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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13590029 No.13590029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If say Japan eases up on its immigration policy and multiculturalism becomes reality there, how would it affect otaku culture?

>> No.13590045


>> No.13590068

plane fares are still too high for your average otaku.

>> No.13590073

Don't underestimate foreign wotas. They would sell their family just to get a lottery ticket to a Momoiro/Scandal/AKB/LL concert.

>> No.13591662

Minorities would live off the government.
SJWs would ruin anime.
Niggers would ruin IRL.
Japan will look like USA.

>> No.13591669

It's slowly but surely happening. Just look at Shibuya.

>> No.13591671

It would die down because people have more sex and shit (thus not carrying about the games) and there's more urban crime to worry about (since the jap police and the yakuza are rather weaksauce compared to foreign criminal organizations).

>> No.13591675

But if I go to Shibuya and see I'll be helping multiculturalize Japan, what do

>> No.13591696

Buy your shit. See the sights. Take pictures. Leave. That's pretty much the only tolerance you're gonna get.

That gives the US military stationed there to actually do something besides sitting in base and getting drunk at Roppongi.

>> No.13591698 [DELETED] 

Do whatever you want. That's what we refer to as individual freedom.

>> No.13591699
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become a professional jew hunter

>> No.13591736

Realistically not much. Unless there's a radical change in government policy (i.e. beyond what we've seen in the west) most immigrants will see an economic need to integrate into Japanese culture. Cultural politics doesn't hold the same sway in Japanese politics, so you wouldn't see feminists successfully hound eroge manufacturers out of business.

If anything, I would be more afraid of the inevitable netouyo backlash. Fuck off, I want my porn to be politics free.

>> No.13591747

>That gives the US military stationed there to actually do something besides sitting in base and getting drunk at Roppongi.
The muhreen is not a police force, and it's bad as a police force.

>> No.13591766

It can be when needed. It's not like the US military are strangers to policing "occupied" lands (the Philippines, Vietnam)

>> No.13591781

Yeah, and it's bad at that job which is what I'm saying.

>> No.13591786

A change in immigration policy is already a radical change since everyone believe Japan is to be for japanese.

>> No.13591799

To be honest, what modern police force hasn't been fucking up at its job nowadays? They're either too underpowered who can't stop bad guys anymore dangerous than a thug with a butterfly knife or act like they're a militia on crack.

>> No.13591831

Probably country like Switzerland with strict immigration policy and everyone are rich, white and have a gun in their safe.

>> No.13591849

They're getting paid by blood money from those Swiss bank accounts drug and warlords store their "assets." I wouldn't say they're completely clean.

>> No.13591855

A police force isn't supposed to be clean, they are supposed to do just that, policing, keeping a semblance of order.

>> No.13591872

In that case, then most 1st world countries' police fit the bill since most areas aren't a Middle Eastern or African warzone.

>> No.13591891

It depends entirely on crime rate.

Japan police can handle Japan right now because japanese criminals are weaksauce.

Obviously, US police force would be overkill for Japan.

Then again you have cases like France where it's a 1st world country but still gets into occasional shootout due to the huge number of muslim population, and the chicken police cannot handle it (gotta call it in special police force and military).

>> No.13591939

The alienating nature of Japanese society is what gave birth to and fuels the otaku culture, so the answer to the question would depend on whether a larger immigrant population would somehow make Japanese society less alienating for Japanese males, which I am very skeptical of.

>> No.13591965

If anything, they'd feel even more marginalized since Japanese males, otakus in particular, are very aesthetically inclined in their views. To them, anything that looks cute, innocent = good and everything else is bad. Well, most immigrants aren't cute and their "poverty look" would only exacerbate their contempt for them.

So basically, sand niggers and shitskins can't be moe therefore JP males won't tolerate them en masse.

>> No.13591967

I think it would fuel netouyo even more, or at least turn more people into more netouyo, especially if the immigrants come from Africa or the Middle east.

These people cannot integrate and netouyo would feel like their country is being invaded and getting alienated even more.

>> No.13591997


>> No.13592002

Arm the netouyo!!!

>> No.13592015

Ergo the otaku culture would exasperate.

>> No.13592025

Otaku culture then rebirths into netouyo culture.

I'm okay with this, especially if it means everyone have a gun.

>> No.13592037

Violence is never an answer. Japan is okay the way it is.

>> No.13592039

Brace yourself for cute girls capping niggers and camel jockeys on your VN's.

>> No.13592040

SEA asians, Chinese, and Koreans would most likely make up the largest immigrant groups, maybe some Russians as well.

>> No.13592043

Thanks god I'm not an absolutist.

>> No.13592047

Love how you associate multiculturalism to violence.

The Paki and Nigerian apes are slowly growing especially in the Tokyo Metropolitan area.

>> No.13592051

There's already some that do this, namely Phantom.
