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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 63 KB, 960x540, 1220629552968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1254775 No.1254775 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1254783


>> No.1254790

Oh shit it's ZUN

>> No.1254789

Why does ZUN dress like a faggot?

>> No.1254795

ZUN is watching you fapping.

>> No.1254797
File: 73 KB, 429x540, 1220630798019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moe, I'm gonna die!

>> No.1254798


>> No.1254806

His hat is not silly enough.

>> No.1254811


>> No.1254813

If you add the glasses I'd say he qualifies as a Touhou (first Touhou with glasses accessory?).

>> No.1254814

Oh god he's FABULOUS!

>> No.1254816

Wait, Patchy does have glasses, does she not?

>> No.1254817
File: 22 KB, 320x320, 1220631071107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take him home.

>> No.1254820
File: 12 KB, 128x256, 1220631126642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rikako would like to have a word with you.

>> No.1254823
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 1220631166722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kya, ZUN-sama!

>> No.1254826

Too bad the PC-98 games do not exist.

>> No.1254830
File: 265 KB, 500x750, 1220631220782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1254834

ZUN sure is cute, ze.

>> No.1254842


>> No.1254847


>> No.1254849

I'd Ron on his one pin

>> No.1254851

...does ZUN have AIDS..?

>> No.1254853

ZUN just won the game.

>> No.1254870

Youkai moe~

>> No.1254872


I can already smell the shoops this exploitable will produce.

>> No.1254876
File: 386 KB, 160x120, 1220632670048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.

>> No.1254882


>> No.1254883
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>> No.1254950

God, he looks like a horse.

>> No.1254973
File: 17 KB, 320x317, 1220634622054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1254989

Has ZUN appeared in TV? Do want sauce.

>> No.1255013


>> No.1255016

Oh god, there is finally another picture of him. I was beginning to think it was hopeless.

>> No.1255031

He looks so happy because his daily truckload of beer has just arrived.

>> No.1255036

Fuck no

>> No.1255196

so what was the show he got on?

>> No.1255283


>> No.1255287

I think it's called ZUN.

>> No.1255289

"Touhou creator ZUN made an appearance today on NHK’s The Net Star in an interview when they were introducing the touhou series."

>> No.1255291

Where's my torrent?

>> No.1255297

Th12: Reimu competes for the ratings.

>> No.1255311

Touhou 11.5 What Mima has been doing all this time

>> No.1255317


>> No.1255320

ZUN became a media star? Where's the video?

>> No.1255327

Th12: Touhou is /a/ related./jp/ cries

>> No.1255336

Actually /a/ would cry and Moot will go batshit insane

>> No.1255340


>> No.1255366

I want to see this happen.

>> No.1255412

Zun's brain is so powerful that it burns through all that calories from his beers.

>> No.1255413
File: 95 KB, 400x400, 1220641740389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my face when i saw that pic of ZUN

he looks really really creepy

he's still my hero though

>> No.1255419

Do want.

>> No.1255420

4chan will explode once touhou animay is announced. there will be no end to the chaos

>> No.1255424

I love the fact that he is fucking fabulous.

>> No.1255433

I don't care about ZUN

Only his works

>> No.1255440


>> No.1255446

ZUN is the only game maker in japan who can claim to have received some money from me.

>> No.1255482

how does zun drinks so much beer but is so skinny?

>> No.1255501


He's Japanese.

>> No.1255566

Notice how Japanese ZUN also has a silly hat.

>> No.1255573

Because everyone liked Osamu Tezuka's style, too.

>> No.1255581

He's a robot.

>> No.1255607

ZUN has not aged well.

But he's still awesome.

>> No.1255643
File: 46 KB, 284x266, 1220645258087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1255692
File: 168 KB, 325x315, 1220645874782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus fucking Christ; not this shit again. As a future game developer I facepalm whenever I hear people whorshiping ZUN. You guys act like he's on the same level of Shigeru Miyamoto, Hideo Kojima, or Hironobu Sakaguchi. The only thing ZUN is good at is music. Touhou's gameplay concept is nothing special. And a rookie with 3 months of training could draw better than ZUN.

And did I just hear one of you maggots say ZUN is "moe?" If W.T.Snacks and Ron Paul had a baby, it would look like ZUN (but you never realized that because you have your heads shoved so far up your ass).

