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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.13541348


Currently 2 slots left and grinding Pastoral. Saving some gold to sack shit into Katie to get her into level 50 range with platnium armour (don't have yet) with 3x fairies. It's like level 40 with 50xp left or so.

>> No.13541362

>originally play MWA on firefox
>crashes the browser all the time
>try chrome for a couple weeks
>lags and freezes in menus so hard all the time
>try Opera
>so far flawless
How is Opera so based it can handle such a bloaty and poorly optimised turd?

>> No.13541364

the hell is nutaku and why does some /jp/-unrelated video game has 23 generals, has >>>/v/ gone too far?

>> No.13541368

Why hoard those irons and bronzes? Just discharge some of them for gold and you should easily get Katie to 40. Using 2 fairies + 2 fodder is also not a bad idea if you want to save money as long as you hold onto 4 fairies (2 for the armor + 1 for CC), though getting them from challenge missions should be simple.

>> No.13541370

Discharging level 13s feels dirty. Better to XP fodder them.

>> No.13541375

Company that ports DMM games, has Aigis and Lord of Walkure now (alongside some slot games nobody cares about). Eventually aims to nab Kancolle.

Also responsible for DMM putting a region lock on the R18 part of the site, which is a bother to bypass. So they're horrible and you shouldn't give them any money.

Play the JP version instead, since they are much more up to date.

>> No.13541377

>Kancolle english
Can't fucking wait. There's no ETA is there?

>> No.13541382

Last I heard of it, they had to convince DMM that the porting business was worth their while. So they need to turn up some good profit.

Which they probably are. We'll see what comes out of it.

>> No.13541388

As long as the prices for everything aren't as horrendously and hilariously awful as MWA, should be pretty damn good.

>> No.13541452

>The actual ideal time to level with three fairies + plat exp armor is:

>lvl 40 and 678 exp left for silvers
>lvl 40 and 69 left for golds
>lvl 41 and 281 left for plats
>lvl 42 and 644 left for blacks

Still legitimate/accurate?

>> No.13541458


>> No.13541470

Last they mentioned, September was when we'll get an announcement.

>> No.13541484
File: 5 KB, 75x74, aigis3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been interested in playing aigis for some time after seeing the thread. And now I finally was able to begin.
I saw pictures of people getting Conrad and I chuckled a bit, since it's a R-18 game focused on girls and all. But then I got him as my first premium summon.

>> No.13541498

Your account is tainted. From now on you will receive nothing but muscular men. And Somas.

>> No.13541501

who are you quoting?

>> No.13541510

An anon in the last thread.

>> No.13541511


>> No.13541512


I'd say dispatch a good part of the irons and use bronzes + golden fairies on katie.

you'll be lucky to get 1 plat armor tomorrow granted you can even do N.

>> No.13541513

I don't understand why, but Conrad is hilariously easy to get. I got him as one of my first summons in my main account and now that I'm on a rerolling spree he's one of the most recurring summons.

>> No.13541514

Which is from various other websites and shit. Not sure what the original is.

What's the requirement for H?

>> No.13541520

Katie, healer, heavy armor all CCd and preferably max affection (although Katie doesn't have to) + a nicely leveled prince and a good witch.

>> No.13541523

Difference in N>H seems to be far larger than E>N

H is always more efficient than N, and likewise for N over E right? Assuming you beat them of course.

>> No.13541526

I have 1 Maribel right now and can't finish Lines of Armor 2, do you guys think I could farm enough Maribels to get her skill to at least lvl 3 at Lines of Armor 1 before the event ends?

>> No.13541529

don't quote me on this, but I believe the fairy daily is more efficient on E than H if you have one of the plat bandits which raises the spirit drop chance.

but yeah, otherwise what you said is correct.

>> No.13541531

>if you have one of the plat bandits which raises the spirit drop chance.
I'm sorry. What? Never heard of this.

>> No.13541532

You can make do with two healers instead of one CC'd one

H is always the best one, N has a higher chance for the plat armor 5% vs E's 3%

>> No.13541534

The hard fairy daily is hilariously inefficient, yes, but I believe it also has a chance to drop two rainbow fairies.

Rates are godawful though, so just use the one that costs less stamina. Or just do Phalanx 2, because you probably need affection items too.

>> No.13541536

There's a platinum bandit Celia who can raise the drop of fairies by 1% iirc
There is also a gold rogue Cuterie who increases the drop of affection gems by 2%

>> No.13541539

Cuterie has a passive which increases the drop chance of affection drops by 2%

Cellia has a passive which increases the drop chance of spirits by 2%

the good thing about this is that the increase works in a flat amount. so if the chance of getting a certain spirit/gift is 1%, the amount is increased to 3% instead of 1.02%. also to be noted that this DOES NOT make it possible to get spirits/gift in maps without a chance.

>> No.13541541

That's crazy. Never even knew.

>> No.13541551

You have about 2 days left, can do it 8 times per day, so a total of 16 times, someone mentioned that maribel probably has around 10% or 20% drop chance on that mission, it's a little vague since most people farm the last mission instead. So assuming that, you can get on average around 1.6 to 3.2 Maribels.

So if it's only the 10% you need quite a bit of luck. If it's 20%, you should have a pretty good chance at reaching rank 3.

>> No.13541555

>but I believe it also has a chance to drop two rainbow fairies

it's 2x2% of dropping rainbow yes. but with cellia you get a 7.84% chance of getting a black fairy (with a very small chance of getting 2), while in easy you have a 3% chance of getting a fairy for 1/3 of the stamina cost. farming black spirits is more efficient in H though.

>> No.13541556

>black fairy

meant rainbow fairy. it's more efficient to farm rainbow in E but blacks are easier in H.

>> No.13541566

Thanks. I guess I'll try but not expect anything.

>> No.13541605

So, got my Mirabell to -4CR and 4/5 skill. Is it worth trying to get 5/5? I still have got some silvers in dire need of affection items. Could use some CC material too I guess.

>> No.13541622

That last level is 5% so it's up to you if you're feeling lucky

>> No.13541652

i went over to the ulmf japanese thread.
the info is outdated.
is there also any codes out?
what should i know?
where the hell should i go to get the translation of the menus?

>> No.13541656

ulmf also says, don't use Sacred crystals on premium rolls.
should i dump them all into storage if i dont care about refilling crap?

>> No.13541660

Not all of them, but yes, increasing storage space is one of the best investments to make in the game. You should save some crystals, just in case.

>> No.13541688

but what should i expect???

>> No.13541696

ignore their advice. premium roles are fun and give you a decent chance of getting a good girl.

>> No.13541714

Unless you're that guy that rolled seven times and got a silver every single time.

That's me.

>> No.13541724

>decent chance of getting a good girl
If by decent you mean never, or if by good you mean silver rank

>> No.13541725

so no one? no one has the translations for the new screens?
im so confused, theres extra stuff like a golden crystal, and sp whatever that is.

>> No.13541729

are the JP version gatchas that fucked in respect to the nutaku one?

>> No.13541748

What am I supposed to do with my 5 spare Valeries?

>> No.13541753

a barrell roll.

>> No.13541771

The 7 silvers from premiums are in the Nutaku.

>> No.13541787

I play on dmm and got 9 silver out of 11 rolls. 2 gold. ;_;

All silver on Nutaku account too but Thetis out of nowhere before I quit.

>> No.13541817

>ulmf also says, don't use Sacred crystals on premium rolls.
Can somebody explain where they're coming from with this?

>> No.13541917

so what is the japaneseevent? i cant understand shit?
help me out people

>> No.13541948

it's such fucking bullshit that guys get less stasts from trust despite it being harder to get.

why is it even a thing? it just takes away any reason to level a male unit because they'll always be subpar apart from one or 2 exceptions.

>> No.13541952

That silver male heavy is directly superior to Leeanne.

>> No.13541963

who, Bernard? no he's not.

the 40 defense Leanne has on him is much more useful than the measly amount of attack and hp he gets. plus it's infinitely easier to CR her.

>> No.13541986

I just got Vandal garrett. is he any good?

>> No.13542053

What's there not to get?

It costs 5 crystals to roll gacha
There is a 50% chance for a silver
Events generally give you 1 to 7 crystals depending on how much you can clear
You get like 3 crystals per month
Some events require multiple crystals to get best reward
This reward is 100% as long as you reach it

For everything but 3 star, the reward is directly tied to how much times you do it. The more times you run it, the closer you get to the best reward. Along the way you will have bonuses such as CR, skill up, and starting level.

If you spend 25 crystals to get a level 50 10/10 skill mincost black, that is FAR more than you would get from even 100 crystals rolling.

>> No.13542202

Male units have higher base stats.

>> No.13542222

only marginally, and they get absolutely nullified by affection bonuses.

Stray has lower attack than Soma despite being gold vs silver... and Soma isn't even the "damage" silver archer.

>> No.13542252

Soma is a range+ skill archer her base will be higher.

Stray is double attack skill archer his base is going to be lower to compensate the double attack while skill up. Apples and oranges here.

>> No.13542257

Fuck off.

>> No.13542284

I got Bashira, Despara, Xenobia(x2), and Sasha in my first ~15 rolls on JP. I did 20 on nutaku the other day and got Sakuya, 4 male golds and 15 silvers so it's completely random.

You're pretty unlikely to get anything decent from the summons unless you dump a good amount of crystals and you just don't get enough as a free player. Personally I would just save 20-30 for events then do whatever you want with the rest afterwards. Make sure you dump some into extra space as needed.

>> No.13542293

When should I start using these spirit of copper/silver things, and what do I use them along with? My units are mostly lvl15-20 right now.

>> No.13542296

I like to add on for some events its safer to save atleast 40 sc for the worst case scenario.

>> No.13542315

So many of the units in the game are gacha only though, so it's just shitty all around

They should reduce the SC price, I'd actually buy some then.

>> No.13542321

"50% silver chance". Yeah, right.

