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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 45 KB, 640x480, 22231342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1354893 No.1354893 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1354905

Is that an asian

>> No.1354916


>> No.1354937
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>> No.1354939

thelma is a nigger asian.

yes, she sucks. and her music too

>> No.1354945

yet sadly she's richer than you.

>> No.1356026

would anon believe me if i said i knew her? lololololololol

>> No.1356117

Second best pun ever.

>> No.1356129

Jew Pig disgusting Japanese-nigger bitch. I hope she dies.

>> No.1356130

Yeah, I believe you... tell her I said Hi.

>> No.1356133

still a nigger

>> No.1356185

She is one quarter Trinidadian and three quarters Japanese.

by Wikipedia.

>> No.1356195
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>> No.1356240


Is that some Kikkoman Soya Sauce™, the best Soya Sauce in the world?

>> No.1356247

The one drop rule is full of shit. You whites disgraced the one drop rule when you started calling Tiger Woods a mixed race. I guess whites couldn't accept the fact that the highest-paid professional athlete in the world was a black man.


If the girl in the op's picture is black than so is Tiger Woods.

>> No.1356249


I refill the bottles with a different brand of soy sauce. Am I awesome? [N/N]

>> No.1356253


>> No.1356264


>> No.1356269

Woods is mixed race, genetically the guy looks nothing like a pure bred negro.

>> No.1356270


>> No.1356273

if Tiger Woods was fully black, he would never have been allowed on a golf course in the first place

>> No.1356275


or soya bean (UK)

>> No.1356280

? That's it?

I was hoping to see if she'd pull up the skirt and fill herself up with Kikkoman.

Bonus nachos to whoever can drink it all...^__^

>> No.1356281

who gives a shit about the UK?

>> No.1356282



>> No.1356292


Most of the world, and Europe likes UK very much.

>> No.1356300

His father is black. And that's all that matters according to the one drop rule. You whites even went so far as to claim his father had some European ancestry. Protip: The vast majority of African Americans have some European ancestors. I've read some studies that claim more than 80% of blacks in America have some caucasian blood. It was a common practice for slave owners to impregnate African slaves in order to sell more slaves.

google "Africans Americans European ancestors"

>> No.1356313

>You whites even went

I stopped reading after that, damn niggers.

>> No.1356345
File: 19 KB, 298x443, 1222193342937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tiger Woods and Thelma are the faces of the future. Caucasians, unfortunately, lack dominate traits.

>> No.1356544
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Pic related. It's Tiger, his white whore and their strikingly negroid offspring.

>> No.1356794

Tiger Woods is mostly asian.

>> No.1356817

Hello niggers that post on /jp/.

Since when does dark skin = black/african? If you dropped 'Thelma" in any Southasian country, you would be undifferential among any of the native peoples there. And the same goes with Tiger Woods.

>> No.1356820

Hello niggers that post on /jp/.

Since when does dark skin = black/african? If you dropped 'Thelma" in any Southasian country, she would be undifferential among any of the native peoples there. And the same goes with Tiger Woods.

>> No.1356829

Racist folk are very ambiguous these days. So are you all anti-nigger or anti-anything with dark skin? Or what?

>> No.1356850
File: 90 KB, 600x600, 1222200120935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is taken from the first page of a Google Image Search for Cambodia :

>> No.1356860

lol faces of the future. You idiot. Not everyone will miscegenate. Maybe in countries like the US. But certainly not on Africa or Europe and even less on Asia.

>> No.1356866
File: 94 KB, 619x462, 1222200274792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is taken from the first page of a Google Image Search for Malaysians :

>> No.1356870
File: 63 KB, 470x352, 1222200334733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is taken from the first page of a Google Image Search for Indonesians :

>> No.1356878
File: 26 KB, 340x432, 1222200421575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is taken from the first page of a Google Image Search for Americans

>> No.1356881


Just fucken type any country in South Eastern Asia... Anything below fucking China...

>> No.1356885

of course I can find pics of Abos/Indians/Pakis who have the same skin color as blacks/africans.

you are a black guy in the US, so you have obvious hang-ups with race. But dark skin does not equal blacks/africans.

