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13326655 No.13326655 [Reply] [Original]

Eurobeat will never die edition.

New Y&co song for Pendual


>> No.13326699
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Anybody else have/getting the Gitadora Tri-Boost e-AMUSE pass? Have a friend in Japan that just sent me like 8, was wondering if anybody was interested. Also have some of the Jubeat ones.

>> No.13326926

all the scrubs in these threads only play iidx and sdvx

>> No.13327014

i play runescape too

>> No.13327028

why is eurobeat so shit

>> No.13327029


>mentions gfdm and jb

>he must only play iidx and sdvx

>> No.13327067

how do i play rhythm games on PC other than osu

>> No.13327166

did you try turning it off and on again

>> No.13327177


The best way to play rhythm games is to get an invitation to bemaniso.ws :^)

>> No.13327183
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please reconsider what you are saying

>> No.13327203

Any Project Diva players in these threads? It seems like there's only fucking Bemani plebs in these threads.

>> No.13327204

U gotta get the good stuff ;)

>> No.13327252


>> No.13327258

download frets on fire

>> No.13327297

low level bait

>> No.13327342

LR2, DJ Max Trilogy or Stepmania are decent starting points

>> No.13327437

There was a rhythm game that had long piano keys, does anyone know what I am talking about?

>> No.13327453
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and with that, i'm done with the songs on the ost
except cinder which is being a piece of shit and needs to be fixed manually

>> No.13327561

I bet you just made a bunch of empty folders. Look at the timestamps. You can't make bms files that quickly

>> No.13327582


>> No.13327605

Bear in mind that Synthesia is designed more as a piano tutor that a rhythm game

>> No.13327617

This is what people who aren't good enough at the piano yet actually believe.

>> No.13327646


>> No.13327652
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>listening to someone playing piano learnt through synthesia and youtube
>dynamics and tempo are completely off along with awkward fingering
>it's some shitty yiruma piece

>> No.13328216

I'm new to this, if I "like" Voxandra's posts will she have sex with me?

>> No.13328243

why would you want to? she looks like trailer trash

is it a girl even? she sounds like a tranny in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm6kxx0bE1w

>> No.13328244

feel when i always tap out rhythms that come to my head and have done this for many, many years
feel when iidx has only fostered this and made me do it more
feel when i will never learn an actual musical instrument or create music

>> No.13328260


>> No.13328278

no motivation or discipline
whenever i download a DAW i try for a little while, my record is an hour, then just give up
i used to play the guitar when i was about 10 or 11 but never practiced and just stopped going

>> No.13328282

kek, I bet you're a failed NEET too

>> No.13328817

osu! is the best game out there

>> No.13328904

How often do they do special cards? I want one but I don't like any of these.

>> No.13329027

Anyone know how to get new avatars in groove coaster arcade?

>> No.13329653





>> No.13329668

When you stop touching yourself.

>> No.13329673

Im asexual so the isn't a problem

>> No.13329675

It is, so stop.

>> No.13329678

Programmed sun will be ready when it's ready.

>> No.13330393
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this thing is never going to finish

>> No.13330774

But what about a PW replacement? Even though I know that'll never happen.

>> No.13331223

I just want my qt avatar back

>> No.13331233

On what?

>> No.13331483


>> No.13331540

I am 5k in osu and I can say its shit

>> No.13331556

Yeah that's not happening. Sorry.

>> No.13331847

r8 my 4k skills

>> No.13331941

i know

>> No.13332671


Which IC cards does GC even take? They recently put one in my local arcade but I have no idea which card to use for online.

>> No.13332680

Nesica cards.

>> No.13332776


Thanks, bruh.

>> No.13333205

i tried groove coaster today it's bretty fun

>> No.13333251

I think it's a jubeat kind of deal where it's kind of easy to play, but there's a certain thing you have to learn if you want to master it. I managed to clear the hardest song after 5 hours of total play time. But if you want to get S rankings and stuff you have to learn the timing , the ad-libs, and such.

>> No.13333306

LR2 is a good start

>> No.13333583
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>all this Groove Coaster talk

Do all of you live in Arlington?

>> No.13333621

no, an hour away
that's why i only go once a month

>> No.13335924

does anyone actually care about cinder because i don't know if i'm even going to be able to fix it manually the shit is so weird

>> No.13336084

What do you guys think about this? Does it have potential?


Could it finally produce a non-shit osu! mode?

>> No.13336101

Peppy'd get sued into oblivion first.

>> No.13336105

Why hasn't he been already?

>> No.13336121

No, the songs will still be shitty generic VN OPs.

>> No.13336124

What prevents anybody from just converting jubeat charts?

>> No.13336134

Konami's already knocked on his door once which resulted in every KO being removed. I don't think he's willing to risk an actual lawsuit.

>> No.13336138

What the point? Without a touchscreen, it's virtually the same thing as standard, except a circle can only be in 1 of 16 spots, as opposed to anywhere on the field.

>> No.13336160

>except a circle can only be in 1 of 16 spots, as opposed to anywhere on the field.
that changes quite a lot

remove combo-based scoring and you've got yourself a potentially really fun mode

>> No.13336167

and peppy would still get sued.

>> No.13336169

It doesn't have the 'chords' that Jubeat normally has. I agree that Jubeat is more casualised than IIDX and even SDVX, but it's definitely not this bad.

>> No.13336199

>that changes quite a lot
How? I really fail to see how this is any more than a heavily restricted Standard. Things like this Technika simulator or Maimai are cooler. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zeemq0IKbJA

>> No.13336279

When the fuck is technika going to be cracked? It'd give me a reason to finally buy one of those dell touch screen monitors.

>> No.13336285

Not enough interest.

>> No.13336302

>Without a touchscreen
get a touchscreen then ?

>> No.13336326

>still no doubles

>> No.13336337

could just separate them by a fraction of a second

>what is TAG4?
even standard has doubles, and Touch players regularly get solo scores on that

>> No.13336898
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I just want to access webui

>> No.13336906

popn webui when

>> No.13336911

It's dead mate.

