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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13357716 No.13357716 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13344721

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know how it goes.

>> No.13357766
File: 417 KB, 801x602, Subahibi god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear to this guy that Subahibi is the best VN in existence to just take random screenshots of to weird people out

>> No.13357878
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, 2015-04-07 16_35_39-穢翼のユースティア.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished Eustia. Just the last bit of Tia's part to go. Man does it take a dive once you get to Eris's part. Nearly dropped it because of her. But Licia's part made it all worth it. She is so damn cute.

>> No.13357882

I think its biggest dive is Tia's route, it recovers somewhat but damn it's annoying.

>> No.13357900
File: 144 KB, 853x538, sadas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So about Shinju no Yakata. Opening says it's written by Romeo, but in reality it's mostly Mareni with Romeo only doing one route, right?

Did they just slap on Romeo in the OP to hype it more, since he was already famous for Cross Channel?

Hilariously, a decade later same thing happened with Mareni with Teito Hiten.

>> No.13357909

Romeo only wrote the twins route aka house of leaves the route, it's really nice but very different compared to the rest
And yes I guess they thought Mareni's name wouldn't sell, it's definitely his project though

Great game

>> No.13357921

Yeah I've been really disappointed with Tia's route so far. Just got past the sex scene and he's still being wishy washy. When Lucius does his big reveal I kinda stopped caring and just skimmed his lines hoping Caim would chuck him off the balcony so that would be the end of it. I sighed when he didn't.

>> No.13357937

Funny reading old reviews on Amazon saying how amazing it is cause it's written by Romeo. Well, that only counts to Mareni's credit.

>> No.13357965

Romeo went through the same things before.
Actually funny thing since I just read it in an interview but Romeo consider himself as Minakami's 舎弟
When you know that Jackson is a fan of Romeo too and BFF with Maruto or the fact that Meteor actually gave advice on how to write to Nasu post FSN, etc... the eroge world is smaller than you'd think

>> No.13357979

>the eroge world is smaller than you'd think
Perhaps it's just a result of instant communication? I wouldn't be surprised at all if every major eroge writer hung out on some secluded IRC channel under pseudonyms.

>> No.13357992

Too bad Romeo and Maruto don't have a twiter account
Jackson' account is half the reason I got on twitter

>> No.13357997

The second half is Sca-ji's account?

>> No.13358002

Actually, yes

>> No.13358265
File: 232 KB, 1280x719, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't look like anybody aged a day in this CG. Ayano should be near 30 years old by now.

>> No.13358269

Japanese female magic?

>> No.13358347


>> No.13358373

oh boy here we go again.

>> No.13358418

Not in this game at least

>> No.13358455

It's bothering me why they used timeskip in side heroines routes but didn't do it in main heroines routes

>> No.13358514

Nice friendzone end

>> No.13358547

This made me rage, especially when I thought about how much time has passed so it wouldn't be strange if any of the heroines already had boyfriends or husbands.

>> No.13358550

What's his name over there in the back looks like he aged so poorly he lost his eyes.

>> No.13358552

Man, you'll rage hard at Crescendo then.

>> No.13358575


Guy who wrote it is still active on Twitter. Interesting.

>> No.13358576

I actually read that like nearly 10 years ago when I was still a EOP. I don't remember the story at all anymore but I remember I didn't rage. Japanese media has changed me.

>> No.13358583

It's been forever since I read that. What is supposed to be so rageworthy in it?

>> No.13358584

New thread already? Thought we were on /jp/ here.

>> No.13358588

I left the bubble of this thread earlier and saw a monstergirl thread with 3,000 posts on /jp/. 4chan has changed.

>> No.13358594

There's a prostitute heroine. You catch her pretty early in the game while she's fucking another dude in the class room. she also gets gang raped later

>> No.13358596

It's the biggest thread on /jp/ because it has a lot of people from various boards. It's as shit as one would expect.

>> No.13358608
File: 337 KB, 642x482, capture_040_18042015_221326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the start of Kaho's (the redhead) route you're told that the protag hooked her up with his best friend. Kaho is actually in love with the protag and only went out with the other boy because it's what he wanted her to do.If you choose the tall girl instead of Kaho she'll go back to your best friend after being rejected.

There's also a heroine who fucks guys for 50 bucks a pop.

>> No.13358609

I remember that. Personally I never raged because it was clear from the beginning and she actually stopped whoring herself once she hooked up with the protagonist which led to the gangrape. It was actually pretty powerful scene in my opinion.
If I had to name a decade old game that made people rage, I'd say A Profile.

>> No.13358623

I wonder what would happen if someone would make a game like that today. Death threats, I imagine.

>> No.13358629


In that double interview Minakami took with Romeo, Minakami said he didn't understand moe and didn't like loli characters
I can understand why he stopped working on eroge after 2004 or something, since he is still active he should just release a novel or something I would read it
Looks like he is pretty old too

>> No.13358633

It probably depends all on how you market it.
Don't market it to paper-thin skinned purity fetishists and you'd be fine.

>> No.13358642

You could get away with it as long as you made it clear it's supposed to be a game about heavier subject matters.

>> No.13358643

It's almost like there are still tons of games with heroine rape and no one cares. Just don't put sluts in moege and we are good.

>> No.13358647

Games like that still come out occasionally. They just tend to get less attention than moege and I think they simply sell less.

>> No.13358648

Sluts can be moe

>> No.13358666

A cheap nukige isn't exactly the same as Crescendo.

>> No.13358674

Main moege demography won't agree with you.

>> No.13358700
File: 97 KB, 800x600, ET05_1_MCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is A Profile even good?

That's probably why it's actually good. I wonder when serious drama games stopped being popular?

>> No.13358713

>Is A Profile even good?

It's the only Looseboy game I enjoyed. Probably because he wasn't obsessed yet with sick twists. That being said, it's really average.

>> No.13358732

It's actually a funny thing because lack of diversity is often being stated as a reason for a recent fall of eroge sales. Yet when someone deliberately tries to do things differently, it doesn't get attention nor sales.
If a big maker screws up accidentally, it gets all of the bashing though.

>> No.13358752

It's unfortunate that in their obsessiveness that they've blinded themselves from all other forms of moe.

>> No.13358760

And the makers are pretty pissed about it. A few weeks ago I saw someone from a big company complaining on Twitter (I just can't remember which company) about how they can't touch any heavier subjects without people blowing their shit. Eroge writer seems like a very shitty job.

I forgot, while A Profile is mediocre, the OP is probably one of my all time favorites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRgJ8aQuDJo

>> No.13358763


It's not a question of diversity, just that everything seem to be made to cater to specific niche these days.
The fact that the slut heroines for example can only exist in pure nukige and ntr games these days prove it, something like Crescendo or A Profile couldn't be released these days

>> No.13358788

It's a shame, because it can make for some really emotional stuff.

>> No.13358792

I don't have much sympathy for them. Write heavy shit and let people blow their shit. Perhaps they have mistaken writing bad, inelegant shit as heavy shit. Though I don't really know.

>> No.13358798

Released today, yuno would have been one amazing shitstorm, it had like, two virgin heroines.

>> No.13358816

But nowadays it doesn't matter how elegant it is, or not, you'll be shat on if you break the molds unless you're a big name, and even then.

>> No.13358822


Since I'm in a Romeo mood I watched the compilation of openings of eroge he worked on (up to Chanter)
Kinda sad most Romeo fans don't know a thing about Natsuyume Yawa and only comment about how horrible the song is.

Romeo really is unlucky, that's truly a game killed by an opening

>> No.13358836

>let people blow their shit
But who will buy the games if the custemers blow their shit?

