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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12191467 No.12191467 [Reply] [Original]

Akiha is the cutest!

>> No.12191884

why tsukihime is so horrible?

>> No.12191905

Melty Blood is bretty good though

>> No.12191934

Akiha is a wonderful sister. Shiki should be more considerate.

>> No.12192079

Does jaypee still talk about type moon? I haven't been on the board since something like '11

>> No.12192085

There was that one time when it's cool to hate Type-Moon, and suddenly everyone stopped talking about it.

>> No.12192164 [DELETED] 

/jp/ doesn't talk about anything

>> No.12192705


I really haven't taken the time to analyze it, I just found it pretty awful all around.

The main two scenes I thought was good was when that Chaos guy invaded the hotel because it was actually pretty tense, and the either Hisui or Kohaku route, I forget which, where the protagonist spent all day going bonkers in his sister's mansion. That was bretty gud

>> No.12192716

You shouldn't sex your eemotoh

>> No.12192717

Akiha cockblocks fucking Hisui, Kohaku and later Akira-chan.

Fucking flatboard sister.

>> No.12192723

She cockblocks everyone, she would cockblock LEN too if she knows about her.

>> No.12192731

Why in the world are you back? Have you really hit such a low point in your life? Keep staying away from this board, it will do wonders for your health.

>> No.12192791

My favourites are Sacchin, Hisui, and Len because they are cute.

>> No.12192797


Oh man, I forgot about Satsuki. She was great, too. I guess that's two scenes and elements of a route that I liked (It was stupid of me to call "going bonkers in his sister's mansion" a scene, when it takes place over many scenes)

>> No.12192802

>Hisui and Len
You liking really classy ladies I see.

I like Hisui and Len as well as Seo and Kohaku, pretty hard to choose.

>> No.12192820

Shiki barely had any characterization until the sequel. I wish he was a delinquent who didn't give a fuck with a murderous side from the get go instead of just being some guy.

>> No.12192823

Not anymore now that her hairband is black.

>> No.12192827

Still no date on that remake, huh?

I wonder how many Fate releases there will have been between the remake's announcement and it's release.

>> No.12192829

His characterization is that he's a serial killer who wants to suppress his killing instinct and be a good person, instead of just being Nanaya.

You kinda miss the point of his struggle.

>> No.12192833

I fear the remake is going to ruin it.

Tsukihime left off the perfect balance between explained shit vs mystical shit, if Nasu explains too much in the remake, nigga's gonna be George Lucas all over again.

I'd still want Tsukihime 2 though.

>> No.12192835

He didn't really have any personality or charisma though.

>> No.12192843

wut, he has plenty of personality and charisma.

His personality is being a moralistic dude despite his cold outside and his sadistic urge.
His charisma is that he's overly critical of people, this makes him attractive to girls who tell lies (basically all the cast, even Arceuid).

His sense of morality is also very well-adjusted either by his own realization or his interaction with other characters (killing is wrong, but force of violence for self-defense is still necessary; a sin is bad, but as long as you remember and try to amend it, you can still be a good person). I would say he makes a good model for teenagers/adults.

>> No.12192861

what would tsuki 2 be even about?

If it's really about killing vampires in France/Europe, then it would kinda miss the point of the Far side routes, being family problems rather than "vampire problem".

>> No.12192863

I don't know man, but it will probably take after the Arc good end like Kagetsu Tohya, and you can always bring the mansion gang to Europe, you know?

>> No.12192867


Getting Kohaku out of the country might be a bit difficult. It was already hard enough to get her out of the mansion.

>> No.12192868

the biggest appeal of Tsukhime for me is that it's a small town story in a big much bigger world, that and murder mystery, if they just turn it into full blown vampire hunting action story then it would lose the charm, hard.

>> No.12192870

Ah, you mean Hisui.

Kohaku leaves the mansion regularly, she's the one to pick you up every time you sleep outside.
And Hisui leaves the mansion in her true end, and they sorta kinda combine the endings together in Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.12193082

Just went and did a full moon-gazing tonight (even saw the rabbit), wandering the town with a knife in the pocket as well, this is a very Tsukihime night.

