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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 221 KB, 800x614, spank_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12216117 No.12216117 [Reply] [Original]

You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects.
OC should pertain to light/visual novels, figures, and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).

Bullying is verboten.

>> No.12216127

Might wanna go with a new OP pic when this is deleted.

>> No.12216128

Holy shit I know it isn't anatomically wrong but that guy's thumb is ruining the otherwise perfect picture for me.

>> No.12216129

His thumb is looking pretty bad dude.

>> No.12216140

The reason he's spanking her is because she broke his thumb.

>> No.12216148

Or maybe the unfortunate accident that claimed his thumb also gave him a psychological compulsion to spank the nearest girl he sees.

>> No.12216154

maybe he broke his thumb while spanking her

>> No.12216177

No, the thumb is clearly meant to be a phallic metaphor.

>> No.12216190
File: 85 KB, 678x1050, migi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it's not a thumb but a parasitic entity that took over the man and is making her slap the girl.

>> No.12216192

Is this thread gonna get deleted then?

>> No.12216199

Because of the broken thumb? Don't be silly, janny.

>> No.12216235

The OP is making my virgin flare up

>> No.12216240

Your virgin what?

>> No.12216243

He accidentally a noun. It happens to the best of us.

>> No.12216246
File: 646 KB, 646x684, mima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna do a Complete Darkness arrange, just for you /jp/
Because I know you love Mima

Here you go /jp/ as promised

Sorry if the mixing is shite, I really need some decent headphones or monitors

>> No.12216248

this is RADICAL dude

>> No.12216264

Hey now, there's a difference between omitting a and accidentally a noun.

Don't play around like that!

>> No.12216300

Is this thread going to get deleted?

>> No.12216310

>Because I know you love Mima
And now I love you too!

The drums at 2:38 feels a bit off, though. It feels like it's transitioning to something fast, like an eighth pattern or something, but instead it's a chill half-time pattern. It's a bit misleading.

Also I'm trying to imagine if that blues-y solo might fit better if you put it at the end instead.

But that's about it. Man, I can't click the Like button enough for this.

>> No.12216325
File: 128 KB, 640x400, centralcommand2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a weird way to start the thread.

>> No.12216375

Thanks for the feedback, I mostly use funk drum patterns slowed down to give it a hiphop feel , so that might explain why it feels a little off

>> No.12216401

woah, this thread is 2LEWD4ME

>> No.12216404

I think it counts as lewd but SFW.

>> No.12216519
File: 454 KB, 600x1000, Resized_shinki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at this

>> No.12216536

Sorry, but does anyone know the artist of this image?

I've been looking around iqdb and google for a while now, and I know I recognize the artist.

>> No.12216661

The part that's off is only the transition bit, so about 2:38 to 2:40. The drum pattern afterwards is fine, but it's just that the transition to it feels a bit misleading. I hope what I'm saying makes sense...

>> No.12216703

>Hmm, well that can't be right, the weird thing on the right doesn't align with the corridor's exit... unless it's tilted... like a weapon in first pers-

>> No.12216771

Mongoloid hand apart that pic is too good and instantly drained me of any drawing energy. what's even the point trying if I already know I can't do something like that? thanks op for reminding me I'm a failure

>> No.12216899

I'm not sure where this is going.

Has anyone ever felt like the melody you just wrote down might or might not be stolen, but you can't say with certainty if it is, let alone from where?
I know that near everything has been done due to the limited possibilities in music, but I still don't want to accidentally copy and paste half of my work.

>> No.12216916

Don't worry, I suck at everything

>> No.12216927

Doesn't sound familiar to me and I normally have a pretty good ear for when melody's are the same, I'll often hear something and be like "where the fark do I know that from..."

>> No.12216964

Except it is anatomatically wrong.

>> No.12216995

The beginning vaguely reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9xBAtCsCTQ&t=106
You use that same melody throughout the song, so it's kind of similar.

>> No.12217002

Meh, I didn't know that song before, and I'd say it's far enough off from the 80s.
Thank you for the feedback, I feel a little more at rest now.

>> No.12217040

>that picture
You have my undivided attention now.
As soon as my left hand is free.

>> No.12217161

It has happened to me, too, even if it's totally original. It feels more like a musical deja vu.
>I know that near everything has been done due to the limited possibilities in music
Musical possibilities can't be exhausted

>> No.12217192

It all depends on how close to something existing you're wiling to go.
If you go and invent a new instrument you can play existing songs on it, whether that counts as new music or can be argued about.
Similarly if you change tempo and/or pitch of the whole piece.
If you define adding, subtracting or changing a single note in tempo or pitch as a single step, you can get from anywhere to everywhere in a finite number of steps. With the number of musicians exploding in the last centuries, the average number of steps each new song is away from it's nearest neighbor steadily decreases - and will hit zero eventually.
Of course, whether the collective mind of humanity let alone a single individual can recognize the similarities is a different matter.

>> No.12217238

I'm assuming you're arguing this from the point of view of tonal music. But what about atonal music, or in fact, music without fixed tuning? Glitch? Ambient? Nature sounds? Onkyo? Suddenly you have exponentially more possible sound, and in fact, it's probably close to literally infinite. Considering that,I don't think musical possibilities can ever be exhausted in humanity's time in this world.

>> No.12217242

I like to think of music more as a book, all of them utilize similar sentences, but it's near to impossible to write a book, unintentionally, exactly like another already existing book.
Even a single musical idea yields infinite possibilities, see Art of Fugue.

>> No.12217325

Yes, that's what I meant with new instruments. Even if you use birds chirping, if it's the same melody I (personally, from what you wrote I assume you might not be with me on this one) don't consider it "new music". Of course you can use any noise for percussion, but even then the number of patterns is finite - until you use so many substitutes that it's virtually indistinguishable from random noise.
I might be a little old fashioned with this stricter definition of what music is to me, and I will give you that for someone more open minded music won't run out for a longer while, but that won't change my problem of "I think someone already made almost this exact melody".

