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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 426 KB, 1144x699, business_card_design__touhou_sweden_by_nac0n-d6eswn9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12259109 No.12259109 [Reply] [Original]

Does your country have a sizable Touhou fanbase, /jp/? What are they like?

>> No.12259113

Don't know; don't care.

>> No.12259126

Probably the same as everywhere in every fanbase. Filthy memespewing retards.

>> No.12259146
File: 180 KB, 600x427, 1331578698176145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a Sirkku?

>> No.12259159

Perhaps. I'd rather avoid any kind of "fanbase", so I don't know what they're like. I assume the worst.

>> No.12259171

Translate it scandiboos.

>> No.12259177

What would swedish touhou be like?

>> No.12259178

on bit
hard and chopped
hard sugar
cirno sugar

>> No.12259180

Skinny glasses-wearing virgins and roughly ten young ladies

>> No.12259185

Full of niggerpenises.

>> No.12259202

>implying there's more than 10 touhou fans in Sweden

>> No.12259204

I don't think it does, even if it did I would not go to it. I hate people and will not expose myself.

>> No.12259235
File: 433 KB, 343x965, hiiri is finnish for mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does sweden have native artist doing touhou fanart in swedish?

>> No.12259236
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I think they run the touhouwiki. Other than that I have no idea.

>> No.12259249

I'm not sure. Does Japan have a Touhou fanbase? I've never even meet anyone who likes Touhou here.

>> No.12259258

Does Australia have one?

>> No.12259280


>> No.12259304


Somehow I think their fanbase involves mass immigration of a certain race to gensokyo as they culturally enrich the lands with the cloud bitch spearheading it.

That or is on the verge of producing more touhou trap porn than what is on Xvideos currently.

>> No.12259311

Where does the Swedish transsexual stereotype come from? I've lived in Sweden for almost 30 years and never seen a tranny.

>> No.12259320
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Who knows.

>> No.12259411
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>on bit

>> No.12259449
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>> No.12259500

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12259691

I answered OP's question.

>> No.12260389
File: 61 KB, 420x531, 2hu16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen or heard of another person that is an actual fan of Touhou as a whole in Germany.
Then again, there was a short documentation on arte about them, so they've got to exist somewhere. Apparently they're all autistic.

>> No.12260397

I think Mima guy is german.

And also autistic.

>> No.12260406

I like touhou and I'm a (uh) Aussie.

But no, I don't think it does. Although I did reveal my powerlevel to some of my students accidentally once by opening youtube in class and it had all these touhou remixes in the history and one girl said, "Hey look, Touhou!"

>> No.12260410

Babbe actually arranges the music so he's probably a fan?

>> No.12260415

There are probably allot of people who like it but are not so open about it and do not form groups. I used to think no one but my cousin and I watched anime but he has met allot of others that do and so has my brother(both my cousin and brother do not know I watch it though).

>> No.12260421

>Probably the same as everywhere in every fanbase. Filthy memespewing retards.
Thanks for typing out what I was going to say

>> No.12260438


That's the first time I hear about him. You're probably correct. I still feel pretty alone with my hobby tentatively sometimes maybe, though.

>> No.12260468


Like this

>> No.12260903

What I know is there are several Touhou arrangers from my country.
Two of them that I know, they even got their works published in Japan
(I'm Indonesian)

>> No.12260919

w-w-w-wanna meet up?

>> No.12260972

Touhou Sweden is cancerous.

>> No.12260973

Saying cancerous is cancerous.

>> No.12260994
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>> No.12261035

The truth is cancerous.

>> No.12261082

Touhou seems to be unknown here in Flipland.

>> No.12261085
File: 497 KB, 800x800, 1386876098218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish my country was that cool

does reimu seriously play a shmup with an arcade stick?

>> No.12261122

I get the feeling that with the kinda big anime community here in Germany there are a few Touhou fans also. I've seen some German LPers on Youtube playing official Touhou and Doujin games.

>> No.12261147

>touhou Sweden
>Reimu's not in a burka

>> No.12261152

There are probably a lot of people who like it as well as not being autistic and also have other hobbies.

>> No.12261179

why does finland always get all the attention in these kind of threads

>> No.12261197


>> No.12261208

Germany here. Don't know but I would guess there're a few training in the sacred crafts of touhounism. I guess if it would become more popular here, we would start to philosophy about what a true touhou fan is until we get ourselfes to be mighty enough to start to seek out all secondaries and exterminate them in the name of our glorious leader, ZUN! That's of course just my guess but that's what we germans generally do.

>> No.12261209
File: 17 KB, 240x240, kasino_DKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me it's Dangdut remix.