>> No.13336989

no one plays popn lmao

>> No.13337000

i do fker

>> No.13337123
File: 181 KB, 750x600, i asked for this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13337147

Anyone have any experience with the VIRGOO Turbocharger SDVX controllers? I'm looking to pick one up, but I'm afraid of buying junk.

>> No.13337153

I haven't played on a SDVX cabinet so I dont have a frame of reference for that but I think its pretty good
the stock knobs feel really good, but the stock buttons/switches feel mushy and dont have a very arcade-y click sound

>> No.13337166

I was thinking of going with the Omron + Sanwa package since I keep seeing that recommendation regardless of where I look. Thanks for the info, glad to hear it feels pretty good stock though.

>> No.13337272

You cant click 2 circles at same time, and aiming overall is easy as hell

>> No.13337901

yeh cause your'e still shit..

>> No.13337981

How do you deal with hand pain? Been playing IIDX lately and now my hand is killing me. Gonna take a break for a while but shit sucks.

>> No.13338095

maybe fix your position a bit. if youre sitting your seat my be too low so your hands are resting awkwardly causing them to strain. otherwise youre just playing to much

>> No.13338693

>tfw SEB songs will never come back to IIDX
>tfw the few of them left in DDR will eventually be removed

Dave Rodgers must be rolling in his grave

>> No.13338735

There's a pretty decent sized group of technika fans on sows. Probably at least as many as there are reflec beat players.

Knobs feel great, stock buttons work great but don't feel great, and the LED strip is really fucking cool.

>> No.13338742

grbg2014 was decent.

Thoughts on BMS of Fighters?

>> No.13338924

Quick question for anyone who owns an fp7. Is it easy to change the LED lights on the turntable? Or would I be better off getting white and then covering it the lights with cellophane once I decide which color I want?

>> No.13339431


you should not be experiencing notable hand pain even if you grind dense 12s all day long. hand fatigue, yes. but not pain. fix your wrist position, or raise or lower your height relative to your controller, or (possibly) change your playstyle

it's impossible give you advice without knowing the source of the problem

>> No.13339480

>all people have the same tendon endurance and conditioning as me!!!


>> No.13339519

Hovering my hands removed all the hand pain I was getting from playing iidx.

>> No.13339532

What controller are you using? My KOC hurts the fuck out of my wrist but I can play on other controllers just fine.

>> No.13339608


I've never encountered anyone who has experienced actual, real hand pain from playing with a sensible playstyle and a "normal" wrist position tbh. it's really unusual if you do

out of hundreds of players the dozen or so I know who have complained of pain in the hands or wrists have had unusual playstyle (one guy played in a taka.s playstyle but with his wrist at a weird angle and mashed the 1 and 3 extremely hard) or they're tall and their wrists end up being at disadvantaged angles or something

if you have some preexisting problem with your tendons, ok, but if iidx is causing you pain I would bet money on it being due to the way you are playing

>> No.13339927

I've hit a fucking wall. I cant go from 8 to 9's. How to get gud?

>> No.13339943

You break the wall.

>> No.13339976


play more. play a lot of 9s. try a bunch of 10s

just play more

>> No.13340590

holy fuck at random. i thought you fags said this shit was cheating but it ramps the difficulty up so much. fucking button combos my fingers cant even comprehend out the ass.

>> No.13341116

a game which favors combo instead acc for pp cant be good from the point of view its a rhythm game

>> No.13341209

It's RNG. There's a video which shows a guy playing on premium free and forcefailing until he gets a good random, then he gets an AA or something.

Please note I'm not a proponent for either random or non random.

Focus less on 'gittng gud' and more on enjoying the game.

>> No.13341372

that's why you play it until there are no more button combos you can't decipher

>> No.13341379

and then from there you roll the one thats easiest for you

>> No.13341881


random is necessary to become good at this video game, so make sure you keep playing with it. there are literally no good players who think it's cheating, people who say random is cheating are being ironic. outside of that, it's something exclusively poor players think so don't worry about it

>> No.13341896

90% of the time random makes it harder, but sometimes you get lucky with a good random

>> No.13341913

I have super bad posture due to back problems and no hand pain. Posture aside perhaps you should look into changing playstyle?
Also try to be aware of your hands while playing. Keep them relaxed.

>> No.13341932

>its a rhythm game
That's where you're wrong. It isn't "a rhythm game". It's an aiming + rhythm game. That's what puts it in it's own category apart from most other rhythm games, is that it's not about pure rhythm, there's a separate, equally important aspect to it, too. It doesn't matter how good your rhythm is, if you can't aim, you suck, and you'll get a shitty score. Conversely, if your aim is good but you can't rhythm, you suck, and you'll get a shitty score.

>> No.13341934


the vast majority of randoms are actually easier than nonran charts. there are exceptions where nonran (or mirror) is advantageous to play but yeah

random making things harder is something you'll encounter more so as an inexperienced player or someone who has just started using it

>> No.13342196

Mashing something you can barely hit won't get you far. Been there done that. There is no easy way out. Take your time. You need to balance mashing, reading and accuracy.
Keep playing songs you can mostly hit (keeping it around 60% average) and throw in few 9s even if you 2%. Basically play near the limit while occasionally trying harder stuff.
Do it until you get frustrated and then take a week off.

When playing 9s try to keep accuracy in mind. Attempt to hit notes you can more or less clearly read. Don't compensate for missed notes.

Too much or variety at your level can be detrimental. You want to develop good habits and automation. Playing tons of different songs only once delays reinforcement. Don't go overboard with variety, but also don't play single song over and over again. Be reasonable.

>> No.13342216

Agreed, but a lot of nonran charts at 11s and 12s are gimmicky. Random just makes it more consistent.

>> No.13342243

I attempt to readjust my posture, which can be awkward when confined to a chair and no way to elevate the TV and controller. If my arms and hands are too low, it catalyzes the pain.

I seldom get hand pain or discomfort unless I'm playing something I didn't have a ghost's chance in hell at clearing anyway or I get a super shitty random which forces everything on 4567 for long intervals of time. Doesn't help I have general wrist discomfort from being in front of a computer for way too long over the past several years.

