in the eyes. Not necessarily out of the ordinary, but I felt like she was watching me, expecting something. But afterwards, nothing. As I said, I'm not going to make the move, so a day passes without anything.

>> No.1365490

That's even better. Would you prefer to be with a female who makes you feel awkward about thinking what to talk about, or with one who talks about anime, games, sex... etc with you?

>> No.1365495

what a fag..

>> No.1365496

I assume she's bisexual, so more like an 18 year old girl.

>> No.1365497

Just as long as you consider Furries part of Humanity, and not the inhuman to which you wish to escape.

>> No.1365500
File: 254 KB, 1150x1500, Konata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1365501
File: 94 KB, 600x800, BrunetteKonata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it matter? Konata is their attempt at perfection targeted at otakus. For the most part they hit the mark. But I like this version the best. Glasses to add some sophistication and no neon hair/eyes with all the same personality = just about perfect.

>> No.1365502
File: 3 KB, 400x400, Epic_fail_guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to say "more than just for show."

>> No.1365505

Indeed. Furries are humanity at one of it's worst extremes.
I'll only have efficient dream sex with pixels. All that I want is a silicon girl, with silicon lips and silicon hair.

>> No.1365506

I'd be too afraid that this Konata would slit her wrists the night I planned to propose. ;_;

>> No.1365508

Well I tend to be take-charge and not very shy, so I like a little dependence in my girls.
Also if she slits her wrists she'll end up making out with Kagami~n and bringing her over.

>> No.1365509
File: 37 KB, 450x300, Interview_With_The_Vampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1365514
File: 229 KB, 853x480, 1221645271599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yea

>> No.1365517

It's funny how everyone ended up preferring Kagami.

>> No.1365521
File: 503 KB, 225x225, XD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually prefer Misao.
But brunette Konata beats that.
I don't like tsundere at all.
In a real relationship a tsundere would do nothing but leave you nervous and stressed out, and you have to explain that bitchiness to your friends.

>> No.1365536

Yutaka is the best.

>> No.1365547

When it comes to real life, I agree with >>1365508. It started with me slowly losing hope in the existence of interesting personalities, and I ended up realizing that I don't care either way, because all I want is a really submissive girl, so personality doesn't matter.

>> No.1365558

Misao is good. So cute...

>> No.1365563
File: 139 KB, 800x600, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1365565

Well lucky for you I am both of those posts. The problem is getting a girl with enough self-esteem that she doesn't end up dissolving. There's this gigantic gulf in real women between "will listen to what you say, believe it, and be confident in it" and "will listen to what you say and is helpless."

>> No.1365571

What'd I miss!?

>> No.1365586
File: 680 KB, 900x1350, 1222330629121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1365587
File: 680 KB, 900x1350, 22e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1365590

If you were a more brilliant, commanding and self-confident man, maybe it's be easier for you to find that former type.

>> No.1365592

Infertility sure sucks huh.

Imagine finding your dream moe loli waifu. Gaining confidence from the loving relationship and achieving all your material goals in life, then when you try to have a child with your waifu you find out that all these time you've been shooting blanks.

Yeah that would be worse than ronery

>> No.1365598

It really, really wouldn't.

>> No.1365599

Anonymous has an open mind, and so does his waifu. We could adopt.

>> No.1365605

I wouldn't really care if she's confident about it as long as she's loyal and obedient.

>> No.1365606

It's funny because most people don't know where the hymen is at all.

>> No.1365612

Is it in the anus?

>> No.1365619

No, it's in the cloaca.

>> No.1365620

It's directly behind the uvula.

>> No.1365621
File: 52 KB, 429x500, Gray1229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1365623

I read that it's next to the pineal gland.

>> No.1365624

Or we could keep it thread related and adopt a pair of dog girls and have foursomes every night!

>> No.1365630

I notice this all the fucking time in eroge writing.

>> No.1365633

As long as they know it at least has something to do with the vagina it's better than backwards penises from female doujin artists.

>> No.1365638


>> No.1365639

I must have the name of at least one doujin with an unintentional backwards penis.

>> No.1365646

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to even be imagining with "backwards penis"

>> No.1365654

Backward penis? sinep?

>> No.1365655

I've seen those doujins, they show a cross section, and it looks more like a map of Florida than a vagOO

>> No.1365666

Take penis.

Rotate 180 degrees.


Backwards penis.

>> No.1365670

This made me wince IRL.

>> No.1365801

>>1365489 Anon from earlier.
> Sister didn't say anything. At dinner, I couldn't look her in the eyes.

