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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1348376 No.1348376 [Reply] [Original]

[ ]Bro
[ ]Oniichan
[ ]Oniisama
[ ]Niisan
[ ]Nii-nii
[ ]Aniki

You can only choose one

>> No.1348388

[x] Lake.

>> No.1348386
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>> No.1348384


>> No.1348402

If I select bro, I'm afraid homie might slip in there somehow.

>> No.1348409

That "bro" thing shits me to no end in Kana

I hate weeaboo translation as much as any other anon but oniichan or variations should be left as romaji, how the fuck can you fap to 'bro'?

>> No.1348417

I always thought "bro" sounded weird.
It's like what you say to your guy frineds or something.

a) It's Jimmy!
b) Hey, bro!
a) Yo, man!

Something like this.

>> No.1348424

How the fuck can you fap to Kana?

>> No.1348425


>> No.1348428

[ ]Bro
[ ]Niisan
[ ]Aniki

Oniisan is fine too. Other people also like "onii," but it's not for me.

>> No.1348433

[ ]Bro
[ ]Oniichan
[ ]Niisan
[ ]Nii-nii
[ ]Aniki

Yeah, I'm into submissive girls.

>> No.1348434


>> No.1348436


>> No.1348442

I choose Bro. Fuck Japanese.

>> No.1348444

Yeah, "Brother" is affectionate enough nowadays. Most siblings don't use "brother" or "sister" so it's pretty much a term of endearment.

>> No.1348613

[ ]Bro <-- my actual little sister call me this. not the slightest form of respect
[X]Oniisama <-- if my little sister is the Yamato Nadeshiko type and/or a bot.
[ ]Niisan <-- gah, for some reason this reminds me of the guy from Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora
[ ]Nii-nii <-- well, i dont exactly want to end up being a vegetable
[X]Aniki <-- if my little sister resemble Simon (HERESY.)

>> No.1348621

Nii-chan or GTFO

>> No.1348652


I want my little sister to be a badass reversetrap who gets into knifefights and shit.

>> No.1348656

Sometimes bro, you gotta rape your little sister, bro

>> No.1348657
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>> No.1348659

Onii-chan is the way to go. Lolicons at heart.

>> No.1348662

[X] Genuflect

>> No.1348664

[ ]Bro -- The only people who ever say this are the kinds of people whom I instinctively avoid. Seriously, they can't even wear their hats and pants properly. It's not that hard to wear a fucking hat, people.
[ ]Oniichan -- I don't know what this means, but I remember when my brother tried going to oniichan.org thinking it was like 4chan. I don't think I'll let him live that down for a while.
[X]Oniisama -- I don't know this one either. Isn't this similar to Oniichan in some way? Whatever. I like the way it sounds, and everyone I've ever seen say it was the kind of girl I'd want as a little sister.
[ ]Niisan -- Sounds cool, but I don't know what it means. I could imagine being called Niisan, but I get the feeling people would think she's referring to Nissan or something equally stupid. People suck.
[ ]Nii-nii -- Didn't Satoko say that a lot? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be reminded of Higurashi every time my nonexistant little sister addressed me this way. At least it's impossible to say it without smiling. Believe me, I've tried.
[ ]Aniki -- Sounds just plain stupid unless you're some kind of super-weeaboo. Why the hell would anyone say Aniki? It sounds like a proper name, even.

>> No.1348669


>> No.1348674
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>[ ]Oniichan -- I don't know what this means, but I remember when my brother tried going to oniichan.org thinking it was like 4chan. I don't think I'll let him live that down for a while.

Onii-san is the proper word for Older Brother. Replacing -san with -chan makes it cuter, apparently.

>[X]Oniisama -- I don't know this one either. Isn't this similar to Oniichan in some way? Whatever. I like the way it sounds, and everyone I've ever seen say it was the kind of girl I'd want as a little sister.

Replacing -san with -sama makes it INCREDIBLY more formal and respectful. You'd say this if, like, you're a prince and she's your commoner half-sister. -sama is not used lightly. She's basically calling you "Master brother".

>[ ]Aniki -- Sounds just plain stupid unless you're some kind of super-weeaboo. Why the hell would anyone say Aniki? It sounds like a proper name, even.

(It's basically how you say 'bro' in japanese, rather informal and not necessarily for your actual brothers)

>> No.1348675

why wont her call me niichama?

>> No.1348677

If you like -chama then you're into four-year-olds.

