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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1332662 No.1332662 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever throw ronery parties with your friends?

>> No.1332667


I love having tea and cakes with Marisa and Jun. ;_;

>> No.1332668


I don't think you get it, man.

>> No.1332670

If by friends you mean dollfies, then yeah.

>> No.1332673

>ronery parties

>> No.1332678


>> No.1332680


>> No.1332690

>ronrey parties
You lost me

>> No.1332741

i wish i could buy dollfies

>> No.1332751
File: 76 KB, 639x480, 1221814725306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if friends could be ordered online. ;_;

>> No.1332754

I remember when that picture used to be the Ur-example of how pathetic and lonely one could be.

However, a number of /jp/ers, including myself, envy the people in that picture.

>> No.1332763


This picture reminds of how much fun it would be to have a sleepover with people who like the same things you do.

>> No.1332771

Both my hands love drinking with me.

>> No.1332773



I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.1332774

Me too anon. Me too.

>> No.1332778

Would you hang out people from 4chan? Specifically, /jp/?

>> No.1332784

Sure. We could play touhou and hug our Dakimakuras

>> No.1332781

If they're like-minded people with the same interests, it's really awesome.

>> No.1332782


I don't think you would like to meet with people from /jp/. Honestly.

>> No.1332787


Hey, 4playerpodcast camshot. Love those guys.


>> No.1332785


lol I always thought "at least american anime nerds don't look like this"

haruhi bodypilllows are great >_>

>> No.1332792

I already do have friends who browse /jp. And I wouldn't mind more.
Though I did once meet this guy at college once who couldn't suppress his power level. He saw me with Japanese flashcards and thought I was into anime, so he started spouting memes and making anime references. I told him to fuck off, it was part of my business degree. He shuffled away after that. But then he came back and asked for translations a few times over the year. Only reason I wasn't friendly to him was that he always wore one of three outfits and it was creepy as shit.

>> No.1332797

Hanging out and playing Touhou in a group isn't as bad as it sounds.

>> No.1332798

Link to said bodypillows.

>> No.1332800

I played it in college between classes and it people were impressed at my grazing skills but said the name was "gay"

I raged hard.

>> No.1332806

I played it in college between classes and people who watched were impressed at my grazing skills but said the name was "gay"

I raged hard.

>> No.1332809
File: 118 KB, 536x800, 1221816220650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that's what girls do.

>> No.1332812

We both know that there are girls who play Touhou, they just don't look like that.

>> No.1332813


I played the shooter AIRaid during most of my college sophomore year. Shit was awesome.

>> No.1332818

I play Strikers 1945 at the local arcade sometimes. Inevitably some Asian guy will sit down and play after I quit, it's kind of weird.

>> No.1332829

Any /jp/ers going to AWA?

>> No.1332831

in before pictures of that freaky basement dweller working on her own Touhou game

>> No.1332833

I never leave the house.

I'm too cynical and spiteful to be around others, let along communicate with them. ;_;

>> No.1332834



>> No.1332836

Exactly, they're BETTER looking.

>> No.1332840


I'm glad that there's only one male in Touhou. So they can't make up any stupid yaoi shit.

>> No.1332845

Are you fucking stupid? There's more than one male and there is yaoi of it too.

>> No.1332842

As hard as you're trying... this statement could actually be true depending on your tastes. Anyways, sage.

>> No.1332852
File: 151 KB, 600x529, 1221817517978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332858

you know exactly what I mean.

>> No.1332857

>As hard as you're trying

What do you mean?

>> No.1332862


>> No.1332866
File: 46 KB, 335x352, 1221817914511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A group of people from /jp/ wouldn't be able to keep a conversation going for more than a minute.

>> No.1332868

if you weren't trying to troll, then what exactly were you doing...?

>> No.1332871

Nah I'm joking. I was trolling.

>> No.1333032

You know, I play SWR with people using VS PLAYER option instead of internet.

>> No.1333039

What the hell
I didn't know David had dakimakura

>> No.1333044

This. I'd love to forge a friendship with you guys but I'm afraid I won't be able to say much...

>> No.1333096

But wouldn't it basically be like any ronery thread on 4chan, just in real life?

>> No.1333099

It's okay, let your body do the talking.

>> No.1333133

can I have friends too?

>> No.1333212

ill be your friend.