>> No.12193114

Who did you kill? Was she a cutie?

>> No.12193534

at least it isn't as bad as ryu07's works

>> No.12193556

I guess you've explained it decently enough but I don't see how being overly critical makes you attractive or charismatic.

>> No.12193655

There is different kind of charisma, it's not just about being talkative and pleasing people, but this kind is like positive and negative electrical charges attracting each other, Shiki's critical nature attracts him to girls who have things to hide and impresses them when he finds out the truth.

Then again, it could be like Sensei's word, special power attracts other special powers.

>> No.12193714

I'm gonna put my hands on her breasts

>> No.12193743 [DELETED] 

Why did Jones turn into a giraffe

>> No.12193749

He isn't particularly either. Shiki attracts people because they are strange and he himself is strange. Girls like him because he's kind and so he gets involved in strange shit he sees through it the end, as he "can't leave this alone."

>> No.12193871

That itself is kind of a charisma anon.

>> No.12193901


The Tohno Gland.

>> No.12194057
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Meh, I don't consider it noteworthy.

>> No.12194181
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>> No.12194231

She's not your real sisteeeeeeer. Just fuck her alreadyyyyyyy. Make half-demon/psychic demon-killer babies. Your genetic viability can only improve, given all the incest on both sides.

Shiki has more characterization than most visual novel protagonists get. People overlook his, like Shirou's, because both of them suffer strokes that make them act incredibly stupid at certain points of the story.

Arihiko says in Kagetsu Tohya that Shiki attracts people that possess frailty in themselves, because they feel attached to his. People that have seen that your entire world can fall apart in a moment see themselves reflected in Shiki. Arihiko and him become friends because they both know what happens after you finish being scared, and have to keep on living. (Aside from Arihiko being into both guys and little unicorn girls.)

Akiha doesn't cockblock Hisui. If anything, Hisui's route is Akiha being kindest. She lets herself die in the true end so that all the sins die with her. In good end, she accepts Shiki's decision. Hisui's route is what sets up for Kohaku's, so there's no point in worrying about the ending.

Akiha's route is inspired by another story, so it's a bit more formulaic, but I still like it, in the end. Just not the actual ending. You get to understand a lot about SHIKI in it.

Kohaku's route is Akiha coming to terms with the fact that she both loves and hates Kohaku. It's less about Shiki than it is Akiha being tsundere for her maid. Kohaku's route is the true route and true ending to Tsukihime, after all, as everything comes together.

>> No.12194244

Kill Arc.
Befriend Ciel.
Marry Akiha.
Chambermaid Hisui.
One-true-love Kohaku.
Adopt Ren.
BFF Arihiko.
Save Private Sacchin.
Employ Sion.

Impregnate the entire Tohno household. Fuck physics.

>> No.12194260

Plenty of the "stupid" parts Shirou is criticized has a lot to do with the translation quality.

>> No.12194267

To be fair, what he does most of the time is pretty dumb, too, even if you don't take into account the translation inaccuracies.

>> No.12194317
File: 101 KB, 900x1309, 236_8_SKGMK_Lunar Legend Tsukihime v02 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else love old magazine scans for some inexplicable reason?

>> No.12194327
File: 40 KB, 507x768, arcueid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12194334

I hate the new Arcueid design. And the new Akiha design.

Ciel is marginally better.

>> No.12194572

But all their designs are horrible from the start even considering the time period. Well, except Akiha since it's just a standard sailor fuku.

>> No.12194721

All the old designs are pretty memorable, and charming.

The art as a whole looked very professional compared to even commercial VNs.

>> No.12194761
File: 459 KB, 1405x2500, 1402481265360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding? I love the designs.

They're very distinctive.

>> No.12194861


I don't really like the new Ciel design, she was my fav girl.
The new Arc design is truly horrible though, her old desgin was just so.. I guess you could call it adult. The new one is just too girly
