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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 55 KB, 500x800, itsatrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12181709 No.12181709 [Reply] [Original]

So I hear Google is censoring the Japanese internets.


(Pic unrelated).

>> No.12181722

Who cares? Why would go Google loli anyway?

>> No.12181730

Nobody important but this will screw up web traffic for people who have sites and blogs related to rori.

>> No.12181731

Whut? I just tried and Google doesn't censor loli-related results.

>> No.12181732

you need both.

>> No.12181735

>japanese proxy
I tried both. Strange.

>> No.12181739

Check the second page. There's only a small handful of results for something that should have far more.

This is kind of ridiculous. Even if they want to censor loli pornography (which I 100% do not agree with) they've also censored a massive section of actual information and research on the subject.

>> No.12181752 [DELETED] 

It's pretty fucking unfortunate but this is really the ultimate reality of these companies. A benevolent veneer that hides a complete disregard for freedom of information or speech.

I can't even get too upset because I --like many other people-- have silently accepted that we're doomed to this awful future.

>> No.12181756
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1400, 1333322762258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>research on the subject


>> No.12181766

>not doing your dissertation on lolis

>> No.12181774

If you actually google loli you are just asking to be put on the list.

>> No.12181776 [DELETED] 

also typing ロリstill works

>> No.12181780

So what?



>> No.12181781

> we're doomed
But we're not. TOR, I2P, even though they are severely flawed right now overlay networks will save us, sooner or later.

>> No.12181785 [DELETED] 

I guess I should start using and donating to those projects. It's way too easy to just curl up and die.

>> No.12181795

Wait, how it is even possible to...adore little girls and not use, let alone know about them? Searching normal web for videos and pictures will give you the same old shit.

>> No.12181805

The only downside I see with porn is that it deprives you of imagination

>> No.12181840 [DELETED] 

eh I'm honestly not so far gone, a doujin here or there on expanda and that's about it. Though I definitely hate this shit and completely agree with the article.
>I know, Google, I know. It's not censorship, you're not a government body, you're just exercising your free speech by publishing carefully crafted search results. But by the same measure, the similarly high-minded people at Baidu are also exercising their free speech by not showing us results about Tian-an-men, aren't they? And they're not claiming not to be evil either.
Best line from it easily.

>> No.12181855

This might not be so bad.

Less normalfags getting outraged when they happen to find this kind of material.
And you all should already have bookmarked all of your favorite loli sources.

And its not like you could go march for your lolicon rights anyway.

>> No.12181855,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who searches loli on google and not on pixiv or something?

>> No.12181855,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think most little girls are pretty. Sometimes I see one that's really good looking, but most of the time if I see a little girl I just feel like I want to masturbate using her body. Is this normal?

>> No.12181855,3 [INTERNAL] 

I think that's how most guys view most women.

>> No.12181855,4 [INTERNAL] 

That's a natural reaction to seeing a little girl's body.

>> No.12181855,5 [INTERNAL] 

I feel good when I think about forcing the little girl and making her cry, is that normal too? I don't think they're sexy most of the time but I want to use their body still.

>> No.12181855,6 [INTERNAL] 

today when i drove past the park i could see one the tennis courts and in onf of them i could see a little girl and she was in a tennis outfit. i could not help myself and i started thinking about her sweaty thighs and what she smelled like.

>> No.12181855,7 [INTERNAL] 

little girls are made for pleasure!

>> No.12181855,8 [INTERNAL] 

god i want to believe this so much
why else would little girls be naturally lewd and soft and smooth and hairless
why would they be curious about dicks
why can they have orgasms if you aren't supposed to do lewd things with them

>> No.12182625 [DELETED] 

I wonder if it will really be good for all this to be forced underground again. I mean I doubt it's going to just stop at loli. I guess it might feel like a revival of the old days.

>> No.12182625,1 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck a little girl.

>> No.12182625,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12182625,3 [INTERNAL] 

What did you think she smelled like?

>> No.12182625,4 [INTERNAL] 

I think most people would be lying if they said they did not want to fuck a little girl.

>> No.12182625,5 [INTERNAL] 

little girl smell and sweat and also sweaty little girl smell and if she was really sweaty then her shampoo would start smelling

whatever she smelled like it was probably really good and lewd

>> No.12182674

Thank goodness you search for loli on places like boorus and pixiv and not on google.

