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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1326777 No.1326777 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever fell deeply in love with a person?

Not just you find the person attractive or would like to be with him/her, but having dreams of the person, having romantic desires (above sexual desires), and would absolutely do anything possible to be with him/her.

>> No.1326778

It's too early for a repost.

>> No.1326781

It's not a repost...

>> No.1326784

Yes, but I'll spare the details because this has absolutely nothing to do with Japan.

>> No.1326788

I swear I read this thread before a few hours ago, unless I saw the future.

>> No.1326796


No and I fear I can love nobody. Since the person I hate the most is myself.

>> No.1326801

I was deeply in love with a girl.
Yeah it's a pretty good (I guess you could say, delusional) feeling. Had to change high school, so I decided to more or less confess to her.
Was turned down, shitsux.

From then on I find that it gets harder and harder for myself to actually love a person, I guess with every rejection your heart hardens some more. Eventually I'll probably only be able to toy with loli's feelings.

>> No.1326808

yes, but she's my friend and I've never told her, but I wouldn't be surprised if she has thought about it.

I even went to Thailand with her for a month this summer, and knowing that she messaged her boyfriend back home was making me feel bad. But it was still the best vacation I've ever been on.


>> No.1326807
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oh hai http://archive.doesntexist.org/jp/cgi-board.pl/thread/1318742

>> No.1326805

You've already posted the same shit but with character instead of person.

>> No.1326810
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>> No.1326813

good morning ladies.

>> No.1326815
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>> No.1326817

I've been in love with 2 guys throughout my life. But they screwed me over both times, single for 4 months now. It's tough being ronery ;_;

>> No.1326826

Am I a woman?

>> No.1326827

you wish to be the little girl

>> No.1326828

How many times have you been in love?

>> No.1326830
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As the OP of the previous thread(s): Don't repost shit so soon.

>> No.1326834

With a real person?
Yes. And I still am.

>> No.1326832
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>> No.1326839

Are those feelings recipricated?

>> No.1326840



>> No.1326836

Fuck off.

This thread is reported.

>> No.1326844
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>>626625 >>854112 >>1032649 >>1318742

>> No.1326847



>> No.1326846

I'm not sure. Maybe? ;_;

>> No.1326850

And what is it about said person, without specifying their gender or your own, that you like?

>> No.1326861

stop it ;_;

I've moved to the capitol of my country some 200 kilometers away from where she is now.

I can't help thinking about her, but it's a little less distracting when I'm so far from her.

We're not even really in touch as much as we used to be, but she suddenly invited me to come with her to "somewhere in SE Asia", so I accepted Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore because we couldn't afford a month in Japan.

The reason she didn't go with her boyfriend is that he didn't have enough money. lol.


>> No.1326865

Piss off.

Go back to /r9k/.

>> No.1326870

I've never even been there

>> No.1326882

Everything. I can't really put that into words.
But why the hell would YOU wanna know?

>> No.1326885

I think you are a woman and I hope you find love with this guy, really.

>> No.1326895

>I think you are a woman
Well thank you,but no,I'm not.

>> No.1326896

/jp/ is not your blog

>> No.1326899

Just to make you feel better, it only gets worse if they return your feelings. Much worse.

>> No.1326902


>> No.1326905

Lies? Are you really that delusional? Have you ever seen a single relationship that didn't end in disaster, despair or painful dull monotony of two people who don't love each other but are too afraid of being alone?

>> No.1326907

Anyway, in regards to the OPs post. No, I haven't. But you see, I'm honest about this, unlike certain people who do claim they've been in love.

>> No.1326919
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Hey that is my avatar...
Feel the rage of my molle

>> No.1326925

Yes I have. And I know that MANY relationships end with both hating each other,but that's not because they felt the same for each other,but because nowadays,most guys think with their dicks and girls are just sluts. They cheat on each other,loose trust in each other,start controlling everything their partner does etc.
And then everything ends in shit.

Both-sided love is the best thing ever.

>> No.1326933

People have always felt like that, just back in the day people had self-control. They also had the fact of a shame-orientated society to SCARE them into not cheating and so on. Shame is a good lubricant for society, but now we are so 'progressive' you are supposed to pretend that it is not a shame for a girl to sleep around or for a guy to get a divorce.

We should bring back shame, we should SHAME people into behaving themselves, relationships will be better then.

>> No.1326945

What? Relationships do not become better then. An illusion is an illusion. A loveless relationship that is forced together by pressure of society is worse.

>> No.1326951

A loveless relationship is a loveless relationship, the reason a lot of people say they were 'in love' is to cover up for their own lack of judgment in the first place, because they KNEW they were never in love.

Such people would be shamed too.

>> No.1326955

Your smile is divine

>> No.1326964

>No, I haven't.
Then how would you know what love is like?

>> No.1326966

I don't, but a friend of mine who HAS been in relationships said the exact same thing, people are operating under the delusion, when they are 15 or 16, that they are in love, when they simply aren't emotionally mature at all.

That's one of the things that I always like to cite in history, that people got married at 14 and so on in Victorian times but you also have to factor in that they were more emotionally mature.

how many times have you been in love for example?

>> No.1326979

>that people got married at 14 and so on in Victorian times but you also have to factor in that they were more emotionally mature.

because marriage is always an act of love?

back in the days, relations between families were often favored over the respect for individual persons' feelings.

>> No.1326989

>because marriage is always an act of love?

Moreso than sleeping with random people? Because that's basically what love has been reduced to.