Music only has 12 letters though, and a piece of music is seldom longer than the equivalent of a few sentences. Most of the time you want each sentence to be original, not just the whole piece.

I also apologize for using the drawthread for this conversation. In the end it's probably a matter of perspective.

>> No.12217350
File: 89 KB, 640x400, friendroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those agdg threads look like they're full of angry people. I don't think I will post there.

this one is a hexagon.

>> No.12217372


That isn't a hexagon at all! It's just a tapered cube. I was wrong about my own image!

>> No.12217408

What you say may be true for single melodies, but even the same succession of notes will sound different depending on the context.
>Music only has 12 letters though
A Gb is different from a F#, even is they sound the same.
>and a piece of music is seldom longer than the equivalent of a few sentences
That holds true only for certain styles of music.

>> No.12217417

First of all, why would Field Recording music have melodies in it?

And then there's music made with deliberately no structure or melody, or purely textural music. Our definition of what music is keeps being challenged each and every day. That in itself is a sign of music's infinite, inexhaustible possibilities.

Technology keeps advancing and with it, music as well. We had, to name a few, musique concrete, recordings, and purely signal-based music in the last century, that doesn't sound like anything before them. In the coming century, we'll probably have quantum music, and it will be so unimaginable it would feel like nothing you've ever met before. If you keep an open mind, music can only evolve, not stagnate.

>the number of patterns is finite
If you limit yourself to classical meters and duration.

>Music only has 12 letters though
Those made with equal temperament, yes, but that's hardly the only type of music in the world. There's more than 12 pitches that the human ears can hear and the human mind can process.

>> No.12217419

As a former /evn/ poster, I'll say that most of the dev topics in /vg/ are full of trolls who know jack shit about the topic they're posting in and will never get anything done, even more so than /jp/.

>> No.12217427


The entire internet seems to be that. It's why I must work alone!

>> No.12217506

hey musicfriends, rather than arguing in circles, help me out instead!

is there any theory covering modulation for non-diatonic scales? is there a canonical way for scales with differing interval steps to play nice with each other or should I just forget it and kill myself?

>> No.12217508

>But even then the number of patterns is finite
The number of possible images in a 16x16 square is finite, but that number is so high that you can never expect every possibility to be realized.

>> No.12217537

When dealing with things like this just follow your ear. Remember, music theory came up to explain music, not to create it.

>> No.12217541

Don't give up! Perhaps in a few years you will be just as good as he is if not better, all you need to do is practice!

>> No.12217557
File: 250 KB, 1800x2037, comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like happy endings

>> No.12217561

Why is /sp/ there

>> No.12217564

its a J dammit

>> No.12217569


>> No.12217570

well, sure, but I'm wondering if there's some easy canonical shortcut that works every time for this case. the subdominant pivot chord method doesn't seem to work for some of the more exotic scales.

>> No.12217578

I think it might be more realistic that /sp/ rescue

>> No.12217583

But /jp/ is the girl according to the filename. And you wrote an s not a j

>> No.12217590

it seems like it was consensual

>> No.12217607
File: 249 KB, 1800x2037, comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please kindly shut the fuck up
unhappy sex is what ruined lolicon in the first place, and /jp/ as reflex
here, now only represents good willed alllies of love individuals and not a specified group
it was a mistification

>> No.12217623

what does it mean JLAP JLAP JLAP?

>> No.12217626

I got a more Eyes Wide Shut vibe from OP and less of a dastardly wild west villain.

>> No.12217629
File: 64 KB, 800x473, 1392663894428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully pls

>> No.12217634

Modulation is to find and utilize a relationship between two tonalities, for example, you could go from C major to F minor using the minor iv of C major (parallel minor key borrowing) as the i of F minor, or you could go from C major to Eb minor using viiº7/vi as the viiº7 of Eb minor.
So, go find that relationship between your scales.

>> No.12217652

me on the left

>> No.12217664

are you dyslexic?

>> No.12217927

Jeez dude, work on your writing

>> No.12217953

can you guys stop bullying my writing?no one said any art critiquè yet about my horrible drawings. I'm extremely disappointy

>> No.12217969

Are you high or something

>> No.12217979


>> No.12217993

Seconding, can't find it either.

>> No.12217994

your art isn't horrible it's just boring

>> No.12218001

your drawings aren't horrible just lazy

>> No.12218025

I like your stuff, it's very lively and fun! But you need to slow down, since it seems like you don't spend enough time on it.
The values are really nice.

>> No.12218048
File: 67 KB, 960x540, game3d_0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on this again now, I don't feel like doing any more jams, I want to release a demo in the coming months.

I changed to 3D for the stages. I wanted to do that for a long time and it wasn't trouble to implement this kind of basic 3D since I won't be using any shadows or lighting. I need to practice modeling though.

Right I'm going to focus on the fighting aspect.

>> No.12218053

But with 3D it loses some charm

>> No.12218055

not if it is thematically relevant

>> No.12218061

I think I can make it work, I'm going to make the textures as I would for 2D backgrounds but now it's on 3D objects, similar to how paper mario does it.

All characters will stay 2D if that's what you were referring to.

>> No.12218064

That has nothing to do with atmosphere
Oh I see. sounds kinda complex though. modelling the objects doesn't eats more time than just drawing 2D layers?

>> No.12218068

>modelling the objects doesn't eats more time than just drawing 2D layers?
It does, especially since I'm a beginner, but I'm not going for detailed models and I think it will be worth it.

>> No.12218079

How many sprites you did? I'm curious

>> No.12218405

I don't have any finished yet, just a few placeholder images.

>> No.12218417
File: 133 KB, 700x500, 93ag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12218602

Why does it says "PC" when he shoots?

>> No.12218613

It's "ptw". Like a spitting sound.

>> No.12218617

What is Sin Sack shooting with? A peashooter?

>> No.12218728


I am into nonconsensual stuff

Please do not bully me for my fetishes

Thank you

>> No.12218732

Cute as he*k

>> No.12218735

grenade launcher

>> No.12218744

I'd say you are beyond the average

>> No.12218957

The Prinny platformer games have done something like that.

