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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12118988 No.12118988[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>feelio when kek'd out a grate big steamer for jinny to mop up

you stupid fucker LMFAO

>> No.12119006

Don't bully the Jan man, it's his job after all

>> No.12119014

The jan man keeps banning me for trivial things. Probably gunna get banned for this post too even though I'm Sageing and this thread is going to get deleted anyways.

>> No.12119014,1 [INTERNAL] 

working for $0.00?

>> No.12119014,2 [INTERNAL] 

i'd ban you for free :)

>> No.12119014,3 [INTERNAL] 

>feelio when kek'd out too many shite feels n mod deletes em

>> No.12119014,4 [INTERNAL] 

It looks good on your resume

>> No.12119014,5 [INTERNAL] 

Employer: So what job experience have you had previously?
Jenny: I worked for a hugely popular internet website, you may know it :)
Employer: Oh, reddit? I know all about that site. Boy, it's great isn't it? What did you do at reddit?
Jenny: Ahhh.... *silence* I worked at 4chan
Employer: Uh, four-CH-AN was it? I think I heard something about... Anonymous legion something or another?
Jenny: Well about that, ummm, I was a janitor so I cleaned up after the legion kids
Employer: So... you cleaned up after "kids" on this 4chon site?
Jenny: *stares at ground* Yes, I would clean up after shitposters, I did great job, I spent all day deleting their posts they thought were fun. but were shitposts. I've got moots name on the list of contacts for previous work experience, he can vouch for me.
Employer: *looks at resume again* I see, so you deleted posts all day and they were posts people enjoyed making?
Jenny: Yes, but they were shitposts I hate shitposts what about you?
Employer: Not familiar with this kind of slang, sorry. So what did you get paid by this moot person?
jenny: *looks around nervously* Nothing...
Employer: Let me rehash what we've went over to be sure I'm correct. You worked at 4chon and deleted "shitposts" all day, but weren't paid and they were made by people attempting to have fun?
Jenny: Yes... *starts to sweat*
Employer: I see, thanks. We've got your contact information and if we need your help we'll contact you.
Jenny:*shirt is visibly wet* O-okay thank-k you-u too *trips as he stands up* *leaves the room after bumping into the door*
Employer:*picks up resume* Into the trash ya go! *throws in trashcan*

>> No.12119014,6 [INTERNAL] 

lol did this actually happen

>> No.12119014,7 [INTERNAL] 

Word for word

>> No.12119014,8 [INTERNAL] 

you just outed yourself as janjan or potential employer man

spill the beans esé

>> No.12119014,9 [INTERNAL] 

This is so gay, I got banned in #/jp/ on rizon for AFK'ing and sudo said no when I wanted to ask some questions about the ban

>> No.12119014,10 [INTERNAL] 

Sudo didn't used to be such a hardass...

>> No.12119014,11 [INTERNAL] 

sounds like your life is over huh

>> No.12119014,12 [INTERNAL] 

who would you rather hire:

a 4chan janitor who unironically posts his 4chan activity on his resume
or a /jp/sie NEET wearing their lucky Milky Holmes shirt?

>> No.12119014,13 [INTERNAL] 

Today when I was riding I went through a parking lot near a lake, and as I approached a stop sign I noticed a small bird on the ground. As I came to the stop sign, the bird still did not move at all. This was odd, considering these sorts of birds usually don't let anyone within 15 feet of them. I got off the bike, poked it, and it hopped onto the curb.


>> No.12119014,14 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe it was autistic.

>> No.12119014,15 [INTERNAL] 


It probably was.

>> No.12119014,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12119014,17 [INTERNAL] 

You know it's mother is going to not want it now? Way to go ass.

>> No.12119014,18 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think it was that young.

>> No.12119014,19 [INTERNAL] 

did she died??

>> No.12119014,20 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe it had rabies

>> No.12119014,21 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12119014,22 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck...

>> No.12119014,23 [INTERNAL] 


I spent a whole day reading this site once.