>> No.13542327

Rolls are expensive, but they're inline with other DMM games and people buy them so it's not likely to change.
If you're going to be in this game long term just learn to deal with the fact that you're probably never going to get your plat/black waifu unless you're willing to spend some money.

>> No.13542331

Silver and below spirits are pretty easy to farm, so you can use them whenever. Since they're multipliers, use them along with the highest exp fodder that you can.

And remember that they work best with the same rarity, i.e. silver fairies to level up a silver unit.

>> No.13542340

I think the biggest issue with the pricing scheme (speaking specifically about Nutaku here) is that the Western market mainly looks for value and gratification in their purchases.

Spending $5 for ONE roll to most likely get a silver is a major turn off for most consumers.

>> No.13542365

They already had the price changed once but I think this is the japanese devs call and not theirs.

>> No.13542370

Enough bitching about how randomness is random, let's bitch about how the other god-tier dailies don't have 100% drop rates like the demon crystal one does.


>> No.13542385

Does the new demon crystal one actually have 100% drop rate or is it just temporary because of the 1.5x bonus for this week?

>> No.13542393

I thought it came out before the drop rate bonus started but maybe I'm delusional. At any rate, this one doesn't have 100% drop rate even at 1.5x.

>> No.13542398

GG your account has already won.

>> No.13542411 [DELETED] 

It is close to 100%

>> No.13542432

They got added on 5/21. I guess the gold armors would be close to 100% though since you get less and the stamina cost is higher. 2 Plat armors isn't even really that temping to me. I'm almost getting to the point where I can post pictures like that suffering guy because I haven't had time to go after fairies.

>> No.13542485

I guess there's no way to know if the real drop rate is 100% or not then.

>> No.13542536


I've actually never gotten him in 20+ gacha rolls. Instead I get Mortimers.

>> No.13542579

Which mission is he available for?

>> No.13542602 [DELETED] 


>> No.13542653


>> No.13542676

Ok guys, I just rolled an account with Sybilla and Shield of Light Gellius. He's a platinum heavy armor in case you don't know. Also, he's fucking huge.

Since I'm kinda tired of rolling again and again, I guess first I'll ask if someone has an account with Garania or Deine they would be willing to exchange.

I've also got one with Mehlis, but I don't think anyone will bother.

>> No.13542688

that account you got is a great starter.... You got one of the best hp soak and a princess. What more did you want?

>> No.13542697

I'm basically hunting Garania and/or Deine, nothing more. I've already gifted a Sybilla and a Nanaly account, now I'm just asking to see if somebody would be willing to trade.

>> No.13542719

I have an account with Garania, wanna exchange?

>> No.13542726

That fucking skill though.

>> No.13542738
File: 913 KB, 951x632, Sybilla and Gellius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, thank god. Also, not to be distrustful (well, yes), but could you upload a screenshot first?

Just as guarantee that we're not giving each other some shitty account with a bunch of Somas.

>> No.13542739

You're continuing to have amazing reroll luck anon.

Jeri, or I guess Gelli in en, is one of the best physical boss tanks in the game.. Capable of reaching 1152 defense for 45 seconds, or 1782 defense with 5 block for 20 seconds if skill awoken.

>> No.13542771
File: 389 KB, 959x639, Garania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, of course, i was going to ask the same for you

Its my first account with some levels and some good units


Send me a pm to my profile in that forum

>> No.13542779

His skill awakening doesn't seem worth it to me. He already has plenty of defence, seems like longer skill duration would be stronger. Doesn't seem like the 5 block is really helpful either.

>> No.13542782

Well, shit, give me a moment because I don't have an account on the forum and I'll contact you.

>> No.13542790

There's some bosses in the game that have insane amount of attack, and either need Jeri or someone like Anya to even survive one hit. So the more defense he could get the better.

>> No.13542796

Well okay, but I personally won't need to skill awaken mine since I have saint Iris.

>> No.13542813

I need to have made 10 posts in order to send a PM.

>> No.13542826

W-what? Dammit

I dont know where exchange accounts safe then

>> No.13542835
File: 144 KB, 390x313, Loki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so excited, I can't wait...she is gonna be the TITS!

>> No.13542842

Read the shoutbox of http://harem-battle.club/

I'll talk you from there

>> No.13542911

It's the last mission from the Event: Tragic End of the Dark Brotherhood.

If I remember correctly; his skill is something like map-wide -90% damage on all enemies.

>> No.13542920

The Hard Fairy Daily is actually the most efficient (even if only very slightly over Normal) unless you have Ceria I believe her English name is.

>> No.13543121

>Log into LoV
>"Thank you for logging in 2 days in a row"
>Brief pause while my brain is slowly processing the information.....

Turns out I forgot to log in on friday and lost my 150 day streak. I'm not too sad about the login proofs themself since it doesn't take long to get back up to 30, but I loved seeing the number of days grow higher...

>> No.13543340

It's really annoying that you have to actually refresh the page to get login credit. I've had it reset twice because I forgot to do that.

>> No.13543362

noob question.

If I use more than 1 dupe for CR, its the same as if I used them individually? Or do they stack towards probability or something?

>> No.13543405

It's the same as if you used them individually.

>> No.13543615

I was just on the verge of giving up all hope on getting a 3rd archer for Spicas CC anytime soon, but I just got one just in time to save up 13 (out of 14) stamina for tomorrows daily.

I tried to get some Calliope but I failed miserably there, probably due to wanting Soma to drop twice.

>> No.13543661

With 3 Maribels and a bronze fairy fed I got her CR by 2 and Skill level to 4, is this normal for event units?

>> No.13544197
File: 33 KB, 219x264, 1405971201095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I've gotten a grand total of 3 fucking Maribels through the entire event while spamming Lines of Armor 2 as much as possible god fuck damn shit on a stick I can't even CR her and tomorrow is monday.

>> No.13544226

you're not missing on anything tbf

>> No.13544807

>platinum armor drops


>> No.13544846

Is that reaction picture from Berserk?

>> No.13545078

I fedora a good unit? I have her, Alissa and Dorca, and am not sure if I should use her or Alissa or Dorca as my second healer with Iris.

>> No.13545096

Fedora has her uses. Lategame maps will often take like 4 CC healers to do easily though, so couldn't hurt to raise her.

>> No.13545101

I'd use her.

Also, now I want a "tips fedora" reaction picture of her.

>> No.13545125

The fact that she gets a range boost instead of heal boost doesnt make her a poor choice? Yeah, stat wise she might be better, but in a situation where she has to use her ability to reach, she would be useless otherwise just sitting in the back lines not healing.

I just feel like range is sub-par to heal boost for healers since you dont usually put your healers where they cant reach to begin with.

>> No.13545141

It's sometimes useful to heal up a ranged unit just suffering from poison, from example.

>> No.13545154

There are some maps where that boost can be really useful. I also think her attack is high enough to justify using her over a silver, unless you specifically want a cheap healer.

>> No.13545158

It depends on the map. Sometimes you'll want/need to place down 4 healers and not all of them will be in range of your tank. You can have Fedora heal other things and use her ability when you need more tank healing.

Also it's not like you need to replace units anyway so it's not a bad idea to have the silvers and golds leveled if you have them.

>> No.13545160

Actually no, there are two main uses for her skill.

Maps that have a strong boss at the end; Fedora's skill lets you sneak in an extra healer. For example, a lot of people use 3 Healers + 3 Mages for Immortal Beast. But if you have a Healer like Fedora; you have room for 4 Healers + 3 Mages for Immortal Beast. Or alternately, something like 3 Healers + 4 Mages.

Another map is where there's literally like 1-2 ranged enemy that come a certain path; in that case it'd be overkill to actually place a Healer to heal there; but a unit or two will die / have to retreat otherwise. But with a Fedora you can just use her skill when you need to heal there. An example is the one Treasure in the Desert where out of 500 enemies, they literally only send like 5 ranged units to the left path.

Other than that, there's also the fact that Fedora has better stats than Alissa and Dorca, also, she can Awaken.

>> No.13545183

Ok yeah, I see what yall mean. I think ill use Alissa for her boost and lower cost, and have Fedora ready as a situational unit.

>> No.13545201

Her stats are still considerably better and healers' cost doesn't matter that much outside certain maps.

>> No.13545216

But man, fuck those maps.

>> No.13545404

Like the new Majin-Tier map. I can't follow this video
because my Claire costs 1 more, and my Gold Iris costs 1 more. So my Claire dies before I can get my Prince down.

>> No.13545486

Maybe your units level is low. I was able to pass this map with 14 cost Claire and 19 cost Iris with no problem.

>> No.13545503

I feel like a cheater for just throwing down saint Iris and tanking the gray demon with one healer.

>> No.13545738

What level were your Claire and Iris? My Claire is AW30 and my Iris is CC60

>> No.13545830

Claire AW57 and Iris CC60. Maybe you will need Claire`s skill to be 4/5 so you call kill the demon faster.

>> No.13545844

I did it without an awoken archer at all.

>> No.13545863

>tfw when I need ~10 plat fairies to use all these plat armors and Maribel extras

The Phalanx 2 grinding is going to be truly suffering this week.

>> No.13545947
File: 736 KB, 950x628, nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even remember the last time I got no drops from a challenge quest. Weird stuff.

Speaking of which, are there clear winners for efficiency in challenges? I tend to run anti-air if there's no events/dailies I want to run (or can't such as on weekends)

>> No.13545957

That 7 silver premium anon must be spewing. Is it even really 50%? I highly suspect the "R"NG in this game. Feels like there should be a small system to help against getting dupes.

>> No.13545959

Apparently it's Lost Cost 1 (for silver fairy) and Phalanx 2 (for gold and plat)

>> No.13545982

Well there is definitely no system to prevent any crazy crap from happening.

There was also one guy that pulled half a dozen silvers in a row... From TWO K GOLD gacha.

Thar be definitely something funky with the RNG strings in here.

>> No.13545994
File: 4 KB, 191x32, lovdamage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I do damage like this more often?

Sure, it was against a Wind Idoneus, but still...