>> No.1348679


>> No.1348686

This is what your loli calls you while you're having afternoon tea with her. Pinkies raised, of course.

>> No.1348688

+10 pts

>> No.1348695


was also used a lot by Yakuza to refer to mentors

also watch moar tokusatsu, many character refer to their mentors, and older brothers as Aniki

>> No.1348694


Because some of us are normal

>> No.1348701

Onisamaaa ~<3

>> No.1348704

This is an amazing post. Thank you for making my day, I have learned a lot from it.

>> No.1348706

In that case, I switch my answer to Oniichan. I'm not the kind of guy who'd want to be Master Brother, unless my little sister was also my maid. That would never happen, though, because I'd never want a maid for any non-sexual reason, and I'd never think of my little sister in such a sexual manner as to dress her up as a maid for my own perverted pleasure.

>> No.1348711

[ ]Bro
[ ]Oniichan
[ ]Nii-nii
[ ]Aniki

>> No.1348713
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[ ]Bro
[ ]Oniichan
[ ]Oniisama
[ ]Niisan
[ ]Nii-nii
[ ]Aniki

I wish to be a little girl...

>> No.1348718

>>1348674Aniki...not necessarily for your actual brothers
Neither are the others really. Ojisan and oniisan are used for appropriately-aged males who are not blood-related (typically strangers, similar to "mister").

>> No.1348720

Well she is your sister after all, who the hell likes a maid sister anyway? That is just a sick and unfair way to treat your sister.

>> No.1348721

You don't get to be called one even if you are. Most I get is my name cutified.

>> No.1348724
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Well no, oniisama doesn't have to mean your sister feels she's subservient to you, it just means you're very important to her and she holds you in great respect.

>> No.1348728


i wish to be worthy of this

>> No.1348729

Royalty is not a good example

>> No.1348731

Doesn't ojisan literally mean uncle?

>> No.1348735

I've always wanted a maid and a little sister, why can't I have both in the same package?

>> No.1348742
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>who the hell likes a maid sister anyway

aww what?

>> No.1348743


>> No.1348745

Aw yeah, stab that tongue.

>> No.1348749


Well that's cause the japanese are weird.
I don't call a stranger 'uncle'. I call a stranger 'dude' or 'guy'.

>> No.1348852

That's just gross.

>> No.1348861
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[X ]Niisan
[X ]Niisan
[X ]Niisan
[X ]Niisan
[X ]Niisan
[X ]Niisan

>> No.1348871
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>> No.1348877
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Ana-chan would call me Oniisama or something.

>> No.1348883


>> No.1348897

[x] Rape the maids

>> No.1348900

choice is obvious


>> No.1348902
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[x]Gero inu

>> No.1348906

This is the best choice.

>> No.1348903
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And she'd talk like Misao.

>> No.1348938
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>> No.1348971
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[ ]Bro
[ ]Oniichan
[ ]Oniisama
[ ]Niisan
[ ]Nii-nii
[ ]Aniki

>> No.1348972
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>> No.1348981

I wish this too. ;_;

>> No.1348991


>> No.1349007
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[X] Nii-nii

>> No.1349027

[x] Oni-san

>> No.1349044


>> No.1349047

cool bro, bro.

>> No.1349074

Something is wrong here.

>> No.1349079


>> No.1349086

Nii-san is a symbol of status

>> No.1349093

Bah, that was a good chance for a follow, too....

>> No.1349124


>> No.1349141

But >>1348991
is Yakumo's catchphrase...

>> No.1349163

Such a common title will not suffice for Anonymous.


>> No.1349187
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>> No.1349216



>> No.1349223


>> No.1349253
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Alternatively, something like this.

>> No.1349265

I hear you bro.

>> No.1349339


>> No.1349358

Cool thread, OP.

>> No.1349436

[x] Waka-sama

>> No.1349442


>> No.1349456

>Replacing -san with -sama makes it INCREDIBLY more formal and respectful.
This is true.

>You'd say this if, like, you're a prince and she's your commoner half-sister. -sama is not used lightly.
This example is a bit misleading. It implies that the younger sister has to be of a much, much lower social standing than her brother in order for the -sama honorific to be appropriate - not necessarily true. Plus, families in the upper-class traditionally use more refined speech.

>> No.1349483


>> No.1349521
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[x] onii-san

>> No.1349566

>I want my little sister to be a badass reversetrap who gets into knifefights and shit.

Fuck yeah, an anon after my own heart