>> No.12219124

A Sonic fangame had something like that.

>> No.12219135


spanking is my fetish

do not bully me

>> No.12219150

Just imagine you're a girl that likes to be spanked.
After you got through a lot of shameing and bullying because of your preferences you found someone who is willing to spank you.
You feel like you're in heaven, finally someone who understands you!
But then a masked intruder storms through the door and shoots your soulmate.
You have to watch him blown to pieces. And with him your last hopes of true happiness.
How cruel of you.

I like it but the wierd panels bother me more than any drawing or handwriting flaw. Like the dynamism, through. Hope that makes sense.

>> No.12219177

A grenade launcher that shoots twice, only to fire only one bullet?

>> No.12219185

the first one was a dud

>> No.12219195

this obiouvsly takes place in an alternate universe so there's room for both consensual and nonconsensual. I only illustrated one possible development pls make yours if you feel like
>wierd panels
sumimasen I think I have an endorphine overload problem
its a gun. reference material was cylinders
This is pretty awesome

>> No.12219221
File: 124 KB, 640x400, com,mandroom copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps I should refrain from posting sketches until I finish the backgrounds.

>> No.12219230

That would look extremely good with intermittient monitor lighting on the walls

>> No.12219232


Sure I could try that. I do plan to have animated elements in my backgrounds despite being painted.

>> No.12219254

I wonder how would look pixelated light effects on painted backgrounds

>> No.12219301


I can animate the painted lights because it’d just be two frames, on and off.

>> No.12219309


>> No.12219315

thank you!

>> No.12219784
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x3000, plsnobully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12219895

Good, a little improvement~
remember to draw the hips before doing the legs, so placing them right is easier

>> No.12219898

Represent the body with simple forms like cylinders, spheres and cubes, then draw your girl over it.

Or be a truJP and use pyramids to approximate the body

>> No.12219929
File: 1.13 MB, 3000x3000, plsnobully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I never thought of doing it that way.
ok i'll keep that in mind anon
here's an updated version

>> No.12219942

You're a good student

>> No.12220042

why is your image size 3000x3000 for a shitty scratchy sketch are you retarded?you only need high res for paintings

>> No.12220045


>> No.12220408

ten bucks that you can't do better.
shut the fuck up

>> No.12220415 [DELETED] 

you shut the fuck up fuckwit

go back to deviantart fucking loser

i'll take your 10 dollars because you're trash faggot

>> No.12220426

are you angry? what's the matter, someone refused your friendship on facebook?

>> No.12220434 [DELETED] 

obvious troll is obvious

go back to /b/, niggernose tryhard. don't ever post your shit art on /jp/ again

>> No.12220443

you need 1000 more years of lurk moar to beat me, desu

>> No.12220446 [DELETED] 

you need to suck my dick for 1000 years homo boy

>> No.12220806
File: 282 KB, 1200x1200, 1403627935666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even static poses should show a bit of movement. Feel the pose first (gesture).

>> No.12221226

Poses don't need to be unnecessarily flamboyant.

>> No.12221560

Peeing girls are always cute.

>> No.12221595

>niggernose tryhard. don't ever post your shit art on /jp/ again
>you need to suck my dick
>you shut the fuck up fuckwit

Holy shit, yeah, That other guys the tryhard, not you... yeah. Jesus did you just watch kill la kill, berserk and elfen lied for the first time right before you found /jp/ yesterday, the start of your summer break before 10th grade?

>> No.12221627

Hey, I liked berserk! Just because these guys are idiots doesn't mean you can go around insulting other peoples tastes!

>> No.12221629

less quacking and more drawing

>> No.12221673

>did you just watch kill la kill, berserk and elfen lied for the first time right before you found /jp/ yesterday, the start of your summer break before 10th grade

/jp/ - Just Projecting

>> No.12221748

I get what you're saying but jeez, you could've tried to stay in the same spirit of the original picture.

>> No.12221871
File: 1.14 MB, 1600x1600, 1403627935666 (22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12221904

I draw 2 drawings a day,
but I am nervous to upload it here.

>> No.12221923

If you never try you'll never know! Would it be so bad if we think your drawing sucks? It shouldn't make a difference and now please share, I'm curious of what /jp/ makes regardless of quality.

>> No.12221936
File: 1.21 MB, 2480x3507, drawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12221937
File: 2.02 MB, 2480x3507, drawings0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12222071
File: 283 KB, 1000x1000, pure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wasn't me, the artist responding to you.

>> No.12222073

You're NOT an artist.

>> No.12222137


hidoi, anonkun.

>> No.12222169

Above everything: put shadow onder the nose and lower lip, and some distance between the eyes
I think he meant something with similar proportions

>> No.12222184

>put shadow onder the nose and lower lip
No, that changes little to nothing about the image.
>some distance between the eyes
Again, some little thing in the face is hardly going to change much.

Are you one of the anons who suggests loomis to other people?

>> No.12222199

There's someone in particular suggesting loomis?
anyway, to change things you have to do one step a time, so lets start with the thing that stand out the most. what use would be telling him to "draw from life" and various /ic/ nursery rhyme? I don't think he's aiming to realistic drawing anyway

>> No.12222237

>to change things you have to do one step a time, so lets start with the thing that stand out the most
That he didn't have a small shadow beneath the nose and the lip is what stood out the most?
Those 2 things are near irrelevant.
If that is the only advice you can come up with then just leave it.
The drawings aren't even that bad, any way.
Do you understand what would make the picture better?
I am pretty sure 2 small shadows beneath the nose and the lip has absolutely nothing to do with that.

>> No.12222328

No, but helping him understand roughly volume and shadow and to avoid uncanny valley effect that makes people want to look elsewhere is a good start.
>If that is the only advice you can come up with then just leave it.
>The drawings aren't even that bad, any way.
>Do you understand what would make the picture better?
I sincerely wonder if its always the same piss brain faggot that every day creates a new character in his internet repertoire to annoy the four fucks in the oc thread, or if there's some kind of black hole between /a/ and tumbler that randomly sucks into /jp/ poor travellers wandering between those places. I have absolutely no idea of where this kind of ding-dong-fuck attitude can be considered normal. another dimension? college local net?

