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File: 214 KB, 400x1266, 1474785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1235271 No.1235271 [Reply] [Original]

Old yukkuri thread here.


Yukkuri Translated Collection:

Part 2

Discussion, translations, edits, and images can go here in one thread.

I was wondering if the person who did the melting yukkurisa edit could edit in the SFX using >>1231683 .

Shouldn't be too hard, since it has already been cleaned up. Just insert SFX.

>> No.1235276

Why are these stories so terrible and degrading?

>> No.1235281

Why are there people that sit and devote hours of their lives a day to yukkuri?
That's not taking it easy.

>> No.1235289

enough of this shit

>> No.1235285

We don't like taking it easy.

>> No.1235296

If you took it easy, you'd be a yukkuri.

>> No.1235298


>> No.1235305
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I dunno. I'm just waiting for more stories like the Yukkurenza (or whatever disease that was) that have sorta happy endings.

>> No.1235313
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>> No.1235307

Yu112.doc is so awesome.

>> No.1235318
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I think this one is a series.

>> No.1235323

What is this Aya yukkuri thing called anyway?

>> No.1235324

Dage id eajy, mistr

>> No.1235328
File: 302 KB, 720x1260, 1220307975503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really get the obsession with batting them like baseballs. Wouldn't they just explode?

>> No.1235330
File: 169 KB, 500x375, 1220307994457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Purge it easy.

>> No.1235331

Kimeemaru: Kimee (for "kimoi", "disgusting"), and Shameimaru

>> No.1235334

Japan loves baseball.

>> No.1235341
File: 248 KB, 342x958, 1220308109363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kimeemaru, I think. Awesome because they don't take it easy, which can cause other yukkuris to froth and vomit or go crazy.

>> No.1235351
File: 213 KB, 1000x5000, 1220308204696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's that comic where Akyu makes a yukkuri farm?
I'd love to see it translated

>> No.1235356


Lookin kinda just as planned there, Disgusting.

>> No.1235384

Yu112.doc has several Yukkuri "facts" that do not sit well with what we consider canon and a lot of them seem unfounded and made up, as there is no further information.

We should upgrade to Yu113

>> No.1235429

>Examples of Yukkuris with miniaturized bodies
Jesus christ, they just outright copied that from the wiki, didn't they

>> No.1235439


It's obvious that the same Anon who wrote the wiki also did yukkuri.doc.

>> No.1235463

The wiki has all of the information collected from past yukkuri threads (check the archive) only they're better worded than the previous information on the old Yu.docs. Only problem is that I'm debating on removing stuff like Justakurri from the Yu.doc. Maybe I should just update it to say that it was made up? After all, some people did write stories involving them and Yukkuri is sorta fanon canon.

>> No.1235465

We should use code names so no one can copy our stuff. Kimeemaru is now hereby known as Tom Cruise.

>> No.1235466


I mean that section in yu.doc is just copied from the wiki. Poorly, since it included the subtitle for an image without including the image itself. Honestly I think that section in yu.doc should be deleted, since it's all on the wiki.

>> No.1235492

While we're on the subject of yu112.doc

>The most important possession of any yukkuri is their accessory. Losing it prevents them from taking it easy and leaves them in a near catatonic state. They will go through any means to regain their accessory, not limited to stealing from other yukkuris. Therefore, accessory-less yukkuris are usually shunned by others. The act of stealing an accessory is not looked down upon, unless the accessory is stolen from a dead yukkuri. If the accesory is taken while the yukkuri is alive, the accesory itself is 'alive' and can fit on with the new yukkuri (if it's the same size), but an accessory from a dead yukkuri is a 'dead' accessory and will get yukkuris punished. Stealing from a dead yukkuri is taboo and will result in the culprit being hunted down by its peers.

This is fucking stupid. Who wrote this?

>Other Yukkuri will still play with that Yukkuri but are cautious since they realize it is in a state where it is desperate. ALSO, although Yukkuri will auto-hate on whomever stole another's accessory, this is the only acceptable instance where the accessory can be stolen - by another Yukkuri.


>If a Yukkuri whose accessory is lost steals the same from another Yukkuri, because the theft occurred while the victim was alive, the taboo does not occur. At the worst, the Yukkuri may be stalked by the hatless one for some time - until an easier target reveals itself - and will recieve some level of ostracisation from the immediate group of Yukkuri who took it easy with the victim. If a Yukkuri whose accessory is lost steals the same from a Yukkuri who is dead or it has killed and passes that accessory off as its own, because the theft occurred while the victim was dead or caused the victim's death, the taboo is upheld.

What is this bullshit complicated rules about taboo or not taboo? I have NEVER seen this in any fanfic or comic.

>> No.1235502
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Taken care of, and I think I did throw some stuff in here and there when I found things in the archive that weren't put in. I don't know, it seems right to leave it in there.