>> No.13546018

Low Cost 1 for silver fairies and Phalanx 2 for gold plat eh? Sweet. I'll try farming them a little bit more some time then.

>> No.13546030

What makes those two better than the alternatives? More units to kill? Got this from a wiki comment too,

"usuallythe rule is: The highest map, with the lowest possible stamina cost, which would be "A gigantic enemy" in case of gold spirits.

"Phalanx 2" is a great alternative if you can completely clear it and you also need Platinum spirits, the 2 rubies also have a higher drop chance than in the wednesday daily."

>> No.13546041

Gigaenemy is a pain in the fucking ass, IIRC.

>> No.13546046

You just place a melee unit in each lane. The "giant enemy" is just a red goblin.

>> No.13546049

I assume they have the best drop rates and overall gain in the long run for their stamina cost. I was thinking of mentioning Giant enemy as well.

Nah that's probably tiny vs giant (or whatever it's called) you're thinking off.

>> No.13546056

Hrrm maybe I'm thinking about a different map

>Nah that's probably tiny vs giant (or whatever it's called) you're thinking off.
Oh yeah that's the one I was thinking

>> No.13546066

Is there a cap to how many affection items you can hold?

>> No.13546078

99 I think

>> No.13546084

999 and after that affection items get thrown away.

>> No.13546090

999 each one? (ie 999 rubies, 999 diamonds, 999 beer etc etc)

>> No.13546093

tiny vs giant is pretty easy too, just spam soldiers and rogues basically

>> No.13546096

Yes, each one

>> No.13546273

Phalanx 2 gives you a chance for both plats and golds, AND 2 rubies.

Low Cost gives silvers.

Both of which only ask for 3 and 1 stamina respectively. So definitely more efficient.

>> No.13546279

Damn shame. I don't even have Phalanx 2 yet. I'm on Solitary Battle 3. What do I need for this exactly? Guessing CC'd Katie (soon)

>> No.13546327

A CC'd Katie at about level 30? Would probably do it. Better yet if it's CC Aria. Either that or a powerful duelist, a heavy and some nimble hands. for those last three enemies.

>> No.13546334

How powerful of a duelist?

>> No.13546402

Pretty strong, I'd go with atleast 450-500 atk.

I do know you need to be able to kill a wolf in two hits. So Prince with atk title buff or high level bandit would do.. Then when it's down to 3 enemies left, you switch out the bandit and go for the tank.

But maybe I'm over-estimating it since I haven't done it in a while. This might just be how much you need to 3 star it. Just getting past it shouldn't be hard. unlike War of Magic.

>> No.13546408

Solitary battle 3 just needs soldiers and armors to beat, if you want to 3 star it then you have a small problem as the last wave is 4 red wolves so one will get by unless you have high enough attack (not sure how much).

Solitary battle 4 just needs an archer and a mage to beat. You need a CC mage to 3 star (I dunno if a good CC witch will do)

I don't remember having too much of a problem just beating it to unlock the next challenge

>> No.13546446

Might be a good excuse to level up an Assassin. Any clear winner between Cecily and Cypria? Cypria is considerably stronger stat-wise but costs a little more. Is this all?

>> No.13546465

personally I'd use say use a monk except there are no monks on NA yet

>> No.13546570

Oh hey, Idol Theater 3 started up. Time to see what happens when you have all 3 idols.

>> No.13546753

I got no real desire for EXP armours anymore, got 1 left over from last week. I just really want more gold for 2k gatchas.

So in my first 4 runs today I get 14 gold and 2 EXP armours. Maybe I'll save them for Spica I should get this thursday.

>> No.13546768

I ran 5 N daily today and no plats. Fuckin' shitty.

>> No.13546781

do you have all your units max leveled of no fairies to use them with?

>> No.13546793

11 golds and 2 plats in my 4 runs.

Meh, guess I cant complain about the plats, but was expecting more golds for 2k gacha...

>> No.13546850

No gold or plat fairys to use them with, only maxed units are my Sherry, Phylis and my Valerie(64% trust).
I have silver and black fairys but no units to use them on.

>> No.13546854

Your only silver units are Phylis and Valerie? What the fuck?

What archers and healers are you using?

>> No.13546864

My only 50CC50 silvers are Phylis and Valerie, Sherry is 70.
Soma and Alissa are not mincosted yet but are 50CC41 and 50CC45 each, I'm waiting on copys to max them out.

>> No.13546867

Throwing one of the plats on that Soma might not be a terrible idea tbh. You'd be losing on maybe 1k exp but what point is there to have 3 plat armors just gathering dust in your inventory?

>> No.13546875

I've considered it, but I'm clinging to the hope I can get some gold or plat fairys tomorrow, though last time I tried holding out I ended up waiting days for all the fairys I needed.

>> No.13546878

At least there will probably be a 1 week break without events so you can safely farm Phallanx 2.

>> No.13546885

It feels weird that I'm hoping for a 2 week gap to sort everything out.

>> No.13546892

Ditto. I would welcome a fairly lengthy break so I can farm much needed Demon Crystals, affection items and some fairies.

Events are nice and all, but farm heavy things like this last one are really boring and fuck up your schedule somewhat. I much prefer the "get x stars" type of events.

>> No.13546945

It's a weird feeling I guess, on one hand I'd like more events quickly so we can get more girls, updates, and more SCs, on the other I need to farm some fairies and affection items again.

Even then during events I always do the armor and crystal dailies.

>> No.13546955

So how is everyone's Maribel? After 6 dupes mine's at -2 and Lv 4 skill. I'm happy with this, won't farm any more.

>> No.13546961

Mines at that with 3 dupes.

>> No.13546970

6 dupes, -4, 4/5. Gonna try for two more dupes just to have her hit level 50, then calling it quits.

On the other hand, it took four Calliopes on a Calliope that was already -2 just to have her hit the limit.

>> No.13546973

2 dupes and -1 cost, skill level 3
There's 4 more dupes but I'm waiting on some more fairies first

>> No.13546986

-2 cost at skill level 3. Feels like it wasn't really worth spending an entire week of stamina on, especially since I didn't get any silvers for CCing her either.

I'll just go farm gold armours now and hope the next event will have a bit more breathing room.

>> No.13547041

14 dups and -5 cost, skill level 4
I think around par result.

>> No.13547165
File: 882 KB, 967x645, suffering(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 weeks worth of stamina and i still havent seen one

i cleared cache halfway and it got worse

>> No.13547177

>3 weeks worth of stamina

Did you spend 24 sacred crystals?

>> No.13547187

as in like 36 stamina so that's 12 runs

>> No.13547189

Meh, that's just bad luck, keep trying.

>> No.13547501

That's like just over 1 day worth of Stamina if you save beforehand and play at multiple times per day including the quest switch-over

>> No.13547513

Just got my first platinum armour, and I was originally planning on using it on Nanaly, but I can't get black fairies yet.

Should I hold onto it, or just push a healer or Katie or something up to 50 for CC?

>> No.13547519

If you don't already have a CC healer, go for that first.

>> No.13547680
File: 154 KB, 398x427, aigis4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started playing Aigis recently and there's one thing that confuses me a little bit:
Artwork quality is 'randomly' spread among all the rarities. I mean, I've seen mobages where normal cards had better looks than rare and super rare ones, but you have hentai CGs here. The only way I can see this is that they wanted people to gather not only 'good' cards but also 'good looking' cards regardless of rarity.

>> No.13547697

That's probably a better idea, huh?

I only really have Alissa, though.

>> No.13547708

Different artists do different units. Quality wise, all of them are similar. They aren't differentiated by how good they are, but by how the artist made them and what they're comfortable with. You might like some styles more and some less. I've seen people say Daniella is shit while her scenes are some of my favorite ones.

And then there's Phyllis.

>> No.13547723

Hey, hey, I actually like Phyllis. Not the best art style in the world, but certainly prefer it over the new loli artwork she got in the jp version.

>> No.13547756

Phyllis is like the little retarded sister I never had. The one you subconsciously try to hide from people, then asks you if you're ashamed of her and makes you feel guilty, so you invite her to ice cream and promise her you'll never be ashamed of her and will always love her.

>> No.13547766

While I agree on different art-styles there are just some artwork which are just, let's say, could be drawn better. I'm not here to compain about quality in a free to play browser game but let's just say I expected more detail on some higher rarity units.
E.g. Daniela's art looks more thoroughly designed and detailed when compared to Kerry in my opinion.

>> No.13547790
File: 654 KB, 1240x1749, Aigis LN Vol 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in all, if you don't like the artwork, find fan art. That way you'll get a different view of the same character. Pic related.

>> No.13547823

There's at least one thing consistent between official and fan art: Jerome is the best male.

>> No.13547835
File: 335 KB, 1517x1074, b2466529f744271c52c6f8d2c2559482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really, want to motorboat Daniella.

I like to think Jerome is the Prince's mentor figure and teaches him how to fight and how to lead. And occasionally gives him terrible advice on women.

>> No.13547844

Lost count of the number of dupes (I think I'm ~10 though), 4/5 Skill and -4.

>> No.13547854

Who doesn't want to motorboat Daniela?

I'm seriously hoping I get a Jerome from gacha someday.

>> No.13547856

This is true, you can't get much better than Jerome, the Prince included.

Imagine Jerome used to be like the Prince when he was younger, just being a badass with his harem. I wouldn't mind reading a story about that.

>> No.13547863

5 dupes, -4 and 3/5. Hoping to make it to 4/5 soon so I can get back to silver hunting.

>> No.13548218

doesn't it reset on CC?

>> No.13548220

what are these circle things that you get from the 90 stamina daily in JP version?
what do i use them for?
where is awakening?

>> No.13548226

I wish the artist who drew Mehlis' scene actually drew a damn penis on the prince instead of making it look like she's getting fucked by some shadow creature.

>> No.13548278
File: 214 KB, 776x478, shekels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are your Monday shekels coming along, anons?

>> No.13548284

There's quite a lot of scenes where that happens. And there's also some where the Prince magically changes ethnicity, or even species.