>> No.1356894

I've tried several expensive soy sauces, but none tasted as good as Kikkoman brand.

>> No.1356911
File: 157 KB, 432x283, 1222200744320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is taken from the first page of a Google Image Search for CHEN.

>> No.1356917


Thelma does not look Malaysian or Indonesian. When you look at her you can clearly see Japanese features mixed with a negroid traits. She is part of the cancer that will ultimately destroy Japan, both ethnically and culturally.

>> No.1356938
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1222201055881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic is taken from the first page of a Google Image Search for patchuli.

>> No.1356963

LoL to an idiot thinking that only white folks are racist. Seriously either you are a 12 year old or you seriously need to stop being so naive and grow up.

>> No.1356996

>Captain Obvious.jpg

I was just saying that Caucasian skin color is not going to be the skin color of the future. African American skin color is going to be the skin of the future. When white mixes with black, it always becomes light brown. Most African Americans have brown or light brown skin.

tl;dr My light brown skin color is going to be the skin color of the future.

>> No.1357120

No sorry nigger, its not.

>> No.1357199
File: 42 KB, 500x278, 1222203785043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha you wish. Do you think every White person will mix with niggers? Do you think every Asian person will mix with niggers? Not a chance. In fact those who already are willing to mix with niggers are a small number, and that number will decrease even more, over time. People are getting tired of multiculturalism and now seek refuge in their roots. Why would anyone want to mix with those inferior savage monkeys? lol

>> No.1357219

Well,everyone on the earth is not necessery to be mixed.

>> No.1357279

lol prussian blue faggot

>> No.1357283

Back to /Stormfront/, please.

>> No.1357292


>> No.1357296

lol @ the nigger using the 'captain obvious.jpg' when he misses the point completely.

>African American skin color is going to be the skin of the future.

Yeah ... african american skin color. And not indian skin color/paki skin color/malaysian skin color. You complain about racist whites, but you cant see past your own racism.

captain obvious.jpg

>> No.1357316

some americans may not realize this, but there are many parts of the planet that have dark-skinned people who have never been to either africa or america

>> No.1357330

dont you see it?

the nigger who posts on /jp/ hates his own race/his own wimmens so much and he desires lighter-skinned white/asian wimmens, so he wants everybody to be 'mixed'.

Although for the millenia after millenia of human civilization, man has keep to themselves within their own ethnic/racial/social groups. But this nigger has to feed his own 'fetish', so he has to believe his own delusions.

>> No.1357346

Those people are not niggers either. Niggers come from Africa. All this was in reference to African niggers. Not Asians or people from the Pacific.

>> No.1357348

dont you see it?

the nigger who posts on /jp/ hates his own race/his own wimmens so much and he desires lighter-skinned white/asian wimmens, so he wants everybody to be 'mixed'.

Ignoring the fact that for millenia after millenia of human civilization/history, man has kept to themselves within their own ethnic/racial/social groups. But this nigger has to feed his own 'fetish', so he has project his own desires/delusions outward.

>> No.1357351
File: 35 KB, 331x550, 1222205438835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an ugly bitch.

The product of multiculturalism.

>> No.1357369

Black skin is ugly.

>> No.1357398

White skins and black skins will die out. Your genes will conform to the natural evolution of mankind! Humans must evolve! The bronze race will rule all.

>> No.1357402

I hate all you racist faggots. There was a point on 4chan when people would say racist things to mock people who actually believed that shit. Now? Its full of racist little kids shouting 'nigger' because they can't understand the concept of satire and irony.

You're the cancer killing 4chan. If you're gonna stay here atleast take that shit to /b/.


>> No.1357426

Go cry elsewhere. I don't want the entire world to be mixed.

>> No.1357434

too bad you won't have a choice

enjoy your brown grandchildren, I know I will

little brown girls are the best

>> No.1357439

tell me which is worse tripfag?
racists or libfags like you who dont believe in the concept of race/or that there are racial differences between an african and an asian?

>> No.1357440


Too bad, it already is. Enjoy your multi-racial neighbors and their children.