>> No.1235527

Summary Anon posted the last bit a billion years ago.

And apparently that yukkuri auto-hating thing humans with accessories was optional (but nobody chooses to use it, hah).

Lots of crazy shit in there, which is why some Anons complain that things are not consistent (Yukkurisa floating her hat in the river despite it being precious).

tl;dr: Take it easy

>> No.1235541


There is a story where some yukkuri play with a hatless marisa, but are on guard. Posting.
I haven't ever see anything to support that stealing a dead yukkuri's accessory is taboo. If the diary story where a girl ruins her pet reimu's accessory and is hunted by every yukkuri until she dies isn't OC and was a translation, the reimu tries to steal a new accessory from a dead yukkuri. Someone once said in one of the REALLY early threads that it'd be like an armless man trying to attach a corpse's arm so he could fit in better. Wouldn't help.
An accessoryless yukkuri IS treated as an outcast, I have seen that several times.

>> No.1235542


58. The most horrible thing for a yukkuri is to lose its accessory. Our protagonist this time is a Yukkurisa which has lost its hat. The accessory is proof that a yukkuri is a yukkuri, so as long as it doesn't have a hat, it can never take it easy. It wakes up earlier than other yukkuris. Today, it plans to enter a cave and try to steal a hat from other Yukkurisas. They wake up, however, and drive it out with unbelievable vigor. This shows that a yukkuri stealing another's decoration is the ultimate crime. This yukkuri also eats earlier than the others, so it can look for any fallen accessories. No luck. On the way back home, it finds a Yukkureimu family. They play with it for a while, but they're very careful, since they know that an accessoryless yukkuri is desperate, and will try to steal theirs. After a while they leave, and it goes back to its cave. It wakes up, however, and goes outside where it hears two of the yukkuris it was playing with talking. "That hatless yukkuri from before was staring at my ribbon!!!" "Yeah, ze. I bet it would've stolen our accessories if it could." "And to think we played with it because we felt sorry for it..." Since then, the hatless Yukkurisa was never seen again. The author proceeds to inform us to never harm a yukkuri's accessory, otherwise all the yukkuris in the world will chase you, never forgetting your heinous crime.

>> No.1235550
File: 17 KB, 400x500, 1220310087970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the long face, Yukkureimu?

>> No.1235557

This is the only instance I have ever seen of yukkuri actually going after someone who stole a yukkuri's accessory. I've seen it done TONS of times in abuse stories with no ill effects. It's bloody long though.

84. One day, Reimu and Marisa were taking a stroll through the forest when they came across a peculiar sight. A group of yukkuris were taking turns headbutting something hanging from a tree branch. Upon inspection, it was the grossly disfigured body of a girl. Her stomach was missing and her flesh was still warm. It looked like a brutal murder. Braving the scene, Marisa began to rifle through the girl’s pockets, always on the hunt for precious things. However, instead of any money or jewelry, all she found was a small book.

“A diary? How lame,” lamented the witch, as she tossed it to the ground.

“Hold on, this may give us a clue as to how she died,” said Reimu, opening the book.

“Read it to me, ze! My eyes are still messed up from when I looked into that laser.”

They leaned against a tree upwind from the body. Reimu cracked open the book and began to read as Marisa laid her head in the miko’s lap.

>> No.1235560


May 1 – Something terrible happened today. I was out playing with my yukkureimu, and while we were wrestling, I accidentally tore her ribbon off. She wouldn’t stop crying, no matter what I did. The other yukkuri gave me strange looks as we walked home. Now my yukkureimu just pouts in a corner.
May 2 – I woke up today to find a group of yukkuri outside my door. I didn’t want them to destroy father’s crops, so I killed them all. My yukkureimu wanted to go near them, but I don’t want her to eat dead things. Afterward, she pouted in a corner for the rest of the day. She still won’t talk to me.

May 3 – Another sizeable group of yukkuri awaited me again this morning. They said I stole Reimu’s ribbon and that I’ll be sorry. Ha, what can they do? I killed them all again. They make great fertilizer.

May 4 – Last night, a large number of yukkuri gathered outside the house. They kept us awake with their cacophony. Father killed them all with the tractor.

>> No.1235563


May 5 – In the morning, a yukkumarisa burst through the window and landed in my bed. Claiming to be taking revenge for Reimu’s lost ribbon, she tried to bite me. I didn’t want to squash her and ruin my bed, so I went to take her outside. Before I could get up, yukkuri began streaming through the window. They piled on top of my body, smothering me. I couldn’t even move or breathe under the hot, living mass. Suddenly, an earthquake struck. After it was over, they released some kind of sticky liquid all over me. It got in my mouth and nose and tasted awful. My whole body was covered with it. The earthquake had the benefit of scattering them off my body, so while they yelled about how refreshed they were I began to kill them all with a sword I keep in my room. My room was a real mess afterward. I took a bath, but I still can’t get the smell of their excrement off of my skin.
May 8 – The yukkuris came again. This time, they swarmed like locusts and destroyed the family crops. That food was going to be the first big crop of the season, and now we can’t afford to replant. Father was furious. I know this is my fault. My parents shouldn’t be burdened with it. I packed up my things, grabbed my yukkureimu and left in the middle of the night. I’ll live in the mountains for a while until the yukkuri leave me alone. I found a little cave in the forest that’ll be perfect to live in. My yukkureimu still won’t talk to me.