>> No.12182674,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why didn't you go up to her?

>> No.12182674,2 [INTERNAL] 

because i was in the back seat of a car with my mom up front and a relative from out of state driving. he wanted to see the airport and i went along because i like the airport and i wanted something to eat and i knew he would stop somewhere.
from the road the tennis courts are kind of covered by orange trees but with my loli radar i was able to detect her easily

>> No.12182674,3 [INTERNAL] 

What are the best spots to find little girls to look at?

>> No.12182674,4 [INTERNAL] 

Ask a psychiatrist.

>> No.12182674,5 [INTERNAL] 

Grocery stores. The only reason why I don't mind going to the grocery store is because there are always cute little girls there helping their parents with the shopping.

Maybe one of these days I can teach a little girl how to spot bad produce or what to look for when choosing pieces of meat. I'll be like her hero after that!

>> No.12182674,6 [INTERNAL] 

Too many people. And cameras.

>> No.12182674,7 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself

>> No.12182674,8 [INTERNAL] 

I guess you want a place to just watch lolis only, huh. Maybe a mall or something, or a park, or a library. Maybe a library would be nice because a loli might be reading something so you could sit and pretend to read and just look at her like some kind of weirdass.

>> No.12182674,9 [INTERNAL] 

What are the best spots to find old ladies to look at?


>> No.12182674,10 [INTERNAL] 

I'll get around to it one of these days

>> No.12182674,11 [INTERNAL] 

the mall
Maybe you'll get lucky.

>> No.12182674,12 [INTERNAL] 

There is nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.12182674,13 [INTERNAL] 

>there is nothing wrong with scarring children for life by raping and torturing them just because you cant get a real woman

>> No.12182674,14 [INTERNAL] 

That's not paedophilia, that's kiddy diddlin.

>> No.12182674,15 [INTERNAL] 

Who said anything about rape and torture?

>> No.12182674,16 [INTERNAL] 

you did when you decided to become a sick fuck pedo

>> No.12182674,17 [INTERNAL] 

>is on warosu on 4 am
>thinks pedophilia = sex
>thinks pedos are only pedos because they can't get women and implies they like adult women
you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.12182674,18 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12182674,19 [INTERNAL] 

Doesn't it degrade things if you specifically go out looking for little girls? All of my favorite and best memories I have of little girls (outside of my house) have been in places that I don't really expect. Things like a cute little girl waving from a car window, or eating donuts at the donut shop, or doing some other little girl stuff somewhere.

Anyway, I figure a good place would probably be a water park. The one out here has a thing where you can buy a season pass for like $45 and go as many times as you want, and one ticket for the day is like $15. Just go with some dark glasses and lay somewhere and watch them if that's what you want. Everyone has sunglasses nowadays so you probably won't look suspicious unless you're wearing a speedo or have an erection or aren't wearing a swimsuit. Why not make it fun and go down some water slides while you're there? That way you aren't going for the sole purpose of ogling little girls' bodies and you'll be able to be honest if you do get confronted.

>> No.12182674,20 [INTERNAL] 

>is on warosu on 4 am
burger time is world standard?
>thinks pedophilia = sex
what else is it retard.
you want to fuck kids and thats literally all there is to it.
>thinks pedos are only pedos because they can't get women and implies they like adult women
theres NOBODY that doesnt like adult women retard. if you think you dont youre just a deluded fucking shit head. you choose to be a pedo because you cant get your dick wet with an intelligent woman in her 30s that would fucking school your beta ass

>> No.12182674,21 [INTERNAL] 

>theres NOBODY that doesnt like adult women retard

uhh what about gays

>> No.12182674,22 [INTERNAL] 

I can't tell if this is ``ironic'' or not but if it isn't you should know it's almost as obvious as when someone gets called out on a troll attempt and then vehemently denies it

>> No.12182674,23 [INTERNAL] 

>is on warosu on 4 am
Wow, is this guy even serious?

>> No.12182674,24 [INTERNAL] 

Where can I find videos of cute little girls that are white? Besides candy doll.

>> No.12182674,25 [INTERNAL] 

same thing fuckhead
they cant get with a real woman so they go for men instead
at least all of these mentally ill people arent procreating thank fucking christ

>> No.12182674,26 [INTERNAL] 

Gay "people" are not people, they're subhumans.