>> No.1255697

hahahah u mad

>> No.1255705


why so serious

>> No.1255708


>> No.1255710

9/10, I raged, but then I saw the Email and knew the truth. Good show, would rage again.

>> No.1255711

Well, I read some parts of it, but I noticed that you fail to understand that he is a doujin game maker and then stopped reading.

>> No.1255715

> The only thing ZUN is good at is music

0/10, fail harder

>> No.1255718

Damn, you're good at that trolling thing.

>> No.1255722
File: 58 KB, 464x450, 1220646208753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1255735

The truth is that you suck moot's cock everyday, rite.

>> No.1255739

>old school tripfags (AoRF, Local-Chink, and Nameless Fairy)

>> No.1255742
File: 30 KB, 692x389, 1220646411123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, it's not like I read your post or anything... why would I read a stupid post like that!

Tsundere much?

>> No.1255741

Who doesn't ?

>> No.1255746

lol xD so randum!

>> No.1255745

Tsundere reading.

>> No.1255760
File: 139 KB, 800x600, 1220646702641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1255774

S-s-stupid Anonymous !

>> No.1255771

I bet that you are nigger, too.

>> No.1255788

So, where's the video?

>> No.1255793


I honestly wouldn't want a low power level Anon making video games.

You want to make some really damn good games? Then you better be a Video_Game_Expert_(Over_1000_games_played). The more experience you have, the more knowledge you have about what works, and what doesn't.

That's why ZUN is good at making shoot-em-ups; he has played every single shoot-em-up in existence.

>> No.1255794

Yeah because coding pretty bullet patterns on a predefined 2-dimensional plane is hard, amirite?

Until I see ZUN create a physics engine, attempt to do character development, and/or master the "Z axis" I will have little or no respect for him. Better yet, ZUN needs to do us all a favor and read Sicp. I use to code amateur-hour shoot em ups when I was 12 years old. Why is ZUN stuck in amateur hour?

>> No.1255797

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA
>low power level Anon
Cancer hard

>> No.1255800

I think ZUN is so cute. I'd suck him off, but he has to gain a little bit of weight in his face so he doesn't look like a skeleton creature.

>> No.1255801


>> No.1255808

ITT People who envy ZUN because he is FABULOUS

>> No.1255815

So, where are you shmup games, Anonymous? I wanna play your games. I mean, if it's so easy, I bet you did tons of those games already, and better than ZUN's.

>> No.1255834


3D games suck.

>> No.1255835

Because the simple things that ZUN does actually work well to make a fun game.

Would you want touhou to have a physics engine? a 3D level? Fuck no, these would only get in the way of the gameplay.

Is it award winning programming? Certainly not. is it the right amount of programming for this genre, I'd say yes.

If you were coding amateur shoot-em-ups when you were 12 years old, then why don't your games have their own conventions and enough following to take up half of comiket?

>> No.1255837

I just want to know if ZUN said something interesting.

>> No.1255839

Don't mind the trolls. They are just jealous, because ZUN is a much bigger man than they can ever hope to be.

Also more handsome.

>> No.1255841

SICP is the most boring piece of shit ever written.
No character development, the code was a mary sue, and the end was shit.

>> No.1255851

>Until I see ZUN create a physics engine

You do realize that ZUN is ONE FUCKING PERSON.

>> No.1255854
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1220648035384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1255856

>SICP is the most boring piece of shit ever written

You best be trolling nigger

>> No.1255860

I whole heartily agree. Only one problem. The shoot em up genre sucks donkey balls.

Want to know why that primitive genre never managed to make it to the mainstream market? It's because video games of the (next generation) are beyond simple 2-bit genres. Video games nowadays have multiple genres fused into one. Metroid Prime for example is a:

4.Puzzle game

Stop living in the past. The days when games were about beating your older brother's highscore is over. The days when defeating the "second level boss" was considered cool is over. Games nowadays (like Morrowind) have worlds that surpass our own world in explorerability (<- if that's even a word). Games nowadays like Metal Gear have plots that can go toe to toe with high budget hollywood movies. It's games like Touhou that give the video game industry such a childish image. Want to know why the mainstream media thinks that all video games are for kids? It's because they grew up in the days when Space Invaders and Pacman was considered deep. They don't know about the infinite potential of the video game industry. The animu industry, music industry, and movie industry are just sub-industries when compared to the video game industry. Want an animu plot. Xenosaga's plot is deeper than 95% of most animu. Want some music? Final Fantasy's music is more compelling than most of the music that we hear nowadays. Why create a movie when you can create an interactive movie like Metal Gear?