>> No.1357443


people are going to wise up to your niggering ways and stop breeding with you things.

>> No.1357446

>too bad you won't have a choice

Do you honestly think the entire world is going to be black or brown? Enjoy your delusions.

>> No.1357455

I like the phenotypic diversity of whites, from sultry southern europeans to blonde nords, to irish redheads.

brown is ugly.

>> No.1357472

Still wishing for the old 4chan? That died many many years ago. There was one English language imageboard that was close to the old 4chan, but it became contaminated this summer and is merely a somewhat more bearable form of the new 4chan.

>> No.1357474


There's a difference between accepting racial differences and being a racist faggot. The people who are still stuck in the 'I have to mate with my own race' are the ones holding society back. Do you honestly think anyone gives a fuck what color someone is if they're in love with that person?

You'll understand what I'm talking about when you grow up.

>> No.1357485

>if they're in love with that person?

Most race mixing is fetishtic, don't use love as an excuse.

>> No.1357491

>Still wishing for the old 4chan? That died many many years ago.

I know, I feel like a wife waiting for her husband to come home from his tour of duty eventhough you know he got blown up.

>> No.1357505

>are the ones holding society back.

No, the people holding society back are the ones shitting out half breeds with low IQs.

>> No.1357522


Where the fuck did you get that? I've never heard of someone having a fetish for Indian men,Muslim women or some shit like that.

You sound like one of those nigger bitches who complain about white women taking all the 'good black men'.

>> No.1357530

>>No, the savages holding society back are the ones shitting out half breeds with low IQs.


>> No.1357532

>I've never heard of someone having a fetish for Indian men,Muslim women or some shit like that.

You'd be surprised. People do. And I'm certainly not a nigger. But I have a feeling you're a race mixing woman myself.

>> No.1357539

>shitting out half breeds with low IQs.

Obama is a half breed. Your entire argument just crumbled.

>> No.1357540

...intermixing strengthens gene diversity. Any heinz 57 mutt will outsmart a papered showdog.

>> No.1357543


4Chan is the DEFINITION of racism. Calling anyone "racist" on this fucking website is nothing short of a compliment.

That said, I agree with everything else in your post.


>> No.1357553
File: 23 KB, 604x145, 1222207298327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama is a half breed.

lol anecdotal evidence. See pic.

>strengthens gene diversity.

Irrelevant, apes have more genetic diversity than humans. Doesn't mean they are more intelligent. 'Genetic diversity' is a convenient buzzword - we'd have 'genetic diversity' if we crossbred apes and humans, phenotypic diversity is more desirable.

>> No.1357552

This is fine with me. Truly intelligent people will continue to maintain high standards of breeding, breeding only with similarly intelligent people, regardless of race, but this will generally be amongst whites, with the few outsiders having their genes diluted in pretty thinly. Rather than having a normal distribution curve for intelligence, we will thus get a graph split into one large lump of the ordinary, centered at approx 90 IQ, and somewhat like our current distribution. Then, at about the 130ish mark, we will get another bump, nowhere large as that of the normal people, but following an exponential distribution, tailing off to exceedingly high IQs. This will give a group produced from mixing the genes of societies finest scientists and intellectuals over and over, a group with the best genes, raised in an environment extremely conductive to the development of the mind. They will be the ubermen to reign over the brown masses of the future. Society will be great.

>> No.1357556


I'm not a women though. What are you trying to preserve? You think multi racial relationships are new? This shit has been going on for thousands of years.

You're not preserving anything. If you look in your family tree. I'm absolutely positive you'll find someone that's not of your race in there.

>> No.1357565

daily race thread

>> No.1357578

Interracial marriage constitutes something like 3.5% of all marriages within the US according to the latest census data. That's fucking tiny, it proves that despite the endless media propaganda people still choose to overwhelmingly date within their own race. The largest interracial grouping is between white males and asian females.

>> No.1357581

If anything, your chart suggests we should be breeding the blacks OUT, rather than letting them interbreed.

Also, enjoy that Habsburg lip and haemophelia.

