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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1209519 No.1209519 [Reply] [Original]

Someone on /v/ tells me you have your own RO server

I would like to hear about it, as I am an RO newbie and need people to play with. ;_;

>> No.1209521

It's long dead.

>> No.1209524


Love is over

>> No.1209526

What is love ?

>> No.1209539

It's not dead. But it better should be soon.

>> No.1209546

Baby don't hurt me

>> No.1209574

Don't hurt me no more

>> No.1209585
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>> No.1209593

What happened to the rest of her leg?

>> No.1209645

Sorry, OP, this is /jp/, not /kr/ so we hate RO here.

>> No.1209723

But i loved RO

>> No.1209751

I fucking LOVED RO

>> No.1209759

Waiting for 3rd job bard~

>> No.1209770

They are/will be called ministrel.

>> No.1209786

Where are my Touhou hats, you said there will be silly hats.

>> No.1209800
File: 208 KB, 828x828, f aco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god the porn... the lovely lovely porn...

>> No.1209802

RO? I preferred it when it was called Gaia Online.

>> No.1209816

oh no you didn't

>> No.1209833

Yes, I did.

>> No.1210038

this is /jp/, not /a/. we hate all things japanese

>> No.1210346
File: 111 KB, 503x700, rostfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minstrel is a rebirth job and already long ingame. 3rd jobs will be something new and noone really knows yet what they will be about.

And jro has a pretty high population. As far as a know, the highest population of all ro's. So /jp/ related after all.

>> No.1210358

Wait, what? I haven't played for a long time, so I haven't kept up with where the game has gone recently. I thought the class's name was Clown?

>> No.1210362
File: 15 KB, 178x251, 1219940560987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as lol.hta
3. Open the file you saved.
4. Shit bricks.

>> No.1210384

So, any server recommendation? I haven't played it in a long time, and I'd like to grind a bit more at a server that doesn't suck.

>> No.1210387

it died. go play on talonro.

>> No.1210393

same here...

>> No.1210397

>Waiting for 3rd job bard~
What. If you're talking about reborn Bard, it's Clown/Minstrel. It's been out for ages.

>> No.1210398
File: 17 KB, 179x251, 1219940855040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as lol.hta
3. Open the file you saved.
4. Shit bricks.

>> No.1210402

5/5/3 rates.

>> No.1210403

Clown = Minstrel (maybe it depens on the server on how they call it), but 3rd job is something different.

>> No.1210437

looks pretty good. whats the population like?

>> No.1210445
File: 84 KB, 800x600, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one?

>> No.1210449

Shit sucks.
Dead. But it was quite good.

>> No.1210456

about 200+ at any given time.

>> No.1210452
File: 13 KB, 202x204, 1219941280156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as lol.hta
3. Open the file you saved.
4. Shit bricks.

>> No.1210464

not that fun. there are private servers for it out there. register on a high rate one, try it out and move along. RO will always be better than RO2.

>> No.1210477

>>Weddings, including same-sex
oh no you didn't

>> No.1210479

yeah, RO2 truthfully is quite horrible

>> No.1210483

Soon (???) 2nd jobs (Knight, Bard, etc) and Transclasses (Lord Knight, Clown/Minstrel, etc) will be able to change jobs again, into Rune Knight and ?????. This ????? is probably going to be Minstrel (on kRO, the class currently named Minstrel on iRO is called Clown).
The best part is that in order to allow these new class changes without completely destroying the last string of balance the game has, kRO's opened a test server where basically everything is changed. I think it's in open beta phase now.

>> No.1210503

good luck finding a stable server that is that updated. also once 3rd classes come out, that server is very likely to have them soon after.

>> No.1210510

they also never wipe accounts. i have inactive accounts from 3 years ago.

>> No.1210538

As someone already said, i´m waiting for the new classes coming out at the end of the year, and since i´ve always played a bard i want to try the new Ministrel (NOT clown) class.

>> No.1210557

you may be right but this server is old (enjoy your 99/70 full stuff ghostring card everywhere) and GMT-7 is bad for me.

>> No.1210564

meh. i can understand time zones but the other things are certainly not hard to come by. if you know what you're doing the server is easy as hell.