>> No.13358845

It's fucking terrible, when I played it I thought the echo was making the song bad, then I checked youtube.
Opening like kazokei, saihate and c+c xb360 are good at least, but damn natsuyume's probably ranks in one of the worst ever.

>> No.13358848

So what? Do it anyway. Give it the production values of Higurashi and let the writing carry it. I think the only topics that would get them legitimately blacklisted from fans is if they wrote about modern politics in a really far leaning route, but that's not good writing, that's just politics.
I don't think the majority audience is necessarily the people who blow shit.

>> No.13358857

Fuck, I didn't realize Romeo wrote Kana Imouto.

>> No.13358867

Heavy as in actual interpersonal drama which amounts to more than being doki doki about the next school festival. People are more upset about a potential rival than seeing a heroine being brutally murdered. Heavy as in dark and edgy was never a problem.

As it is, the typical eroge is nothing more than emotional fast food which doesn't stick very long in my mind. And I say that as someone who likes his moe burger from time to time.

>> No.13358874

ef is fairly recent and one of the main heroines isn't a virgin. Then again, it didn't sell as much as Minori expected.

>> No.13358875

Such is genre fiction. The average moege is just average genre fiction.

>> No.13358881


>> No.13358883

It's already 7 years old, the part with Yuuko at least.
And heavily abused heroines can get a pass, even if they don't tend to be the most popular as heroines, like Sakura in FSN.

>> No.13358889

Screw this Romeo, I wish Kouya just came out. And without Takahiro fucking it like Anekouji.

>> No.13358893

Do they really expect me to read a full route of that Key guy? Heck even R07 is pushing it

>> No.13358894

Did Jackson actually write anything in anekouji?

>> No.13358904

Supposedly, though it's hard to believe since the script is fucking bland

>> No.13358907

I'd argue the issue is more that the few who do blow their shit do so incredibly loudly. This affects most people's expectations/opinions on the game without them even touching it.

Unfortunately, the majority of people are swayed by ott hatred (myself included).

>> No.13358908

Is it okay to be mildly excited?

>> No.13358914
File: 22 KB, 512x288, YU_NO_1324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if developers disguised their serious and realistic game as being a nukige? Or are non-virgins unacceptable even in nukige now?

>> No.13358918

Good writing/plot with shit production values would only be excused if it was a doujin game, though. And people who buy doujin games tend to know what they're getting into so they aren't as likely to blow shit anyways.

>> No.13358919

Yes, don't mind the moogdrones. Higanbana had some neat chapters.

>> No.13358921

The imbalance between the big titles mentioned next to scenario writers and the quality of key visual makes everything so surreal.

>> No.13358924

Isn't that basically what Harukuru did though?

>> No.13358926


>> No.13358927

Talking about Romeo and Kouya, supposedly Takahiro's only demand was for all the heroines to be virgin.

So yeah I'd say it's not acceptable these days

>> No.13358928

I don't think you could get away with a realistic nukige. Not enough fucking.

>> No.13358934

Well, no one expected sluts in Hanasaki either.

>> No.13358937

elf does exactly this, imo. And their games are still great. Realistic might not fit the description, but the basic mood is very different from anything I've played so far.

>> No.13358950

I'd be a bit miffed if I bought what should have been X and ended up with Y instead, even if Y ended up being cool.

>> No.13358953

Did you read the game or you're just trying to fit in by calling everyone there sluts?

>> No.13358959

Not everyone, just the ones who deserve it. I don't play slutge.

>> No.13358961


I didn't know liking another guy in the past is on the same level as sucking 50 dicks. Then again I didn't read Hanasaki and am only going by other people's accounts here.

>> No.13358972

Which version of YU-NO do you recommend for reading?

PC98, Saturn or Win? Or rather is the removed content in Saturn and Win versions super important?

>> No.13358981
File: 23 KB, 512x288, YU_NO_1330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape dungeon? You could make a lot of the sex optional or with a bunch of bad end branches.

>Takahiro's only demand was for all the heroines to be virgin.

Don't you love when the attractive teacher is a virgin and knows nothing about sex

What if you got both?

>> No.13358989

Saturn version seems to be the ultimate version if you can give up on the bad ero.

>> No.13358994

Hikari flirted with Yuuma at the end, confirmed again for angel who truly loved him.

>> No.13358999

If you want to play on pc, the english translators made a patch so it keeps the voices with the japanese text.
It was good, I liked the cast.

>> No.13359001

Or just used the TLwiki patch that adds voices and content to the Windows version.

>> No.13359019

>bad ero
I quite liked it, pc98 has quite a meaty charm.

>> No.13359035

Yeah it's not ugly or something, it's just bad from an ero point for me. It's good that the scenes are rather short anyway.

>> No.13359039

>Don't you love when the attractive teacher is a virgin and knows nothing about sex
It's even better when they behave exactly like the other heroines and have nothing to distinguish themselves from them except instead of their relationship with the protagonist is "Teacher" instead of "Classmate", "Senpai", "Club Member"!

But in all seriousness, it bothers me a little bit unless they make said teacher out to have been an ugly turbonerd all throughout high school and college and just recent underwent an image change or whatever and go the extra mile and make that seem reasonable.

>> No.13359045

From what I've seen they lose all their personality once they hit the ero scene. Which sucks since I love slutty teasing and then they just drop it and become deredere.

>> No.13359052
File: 305 KB, 1274x716, lsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13359064

That's what I liked about ぜったい遵守, the game had at least a plausible explanation why everyone including the 30+something teacher is a virgin.

>> No.13359084

It bothers me that only few teachers are fuckable.

>> No.13359095

I hate that kind of shading so much.

>> No.13359111

What's wrong with it? Looks pretty standard to me.

>> No.13359113

You must hate modern eroge art then.

>> No.13359129
File: 205 KB, 1286x745, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13359132

It's way too shiny.

Not exactly. Only that kind of art.

>> No.13359136

I kinds of bothering me when a pretty teacher with bright personality doesn't have any love experience at all. It's just too unnatural.

>> No.13359185

Prime example right there.
I'd have given up all of the heroines except Maya for her to be one.

>> No.13359287


Is she only wearing one sleeve of her jacket? What the fuck is going on there

>> No.13359293

Is the fandisk of this coming out? I saw the official article but it was posted on April 1st so I'm not sure.

>> No.13359303

Yes there is, it's one of the reasons I decided to read it.

>> No.13360115

Why is everyone suddenly talking about Crescendo and Minakami?

>the eroge world is smaller than you'd think

There are people who don't think it's small?

>Is A Profile even good?

The osananajimi route is excellent, the rest is decent.

>> No.13360133

Why not? Good game. Terrible art, though.

>> No.13360202

Crescendo has great art.

Mentioned it earlier in the thread. OP is also playing one of his games,

>> No.13360287
File: 27 KB, 256x300, 4751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crescendo has great art.

It's not from this world, that's for sure. Still better than Key, though.

>> No.13360361

Speaking of Crescendo, the date with the school nurse was the most uncomfortable and cringy thing I've ever seen in an eroge. Especially if you're trying to show off with the expensive Italian restaurant. Pure classic.

>> No.13360369

What's the preferred way to configure machine language translation for someone not fluent in Nippon? Any specific programs being used now with the best results? Any new developments?

>> No.13360389
File: 419 KB, 640x480, KK30SP.GGD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shoujo art, anon.

>> No.13360455

It's because Moogy has been playing it and whatever, so tlwikifags keep spamming in this thread. Just ignore it.

>> No.13360487

You need to try a bit harder.

>> No.13360517

He's right, though. I can attest.

>> No.13360520

Is this any good? Seemed like a run of the mill moege.