>> No.13548289

Skill levels only reset if the skill changes on CC, i.e. Katie's skill goes from Call for Reinforcements II to CfR III. Maribel's skill stays the same, so the level is retained.

>> No.13548298

Awakening Orbs
Right next to Class Evolution

To be honest, I think DMM forgot to tell some of the Artists what the Prince looked like; because he's just a blue blob in half of them. There's a reason a lot of nips call him the "Blue Man".

>> No.13548318
File: 244 KB, 961x642, OTP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSA, The prince actually has a wife from arranged marriage based on the light novel. Not sure how canon the novel is suppose to be though.

Soma and Phyllis are suppose to be his childhood friends too.

>> No.13548320

>he's just a blue blob in half of them
This coupled with that doujin where he gets transformed into a futa actually relieve me, because then I can see doujins like the one where Anna and Mehlis get fucked by tentacles, assume it's just the prince transformed yet again and not feel cucked.

>> No.13548321

Not bothering this time, I need somas for Spica.

>> No.13548338

>The prince actually has a wife from arranged marriage
Does it say who is it, if it's someone known?

Also, unless she's a-ok with her husband having a fuckton more wifes, I don't think it's going to work. I mean, he does promise to marry some of the other girls.

>> No.13548351

She is the one from the picture I linked, guess I didn't make it clear.

The prince was going through the "Huh wah but I don't want to marry a random woman" phase, and then the monsters attacked. So is hard to tell whether or not she is actually his wife because none of the ceremony etc actually went through due to the invasion.

She obviously thinks differently though.

>> No.13548352

>Also, unless she's a-ok with her husband having a fuckton more wifes, I don't think it's going to work.
It's an arranged marriage, so chances are that it's either:
a) a cute loli who can't really object to other wives or
b) a lewd mature onee-san who is five years older than him and is actively trying to recruit other girls into his harem (or rather her harem, which also includes the Prince)

>> No.13548354

Sounds like Magic in Rance VI.

>> No.13548369

>To be honest, I think DMM forgot to tell some of the Artists what the Prince looked like; because he's just a blue blob in half of them. There's a reason a lot of nips call him the "Blue Man".
Isn't that just general hentai thing to allow easier self-insertion as the MC?

>> No.13548373

What about the other characters? I know Anna never showed up until Volume 2 apparently, but what about Kerry, Katie and Alissa? And is there anymore info on Kaguya?

Speaking of which, if anyone can find raws for this, I wonder if there's a translator anon willing to translate this for us?

>> No.13548374

Yes, you can usually ignore anyone who talks as if they know anything about the workflow involved in any of this shit.

>> No.13548383

Anna popped up in prologue and in volume 1 as well, though the prince did not remember her at first. Katie is his instructor from the beginning and Alissa has worked for the prince for a few years now.

>> No.13548387

>you'll never have the latter
Why even live.

>> No.13548400

So what relation do Daniela, Hikage and Jerome have with him? I imagine they're not in the cover just for decoration.

>> No.13548415

An Anon from last thread said he found the Chinese translations and was going to try to translate them onto the Forums.

>> No.13548418

I only glanced over volume 1 and the cover linked is for volume 2, which I never gotten a chance to read it yet. I have yet to read anything on Hikage and Jerome yet.

>> No.13548438

I could check it out if I had the raws.

>> No.13548455

I found a lot of stuff on e-hentai that would be awesome to have translated. Just searching for aigis brings up plenty.

>> No.13548466

Most of those are Persona doujins. There are plenty of Aigis doujins (just look for the previews on pixiv), but none of them ever get scanned.

>> No.13548523

Which forums? The harem-battle one?

>> No.13548524


>> No.13548531

Hmm... I'll set up a thread for that anon to post anything he happens to find, anyone else who wants to know what goes on in the novel should go there. It'll be under the Millennium War Aigis Forum

>> No.13548557

Ha, right, translation.

I swear I was going to start doing it, then witcher 3 came out and the next thing I know I played for 40 hours already.

It will happen, someday. I will see if I can find the raw though and post it here.

>> No.13548600

Just got back on since I had to eat something.

Anyway, should I leave the thread title as
>Sennen Sensou Aigis - Gekka no Hanayome
Or use the associated English title that appears on lndb
>Aigis Thousand Years War - Bride in the moonlight

Yeah, ignore the bullshit from lndb. Does anyone have an accurate enough translation for the novel? I mean, aside from the Millennium War Aigis bit.

>> No.13548605

Bride in the moonlight is actually not bad, although I think it can also be read as bride under the moonlight.

>> No.13548617

>Millennium War Aigis - Bride Under the Moonlight
This works for the title then?

>> No.13548631

Shouldn't stuff like that go under fan art?

>> No.13548637

It's official material, and almost all text at that; why would it go under fan art?

>> No.13548638

It's technically not fan art as the novels have a code that let's you get a Sapphire character into the game.

>> No.13548651

Ok, didn't think it was official.

>> No.13548657

>the novels have a code that let's you get a Sapphire character into the game
Western release fucking when.

>> No.13548663


>> No.13548729

Would it be a one-time use code? Probably would be I suppose.

>> No.13548746

Yeah. It's a one time use unique to each copy. Volume 1 has Kaguya, who's a princess, Volume 2 has her maid (the one in the miko outfit on the volume 2 cover) who is to Kaguya like Anna is to the prince, skill effect-wise.

In other news, here's the Jap summary for the series. My moon skills are terrible and GT is useless here, so anyone wanna try their hand at it?

>女神アイギスにより人と魔の戦いに終止符が打たれて幾星霜。英雄の子孫であるログレスの王子は平穏な生活を送っていた。そんなある日、王子の前に許婚だという東国の姫君カグヤが現れる。だが、婚姻の話に動揺する間もなく魔物が出現し、その力の前に王都は占拠されてしまうのだった。カグヤを連れ、辛くも逃げ延びた王子と仲間達は王都奪還の決意を固める――。ここに新たな「千年戦争」が幕を開けた! 月姫カグヤのシリアルコード付き公式小説版登場!!

>> No.13548763

Don't focus on literal semantics translating that, pick the way that sounds more natural. I think in the moonlight works better, though you could also translate it as like moonlit bride or something.

>> No.13548772

A bit too late, I already posted the thread like so:

>> No.13548782

Sure, I could translate it in a little while probably. Kinda busy now.

>> No.13548809

Okay, thank you. Just post it on the thread at Harem-Battle so I can credit the translation.

>> No.13548865
File: 27 KB, 300x215, 1125615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such suffering.
>Golden Armor H.
>Got halfway through it.
>Had to leave for a bit.
>Come back.
>Find out I didn't pause.
>Have to wait three hours before I can try again.
WHYYYYYYY!? All that potential gold and platinum, WASTED!!!!

>> No.13548885


Those fucking drops holy shit.

>> No.13548915

It's 1.5 drop rate.
Also when will we get awakeinng. Cloris look so fucking sexy

>> No.13548922

Would us whitu piggu be able to buy them (translated) for Nutaku version some time?

>> No.13548933

Nutaku hasn't announced yet. Well, more like, no one's bothered to ask them.

>> No.13548936

Be nice if it all came together. Support Nutaku and Aigis a little through not getting raped buying SC.

>> No.13548949

It's kinda silly that people complain about the price of SC I think. If it's not worth the price to you, don't buy it, that's how everything works.

>> No.13549073

It's not silly at all. Complaining is still good feedback for Nutaku. Even I think the price for SC is a little too high.
When 5 dollars gets you only a 1 premium spin, and a premium spin only gives you a 50% chance of a silver. It just doesn't feel right.

It's not like it have to be super super cheap. But even a drop of 1 Dollar would do wonders. And it doesn't really feel like a micro-transaction when the price for a good 4 rolls is $20.

>> No.13549140

I agree with this anon. The price is fucking ridiculous considering RNG can fuck you up the ass with a spiked iron dildo, and give you a silver. Poof, $5 gone.

Makes me question why silvers are even available from the 5SC roll, or why they have such a high rate.

>> No.13549149

It won't actually do anything in this case, they've already said DMM won't let them lower prices. Japanese players are ready and willing to pay $5 per roll; but if there's a cheaper alternative a lot of them will start flocking to Nutaku and buying cheaper there which will cut profits. Prices aren't changing anytime soon.

Your best bet if you absolutely refuse to pay $5 per random roll is to wait for some of the special deals to come over (if they will at all). Like buying the LN which gives Kaguya and Maid codes; or the Gina Onahole which I believe gives you a Gina code. There were also the Seven-Eleven Event thing that rewarded Jessica and Mel codes.

>> No.13549173
File: 210 KB, 967x648, rng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got 5/5 skill on my Maribel, still can't get -3 cost
What the fuck

>> No.13549218

Sure, but meanwhile here I am only getting a lone plat fairy from extreme tier on 1.5x.

>> No.13549234

>Japanese players are ready and willing to pay $5 per roll
Any race of people will and can do that. Point is, they want profits. It's perfectly legitimate to lower prices and even more people will buy them and return for a higher profit.

As it's been said and shown before, people buy on impulse. More-so, cheap purchases. Far easier to justify 1-2$ trash purchases that are useless and meaningless than 5$. See: Valve.

>> No.13549246

They're largely getting their profits from whales who don't think "oh i will spend X amount of money and hope I get something good", they think "I am going to roll until I mincost Nanaly."

>> No.13549255

He also has an Awoken Ceria though.

>> No.13549292

I wish I had such a stupid and massive disposable income to be able to think and actually live like that. Holy shit.

>> No.13549294

Right now, the cheapest cost per 5 crystal rolls is about $3.40. But of course to get this price you have to pay $100 at a time, to get 149 crystals.

However, this may not be a bad idea if you instead are spending a set amount per month. Just instead, spend it all at once and get more value out of the purchase. Honestly, if you can't afford that then chances are you shouldn't be spending money on this game anyway.