>> No.12222329

For some reason the girl in the picture reminds me of Ellie from The Last of Us.

>> No.12222340

Don't put email in the field, its only special occasions or for particular posting modes

>> No.12222348

Your advice was bad.
Two small shadows is hardly avoiding uncanny valley. It would make no difference.
Just say some thing of value or nothing at all,
it is pretty simple and you do not need to get angry.
Even better, upload your own drawings.

>> No.12222349

Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.12222355

Also, the thread isn't even for criticism,
it is just for posting original content.

>> No.12222361

Also, I have the faint idea that you actually don't know what would make the image better and are just getting angry because I have made you realise this.

>> No.12222368

He's concerned, namefag. 4chan isn't exactly the safest place on the internet

>> No.12222450

Generally I like helping newfags, so there have been times like this when they behave like shit because they don't understand exactly the context. I understand you, but it doesn't mean I'm going to pass over your sustained arrogance.
you've been helped enough. you're alone now

>> No.12222460

Dude chill out that wasn't me.Someone was POSING as me.And thank you for your advice it means a lot to me.

>> No.12222483
File: 119 KB, 961x600, radome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radomes are imposing!

>> No.12222642

I meant more in the sense as your gesture is loose and 'blown in the wind', where as the original picture gives me more of a nervous and a little tense vibe.
I think the other guy's point of the under nose and lip shadow is so it matches with the shadow under her eyebrows. It just would make sense with the intended lighting. You have something nice going on here but you should branch out, in particular with poses. It's nearly the same as your previous two pictures.

>> No.12222659
File: 148 KB, 1300x1200, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't into hands, how a hand is supposed to looks like from that angle?

I don't want to keep hiding the hands but... this sucks

>> No.12222670

Objects pointed to the camera are really tough.
It looks good enough to me. Even if you aren't satisfied, it seems to be the right way.

>> No.12222699

>how a hand is supposed to looks like from that angle?
References anon!
You have google or your own hand, a mirror and camera.

>> No.12222959
File: 275 KB, 1000x1000, gomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12223120


>> No.12223146
File: 13 KB, 508x519, do-not-steal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original Character

(c) Anonymous 2014
All Rights Reserved.

>> No.12223451

This is pretty cool. I like the noir aspect of it.

>> No.12223607
File: 205 KB, 601x1076, witch-cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, boss.

>> No.12223659

Cute witch, dude.

>> No.12223682

thanks dude, its my original character that i didnt steal

>> No.12223689


TD's extra stage theme arranged as a parody of a certain anime's third season ED song. Please enjoy widely!

>> No.12223726
File: 29 KB, 618x441, original character do NOT steal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my OC he is the main character of a light novel I'm writing and he's totally awesome so do NOT steal it thanks

i'm only posting so you can see his concept art

>> No.12223727
File: 332 KB, 1180x792, myart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rendition of Marisa Kirisame. What do you think, /jp/?

>> No.12223732

very nice but u should draw her hair next time, okay?

>> No.12223744

thanks very good. VERY creative.

I PROMISE i wont steal it.

>> No.12223919


I don't think it'll be black and white when I am done. I've been trying to sketch a better looking one because I want to use the scene on the right partly as a way inside. Although I'd need to try and figure out how this would work at the establishing shot level.

>> No.12223921
File: 79 KB, 986x309, radome2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this image that I forgot to upload.

>> No.12224036

Actually, that's not half bad

>> No.12224042

Do webm's made from NicoNico videos count?

>> No.12224251

yes or no

>> No.12224266


>> No.12224274
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x720, Lamb Garnidelia1.2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12224278

an original content thread?
i know, i'll post shit i didnt make, that'll show 'em

>> No.12224282

Not really.

I think it would be best if you made a separate thread dedicated for them entirely.

Unless, of course, you made the video too.

>> No.12224300

I re-realized that the OC threads and [my favorite character] threads are the only threads I frequent on /jp/ anymore.

>> No.12224336

I don't think so, but if you're doing them, do the extra-lewd parts from this http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23622944

>> No.12224347

Well probably that' true for the majority of oc thread posters. I've noticed that in the last months occasional interesting threads about japan things are more frequent though.

>> No.12224369 [DELETED] 

I visit the Kancolle threads on top of OC threads. And also I shitpost all over the board when people ignore my drawings in these threads.

>> No.12224406

are you a mod trying to imply something?
if not, can you state precisely what's the reason that lighted up your rage towards the oc thread?
what triggered this endless samefagging aimed at making people quit posting their stuff here?

>> No.12224667

Pretty good, though I like some of your other songs more. I've bookmarked your page.

>> No.12225016

The fundamental point of art is expression, or more accurately communication.

Who are you trying to communicate to with your art, /jp/? What are you trying to communicate?

>> No.12225064
File: 101 KB, 640x400, topfloor copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Liberalism and anti-government gluttony.

>> No.12225077


>> No.12225091

You know it won't hurt you if you aren't sarcastic for 100% of the time. Even if you make a foolish remark, here at least, you are anonymous and can just laugh it off. And people wonder why this website has come to pieces.

>> No.12225093

I wasn't sarcastic.

>> No.12225096


>> No.12225133

Fuck off, will you.

>> No.12225182

I draw cute 2D waifus and husbandos in order to fill the void in my life.

>> No.12225185

I want to break free

>> No.12225187
File: 592 KB, 656x496, editor.avi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked on the editor, I added hitboxes and frame types for animations. Not sure what else I'd need, I can set the attacks damage outside of that.

>> No.12225188

Cute.maybe you need enemies?

>> No.12225193

How does this work?

>> No.12225214

>maybe you need enemies
I do, I still haven't animated any characters yet, that's a just test animation I'm using.

You open an image with it's XML like this:
All that data is just the positions of each frame in the image.

Then in the editor you can add a hitbox in each frame and set what kind of frame it is (startup or whatever). You can press space to play the animation or left/right to go 1 frame at a time

I just need to write the function to save the new data to a text file.