>> No.1255866


>> No.1255867

This is awesome, I've never seen this copypasta before.

>> No.1255868

ZUN's teeth.

>> No.1255872


Go back to /v/ and learn to troll better.

>> No.1255882


>> No.1255877


You misunderstand, Anon. I'm not saying that ZUN is a god, but he's really damn good at what he does: making videogames. He does this for a living at a prominent company, and he does the Touhou games on the side as a hobby.

The man lives, eats, breathes, and shits video games. If you cannot respect that, then you will never understand what it means to create good videogames.

>> No.1255883


Poor trolling and a poor power level? You must be a /v/ friend.

>> No.1255887
File: 422 KB, 1248x1414, 1220648669462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen RanFrown be so related to a thread

You know why ZUN is awesome? Its because 3D is shit. They make games look good so they have an excuse to not have good storytelling or gameplay. OH MAN THIS FPS IS AMAZING sorry bitches its just a shooter without story, and don't try to be like LOL HALFLIFE HAS STORY because it doesn't. It's shallow.

ZUN has taken terrible graphics, made them acceptable, and created a fucking UNIVERSE that fans love so much that they help his universe grow and prosper. I would pay 49.99 for a game made by ZUN, not 49.99 for the shit that comes out by the big companies.

Get your heads out of your asses and realize that storytelling, characters, and making your players want to LIVE in the world you created and be with the characters you created is more important than graphics.

ZUN is awesome. I would like to buy him a case of beer.

>> No.1255892

I have to agree with >>1255872
You started out good, but you've been exposed. You need to better pace your trolling, spread it out over a few hours with some necrobumps so you can catch people in other timezones.

>> No.1255895



>> No.1255897
File: 275 KB, 700x470, 1220648788454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1255899

you forgot PS3SUX

>> No.1255901

Oh god, it's going to be delicious when the whole world switches to handhelds (as Japan already did) and those retarded kids are left with no SERIOZ DEEP games to play.

>> No.1255904

This is old (copypasta if you want to use that term). Stop responding to it.

>> No.1255912


>> No.1255914

WHY WOULD U DO THIS, They have deleted everything related to this, someone who was able to download please upload it

>> No.1255929

>Get your heads out of your asses and realize that storytelling, characters, and making your players want to LIVE in the world you created and be with the characters you created is more important than graphics.

What? This is storytelling:

The older JRPGs and Metal Gears had story telling. My 13 year old sister could come up with a better story than Touhou. The problem with you Touhoufags is that you get the fan created characters mixed up with the ZUN created characters.

Replay Touhou, but this time actually pay attention. The personalty and character development that the Touhou fanbase has given the characters are completely different from the characters that ZUN created. Cirno (9) shit for example. Most of the times in Touhou, Cirno just appears and starts fighting. Rarely do you see moments when ZUN shows her acting tomboyish and/or stupid.

>> No.1255942

Now Cirno is smarter than anyone in EoSD.

>> No.1255943

Cirno = stupid comes from the manual.

>> No.1255945
File: 83 KB, 496x331, 1220649397179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1255947

There's no ZUN in there. Instead, some Japanese lady with a cute voice is telling me, as I'm guessing, to get the fuck out.

>> No.1255948

EoSD, Cirno freezes a lake as introduction...because she wanted to sleep chilled on it's bottom.

>> No.1255951

Another NHK conspiracy.

>> No.1255954

oh fuck, are you guys seriously debating over this and ignore that whatever fun is good and doesn't necessarily be limited to story or dimension?

>> No.1255955
File: 115 KB, 500x333, 1220649540632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1255958

Forced (9).

>> No.1255959

This thread is fucking funny

>> No.1255963

This man knows his priorities.

>> No.1255966

video source fucking where?

