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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12884303 No.12884303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There are many elements of Japanese culture but do you think the loli stuff should be cut out

>Among the manga shops of Akihabara, child protection campaigner Kazuna Kanajiri takes me to see something she thinks is a much bigger problem than cartoons and comics. We climb a flight of stairs off the main street and emerge into a room packed full of DVDs.

>Kazuna picks one off the shelf - it features real images of a girl she says is five years old, wearing a skimpy swimsuit and posing in sexually suggestive positions that mimic adult pornography. All the other DVDs in the shop also feature real children.

>"I feel sorry for the children," Kanajiri tells me.

>These so-called "Junior Idol" DVDs became popular after the production of child pornography was outlawed in 1999. They dodged the law as long as the children's genitals were covered, but Kanajiri argues they're now illegal after the law was strengthened last June.

>"People who exploit should be punished properly," she says. "It's completely illegal under the law, but the police haven't cracked down."


>> No.12884313

That late?

>> No.12884364

The articles calls them elf like.
That what will happen if the ban depictions of humans, they will just draw elfs

>> No.12884393

and then furries if things went even further or were more specific

Article says they were the last developed country to do so and only this year
>In June 2014, Japan banned possession of real images of child sexual abuse - people were given one year to comply

>> No.12884406

>those wacky japanese! tut tut

>> No.12884408

Cnn,usa, and now bbc, uk. Wow so obsessed with japan

>> No.12884415

Its called the news and this is a magazine piece and there are actual campaigners in Japan against this stuff, theyre interviewed in the article

>> No.12884421

as someone from /int/ said, they need to have some good sensationalist crap to distract their viewers from their countries shit financial state.

>> No.12884430

UK (rest of Europe) is on the verge of irreversibly becoming brown nation.

Does NHK fly to UK and find the most negative things about UK? Just to 'prove' Japan's society is inferior to multicultural west. They go to such lengths.

>French men executed in Paris by Muslim immigrants with AK47s


>> No.12884433

For what reason? Those kind of people will still draw those kinds of things. I think even the USA would allow you to do so.

>> No.12884435

Its a magazine piece you retard, it appears at the bottom of the 45 or so headlines

BBC is the biggest news source in the WORLD, it reports shit from everywhere

Are you literally retarded, thats actual news, all news agencies would cover it

>> No.12884440

>BBC is the biggest news source in the WORLD, it reports shit from everywhere

and that makes it more valid because?

in the end it's libby bullshit just like the fucking guardian, advocating for mudslimes and supporting the destruction of free speech and plays off major terrorist attacks like it's something minor.

>> No.12884443

The French attack is the top headline, you fucking retard

Its also giving live updates

>> No.12884445

>French men executed in Paris by Muslim immigrants with AK47s

tomorrow's headline:
"Has our free speech gone too far? UK raises mudslime immigrant cap to new high!"

"EU to ban all criticism to mudslimes, mandatory shariah law to apply to all member states."

>> No.12884448

>plays off major terrorist attacks like it's something minor.
If you feel thats the case then its because there isn't much else to report

REAL news only reports the facts, they dont do opinion shit

>> No.12884450

>projecting this hard

go to sleep abudallah, don't forget to jidhad the Louvre tomorrow, I am sure you don't want to be late in meeting your 6 billion virgins in heaven.

>> No.12884451


and again keep proving you dont actually read the news or understand reporting

>"Has our free speech gone too far? UK raises mudslime immigrant cap to new high!"
Thats not a story, its an opinion

>doesnt know what projecting means
back to school, kid

>> No.12884452
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>what are the editorials

Yes goy, immigration is good for you...geheheheh.

>> No.12884455

I think western scum should stay away from Jap and fuck each other in ass like they uset to.

>> No.12884457

>loli stuff
Please do not mix up junior idol with loli.
Also, why cut it out? It's the single best thing about Japanese culture. If you get rid of that, then what's the point?

>> No.12884460

at least I have a school to go to Muhammed.

>> No.12884465

>but do you think the loli stuff should be cut out

I think you know the answer already you underage quack.

>> No.12884472

>LiLy, a popular writer of books for young women - Sex in the City, Tokyo-style, she says - told me about her school days when men would approach her and her friends and offer money for their socks or panties.

>"I think that is disgusting, it's very kinky," she says. The fascination with adolescent sexuality is "all about the power that men want to achieve, men who are tired of strong independent women," she argues.