>> No.12225239

lonliness and desperation! And escapism

And also a lot of gay sex.

>> No.12225588
File: 432 KB, 850x850, hotandhumid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12225766

hard to keep cool in a cabin, huh

>> No.12225805

art doesnt need an explanation or meaning.

if it gives you good feels, its art. so its all subjective

>> No.12225846
File: 45 KB, 480x848, 1389043329653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit calm your tits little guy.

>> No.12226179
File: 264 KB, 1766x878, eto na si leaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any tablet to use so I just traced it from my sketch and colored it.

>> No.12226183

Thanks for listening!
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, janny banned me for funposting

>> No.12226327

Most of my "art" isn't trying to communicate or express anything, it's just me shitting out things that have built up inside my brain to the point where it itches.

>> No.12226980

Does it not lack mobility? It looks pretty stiff with it's head attached to it's front legs. Would it have to turn around if there was anything beyond it's 180° field of vision?

>> No.12226983

Oh no I meant to reply to the robot!

>> No.12226990

I'm not trying to communicate, but when I look back on it a lot of it feels lonely/depressing/desperate. But people seem to think it's kind of cute or something so I guess it's just me.

>> No.12226998

it doesn't need to , it's the eyes job to do so.

>> No.12227039

Color maybe?

>> No.12227476


>> No.12227569

please put a nsfw trigger warning next time dude i could get fired

>> No.12227588


You don't have a job, you're on /jp/.

>> No.12227590

Not enough angry. pretty good for the rest

>> No.12227595


Oh yeah I guess I should have made her angrier. Mandy is a very angry girl.

>> No.12227957

hey, magister.


i fukd ur waifu.

or close enough to one i guess.

>> No.12228013

No, you fug'd Magister.

>> No.12228027
File: 550 KB, 3999x2999, Eye am the strongest-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you chaps think of this?

>> No.12228034

and damn this guy is even worst than me
I just think you shouldn't use the bucket to fill with color. its super ugly

>> No.12228039

I don't' have a tablet either, so I just scan my sketches and then attempt to colour them on sai.

>> No.12228043

How do I colour it then?

>> No.12228045

Is that photoshop? is it hard to learn or I can apply sai knowledge?

>> No.12228063

layers. one layer for lineart, any number for coloring. i tend to use one layer per shade/color to have better control over it.

>> No.12228153

Okay. I will try that.

>> No.12228194


>> No.12228821



>> No.12228908

I don't think a scrotum that elastic exists, it would probably start ripping off. thanks for filling the threadly uncute drawings quota anyway

>> No.12228920
File: 18 KB, 433x450, jpmomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a smug Momiji.

>> No.12228931

Looks fluffy

>> No.12228986

That's the point, anon.

>> No.12229095

I wasn't complaining

>> No.12229437


t-thank you

>> No.12229439


such nice hair

>> No.12229555
File: 123 KB, 388x497, mammonrough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm still alive

>> No.12229673

>always angry because humans keep killing his vampire wives
Try again, this is actually a sensible dude. I mean, look at gothic fiction, half of these guys are angry for valid reasons and we feel sad for them because they're ruining themselves not because dumb angst but because fate is a bitch.

Dr. Jekyll: angry because he messed up big time by turning himself into a reckless sociopath and wants to redeem himself
Dr. Frankenstein: angry because he messed up big time by creating the monster and wants to redeem himself, also he's fucking freezing give the guy a break
Captain Ahab: angry because the white whale took his leg and his only replacement is a peg made out of fucking whale bone
Dracula: angry because could these country rednecks please stop setting his coffins on fire, Jesus Christ

Your guy fits right in with this bunch.

>> No.12230052
File: 44 KB, 682x923, momiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

four hours trying to color like that.
I surrender

>> No.12230083

use a pallet knife and mineral spirits

>> No.12230116

Jekyll was anguished, not angry. But you can feel sorry for him, all he wanted to do was separate out his repressed half so he could indulge in nonspecific secret pleasures without complication. I just assumed he was fucking 19th century twinks.

>> No.12230176

Actually I don't think this can be called "coloring" because there were no lineart involved. I made this in one layer, using only the brush tool in SAI.

t-thanks anon

>> No.12230263

Well, at least he's reasonably angry in the musical. There he doesn't even want to become remorseless and enjoy himself without his morals telling him that no fun's allowed, it's just that his dad is locked in an asylum and he wants to see if he can cure him by separating his morally sound half from the nutcase half.

And oh boy does he ever.

>> No.12230381
File: 40 KB, 408x302, game3d_0011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the characters will look.

I'm working with what I'm able to draw/animate right now, I don't want to spend years re-drawing the same things because I get better and there's always hope for a sequel if I get to that point.

>> No.12230404

And this is why you're getting things done, whereas /agdg/ usually isn't.

They care too much about juice so they overwork themselves by redoing these 12+ frame animations over and over instead of actually making progress, then they burn out and quit.

I'm really glad to watch you make progress! Keep it up, your game is mega cute.

>> No.12230570
File: 208 KB, 960x540, game3d_0012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.
I think the biggest reason people quit is when they realize how much work there really is to finish a game.

This will most likely be the style I'll use for characters during dialogues.

>> No.12230740

I think that your protagonist may need some work on her appearance, she is just not unique enough.

>> No.12230746
File: 75 KB, 1920x1080, terminal_1_6_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to follow my dreams and make a VN using mspaint.
What would be a good choice for native resolution? I'm thinking 1280x720.

>> No.12230758

I mean that, anyway. I tried to do the hair strands without drawing lines but it kept looking like shit. the face was supposedly a placeholder for the brushed finished one. hell it gave me a fucking headache
I think that not being unique may be a positive quality actually. maybe just something minor, like an ahoge should do the trick
you should draw her an apron in the portrait (if she's wearing an apron in sprite, that is)

>> No.12230776

I think that not being unique may be a positive quality actually. maybe just something minor, like an ahoge should do the trick

It depends if you want to draw attention to her or the supporting characters. What is an ahoge?

