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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 69 KB, 800x600, katawa shoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1262171 No.1262171 [Reply] [Original]

They're churning out screenshots at light speed. Does this mean it's close to completion?

>> No.1262178

>Katawa shoujo
>close to completion


>> No.1262174

Damn, I was hoping the other thread got deleted.

>> No.1262188
File: 20 KB, 550x347, 1220733943512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're churning out trailers at light speed. Does this mean it's close to completion?

>> No.1262191

Katawa Shoujo Forever

>> No.1262192


>> No.1262193

wow, she looks fappable. glad to see the art for this game has so greatly improved.

>> No.1262200

What kind of smiley is that "..."?

>> No.1262204


>> No.1262206

Someone post her Zettai Ryouki

>> No.1262207

Learn what the fuck sage does.

>> No.1262210


>> No.1262213


>> No.1262216

sage is a simple voting system implemented to indicate the popularity and overall quality of a thread. more sages, less quality

>> No.1262229

Really? I could swear it was just a way to reply to a thread without bumping it. You know, like it says on the FAQ.

>> No.1262232


...which there's no point of if you only post sage; sage is used as a form of politeness.

>> No.1262244

This game is retarded and will never be released. Ironically, the only ones who are really disabled are its fans.

>> No.1262252

Saved for future use

>> No.1262253

Nooo I am disabled! ;_;

>> No.1262290

I lack basic motor skills and higher brain functions (and I vote)

>> No.1262294

Sure, but after all it's saturday and we are posting on /jp/.

>> No.1262321


It's true. I first thought she was blind.

>> No.1262329

That one is deaf moe.

>> No.1262348

why would you think she was blind
she has glasses on

>> No.1262347

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiFL-ZPmC1Y why must all american vn's suck?

>> No.1262388

Oh god, that voice made me cringe

>> No.1262399
File: 153 KB, 591x649, 1220736935538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1262413

I have to use a wheelchair so I guess you're right.

>> No.1262424

Idiots that don't know how sage is used on 4chan. It's used so that you can insult a thread without bringing it back up to the top to look at it immediately after posting. Since Anonymous isn't very creative, often times the only insult he can come up with is simply the fact that he wants to say something, but can't think of anything, hence he points out that he is saging.

>> No.1262428
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1220737187107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1262434

Legally blind, perhaps? Also, a lot of blind people wear sunglasses.

>> No.1262440

You're both wrong.

>> No.1262457

It was also of much greater use when the bump limit was smaller and threads were deleted based on age, not popularity. The idea was you brought a thread closer to its bump limit, hence closer to disappearing from the front page. When moot changed the workings of 4chan, the habit just didn't die. Quite frankly I think it's a good mechanism for /jp/ to show normalfags that they need to stay the fuck away, because there are too few normalfags to keep a thread alive against being saged.

>> No.1262482

That or posting a similarly pointless comment in a thread which the poster doesn't deem worth bumping the thread for.

>> No.1262587

We like to think of ourselves more as the TF2 as far as vaporware goes...

>> No.1263010

that is a dating sim.

>> No.1263216

All I care about is Lily's sprites and CG.

>> No.1264398

Lily is definitely the one I am most looking forward to, though new and improved Emi and Shizune are lovely as well.

>> No.1264405

Question: Why do so many of you hate this project? Is it just typical anonymous knee-jerk hatred of things that other people like or do you have actual reasons?

>> No.1264415

No reason for the hate.

>> No.1264431

anonymous is pretty jaded man. anon likes to piss on everything, including people who show a little enterprise and bring translations of games or even brand new games to us solely out of the kindness of their hearts.

>> No.1264429

I didn't think so. You're all a pack of trolls. Eat shit and die.

>> No.1264434

>typical anonymous knee-jerk hatred of things
Yup. That, and the lack of a Misha route.

>> No.1264441

>including people who show a little enterprise and bring translations

>> No.1264452

Anon hates repeated failure, because it reminds him of his own tragic past (and present). Salt, meet wounds.

And KS probably won't be finished within the next year anyway, judging by their progress rate.

>> No.1264466


Its development has been a clusterfuck. Drama has plagued the development team since the very first stickied thread on 4chan. I've lost count of team members that where either thrown off or usurped of their positions. Drama does make for a good indie game.