>> No.1357582

you sure sounds like one

>> No.1357583

ITT: 13yr olds who've seen the documentary on the history channel about Neo Nazis and think they can actually stop something that's been happening for thousands of years.

>> No.1357587

you sure sound like one

>> No.1357604
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That will make me sleep better at night. Thanks. In return have some Rika.

>> No.1357606

Stop what? Thousands of years? Sure, white races have intermixed for thousands of years. White Europeans built America, the fact that so many different European ethnicities managed to integrate whereas Africans have never managed to do so proves race realism correct and people delineate across racial lines.

>> No.1357612

In Japan it's even less, and again it's largely with a few whites and few (successful) other northeast asians.

Effectively you have nothing to worry about. Nobody wants to interbreed with Africans.

>> No.1357613

I don't think most people here are racist, at least not as much as they say. I think everyone are just trolls. I know I am.

>> No.1357616


White is the only race on the planet.

>> No.1357619

LOL. Just because you are mixed, it does not mean that everyone is. GTFO /jp/ bitch. /b/ is that way ---->

>> No.1357631

sauce pls
any info will do

>> No.1357632

Latin Americans have the blood of all the world's races (White Europeans, Asian-descended Native-Americans and Black Africans), transcending the peoples of the "old world"

Bow before your Hispanic Overlords.

>> No.1357636

wat? There are 5 major races on the planet with lots of sub-races within them.

>> No.1357635

Truth is though, nobody really minds race mixing that much unless it's with a negro though.

>> No.1357652

>Nobody wants to interbreed with Africans.

Yes because EVERYONE with brown skin is African.


I'm mixed as a result of having other genes from other races added into my family. Both my parents are black but I have native American,English,Asian and Irish in my family.

The mixing of races is inevitable.

>> No.1357654


I forgot my 'not'.

>> No.1357667

>Yes because EVERYONE with brown skin is African.

I've already stated I don't really give a shit about race mixing between civilized races. Race mixing between blacks and the civilized is inadvisable though, as the transracial adoption studies show.

>> No.1357668

>People are getting tired of multiculturalism and now seek refuge in their roots.
Not likely.
More likely is that those who get tired of it will equal in number those who are just opening up to it so you will have a constant, steady rate of racial integration by reproduction. You won't see it in your lifetime, but it will be significant eventually.

>> No.1357670

Can't Trinidadians be different races like African, Indian, etc? Thelma could be part Indian.

>> No.1357691
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>> No.1357709

Wow, only 1/4 and it's still enough to make her look butt ugly.

>> No.1357716

But he's right you know. 4chan is not monolithic in its views on racism.
I'm sorry if this news is hard to take.

>> No.1357724

It's certainly not 'racism' to want your grandchildren to look like you. Anyone that says so is a liberal fucktard.

>> No.1357737



>> No.1357740

get in the back on the thread nigger

>> No.1357742


Tell me the truth. How old are you?

You're either
1.REALLY young.
2.Gullible as fuck.

Black people? Uncivilized? You need to stop watching TV kid. Not all of us walk around with our pants off our ass,talk in Ebonics,curse,fight,steal and drink 40's. Also, if you wanna go there white people are just as uncivilized. They've been breeding with literally their own sisters and mothers for over 100yrs.

If you wanna play the stereotype game. We can play that game.

>> No.1357745

I want my children to look better, so they can grow up and have higher chances of passing on the genes.

>> No.1357747

I never said it was. It's as much personal preference to want them to look like you as to have them look like [whatever].

>racists or libfags like you who dont believe in the concept of race/or that there are racial differences between an african and an asian
Must >>1357402 necessarily be one or the other? I personally can't relate to either of those descriptions, which might instead place me *gasp* somewhere in the middle!

What a novel concept.

>> No.1357759


>> No.1357772

Somehow this thread doesn't me angry anymore like they used to.

>> No.1357776

I don't rely on stereotypes, I rely on statistics. The statistics that say blacks commit a vastly disproportionate rate of crime even when social variables are controlled for. That say they have a lower IQ and that intelligence is hereditable in nature largely. That's what I rely on.