>> No.13360532

It's not horrible but there is nothing too interesting about it. It's basically just a run of the mill moege with a love triangle that can get really irritating at times.

>> No.13360534

It's a decent moege, but you don't miss anything. Go for it if you don't have anything good in your backlog.

>> No.13360565

Ia there even any "outstanding" moege?

>> No.13360567

>not just spamming moogy's secret channel on irc if you hate him that much

>> No.13360570

As good as moege can get I would say mashifoni.

>> No.13360585

I started it a few days before he did, actually.
12 days ago to be exact.

>> No.13360600

Once in a while one that has something interesting comes out, whether it's fun characters, plot, setting or prose. Not sure if I'd call them outstanding and few are memorable but there definitely are better and worse ones on technical level alone.

>> No.13360625

Just ignore the moogyspouting EOP scum please.

>> No.13360634 [DELETED] 

Hi Moogy.

>> No.13360645

Unless you think that all heroines, art and casting are equal between all of them, yes.

>> No.13360657

I think Hanasaki is good for moege.

>> No.13360714

Sup moogs

>> No.13360836


>> No.13360859

He didn't ask for shitty nukige with bad art.

>> No.13360926

Not him but are you kidding? It turns almost into an scenario-ge halfway through.

>> No.13360948

>Being this retarded.

>> No.13360976

Uh, that's a new word...

>> No.13361007 [DELETED] 


Don't do that.

>> No.13361016


>> No.13361023 [DELETED] 

Please stop replying to shitposter.

>> No.13361024


>> No.13361051

No, it is not.

>> No.13361067

Every "ge" has a scenario, no?

>> No.13361069

And yet Minakami has never been mentioned in the VN General before this thread

The only other mentions of him at all are back in 08 when Jast was releasing Amorous Professor Cherry, and that's only because he's mentioned in the product description. You don't see anyone comparing him to Romeo.

So yeah, pretty fucking suspicious.

>> No.13361075

So you mean the tlwiki mafia is secretly posting on /jp/ or something?

>> No.13361083 [DELETED] 

But there were no discussions of minakami, crescendo or whatever on #tlwiki.

>> No.13361109

Just some random dudes who play them then.

I don't think the average eroge fans on tumblr are knowledgeable about these things to start a discussion on them.

>> No.13361111

It's about the focus.

>> No.13361119

I don't know who they are or where they're from, but one thing's for certain: there's some secret offsite circlejerk trying to be the tastemakers of the エロゲスレ and they need to fuck off.

>> No.13361121 [DELETED] 

No, I mean, Moogy did play it, but he posted about it on twitter/askfm, so technically its twitter-mafia or moogy-mafia, but not #tlwiki, as it wasn't discussed there and people there don't care.

>> No.13361127

I hope these guys aren't the guys beyond the virgin-lovers bashing...

>> No.13361132

Well a lot of people follow him on Twitter so maybe it's not a conspiracy, just people who follow him and then got interested. There's still another IRC channel but I'll stop there.

>> No.13361146

I meant behind.

>> No.13361149

No, that's me.
I was thinking they might be behind the unvirgin-lovers bashing, but I guess you and I are just a couple of local shitposters stirring up trouble.

>> No.13361154

Well, at least we belong to the same pond.

I dislike outside interference.

>> No.13361155

I don't there are real virgin-lovers around here, it's your misconception. In my case, I was explaining their point of view but everyone immediately assumed I was defending them for sperging out.

>> No.13361164


>> No.13361166

Maybe my question got him interested in the game, gosh. OP is just a coincidence.

>> No.13361182

#tanoshimi isn't a secret you idiot.

>> No.13361186

Hey no need to sperg out about it.

>> No.13361191

>virgin-lovers bashing

There is a big difference between virgin-lovers or insecure nerd who call a heroine a slut because she has a crush on someone else before or made some light cheating joke.

>> No.13361198

Ayano and Inori are sluts and Wakaba is a sex monster, accept that. Hikari is the only option and your heart knows it.

>> No.13361208

Hikari personality is boring as fuck, I don't understand why people like her. Wakaba is much better.

>> No.13361241

Well I personally agree, but I guess it's because she was the most jun'ai-like, if you get what I mean. She was also the only one who liked Yuuma since before the game starts.

>> No.13361244

Also adding, I guess you can count Wakaba in but their relationship was not romantic until after her route starts.

>> No.13361257

You pretty much have to choose between boring or slut when it comes to eroge heroines (and real girls too I guess).

>> No.13361260 [DELETED] 

I agree about the joke part, but Ayano's problem is not about " having a crush on someone else before", MC is just a replacement for that guy, and her ENTIRE route is about her old love, it was like "Asuka saved me at that class, Asuka make me join this club, Asuka and others built this room, Asuka gave me that plush, Asuka was the real yukionna" etc etc etc. For gods sake having a crush on someone else before is okay, but if you make goddamn entire route about him its not funny at all.

>> No.13361262

That's the usual moegamer distorted vision of women. If a girl is just a bit outgoing then she's a slut. I don't think slut means anything anymore.

>> No.13361265

>You pretty much have to choose between boring or slut

Uhh, no.

>> No.13361270

It's not even implied; she constantly explicitly tells the MC "You are just like him." or "You guys really are similar."

>> No.13361284 [DELETED] 

Well she also tells in the end of her route that "I'm not in love with you because you are similiar with Asuka and you guys are not completely same" but to be honest I didn't buy that bullshit, it was there because writer got scared of mad readers, it didn't help though.

>> No.13361296

She always resorted to say "But I hate him, okay?" after finishing talking about him, it's definitely a scared writer but it seems it didn't work.

>> No.13361307
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 20150422_093302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just started 暇つぶし編. It's not as engaging as the previous chapters.

But so far Higurashi has been really good. As the story progress some questions are answered but the answers just leaves more questions.

After this chapter I'm definitely reading 解.

Thank you to the person that uploaded it to this thread.

>> No.13361360

I hope you guys wouldn't start talking about how "real" women act...

>> No.13361363

stop posting with ellipses you stupid fucking cunt

>> No.13361372

I'm really sorry!!!

>> No.13361415 [DELETED] 

Why 2ちゃんねる初心者向けエロゲー紹介 is full of 15-year old shit? Do they force their neophytes to play through dozen of 640x480 games before they earn their membership rights?

>> No.13361478

The same thing that is happening on the left side of her body. Her arm isn't through the sleeve.

>> No.13361596

How would you guys attract an audience that doesn't mind non-virgin heroines? Does eroge audience even grow these days?

>> No.13361602

The proper term is storyge. Sca-ji used it on Twitter so it's totally legit.

>> No.13361606

There's plenty.

People who buy nitroplus titles or nukige don't give no shit, see the NTR games or the housewive games.

People just attack this in moege because they want their super realistic relationship.

>> No.13361611

I don't think anybody has ever claimed moege are realistic, they are played for escapism

>> No.13361615 [DELETED] 

Its very simple: you slap huge "NTR" in red letters on cover and advertise it as non-moege.

>> No.13361616

Well, some people ITT are asking for it to be realistic.

And I think that works too, just that the unvirgins just need to be a lot more active.

>> No.13361623

Is Baldr Sky as good as people say it is or is it overrated to the max like Muv Luv?

>> No.13361630

Play it and find out for yourself. It isn't as bad as muvluv though.

>> No.13361727

There is nothing more unrealistic than a moege relationship. The heroines are dumb loyal pets rather than human beings.

>> No.13361733

That's not all true, I would disagree with it.

Then again, human beings are so varied to the point of being dumb human pets sometimes, fiction learns from reality after all.

>> No.13361801

I fail to see the problem.