>"There are people business-wise who are not successful, maybe they are running into fantasy with Lolicon manga.

I don't understand, is she trying to say that loli manga is causing the downfall of Japan's economy or is she saying something else?

>> No.12884473

>murican logic
>faggot is good
>young girls in swimsuit is not

>> No.12884477

Shes just offering her insight on the appeal of loli

>men who are tired of strong independent women
>not successful
> running into fantasy

>> No.12884478

>men who are tired of strong independent women


>here are people business-wise who are not successful, maybe they are running into fantasy with Lolicon manga.
>if you want to fuck young girls you are probably a loser

wow, the projections on this slut has reached astronomical levels.
what man wouldn't want to fuck JKs?

>> No.12884479

>strong independent women
>in japan


>> No.12884483 [DELETED] 




*Gets blasted in the face by Islamic terrorists*
*gargling blood*

>> No.12884484

>adolescent sexuality

>> No.12884486


while I agree with your post, please stop this.

>> No.12884492

all of you go back to /pol/ or /int/ or whatever please leave me in peace

>> No.12884497


>> No.12884498

maybe you should go back to leddit with your hurt feelingz bullcrap.

we don't want you type of vermin around here.

>> No.12884500



>> No.12884503

stop bumping your own thread you underage trash.

>> No.12884505

i said go back to /pol/ or /int/ or whatever not stay here

>> No.12884508


>> No.12884509 [DELETED] 
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make me kid.

>> No.12884551

Why uk and usa are so arrogant? Still believing they are perfect, and it's "our" duty fix the world. Always intruding in others countries. Ble

>> No.12884619

Where on Chuo-dori is this shop?

>> No.12884630

Please God hurry up and kill the west.

>> No.12884633

it's sunshine creation

>> No.12884638

Islam is all about grown men fucking prepubescent girls, if only they didn't behead people for pornography we could all convert and make our /jp/ themed mosque.

>> No.12884644

I read somewhere that you could buy real child porn in akiba just a few years ago and still can buy guides to sex tourism in Cambodia. Is that true? There's this also:

>United Nations data show that Japan is still, in fact, the world’s largest producer and consumer of child pornography. Its usage is widespread, with as many as one in 10 men admitting they’ve watched it or that they own it, according to the book Sexnomics, by economist Takashi Kadokura. Almost 80 percent of the child pornography transferred over the Internet is said to come through Japan. According to Interpol, Japanese “entrepreneurs” at home and abroad are also major producers of child pornography in the world market.

but I can't find any statistics that prove it.

>> No.12884646

Thats disturbing

Wonder what the average age of the kids is, probably not babies like I see around her sometimes

>> No.12884648
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>Japan's police agency reported 1,644 offences in 2013 - more than in any year since the 1999 law came into force

Meanwhile UK:

>55,812 sex crimes in 2013
>6,749 child rapes
>9% rise from 2012

Wow, UK so progressive and safe for women. Please bring your superior culture to perverted Japan.

>> No.12884655


You do know that in traditional (read: post WW2) japanese family model woman is in charge of money right?

Husband basically gets pocket money from her. After working 16 hour a day.

>> No.12884656

>I read somewhere that you could buy real child porn in akiba just a few years ago

not in the open and definitely not in a legit shop, especially not in Akihabara.

>and still can buy guides to sex tourism in Cambodia.

people who believed this crap should get their heads checked.

>> No.12884657

Please do not use little Rumia to bump this shitty thread.

>> No.12884658

Fuck off, retard, you're comparing different things

>> No.12884659

inb4 hurr le unreported abuses

>> No.12884668
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Pretty ironic that opponents of loli porn indirectly support the r*pe of actual children.

>> No.12884670

>people who believed this crap should get their heads checked.

Why? It's probably not illegal if it doesn't contain porn. I wouldn't put that past them, really.

>> No.12884675

>how do you sate the hunger of hungry cannibals and make sure they don't hurt people
>I know, let's take away one of their only food source that are not humans!

I don't even want to explain why "buying guides" itself is a retarded sensationalist idea.

>> No.12884676


In 2013 Japan there were about 1 200 rapes. All rapes, not just with children. In UK over 17 000.

And don't tell me child rape is unreported. They end up in hospital.

>> No.12884683

inb4 hurr UK and other countries has a larger population!

gotta use dem % man

>> No.12884686


Japan has a population of 120 million. UK 60 million.

>> No.12884687

welp, even better than.

remember to reply to this shit thread with a sage if you haven't already.

