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1331861 No.1331861 [Reply] [Original]

To those who collect anime figures:

Do you ever play with them? Like how a little girl plays with barbie dolls. Just wondering.

And a follow up question:

Do you ever talk to your figures as if they were real people?

>> No.1331870

nah, I do catch myself staring at Etna and thinking "damn, that is one cool loli"

>> No.1331867


>> No.1331876

No, and No.
I do lick them on occasion though.

>> No.1331879


>> No.1331899

Bought figures to make my room look lively. Its like how a lonely woman buys fakes flowers and put them in expensive vases.

>> No.1331903

I touch their boobs all the time. Does that count?

>> No.1331918

Is HOT GLUEing them considered playing?

>> No.1331937

Ehh, I'm no collector but I have a few to make the speakers they're standing on top of a bit more interesting.

They're mah li'l studio mascots.

>> No.1331941
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When you starting having delusions about them, that's when things start to get awesome.

>> No.1331945


I might touch them on the head for no other reason than being ronery.

>> No.1331950

I puor HOT GLUE on them when I get bored

>> No.1331949
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>> No.1331953

This, I barely touch mine other than to wash the dust off. I should get a case someday but I barely have the funds to live.

>> No.1331957

How'd you come across the money to get them?

>> No.1331960

I've seen this asked many times before. I remember the 'Like how a little girl plays with barbie dolls' part.

>> No.1331969

I think I have more passion about saving up for figures than I do for saving up for a case to put them in.

>> No.1332118

I use the funds meant for basic necessities.

>> No.1332123

Yes, because it feels like I really have a friend.

>> No.1332124

That's what dolls are for, OP

Plus excessive handling of figures can damage them

>> No.1332135

I used to but my girlfriend made me stop.

>> No.1332138

Stop trolling.

>> No.1332152

I'd like start buying and collecting some figures (sorta)

Sure I don't mind having a few pieces up on display, like on top of the computer furniture.

But how the fuck do I hide the rest, while having easy access if I wanna see the figs?

>> No.1332168

No, but I do spend time adjusting their pose from time to time

>> No.1332167
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No and no...the way they are painted makes it easy to scratch them, then they become an eye-sore.

pic related, my ringo

>> No.1332179

Mine aren't posable

>> No.1332181

I lightly dust them off with a duster on occasion. I don't want to break my figures by toying with them until I obtain the materials necessary to make my own figures myself.

>> No.1332190

I collect mostly gunpla, have 2 figures (1 Rin and 1 Saber) and 2 revoltechs. Change their pose from time to time, but anything else.

>> No.1332188

sometimes i confirm things with them. "isn't that right asuka?" but that's about it.

>> No.1332213

Only my Strike Witches ones.

"vrooom vrooom" "ratatatata" and all that.

>> No.1332217

Am I the only one who wanted to buy dolls and have tea parties with them after watching Rozen Maiden?

>> No.1332221

>Like how a little girl plays with barbie dolls.

No, i'm not into guro.

>> No.1332223

I looked into getting ball-jointed dolls after watching Rozen Maiden, but they are super expensive and so I gave that up pretty quickly.

>> No.1332225


>> No.1332229


I just need to find a nice tea set.

>> No.1332230

old copy pasta is old

heheh this is true

>> No.1332233

god this is fucking sad.

>> No.1332240

>Only my Strike Witches ones.
>"vrooom vrooom" "ratatatata" and all that.

Man, I really want a Saber and Mio fig. Have them fight it out.

>> No.1332247

I do that too. Shit is awesome.

>> No.1333911


What is the name of this game? I need it in my collection and could very well already have it without knowing.

>> No.1334549

well i touch them while cleaning them or changing their pose.
but some times i talk to them and say things that they are the only girls that will never leave me und that they are my only friends.

>> No.1334646
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>> No.1334656
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>> No.1334698

I like to watch them, it's sort of relaxing in a way. Soothing and comforting. That's why I get figures, to stare at them and think how lucky I was of snatching them.
That gothic figure I got was a real stroke of luck, and I'm glad to have it next to me almost all the time. Looks awesome...

>> No.1334731

I usually just dust them off gently with my hand once in awhile, sometimes I use that as an excuse to touch their boobs. I used to give Hakufu baths in the sink, but not anymore. I do tend to start talking to Kohaku, but the other three are really just for display.

>> No.1334737


>> No.1334757

If I ever bought a figurine you would be damn sure I would play with it. some of the good ones are what? over fifty dollars? I would play with it everyday. with my WWF arena and my ninja turtle van
