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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12115928 No.12115928 [Reply] [Original]

> murdered a schoolmate in 2004.
> supposely to be released in 2013.

Any news on what she has become since then?

>> No.12115932

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12115937

I thought they already released her years ago

>> No.12115991

she do gravure now

>> No.12116010


>> No.12116045

she's release already

>> No.12116046

We don't know what happened because police privacy policy don't give away informations.

>> No.12116047

I hope she gets a nice boyfriend after all this.

>> No.12116048

At least once a month someone makes a thread here declaring that she's about to be released. This has been going on for years.

>> No.12116051

I hope she becomes a deadly ninja and starts assassintating bullies

>> No.12116054

If I tell her I'm a gun owner in america.m, would she date me?

>> No.12116055

>tfw no Desu Nōto

>> No.12116137

Apparently keeping a low profile.

>> No.12116142

Nobody cares anymore. this has become an internet antiquity

>> No.12116235

I would fuck her

>> No.12116339
File: 18 KB, 350x282, Gogo_Yubari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She probably found employment under the wing of a fine lady.

>> No.12116348


i would make love to her

>> No.12116355

well aren't you special.

>> No.12116362


slip your dress over your head
it's been so long

move on top
because that way you can touch her too

>> No.12116368

You could marry her anon. She is of legal age.

>> No.12116379

While this is true, back in 2006 it was already determined she would be released in 2013 (trolling aside). I don't know any further details, though.

>> No.12116403

I heard she's getting released next week.

>> No.12116435

Next week was 2013 10km ago.

>> No.12116444

10km ago? Fuck I'm late for my Christmas ham!

>> No.12116477

She has an anon?

>> No.12116484
File: 38 KB, 530x530, IMG_20140316_233203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12116557

stop drawing my waifu so shitty

>> No.12117092

You would fuck the crack of dawn.

>> No.12117096

I had a dream that Nevada-Tan was my daughter.

>> No.12117108

This would have been awesome like 10 years ago.

>> No.12117109


QUICK! Make her a Touhou now! Funny hat STAT!

>> No.12117114


Oh and her powers shall be manipulation of cutting instruments.

>> No.12117160

Who wouldn't?

>> No.12117233 [DELETED] 
File: 557 KB, 1716x800, nevada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I may have found Nevada's house.

I think the location is 長崎県佐世保市小野町 1410
It could also be 長崎県佐世保市小野町 1450 but the vegetation in this picture of their house just isn't there in this case.


>> No.12117237
File: 551 KB, 1716x800, nevada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I may have found Nevada's house.

I think the location is 長崎県佐世保市小野町 1410
It could also be 長崎県佐世保市小野町 1450 but the vegetation in this picture of their house just isn't there in this case.


>> No.12117260

They send minors to jail in Japan? Wow. Just wow.

>> No.12117266

After looking around, there's another possible house that the 2ch folks are focusing on - 長崎県佐世保市小野町 1337. Unfortunately their pictures have since been deleted...

>> No.12117273

In what country do minors NOT get sent to jail for murder?

>> No.12117282

Where else but good ol' USA where they're sent to "Juvie" instead.

>> No.12117289

In the US: They get tried as adults and killed.

>> No.12117293

Depends on what it is. If it's petty theft, they get sent to do community service, but if it's outright terrorism, they ready the electric chair.

>> No.12117307

Do you think she's edgier this time that after being confined in rehab putting with phonies telling you to change she's finally free?

>> No.12117344

Juvie is just jail for kids. It's still jail.
Keep being wrong, european.

>> No.12117566

It's called a "meme"

>> No.12117791

I wish Nevada-tan would be my girlfriend!

>> No.12117836

No wonder if you wake up with a slit throat one day then.
She's nothing but a soulless killing machine.

>> No.12118029

Any civilised country. Here there are special institutions for 16+ minors which are similar to jail, except it's only for minors; but anyone under 16 will be followed by a specialist (psychologist or so) rather than sent to jail. Parents hold responsibility for their children's acts until the children are of age.

>> No.12118033

Why'd she do it again?

>> No.12118043

Her classmate called her slut on the internet

>> No.12118071


poor impulse control

>> No.12118168

works in re-enacting the higurashi

>> No.12118315

>She's nothing but a soulless killing machine.
implying thas a bad thing

>> No.12120038

That's not Nevada at all, is it? That's that antiquated camwhore.

>> No.12120060


>> No.12120066

You mean cracky?

You can tell a huge generational gap on /b/ between people who recognize cracky vs people who recognize boxxy.

>> No.12120081

wat board do they talk about nevada-tan lately? (2ch)

>> No.12120175

It was. That's why she liked it.

>> No.12120190

what is it

>> No.12120192


>> No.12120199


>> No.12120202

is that the game nevada-tan made?

>> No.12120208

It's not a game and she didn't make it.

>> No.12120210

>The basis for the murder was surrounded around a website Tsuji created, the content based mostly around a horror flash game called The Red Room

i dont get it

>> No.12120218

I don't know where you're getting that from. She was just a fan of it. And since when was her real name released?

>> No.12120224

Her real name is Natsumi Tsuji

>> No.12120226


>> No.12120227

Is there an engrish Red Room?

>> No.12120229


>> No.12120241

Ah, thanks. In any case, it looks like your quote is saying the content of her site was based on The Red Room. So, like a fansite more or less.

>> No.12120247
File: 28 KB, 439x600, nev43sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't remember one.

>> No.12120249


>> No.12120252

yes true, misread

>> No.12120254


>> No.12120284
File: 151 KB, 750x800, 1377453547580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmu is not going to like that.

>> No.12120592
File: 204 KB, 850x850, sample-8bd7940453d0667aafc2833c015c0630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youmu is not going to like that.

Pretty sure Sakuya would agree.

>> No.12121539

if you are underage you cant pay with jail, even if its murder or any shit like that