>> No.13342258

It's awkward to use at first but once you get used to it 80% of the randoms will be easier to score on than the nonran chart with the other 20% being irritatingly difficult. Any random that remaps 1 to 2 makes almost every chart at least one difficulty higher for me and is an instant -100 EX from my previous best.

>> No.13342376


there absolutely is an easy way out (grind 9s), and there's no reason to take his time if his goal is to improve. in fact, he should be doing the opposite. if he cares to put the time in, he can be improving extremely rapidly right now

I assume he's not outright flatlining most 9s

>Keep playing songs you can mostly hit (keeping it around 60% average) and throw in few 9s even if you 2%.

if he's having trouble with 9s, and his goal is to push his clearing, he should be playing mostly 9s or harder (easy 10s aren't much different than lots of 9s). continuing to play songs that he can "mostly hit" will just accomplish the same thing at a much slower pace than playing songs that really push him to or beyond his limits

I guess it depends on what you consider being able to barely hit something. if your goal is simply clearing, playing quite a bit above your skill level actual will get you really far really fast if you play enough. if you're getting 200-300 misses on, say, AA another then yeah back off a bit and play something slightly easier. but ~150 misses on AA? that's prime time to started seriously grinding it

a week off is very excessive unless you are at a major, seriously intractable wall, btw, which 8s -> 9s is not. a couple days off every once in a while, maybe 3 is healthy for improvement IF you have been playing daily consistently for a long time. a week is just wasting time for new players 99% of the time

>> No.13342503

Play 8s and 9s you can clear with the goal of improving your scores on them instead of merely passing them, and find 9s that are kicking your ass and play those series of 9s daily. What seems impossible now might become a new clear within a week and a half, and don't just stop playing them after you clear it. Implement into your set of songs you want to get new PB scores on. Just because you got a pass on it, it doesn't mean you can ignore its existence forever.

>> No.13342506

>believing that

>> No.13342575

I'd like to hear your thoughts on mashing. This early it's easy to get into bad habit of just hitting keys and hoping for the best. Later it turns into an annoying problem. Do you think it sorts itself out as you naturally progress or it simply isn't that big of a deal?

>I guess it depends on what you consider being able to barely hit something. if your goal is simply clearing, playing quite a bit above your skill level actual will get you really far really fast if you play enough. if you're getting 200-300 misses on, say, AA another then yeah back off a bit and play something slightly easier. but ~150 misses on AA? that's prime time to started seriously grinding it
At his level definitely clearing.

I somewhat agree. If you're getting <200 misses on some song then sure you can keep picking at it, but I wouldn't flat out grind it. Again it depends what we mean by grinding. Practicing songs where you get ~150 misses daily few times is definitely acceptable.

While we're at the subject, what are your thoughts on actively trying to hit the notes rather than going through the motions? Do you think it's sufficient to literally just grind relatively mindlessly? I'm speaking of practicing harder stuff.

>a week off is very excessive unless you are at a major, seriously intractable wall, btw, which 8s -> 9s is not. a couple days off every once in a while, maybe 3 is healthy for improvement IF you have been playing daily consistently for a long time. a week is just wasting time for new players 99% of the time
Probably. What I had in mind was indeed getting stuck bad. For like two months or so. It's quite unlikely 9 wall will hold him that long.

However I do find week off a good way to get rid of lots of bad habits that hinder progression. Of course I don't recommend doing it often.

>> No.13342585

You could ignore them until you can AAA 12s. Instead of struggling now you could come back later. Then it will be joke.

>> No.13342778


I think that barring unusually deficient playstyles, mindlessly mashing won't really become a problem. as long as you're focusing your attention on what's happening, you'll adapt to it naturally over time

and absolutely, relatively "mindless" grinding is more than sufficient for harder stuff. granted I have no idea how to define mindless. as above, you still need to be focusing on what's going on and trying your absolute best to hit the notes. maybe by mindless people mean sort of absentmindedly pressing buttons, which, I find, is more likely to occur when you're not pushing yourself. falling into the trap of just sort of absentmindedly playing stuff you can easily or mostly do is something that ensnares way too many players

certain songs lend themselves to grinding more than others of course, and it's important to pick and choose what you are going to be playing a hundred, a thousand times. you don't want to play innocent walls for hours every day, but playing AA [a] all day, every day for a few weeks, with some other songs thrown in every now and then will take you extremely far if you start from a base of, again for example, 150 misses

AA, nageki, mei, certain black anothers like blue rain [b]—if you're interested in clearing or comboing, these are the types of things you can grind thousands of times to take you from a low level to a (relatively!) high level. variety is always important, but in a iidx clearing/comboing food-chart pyramid of sorts, those would be the staples. again, this is just for comboing/clearing. you won't make great strides in your timing by doing this

people often don't appreciate how far grinding a more or less small selection of charts will take you. is it fun? depends on if you find satisfaction in long term goals/defeating what was once impossible little by little by way of brute force. people in general don't enjoy grinding, which is unfortunate because it's the fastest way to achieve lightning fast development

>> No.13342813


damn, that was probably unnecessarily verbose and sorta veered off. oh well

the difficulty of iidx can seem much, much greater than it actually is due to inefficient practice I guess (whether willfully because efficient practice might not be fun to people, or because they may not have the experience needed to determine what is and isn't efficient). or something. idk

>> No.13343978

official bemani game tier list from someone who has only ever played iidx and ddr.

iidx, pop'n
sdvx, gitadora
dance evolution
reflec, beatstream
para para paradise, dance maniax,

>> No.13344115

how do i get good at playing 2p side

>> No.13344288

Not bad.

>> No.13344325
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>> No.13344825

you obviously dont know much about how the pp system works then, yes combo is taken into account, but an fc with 95% and an fc with 99% accuracy will have a very large pp separation, especially at higher levels of difficulty. Also as another person said, this is a different type of rhythm game where aim is taken more seriously. IIDX is about being able to read the notes and hit the patterns correctly to the rhythm, in osu you need to be able to read, hit the patterns to the rhythm but also have good aim. if you have shit aim and cant hold a combo, you're shit at the game.
thank you for having a reasonable opinion on the game.