>> No.12884690

I read that post about guides here on 4chan. There are far better places to spew sensationalist bullshit you want people to read.

>> No.12884692

Japanese people are drones though, they are all mentally stunted and lack free will

>> No.12884694


It's not 70's any more Anon.

>> No.12884695
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Dude(s), just wanted to tell you, you kick ass.

You got wrecked, dude.

>> No.12884696

>Japanese people are drones though, they are all mentally stunted and lack free will

This is what westerners say to convince themselves that they are superior.

>> No.12884697

did you misread my inb4 and my use of hurr?

protip: I am on your fucking side brah

>> No.12884699

>Hate their own race
>Broad, nigger like noses
>Sickly yellow skin
>Pitch black, squinty, soulless eyes
>Slinky hair
>Get plastic surgery for the purpose of appearing like a 4/10 white woman
>Still look like aliens or dolls
>As crafty, scheming and self interested as Jews (if not more so)
>As physically unattractive as niggers (if not more so)
>As physically weak as Indians (if not more so)
>Lack creativity (Fewer significant contributions to modern civilization than the Arabs)
>1 billion people live under an oppressive one party system and no one is revolting
>Not intelligent, only good at memorising stuff

>> No.12884700

>Know a super hot blonde chick from eastern EU
>She and her family moved to grorious nippon when she was about 3
>They went back when she was 17 and she went to a HS here
>Become friends with her since muh animu
>Always tells how much better it was in Japan
>How clean and safe and nice and superior it was
>Went back to Japan few years later and never returned

Nippon so bad for women. Misogyny central of the world.

>> No.12884701

there is a lot of shit floating around on this site, if you believed everything here without even slightly questioning it you wouldn't be alive right now.

>muh totally reliable anecdotal evidence

>> No.12884703

>americuns or bongs
>not drones

Please. They are like fucking robots mind controlled by TV.

>> No.12884704

>Hate their own race

We are talking about Japan, not USA.

>> No.12884705

>1 billion people live under an oppressive one party system and no one is revolting

Seriously, go back to whatever shit board you came from.

>> No.12884708

China is terrible, bro

>> No.12884709

>falling prey for such a low tier b8

come on man
this line alone should be enough to give it away
>Get plastic surgery for the purpose of appearing like a 4/10 white woman

>> No.12884710

Oh sorry. Misinterpretation on my side, now I got rekt

>> No.12884711


Sorry, I just woke up.

>> No.12884714


So now we are talking about Korea?

>> No.12884715

Why do westerners think they have the moral authority to tell the world what right and wrong is?

>> No.12884717


Well, they usually do. Look at Middle East. Or India.

But it's bullshit when they talk about Japan.

>> No.12884718

W-where can I find these junior idol videos?

>> No.12884722

>Well, they usually do. Look at Middle East. Or India.

What about them? They're shitholes that haven't changed and the west has no business there.

>> No.12884724

its Japanese people who are offering the criticism

>> No.12884728
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dubai > where you live

>> No.12884730


Who cares?

There are always insiders working with the west. No difference with Fukushima protest or whaling protesters.

Propaganda is propaganda.

>> No.12884731
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>> No.12884743


All 3 of them. So hard to find a handful of people that match your opinion.

And only that one chick was really critical.

>> No.12884746

Doesn't matter, it countered your point that it was westerners saying it

>> No.12884752


It's a westerner making the article and picking few quotes that match his agenda.

>> No.12884754

Why is Russia so high?

>> No.12884756


Do you really need to ask?

>> No.12884760

Yes. I know almost nothing about it.

>> No.12884764

Among other things there are people who want independence, same thing as China but more people have the balls the rebel

Its outdated though, I know Algeria has an extremely low homicide rate, comparable to Japan

>> No.12884779

Isn't there a organistation who "works for UN" in Japan? Using UN offical signs and symbols... while actually don't have the authority of UN at all?
Saw some ductomentary about it... can't find it.

>> No.12884799

Tokyo/Hong Kong > Dubai

it's not a mudslime/sharia law shithole

>> No.12884802

Why is the suicide rate so high

>> No.12884804

Shouldn't Airstrip One be more worried about the girls being raped there than what other countries are doing?

>> No.12884808


Tokyo is shit. Hong Kong is better than Dubai, though.

>> No.12884844

I don't think you've ever been to any of those cities.

>> No.12884847


I've been to Tokyo, but live in Hong Kong.