>> No.13361813

This. If you really want any semblance of a "real" relationship in your porn games, play a dating sim. At least there you have to keep up your alpha male status to keep your girls.

>> No.13361818

Not him; I don't see anything wrong with idealized heroines; this also happens in otomege with their idealized protective ikemen, so it goes both ways. But I like some variety. Sometimes I'm in the mood of escapism, and some others I want more realistic and/or deep characters. The problem is that due to a vocal fanbase so obsessed with the former writers are afraid of writing the latter because they get immediately bashed and boycotted.

You have to be tolerant with different tastes, people look for different things in eroge and that's fine as you said, but it works both ways.

>> No.13361823

If you want a "relationship" with a sex object that has no will of its own, get an onahole.

For me something ceases to be effective escapism when it has zero believably. It needs to have at least enough realism to trick whatever part of my brain it is that wants me to be in a relationship.

>> No.13361825

Good lord, did you just try to make an analogy using a sex toy?

Just goes to show the anti moege crowd's scope of knowledge about the genre they hate.

>> No.13361826

>For me something ceases to be effective escapism when it has zero believably.
Same here. It's a reason why I can't stand too-sweet moege like CUBE's or Lump of Sugar's. Everything feels so fake that I just can't get immersed in it.

>> No.13361833 [DELETED] 

> You have to be tolerant with different tastes, people look for different things in eroge and that's fine as you said, but it works both ways.
Its not "taste" problem, its "expectations" problem. If you would read threads on 2ch, you'd see that people complained mostly about betraying their expectations, they didn't see it coming.
So just fucking market your games properly if you don't want backlash, its not so hard to put uwaki warning on cover.

>> No.13361837

I'm of the opposite. I feel VN's such as WA2 to be trying too hard to project a "real relationship."

I already see shit like this in real life. I do not want to subject myself to the same thing in my escapist media.

>> No.13361840

>I already see shit like this in real life.
well we don't and we want to

>> No.13361846

Then go out of the house and see for yourself. You don't need cute anime grills to deliver the message for you.

>> No.13361847

I'm all for variety. I play plenty of moege and plenty of more serious games. I guess I just like having a clear separation between the two. I don't give a single fuck if a heroine is "pure" or whatever in a plotge, but I'll go full 独占厨 mode if there's a slut in my moege.

So pretty much this >>13361833

>> No.13361852

Why do you care? You're not forced to read it. Let writers write what they want, and readers read what they want.

>> No.13361856

Dude, that's not a good argument.

The virginlosers are going to do exactly that i.e. not reading your shit and your games bomb.

>> No.13361858

Yes, in Hanasaki's case we all know they fucked up by marketing it as jun'ai. But it happens in other cases too. An uwaki warning would be an spoiler, but I guess some genre separation inside moege is necessary by now. I don't know, creative freedom genre and pandering genre. I'm sure there are writers for both.

>> No.13361860

should we have to argue about why we like things we like?

>> No.13361861

Yes, let them write whatever they want at the expense of their own notoriety and fame. Because god knows they will become the Van Gogh of the VN world once their "cutting edge" eroge gets dug out from a time capsule.

>> No.13361863

So, what, you think people should be forced to buy things they don't want to?

>> No.13361865

Because WA2 bombed hard, right?
Not all eroge readers are virginlosers, they're just the most vocal. They're the ones who go around spamming and calling for boycott. I could see people in 2ch getting influenced and saying "Well I was about to buy it but I guess I won't" because there were losers exaggerating everything around.

>> No.13361867 [DELETED] 

> You're not forced to read it.
Except you kind of are. They bait you with art and innocent-looking trial and you have no way to know that its booby-trapped before you buy it and play [well, this argument is not applicable to pirating 4chan masses, but its like that for paying customers].

>> No.13361875

No, you don't.
No, I don't, but if you make something and no one buy it, don't blame it on the customers.

>> No.13361876

I can see that, but these are all legit acts.

It's not like they are calling for banning like SJWs.

>> No.13361957

Actually SJWs' favored tactics are similar to shojochuu: bitch on the internet and threaten boycotts unless creators change the type of content they make to cater to what is deemed "acceptable." And with both groups what is considered acceptable is constantly drifting in a more extreme direction so creators are always at risk of triggering their wrath, and each of these incidents serve as a warning for other companies.

It's the same thing, cultural extremists being cultural extremists. They're just autistic about different things.

>> No.13361966

No, I can't accept that.

SJW boycott games i.e. refusing to buy it. You can ignore them and find the other audience, nukige, chuunige, whatever.

SJW went a notch further, they specifically ask agencies and/or producers to stop selling the games altogether.

>> No.13361970

>virginlosers boycott games

>> No.13362022 [DELETED] 

I've just noticed that these hanasakitards spammed every fucking thread on /hgame/, including Kami no Rhapsody thread. Do they think eushully fans care about this shit at all, with all these rape/ntr scenes in almost every game?

>> No.13362034
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, tenbin no la dea_(02062014_201708)_066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I like Eushully games but don't like sluts in my moege.

>> No.13362041

When people start to spam, they don't care anymore.

>> No.13362083

Am I the only one who loses all interest in playing a game after I cum to it? I don't just mean right after I cum, I mean in general I don't want to play it anymore. It just suddenly becomes boring.

>> No.13362093

I'm sure you are not the only one, but I don't.

I cum then I continue to play, then I cum some more.

>> No.13362097 [DELETED] 

Happens sometimes, sometimes story is more interesting and I ctrl through h-scenes to read more story.

>> No.13362118

I tend to lose interest when the sex scenes come along excluding Nukige of course.

>> No.13362134

You're blind if you can't see that both groups do essentially the same thing, but I can see this discussion isn't going anywhere.

Happens for me with nukige, but not non-nukige (I don't even fap to the scenes in those half the time anymore).

>> No.13362135

But they don't.

The games are still available for sale with the first group.

The games aren't with the second group.

Ergo, the second group (SJW) is mucho worse.

>> No.13362138

>SJW discussion in /jp/
Jesus christ just go to 2+6 chan, that's your home. we don't want you here.

>> No.13362141 [DELETED] 

You are making up shit at this point. They never told to not make or sell such games, they are complaining about false advertisement:

>> No.13362144

This is not a SJW discussion though, please ignore us.

>> No.13362149

If they had fucked, or something, it'd be more understandable, they want to them to exist in an emotional vacuum waiting for the MC.

>> No.13362152

It's their taste, come on.

I understand that you don't agree with them, but there actions are not illegal nor immoral.

>> No.13362153

It's not false advertising, otaku are just getting more restrictive in what is allowed in a junai game.

>> No.13362156

They never say what is allowed or not.

They just boycott games that they don't like.

>> No.13362166

>there actions are not illegal nor immoral

Sure, but they're dumb as fuck and damaging to the industry.

They say it's false advertising to have a heroine in a junai game to have someone she liked in the past. This means that kind of heroine is not allowed in junai games.

You are either dense or playing dumb.

>> No.13362169

People are allowed to be dumb, not to mention, the games still go on sales, it's just that people do not buy it enough, unless you think these virginlosers can terrify the majority from buying something.

>They say it's false advertising to have a heroine in a junai game to have someone she liked in the past. This means that kind of heroine is not allowed in junai games.
It means they wouldn't buy the game for that reason, it doesn't mean the government should ban it because of that.

>> No.13362173

>it doesn't mean the government should ban it because of that.
If they could, they would.

>> No.13362212

Dude at this point you're arguing against shit no one even said.

>> No.13362255

I love both but I think baldr Sky is better. If the drama in MLA annoyed you, and all you wanted was more action scenes and plot, You'll probably like it.