>> No.12230800
File: 31 KB, 355x453, ahoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12230810

640 x 480 or bust.

>> No.12230822

That is far too small, I did my last one in 3999 by 2999.

>> No.12230824


>> No.12230847

So, 4:3. Well, I guess it really would be easier to read the text that way. Thanks, dudes.

>> No.12230919

Damn I realized only now that you're that one drawfag from the same artblog of mags

>> No.12230925

they're trolling you. 4:3 is dead, nobody uses it anymore, they just want your game to fail.

>> No.12230983
File: 365 KB, 1000x1000, etqwgwertwerwerwer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was really into it at the face part but nearing the end i just wanted to get it over with and rushed. glad its over, took my 4 hours and i'm not even satisfied with it.

>> No.12230998

>4 hours
I feel you

>> No.12231023

Eh? Why 3D?
2D is God tier, why go 3D?

>> No.12231051

Face features look a tad asymmetrical

>> No.12231077

Satori's long lost sister!

>> No.12231079

yes i noticed just now. actually i dont think its the arms, its more of the waist being too long.
either way, I'll get better

>> No.12231087
File: 354 KB, 1600x2100, kreesoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bit better like this

>> No.12231095

Eyes have to be a little more on the right, arms are too short. I guess. thights should be longer than the part of the leg under the knee (called like this because I don't know how its called in english).
overall not bad though

>> No.12231100

thank you for the detailed criticism. i would not have noticed that the eyes were off, but they sure are.
I am still not used to drawing on a tablet, i will get used to it though.

>> No.12231106
File: 8 KB, 128x128, maidp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I 'll try the ahoge, maybe that will help.

>you should draw her an apron in the portrait (if she's wearing an apron in sprite, that is)
That was supposed to be the appron from the sprite. I need references, I'll do that over.

I'm not part of that blog. Which artist though?

I'm not good at drawing 3D shapes, so models would make it easier for backgrounds and I think it would be cool.

>> No.12231119

Probably you don't know, but if you press H in sai the image mirrors. its a super useful feature, use it often

>I'll do that over
Why, just change the color of the dress and draw the apron on a layer on top

>> No.12231128

that saves me a bunch of trouble from now on. i was using the rotate and nothing else when it came to drawing position. thank you

>> No.12231205
File: 158 KB, 674x786, itried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick question - is there a similar processes to drawing that you all know? Or is it just discovering stuff on your own, trying new things and learning new techniques? Kinda pick it all up as you go

And is GIMP a poor choice for software?

>> No.12231207
File: 73 KB, 486x311, 1402541717077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is GIMP a poor choice for software
In my personal opinion - yes. Memories about it make me scream at night.

>> No.12231233

You can't go wrong pirating photoshop. Make sure you get cs6 and not any of the new shitty versions.

>> No.12231311

Do the new versions even work properly - given that they force you to use the cloud based software now?

>> No.12231313

Who cares?

>> No.12231314

Anyone who wants new features?

>> No.12231320

They probably care enough to purchase it and deal with all the new bullshit then. Go find one of them and ask them.

>> No.12231330

What about GIMP is bad and what about Photoshop is better when it comes to drawing? Does GIMP actively inhibit you drawing and make something look much worse than it would if it were drawn in Photoshop? Does Photoshop have some sort of feature that can dress up your shit?

>> No.12231335

>look much worse than if it were
>feature that can dress up your

>> No.12231337

I have Elements 12 (my main drawfag program is Painter 11) and yes, you are forced to install cloud software, but it runs perfectly otherwise. Also most of the good old versions (like elements 3) don't work on most modern computers anymore and are/were slow as shit. It's a gamble really.


>> No.12231342

>What about GIMP is bad
Drawing? Don't know. My only complaint is interface and navigation.
But that's more than enough for me.

>> No.12231356

GIMPs purpose is image manipulation, you can use Krita for drawing

>> No.12231405

>which artist
I half-remember the name pas but I'm not completely sure it was him. it was two or three years ago, when the oc threads became more regular and the drawthread became permanent on /a/.

>> No.12231451
File: 347 KB, 1009x645, 062414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems like a cool guy.
You have interesting designs but it looks like you rush your drawings.
Neat style! I love short eyebrows.

>> No.12231456

Do you have a pixiv or similar?

>> No.12231686


>> No.12231688
File: 23 KB, 354x640, amazed vampire killers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12231846

You should draw a different ahoge for every maid.
do you plan to make new maids in dlc?

>> No.12231863


>> No.12231934

most of the line tools in gimp are abysmal.

Honestly I prefer a proper art-based program like sai, but I do miss certain things about photoshop's toolset. Not enough to re-learn it though.

>> No.12231961

Like tools like making straight lines or drawing lines?

What's something that's free, decent, and small to download? And I mean free free, not "free" with a crack that installs keyloggers.

>> No.12231968

About that, its just me or sai is even worse than GIMP at handling vectors? using them is absolutely unwieldy

>> No.12232021

Why are you doing vectors in a primarily painting program anyways.

Right tool for the job and all that.

>> No.12232047


what >>12232021 said, sai's a painting tool. Use a vector program like Illustrator.

>> No.12232114
File: 73 KB, 321x366, maiids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that would be too much ahoge, I'll use the ahoge for this maid since the 2nd playable one has a flower accessory on her head.

>do you plan to make new maids in dlc?
There will be enough maids around the game, but they're NPCs and serve as save points.

>> No.12232139

Please post your pixiv, dude.

>> No.12232487

Pretty sure it's this

>> No.12232965

w-what about Maid n.3 with braids and a police riot shield? no eh?

>> No.12233515

It is >>12232487
I'm sorry

>> No.12233537

So you have Broom Maid, Knife Maid, what other variations of maids?

Mop Maid? Pet Maid? Chauffeur Maid? Garden maid?

>> No.12233568
File: 115 KB, 640x400, stairsentranceWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta make the backgrounds look visually appealing!

>> No.12233706

Sorry for that? dad tought me not to be ashamed of our art.