Also, the game is seriously far too long for its own good; the team is biting off way more than they can chew. Combine that with the fact that there isn't a speck of originality in this game, and you're bound to end up with something mediocre.

The music is also terrible, but that is nothing new for OELVNs. There is nothing that can be done for that.

I'm not gonna even get into how the same 3-4 people from the game's forums keep making threads here. It's like Shrinemaiden.org/beast's lair again back in old /a/.

>> No.1264490

How can you be sure it isn't original at all? There hasn't been a playable release since that alpha that got leaked since way long ago, and that was only a small fraction of the game. In truth NO ONE know what's going to happen or how good it will be, people just want to be downers.

>> No.1264497

sup KS dev

>> No.1264499

So is the blind girl's dog still written out of the story? I liked him. ;_;

>> No.1264508


Does it take that much effort to make a halfway original plot (for a VN, at least) and decent, catchy music? If they're going to do this to completion, they should do it right or drop it entirely.

>> No.1264509

Nope, just a hopeful fan of visual novels.

>> No.1264512

Halfway decent plot and halfway decent music are actually VERY difficult.

>> No.1264569


Still, if you can't do that much, there's no point in releasing anything. Why bother?

>> No.1264593

can't you all just pretend to support the poor guys? or at least ignore them. of course the game will be a novelty at best, it's stupid to expect otherwise. but quit pissing on their parade, they're trying at least.

>> No.1264620

I have high hopes for them...

>> No.1264652

sage is traditionally used for:

Posts that are off topic in a thread (so you don't bump an older thread with off-topic shit nobody cares about)

On 4chan it's used for:

Showing a strong dislike for a thread. It's generally pointless, almost always someone bumps the fucking thread back up.

Like me, for example.

>> No.1264656

I sage for the first reason you gave usually
like i just did

>> No.1264659

I support them on these grounds as well. They're trying and I respect that. It's better than a lot of people around here have to show for themselves.

>> No.1264677


Sorry, not in /jp/.

Polite sage.

>> No.1264732

You ever see some of the shit games they release in Japan? For an idea look at the licenses that Manga Gamers has and not a few of G-collections' licenses.

>> No.1265379

If you ask me the only thing shit with the VN is that they use photos as backdrops. Nothing looks so poor as mixing art with photos.

It is as bad as mixing salt with sugar. Oil and water.

>> No.1265394
File: 56 KB, 300x251, 1220780233321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually mixing stuff like that can be fun!

>> No.1265402

Its still going...? Wow.

>> No.1265406
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1220780431071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its still going...? Wow.

>> No.1265409


Not for the consumer.

>> No.1265427

Every single person here will download it regardless of the vitrol, so what is with all the hate? Yeah, okay, we understand. It's probably just going to be a rehash of the same old tropes and have shitty writing and a shitty plot. I get it. Hell, I'm fairly sure you're right.

Still going to give it a download because I am too lazy to learn moon. So are you anon.

>> No.1265438

I'm going to download it for Lilly/Hanako.

>> No.1265447

We don't hate it, we're tsundere for it. Deredere because it's quite good and we want to play it, tsuntsun because we all wish we're the ones making a VN

>> No.1265503

By giving support to this project we're merely giving the impression that it's worthwhile for other Anons to put effort into creativity for the community.

Anything by weeaboo Anon would likely to be classified as masterpieces compared to the rage inducing OEL junk we have so far. Who knows, we might actually see something truly Epic in the future.

>> No.1265521

This is a really good point
OELVNs are pretty much fucking terrible; Katawa Shoujo might not be good or even decent by normal VN standards but it will probably blow 99% of other OELVNs out of the water
I mean the character art alone looks like the best I've seen in an OELVN from what I've seen in this thread
It would be nice if they got a background artist though

>> No.1266370

we haven't seen any hentai of the characters yet, have we?

>> No.1266397

Personally, I just want to turn Burn-chan into a cock-hungry slut. I could care less about the drama/kneejerk hatred of ORIGINAL CONTENT/etc.


>> No.1266406

Everytime Burn-chan is mentioned people always say they want to rub their penis in her burns

Is it some kind of /jp/ fetish?

>> No.1266421

Saging a devteam thread.