>> No.13549308

And Those guys won't suddenly stop buying if the price is lowered a little. They'll buy the same. If not a little more.

The people that only drop a few bucks now and then though, will certainly drop more cash into it.

I'm pretty sure they can drop it just 1 dollar and increase their profit margin.

>> No.13549354

I know I'd dump some $$$ if premium is 1$, maybe 2$. But 5$ (or 3.40$ as previous anon was saying) seems silly. And I've been stung with premium rolls by getting all silvers 7 times. Fuck that. So to most people like myself, it's ~5$ for a silver. No thanks.

>> No.13549375

I don't know about a $1 roll. But even a a simple $4 roll would improve things.

Maybe it could be $1 if you bought in bulk. Like $100 for 100.

>> No.13549377

Gina Onahole? Sorry i dont know who is Gina

>> No.13549392

That's true. 100 for 100 sounds doable.

I wonder if anyone uses gold rolls. Ever?

>> No.13549394

Ehh they'd fuck themselves over really hard at $1 for a premium spin. It would give them a huge boom in short-term revenue and then it would dry up pretty fast I think. People would get the units they wanted and have nothing to work for. Also that would mean that refilling stam/charisma would be 20 cents a pop. You could suddenly spend like $20 and completely max out your team's affection/levels in 1 day, and again not have fuck all to do. Then you probably stop playing for a bit, and likely forget to come back to the game altogether. The daily routine of it is a huge part of why games like this survive at all.

>> No.13549398

the 3 SC one? I guess if you need silver perhaps?

>> No.13549496

>Ehh they'd fuck themselves over really hard at $1 for a premium spin
I'm not talking $1 premium. Just -$1. so $4. Even I think $1 premiums is going overboard considering the chance for Blacks and Plats.

>> No.13549508

Personally, I'd be happy if they just made 2k Gacha bulk-processable. Dump 20k G and get 10 units all at once - exact same odds but nearly 10 times faster.

>> No.13549541

That would be a god sent, it'd be more than 10 times faster with all the recent gacha crashing I've been getting lately.

>> No.13549551

Woops, replied to the wrong person. I agree though, dropping the base price by about $1-1.50 would probably dramatically increase the number of people willing to spend money at all, enough to offset the loss on whales anyways.

>> No.13549639

If their profit distribution looks anything even slightly resembling the standard freemium profit distribution:
They won't.

Not by a longshot.

Usually 95%-99% of the profit comes from 1% of players who are balls-to-the-walls cashers. It doesn't matter if it takes just 1 x $5 roll to get their high rarity waifu or 2000 x $5 rolls to get her. Unless the $5 -> $4 drop in cost somehow manages to make literally every single player start cashing, there will be an extremely close to -20% drop in profit.

>> No.13549644


I think what's needed is an introductory deal - something like "for new accounts, get a one-off bulk deal of 10 premium rolls for 20 SCs".

>> No.13549651

Don't really like the sound of how the Light Novels handle the story of Aigis even though there's not much story content to begin with. Why is the Prince in an arranged marriage? I thought the guy didn't even have parents at this point lol.

>> No.13549660

What? Did you even read the short intro sequence? He had parents up until like a day before the game started.

>> No.13549704

you could always set a macro to auto-click at certain spots at certain times for X times

>> No.13549739


I did read it, but I still have a shitty memory. Anyways, I doubt most of us would be able to answer if he makes good on the arranged marriage or if that's yet to be answered in the novels. I just don't like inconsistencies is all.

>> No.13549770


Already tried. For some reason Aigis mulches it. No I'm not going to do the logical next step of building a robot finger to send the signals from the hardware end.

>> No.13549777


I suppose I could compromise with 2 concurrent mouse inputs - you only need to click in 2 places so I could just have my toes do all the clicking while I do something which doesn't involve the computer.

>> No.13550014

With my 4 Maribel dupes, I got +1 skill level and -3 unit cost... what the hell, Nutaku

>> No.13550023

can everyone please stop complaining that the RNG is actually random?

>> No.13550089

Oh shit, got a second platinum armour from N. Looks like I'm going to get to CC my first two units this week!

Now I just need some black fairies.

>> No.13550153

meh i'm not good enough at japanese or english to want credit for this and i'm hella tired so i probably screwed up the tenses somewhere or something but here, i had a go at it

Many years after the goddess Aigis brought an end to the battle between humans and demons, the prince of Logres, descendant of the hero, was living a peaceful life. On one such day, his fiancee, the eastern princess Kaguya, came to him. But before they had time to worry about discussing marriage, demons appear, and the royal capital is seized in the face of their might. The prince and his allies narrowly escape with Kaguya, and decide to retake the capital. A new Millennium War Aigis begins here as an official short story! Comes with Lunar Princess Kaguya Serial code!

>> No.13550247

Ah, thank you. If you don't want to be credited I'll just put by Anonymous then.

>> No.13550277

that's fine, thanks

>> No.13550670
File: 588 KB, 706x1000, 50479647_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gina is a Gold Monk.

>> No.13550961
File: 62 KB, 430x556, ss+(2015-05-26+at+12.59.19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New character, title of the twitter post seems to roughly translate to "Is it wrong to pick up girls in the demon king's maze"

>> No.13550965

They make Aigis onaholes? Can I get a Sybilla onahole?

>> No.13550975
File: 156 KB, 448x637, ss+(2015-05-26+at+01.04.08).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annnnnd fanart is already starting to come out

>> No.13550983

The important question here is whether or not this is a loli. Seems to be on the borderline honestly

>> No.13550984

>That name
>No boob ribbon
I am dissapoint.

>> No.13550985

I was actually just wondering if I could get a Nanaly one. Great minds think alike?

>> No.13551002

Not an oppai loli either. Could be a better parody.

I still don't hold with that series, though. Dungeons are like sting operations, you enter them, clear them as fast as you can, and never return to them ever again. The idea of going out of a dungeon and then back in again is heresy.

>> No.13551017

Seems like you never played an MMO before.

>> No.13551019

I dunno, I see oppai and the loli is somewhat debatable.

Might count perhaps?

>> No.13551025

I prefer roguelikes.

>> No.13551052

Yes, they make Aigis onaholes. I have no idea if there are any others besides the Gina one though; I only heard about it because JP players mentioned it.

>> No.13551092 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 448x600, 1432618514390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture by the way if anyone is interested.

>> No.13551100

...I guess I am just a normalfag but this kind of things weird me out a little.

>> No.13551119

Looks interesting...I want a Sybilla one bad now.

>> No.13551126

I hope there's a whole line of them planned.

>> No.13551130

I guess you are. Sorry, anon.
I wonder if this is any good. Maybe someone at >>13524345 would know. I remember reading that a lot of onaholes based off existing characters tend not to be all that amazing. Would be happy if I was wrong.

>> No.13551149

>been doing N daily since it started
>few hours left
>not a single platnium armor
I'll get one soon right, anons? Right? The game will let me CC another unit, right?

>> No.13551160

Only if the Demoness smiles upon you and twists the 5% into your favor.

>> No.13551165

Maybe if you're a good goy and buy some overpriced crystals.

>> No.13551182

Yeah, while I would really want a Sybilla one, I doubt it would be good. I do at least already have a good onahole, but I just want a Sybilla one for the heck of it...

>> No.13551191

A "themed" or "characterised" onahole is a scam, anon. It's stupid to buy into it.

>pay so much more for this mediocre, low quality onahole because the packaging is catered to you!

Buy whatever you want of course, millions of people buy stupid shit every day. This is just one example. A drop in the ocean, if you will.

>> No.13551193

What we really need is Aigis sex dolls.

>> No.13551196

It's more of a novelty thing, in my opinion.

>> No.13551207

Yea, to be honest, it's always struck me more as a collector's thing. Like how people will buy expensive character drinking mugs and then never drink out of them.

>> No.13551209

What we really need is a blood ritual to bring the goddess into our world.

And then stuff sacred crystals into her vagina, anus and nipples until she gives birth to every unit in the game.

>> No.13551216
File: 168 KB, 954x630, !!!!!111!1!one1!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fug! Gotta believe, anons!

Now, CC Katie, Alissa, Leeanne or Cloris? Only CC'd I have is Daniela.

>> No.13551217

Whoah, whoah. We're gonna need multiple copies of a lot of them, can't exactly be sharing waifus with other people.

>> No.13551219

For this event, Calliope because she can be mincost unlike Chloris. For challenge quests / story missions; Katie/Alissa.

>> No.13551225

I'll pass on the event. Not interested in events in general 'till I have a strong team. I don't really like the two silver healers (Dorca/Alissa) so I'll probably just CC Katie.

>> No.13551227

Nah, every player gets one try to impregnate her.

You will learn to enjoy your Soma, and so will the eight million other guys who landed her.

>> No.13551229

According to some of the older polls I've seen, Soma is actually the second most popular waifu in Aigis. The most popular is Sybilla

>> No.13551255


Good point. Can't be sharing my Sybilla. I need her on me 24/7.

>> No.13551352

Is there a way to see what unit receives what for CCing?

>> No.13551364

Check the wikis.

>> No.13551368

You see a stat preview in the CC screen.

>> No.13551593

I'd like an Aigis hentai ova or something

>> No.13551723

>start expensive to start mission
>all units but mage deployed
>get side-tracked
Remember to deploy everybody you need and love your mages.

>> No.13551803

of course that I only got 2 plats this week, with no events coming.

fucks sake.

>> No.13551824
File: 362 KB, 954x634, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Want to get a Calliope
> get 5/5 skillup from last Mirabelle drop instead

Whelp. I didn't even plan to use her, but It seems I don't have much choice now.

>> No.13551871

Unless you are using crystals, that's nothing to be mad about at all.

>> No.13551886

I did 11 runs... last week in 9 runs I got 4 plats.

>> No.13551891

What are you running exactly?

>> No.13551894

Anecdotes don't mean shit.

>> No.13551898


>> No.13551906

15% drop rate. You should expect one per 6-7 runs on average.

