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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12303998 No.12303998 [Reply] [Original]

Reminiscence time!
What got you into touhou? what was the first game you played?

I guess I'll go first. I first met ttouhou on danbooru. when google told me it wasn't an rpg but a scroll shooter I decided not to give it a try.

Than, after I forgot about it, I met the music in the nico nico mash. Google made me remember why 'touhou' sounded familiar, and I decided yet again not to give it a try.

Than touhoumon came, and than it was when I first gave touhou a chance.

My first touhou game was MoF. I still divide the touhou games between those before MoF and those after like this:
pc98 era: HRtP to MS (duh)
Classic touhou: EoSD to StB
Modern touhou: MoF to FW
Honestly-I-Don't-Care-Anymore touhou: TD and up.

>> No.12304102

What about you? What was your first game, what got you into touhou?

>> No.12304153

I remember hearing about it from a LJ, but this was back in 2005 or so, before /jp/ was birthed. I only started getting into it in 2010, as I became more of a depressed recluse

>> No.12304213
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My first Touhou game was IaMP. Friend showed it to me, I liked music and design very much. But at that time I knew nothing about danmaku games and watched Summer Day's Dream instead. Then I forgot about it.
Years after I was hanging in some chatroom where people played fightings, including Hisoutensoku. I googled Touhou and found Flandre's theme and some articles about the games, afterwards I decided to play IN and EoSD.
I've played all Windows and some PC98 games, cleared most of them on normal (also hard, extra and phantasm in PCB), but I can't clear SA on normal. Actually I did once, but that was a miracle. I feel like I'm at the limit of my capabilities.

>> No.12306725


>> No.12306735

I just want to say that I LOVE Sanae! LOVE!!

>> No.12306785
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Touhou memes spam on /v/, mostly tsurupettan.

Then I went and played EoSD.

>> No.12306798

>What got you into touhou?
A GenocideKitten pic like ten years ago
>what was the first game you played?
scarlet devil

>> No.12306799


>> No.12306801

you wanted to know, so I told you :v)

>> No.12306810

I sort of new about it for years from images on Konochan but I looked it u and it did not sound interesting but then 3 years later when I started visiting 4chan and then /jp/ and found out you guys love it.
I gave it a try and found it average but I like the music and some of the characters.

>> No.12307090

I watched someone LP EoSD in 2008 or something