>> No.1235564

>tl;dr: Take it easy
Ultimately, this. Seriously, guys.

>> No.1235567


May 9 – I successfully caught a deer to eat. It gave me a small stomachache. Maybe I didn’t cook it thoroughly. My yukkureimu ate a little bit of it. She still won’t talk to me. She doesn’t look so good.

May 10 – I ran into a yukkureimu while gathering berries. I killed it quickly. I hope the others don’t know I’m here. My stomachache lasted all day. I hope these mushrooms are safe to eat.

May 11 – I woke up in the middle of the night to some rustling noise. A yukkumarisa was stealing some of my food. I skewered it and threw it on the fire. It screamed in horror. My yukkureimu tried to take its hat but I don’t want her playing with dead things.

>> No.1235568


May 12 – My stomachache got worse. I hope that fruit was ripe enough. I killed a small yukkuri family today. I hope they don’t start invading this area, too.

May 13 – I couldn’t sleep a wink. My stomachache is killing me and my stomach is visibly distended. Perhaps I should go home.

May 14 – My yukkureimu died today. I buried her. My stomachache has gotten so bad I need a walking stick now.

May 15 – My stomach has grown so large I can no longer walk. I can only hope I have enough food to last me until someone finds me.

>> No.1235570


May 16 – My stomach began talking. Or rather, what’s in my stomach began talking. I can hear it say “take it easy” and “let me out, it’s dark in here.” Those bastard heads must’ve impregnated me during that earthquake. Every time it headbutts my uterus it hurts so bad I start convulsing. I think it’s sleeping now. If it grows any larger, it’ll kill me.

May 17 – I was awoken by a yukkumarisa talking to the one in my stomach. “Give birth easy, lady!” it said. If I could get up, I would’ve killed it.

May 18 – I ran out of food. I only have one thing left to do. I gathered up my sword and some rope. Mustering the last of my strength, I dragged myself along the forest floor toward a tall tree. Along the way, yukkuri heckled me. I had to cut that thing out of me. Leaning against the tree, I sliced through my grossly enlarged stomach. The mass of flesh and muscle fell with a plop on the forest floor. I stomped on the small yukkuri that emerged from my body. It had my face and hair, with a Reimu ribbon. I’ve lost too much blood, and I can’t make it to town. I’m going to hang myself now. If you ever find this diary, heed my warning: never take off a yukkuri’s accessory! Only tragedy will befall you!

>> No.1235577


I love you, mom and dad. I’m sorry.

“Well, that’s all she wrote,” said Reimu. “Ah, Marisa, where did you go?”

“This is so fun, ze!” said the witch, as she flicked off the hats of a group of yukkumarisa. “They get so pissed!”

“Geez, weren’t you listening at all? Oh well, at least I can give that girl a proper burial.”

Turning back toward the corpse, Reimu heard a wet crunching sound. Rumia had already found the body and was feasting on the bone marrow.

“This shit’s good!” said the darkness youkai. She had already eaten the all the yukkuri.

“Oh well. Let’s go home, Marisa.”

>> No.1235586


So they all send signals through the air to each other that you stole a yukkuri's accessory? For a bunch of retarded, nearly defenseless disembodied heads they sure are well organized.

>> No.1235596

sounds fucking stupid

>> No.1235612


I figured it was like a pheromone thing; a hatless yukkuri secrets a chemical for some reason that other yukkuri can smell which actives some primitive defense mechanism.

>This is the only instance I have ever seen of yukkuri actually going after someone who stole a yukkuri's accessory.

But is it the only instance you've ever seen of a human getting pregnant with a yukkuri?

>> No.1235620

it's done with the same magic that lets fucking bean paste hop around in the first place.

>> No.1235626

uh. yes actually it is

>> No.1235649



>> No.1235691

then let's go ahead and write it out of canon.

I'm more of the opinion that since Yukkuri all hate losing their accessory more than anything (including their children) they will do anything to get one. This would mean that any accessoryless Yukkuri should be instinctively feared, for it will steal their accessory.

It makes more biological sense, with the added bonus of fitting in with all of those stories that don't involve a woman disemboweling herself for a stupid reason (Trust me, there have been worse things borked just to provide a story of a girl disemboweling herself, including human biology, physics, and fads.)

>> No.1235737

So are you just planning on deleting the pregnancy? What about humans being chased by every yukkuri for stealing accessory?