>> No.1255968

I like ZUN because he created a lot of attractive characters, makes interesting bullet patterns, and supports the doujin scene. Touhoufags worship him because of the neverending Touhou circlejerk and "z0MG EH DRINKS BEER SO RANDUM XD"

>> No.1255973
File: 70 KB, 400x403, 1220649798733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1255984
File: 98 KB, 502x334, 1220649962251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1255986

I like ZUN because he is a otaku like me, except he has a job. Oh god I wish I had a job too ;_;

ZUN also makes videogames and he is kawaii. And there are lesbians in his games and that's good because I like lesbians and I will never have a girlfriend. Why am I such a loser?!

>> No.1255988

I admit I liked the other ZUN head better, this one is fucking creepy

>> No.1255993


Is that sum konata copypasta

>> No.1256004
File: 5 KB, 200x150, 1220650236962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just as creepy. He almost looks dead.

>> No.1256006
File: 241 KB, 1107x1586, 1220650252953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike ZUN because whilst I enjoyed EoSD; I never really could be bothered to play through the rest, and I find their fanbase nauseating. This would be forgivable; but if this wasn't around, they'd be more room at Comiket for everyone else. There's only one fappable girl in Touhou anyway. Pic related.

>> No.1256013

>only one girl
Graze more, and you'll evade SHAME.

>> No.1256025
File: 327 KB, 500x650, 1220650529583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1256006 here
Sorry, wrong pic.

>> No.1256027
File: 708 KB, 960x540, 1220650546283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry ZUN

you gotta do something about that bony face and those ugly teeth

censored for /jp/'s protection

>> No.1256039


>> No.1256045

Wait... is that... Blue jeans? And flannel?
ZUN is a redneck American?

>> No.1256048
File: 96 KB, 849x600, 1220650707867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't censor ZUN

>> No.1256050

The real >>1256006 here. I was not aware of the existence of that girl until today. I may add her as the second fappable girl in Touhou.

I'd like to have a night of hot, scratching-at-your-back sex with her. Could I have her name please?

>> No.1256054

To be fair, his teeth are a lot better than the teeth of most Japanese idol girls.

>> No.1256058

Enjoy your cloacal kiss.

>> No.1256059


Why don't you play TH10 Mountain of Faith? It is the best game in the series.

That character is from that game, too.

>> No.1256062

Wow, your argument is looking really weak. And here I was thinking you were going to show me some evidence that ZUN gave Cirno her tomboy/stupid personalty.

Confession. Earlier today I created this thread: >>1255210

I admit to liking Cirno. She's the only character out of Touhou that I like. While it's true that fairies in general are very cliche, Cirno isn't as cliche as most of the other Touhou characters. In the case of the other Touhou characters: Shrine maidens, cat girls, bunny girls, and witches. It's almost cliche enough to make me puke. But in the case of Cirno, it's not every day when you see an Ice fairy.

Now getting back to the point of this post... The tomboy/idiotic character that I fell in love with was not created by ZUN. The doujin Cirno and the ZUN Cirno are two very different things (both in looks and personality). And because ZUN didn't create that immature/idiotic character that I fell in love with, I don't give him any credit for having invented the game that inspired the said character.

Or maybe I just fell in love with Cirno because of the lovable tripfriend Cirno Anonymous of Gensokyo.

>> No.1256067
File: 97 KB, 624x832, 1220650892808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic again

>> No.1256072
File: 17 KB, 256x352, 1220650974569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mountain of Faith
>best game in the series.

>> No.1256088

Nope; this one just doesn't cut it for me.

>> No.1256094

You have been reported, for:

A) Trolling.
B) Hurting the image of a popular star on /jp/ and/or his projects.
C) Being such an amusing tripfag when you know SHIT about your mega-cool-and-what-not bullshit about Touhou.

Enjoy your b& for whatever time it'll cost you.

>> No.1256114

I've just reported you for abusing the report button.

Enjoy your 1 week ban.

>> No.1256123

Ahh, screw it, this thread is unsalvageable anyway at this point and you seem to have at least some taste.


>> No.1256127
File: 102 KB, 1024x553, 1220651497379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol newfag you can't get banned for trolling

>> No.1256129

I've reported you too, in the case that you were one of the earlier trolls.
Enjoy your permab& if you did.

>> No.1256132

I've just reported you for abusing the report button.

Enjoy your 1 week ban.

>> No.1256139

HURRRR, I wasn't b& for trolling earlier...

>> No.1256145

>Being such an amusing tripfag
Wat? Namefag != Tripfag.