>> No.13551962

has tits, eng would have her no prob

>> No.13552113

whats lowest possible cost for a cced Maribel? I got a 20 and event is over, now I wonder how bad is that

>> No.13552123

19, I believe.

>> No.13552124


>> No.13552327

>finally manage to 3* on first try on both Return to Ruins and Armor of the Dead
>use Rogues (Cypria) for once
>she instantly kills all heavies within 3 hits
>single-handedly carries me both missions
Holy fuck. Either I got very lucky, or rogues are underrated as fuck. I'm actually impressed. Of course if they get bad RNG on heavy hits they die, even with 2 healers barely keeping them alive. You need to baby sit the withdraw button.

>> No.13552332

rogues are too rng reliant to be actually good.

you can't depend on pure luck when sometimes 6 stamina is on the line.

>> No.13552583

However, they are great for non-rng farming those early armor missions now in JP since you only need to 3* it once.

>> No.13552683

>accidentally enter spirit rescue H with wrong team
>6 hours lost
fuck this bullshit daily, who keeps 4-5 soldiers in their active team

>> No.13552780

What do you substitute with? Valks? Bandits?

>> No.13552789

valks and princesses are the best duelists, at least in nutaku.

bandits are a cheap option too, but they're better against magic enemies.

>> No.13552819
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Well, the event's over and I got Maribel.
Unfortunately I only got one of her(the last mission was totally out of my league, and the earlier ones don't drop her often, I think), and I hear she's crap without levelling up her skill.

I guess I'll get a little more serious with my grinding in future. I want at least one CC-ed unit in time for the next event.

>> No.13553000

about leveling her skill you can always use rainbow fairies, the really important thing about unit-farming-like events, is to get them as close to mincost as possible.

Also, people here have said that she's very situational to begin with

>> No.13553019

Holy fuck... Spica is just so damned strong. 200 Demon Crystals extremely well spent! As soon as I cc'd her and got her to 100 aff she was outclassing my 50cc40 soma/daniela by 60 base attack. Not to mention her drastically better skill and better attack rate or anything... Can't wait for awakening. That and the fodder archer for her skill ups.

>> No.13553024

Should i level my Soma/Alyssa to 50 and CC them or just as lvl 30?

>> No.13553028

Always go to 50 first if you're actually going to use them.

>> No.13553042

I suppose I should feel happy that I got Christopher from 2k Gatcha just now, but I don't know if I actually need him for anything anymore. I can do Toast to Men H without a healer. Anything else I might need him for?

>> No.13553067

Toast to Men Extreme-Tier and God-Tier?

>> No.13553101

He'll need more men than that. https://youtu.be/maMu9oJzelQ

>> No.13553113

Is the princess rate up still ongoing or does it also end with the event?

>> No.13553119

Yeah, from the looks of things I don't think Christopher is going to be the tide turning factor in completing that difficulty o_o

>> No.13553132

Gellius is a fucking monster.

>> No.13553596

Just got a Bernice, how good is she?

>> No.13553603

She's the best non-plat armor.

>> No.13553618
File: 418 KB, 720x486, MEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that extreme or god tier?
My Manly Group doesn't feel so strong right now.

>> No.13553809
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Got a reply from support on this matter.

Blacked out portions are not need to know info!

>> No.13553854

>though we would like to keep the number of 'fake' accounts to a minimum
Yeah, not happening, the amount of dead reroll accounts probably dwarfs the amount of legit played ones couple times over.

>> No.13553903

Hey, how far could one typically get into the story mode before CC-ed units become necessary?
Around which mission should you really aim to have a few Class Changed/Evolved units ready?

>> No.13553941

I'd say around when the missions start costing 24+ is when you need CCed units.

Doesn't matter, you can re-do maps.

>> No.13553949

Got all 3 idol Rs now (oh hey, new Nutaku contest requiring them). Saw the 4P scene under the Special tab.

I assume we need to whale and make them (Lv60) R+ to see the continuation. Stats-wise they are essentially R++ units once Lv60-2M'd. Given there's a fat discount of lottery golds right now, I really don't see any motivation to see this through. Especially as once we get the true idol event (with Idol Gacha) we can see these girls again in SR form.


Cool, so we got the go-ahead with the request that we clean up (somehow delete) the re-roll accounts with trash gacha.

>> No.13553958

As of right now, I've made it to castle retake with no units above 35 on a new account. But this map is proving difficult for my average of level 30 team. I was close a few times, so I think if I got my team to all around level 40 and more of them to around 30 affection, I can probably pull this off. This is including the Nanally I have. She hasn't carried me through on this one, heh.

After this map, it gets a lot easier for a few maps until you reach the (current) final map, immortal beast. Then it gets impossible without a really strong team.

>> No.13553980

What's the deal with some people obsessing over CRing some characters?

I'm thinking about CCing Cloris instead of Calliope, but apparently that's a negative because I can't CR her. I really don't see the value in 1 or 2 unit points, and I can't imagine any instance where they make a large difference.

>> No.13554002

Are we playing the same game here? Cost Reduction is huge.

Like with Bronze Soldiers, they only cost 6 to begin with, so getting -2 on them reduces their cost by 50% which is huge for usage. It's the reason why most people clear their first Awakening maps using cost-reduced Silvers instead of their spare Platinums/Golds.

Refer to this video
I couldn't follow the video last week because my Gold Iris had 1 cost more, and my Claire had 1 cost more. My Claire would get killed by the Gray Demon Lord because it took ~3 seconds longer for me to place my Prince compared to in the video.

>> No.13554025

Cloris isn't a big deal cost reduced, the event unit belinda who was easy to CR is better though and Calliope isn't bad. What is important is that you need 3 CR witches to just to beat war of magic, a unit cost of less than 34 or you lost. 3 calliopes are 39, if all mincost then 30, 2 min cost Calliopes and a Cloris is 35(failure).

There is the extra 5 unit points for 5 SC though which is recommended to beat it.

>> No.13554027

Really bad math fail there, 33%. So you can place 3 in the same cost it would take 2 full cost Bronze Soldiers.

With Silver non-CCed it's slightly higher 37.5%.

>> No.13554041

It's not really noticeable on the current EN version and won't be for a while. But down the road having some min cost silvers/CR golds will save you some headaches on some harder maps.

>> No.13554106


>> No.13554116

Not worth buying. You can even see the continuation CG (at least the original japanese one) on e-hentai.

>> No.13554132

question: In Aegis, wich are the levels where stamina recharges?Also I been raising my min-costed maribel to try 3-star Immortal beast but I noticed that many people say that Gellius is quite good and since I have one sitting there and doing nothing I was wondering, should I use him instead?

>> No.13554133

Aw, damn. I wasn't around for Belinda, so all I really have is Cloris and Calliope. Isn't there supposed to be an overall cost reduction for witches at some point? I think that's what someone said.

Ah, alright. Getting min cost silvers must be a real pain considering how sparse opportunities to get some dupes are?

It's looking like for now I should just CC Cloris for more firepower.

>> No.13554137


A lone CG is very different to a voiced scene but even so, not worth 9000 Nutaku gold.

>> No.13554144

For soldiers CR is amazing as it gives so much more breathing room at the start. I have a Katie 50CC50, mincost 50CC40 Aria, mincost 50CC50 Phylis and Katie is the worst of them, she has better slightly defense and health and a better skill compared to Phylis but thats useless compared to CR.

To put it in perspective if i used my best stat units it would cost 26 for Katie and jerome and then 20 for Iris to heal them, or I could use soldiers whose stats won't be as good but are min cost. Phylis and Aria are 8 and 10 each for me but are offensive type soldiers, followed by my Alissa which brings the total to 34 compared to 46.

>> No.13554148

101, 120, 140, 160 etc

Yes. Maribel is used as a niche Offensive Heavy Armor while Gellius is the normal Defensive Heavy Armor (the best one at that).

>> No.13554149


From what I'm aware, later events drop silvers pretty easily. Power creep.

>> No.13554172

One less point for witches I've heard so a reduction of 3 points for war of magic needed when we get it.

You can get lucky and get quite a few silvers from 2k gacha when you get the money from mondays daily H map.

Cloris isn't a bad choice early on, she's quite strong.

>> No.13554200

True. I'm glad I at least got the regular scene. It's nice hearing Genbu moan. Plus the scene itself was amusing. With 90 bucks though, I could buy a couple of full hentai games though.

>> No.13554237

All the datamined silvers were 10% from events. It's been like 6 months since then, but from my anecdotal drops I doubt they made the rate higher.

Still if you've been playing for ~18months you're going to pick up a decent amount of silvers even @10% and a decent amount more from 2k rolls.

>> No.13554252

The 7 stamina maps were slightly higher ~13% and there's no data for the 12 stamina maps but I guess they could be a decent amount higher.

>> No.13554292

Plus, crystal shard base+ rolls have a great silver rate, and they'll probably give you some golds too.

>> No.13554362
File: 5 KB, 100x100, Doom bloke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>castle retake
ha, just reached it(but haven't tried it).

You know, when I first tried the mission before it (Gatehouse Battle or something) it seemed totally overhwelming, but I just did it right now and it didn't seem too bad. I have levelled units since my first attempt, but I still don't have any CC-ed units and my only30+ units are a bandit and a lv 40 healer.
Pretty satisfying to have done it now, given how hard it seemed at first.
Still, I did have some good luck with an assassin/rogue/whatever the fuck she is.

Oh yeah,I'm not disparaging any of the advice people gave me about when to CC units, I appreciated it. Just sharing my personal experience.

>> No.13554419

Pretty sure it's still ongoing. I rolled for more Mehlises back when she was still the spotlight after the event ended, and I got two more.

Yeah, I discovered the beauty of rogues early when my second premium roll was Berna. She can dodgetank a little better than Cypria and assassinate even faster than her courtesy of being a black.

I honestly think that Cypria being a free unit is meant to throw a bone to those new/freemium players who don't have the means to easily deal with heavies, especially early-game ones.