And where's Summary Anon or anyone else who reads the stories in japanese off waterducts or similar? That's the only instance of both I've seen in English. I can't read japanese so there may be other stories that actually involve a human being chased for stealing accessories.

>> No.1235783

Requesting translation. Are the koalices the Yukkureimu's rape-babies?

>> No.1235822
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/r/ing page 3 of this with a remirya farting on the reimus. It got translated but I never saved it.

>> No.1235824
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>> No.1235872

More or less.

1) -Eajy!
-Letch get chity chect (city sect) eajy!

2) Right: yay x2, left: grind x2

3) The kids I had after Alice forced me to get refreshed aren't cute at all!!!

As far as I've read, that was the only one where yukkuris chase a human. It can be written out of canon without ruining anything.

>> No.1235888

Just out of curiosity, do you go on Futaba yukkuri threads? How do they feel about the frequent contradictions between yukkuri stories and images? Has it been mentioned ever?

>> No.1235900

They don't really discuss it as far as I've seen, but then again I haven't seen too many. I usually just save the images.

>> No.1235905

Touhou canon often contradicts itself. It is only fitting that at Touhou based fan creation had more contradictions.

>> No.1235993


>> No.1236003
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Thanks for TLing.

>> No.1236025

The translation for the Yukkurisa melting thing has:

>(SFX: heavy rain)

What sound does heavy rain make?

>> No.1236165
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Bump for this.

>> No.1236237

pitter patter?

>> No.1236238



>> No.1236317


>> No.1236337
File: 127 KB, 429x600, 1220319646014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides Tennkoma's doujin that we've been hoping for, I'm still hoping someone will upload:


Shit looks so cash, but yukkuri doujins never seems to get uploaded (except for that doujin which consisted of normal yukkuri heads).

Pic related.

>> No.1236344

Like "Ksshh ksshh"

At least that's what I think.

>> No.1236352


I offered to buy the Tennkoma doujin if someone told me EXACTLY how to do it.

And no one did.

>> No.1236366


>> No.1236402

Someone fucking tell the man how!

>> No.1236425
File: 252 KB, 400x1082, 1220320459364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it would be ZAAAA, but I wasn't too sure about it. I remember that there was a SFX that looked like the one in the Yukkureimu box in the rain one that looked similar, but I couldn't find the original.

Well, here it is englished I suppose. I managed to put in ZAAAA at the end because I was looking for something that would make it look like a constant downpour.

Thanks for the help, thank you to the original editor, and thanks for the translation.

>> No.1236428


>> No.1236429


We really need someone who knows how to buy shit from Melon books.


It's found here, but nobody seems to know how to purchase goods here (in b4 everyone is a pirate).

>> No.1236436

I'm pretty sure the sound effect is the same for light as well as heavy rain.

>> No.1236462

This comic satisfies me.

>> No.1236464

'drip' works well for the light rain. Not so with the heavy stuff. In retrospect, 'woosh' doesn't sound great. That really is more like the wind.

>> No.1236471
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I hope this doesn't mean I have to edit the SFX again.

>> No.1236486

Can't you just delete the SFX? or did you already close photoshop?

>> No.1236496
File: 476 KB, 500x1500, 1220321566268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I asked this before, but could someone look over this translation and see how it fits into the strip? Also, some stuff isn't translated, I think.

Urashima Tarou ver. yukkuri

1 - One day, a yukkuri was being bullied.
-Stop! No! Go home already! Don't take it easy!
(Cirno: ora ora, sfx: right of yukkuri-poke poke, up and down-tremble)

2 - It was saved by a miko who didn't really seem to be into it.
Reimu: Hey, stop.
Yukkuri: Take... it easy!
Cirno: Tch...

3 - This is the gratitude flag! (kanji to the right: Rei)

>> No.1236506

Closed it because I went to check on how my dinner was doing on the stove.

>> No.1236519

Then leave it.

>> No.1236521

Too late. I re-cloned the third panel.

So what should WOOSH be replaced by?

>> No.1236536

That's the other reason you should've left it. I have no idea and I don't think anyone else does either.

If you must replace it with something, zaaaa I suppose.

>> No.1236543

The only things not translated are the small letters in Yukkureimu's bubble in the first panel (My bean paste's coming out!) and the small letters in the right sign on the last panel (and they all lived happily everafter). As for the order, what confuses you? Right to left, up to down etc.

>> No.1236553

I guess that solves my problem then. I was wondering if certain things fit into what the little text was trying to say.

>> No.1236565

Actually, wait. What's that text above Reimu's head say?

>> No.1236590

In the second panel? "Hey,stop". Or "Hey, cut it out".

>> No.1236661


>> No.1236677

Oh...then what does the little text in the second bubble say? I thought that was Reimu saying, "Hey, stop!"

>> No.1236719

Hold on, I'll make a guide.