>> No.13362268

Was thinking of trying
but its looks so fucking weird, like on a level where its scary.

What are your thoughts?

>> No.13362271

I think it's shit with bad humour but a lot of people like it and think it's funny, with crazy humour.

>> No.13362291

context, please.

>> No.13362327

Slut defense brigade is in full force again, I see.

>damaging to the industry
Just fuck off to /a/ with your "moeshit is killing the industry" arguments.

>They say it's false advertising to have a heroine in a junai game to have someone she liked in the past. This means that kind of heroine is not allowed in junai games.
This means that if heroine had someone she liked in the past, it should be said so beforehand in her character profile, promotional materials or whatever, so that the people who care would know about that and won't spend their money on something they don't want. It's not like it's even a big spoiler, but that trait is pretty important, seeing how her route revolves around it.

>> No.13362333

I don't get the argument going on. People think moege should be realistic? Isn't the point of the genre for them to be unrealistic "moe" games?

There are games outside the genre coming out, admittedly not as often and many as moege because those are easy to make and sell, but they do exist and there are different kinds of depictions of relationships in VNs.

>> No.13362344

I think the problem is wrong marketing. It's like you'll go to the TV to see a pure comedy and you'll get something like Scrubs (a dramedy).

I think we need a separation between "Moege" and "something more", like comedy and dramedy.

>> No.13362375 [DELETED] 

I'm not >>13362156 but I'm pretty sure you are the dumb one, or didnt even read the game and trying to defend some shit you dont know. As many people have said before, ITS NOT ABOUT HAVING A CRUSH BEFORE. But if you make ENTIRE route about her old crush, of course people wouldn't like it. Just understand this shit already, for some goddamn reasons you are still trying to defend like people didn't like it just because he liked someone before. People didn't like it because all she was doing in her route was remembering her crush. It felt like MC was just being some replacement because Asuka is dead, and its not something I'd like to see in moeges.

>> No.13362735

I wanted to play Hoshi no Hito ~Planetarian Side Story~ but it says it's for android. Anyway to play in on a PC?

>> No.13362741

Get an emulator.

>> No.13362752

Bluestacks isn't really an emulator but yeah he should use that.

>> No.13362899

where's a good place to download OSTs? I am looking for tsuriotsu 2 OST, but can't find it anywhere.

>> No.13363006

You need fresh air.

>> No.13363115

>Just fuck off to /a/ with your "moeshit is killing the industry" arguments.
No-one said that. They said that arbitrarily limiting what's going to be made by spreading negative advertising is damaging. Learn to read.

>it should be said so beforehand in her character profile, promotional materials or whatever
You are basically saying you just want trigger warnings in your moege.

>> No.13363129 [DELETED] 

Trigger warning are necessary, I'm pretty sure a few guys killed themselves because of doukyuusei 2

>> No.13363133

Trigger warning are necessary, I'm pretty sure a few guys killed themselves because of kakyuusei 2

>> No.13363145

Someone not liking the way the plot develops in a story is not the same thing as false advertising. False advertising would imply that production quality was lied about, not the creative direction.

>> No.13363147

They would be dead by now anyway.

>> No.13363166

Story style is included in production quality nowadays.

>> No.13363168

>wanting to play the nisekoi VN
>it's only for vita.

Why Konami? It's not like I'm going to buy a dead console for one game.

>> No.13363179

Most VNs based on an anime or manga are made for consoles. Actually, I think all of them are.

>> No.13363201

No. No it isn't. 'Plotge are higher production quality than moege' and viceversa are then valid things to say, and that is purely subjective and not objectively valid.

>> No.13363211

結城友奈は勇者である is made for PC.

>> No.13363236

>dead console
If you don't know japanese, that is. Otherwise, it has plenty of games.

>> No.13363255

You're wrong to assume that story itself equals quality.
Actually it's adherence to the advertised style that is evaluated.

For example, you see an advertisement for a obviously serious dark and edgy plotge. It looks like real deal, it's trial is filled with mysterious foreshadowing and implications for heavy themes. Yet when you buy it and go past the prologue covered in the trial it rapidly turns out to be a rather regular moege with a high school club, uneventful slice of life, cute and innocent girls and stuff. None of the prologue foreshadowing will be resolved ever and everything in the prologue would be said to be just a MC's random pointless nightmare.
You will be disappointed if not mad, won't you?

>> No.13363274

I see where you're coming from, but I don't totally agree. In your example what occurs is a genre shift, but for example in Harukuru it becomes something you never necessarily expect via a genre shift. Thus a genre shift must be a valid technique to use.

I'm not entirely sure whether or not adherence to the advertised style is really a quality point. Rather what you're describing as being a quality issue is actually consistency, not adherence to a set theme.

>> No.13363361
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, 71RbDOBBgjL._AA1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Vita is overflowing with games if you are competent at Japanese which you should be if you are posting in this thread.

They also made a Vita game

>> No.13363411 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 591x600, CDLuH2HUIAAEzEp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more days until the old waifus with new shiny art.

>> No.13363484

That looks even worse than the old shitty art.

>> No.13363551

Actually there once was a game that was bashed for virgins in it.
It's SEX戦争 ~愛あるエッチは禁止ですっ!~. Apparently its story is based around some kind of sex battles yet the top ranked girls are actually virgins.

>> No.13363554 [DELETED] 

> But if you make ENTIRE route about her old crush, of course people wouldn't like it
Worst part, which actually broke a straw for many, is that they never actually solve the problem of past in the route, and it ends with Asuka still looming over protag and heroine.

>> No.13363561

I have no idea why this series has so many instalments. It suffers from cast inflation so badly that even the main heroines are bland as fuck and the sex scenes are nothing to write home about.

>> No.13363567

I remember that one, it was fucking shit. And yeah it's true, they had like a top 10 of girls that were supposed to be goddesses of sex and making the boys cum yet somehow all of them are virgins.

>> No.13363595

I'm kind of different. Every H-scene makes me sleep. If only they could throw a bit more visuals I wouldn't get bored. Still they can get me an erection.

> "ah! ah! ahhhhHH!"
> "My inside is getting hot!"
> "I'm going to cum! wwwaaahhhHHNNNnn!!"

*erect penis* ZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzzzz...

>> No.13363627

I can't actually fap and read. Probably because my Japanese isn't that great.

>> No.13363640 [DELETED] 

Well thats really hard to explain, but baseson games have a warm feeling in them. I just like how the heroines become like a family with each other as the story goes on, and in the end you are seeing a huge warm family with mc being at center of that.

I guess that depends on person, but Its not like you have to have some proper reasons for liking some game / company anyway. I'm enjoying their games the most, so thats enough for me to get hype.

>> No.13363674 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 600x848, CDHTGnSUkAEXhbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clochette's new game. Seriously what the fuck is this art, who would buy this shit from them. Time to see another bankrupt.

>> No.13363679

Eroscenes are generally super easy to read though, unless they're some pseudo-artsy bullshit. Stock phrases everywhere, and a shitload of hiragana.

>> No.13363684

What the fuck that's awful.

>> No.13363687

That's sexy laying my preorder now

>> No.13363688

Looks like completely normal moege art to me.

>> No.13363693 [DELETED] 

The problem is clochette's games were always at top 1-2 in the month they released, but with this I dont think they can even enter the top 5, like some normal moege. I guess they want to sell less.

>> No.13363694

Figured as much. Still pretty sad.