>> No.12233720
File: 563 KB, 1700x1200, kasjdflkajsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to figure out how to anatomy. No bully pls.

>> No.12233731

Me screaming "llleeeewd" was an expression of joy though

>> No.12233740

Mop maid
weapon- mops
skills- same as broom maid, less damage but faster and high stun
style- calculating cold type
color- blue

Pet maid
weapon- whip, boomerang
skills- agile, super jump, summon dog, cat, horse and tyrannosaurus
style- energetic oddball type
color- yellow

Chaffeur maid
weapon- martial arts, telescopic baton
skills- vehicles, high health
style- elegant tomboy type
color- purple

Garden maid
weapon- spade, semiautomatic watering can
skills- mimetism, water balloon traps, spade assassination
style- veteran soldier type
color- green

>> No.12233788

so mop maid will be the meido skin?

>> No.12233832
File: 139 KB, 800x650, 1362245347987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pet maid confirmed as best maid.

>> No.12233849 [DELETED] 

someone draw the warosuwolf. hes a muscular wolfy with pale and dark green intermixed fur in wwww patterns. he has glowing red eyes. he stands about 9 meters big as the boss wolf. his wolfcock is enormous and erect. its always dripping out a trail of precum to mark the territory. he shits where he wants no matter what park rangers are around.

plz pm if u can do this commision thank you

>> No.12233874

no thank you.

>> No.12233877

That's indecent.

>> No.12233908
File: 30 KB, 431x390, hakutakumouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you use to draw /jp/? If anyone uses the mouse, do you have any tips?

>> No.12233909

Thanks for your t-rexing, please finish it

>> No.12233911

Solidly cute.
my tip is: buy a tablet or practice until you're used to it

>> No.12233920

If I practice the fundamentals on the paper, will that show on my digital drawings? Or by practice you mean practicing with the mouse? Anyway thanks for answering and calling my thing cute (!)

>> No.12233946

The second, some people manage to have some pretty good results with the mouse.
practice on paper is always the best way, so do it anyway

>> No.12234377

Much better than your previous stuff, except for the mixing.

>> No.12234398

Oh boy, thread is at limit already.
too bad the only drawing I put some effort into ended unfinished.

>> No.12234412
File: 87 KB, 960x540, game3d_0013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to get how to texture a basic model, I need to learn to make good textures and make up for not using lighting.

I'll make one with braids if you'd like

The NPC maids won't be doing maid things, just standing and waiting for you to interact with them because of plot reasons, I'll explain that some other time

If I ever make a real fighter with maids, I'm stealing these. For now 2 playable is enough work to last me a while.

If thought of making a Meido cameo, I wonder if people wouldn't like it

>> No.12234413

Aww that sucks.

>> No.12234432

Oh man, thanks. black braids are one of the cutest things in the world.
>For now 2 playable is enough work
so, I accidentally made original characters?

>> No.12234448

I know, I'm trying to limit the scope of this game to something not too big though.

Black braids? Sure.
>so, I accidentally made original characters?
You never know, I might use them as NPC's if I run out of ideas.

>> No.12234867
File: 617 KB, 1317x1741, Scan0003 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give these captions

>> No.12234877
File: 637 KB, 1317x1868, 1404190749535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12234992

Right side:
1) "Ever wonder what it's like to have a girlfriend?"
2) "Noooo! You can't look under my skirt!"
3) "Oh but it's fine if I touch your butt?" "Oh sure thing!"
4) "Damn! Muust feel good."

Left side:
2) "Hey little girl."
3) "Huh?"
4) "Wanna piece of paper?"

>> No.12235086
File: 161 KB, 1066x948, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at using FireAlpaca.

I want to learn to draw cute things.

>> No.12235271

It's not very good or cute. Please try harder.

>> No.12235335
File: 663 KB, 1317x1741, 1404190749535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12235428
File: 1.44 MB, 1317x1741, 1404190749535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I can't stop being unfunny

>> No.12235547
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x960, IMG_20140215_121844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so...how does doujin convention work in US and Canada? is that what artist alley is?
do they normally accept application from foreign country
are there any cons recommended for beginners?

pic sort of related, it's fancy frontier in taiwan

>> No.12235560

No one makes or cares about domestically produced doujin(shi/ge) in the USA unless it's some online porn commission. The very idea that something /jp/ related was made by non-Japanese hands is enough to cause most who would consume such products to retch.

>> No.12235705

i blame deviantart, tumblr with their red drunk noses and hipsters who think they're unique by "merging american cartoon/realistic style with animu", creating an ugly chimera nobody wants to look at.

after a while of seeing just that from the western community you get a hard-to-shake-off prejudice against anything made by them, even if it's exactly the same as the eastern stuff you like.

though i guess a bit of japanophilia also applies here, with people pushing their fanboyism to religious fanatic levels.

>> No.12235720


>fanboyism to religious fanatic levels
That kind of behavior faded away slowly with the mundanization of fandoms. sure there is some things left, but its mostly extinct, escpecially on 4chan.
*I'm not including people who pretend to be fanatics just to fight or joke.

>> No.12235746

To get better with a mouse is just to use it more.
Please don't though, it really hurts your hand and wrist, and is clumsier and slower then pencil.

>> No.12235779

I have no tablet as well so I draw on paper and then scan it.

>> No.12235792

>The very idea that something /jp/ related was made by non-Japanese hands is enough to cause most who would consume such products to retch.
this makes me believe it didn't fade away completely, if there are people who still believe things are better just because they were made by a jap rather than non-jap.

it's the same kind of thinking as "this work of art was made by a black guy. this scribble by a white guy. the scribble is better because it wasn't made by a nigger" or "this christian guy is a complete prick who'll jew me out of my money. this buddhist is a saint who'll help me when i'm down. i'd rather be with the christian than an infidel"

>> No.12235811

Deviantart and tumblr have little to do with it. USAns are just consumers more than producers + companies are more quick to send cease and desists here.

>even if it's exactly the same as the eastern stuff you like
Simply doesn't exist. Everything USAn is built on one or more of the following:
1. I really hate X about anime so this will be exactly like anime except I'll ironically make fun of this thing I hate and it will be DIFFERENT.