>> No.1236743
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>> No.1236754

The box in the first panel is the "One day, a yukkuri was being bullied" line. And the kanji to the right of the thrid panel actually says "mi" from "miko", but we could leave it as "Re".

>> No.1236790

There is a disturbing lack of western Yukkuri art.

Is no one here a drawfag?

>> No.1236811
File: 487 KB, 500x1500, 1220326296395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fit in the "Re", so I left it out.

Thanks so much for the help. This thing is as old as the stars and I wanted to get it done with.

>> No.1236815


But all western Touhou art is terrible.

>> No.1236834

Same here, I'm the one who initially translated it.

>> No.1236838
File: 128 KB, 350x979, 1220326726437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) I dwank choo much wajer!!
( tremble x3)
2) I'm doin' weewee!!
(up: shudder, down: sound of liquid)
3) PYUBI!!
(right: crack, left: bam)
4) up: twitch x2, down: smolder x4

I'd really like to see someone edit this. The third panel's SFX can be edited with text that has a border around it to make things simple. The rest should be just easy redraw (easy for this one) and remove the text, then put in something snazzy from a free font place.

Editor request please?

>> No.1236848
File: 190 KB, 862x1242, 1220326930473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily the archive worked, or we would've lost the translation. Now that would suck. Thanks for translating that strip.

And translation request for the attached.

>> No.1236868

Someone with drawing abilitys,take any page from the Akyu comic and redraw it so the Yukkuri are drawn as children.(So it'd be a kid marisa in a cage, or a toddler remirya)
I'd like to see how different it'd change the feel of it.

>> No.1236963
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>> No.1236966
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>> No.1236974
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>> No.1236976
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>> No.1236986
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>> No.1236990
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>> No.1236997
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>> No.1237000
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>> No.1237005
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>> No.1237009
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>> No.1237027
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>> No.1237033
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>> No.1237041
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>> No.1237047
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>> No.1237053
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>> No.1237058
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>> No.1237063
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>> No.1237066
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>> No.1237070
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>> No.1237073
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>> No.1237077
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>> No.1237079
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And my download finishes.

>> No.1237167

Just ignore all the walls of text. It's a small price to pay.

>> No.1237455
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>> No.1237463
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>> No.1237617



>> No.1237762
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>> No.1237771


Yeah, that was the best thing I saw all day.

>> No.1237768


>> No.1237776


Yeah, that was the best thing I saw all day.

>> No.1238169

The anaconda can climb to yukkuri's house and eat all of them family.

>> No.1238553

What uploader did you get that from?

>> No.1238655
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>> No.1238678
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>> No.1238679

So now they grow in pea pods all of a sudden...?

>> No.1238768
File: 193 KB, 1000x750, 1220363444985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translation request, please.

It's fresh off pixiv and might be simple to translate since Yukkureimu says the same thing 3 times.

>> No.1238778
File: 521 KB, 1451x1200, 1220363625282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another yukkuri guide, I believe. Looks interesting.

>> No.1238797

That's how it was originally.

The gurofags who wanted to jack off to shitfucking remiriyas stillbirth are the faggots who introduced live-birth.
Must be a 2ch thing.

>> No.1238816

I say FUCK japan, disregard everything they create, and make our own canon for yukkuri.

>> No.1238818
File: 214 KB, 400x3258, 1220364294289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original was actually dividing or some shit. There was one really old picture where a Reimu was cut in half, and became two. Or it could be the branching, but there was no peapod shit. Picture related.

>> No.1238825
File: 140 KB, 768x1024, 1220364354525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really? I guess I just wasn't around for the peapod method, and only for the tendril method.

>> No.1238830

i cried ;__;

>> No.1238988

Why are you so obsessive-compulsive over having some kind of canon? The reason the japs don't care for one is that it stifles creativity, so why should we shackle ourselves down just to appease a minority (a noisy one, but a minority, possibly only consisting of trolls)?

>> No.1239005
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>> No.1239009

because it wouldn't stifle creativity. Touhou has a canon and that definitely doesn't stiffe the creativity of the doujin authors. If yukkuri had a canon you could avoid all the ridiculous shit like remiryas sometimes having a body, the numerous different methods of birth, the contradiction of yukkuri having a poor memory but able to be traumatized for life, yukkuri eating siblings without any provocation or threat of starvation, tons of shit involving yukkuri and their accessories, and even the issue of them crying when punched but having no complain when used as a bean bag. That is why I think there should be a fucking canon, although I disagree with >>1238816 because I don't see any point in having a western canon, given how little western yukkuri stuff there is.

>> No.1239041

This stuff gets more sexually disturbing every day.

Right: "Re, Reimu... I can't hold it any longer (ze)"
Mid: *haa* *haa* (pant pant)
Left: "It's okay, come..."