>> No.13363695



劒冑は仕手の治癒回復能力を促進して大概の傷なら短時間の内に跡形もなくしてしまうが、それでも深手となるとしばしば快癒後にも薄く痕跡を残す。 そうしたものが幾つとなく、俺の体表にはあった。


「……そう……凝と見られるのは…… あまり……」



「なぜ? 醜いと、思っておいでですの?」




「傷痕は、いうなれば生きた証。 恥じるものでも、醜いものでもなくてよ、景明さま」

「尋常に生きた方であれば……大尉。 仰られる通りです」


「傷痕が生きた証なら…… 湊斗景明の傷が示すものは」


その傷の由縁を、俺は思った。 傷をもたらした戦いの中で――戦いの後で、奪った生命のことを思った。




目を伏せて告げる。  肯定も否定も、声としては返されなかった。

しかし、凝視は止まない。 大尉の注意の焦点があくまでも俺の皮膚上に据えられているとわかる。

むず痒さを覚えた。 細い眼差しは実際に糸と化して、俺の肌を這う――そんな錯覚が湧く。

身体を捩ろうにも、押さえ込まれていてはままならない。 羞恥に脳漿を熱くしつつ、耐える一途だった。


突如、錯覚と思われていた感覚が実質を獲得する。 それも数倍する濃厚さで。

半瞬、認識が惑乱して事実を見失う。 しかし視界内の変化を確認さえすれば、起きた事は明白だった。

香奈枝嬢が、口をつけている。 俺の傷痕に。



制止のための声は、だが後が続かない。 言葉を探す逡巡に、出口を見つけられなかった。

この状態で……何を言えば良いのか。 何を言おうと、行為の前には無力と思えるのに。

俺の木偶ぶりなど視野にも入れず黙過して、大尉は己が所業に耽る。 弾力ある唇を撓ませ、その中で舌をも蠢かす。



意思に依らずして喉が収縮し、空気を押し出した。 急な刺激は電流の作用にも等しい。

それを、彼女は継続する。 一箇所に留まらず。範囲を伸ばし、広げて。

丹念に。 大鳥大尉が口唇で、俺の傷痕を認知する。



彼女を制止できない理由。 彼女が俺に関知しない理由。







拒絶し得ないのは道理だった。 それこそは俺が彼女に捧げ、裁きを希うもの。

甘受せねばならない。 審理と思って。

>> No.13363701

The art doesn't look bad (somewhere on average level), but it's not what I'd expect from Clochette. Especially the lack of big fat tits.

>> No.13363707

What the? Where are my beloved gigantic tits?

Maybe the characters will save this shit, then.

>> No.13363710

Clochette art is disgusting anyways.
This looks like something I can get behind.

>> No.13363711

are you a fucking gay

>> No.13363719

Not him but I don't like Chlochette's art either and all tits turn me off from playing their game.

>> No.13363721

I wasn't a huge fan of it either but at least they were doing something different and they had a huge customer base because of it. Now they're doing the exact same thing every other company is.

>> No.13363724

then you are the super homo brothers

>> No.13363726


Please, I wish a lot more eroscenes read like Muramasa's did. I would probably read all of them instead of smashing the ctrl button.

>> No.13363732

I'm cool with huge tits, but Clochette art is just unappealing, mainly the coloring.

>> No.13363733
File: 351 KB, 1063x1500, VUnCP07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's average moege art. Not really bad, but it doesn't make my dick tingly and that was pretty much the whole point of Clochette for me. I don't really need another generic moege maker.

Fuck that shit. I hope the artists isn't away forever.

>> No.13363743

The art would be fine if there was one girl per game. I'm not really into identically looking girls with different hair colors. Even August artist does a better job

>> No.13363748

How was pricolle anyway?

>> No.13363756

But all the girls in >>13363674 are exactly as you described. It's hardly an improvement.

>> No.13363757
File: 497 KB, 1280x720, 70038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coloring in this is disgusting. I don't understand you guys.

>> No.13363758

I can see where you're coming from. Personally I liked あっぱれ!天下御免. I did enjoy koihime musou, but it wasn't that great and definitely doesn't strike me as something to build a 5 game franchice on where more and more characters get crammed into the already huge cast of heroines with little else new. I expected either the readers or the writers having gotten tired of it already.

>> No.13363760

If you ignore the plot, pretty good.

>> No.13363761

I guess they want to make something they want to make. It baffles me that people are literally angry over this.

>> No.13363762

But I like it.

>> No.13363768

But how much of plot there is?
I could enjoy sakigake's plot for the heroines I liked except in Juria's where it was all plot and no fun.

>> No.13363770

What's so bad about it? It's a bit different from typical art but not in a bad way in my opinion.

>> No.13363775

Yeah the characters look like shit. I don't get it either. Something about these eyes puts me off of every game that has them too (sadly more and more).

>> No.13363777

I got put off by them too, but after finishing one route in one of their games I came to like them for some reason.

>> No.13363782

That's because the art is so generic even slight differences make the characters stand out. With a unique art style they all look the same. If you put a of polish into the characters they easily start looking the same, which is the reason August stands out while Navel is relatively fine.

>> No.13363784

The face

>> No.13363790 [DELETED] 

Please dont treat this shit like some kind of art or deep story, this one also will be just a moege. Most likely their old illustrator costed too much so they thought that they wouldn't lose many readers even if they pick a worse illustrator than him, and with that they can make more profit.

>> No.13363793

Not as painful as when Pretty X Cation didn't have tasuku, but I still prefer the previous artist.

>> No.13363796

You mean the strangely shiny look or?

>> No.13363806

It's generic moege cover #47539. Nothing wrong with that but at least the last artist had a bit more distinct style.

>> No.13363809

Not him, but the xbox huge irises that are a really dark color for a huge portion, plus the incredibly garish colors used overall that hurts the eyes.

>> No.13363815

I didn't like the characters in Sakigake as much as in Pricolle, but it's on the whole the better game. And Ouka is too cute.

>> No.13363842

The problem I have is that it looks like all effort went to drawing floating heads and the bodies are these awkward amorphous blobs dripping down from the head.

>> No.13363878

A lot of artist have a hard time with drawing the body. Generally the importance of a cute eroge girl goes head > breast size > the rest. The artists only practice drawing a cute face over and over, and their anatomy stays severely lacking.

>> No.13363958

I think he is just already working on Clochette's following title. They had a different artist doing Prism Recollection too.

I remember Sakigake Generation having some pretty well detailed art regardless of its style, with a lot of work put into it. Maybe it's just to not rush the artist, since the art seems to be a very big selling point of their mammary festivals. They probably have a decent amount of money to throw around, anyway.

Or maybe they really just hired someone else for some arbitrary reason. Who knows?

>> No.13363980

From the context it wasn't the LSD you think it is. It was Long Slow Distance or something if my memory serves me correctly.

>> No.13364004

>I think he is just already working on Clochette's following title.

I hope you're right.

>They had a different artist doing Prism Recollection too.

Really? That's news to me. Looks just like the standard Clochette art.

>> No.13364033


Though, yeah, the art in Prism Recollection doesn't look much different from Kamikaze Explorer/Sakigake Generation at first glance. The new art doesn't have that level of uniformity, at least not on that teaser image.

>> No.13364059

Is the game good?

>> No.13364066


>> No.13364096

there are a lot of things to hate about it.

I dropped it in dive 2 because I only kept playing because of the gameplay.

It's worth trying though at least.

>> No.13364115

past two threads reached bump limit pretty fast. Goddamn it's been a while since it got so lively.

>> No.13364129

Maybe this is the fruits of DJT finally coming to fruition. It takes 1-3~ years to learn Japanese fluently enough to read moege and have a good time, it's been 2-3~ years since it was birthed.

>> No.13364136

No, it was just the Hanasaki discussions.