>> No.12182674,27 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12182674,28 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, what if it's consensual.

>> No.12182674,29 [INTERNAL] 

...*sighs again and then looks you in the eye*

have you heard of ``no true scotsman''?

>> No.12182674,30 [INTERNAL] 

>theres NOBODY that doesnt like adult women retard.
What about you because you're gay as fuck

>> No.12182674,31 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, children can't consent.

>> No.12182674,32 [INTERNAL] 

uh, what if children cant consent retard

>> No.12182674,33 [INTERNAL] 

uh what if i ask her parents

>> No.12182674,34 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12182674,35 [INTERNAL] 

its yurop time I guess, they are all sJW

>> No.12182674,36 [INTERNAL] 

you have a natural position of authority of children fuckwit you are coercing them against their will whether you realize it or not
thats sick and wrong if they agree to it they should not have ever been parents

>> No.12182674,37 [INTERNAL] 

imouto.tv for asians

>> No.12182674,38 [INTERNAL] 

but what if she raelly likes to sex

>> No.12182674,39 [INTERNAL] 

I remember a few years ago I saw a video of a 18yo candy doll girl taking it up the ass. Lost it though.

>> No.12182674,40 [INTERNAL] 

The candydoll girls are way too slutty. I want more "innocent" loli videos

>> No.12182674,41 [INTERNAL] 

then let her play with kids her own age not some creepy 30 year old virgin

>> No.12182674,42 [INTERNAL] 

Are they green texting ironically?

>> No.12182674,43 [INTERNAL] 

How do I find pictures and videos like the ones guys are talking about in this thread?

>> No.12182674,44 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12184848

I'm Japanese.
She is a man.

>> No.12184919


>> No.12184922


>> No.12184973
File: 849 KB, 800x1132, 1402370249782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12184977

So, you won't be able to access the Comic LO website off Google and shit like that?

>> No.12184983

Sorry, pedos, but the world hates you.

As an overweight cigarette smoking NEET I can empathize somewhat but I'm curious: Does this kind of thing ever make you question your interests? Should being a lolicon be considered a serious mental or emotional defect?

Serious replies welcome

>> No.12184988

Most lolicons got over the fact that society hates them a long time ago.

>> No.12184992
File: 45 KB, 450x450, rorikon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its perfectly normal for the human male. Males are instinctively drawn to girly cuteness but because feminism more men like lolis now.

>> No.12185013

>Does this kind of thing ever make you question your interests?

Why should it?

>> No.12185065

The greeks knew the answer to that one: Paedos are only interested in despoiling innocence, not because they actually love children.

It is just another flavor of sociopaths, really.

>> No.12185073

I thought most content ended up on ExHentai.
Am I missing something?

>> No.12185075

Was that while they were beating their wives and having sex with other men?

>> No.12185077
File: 275 KB, 1073x669, Tome_of_Corruption_by_RalphHorsley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12185081

Hmm. Did a casual search on ロリコン and millions of hits appeared.

Seems like yurops are enjoying their freedoms!

>> No.12185090

>Does this kind of thing ever make you question your interests?
Not really.

>Should being a lolicon be considered a serious mental or emotional defect?
Only if it somehow restricts a person's normal capabilities or causes harm in some fashion to others.

>> No.12185114 [DELETED] 

Holy shit hes been silenced by the police.

>> No.12185122

Pedophilia is wrong.

>> No.12185188

Not as wrong as you.

>> No.12185222

Who is this trap and where can I find more?

>> No.12185236


>> No.12185242
File: 183 KB, 736x772, bing lolicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12185333

Is that real? Too scared of big brother to test it. Where does the help button lead if it is real?

>> No.12185343

Yeah, it's real. Button leads to http://www.stopitnow.org/?crea=58277

Incidentally, it doesn't show up if you search for loli or ロリコン.

>> No.12185350

Where are you located?

>> No.12185355
File: 124 KB, 580x264, warning signs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12185357

The land of the free.

>> No.12185363

They wouldn't bust you just for searching for a term, especially not just after seeing a picture showing that exact term being searched. So go right ahead and search for as much CP as you want, filthy pedoph- I mean, good friend.