Whites and blacks are not comparable in terms of stupidity. There are stupid whites, and we are less intelligent generally than northeast asians, but we are far more intelligent than blacks. And offspring between blacks and whites is therefore undesirable.

As I've said, if I ever had a daughter. I'd have no problem if she wanted to marry a Jap/Chinaman/Gook/DECENT Arab.

But black is out of the question.

>> No.1357777
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Don't try to justify your own pitiful existence by applying your reality to everyone else. Some people like most of the folks on jp still prefer a jap loli to a pig disgusting mutt. Fuck off.
Oh and btw I am from Brazil and I can tell you now that there is a strong racial separatism in here. White folks don't like to mix, neither do the indian natives. The myth that Brazil is full of mutts is false. I am currently living in Europe, since i have Irish origins and family, and I am pretty much the average cracker you see on the street.And most Brazilians prefer Gisele Bundchen over Adriana Lima.

>> No.1357783

Yeah, but there are a lot of blacks that are loud and annoying and like to hang out in front of their homes and be all annoying and loud a lot, like my neighbors. I know all blacks aren't like that, but they give blacks a bad name.

>> No.1357790

That is why Blacks fill US prisons despite their minority population wise.

>> No.1357818

>we are far more intelligent than blacks.

I don't believe that they're using intelligent black people in these studies. I think they're going down to the most urban places,randomly picking up niggers, promising them $100 and a box of original recipe. If they take one simple test.

>> No.1357822

>I don't believe that they're using intelligent black people in these studies.

So, simply put, in order to believe in egalitarianism you have to accept the existence of an invisible, immeasurable, unobservable, omnipresent power in the universe which tampers with all scientific studies in order to make Negroes look bad.

>> No.1357826

butt hurt nigger is butt hurt

>> No.1357827
File: 77 KB, 344x399, 1222209300247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Mutts do look worse.

>> No.1357840


>> No.1357846


I'm black not a nigger. There's a huge difference.


Yes because I refuse to believe they choose a smart black person and a smart white person,give them the same test and the white person comes out on top EVERY TIME.

I'm not a black nationalist but be for real.

>> No.1357861

Two things-

a. Live and let live. Life sucks, so deal with it.

b. There's no such thing as "perfect society"; no matter how much tampering you do, there will always be problems.

in short, racial issues are a red herring. Deal with yourself, and let the rest of the world flow as it does.

>> No.1357868

Most of this data comes from testing kids in School and College. It's valid data.

>> No.1357869

>So, simply put, in order to believe in egalitarianism you have to accept the existence of an invisible, immeasurable, unobservable, omnipresent power in the universe which tampers with all scientific studies in order to make Negroes look bad.


Roma loquta est, causa finit est.

>> No.1357873

>I'm not a black nationalist

If you were a black nationalist I would have far more respect for you, because at least you would be fighting for your own culture and ethnicity. But, instead you chose to be a multicultural bastard. Have a bad day Sir.

>> No.1357875
File: 64 KB, 800x640, 1222209662329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1357880

Point, set, match. Nigger

>> No.1357884

MTV idiot. Get back to /b/.

>> No.1357903

The funniest threads of /jp/ are the racist and the Korean RAGE ones.

>> No.1357910

Indeed, there is no perfect IQ test, and environment accounts for a lot. nurture plus nature.

>> No.1357915


>> No.1357922

However statistics are statistics. And in all of them niggers fail.

>> No.1357931
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Especially on the statistic related to intelligence.

>> No.1357944

You have to be quite dumb to believe that everything is socially constructed. However you have to be equally dumb to believe that every fucking thing is biological in essence.

>> No.1357938
File: 14 KB, 610x403, 1222210219643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The science behind IQ testing is solid.

And if environment were the major factor the transracial adoption studies would highlight that, as would studies of twins brought up apart, but they dont.

>> No.1357951

That's a rather curious response. Not my fault you're power-hungry enough to care about what everybody does with their lives and why it's wrong or bad. Every life is different. You don't have to like it, but it's inarguable that its true.

Relax; if you want to make the world better, go invent something.