Reported for not lurking before posting.

>> No.1256151
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>> No.1256163
File: 175 KB, 288x352, 1220651903675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a future game developer
How are you going about achieving that? Because, believe me, breaking into the industry at anything but tester-monkey is not easy and it’s a myth that they’d rather train a tester than hire someone with experience. Foot in the door it is not.

Just because something isn’t in the mainstream, doesn’t mean it’s not a respectable genre. A niche genre is still profitable, it just requires a smaller budget and team, and if publishers are throwing $10 million at your project will have no creative freedom. Publishers want something safe, and will make a thousand absurd requests all beginning with “make it like...” and grip your balls so tight they’ve lost circulation.

And this is because smacktards like you think is something isn’t bleeding bloom out the anus it’s not worth your money, and will eat up the same regurgitated bullshit with improved graphics over and over. People who buy a game based on its film license.

If you can’t see the design genius behind a decent shmup (beyond Ikaruga) you shouldn’t write a line of design. Shmups by Cave, Treasure, Raizing (now at Cave) and, yes to some extent ZUN, have better designed game flow than any other genre out there.

When someone preaching that the genre is simple actually makes one, they arrive at what the shmup community calls a “Euroshmup.” A game lacking decent mechanics, flow, and a soul. Because they don’t understand the intricacies and have never 1cc’d a proper shmup or played for score to understand the layers available.

>> No.1256172

reported for ban evasion

>> No.1256180

Good luck with your little crazy Jihad.

>> No.1256183

Ah, thankyou. I shall have to search out some doujins of her. Especially as danbooru indicates the possibilty of... egg-laying.

>> No.1256253

Reported for reporting.

>> No.1256257

>How are you going about achieving that? Because, believe me, breaking into the industry at anything but tester-monkey is not easy and it’s a myth that they’d rather train a tester than hire someone with experience. Foot in the door it is not.
My brother is an insider. I can get into the industry at any given moment. I'm too lazy to work at a full time job though.

The rest of your post is too long; didn't read. Had you read my post you would have known that I was talking about multiple genres. I wasn't talking about how mainstream genres are better than niche genres. PS. With a 10 million dollar budget one could make a full fledged next generation game and still have enough left over money to add a bullet shooter side-quest. Touhou's genre is so insignificant that one could make a shoot em up side-quest with more depth and soul than your average Touhou game.

One thing that you indie-fags fail to realize about big budget games is that they make up for the higher cost of development. With games like Halo 3 and GTA4 selling 8 million units in the first months, I don't see the harm in bigger budgets.

>> No.1256272
File: 206 KB, 2000x1773, 1220653279770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this shit again...

>> No.1256276

I reported everyone itt enjoy your bans

>> No.1256279

Reported for causing a number of people to get banned.

>> No.1256310
File: 9 KB, 60x150, 1220653742841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My brother is an insider.

aaaaaaaand there does any credibility you had.

>> No.1256335

>My brother is an insider.
oh you

>> No.1256369

>>1256257 With a 10 million dollar budget one could make a full fledged next generation game
LOL no.

>> No.1256377

I doubt you have, since some posts aren't particularly off topic with regards to /jp/ and you'd get a warning/ban for false reports if you really did.

And if we had mods.

>> No.1256390

Reported for not having posted in that fateful thread a few months ago.

>> No.1256422
File: 52 KB, 403x399, 1220654998282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou's genre is so insignificant that one could make a shoot em up side-quest with more depth and soul than your average Touhou game.

Could have? Who cares if someone can? If nobody is actually doing it, the point is moot. It's like, "Yeah, I could make an awesome shooter, but I'm not going to because I'm a faggot."

>> No.1256424

And thus I won another debate.

I'm out for now. I promise not to "educate" you Touhoufags again if the following conditions are met:

1.You acknowledge the fact that ZUN is not the person who created your love for the Touhou universe. It was the (doujin) community who nourished the Touhou universe into a decent (I repeat - decent) franchise.
2.You acknowledge the fact that ZUN's only talent is being a failure at life. I've read stories of ZUN struggling to afford beer. Plus he doesn't have a girlfriend/spouse to boot. The guy is a loser. You're a loser. This whole damn site is filled with losers.
3.You come to the conclusion that you're never going to get laid if you continue this weeaboo lifestyle of staying up to 4:00AM in the morning saving pictures of your favoowite Touhou characters. Just remember that you are a reject (of rejects). Touhou is so weeaboo that not even the nerds of /a/ and /v/ like it. Stop fapping to 2D images of little girls raping each other with cocks. Real females a) do not have cocks and b) aren't lesbians. All you're doing is creating a delusional view of what sexual intercourse is like. One last thing. Always practice safe sex with your partner. /d/ doujins are dangerous.