>> No.13344850

So what you're saying is that keeping a combo in IIDX is easy and keeping a combo in osu is hard.

>> No.13345677

Im gonna be getting some degenerate bucks pretty soon, what should I get, a Pop'n or SDVX controller?

>> No.13345867

Hamburger smash is more fun.

>> No.13346246

has better music too

>> No.13346749

In SDVX, who are the charts below 11 made for? Actual children?

>> No.13346984
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>> No.13347050

Great read! I pretty much agree with everything. My first reaction to questions such as how to progress is to take it slow, methodically and consistently, because as you said not everyone enjoys grinding or constantly pushing themselves beyond their limits. If you are someone who aims high right from the start then push as hard as you can.

Personally my progression was something like this:
1->7 going easy
7->8 grinding few songs daily
8->10 not pushing much
10->11 mostly pushing, working on few songs
mid-11->12 hard push

11 was silly. I felt kinda bad. Being relatively stable at 11s, but getting around ~200+ misses on 12s. I decided to just go for it, because there weren't that many interest provoking songs.

Anyways. Thanks for your time.

>> No.13347060

How lewd

>> No.13347096

>all those walls of text
>no pun intended
I wish people who actually liked the games would answer some of these guys' questions. But they're too busy playing and enjoying them to do that. Can it really be helped?

>> No.13347218

If you mean the leds themselves on the board, you'd probably need to solder it and it won't be easy. I think swapping out the entire light ring structure isn't hard, but they're kind of expensive to buy on their own.

I don't know a whole lot about the cellophane thing but I've seen it done before

>> No.13347221

>Random isn't cheating

>> No.13347235

webui is dead.

>> No.13347339

Keeping a combo in osu is a requirement, regardless of how easy or difficult it is in comparison to other games which aren't reliant on combos.

>> No.13347587

sorry to break up /iidxg/ but do you guys know of a decent metal pad for ddr? Im trying to get some exercise instead of just tapping keys with my hands, also the game looks pretty fun after watching some people beast mode it at a local arcade. So yeah what do you guys who actually play ddr use (hopefully with a bar)?

>> No.13347626

way too late to hop on that bandwagon, better hope you can salvage one from an actual machine at this point

>> No.13347673

i have this question but for more casual play with a foam mat

>> No.13347778

Still too late to hop onto the bandwagon. Stalk ebay/Craigslist.

>> No.13347850

If you're handy with a soldering iron get a 360 pad and bridge the direction traces with the signals for A/B/X/Y.

>> No.13348363

is there any point in playing bms when you got the ac data?

>> No.13348367

How long do you think the denpa trend will last in bemani?

lol at the arguing retards on sows

>> No.13348370

hopefully not long

>> No.13348394

ill take denpa over trash like sota fujimori any day

>> No.13348405

ill take sota over trash like prim any day

>> No.13348409


>> No.13348425

>trash like sota fujimori

Shit taste detected

Actually I can't even really say anything cause he's been drinking the edm/dubstep koolaid too much lately. I miss the pre-supernova sota style

>> No.13348497

Why doesn't clearing a song with mirror count as an assist clear?

>> No.13348512

Because it's functionally the same thing as switching from 1p to 2p.
Mirrored 1p is the same as normal 2p.

>> No.13348513

It'll work when psun is kill.

>> No.13348520

It's nice for when you're too lazy to wait for bootup to play a few songs or you want functional windowed mode.

>> No.13348703

fuk off arnie

>> No.13349014

lxdrm is legit dumb lol

>> No.13350112

I'm on a KOC as well. I raised my chair a tad and it's better. Was going to try the other Anon's suggestion of hovering but I can't play for shit while hovering.

>> No.13350229

You can do this with a PS2 pad as well, sans soldering iron. I did it with scotch tape and it's been going for months. Playing a foam pad is still shit but it's either that or play DDR exreme. Unlikely to find a metal pad in my area.

Sloooooowly moving into 11's. I've cleared 4 now, none of them particularly. hard. There's so many ridiculously easy 11's that have bullshit endings which leave me with a 76% or whatever.

>> No.13350340

I'm just impressed you can do any kind of runs on a foam pad. I stopped using those when I was getting into 9s, can't even imagine doing even low end songs like xuxa on foam.

>> No.13350363

9's about where I am now for DDR. I can get A's on a handful of 10's as well but it's shitty. Misfires pretty often and I usually lose my place on the mat once a song.

>> No.13350720

> Anonymous 04/19/15(Sun)17:02:30 No.1334842
His newer edm/dubstep stuff is bleh but his hardcore is pretty awesome. I do agree his pre-supernova style needs a come back

>> No.13351436

build your own. should only cost about $150-$200 in materials and it'll be better than anything you can buy.

who the fuck is arnie

you're going to need to learn to hover sooner or later

>> No.13351494

guide to build a ddr pad?

>> No.13351505


i'm probably going to be using riptide's, with a couple cosmetic changes.

>> No.13351523


>> No.13351765

Wrists are slightly more important. Try to keep them in piano-ish position. Not too low or high. You can very gently "rest" your fingertips on the keys if it helps.

>> No.13352433

Would it be ok to make a 9 panel pad so I could play Pump too? Or are the hard corner panels required for DDR to feel good?

I've never played on a real DDR cab so this might be a dumb question but whatever.

>> No.13352455

It entirely depends on what you want out of your pad. You can make one with a flat top and 9 sensors if you want, but it won't feel like an arcade pad. There's no easy way to have both a pump pad and a DDR pad since they have different panels raised.

>> No.13352549

Yeah that's my problem. If I go with just a standard DDR layout I probably won't even bother with pump.

Maybe I'll work on finding a way to replace some of the buttons with hard panels depending on which game is being played.

>> No.13352704

You should begin hard-clearing 7's and 8's
Once you've cleared a good amount of them, tackle those 9's! (if possible try to end your session by playing some 9's. Warm up with the hard clears on 7~8's)

>> No.13352984

Tfw stuck on 7s

>> No.13353139

playing pump on wrong-shaped pads is pretty weird, but if you want to do a bit of everything it should be OK if it has corner brackets.

there isn't much content for pump that isn't officials, though, which is pretty disappointing, so if you don't make your own charts you probably just want 4-panel.