>> No.12185365
File: 2.32 MB, 2893x4092, 1398400307309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is happening? Is this an agreement with the search engines? Is this the final death of our beloved loli?

>> No.12185370



>> No.12185377

Well, Bing doesn't actually censor anything as far as I can tell (unless you count being a shitty search engine as a form of censorship). It just pops up that somewhat amusing message, and if you click the X it goes away and doesn't appear to come back.

>> No.12185381
File: 173 KB, 1500x1000, wallpaper-1576725 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the fact that is there that bothers me. Banning loli in the US would be fucking difficult, but worse things have been done. The UK just banned written CP, which is 100% first amendment protected here. Why is this all happening at once is the question? Are the feds pushing back against perfection?

>> No.12185404

warning signs of what?

>> No.12185405

They're being protected from monsters like you.

>> No.12185409

Being a great guy.

>> No.12185419
File: 209 KB, 1000x892, 1398185952323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I a monster to you? You know nothing about me, besides that I dislike censorship.

>> No.12185428

I know that you are a monster which preys upon little girls.

>> No.12185430

Can you provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt?

>> No.12185431

You already confessed.

>> No.12185436
File: 949 KB, 1920x1080, 1400831361788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh? I do not see that. Speculation. I demand this case be tossed out due to lack of evidence.

>> No.12185442

We of the loli court find the defendant innocent. The prosecuting party has failed to provide conclusive evidence to support his case. Case dismissed.

>> No.12185444

Not dismissed. Pedophiles are evil and he is a pedophile.

>> No.12185449

Pedophilia isn't illegal.

>> No.12185454

I think the judge already hit his hammer thing.

>> No.12185457

Pedophilia is wrong.

>> No.12185459


>> No.12185461
File: 220 KB, 1024x768, wallpaper-282756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is racism.

>> No.12185469

Anyway have a google uncensored webcrawler


>> No.12185473

no one in their right mind will click that. Use a URL shortener next time.

>> No.12185477

Many summerfags do once you explain that it is for uncensored google. Anyway I'm happy for you to post yours, and not DuckDuckGo which explictly asks for you to search through Google anyway.

>> No.12185506
File: 44 KB, 1263x981, MMCテ��.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look so bad to me.

>> No.12185519

This is just the ripple of a growing tidal wave. People have tricked into giving up their internet freedom by supporting net neutrality. In 5 years time, the internet will be nationalized and you will be forced to sign in to the state's version of google. It will basically just be TV. All this because freedom hating socialists think companies have any incentive to censor you. Comcast doesn't give a fuck what you look at. The FCC however, does.

>> No.12185521

Comcast does have an incentive to charge you to look at things though. It will basically just be TV.

>> No.12185528


Not really. No-one will bother with the internet if they do that. They'll probably just charge you on usage. Either way, the FCC (the people who will regulate companies) definitely has incentive to destroy the internet. Its any state's ultimate wish; its like Big Brother, but better.

>> No.12185531

That girl is not a "loli"

You can clearly see from the size of her legs and chest that she is at least a teenager pretending to be younger than she is, very poorly I might add

>> No.12185534

What else are people going to do? For a lot of people the internet has replaced TV, you turn the internet into TV and they either live with it or go back to TV. Comcast wins either way.

Or do you really think people are going to start reading or crocheting instead?

>> No.12185535

She's also a man.

>> No.12185547

We're fucked either way

>> No.12185552

>That last one
Isn't that a pretty comon fetish between normalfags to dress up their gf in a school uniform and give her pig tails?

>> No.12185553

Most people here were put on the list the moment they entered teh interwebs

>> No.12185559


It will just be like TV if the government gets its hands on it. Comcast doesn't win without net neutrality, at least there's a chance, however small, they can be usurped by competition. They can also be coerced by other businesses who don't want net neutrality. Its not good for anyone.


I know that. By without net neutrality, there is a small chance. It the state gets its hands on it, you will never see a shred of this internet again. They also make you pay taxes so they can hire people to scout for trolls, the British government already does that. At least without neutrality, you have your freedom.

>> No.12185562

Pedophilia is not wrong.

Raping children is wrong.

RTFM for definitions please.

>> No.12185565


Raping anyone is wrong.

>> No.12185566

The British government hires people to scout for trolls?