If you read about Rome for example, children WERE brought up with the expectation they would marry young, arrangements were made and so on, but it's like the Historian Fergus Millar said, in a way, people were more understanding of the fact that love requires work, and besides, the people they married were likely from the same social background, the same district of the city and so on. So they had common experiences to begin with.

Why are you being contrarian for the sake of it?

>> No.1326994

Go the fuck to /r9k/ with you hopeful and potential love.

>> No.1326998

>how many times have you been in love for example?
Counting my current 'crush',3 times in my entire life.

>> No.1327005

>3 times

Yeh, I'm fucking sure you were.... It was all love at first sight and the stars were crossed on the night you first kissed and oh... the horoscopes said 'a good thing will happen today' too.

Morons... How can you fall in love 3 times when you are 18-21?

>> No.1327013

I swear in my life that if I were a mod the first thing I would do is to banned athens for a long pirode of time.

>> No.1327015

If you have nothing helpful to add, go away.

>> No.1327020

>Moreso than sleeping with random people? Because that's basically what love has been reduced to.

That's not what I said in any way. It's just that it's become more socially accepted for girls in our culture than it used to be.

Love can exist without sex (at least I think so), and sex can exist without love (no proof really needed).

>> No.1327023

I fuck a 12 years old girl when I was 13.
We both enjoyed it and we have no regrets.
So fuck you.

>> No.1327034

>It's just that it's become more socially accepted for girls in our culture than it used to be.

No it's not just that, there is no delineation between erotic love, platonic love or whatever society. Why is this? Why do people think any good can transpire out of a one night stand? If you are doing it for fun, fair enough, but to think you can build relationship that way? I was reading a poll in The Times a few weeks back that said 40% of people met their girlfriend/boyfriend in a club.

How can people be that stupid? To think you fall in love with someone you've never met before. It's insane.

>> No.1327036

Congratulations. What do you want, a medal?

>> No.1327057

dunno, lol

I've been in love with a girl (and I think I still am, although it's not as strong as it used to be, see >>1326861).

I've known her for ~5 years or something like that.

>> No.1327067

Fair enough. If she has a boyfriend though, doesn't it make you feel bad being around her?

>> No.1327074

I have, once. It was so goddamn good too, we were both weaboo anime fans. A spent a year in the friend zone, then we went out for four months, and then she moved to a different town. Without even informing me. She ignores my phone calls and IM messages most of the time. It's been two years now and during that time I've had a whopping four conversations with her. Three of them she was asking me to help her with Japanese studies, one I was just drunk and acting stupid, called her and she decided to play along for a while.

>> No.1327079

still waiting....

>> No.1327085

what the hell did you do at the end of four months

>> No.1327086

Boy, it sure is /r9k/ in here.

>> No.1327096

>How can you fall in love 3 times when you are 18-21?
I said in my entire life. Lrn2read.

>> No.1327097

The only bad thing about it is that I can't stop wondering why she'd want to be around me when she has a boyfriend and everything.
Sure, I'd like to be her boyfriend, I guess, but I really don't know. We're pretty different.

The worst thing is probably that she chose to lie to her boyfriend about the two of us sharing a double bed in some of the hotels/hostels we stayed in.
But I'm not the one who's supposed to feel bad about it, right?

>> No.1327102

>But I'm not the one who's supposed to feel bad about it, right?

I'd agree.

>> No.1327108


>> No.1327107

lol so you fell in love 12-17 then? I meant if your age is 18-21, which I'm assuming it is. How can you fall in love 3 times?

>> No.1327119

I am 18-21 and I can attest it would be pretty easy to delude yourself into believing you had actually been in love that many times especially since teenagers are retarded anyway

>> No.1327147

Pretty sure >>1327096 is a woman anyway. God damn it, it makes me feel so miserable to know women are here just laughing at our misfortunes. Able to do whatever they want without fear of ever being alone.

And I just wanted to relax today too, now I feel like shit. It really sickens me.

>> No.1327169


That is a mystery to me as well.

>> No.1327178

What? Women are cripplingly afraid of being alone, it's their constant ever-lasting fear. It never leaves them, they're born with it and they die with it. It's the driving motivation behind their every action.

>> No.1327187

This is just another sad ronery thread. Cancer.

>> No.1327191


Someone fails at detecting sarcasm, I see...

>> No.1327193

>guys i hate women too can i come into the treehouse now

>> No.1327194

To a woman being alone for more than a few months is 'crippling agony' though.

They cannot live without intimacy. Nobody really can, everyone craves it, but a woman will go insane without it.

It is easier for a woman to seek out these things anyway. Look at the obnoxious cosplayer drama-queens for example, ever think they feel alone? Even though their character is so bad?

>> No.1327199

>Guys I'm ronery ^_^ (9th bf broke up a few days ago), can i join in ur thread?

>> No.1327218

normalfags gtfo.

>> No.1327225

The funny thing is I'm not a woman
Your girldar fails again, Athens

>> No.1327231
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not really. as pathetic as it sounds, I did love someone quite a bit back in iro beta, but that was in the newbie days when I didn't realize that all Priestesses are whores.

After that, I've just been plain jaded, but I don't think I'm missing out too much. It's almost funny how people at my job would at first obnoxiously run around preaching how wondering love is, then the next thing you know they're doing a pack a day and their "lover" just put them in several thousand dollars worth of debt.

>> No.1327233

1 out of 2 for this thread isn't so bad.

>> No.1327334

>lol so you fell in love 12-17 then?
Sorry,I didn't know that love is exclusive to adults only.
Maybe YOU were an immature little brat at that age (and you sound like you still are),but I wasn't.
I know what I am talking about.
You are up to a master here.