>> No.12884867

>Hong Kong
between protests

>> No.12884901

the umbrella movement was one and probably last of it's kind, we are on the verge of being completely absorbed back into China but outward we should still look the same.

I lived in HK too but I think Tokyo is slightly better, especially when you are a weeb NEET.

>> No.12884909

>I lived in HK too but I think Tokyo is slightly better, especially when you are a weeb NEET.

I dunno, I find Tokyo to be ugly. HK is ugly for sure, but Tokyo is just ugly and expensive.

>> No.12884910

Don't bother, they're not even good.
Get the European stuff if you're into this kind of thing.

>> No.12884913

>we are on the verge of being completely absorbed back into China

>> No.12884914

I like cyberpunk settings so I enjoy living in a city like HK and Tokyo where's it's heavily-based upon of, it's probably just a matter of different taste.

>> No.12884922

eh I don't mind, we would still maintain a pretense so google and the likes won't be banned like it did in mainland china.

shanghai is deep into china and they have almost no problem interacting with the rest of the world, as long as you are loaded you won't have to worry being cut off with the rest of the world.

as long as they don't hurt me doing my weeb shit related activities I can hardly give less than a single fuck.

>> No.12884935

>as long as they don't hurt me
Really, do I need to post that poem

>> No.12884958

Yes I know.

the thing is there's nothing, NOTHING that we could do to stop the assimilation.

They are playing real soft with us just by sending those pigs with tear gas on us, we can't change shit without getting some actual conflict going and how are we going to go about with it without guns? and besides, they always have the upper hand in terms of military power.

Half of our population is infested with brain-dead retards who eat up everything the government shits out and even among the highly-educated and professionals not all of them agree with the movement, how are we suppose to fight back when we are just a dish of sand?

I have accepted my and HK's fate, but the good thing for me is that I am absolutely loaded and my family has strong connections with influential people in china, if I need to find a way to achieve my goals I can always do so.

>> No.12884959

post it

>> No.12884997

>thousands of school girls raped by paki immigrants using paki cab fleets
>no reaction
>but muh japan

>> No.12885016

Not /jp/ related.
Fuck off.

>> No.12885018

You are literally retarded

>> No.12885023


He's a pouser.

>> No.12885032

Since when has /jp/ been about the latest news?
The answer is never. News threads are usually deleted anyway, why should this one be an exception?
Half of this thread is memes from other boards too.

>> No.12885056

>do you think the loli stuff should be cut out

No, pedos need entertainment too.

>> No.12885061

>They picked Akanni up one morning
>Beat him soft like clay
>And stuffed him down the belly
>Of a waiting jeep.

>What business of mine is it
>So long they don’t take the yam
>From my savouring mouth?

>They came one night
>Booted the whole house awake
>And dragged Danladi out,
>Then off to a lengthy absence.

>What business of mine is it
>So long they don’t take the yam
>From my savouring mouth?

>Chinwe went to work one day
>Only to find her job was gone:
>No query, no warning, no probe -
>Just one neat sack for a stainless record.

>What business of mine is it
>So long they don’t take the yam
>From my savouring mouth?

>And then one evening
>As I sat down to eat my yam
>A knock on the door froze my hungry hand.

>The jeep was waiting on my bewildered lawn
>Waiting, waiting in its usual silence.

>> No.12885104

This just shut up half the thread

>Paris attack highlights Europe's struggle with Islamism

>> No.12885189
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told ya, I read my local respected papers a lot but it's only after /int/ I know there are so many fucked up things in the west with their self-destructive political correctness and general lib bullshit.

Look at this. they can't even go through a pure terrorism article without sympathizing for the "normal" mudslimes when their own people's lives and cultures are at risk, a guy who fight for minority equality was killed by the people he's fighting for and his death was remarked briefly as regrettable before going back to defending the brown vermin again, it's sick.

I just love how they go on lengths to criticize Japan about having drawn kids being fucked are bad when they literally have a CARTEL of mudslimes raping their own school girls in their own backyard, and they left them off with only a slap on their wrist because of their religion.

I am glad I am neither white nor lives in the west, it's like these people are scrambling to kill themselves.

>> No.12885201

>I am glad I am neither white nor lives in the west

Where do you live?

>> No.12885210
File: 3.93 MB, 4250x1844, Hong_Kong_Skyline_Restitch_-_Dec_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does NHK fly to UK and find the most negative things about UK? Just to 'prove' Japan's society is inferior to multicultural west. They go to such lengths.