>> No.12185569


Yep. You can be arrested for trolling in Britain.

>> No.12185576

This can't be true. Please tell me that this is a joke.

>> No.12185578


They are tons of exemples out there, just search with a few keywords on google if you want to laugh more.

>> No.12185579



Its under the "misuse of communications" act. Which basically means the British government already thinks it alone decide what the internet is for, and we're all just sheep to be bullied around and do what they say.

>> No.12185587

Jesus fucking Christ. That is ridiculous.

>> No.12185595

They can't be usurped by competition where there is none. Do you think people are okay with usage caps, or the fact that we get charged twice as much for speeds that aren't half as good as other parts of the world? People don't care because they don't have a choice.

I don't like the idea of the government having any more control of the internet than they already do either, but I'm not going to go running into the arms of corporations hoping they'll save me.

>> No.12185710

You can access it if you search for Comic LO but if you search something general like ロリ エロ漫画, you don't even get an entire page of results...

>> No.12185746

People looking into the political discussions regarding drawn kids, just like the article states.

>> No.12185750

>Change language of google from google settings to English.
>Problem Solved

>> No.12185777

That makes it even better.

>> No.12185778
File: 288 KB, 800x1000, 1380202495754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm sure that people talking and arguing about useless junk, petty issues and slander is very valuable to society and we must fight to preserve such freedoms.

>> No.12185790

Doesn't google still have to bind by US law even when the servers are located within another country being they're a US company.

>> No.12185811

Google is above the law.
Google IS the law.

>> No.12185837


Meshnet, Piratebox darknets and related projects are the ultimate potential saviors of Freedom.

>> No.12185859

>The only downside I see with porn is that it deprives you of imagination


My experience is that it massively feeds and activates the imagination to the point that reality starts to look even shittier than it normally would. And that's true of every fantasy, they all are better than reality and make reality look like shit.

>> No.12185867


Only kind of speech that needs to be protected is speech that pisses somebody off. Polite speech that offends no one needs no protection, since nobody wants it taken down in the first place. Freedom of speech is specifically the freedom to offend and heckle, and that is more valuable than almost anything.

>> No.12185869

Just because you don't see it doesn't mean you stop using 'sage'.

>> No.12185870

>Does this kind of thing ever make you question your interests?
Not really it seems more sensible than a foot fetish, it usually makes me question how fucked up society is that it thinks drawn lolis are criminal but killing people all day every day in video games is just fine.

Either fiction and passtimes is a case of monkey see monkey do, or it's not. Make up your mind, it's retarded banning porn on the basis that it will make people real pedos while reaping in the benefits of selling murder simulator video games and torture porn ala the Saw movie series.

>> No.12185871 [DELETED] 


I never used sage except as an insult, and never will.

>> No.12185875

>Freedom of speech is specifically the freedom to offend and heckle, and that is more valuable than almost anything.
This is some rather stupid American logic.

>> No.12185877

>Males are instinctively drawn to girly cuteness but because feminism more men like lolis now.

That's a new idea to me, but it makes sense to me. With femininity disappearing from the world of adults, men are driven towards the one place cute girliness still exists: children. It all might be a huge counterreaction to feminism.

Then again since fucking 13-year-olds was already a thing millennia before feminism was invented, maybe not.

>> No.12185882


That is universal logic. I'm not an American.

I would go so far as to say that speech is probably worthless if it doesn't offend anybody, since all interesting statements (true or false) make some moron angry.

>> No.12185888

Go back to /b/.

>> No.12185892

>I would go so far as to say that speech is probably worthless if it doesn't offend anybody
Yep, American, never heard of 'Théâtre de l'Absurde'.

Or you're that British fuck who wants Britain to turn into the same shitty 3rd world country that is the U.S.

>> No.12187046

If you're so intent on turning the entire world into one big hugbox where the only people allowed to speak are the ones who agree with you then go back to your containment board already, eurotrash.


>> No.12187397

>Society is slightly less into traditional femininity, therefore we're going to stick our dicks in children

>> No.12188087

The only ones allowed to speak should be those intelligent and powerful.

I don't see why an idiot with below 100 IQ should have the same voice is someone with an IQ of 120.

I don't see why the idiot population should have a say in how a country is run when they don't even understand how the parliament works.