Though, it's still nice that we have circle group, I guess.

>> No.12261274

So I'm not the only one

>> No.12261294
File: 57 KB, 490x337, 1404912919858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course you would need Lebenraum.

>> No.12261323
File: 679 KB, 2000x2000, AUSOniR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hellö, this is of swedish touhou fanart, such wunderful fanart. Are you of likings it?

Börk börk.

>> No.12261351

Not in Spain. I've never met anyone who even knows about it. The only thing resembling a community was a small forum called Border of Gensokyo that organized offline meetings and dances. Apparently it's dead now.


>> No.12261370

I could never participate in offline meetings.

>> No.12261475

because Finland has the best Touhou community

>> No.12261484

I only know of two other fans in my country beside myself. People can't get past the One Piece definition of Japanese otaku culture.

>> No.12261491
File: 101 KB, 1077x1041, 43828927_big_p17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am on an island in the middle of the North Atlantic.

I am pretty sure that I am literally the only person on this godforsaken rock to play touhou.

>> No.12261501

>North Atlantic
Are you a native or just visiting?

>> No.12261511
File: 65 KB, 414x248, Ach, ist das so?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't work. Since ZUN is neither a retard nor a cripple, his personality will never really catch on in our home country.

> big anime community
Afaik, it's mostly the mainstream stuff, though, and most of the fandom is rather horrifying.

>> No.12261529

I don't think ZUNs german is worse than hitlers and he's probably also short, so who knows?
He has a silly but fashionable hat, meaning women will surely listen to him and agree even if they can't understand a word. And him drinking german beer and being alcoholic as japanese means that he will be respected amongst german men.
The odds are in his favor, face it and praise our new Führer!

I'm curious about how he will design our new uniforms.
You guys thought nazis were bad, wait until you get danmaku dodging nazis!

>> No.12261662

>I'm curious about how he will design our new uniforms.
I think I could arrange myself to the thought of having to wear silly hats and frilly dresses as a national dress code.
Also, Spell Card rules dictate that nobody actually dies and everyone's having a get-together with tea and cake after the kerfuffle took place.

This is a difficult question to answer, granted you're serious about it.

>> No.12261668
File: 159 KB, 500x500, cirno get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there are any other Touhou fans in Slavland, I sure am glad I met none of them.

>> No.12262226

Well, not always....

Btw, check typeMARS, he's from Samarinda, he participated in Yonder Voice's Reitaisai 11 album

>> No.12262239

Why is Rumia the German touhou all of a sudden?

She's more gaelic than anything in my opinion.

>> No.12262282

I didn't even know there was a touhou fanbase here in sweden, I'll do my best to forget about it.

>> No.12262747
File: 2.96 MB, 1618x4349, 30caf16b835c4e83c130b004df14ad85[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have some in Malaysia. The numbers are still small though. They're really a mix bag. Some are crossplayers, some are hardcore soku players, some actually sell their arts at convention etc

>> No.12263461

Being a sand nigger, I've a feeling there are no other fans around me in a two thousand kilometer radius

>> No.12263612
File: 44 KB, 245x250, 1383351011457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Northern-dialect Yoshika

>> No.12263707
File: 56 KB, 946x700, 1256242171654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it's dead
>TLMC в 48кбит/c кому-нибудь н-н-надо?
That fucking thread, my sides

>> No.12263712

There doesn't appear to be a very big interest in Touhou here in Australia. At the last Supanova convention in the Gold Coast (video game, anime, etc. convention with cosplayers) I didn't see any touhou cosplay. Hell, I even saw LoGH cosplay there, but there was barely any interest in Touhou.

Even in weeb circles here, it's not that big.

>> No.12263760

A few of us have posted here, there are at least three in this thread. Maybe we are all to smart to show off our interests to the public, it's not like anything important is being missed.

>> No.12263804

I don't get iy

>> No.12264046
File: 47 KB, 319x321, 1398474131638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is

>> No.12264114

why is finland so great

>> No.12264144

Touhou is basically nonexistant in Deutschland. At least part I live in.

>> No.12264147

Same here

>> No.12264150

You poor soul

>> No.12264162

The whole site is about touhou. When I put its /b/ in gt and the anonymous name there was cirno. I mean I don't mind but why why no reimu or reimu or reimu or remi ore rem why not?

>> No.12264164
File: 377 KB, 3008x2000, 1398610094024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently large enough to have ZUN come and visit and consider officially translating Touhou to our language.
Feels good.

Some fans are nice, some fans are absolutely horrible.

>> No.12264724

Yeah, nobody knows 2hu here