>> No.13353196
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This feels pretty incomplete, what's missing?

>> No.13353232


>> No.13353338

pretty accurate

>> No.13353379

Oh shit I didn't realize the panels were different sized. You think the smaller pads will really be that much different from AC?

And just looking at Prime's song list it seems like there's enough to last a casual player a pretty long time, especially if they're switching between ddr and other bemani games too.

>> No.13353488

What's the highest response time that a monitor can be playable on? Can I make 7ms work?

>> No.13353501

if you dont have a gsync monitor dont bother

>> No.13353505

You can adjust the delay ingame in IIDX so there's no problem

>> No.13353644


>> No.13353654


>> No.13353951

this cocksucker of an ending

>> No.13353979

ELEKTEL's last song for IIDX was in Gold
RAM and Osamu Kubota's last appearances were in DJ Troopers
Pink Pong hasn't been seen since Sirius
DJ Swan vanished after Lincle

Mayumi Morinaga was in RA but Prim shit didn't start until Lincle.

>> No.13354429

Obscure question, but does anyone know what the "game difficulty" setting in the options of BMUS actually does?

>> No.13355538

What would you sell a Nexen dance pad moderately used.

I used it for roughly 6 months before I moved to a place where it wasn't stable enough to play it. (Everyone would feel me playing above, below, and within 2-3 rooms in any direction) so it's been sitting in my closet ever since (with nothing on it of course).

>> No.13355552
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Whelp SDVX is live in socal

>> No.13355635

Neat, I'm jealous. South Alabama gets nothing nice in terms of rhythm gaming, other than at conventions, which are only temporary.

>> No.13355791

The difficulty setting in any bemani game should affect how fast the gauge rises and drops.

>> No.13355797

Oh, alright. Is the default setting easier than AC? It feels like I'm passing stuff I shouldn't be.

>> No.13355858

who cares, triboost is here

>> No.13356128

Why is hovering necessary? Legit question, not trying to troll.

>> No.13356158

hovering gives you faster, more free range of movement and it's a lot easier to time if you tap harder and from higher up.

As you improve you'll reach a point where you'll need to quickly transition from position to position a lot, and it's much faster and more efficient to do that from a neutral, lifted position than resting on keys.

It's also less strain

>> No.13356262

when will they make that machine shut up? i can't even play iidx thanks to that shit

>> No.13356360

its more fun too

>> No.13356386

When is Round1 getting Dance Evolution?

>> No.13356472

is this the one in santa ana?

>> No.13358905

>tfw cant pass most 8's and pretty much all 9's
>tfw somehow got 5dan

>> No.13359007

仮想空間の旅人たち is just fucking begging to be put in drummania

>> No.13359015

iidx 23 when

>> No.13359018

I thought tatsh was here to stay since RA. Did he leave again?

>> No.13359173
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>IIDX 23

>> No.13359184

i'll cut you

>> No.13359226

Wow, I only have around 20 11s cleared but I just tried 9th dan for the first time and made it 90% of the way through Sampling Paradise with a starting gauge of 22%. This is gonna be way easier than 8th dan was.

>> No.13359289
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I haven't really messed with 9dan since I cleared 8dan pretty early but that's good to hear. I'm very, very worried about flying rerun but I never made it past zed the like two times I tried the course.

>> No.13359542

Yeah, Rerun is what I need to practice; my groove gauge progression was 74%-44%-22%.

>> No.13359941

Bar or no bar?

>> No.13360078


if not MAing or just for fun, anything below 13s should be no-bar'd

if you try anything above that without a bar, you're going to have a hard time. 16s and up pretty much require bar use.

>> No.13360415

damn, the gitadora one is sweet are you selling them?

>> No.13360535
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it's already happening

>> No.13360637

+/jp/ bitching about it

>> No.13360771

The different panel sizes are significant, for sure. It wouldn't be too bad by itself (totally playable) but it'd mess your technique up if you ever play on AC.

>> No.13360851

It's unlikely that that'll actually be a touhou song in pendual, it's probably going to be a lane cover or something

>> No.13361483

The ending chordstream in The Sampling Paradise is the hardest part though.

>> No.13361529

How the fuck is anyone expected to play on the default sanwa 100/100 setup? I tried swapping the 100g switches in place of my 50gs and it just felt awful, so squishy and exhausting to play on.

Even unmodded koc buttons feel better

>> No.13361576

I played on a 100/100 setup reciently and it wasn't too bad. Not ideal but not bad. Then again I haven't tried a 100/50 setup at all

>> No.13361582

Was it well broken in? Also if you don't use 100/50, what do you use?

>> No.13361590

Nothing. I play keyboard because I don't have a controller yet.

As for the buttons, yeah they were pretty broken in. They had been used quite a bit. Then again I was playing 2p side so that may have been a bit different

>> No.13362047

tuxdude spotted

>> No.13362145

tuxdude cant afford a controller
i thought he went back to osu anyway

>> No.13362154
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feels a lot comfier with the title card and video
too lazy to do it for all the songs though

anyway since i managed to fix cinder and i'll actually have free time again after tomorrow i guess i'll get to doing the last minor tweaks on the music sync for everything and then release in a few days

>> No.13362240

you really need to work on your timing

>> No.13362314

Awesome! Keep it up.

>> No.13362323

It isn't. If you don't feel pain in wrists or elsewhere then you can play without hovering. There are plenty of high level players who do so and they're getting along just fine.
It's just one of these general recommendations, because many people get pains, discomfort or having trouble timing. If you're still low to mid level keep in mind you may have to transition out of it later. If you're willing to take that risk go ahead and keep playing as you do.

>> No.13362359

>I play keyboard because I don't have a controller yet.

>> No.13364199

No, I still play IIDX and other stuff

>> No.13364205


>> No.13364211

Audio track or gtfo

>> No.13364217

Fuck OFF tuxdude

>> No.13364221


>> No.13364225

how old are you again tux?