And now Clochette. I seriously hope this guy is right >>13363958 about Oshiki just working on the next next title.

>> No.13364151

I'd say the opposite, but then I'm one of those who very rarely dislike a title at the point of dropping it.

>> No.13364161

No, DJT started having its effect when this thread started being paranoid about EOPs

>> No.13364169

Too bad it has mostly been silly arguments in the past two threads. Barely any people have written their impressions on what they've read in the past few threads. Shame, because that's the main reason I even come to this thread.

>> No.13364182

You should try reading eroge blog if you want to see someone impression of certain games.

>> No.13364188 [DELETED] 

There are no games worth posting reviews for in this month.
I've completed some doujin shit and nukiges in april, but I doubt anyone cares about them.

>> No.13364193

I care.

>> No.13364207 [DELETED] 

And the next month will be full of eushully's new game questions. May is always full of eushully's games.

>> No.13364219

This is a really scary thought.

I recommend erogamescape if you just want to read people's impressions on games and don't like interactive discussion.

>> No.13364223

I never cared about gameplay eroge.

>> No.13364227

I care, I'm a nukige fanatic and would love to have some direction in the sea of beautiful garbage.

>> No.13364247

I posted about Natsuyume Yawa last thread, hopefully some people will read it because it's really good

>> No.13364290

What's the chance of Saga Planets making Hanasaki FD?

>> No.13364300 [DELETED] 

Last time they made fandisk was 2001, so zero.

>> No.13364318 [DELETED] 

There is not any sub-character which they could make a route at FD, and they never makes FD anyway so I dont really think there is any chance.

>> No.13364350

I hate my life. I wanted Clover Day's fandisk and that wish crushed when I saw Alcot announced a new project instead of FD, now this. I hope Puramai Wars will fill this void.

>> No.13364364

Yeah it's not like this thread hasn't been blogging about your impressions since forever, with occasional eroge meta threads.

>> No.13364377

Why would you want Hanasaki FD? You want to see Inori cheating for real?

>> No.13364413

I'd like to see Ayano masturbating to Asuka.

>> No.13364419

I wanted a Primal Hearts FD and we all saw how that turned out a couple week ago.

>> No.13364425

kill yourself fucking cuck

>> No.13364438



>> No.13364448 [DELETED] 

They could make it what-if with Asuka being alive and getting harem. He's the real protagonist, after all.

>> No.13364457


Don't do that.

Fuck you.

>> No.13364491

Only if he gets to fug the male characters too.

>> No.13364508

He could fuck the MC, over and over.

>> No.13364518 [DELETED] 

With vibrator used by heroines.

>> No.13364520

Oh please, yes, he could also pull the infamous sentence.

>> No.13364544
File: 16 KB, 270x258, 花咲ワークスプリング!_5/2(土)_2015-04-10_03-44-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes please.

>> No.13364551

Why did they decide not to make it an eroge?

>> No.13364585

Well that looks rather bland.

>> No.13364595

Nobody wanted to publish it, both writers had quit DO and started the project together and KID ended up being the company to pick it
And KID doesn't do eroge

>> No.13364603

Back then it wasn't exactly uncommon to make all-ages console VNs. Just look at all the KID titles.

>> No.13364607

Nothing will ever explain the opening.

>> No.13364615

It's simple, they hired some cute girls in a karaoke bar to sing.

>> No.13364618

Weirdest thing is that the ending songs are actually well produced and good

>> No.13364631

I refuse to believe that voice can come from a cute girl, not to mention two.

>> No.13364632
File: 336 KB, 640x480, KK10.GGD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it was a pretty personal project.

Also, one of them probably liked the band. They're still around.

>> No.13364640

Almost spit my water here. How the fuck are they still around? It's the lowest vocal quality I've listened to in an eroge OP.

>> No.13364693

Can recommend good eroge blog?

>> No.13364700

ADVGamer for old games.

But I guess he does some new ones too.

>> No.13364706


>> No.13364716

Why are you so obsessed with Moogy? It's creepy.

>> No.13364719

I like how he hates everything popular in this thread.

>> No.13364730

It's a meme you dip

>> No.13364734

Also to be specific, I mean this guy
not some other Western guy's blog under same name.

>> No.13364750

I hate that epic meme.

>> No.13364751

Last thread someone mentioned My Merry Maybe as a good console VN.

What's good about it?

>> No.13364758

I'm glad so many VNs are on such an easy to pirate on system

>> No.13364759

Because they know people here will get angry and start shitting up the thread at the mere mention of his name.

>> No.13364765

It's hard to explain because Maybe hinges heavily on being a follow-up to May and talking about even a bit would spoil stuff pretty heavily.

Let just say that if focus on some subject like life or death, the nature of what is a human and a "heart", etc... done in a very natural way.
If you liked Symphonic Rain there is a good chance you will like it

>> No.13364767

I read few reviews about Daito and Kamimaho and my conclusion is that guy is a fucking faggot.

>> No.13364770

Oh well, I'm not really into such heavy stuff.

>> No.13364777

He seems like the kind of guy who live in the past, there is quite a bit like him

>> No.13364779 [DELETED] 

Why would you need blogs if you can read amazing discussions on pink and shitaraba?

>> No.13364783

Would the combined release for ps2 be ok for them?
Just one game looks tempting and psp is annoying for the graphics.

>> No.13364789

He has good taste.

>> No.13364792

Blogs are more detailed.

>> No.13364797

The PS2 version is definitely the best version.
Just an advice though, when you'll finish a certain route and ending in May (you'll know when you'll get it) you'll automatically enter a new scenario written specifically for the PS2 version.

No matter what you do DON'T READ IT
It heavily spoils stuff from Maybe and should be read after ending Maybe completely
Just drop back to the title screen and start Maybe directly

>> No.13364798

Not him but I got that version and it comes with some bonus stories it seems, so I imagine it's the ideal one. I also got an art book of it so I hope I like the game.

>> No.13364804

So I should save when entering the scenario and just title back.
The game sounds really interesting just from this and SR is one of my favourites, should be good.

>> No.13364827


>> No.13364832

Just don't drop May because you find the cast annoying or something, Maybe is really worth it

I say that because the first time I tried My Merry May years ago I ended up dropped it because Ryou, the bro character, was so damn annoying.
Half of the cast of May is horrible but Reu, Tae, Misato and Kyouhei make it passable, Maybe's cast is A++ though

>> No.13364849
File: 508 KB, 800x600, capture_052_22042015_114654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that was some pretty cool development, though it made me thirst for more. Some conflicts still feel unsolved though so I assume this route is far from over. I definitively get the feeling a lot of stuff is going on though, looking forward to see what the other routes will lead to.

>> No.13364860

>I assume this route is far from over
You have no idea

>> No.13364863

The game is FAR from over, you are starting the cool stuff now and shit's really good.

>> No.13364896

I'm still butthurt you can't save your sister.

>> No.13364911
File: 489 KB, 800x600, capture_003_22042015_191911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this VN must be enormous then, because seriously from the amount I've read it really felt like it could have just ended at that point since the conflict felt solved. But if that's just the beginning... damn. Also Haruka is adorable.

>> No.13364915

Hello world has a couple of points where it feels like it could end yet it doesn't and keeps getting better.

>> No.13364925

Oh my favorite little sister robot in a wheelchair.
Cute as always

>> No.13364941

Sorry he trashed your dumb moege, anon.

>> No.13364961

>dumb moege

#TLwiki is that way homolord.

>> No.13365022

I am convinced that is just one guy forcing shit. He is definitely a DJTer though.

>> No.13365034
File: 319 KB, 450x497, 006_8ac5dd63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ジャンル: ちんこ祭りADV

>> No.13365041 [DELETED] 

月光アルスマギカ is finally uploaded.