Just curious.

What story does this refer to?

>> No.1365822

The Evolution Of This Thread:
- Wanko to Kurasou
- Sextoys for Girls
- Female Anatomy and Virginity
- Lucky Star
- Incest slips in
- Female Anatomy and Virginity
- Incest

>> No.1365845

You forgot about the reversed penises.

>> No.1365859

I think it's the one where some faggot dared his sister to suck his cock.


>> No.1365879

I see a face, a very swollen face

>> No.1366425

Did thomeone thay penith?

>> No.1366438
File: 157 KB, 322x572, WankoKotaSad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. TakaJun said the project is going to slow down "a bit." Wonder how much that means.
Kota is sad.

>> No.1366447
File: 152 KB, 578x800, many moods of kagami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like tsundere at all.
Wth is wrong with you? Get to a doctor, quick!

>> No.1366801


>> No.1366805

He's being tsundere for tsundere.

>> No.1366808

Why would H-scenes slow you down? The lines become a lot simpler in them. Half of it is filled up with moans.

>> No.1366809

Nothing wrong with Kagami. She's not even much of a tsundere. She's also very normal compared to the rest of the characters in the show. I've known many people who have acted very much like her at times.

>> No.1366815

I've seen these pictures more often...source?

>> No.1366818

A friend of mine (inb4 enjoy being alone) were talking, and for some reason, I talked about tsunderes. I explained to him as best as I could what a weabo is, but I was wondering if any of you had that copypasta about Kagami so I can explain with an example.

>> No.1366835


That's Konata with the hair colour changed, and glasses added.

>> No.1366845

Because you have to type with one hand, obviously.

>> No.1366958

Have to stop and hap every page or two.

>> No.1366960

Have to stop and fap every page or two.

>> No.1366963

H scenes are fucking terrible and boring to read through. The HCG is nice, but all the misc shit called ero literature is lame. I prefer it when it's implied.

>> No.1367118

Sounds like your loli imouto has been thinking over your proposal and has decided that she wants you. When you get a chance to be alone with her again, say something along the lines of "Remember when I said I thought you wouldn't be able to fit my penis in your mouth? That was funny right, would you really want to try something lik that?" act in accordance to her response.

Good luck, Anonymous.

>> No.1367120


Just woke up from my nap.

>> No.1367378
File: 339 KB, 800x566, montage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's not even much of a tsundere
She definitely is one; just not way deep into the tsun zone like, say, Louise. Plus they gave her enough character quirks that it's hard to pin her down as just the token tundere girl.

/r/ it as well, if someone could, out of curiosity.

>> No.1367415
File: 260 KB, 500x691, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1365467 So you'd be fine with a mature, experienced adult woman in the body of an adorable 6 year old?
Maybe not 6, but...

>> No.1367421
File: 57 KB, 853x480, snapshot20080925225308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1367449

Taken from a thread from this morning:
A friend of mine (inb4 enjoy being alone) were talking, and for some reason, I talked about weabos. I explained to him as best as I could what a weabo is, but I was wondering if any of you had that copypasta about the pinku box so I can explain with an example.

>> No.1367488


She's only tsundere to Konata, though. Otherwise she's just your typical teen.

>> No.1369038

Yeah. That topic was deleted, though...and I really liked it too.

>> No.1369058


Fuck. Off.

Why is /jp/ so shitty lately?

>> No.1369079

A friend of mine (inb4 enjoy being alone) were talking, and for some reason, I talked about /jp/. I explained to him as best as I could what /jp/ is, but I was wondering if any of you had that copypasta about the shittyness so I can explain with an example.

>> No.1369114

It's more of a perpetual straight man in comedy, having to deal with a weirdo, an airhead and an idiot.

It's not like she lies about what she thinks or is embarrassed to say she likes spending time with them (except very few exceptions).

A few tsundere like qualities, do not a tsundere make.

>> No.1369130

>copypasta about the shittyness
So what does /jp/ think about FS/N? It's shit, right?

>> No.1369197


>> No.1369231
File: 277 KB, 900x1303, X2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do

>> No.1369235

I'd hate giving chocolate around, but that's a whole different issue.

>> No.1369283

15 minutes? What the fuck?

Well, I guess it's better than you saying nothing at all and ignoring the post.

You're getting better with that acoustic guitar of yours, by the way.

>> No.1369309

I remember that comic with the artist girl drawing an upside down penis

>> No.1369682
File: 89 KB, 600x800, 1222419771287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So share. What was the name of the comic/doujin/artist/main character/anything?