>> No.13554464

Gatehouse battle is much easier. It doesn't have a lich that comes out and starts melting everything on your team.

>> No.13554585

Why won't Aigis bless me with a Silver Archer from 2k Gacha?
I've already rolled 2x Crave, 1x Leanne, 2x Elaine, 1x Cecily.

>> No.13554590

Pfft, liches are easy. The last lich I fought, I didn't even use a healer!

>> No.13554614
File: 764 KB, 703x1000, 1431879804549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's sexually frustrated because every girl but her fucks the Prince, while she's the one that has to stare at him all day as he spams 2k gacha. She knows if she gives you what you want you'll end up having sex with some other girl. So she keeps giving you some crap, trying to buy time and make you run out of gold.

Every time you leave her alone in the shrine after you're done summoning, she cries herself to sleep knowing her love for you is impossible. She hopes for the day she gets an event and becomes a unit somehow, so that she'll get to be the girl you shower in flowers and gems, and so that you gently lower her onto your bed and finally make sweet love to her.

>> No.13554620

Maybe the next big Aigis anniversary

>> No.13554624

>First anniversary is Anna.
>Second anniversary is Aigis.

What next?

inb4 Demon Lord

>> No.13554744

Guys, I've got Bashira and Victoria. Should I go for Spica since she's the second best archer in the game or should I skip her since I've got awesome archers anyway and go for Akane or Saki? Are they worth it?

>> No.13554767

I have Nanaly and Bashira, and I still went for Spica first. But that's because I think Spica is the most sexable.

Saki seems fun though. She sounds like a ranged Berna.

>> No.13554801

Can't argue with that logic, but I like all three of them. Akane kinda reminds me of Kenshin from the Rance series, which makes me sad there's no Suzume ninja. Then again, Suzume basically looks like a combination of Daniela and Bashira.

Eh, I guess I'll just keep on farming crystals until the trade post swap gets announced and decide then.

>> No.13554811

Why am I answering my own post like a retard.

>> No.13554857

I'm in a similar position, have Nanaly and Bashira, but I think I'm going to go for Saki. She seems pretty neat. Akane also seems cool.

>> No.13556469


>> No.13556583

Agreed. I now want to impregnate the goddess with more than just sacred crystals.

>> No.13556618

inb4 her two scenes have no sex or kissing whatsoever

Cockblock demoness strikes again!

>> No.13556736

That's not even funny, anon. Just as I thought Cypria's first scene was bad enough.

>> No.13556757

I'd imagine the first scene would have the prince shoving sacred crystals into her vagina.

The second scene is her pushing out a full grown newborn silver unit out of her vag.

>> No.13557101

It'd be more effective with Conrad.

>> No.13557331

How many maxed out units do you guys have, 50CC50 silvers or better?

I got 3.

>> No.13557417

Any particular male unit I should dump the few affection items you get into? I'm thinking of Valerie. About the only male I use pretty much all the time.

None. I only have two CC which are @ level 30/31.

>> No.13557511

I'll have a maxed Aria once I can get one more gold fairy

>> No.13557528
File: 97 KB, 280x267, 12547658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best unit I've got is 50CC40 Victoria.

I fucking love how she looks like she's melting on her scenes.

>> No.13557548

Question time!
i have bought all the baracks upgrade and the house in japanese version.
what else should i use the Sacred crystals on.
mind you that i am talking about stuff other than refilling and the 3x premium .
is 5 premium roll the only thing left out ?

>> No.13557553

None, too busy awakening.

>> No.13557568

a question if i may.
should i max the level of the unit before i awaken him/her?
what should i look out for when i awaken something.

>> No.13557585

You can only awaken units after they reach max level and max affection.

>> No.13557588

exp and gold boosts, though I highly doubt you'd need gold boost at that point. Exp boost might be useful to get to the extra stamina quicker, but there's a lot better use for the crystals once you're to that point.

There's also the 5 unit point boost, and the goddess blessings. Blessings are almost always a waste, 5 extra points ranges anywhere from pointless to almost required.

To awaken a unit it needs to be max cc level, which taking a gold, would be 60, and 100% affection.

You should check the jp wiki and see the different abilities each class and unit get from being awoken and go from there. Generally, you want to awaken an archer first.

There are some like Samurai that greatly benefit from awakening, but archers are the single unit that benefits the most from increasing attack and are your backbone of ranged units.

>> No.13557602

is there anything else other than those blessing and boosts ?
lets say i dont want to waste them on those.
what other option is there? the premium gatcha?

>> No.13557607

gacha and restore.

>> No.13557642


>> No.13557648

What about healers?
its also kind of hard tryng to make out what units one has in the japanese version.
but i got that gold archer thats not stray from the event. how good is she?

>> No.13557668

i just noticed theres also one in like swimming gear is what i can describe thats also an archer.

>> No.13557672

So, Millenium War Aigis. I heard it has a translated version on Nutaku, so I wanted to try it out, but I heard that Nutaku follows Australia's loli rules (which means, even flatties not allowed), which means that any lolis in the original DMM game would be removed. Is this true, and if so, were any removed?

>> No.13557689


The lolis have been withheld from the game. The ones that come to mind are Black Healer Iris (one of the best healers in the game), Gold Archer Claire, Gold Archer Bella, Silver Valkyrie Mischa, Silver Witch Nenya. I'm sure I'm missing a few, but yeah, plenty of units have been withheld due to the loli rules.

>> No.13557705

Flats are fine, little girls with breasts are fine, flat little girls are not. They said they're working to edit the lolis to give them a boobjob before putting them in the game.

>> No.13557715

Yeah. We got different units in their place i.e. (comparatively lacklustre black healer that was originally from an event was put into gacha)

Some loli-close units are still allowed in, i.e. Sybilla.
They also promise to eventually get ALL units in.

>> No.13557723

Saint Iris is considered about as gamebreaking as Nanaly because of her ridiculous skill.

>> No.13557730


>> No.13557736

Fuck. Guess I'll learn the menus from the english version and try to use that for the DMM version. Thanks. Muh virtual children. Fuck Australia.

>> No.13557737

What kind of army would I need to 3* Gatehouse Battle?

>> No.13557738

I wonder if it'll be cheatable.

>> No.13557751


>> No.13557888

God tier, but it's not as bad as those max level awoken plats make it look.


>> No.13558008

there are many differences between the two versions .
you'll never be able to make everything out.
if you reply with "pretty please" i'll link you to a tutorial that can help

>> No.13558011

p-pretty please

>> No.13558020

i was feeling down lately and i really needed that , T-thank you

>> No.13558087

Thanks. Do you know if I need a proxy to play? I've got a DMM account and my timezone is set to Osaka time (UTC +9), but every time I try to access the game page I get redirected to a page telling me to go to Nutaku since I'm foreign.

>> No.13558095

You don't for the 18+ version, if you're trying to play the All-Ages though you do. Also, make sure you change the language on the site to moon.

>> No.13558103

I changed the site to moon, and based on the link you gave me, I clicked on "Adult PC Version (R-18) Homepage (NSFW)", and tried clicking on both the big yellow and green buttons on the page, but they both redirect me.

>> No.13558108

You might need a DMM account already too on top of that, and be logged in already. Other than that, I've heard some countries have blacklisted DMM apparently.

>> No.13558136
File: 1.51 MB, 1202x800, aigis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed it somehow, kept giving me crap but somehow logging out and then back in stopped the "foreign" crap. Thanks for all your help, anon.

>> No.13558159

I just tried the link and at first it redirected me, but when I changed the language to moon, it let me play.

>> No.13558164

Nice, have fun with your lolis.

>> No.13558182

i was away
it worked for me on both versions.
hope it works for you .
note that the R18 version and safe version share same save. BUT!! might have seperate events.
right now safe version has an extra event active

>> No.13558195
File: 261 KB, 578x398, Team waifus and bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a spare plat armor and more fairies than I can shake a stick at, who do I level up?

>> No.13558215


>> No.13558241

I have no idea what would be the strongest choice, but I would level Sybillia since she's cute, looks quite neglected in your team and needs more love.

>> No.13558245

How much $ did you spend to get that?

>> No.13558278

Well that's 3 plats, 3 golds and 1 black, so actually possible with maximum luck on freemium crystals. I've got account with nearly same spread, just shittier golds (conrad and kelly)

>> No.13558288

Must be nice. I'm the 7 premium gacha all silvers guy. I want to roll a black or so. But, fuck. Every roll has been silver. So I've just been buying box expansions instead.

>> No.13558326

I was thinking that; she's damn cute, and an absolute killing machine on the field.

I dropped $30 on the game, managed to get 2 plat,1 gold and Sybilla out of the demoness.

>> No.13558333

Well, yeah.

Although I somewhat overestimated the maximum of luck required - between the default map crystals, long time of login bonuses, and all the events, that would potentially leave room for like ten more silver grade rolls.

And also in your case, I would've just gone and started a new account loong ago.

>> No.13558383
File: 405 KB, 960x639, Based Demoness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got 10 more crystals from story + dailies. Rolled a second copy of Bashira and thought the game was trolling me.

And then I rolled this.

>> No.13558393

Jelly is spilling out of my pockets.

>> No.13558405

I spat out my tea when I saw the black stars appear on the bottom.

I almost choked when I saw it was Deine. Now all I need is Despara to have the 3 blacks I really want.

>> No.13558440

Is there anywhere I can see the CGs that were removed from the Nutaku version of MWA, or am I SOL unless I play the DMM version?

>> No.13558443


:Sigh: the luck some of you guys have is absurd. Couldn't even get past CR-2 for Maribel while managing to get 3 Leannes and Skill Level 5 for Maribel.

Part of me wants to roll for Premium. But I'm scared the Karma event is right around the corner and I need my SC to ensure I get at least Black rarity Karma.

>> No.13558455

Well, you can take solace in the fact that I'm so new to the game that my units as a whole are currently weak (only 1 CC unit) and I couldn't get past the 2nd map of the Maribel event, and I probably won't be able to do the Karma one if it's next.