>> No.1239045

You still haven't explained why those "ridiculous" things are bad in any way. Sure, it may feel off that every other story has different working facts, but I don't see how they spoil the overall fun in any way, if I don't like a story/picture/whatever I just ignore it. A skill most 4chan users should have developed in about 2 months of browsing anyways.

Also, even if we had canon, how would you go about enforcing it in the first place? After all, it's only meaningful to have a canon if a considerable portion of the community agrees to it. Sorry if this comes too harsh, but this whole thing comes off to me as a pathetic elitist squabble on a children's playground over who's sandcastle would win in a battle.

>> No.1239056


"You were taking it easy!!!" or "You must have been taking it easy!!!", I guess she was left home alone for a while?

Reimu is saying "Ah-..."

>> No.1239063

I think the first time we saw the stem-thing was in those yodeling flash movies.

>> No.1239071

You're too Chaotic Neutral and
you're too Lawful Neutral.

There is a certain level of canon (including Remiryas having bodies), but there's also room for improvisation and new ideas. As long as you don't take it too far (i.e. man-eating yukkuris), you can introduce new ideas.

>> No.1239080

Is there a translation or summary for the reimu/youmu comic yet?

>> No.1239084

I just noticed the < on Marisa.


>> No.1239089
File: 155 KB, 640x960, 1220369919338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My idea of yukkuri developing a canon would be to have a lot of the japanese artists/authors get together and decide this shit themselves. It'd be strange for them to not adhere to something they helped make.
As for them being bad, I simply do not find it as interesting if they suddenly start eating each other for no reason. Pic related, although the second panel is just an edit of the first to make it less cute. Someone had mentioned a number of threads back that real guro tries to make the victims seem as real as possible, so that the torture seems more real to the reader; like the difference between a nameless redshirt dying in star trek and a major character. The story I had mentioned about siblings eating each other for no reason was just that. If they're just going to kill each other at the drop of a hat, why even bother torturing them? I wrote an intentionally bad fic about that (in general how the authors just make shit up as is convenient, hence giving birth to unrelated types without rubbing first). Reposting.

"There was a yukkurisa with a family of 4 koyukkuri; two reimus, a marisa, and a myon. Marisa was a single mom, having given birth to them by herself, without getting refreshed. Yukkurisa loved her family more than anything; more than her own life. One day while grazing a meadow with her family, she ate one of her children. 'This shit's good!'. She then ate the rest of her children, the despair making their bean paste sweeter. She then realized what she did, screamed, and started to eat her own face to atone for what she did. The end."

>> No.1239090
File: 502 KB, 400x2400, 1220368735065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shi..

>> No.1239100
File: 337 KB, 1280x1024, 1220370089249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yukkuri is an ever evolving phenomenon

and I don't think it will stop anytime soon

>> No.1239114


Could someone post that pic of the Koyukkualice raping the Koyukkurisa?

>> No.1239122
File: 95 KB, 478x622, 1220370616009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1239125


Thank you.

>> No.1239127

That's just bad writing with a non sequitur, no canon can make a poor writer into a decent one. Only practice and recognition of one's fallibility does that. Also, isn't that from a summary? Perhaps the guy who did the summary just failed to include important details that would make the story actually make sense?

>> No.1239129
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>> No.1239136


But why atone?

She can just have more kids. They won't be any different from the last.

>> No.1239139

No. I wrote that myself. While you are right about canon not making a writer better, I still have a problem with the numerous contradictions between stories that are not necessarily determined by how good or bad a writer is (which I have no way of determining, as I can't speak japanese, and the stories are just summaries). A canon would at least help there.

>> No.1239150

The idea of a Yukkuri 'cannon' is silly. There is no central author, and no one's going to form any kind of Yukkuri Council to dictate what these fictional head things can or cannot do. Even if a few nerds did get together and try it, no one would take them seriously.

If you're wondering how they eat and breed
And other science facts,
Just repeat to yourself "It's just a meme,
I should really just relax"

>> No.1239153

The idea of a Yukkuri 'canon' is silly. There is no central author, and no one's going to form any kind of Yukkuri Council to dictate what these fictional head things can or cannot do. Even if a few nerds did get together and try it, no one would take them seriously.

If you're wondering how they eat and breed
And other science facts,
Just repeat to yourself "It's just a meme,
I should really just relax"

>> No.1239157

I spend too much time waterducts for my own good, but there's a non written, generally accepted canon fanon:


yukkureimu, yukkurisa, arisu, remirya are canon. Everyone else is obscure, though kimeemaru is gaining popularity.

Tripples and justakuri is a big fat cake of lie. I'm starting to wonder if was created by 4ch


Yukkureimu is generally nice. Yukkurisa is usually stable, but vulnerable to mental pollution. Arisu is a rapist, period. There is no such thing as consensual Arisu. Likewise, there is no such thing as a vegetarian Remirya.