All this bullshit free speech and democracy is doing fuck all but slowing down progress. Governments aren't able to begin ambitious goals because there's always going to be some joker who thinks he is more important the country.

>> No.12188199

Then shut up.

>> No.12188437

Make me.

>> No.12189226


>> No.12189388


i'm not a pedo, but you realize people can't just change their fetish at will, right? I have nothing but empathy for pedos, as long as they don't actually fiddle kids IRL.

>world hates you

the world has never proven to be a good judge of things, has it?

>> No.12190411

Well, Google as a private company is allowed to censor whatever thay please.

Pre-revolutionary french used to think in a similar way.

I don't understand at all why you view net neutrality as a bad thing. Is there some kind of isolated instance in United States, which has blinded your thinking? By no means does forcing ISPs serving customers and companies neutrally support censorship.

>> No.12190417

Using Duckduckgo is like going back to 1995, trying to get good search results out of Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos or similarly horrible search engines.

>> No.12190427

That is what it used to be like. Try it again. It's still not as good as Google but it has improved considerably. And continues to improve.

>> No.12190431

Also, remember to write !safeoff at the end of your searh.

>> No.12190433

They should just steal Google's links and then they will be just as good.

>> No.12190465

Damn, whatever guy first thought about this anti-pedo idea was a truly genius.
Just think about this. People will be very cautious if you tell them " commies/terrorists are bad, so lets censor this and lets remove that guy. But, with maternal instincts being among the strongest, tell them - "look those guys are after kids, do you want something like this happen to yours?" Bingo, you can do whatever you fucking want, censor something - no problem, uterly destroy anybody troublesome ( hello Julian Assange ) - no problem either. No one can go against you, you are protector of those pretious children, hence you are always good and right. The constitution? The freedom of thought? Human rights? For what purpose they are, if they cannot protect our future, our cute little kids. The wrath of billions mindless moms and dads are yours to command.

>> No.12190470

Wait, I just remembered something. Isn't Google largely irrelevant in Japan?

They still use Yahoo over there. In fact as I understand it to Japanese people 'the internet' is synonymous with 'Yahoo'.

>> No.12190482


>> No.12190485

I often forget the extent of the hatred because I don't get out much. But then I see a news story about a guy who didn't really do anything wrong other than look at some models but all the comments say he should be put to death. (It was some weird piece about a guy who found NN on his friends computer and called the mounties)

It really baffles me.

>> No.12190490

Oh, I think it was titled "What to do if you discover your friend is a pedophile" or something like that.

>> No.12190568


This? Says he sorta raped a 12yo in Thailand.

>> No.12191134

I know as well. My closest friends all know what I am, and are okay with it. Then you hear people use pedo as a synonym for something irreverent, like terrorism.

>> No.12191357

Give me the source pleease

>> No.12191535

>Hmm. Did a casual search on ロリコン and millions of hits appeared.
Yeah, and when you try to go the the second page, suddenly ~18.5 million hits become 15.

>> No.12192056

You're letting your politics get in the way of observable truths. US companies have done far more censoring than the government, and they've been doing so for decades. Your FCC hasn't censored anything on the internet. If you ask me though, neither one gives a shit about your freedoms, but you have to ask yourself who's done a better job so far. The most important point, however, is that the people supporting net neutrality obviously don't want censorship either.

>> No.12192084 [DELETED] 

The rights that by necessity protect trivial speech also protect the most valuable speech. Obviously.

>> No.12192090

You really didn't understand his insult, did you?

>> No.12192097

So what happens to people into gothic lolita/lolita fashion in general? Is that whole thing dead now? ゴスロリ will turn up nothing?

>> No.12192101

pornography is, by and large, the main cause of erectile dysfunction in young males (18-30). As well as this, it may have changes on the male brain that are unknown at this stage due to the fact that this is the first era in human history where sexual content has been so abundant.

>> No.12192110

>erectile dysfunction
You mean they can't get hard to ugly "real" women anymore unless they keep themselves away from porn until they're so horny they'd consider fucking a dog.

>> No.12192199

Bing is the hero we need

>> No.12193444
File: 225 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot - 06132014 - 04:00:16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there is a pretty good reason for blocking ロリ searches seeing how they label the real thing with it.