>> No.13364228

Not falling for that. Nice try fag

>> No.13364237


>> No.13364246

Taking the bait and underage and god damn why haven't you bothered to change your handle yet?
No one likes you tux.

>> No.13364279

It's 8:16 in New Zealand dudes, he's probably getting ready for school.

>> No.13364302

do you play popn/wanna hang out at yifans :)?

>> No.13364803

Are songs harder to clear in popn compared to iidx? I feel like I'm allowed to miss more shit in iidx and still clear the song than I can with pop'n

>> No.13364868

Yeah, it always seemed like the gauge was harder to build and fell way faster than IIDX's.

According to this Japanese page, it's also more punishing in that there are 3 types of bad judgements: off-time (small gauge drop), then not hitting the note at all or hitting it when it's nowhere near the judge line (both dropping the gauge 3x as much as the off-time drop).

>> No.13364930


gitadora gets updated and all of the songs from the previous version's events are unlocked for everyone
also you can see your play data at any time on the eamuse site and even save the score screen images to the eamuse app from the site

meanwhile in iidx you have to do that stupid bemani discovery shit just to unlock songs from two versions ago (and not even all of them)
and pay $3/month just to see what song you played last

>> No.13364979

gitadora can do this because iidx makes them so much money.

>> No.13365397


silent EX is harder to clear than any song in iidx. scorpion fire on pop'n is about as difficult to clear as any song on iidx

>> No.13367971

random is cheating

>> No.13368158

tfw ur 2% off of clearing a song

>> No.13368322

What exactly are my options for a metal dance pad nowadays

>> No.13368333

Basically >>13351505 or just buy a cab.

>> No.13368368


>> No.13368660

You'll have to do the events to get them or sometimes they show up on the stampbook.

>> No.13369182
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so this got pretty big on reddit yesterday


>> No.13369238

who gives a shit

>> No.13369319

clearly not you

>> No.13369406

Is there a lunatic rave 1?

>> No.13369432

Probably but why would you want it?

>> No.13369538
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>> No.13369567

Did I say I wanted it?

>> No.13370423

madoka from lapistoria is way too lewd

>> No.13370724

September or October of this year, same as every year. Do some research.

>> No.13370751

I've been playing SM5 a few years now. Just 4 keys and a shitload of song packs, but it's quickly getting old and too easy. Where do I go from here? I'm poor as fuck so I only have my keyboard.

>> No.13370772

7key lr2 or o2jam

>> No.13370814

start playing LR2 on the default key configuration. By the time you reach the level of songs where it starts getting hard on keyboard, you'll be ready to buy a real controller anyways.

>> No.13370888

I wouldn't bother. If you start with keyboard stay with it. You don't get any "finger" benefits. Sure you learn to read charts, but that's about it. You'll have to start from scratch.

If you're really poor get some cheap typical arcade keys and place them roughly in the same layout as IIDX keys. It MAY help when you eventually plan to get controller. Scratching will still be a problem, but you can start out wrist-scratching.

>> No.13370912

>I wouldn't bother. If you start with keyboard stay with it. You don't get any "finger" benefits. Sure you learn to read charts, but that's about it. You'll have to start from scratch.
Bullshit. I played on a keyboard for a few months before I got my dao and the only thing I really had to learn once I got it was the turntable.

Learning new spacing for the same layout is very quick.

>> No.13370913

help what was that song that goes
do do dodododo do do do
do do dodododo dodododo do

>> No.13370934

So are there any Japanese or Korean communities that crack these games with their own eamuse service?

>> No.13370939

the safari

>> No.13370946

Yes and you will never get into them.

>> No.13370956

Are they also pussies and refuse to release current bemani games?

>> No.13370961

>wanting to press buttons while sending the people allowing you to press buttons to jail
They'd get in even more legal trouble than psun would if they got caught.
psun was on n-1 for a reason.

>> No.13370981

i dont give a fuck who goes to jail i just want to press buttons on current bemani

>> No.13370988

and that's the exact reason why no-one is getting any more buttons.

>> No.13371013

no but seriously, why are people scared to release new bemani games when every new video game release gets uploaded as soon as possible?

>> No.13371018

no, bemanichan has pendual released
good luck both getting in and getting data access after getting in

>> No.13371064

no one will go to arcade anymore, and konami will crack down and we'll lose our source

>> No.13371238

the only good thing about spada is that the card in screen reminds me of a ps2

>> No.13371549

Okay I got LR2 now. Extremely challenging. Maybe I should hook this up to my midi piano.

>> No.13371574

I was a keyboard stepmania player when I started too, the hardest part is getting used to the two row layout. When I was starting out I could hit basically anything if it stuck to one row or the other but when it started mixing the two together my brain would just shut off and I couldn't hit anything.

I know it's demoralizing, but you'll have to play really easy songs to get the hang of it at first. You'll start improving very quickly once you do and it's a lot more satisfying than 4key once you start getting better, it's really worth it

>> No.13371577

also if you want song packs from actual IIDX styles, you can get them from bms.bemaniso.ws and you don't need an account there to download them

>> No.13371785

Yep, I can hit anything on one row but my brain explodes when there's more.

My key config also probably sucks.

>> No.13371893

oh it was bloomin feeling

>> No.13371913

Similar layout? Sure, but if your goal is insane BMS or something I wouldn't do that. There are way better options on keyboard in general.

>> No.13371936

You're not really playing IIDX anymore if you use a different layout
It's fine if you plan on only ever playing keyboard bms, but if you ever plan on transitioning to the real thing whether it be via buying a dao or playing at arcades it's really not worth doing imo

>> No.13372008

is anyone going to pass over the period in this lifetime? these conditions to even try it are too crazy

>> No.13372034

>DDR kept free from the 2hu cancer

Based U1 not letting that shit touch his game, or TAG I've got no clue who directs it nowadays

>> No.13372055

What's up with Yoshitaka nowadays? Before he was all over the place making songs of varying quality and now its like he's dead.

I still find it weird as fuck that he never got an album with a remix side like all the other beatnation guys after all these years.