They are awfully vain about it, but being Yukkuri there's not much they can do if their accessories is taken away by external factors. Hivemind revenge is a LIE

>> No.1239164

>Peni peni is a new thing and hope in never ever gets fully accepted

Christ, me too. It's like futa.

>> No.1239180

How about just mentally treating every story as not being connected to the others in any way? Enjoy them on their own merits (or dismerits, whatever rocks your boat). Or are you truly serious that you absolutely must have a set of 10 laws written on stone before you can enjoy something? This is sounding more and more like dealing with a fundamentalist christian, THERE IS (or in our case SHOULD BE) AN ABSOLUTE SET OF LAWS, IT'S ALL IN THE BIBLE (WIKI)!

How do you tolerate the entire touhou community for that matter? There's a metric fuckton of stories that contradict each other, some worse than others.

>> No.1239188

>yukkureimu, yukkurisa, arisu, remirya are canon.

Myons, Patchoulis and Flandres are equally canon, although they're rare.

>Tripples and justakuri is a big fat cake of lie. I'm starting to wonder if was created by 4ch

Justakkuris are indeed a prank. Triples are not.

>Peni peni is a new thing and hope in never ever gets fully accepted


>> No.1239189
File: 70 KB, 600x450, 1220372089617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the various takes people have of yukkuri canon honestly. Makes me wonder if people did this shit back in the day over the fables of, say, King Arthur and whatnot.

>> No.1239190

Gensokyo accepts "everything"

>> No.1239193
File: 72 KB, 567x600, 1220372163988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I prefer the more modern take of King Arthur.

>> No.1239203


My main problem with it is that the stories simply are not interesting if they're this giant clusterfuck of people making shit up as is convenient. A lot of it probably is the fault of talentless authors, but I really can't separate good from bad just from summaries. Again to the guro comparison; What point is there in breaking their family ties if they are so weak as to eat each other with no provocation? What point is there in torturing them if they'll just torture themselves through sheer stupidity (as in, ignoring stuff that they should know instinctually)?

>> No.1239211

meaningless and worthless western opinions

>> No.1239212

There is no point. Stop trying to find the meaning of life in disembodied heads. It's just something amusing on the internet, nothing more.

>> No.1239215

Ah, I see it now, you want a set canon so that a specific subset of stories you prefer (not necessarily the guro, mind you, this is more general) would work better. You seem to ignore the point that not having a set canon will actually make a wider array of stories not only possible, but also potentially interesting. And yet again it all boils down to author talent. Without talent, no matter how well the currently chosen facts fit the story style in question, the end result will be sub-standard.

>> No.1239224

It's fucking irony. We view Yukkuri as things to take out our frustrations on, and all they want to do is relax and do nothing like lazy, american slackers.

>> No.1239230

We hate them precisely because they're like americunts.

>> No.1239241

Perhaps, but not having a canon (actually, I suppose I should say 'having a canon THIS loose') has created a ton of shit. I suppose I'm just an optimist; restricting the canon just might make things better, even though it could of course also make things worse.

>> No.1239252

Fuck off.

>> No.1239258


1st off. Shut up.
Also i like takin it easy. I think they have the right idea.

>> No.1239259

I find the relationship between yukkuis and humans interesting because of how it parallels another relationship in Gensokyo.

Youkai are for the most part superior to humans in strength, and often intelligence as well. Also, Youkai think that humans are really tasty; I think PMiSS described humans as a delicacy among youkai.

Now humans don't want to be eaten by some youkai, in spite of the fact that they are often inferior to youkai in physical and mental ability. They feel that they shouldn’t be considered food just because they don’t have super strength of the mental processing power of 1000000 computers

And then Yukkuris show up. And what do humans do? Do they welcome these physically and mentally disadvantaged beings with open arms treating them with the respect and consideration they think youkai should treat humans with? FUCK NO! They eat the little bastards because they're fucking delicious, and they torture them cause it's funny.

>> No.1239261


Right, because America is the only country in the world with lazy obese slackers...

>> No.1239265

actually, humans in gensokyo are stronger than the average youkai. They are, however, still weaker than the strongest youkai (which includes stage 1 bosses and midbosses). And I don't think even the most powerful youkai are THAT much more intelligent than humans

>> No.1239280

the average youkai are non-boss stage enemies, right?

>> No.1239291

It's stated that many youkai eat humans. I would assume that if only the most powerful of youkai could beat a human this would not be the case.

>> No.1239298


No, those are Fairies

>> No.1239301

Therefore, humans treat yukkuri as youkai treat humans?

>> No.1239297

One ton of shit, two tons of material of my interest

>> No.1239312

Fairies and youkai. Both

>> No.1239325

Or they could get lucky. Or they could gang up on a human. While the stage cannonfodder youkai (yes, and there are fairies in stages too, and they don't eat humans) are weaker than gensokyo humans, they are MUCH more numerous. I'm sure they would never even attempt to attack the human village, but wandering off into the wilderness (especially at night) is a nice way to get killed.