2. I will overuse chibis and goofy emoticon faces from 90s anime in an attempt to not create any worthwhile art(some jap stuff is guilty of this too and is probably why they've moved away from that in anime.)

3. Anime = BIGEYES (late 90s/early 2000s jap artists are admittedly guilty of this too) [also BIGEYES can also be GIANTROBOTS, CATGIRLS, BLUEHAIREDBIGTITTYGIRLS or whatever other superficial thing.]

4. Anime = weird things Japanese put in their shows like tentacles and rice balls! Also it has to be set in Japan! Gotta parody those weird nips to be like those silly ol' nips.

5. Its okay to draw anime in western comic style.(Where "western comic style" is some other stereotype the likes of #3.)

Professional things are usually 3, 4, 5. Doujin works (webcomics) are usually 1, 2, 3, maybe 4. Both have a bad tendency to hype up how Japanese it's like.
I will say though, there are a lot of webcomics that are Japanese style just because, with no bearing on the story. This is good but their styles seem to sort of drift to "western" over time, like they're ashamed of drawing anime style or end up that mixed abomination you mentioned.

There's also a problem with amateurs not bothering to write well and just making stuff with a bad sense of humor. Jap 4koma artists are guilty of this but they don't have those kind of casual shitty dialogue amateur anime style western things tend to have. (Like watch that RWBY show and listen to the horrible dialogue.)

No matter what, they seem to lack the same substance as Jap works.

>> No.12235816

Ran out of space, but by lacking the substance, I mean they don't have the same kinds of plotlines and ideas.

>> No.12235824

majority of japanese stories lack good plotlines and ideas too.

anytime you see another slice of life or harem story, you just found a piece of turd comparable in quality to stuff from >>12235811.

>> No.12235859

>anytime you see another slice of life or harem story, you just found a piece of turd comparable in quality to stuff from >>12235811.

And here we have an example of the reason Western works lack the substance of Japanese ones, via reason #1 of >>12235811

Japs can sit down and write a harem or sol or rom-com just like the others. Americans cannot. They hate the idea and any attempt would also have them correct the things they find "wrong" with them. (Which will be like adding FPS segments to a VN because you think VNs suck as is.)

USAns can't make a shounen fighting comic because they hate powerlevels and people punching each other all the time for even decent reasons. At best they'll have some flaky action thing where people beat up badguys because they are badguys.(in the "ohoho let's rob banks and take over the world" comic book villain way, not the "I'm going to destroy the world" or "I'm going to overthrow the order" or "I'm rivals with the MC" way of Japanese things.)

They can't sit down and write a comic about lolis talking to each other and drinking pop.

They can't make something about anime magical girls without making it a parody. (Although strangely, natively western magical girl things exist and are normal.)

In fact, I don't really understand what the average USA anime fan that would make their own works actually likes. They dislike stuff >>12235824 mentioned + shounen and shoujo oriented shows, but at the same time they never copy ghibli or death note or elfinlied or anything.

>> No.12235860

Man, that's really fucking weeaboo. It's even funnier when you consider some of those things those people consider "better" are made by Chinese or Korean halfbreeds, or as in recently, some Brazillian nigger. That they're unaware of this makes it infinitely more hilarious.

>> No.12235884

Also I should clarify that I'm not saying Japanese things are better. I'm saying
>it's exactly the same as the eastern stuff you like.
Doesn't exist in the sense of comics, and those reasons are why it isn't the same as eastern stuff.

Although I should add, although it's faded, even 4chan had a prejudice against deviant art artwork that was "as good as Japanese art". People seem to not care as much as long as it looks nice nowadays. Reading it again, since they were probably talking about single images while I'm taking about comics and cartoons(keeping with speaking about American doujin works), yes there is western artwork that is equal in quality to Japanese artwork, for whatever you consider equal in quality to be, but it diverges once story comes into play.

>> No.12235898

What do you mean with natively western magical girl things?

>> No.12235949

There's a lot of stuff the west has produces that could arguably be described as magical girl, both 3D and 2D, from magical girlfriend shows like Bewitched and I dream of Jeanie, to stuff like Charmed, and cartoons and comics like Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders.

>> No.12235961

Thank you for the answer.

>> No.12236033

An artist alley is doujin work, yes. To be perfectly honest, profiting at a US con is much, much easier than one like Comiket. There is usually no quality cutoff and is first-come-first-serve when reserving tables. First timer ones that would be good to try are Anime Expo/otakon/Sakuracon or any other really large convention, but because they are all first-come-first-serve they will literally run out of tables in 5 minutes(no exaggeration) if you do not stalk the register page.

>> No.12236212
File: 122 KB, 640x400, janitorroomwip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as appealing as the last but still important!

>> No.12236219

Scale is way off

>> No.12236239

The difference between US works and Japanese works is that the former is more scenario-oriented (for instance: most capeshit comics, fighting crime and stuff) while the latter is more character-oriented (magical lolis with wacky fashions shooting bullets at each other)

>i blame deviantart, tumblr with their red drunk noses and hipsters who think they're unique by "merging american cartoon/realistic style with animu", creating an ugly chimera nobody wants to look at.
I blame Scott Pilgrim, Adventure Time/Cartoon Hangover, Flapjack, etc. actually.

>> No.12236281
File: 93 KB, 640x400, janitorroomwip3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would this make more sense?

>> No.12236331

That broom is really, really flat.

>> No.12236343
File: 78 KB, 640x400, janitorroomwip4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was mostly a rough cut up piece based on a 3D cube wire frame.

>> No.12236371

Ok. now draw a cute girl

>> No.12236850
File: 96 KB, 591x480, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't expecting any more responses, sorry for replying so late! Thank you for the advice. I will keep practicing with the mouse and on paper (my wrist doesn't hurt though)

>> No.12237040
File: 109 KB, 500x500, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make music i am an otaku, therefore i make otaku music.


this is a song an av idol sung over and i remixed, it was originally by a japanese record label, i am otaku