BBC and CNN always does this shit, they dug up on the most minute things or weird cultural differences and make a massive article around it, constantly belittling other cultures just because it's different from them just to stroke their own egos.

pic related
for a weeb like me it's the next best place to live other than Tokyo.

>> No.12885217


You live in HK too? Where?

>> No.12885232

Tai Po

I am going to sleep now so don't be offended if I don't reply back.

>> No.12885251


I live near Kowlwoon.

>> No.12885268

I can't do it, I just finished downloading a few of these Junior Idol U-15 videos. Underage girls are just ... fugly. I tried to keep going on the excitement that girls under 12 are just wrong but god, I can't they just aren't even close to sexy and seeing them flirt with the camera in bikinis and underwear is just boring and annoying.

14? 15? yeah sure but they're not real life lolis anymore. You guys are on your own. I can't into pedo.

>> No.12885325

dubai is fucking shit, if you're not a retarded billioniare arab there's literally nothing there it's just a themepark for the superrich

>> No.12885347

You're doing it wrong nigger. >>12884910

>> No.12885356

>There are many elements of Japanese culture but do you think the loli stuff should be cut out
I would probably kill myself if it was banned someday.

>> No.12885388

Pre-pubescent Junior Idols: Yes, they don't know what is going on
Post-Pubestcent Junior Idols: Probably no, it's hard to say if they got into it out of their own will. I have my own interests at play here
Manga featuring clear pedophilia: I can't say I'm not bothered by it, but art should not be limited. Pixels don't have age. It may be the only thing for people with some of the more wild urges to get a release from. Not even mentioning the point that some prefer strictly 2D when it's not even issue, or lolis with adult features mixed in (boobs) or other fantasy world things, etc.

>> No.12885397

Oops pixels is not a good word, as anything on your screen consists of that. You know what I meant.

>> No.12885416

Its built for tourists

>> No.12885433

The best thing about Japanese culture are cheesy badly directed period dramas with horrible acting.

>> No.12885441

There is no reason to ban pictures of children in bikinis.

>> No.12885454

where they sit around talking about ethical dillemas

>> No.12885556

I'm not saying it's anything relatable to actual child abuse, but...

Kids are not dumb. Being taken around photoshoots and asked to do these "weird" things, it will weight on them heavily psychologically when they later realize what they were used for (not all will care, whether it would be because of this "upbringing", I don't know), no matter how much the crew tried to normalize the situation. I'm not sure if you could somehow mask it into swimsuit shootings for a clothing catalog though.

It's different of course if it's paparazzi type pictures taken off the beach or such (harmless so long they don't notice, but very questionable).

I'm sure you already thought of this, though. Perhaps you just don't care, that there is the heavy possibility that it is not a victimless affair.

>> No.12885574
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>> No.12885595

It's only a problem for them if we make it one.

>> No.12885605

So we should ban something because someone might feel bad 10 years down the line that someone masturbated to the thought of them? I don't think that's a good reason.

>> No.12885629

Too green, didn't read.

>> No.12885672

Producing CP is illegal and bad because real children are harmed in the process. It's that simple. Junior idol shit does not. What you say is like saying there shouldn't be child actors on tv and film because they might feel exploited down the line.

>> No.12885683

Still, they can't consent to something they don't understand (I haven't read my Freud though, and really thought about this whole child sexuality thing).

I understand what you're saying though. Hard to say what a completely sexually unrepressed society would look like.

It's not a SJW thing, but a matter of growing up in a healthy environment. Trust is such a god damn important thing, you should not betray it. But I know it's not an ideal world, children have shitty childhoods and often come out of it just fine.

>> No.12885695

>Producing CP is illegal and bad because real children are harmed in the process.
nice meme

>> No.12885698

warosu pls

>> No.12885699

Well, you are right, it is more than likely than they will be abused in the entertainment biz just to make money.

I guess it would be interesting to hear about this from the parents who let their child become a U-9 junior idol or something.

>> No.12885700


The thing is, as bad as America supposedly is for prudism, they're one of the few countries that don't outlaw loli, even manga and anime. lolicon (or shotacon) manga and anime have been banned in the UK for at least a decade now and recently the production of pornography depicting face-sitting, bondage and other reletively innocent stuff has been banned, as has actually perfoming those acts in your home. America has never banned any of this, at least at the federal level.