>> No.1239430

Yukkuris are a threat to the ecosystem. They multiply like flies, they eat whatever they can get their mouths on, and they don't contribute to nature. They are a harmful virus.

>> No.1239440

Bean paste is full of things plants need to grow, I think.
The yukkuris are very plant-like themselves.

Kill a lot of them in an area
Plant seeds

>> No.1239444

>Yukkuris are a threat to the ecosystem. They multiply like flies, they eat whatever they can get their mouths on, and they don't contribute to nature. They are a harmful virus.

So you mean they're like humans?

>> No.1239457

They have all the bad points of humans and none of the good ones.

>> No.1239470
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>> No.1239485

What if it survives for centuries? Can you imagine a mythologist in one of those useless TV programs going on about how people in the 21th century created the legend known as "yukkuri"?

>> No.1239494

no, I really can't imagine them bothering with something like this.

>> No.1239507

Lack of historical influence will send the yukkuri legend into oblivion.

>> No.1239532
File: 31 KB, 234x242, 1220378828964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Idleness in the 21th Century and the Yukkuri phenomenon".

>> No.1239536


>> No.1239566

>Perhaps, but not having a canon (actually, I suppose I should say 'having a canon THIS loose') has created a ton of shit. I suppose I'm just an optimist; restricting the canon just might make things better, even though it could of course also make things worse.

You know, 90% of everything is shit. Canon or no canon, 90% of stuff will be shit.

Okay, let me ask you, do you preffer Remiryas with bodies or without, stalk birth or mammalian birth, yukkuri with long term memory or without?

>> No.1239612
File: 239 KB, 1400x1850, 1220380532936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remiryas with certain bodies or not (although honestly, I'd rather there were NO bodies. How the fuck did those come into existance?). I really don't care if they have bodies or not.
Stalk method. I think the 'birthing cannon' was just made because someone realized that if they gave birth that way, you could use it as skeet (why the fuck would it shoot that hard) or punch them in. And it was convenient to make shit up, so they did.
Short term memories. The only way I can see to accomodate both is 'their short memory is because remembering stuff isn't taking it easy, so as long as they can take it easy they won't bother to remember much. If they can't take it easy, they remember the trauma". But that's probably just me looking into this shit too much.
Honestly, it's the unrealistic behavior that really annoys me, much more than the inconsistencies like remiryas. Siblings eaching each other, the super-yukkuri-launch birth, even sitting on a yukkuri bother me more than remiryas sometimes having a body.

>> No.1239620


Skeet birth is awesome and you're a faggot.

>> No.1239710


Man, just tell honestly: you want to control in which direction the Yukkuri fandom is progressing.
Forget it, you can't guide it with rules while we're all anonymous.
Only thing you can do is to make A LOT of GOOD QUALITY art or stories.

>> No.1239716

I am not pretending to be capable of controlling anything with this fandom. This is really just like me cursing bad weather. The only way any change could occur would be someone convincing the japanese authors to do so. I do not speak japanese so I can't do that.

>> No.1239718
File: 112 KB, 400x2496, 1220381756159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yukkureimu HAET rape babies

>> No.1239740

/r/ing link to that uploader

>> No.1239754


Then why waste your breath? You keep bitching and nothing's changing, and I doubt the elevens even browse these threads anymore, since they translated that one story.

>> No.1239767

If I had something better to do with my time, I wouldn't be on yukkuri threads.

>> No.1239776

Translation please! This one looks awesome.

>> No.1239784



>> No.1239786
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>> No.1239823



>> No.1239848

The first three panels have been translated.

4) Yuyu? (sway sway)
5) yu (rip)
6) nyu
7) -Yu!
-Even though the baby Alices look like that serial rapist and piss me off, this baby is cute and looks like Reimu!
8) -Reimu's baby! Take it easy!
-Chake ich eajy!
9) -Yu! Aliche's little shister got bworn!
-Chake ich eajy!
-Chake ich eajy with your chity chect shisters!
10) Huh!!?
11) -Mwommie, I'm hwungry!
-Yu! Eat the stalk that fell from Mommie!
12) -Aliches are hwungry choo!
-We'll eat it eajy chogether!
13) right-BASH, over chibiyukkuris-splat, under them-Yube-!
14) -This is baby Reimu's food! (under Mothereimu)
-Go eat some grass or something, you horrible bastards! (left of Mothereimu)
-Yu...Yu-gu (right chibialice)
-YhuuUUUUUU!!! (top chibialice)
-Whyyy...Mwommie... (left chibialice)
15) -Mwommie, Reimu can't each all of ich by hewself...
-My shisters, choo...
-Don't force yourself to eat it all at once, eat it easy!

>> No.1239949
File: 155 KB, 400x2693, gy_uljp00032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real comic ending.

>> No.1239960

If someone could edit this one, I'll finish up the Yukkuri Alices one.