>> No.13558463


>> No.13558476

Really? Sadpanda has them? That's a little surprising.

>> No.13558482
File: 184 KB, 457x396, 1429459400603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had to spend the last ones on increasing unit box because I was getting desperate.
>tfw can't just roll premium carelessly like at the beginning and now I have to hoard them instead of forcefeeding Aigis.
>tfw if Karma's event is right next I'm fucked because right now I've got shit crystals.

>> No.13558526

Yes, sadpanda has the CG dumps for Valkyrie and Aigis. Just search for DMM.

>> No.13558557

>might have seperate events
Didn't know about this, and it's going to end. Fuck.

>> No.13558567

goodluck , thats one of the most annoying thing to ever happen.

>> No.13558577

What's the "Karma Event" and why are the crystals so important for that?

>> No.13558582

It's the greediest ploy of an event to get you to buy crystals imaginable.

>> No.13558592

It's an event with MAD FARMING. The event unit's stats and rarity depend on how much you do.

>> No.13558593

would be nice if someone could explain

>> No.13558600

Well, got that archer I want with my remaining stamina. Other units are meh, I'll see if I can get the tanks before it ends. Not much can be done last minute.

>> No.13558602


It's one of the few princesses we'll receive from events (along with Claudia). She's widely considered a cheat unit because of her skill.

She's a vampire princess who comes in either Platinum or Black rarity depending on how much of the item specific to the event you collect (Serum). At 700 Serum you unlock the black rarity (this should be the base you should aim for).

She has great stats and her skill makes her immortal for the duration. The offset is she cannot be healed ever. The black-rarity allows you to effectively drop her in the middle of chaos, use her skill immediately and act as a lightning rod for punishment. What's even better is, she heals everyone for the damage she's taking during the duration of her skill (at black rarity).

The reason why crystals are so important are to refill Stamina. It will be impossible to get a perfect Karma (highest skill level and lowest cost) without Crystals being used to refill Sta.

This is why it's common for people to recommend free players to not use crystals on Gatcha because you're better off saving them to get an ensured strong unit from certain events than for the chance of getting one of the broken units from Gatcha.

>> No.13558603


Oh, I forgot to include, the one downside she has is she cannot be healed at all. Therefore you can't just place her and let her be a tank for the entirety of a map.

>> No.13558606

That sounds like the most evil event imaginable. There is a cap to how strong you can make it, right? If yes, about how many crystals do you need to reach it?

What kind of unit is it?

>> No.13558613

That sounds just broken.

>> No.13558620

Except you did say that, Still sounds shitty you'd need SC to make it the best.

I'd bet on a gold rush to be the next sort of event we get, nothing special. Not another unit we need to farm lots for.

>> No.13558776


Yeah, just noticed now that I did include it, whoops.

I doubt we'll get a gold rush any time soon since those are usually end of year events and given the En version is trying to skip events to close the gap between us and DMM, I expect most of the Gold Rushes to be axed.

And it's not terribly shitty, think about it this way, you get the unit for certain (assuming you can complete the missions). But if you want it to be as broken as possible, you need to drop crystals for it. No different than rolling for the broken blacks.

Frankly, I'd rather the guarantee of a broken unit over the chance of one. The former is in my control and the latter is not.

>> No.13558788

the only question left to ask is WHEN
when's the next event?

>> No.13558812

I'm guessing a couple of weeks from now. That's more or less what it's been taking between these last events, right?

>> No.13558820

According to this, next Tuesday-ish.

>> No.13558825

>Only one week of rest.
Jesus please no, I have too many units to level up, girls to cover in jewels, gold to grind and sacred crystals to wait for.

>> No.13558827

I think it depends on how many crystals are needed. If they expect you to spend something like 40 crystals on it, it might be worth spending on the unit compared to 40 crystals on summoning, but is a really cheap move to demand so many crystals out of the blue on such a short notice.

If it's a relatively low amount of crystals instead which most people already have lying around, or which you can scrape together, or in the worst case buy for relatively cheap amounts of money, then it sounds alright.

>> No.13558836

Also, I do hope Nutaku has enough business sense to get paypal working before they roll out events like the Karma thing, since it's kind of pointless to coerce people into buying if they literally can't.

>> No.13558842


>> No.13558866

I don't really think Gold Rush is an end of the year only thing. There's been 6 of them and they usually are for some milestone in player #s. So the 200k mark for Nutaku would sort of make sense for their first one. I still expect them to skip them since we don't have quite a few of the golds from GR1+2.

The JP version works fine with no breaks. You grind during star rush events and then you decide if the event unit is worth it or not for one week events. Newer players usually can't get a perfect unit but I've only been on JP for like 5 weeks and I was able to get 21 stars for Sandra's event.

>> No.13558883
File: 1.05 MB, 1600x900, cinetica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nutaku, you did it again

>> No.13559094


Huh, I got my C Omoikane just fine.

>> No.13559153

I just started yesterday. Should I just not spend any of my crystals at all and try to build up my team to take on the event, or are they usually too tough for newbies to take on and I shouldn't concern myself with it and give up?

>> No.13559159

With any luck, this won't be the next event and you'll actually have some time to build up.

As a newbie myself, I wasn't able to clear past the second map of the last event.

>> No.13559193

It usually takes couple of weeks to reach the point where you'll be able to get anything out of an event so you'll probably miss your first one or two, depending on what kind of events they are.

>> No.13559201

Don't worry boys, with dedication and good use of your Charisma you can probably be ready for the next event. I started during one of the arguably hardest events so far (RetI thinurn of the Dragon Princess,) which lasted for 2 weeks and was able to full clear it with 3 days to spare (I also started my main account 2 days late!)

Buy the exp buff in the shrine and play the shit out of the game until/during the next event. I'm talking bust out your calculator and figure out when you have to do your next map to finish up a rank up. It will make a huge difference in your progress.

>> No.13559206

Err... what the... That's supposed to say "Return Of The Dragon Princess." Weird.

>> No.13559213

Are event a one time only thing or do they come back?

>> No.13559216

Apparently they come back as "Revival" events and are much harder the second time around.

>> No.13559217

The come back... eventually...

>> No.13559221

I see.... they are not kind on new player.

>> No.13559225

I think I'm right on the cusp of being able to do at least a bit more with events now. I CC'd Alissa, and I'm about to CC Cloris.

Wish I could do more with my Nanaly and Deine, but I have no black fairies.

>> No.13559226

Don't worry, by the time they come back you won't be a new player. Especially not with all the catching up to the JP version we have to do.

>> No.13559229

Events are mostly made for people who have cleared good chunck of the content in the game.

>> No.13559231

Honestly, my advice to new players is to not worry about whatever event that may be happening when they start, or the immediate ones. My advice would be to just reroll accounts until you got some good units, then stock on crystals and get ready for events properly.

>> No.13559239

>Nanaly and Deine

Where did all of this Jelly come from? I didn't order this. :(

Seriously though, you've got this whole week to prepare at least, as long as it's not a farm event you should be pretty close to ready if you're dedicated and keep using your Charisma to level up efficiently (for the purpose of getting more Charisma of course.)

>> No.13559243

Thanks, I just hope I will be ready in time.

>> No.13559247

So in short, farm the everliving fuck out of Tower Overwatch, do challenge quests when I have spare stamina, etc. Got it coach.

I'm torn between trying to finish more challenges to get easier access to gold fairies and up, or doing Demon Crystals tomorrow. I've already done 2 Skyfallen Gift maps just for the SC, doesn't seem to be worth doing (though I did get 2 diamonds).

>> No.13559277
File: 609 KB, 957x639, Lewd Items.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely worth it for the cost.

>> No.13559279

You can generally get the unit from events, even when you're first starting out.

I got that one bandit and Liana, these two events in jp were going on when I first started. Bandit was a drop one and Liana was a farm, I farmed the first map 50 times to get her and was well worth it considering she's my second best healer and by far the most useful in every situation.

The only times you won't get the reward is when it's a 3 star reward and it's closer towards the end, such as the Anya events.

>> No.13559286

Goddamn. That must be from hard mode?

>> No.13559290

Extreme-Tier which costs almost exactly the same as Hard. (80/3 vs 60/3).

>> No.13559307

I completely forgot that there were 2(?) more tiers of difficulty on JP. I am ashamed.

Just doesn't feel like Normal is worth doing and I don't think I can clear hard yet.

>> No.13559341

Yup, just keep leveling as much as possible so you can keep leveling your units. On a side note, if you think you're ready to 1 star skip your way to have access to Dragon Hunting *DO IT*

This is the video guide I used to skip castle retake:


Make note Phyllis definitely doesn't need to be CC'd for this, and neither does your mage. If you drop the mage early enough (which Eth misses a bunch of time fiddling around,) you can kill them without having CC'd. After that it's just a matter of setting up for the end of the mission and then clenching for about 20 seconds when the Lich comes out and you have to chain replace units like a mofo so something stops the rest of what's trying to escape. After that you can relax and watch him wreck your entire team and waltz off the map and get your 1 Star and access to much better missions.

>> No.13559346

It's 3 more tiers now, but the highest tier only has one map right now.

>> No.13559386
File: 258 KB, 576x391, MajinAdvent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I look ready for this weekend? Managed to get -2 on my Claire from the 3 dupes I had.

>> No.13559428

If you have patience and want to play this game a long time. Use only silver and CR bronze and the higher rarity unit you get the game throws at you. Save all extra units. Expand storage from time to time. Once you hit 30-40 crystal that is your 0 mark and anything you get after that is surplus. Roll the gacha or max storage at your own leisure from then on.

>> No.13559521

Truth be told, I haven't even tried to push forward into Armour of the Dead or Gatehouse Battle yet. I'll probably move into them once I get Deine to 40 or so, and she can can just soak the damage from every heavy.

>> No.13559712

God tier can drop 4 rubies and 3 diamonds if you get all the drops I think.

>> No.13559731

New thread?

>> No.13559780

i'm on it

>> No.13559797

New thread migrate