>> No.13365055 [DELETED] 

Absolute majority of thread posters supported renaming of thread and explicit exclusion of EOPs, so "one guy forcing shit" is you, with your delusions about DJT conspirations.

>> No.13365062

One day before the months releases, how useful

>> No.13365070


>> No.13365077

One guy spams retarded posts pretending to only read English. Convinces others that English posters are bad and should not be allowed. And then polices the thread "reminding" others that English is bad. So I blame it on one guy.

>> No.13365102

What's your point?

>> No.13365106

His romeo bashing is pretty nice too.

>> No.13365145

This guy is mostly on point, even if he called one of my favorite games 駄作.

Both moege and pretentious shit get BTFO by him.

>> No.13365155

Can't say I agree with that, he calls a bunch of titles I really liked mediocre and so on.

>> No.13365163



>> No.13365164

You're in for a treat considering he hates Subahibi, Muramasa, and modern Romeo works like Cross Channel and Saihate.

>> No.13365171

To be fair, I hated muramasa, cross channel, and saihate.

>> No.13365174

It seems all the game I got recommended by /jp/ are shit to him and the ones I found on my own and shamelessly enjoyed are all high ranked. It seems like we share a lot of the same taste.

However, I still hate reviewers in general for some reason, they just feel too stuffy and serious to me. I've always had a policy of just playing what I feel like and taking it easy.

>> No.13365179

You found your soul mate Habluka

>> No.13365185

>I found on my own and shamelessly enjoyed are all high ranked

>> No.13365195

No, Thank you.

>> No.13365198

http://advgamer.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1137.html http://advgamer.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1029.html

Hello World




>> No.13365199

Don't be afraid to share, it's an anonymous image board you know

>> No.13365201

I can't really take him seriously when he rated Heavy Rain so highly.

>> No.13365204


>> No.13365221

>I still hate reviewers in general for some reason, they just feel too stuffy and serious to me.
Might be just me but this guy seems pompous as fuck.

>> No.13365452

>ジャンル: ちんこ祭りADV
Looking at all the various things companies put down for their genre makes me smile everytime.

>> No.13365518


>> No.13365662


>> No.13365663

The majority of posters in the thread at this point probably came from DJT.

>> No.13365683

Nope, just you.

>> No.13365687

Dont forget me

>> No.13365717

What is this djt shit? Explain this meme.

>> No.13365729

Daily Japanese Thread. A thread on /a/ for anons interested in learning the language.

>> No.13365918

How the fuck you don't even know about djt?

>> No.13365975

Probably because he doesn't care about /a/ or their shitty threads? I don't care about /a/ either and I didn't find out about this djt shit until you faggots started mentioning it in every fucking thread.

>> No.13366110

The only board I visited daily are /jp/(only this thread) and /vg/. I already stopped watching anime when I discovered 4chan so I rarely go to /a/ and I don't know jackshit about the board culture there.

>> No.13366220
File: 411 KB, 1285x766, rhapsody21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day left until the release date.

I'm really hype /jp/, what should I do?

>> No.13366226

Go play another game until it's been leaked/arrives at your doorstep

>> No.13366246

Should I read any other game from eushully before I play this?

>> No.13366394 [DELETED] 

No, its stand-alone. It has same setting as other games and there are references to gods, races and so on, but built-in encyclopedia should cover most of stuff. There are also bits like Baruhart sustaining severe damage on continent or Marsterria being crazy tyrant, but you should be fine as is.

>> No.13366699
File: 345 KB, 1629x559, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13366718

That's her name.
What about it?
Don't you want to hear Nakamura Eriko in a role that's almost exactly Harurun except instead of an Idol, she's a wizard with huge tits?

>> No.13366721

They already make the obvious anonymous joke in the game itself.

>> No.13366993

Name of the game? google search doesnt find anything.

>> No.13366997 [DELETED] 


>> No.13367000
File: 63 KB, 598x625, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13367020


>> No.13367042 [DELETED] 

Use google image search yourself.

>> No.13367097

So do you guys play any VNs that aren't, well....


>> No.13367099

try 無限煉姦~恥辱にまみれし不死姫の輪舞~

>> No.13367113
File: 771 KB, 923x793, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13367120 [DELETED] 

> 125x70
Are you retard or just shitposting?

>> No.13367123
File: 59 KB, 592x433, asda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be fair, maybe he's just using an old version of
4chanX that searches with the thumbnail by default.

>> No.13367131

4chan's default Javascript functions also search the thumbnail by default.

>> No.13367135

Who the fuck uses the default extension?

>> No.13367137

How long is the common route in プライマルハーツ?

>> No.13367141

Why do you bloat your browser with stupid shiny shit? The default extension already does more than you need.

>> No.13367144

>The default extension already does more than you need.
Obviously it doesn't search images properly.

>> No.13367147

Because copypasting an URL is so hard.

>> No.13367151

Longer than the individual routes. I don't quite remember, I think 5 chapters.

>> No.13367156


I didn't know there extensions to the 4chan search.

>> No.13367161
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1420585340901s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13367167
File: 23 KB, 983x270, asda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God, you're right. My combination of Greasemoneky userscripts, 4chanX + Oneechan, is using whopping 9,4 MBs of RAM. That's 20% of all the combined load of all my addons. That surely brings my 8 GBs of RAM down.

Better uninstall it all and forgot using all the extra functions it offers. Who knows when I'll need that 10 MB of RAM.

>> No.13367175
File: 38 KB, 900x594, dfdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With 4chanX you can set up easy search on various sites. Even in archives.

The relevant setting is the %IMG one. Can easily search with both pictures and WEMBs.

>> No.13367973

new thread?

>> No.13368053


>> No.13368057

come on

>> No.13368059


>> No.13368086


No just let it die for a few days to cool everyones heads

>> No.13368241 [DELETED] 

You cant cover Ayano's slutness with that.

>> No.13368679

How soon can we expect 神のラプソディ to be uploaded?

>> No.13368756

two weeks, eushitty games aren't very popular

>> No.13368762

A week at most.

>> No.13368773 [DELETED] 

>aren't very popular
神のラプソディ 7曲目
イブニクル Part4
相州戦神館學園 八命陣/万仙陣 Part4

>> No.13368783 [DELETED] 

Also, worth noting that AliceSoft fucked up and sent their preorders more than day early, so Evenicle thread already plays the game for quite a while, yet discussion volume is lower than for Rhapsody.

>> No.13368794

It could be that they are so absorbed in playing that they don't have time to discuss? Wishful thinking, I know.

>> No.13368886
File: 504 KB, 1284x767, rhapsody20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is the day /jp/!
Can I expect the game and crack will uploaded in 1 x 24 hours?

>> No.13368891



>> No.13368907

Memoria was uploaded on the same day at ~11pm Japan time, so hopefully it will be like that this time too.

>> No.13368914

I have too many games this month, I hope may and june are dead.

>> No.13368936

Going by the trial, Evenicle seems like another game in AliceSoft's line of well made, but in general ho-hum games. That stated, it is also the game I'm most looking forward to playing this month.

>> No.13368958


I doubt there's much to talk about with Evenicle. It's look straight forward as fuck

>> No.13369255

no new thread :(

>> No.13369272

Still not on page 10.
If you care so much, make it yourself, nerd.

>> No.13369662

This drama in natsumi's route has been kind of annoying because it's clear a lot of things are happening but because I picked her it's taking some good time for Kazuki to involve himself with them. I hope the other routes get to the point faster than having to read through this melancholic SoL with Kaoru.

>> No.13369696


>> No.13369898