>> No.13372099 [DELETED] 

crying "mods" won't help you here, SJW fag

>> No.13372239

To be honest I didn't think people would make a problem out of it. I believe keyboard BMS players are as legit as anyone else. Motor skill is surely a huge part of IIDX, but so is knowing charts, timing, etc There doesn't seem to be a huge cap between controller or keyboard users. Some even say it's easier to time with a controller. Both have advantages and disadvantages.
I play on keyboard when I don't have access to a controller using random layout. It's still the same game where timing is crucial and well, for some charts keyboard is easier than controller and vice versa.

So, all I can gather is that you either learn two to play in two different ways or have similar keyboard layout which apparently helps.

>> No.13372273

>There doesn't seem to be a huge cap between controller or keyboard users.

at high level bms there are massive gaps actually

>> No.13372328

L9999999999999^99999999999 Can't argue with that.

>> No.13372336

How do I bridge the gap between hard and insane in osu?

>> No.13372339

learn to read ar9

>> No.13372440

fucking hell you have to actually get through pendulums to unlock it even with the unlock bar full
that last expert mode was a waste

>> No.13372461

yeah but you get anneeme songs instead llamao

>all over the place making songs of varying quality
yoshitaka only makes 2 kind of songs: the good ones where other people are involved and the bad ones where other people aren't

>> No.13372487

His rnb stuff was alright though when was the last time hes made one of those

>> No.13373316

at least vanessa is fun to play

>> No.13373513

This is the worst advice for anyone starting out LR2 on a keyboard.
This would teach you bad habits when you want to switch over to a controller.

If you want to get anywhere near a competent level in BMS on a keyboard without having to worry about changing how you play, use a proper keyboard layout.

Using a proper keyboard layout which uses your thumbs (or better yet, both thumbs) will build up that muscle memory when you want to switch over to a controller.

>> No.13373788

freeleech is up, come collect your free ratio

>> No.13374189

nothing's even come out since the last one lmao

>> No.13374780

Yea but you might be able to build your ratio a bit anyway. Get ready for pendual.

>> No.13375091

So if I want an arcade perfect (or at least really close to arcade) 2dx controller what should I get? Right now I'm using a uskoc and I recall people saying there's a difference between koc tt spacing and arcade spacing

>> No.13375108


get a dj dao

>> No.13375121
File: 100 KB, 1920x1218, 10506671_694945553915284_5010297417495401536_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried lunarbeat? I want an iidx sim but lr2 seems like a lot of work to set up.

Dao platinum for perfect AC specs, fp7 for AC accurate spacing, but a slightly smaller turntable.
Most people just get fp7 (or fps for koc sized TT) since the turntable size isn't all that noticeable when playing.

Or you could wait for more information on this thing, since honestly I trust virgoo more than dao at this point.

>> No.13375129

not him but why do you lack trust in dao? his customer service record outstanding and his controllers have virtually perfect consistency

historically the only benefit to choosing a competitor is if you're looking for a specialty option like key noise suppression or a different aesthetic look like rainbow tts

>> No.13375169

It mainly comes down to dao's sdvx controller and their stock buttons.
Their sdvx controllers both had tons of issues with shitty encoders, buttons sticking, cracked cases, etc while virgoo's is pretty much perfect out of the box and even has a neat LED strip for around the same price as dao's.
Go read the threads on sows for all three controllers for more information.

It just seems like virgoo/rainbow puts in more effort for basically the same cost. Like how their stock buttons came polished as fuck compared to rough ones from dao, or how their plexi comes clean while dao's has had multiple incidents of leaving fingerprints on the underside of the overlay.

>> No.13375178

I forgot that were making this, I might skip dao and wait for this since I'm really pleased with their sdvx controller

>> No.13375350

Has there been any info on this at all since virgoo took over?

>> No.13375424

Unfortunately no. I'm starting to get impatient since I really need to upgrade from my koc.

>> No.13375521

just buy a dao, put an arcin in it and enjoy the closest arcade experience you can

>> No.13375945
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oh boy I sure do love waxing and wanding

>> No.13375997

Lr2 ain't too hard to setup, there's a really good tutorial, is like the first result when you google lunatic rave 2

bms.bemaniso.ws has full bms packs from 10th style to spada, and I don't think you need to be a member to access it

>> No.13376014

it's not possible to fail a song in osu with an a, that's why it's better

>> No.13376057

why does it start at 10th?

>> No.13376068

They're working backwards, up until a few weeks ago it only went to DJ Troopers

>> No.13376079

All of djdao's controllers have arcade accurate keys to turntable spacing, but only the platinum edition evolution and real editions have arcade accurate turntable diameter.

That really doesn't mean a whole lot though, the distance is the measurement that actually matters. The FP7 is a good happy medium and it's generally what most people go for, bigger than koc turntable but smaller than AC

>> No.13376201

what the fuck did aubrey do now

>> No.13376209

the way i understand it is that he wanted to ban someone, but the rest of the admin team veto-ed it
in return he nuked all his torrents
check the thread in requests if you want some drama

>> No.13376242

what a fucking baby lmao

>> No.13376248

aubrey has always been a little baby cunt

>> No.13376252

I'll miss him, if only because I enjoy stupid drama.

>> No.13376265

>pls dont upload my rips to a torrent site ;_;
lmao aubrey is such a bitch

>> No.13376447


I quit because of a lot of reasons the ban problem itself was a miniscule problem that has been getting worse for a while. I am still gonna b active in the communities (sorry guys lmao) but I will be migrating to another forum.

>> No.13376481

no one gives a fuck you faggot. sows is shit and boring, as are all topics related to it


>> No.13376483

why are koreans so good at rhythm games

>> No.13376487

See ya aubrey, I will miss ya, not joke.

>> No.13376489

did you want to ban mendeth-humanoid because he only makes shit threads

>> No.13376534

mindless grinding for 8 hours a day

>> No.13376734

that is what happens when you invite literally everybody from /jp/

>> No.13376739

but im a good noodle

>> No.13376908

hey guys whats the best song in reflec beat
whats the best song in insert name here

>> No.13376926

so where do I get an arcin board?
im guessing its probably a sows thing

>> No.13377073

Which one? Sows is the least worst bemani community that I've seen, they're all pretty shit though

>> No.13377141

Yeah, there's an order thread on sows

>> No.13377143

Can you link it?, pretty please.