Good night kiddies. Note: Don't bother replying to this post. I'm not going to be here to read it.

>> No.1256431
File: 121 KB, 300x439, 1220655104965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Once the Touhou anime is announced, /a/ is going to reap the fucking whirlwind.

>> No.1256439

Who the fuck cares if someone can't get laid?

>> No.1256441

>Real females ... aren't lesbians.
The lesbian conspiracy.

>> No.1256451

This is exactly why I hate the living fuck out of /a/.

>> No.1256466
File: 776 KB, 2048x1222, 1220655432941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1256467

lol. Someone summarize the thread for me. I'm not reading all this shit.

>> No.1256474

Troll said shit sucks. Anon replied with "No U".

>> No.1256476

>>1256257 My brother is an insider.

So I just beat you lol

>> No.1256485

zun is an awesome developer

consider he has to do the art, music, and write the INSTALLER

>> No.1256491

Writing installers is serious business.

>> No.1256504

Butthurt Touhou fags reporting each other for trolling.

>> No.1256507

Message can write an installer. Does that make him 1/3 awesome?

>> No.1256518


writing installers in english is easy

>> No.1256523

His are as disease-ridden as Sakura's cunt.

>> No.1256524

Sure, his computer can run CRYSIS.

>> No.1256533


You win because you say so?

>Don't bother replying to this post. I'm not going to be here to read it.


>> No.1256620
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>> No.1256724

this thread is cancerous why the fuck does it have so many replies

>> No.1256767

by adding to the replies you're adding to your so-called 'cancer'

if you don't like touhou, go back to /b/ and quit trolling

>> No.1256800


>> No.1256822

/b/ too cool for capitalization?

now playing: nazz-can - [蒼天月華 #14] スターヴォヤージュ1969

I go to bed now

>> No.1256824
File: 79 KB, 1600x1200, 1220658843973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ain't down with the Touhoues, you sleep with the fishes.

>> No.1256825

I love Touhou, but this thread has been a hundred replies of stupid trolls and internet arguments
I haven't been to /b/ in three years

>> No.1256841

keep posting this is the only way to make this shit die

>> No.1256884
File: 40 KB, 512x288, 1220659429707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TEDDY-PLAZA got a lot of free advertising

>> No.1256897

And what are you going to do? Can you model, code, draw or write? You’re not just going to roll up, are you?

Unfortunately, I did read your post. The only games that can encompass multiple genres are mainstream ones because of budget. The meat of my post was about how you've seemingly misunderstood the complexities of the genre and the ramifications of other people who've done the same for emphasis.

Your budget comment is... a little off. And I work in the mainstream, not indie.

I don't consider ZUN to be indie either, but dojin, which is not a weeaboo differentiation because he's Japanese, but because indie games conjure up articles on gamasutra about art, emotion and meaning in games. Whereas doujin makes focus on making things fun rather than encasing them in pretentiousness.

>> No.1257199

am i the only one that's in it for his awesome music? (as well as lesbian lolis of course) but seriously, he's no doubt one of the best game music composers.

>> No.1257213

your all untrue touhou fans

>> No.1257223

Can we get back to masturbating to ZUN please?

>> No.1257250
File: 27 KB, 512x288, snapshot20080906023941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real funny thing is how the cast are drawn and then you see 3D Pig Disgusting.

>> No.1257683

does ZUN have a 3D girlfriend/waifu?

>> No.1257721


>> No.1257747


>> No.1257844


>> No.1258074

>>With a 10 million dollar budget one could make a full fledged next generation game and still have enough left over money to add a bullet shooter side-quest. Touhou's genre is so insignificant that one could make a shoot em up side-quest with more depth and soul than your average Touhou game.

The simplicity of the touhou games along with the beautiful bullet patterns and numerous difficulties, along with the wide variety of characters, is what makes touhou so great.