>> No.13377148

It's on the first page of the marketplace forum

>> No.13377168

thought so. lame

>> No.13377207

You don't actually need a sows account to get one. You can just order one from here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1m56zoch3LGlgtYKjwFEI60hzJypLpWm4nVhadNTt1R0/viewform

>> No.13377358

ah cool.

>> No.13377565
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>Sows is the least worst bemani community that I've seen

you have that backwards. it is definitively the worst. not in a lacking self awareness, annoying way like zenius i vanisher, but in a made-up-of-legitimately-shitty-people-irl way

>> No.13377643

So is psun dead for good now? Or is the backbone still running?

>> No.13377696

Works for me

>> No.13377710

Do we have a mirror of the old forum's guide or something? Or is just asking IRC for help a better idea? I haven't played in a while and now I can't connect

>> No.13377757

what's this tier list based on? difficulty?

>> No.13377763

I dont think theres any mirrors of the forums but theres bound to be people on #psun or #sows or w/e channel they congregate on who can help you

>> No.13377786

fuck off faggot

>> No.13377798

I guess so, There are some top notch songs in the low tier games.

>> No.13377808

Pretty sure keyboardmania would be at the top if he was doing difficulty.

>> No.13377816

probably enjoyment
I'd agree with the first 4, but those are the only ones i have experience with

>> No.13378796

Download Traktor and get out there.
Alternatively cop two record players and a mixer.

>> No.13379004

Is it worth it to get omron switches instead of honeywells on an fp7

>> No.13379014


>> No.13379016


if you play a lot and care about degrees of arcade accuracy yes

if you play very casually no

>> No.13379019

What g spring is the most arcade accurate

>> No.13379022

100g technically, 50 if you want to play on something that feels like its been played on alot.

>> No.13379040

But what happens to the 50 once you have played them a lot?

>> No.13379048

they get weaker. I'd bet that'd would take a while though. (I don't own an asc so I cant help in that depeartment)

>> No.13379390

I will never understand this rule. If I wanted to, I could download a lot of shit from Sows and throw it up on what.cd. It's not like they own all legal rights over the rips of music they neither made or published, and it's not like uploading music elsewhere compromises the thing that people actually give a fuck about on the site either.

>> No.13379417

Don't try to understand faggots who busy themselves with drama and torrents rather than the games themselves

that's what their shit revolves around and what they jerk off over. just ignore it

>> No.13380528

How long do Dao controllers take to be delivered to US addresses?

>> No.13380539

I'm on the east coast of the US.

Ordered a SVSE5 Jan 31st, it shipped on the 7th and got it Feb 12th. Not too bad.

>> No.13380896

this. Also learn how to OD8

>> No.13380953

There's more to it. There are plenty of people who grind, but don't get the same results. It's important to work on your weaknesses as much as you can, but it isn't always easy to do. People tend to stick to what they're good at, because it isn't gratifying to constantly fail or feel you're bad at some certain aspect of the game. Even if you know you're bad at something there could be other reasons for it which need be worked on first.
It becomes more difficult once you reach relatively high level. There's little to go by when you can AAA most charts, but not at the Korean-level score. Then you have to look at your consistency, etc. As you progress it becomes more and more subtle. It also helps a lot if you have someone who's better than you, because he can point out certain things like a coach. Something you may not notice yourself or know to pay attention to.
Not sure how many people do that, but analyzing yourself through videos can also be helpful. This way you have all the time and resources in the world to pay very close attention to what you're doing.
There's really no either or. You have to play efficiently AND a lot.

>> No.13380967

There are way too many dumb people who apply this kind of thinking to ac data. It's easier just to say don't fuck around and post shit elsewhere.

>> No.13380987

Two years of relatively heavy use (several hours daily) 100g. It's snappier than new, but still quite stiff. Wouldn't say it has been "worked in" yet.

>> No.13381003

Isn't the disk inside smaller though? Wouldn't that make FP7's turntable slightly easier to move? It would have really small effect if any. Just wondering.

>> No.13381005

If you're still practicing, is it more important to "pass" higher level songs with a B/C or clear lower levels with AA/AAA?

>> No.13381062
File: 79 KB, 774x1032, fuckinghell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I ever get at least an AAA in DDR?

>> No.13381063

If you're still working your way up to harder 12s go for clears/hc. Just don't beat yourself up too much and have fun sometimes by playing lower levels songs and seeing how much you've progressed.

>> No.13381086

are you short like me?

>> No.13381133
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, kusodansaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im like 5'9'

>> No.13381141

i feel as if a low B/C clear comes mostly from mashing myself
i'm more content with getting an A and failing than a C and passing

>> No.13381176

Yes it's better to pay attention to accuracy than mashing and hoping. It may leave you with even worse grade than mashing, but it helps in the long run.

>> No.13381178

I don't think I'm mashing, but my timing seems fucked unless it's the monitor. I can't stand getting a bunch of FASTs then a bunch of SLOWs

>> No.13381190

It's you and perfectly normal. Don't try to change your settings to compensate for your timing. Find what you're comfortable with and stick to it.
It's normal to get fasts when you're practicing something above your level, because you're obviously trying to hit notes which means hitting them early to give you more time to concentrate on the next part. As you progress you're able to read chart faster leaving you with more time to hit accurately thus improving timing.

>> No.13381218

so yes

>> No.13381509

So it looks like to open up my fp7I just take the nuts off this bottom panel?
Anyone open one up before?

>> No.13381512

pull on the feet, the base is magnetic

>> No.13381969

uhh, are they strong enough to fuck up my phone or computer?

>> No.13381980


>> No.13381985

You have got to be joking.

>> No.13382002

Magnets only really affect crt displays.

>> No.13382060

be careful it might wipe ur credit card :%)

>> No.13382063

Sh*t, thanks mang.

>> No.13382464

do you think mayumi morinaga squeals in her prim voice when she's getting railed hard

>> No.13382468


>> No.13382959

Deemo 2.0 soon.

>> No.13384645

is this a phone game?
looks neat