>> No.1210566

Yes, Official servers official servers official servers official servers.

No private server you will ever find will be as good as an official server.

>> No.1210569

It's a standard feature. Server admins enable that so people can marry lolis to eachother.

>> No.1210574

>>1210503 >
>>1210510 >
you may be right but this server is old (enjoy your 99/70 full stuff ghostring card everywhere) and GMT-7 is bad for me.
>>Donation Rewards
>$100 20 Old Violet Box and 1 Lord Kaho's Horns

>> No.1210593

14 dollars a month for a 7 year old game? no thanks.

>> No.1210598

about 30mil in game from another player. relatively easy to do.

>> No.1210604

Those servers make you pay, and they hace CS items (I´m looking at you iRO) so no thanks.

>> No.1210614

private server with "Donation Rewards" and LKH = do not want.

>> No.1210624

If you don't want to afford it, go for a private server.

But this doesn't change that

>No private server you will ever find will be as good as an official server.

>> No.1210654

Too bad /jp/RO died. It's so hard to find servers without dumb GM faggotry, shitty unbalanced "custom items" or donation rewards.

>> No.1210674

Dunno, had more fun in DerRO than back in iRO

>> No.1211771

iRO was never fun for me. there is nothing "fun" about being a novice for most of the stupid 14 day trial. hell, lvl 99 is almost impossible on iRO without throwing away your social life. i like private servers, especially low rate, because they allow the feel of what RO should be without painfully slow grinding. customs arent bad either since gravity sucks huge cocks when it comes to creating a balanced game. donations arent the end of the world either, as long as its not wings. these things tend to make their way into the general public through trades and just escalate gameplay rather than hinder it for those that cant donate.

>> No.1211790

Get GarmRO it's for shoujoai luvers like you and me

>> No.1211811


>> No.1211812

>shoujoai luvers
>Server's Rates:
>21474836.5/21474836.5/100 (Base/Job/Items)

>> No.1211816

/jp/RO would have taken off if it didn't have only like 30 players.

>> No.1211823

1/1/1 is what killed it in my opinion. there is a reason most pservers dont use those rates.

>> No.1211857

You can get out of novice in less than a day if you can manage snatching some random acolyte / priest to help you out and 99 takes a fair few months of dedication, theres no need to throw you socia- wait, what? Social life? Who are you fucking kidding?

Not sure if the same as it used to be but I remember there was a shitload of faggotry and drama amongst most of the upper guilds. It's fucking intolerable.

>> No.1211909

back when i tried out iRO loki my experience was as such.
-it was hard as fuck to level because i didnt know how to do stats and people only lol'd and walked off if i asked (so friendly) so i had a useless mage with stats in strength
-stupid rates. took me the entire time just to afford an arc wand (about 36k)
-some jackass flooded the north field of geffen with db so leveling got harder and of course the GM team was quick to respond (in my dreams).
-only met one friendly person that taught me how the stats worked, how to get pets and that if i couldnt afford iRO that i should try out pservers.

after that i found my place and ive been there ever since.
-people helped me get my stats right and if wasnt the end of the world if i fucked up since there were skill and stat resets (dont exist on iRO)
-slightly higher drop rates make your basic need a little easier to get. i would spend about 20k on meat every time i go level. no way that would work out on iRO with 1/1/1/. enjoy not being able to afford to level your alchemist.
-smaller, more manageable community so if somebody scams or bots they are caught almost instantly and the GM team can be friendly with players on a name to name basis.

honestly the only thing i liked about iRO was that one guy that helped me. just wish i could remember his name.

>> No.1211919

Now you can reset your stats in iRO.

You just gotta pay.

>> No.1211920

I heard /v/ used to play on this server often

>> No.1211935
File: 207 KB, 1024x768, screenLoki452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh iRO, I miss your golden age of beta. I try to keep coming back to you, but you seem to get worse with each visit.

Man, I wish my first mmorpg experience was something else. Fucking nostalgia.

>> No.1212003

so more money on top of a subscription fee? pservers rely on donation to pay the bills but at least they are nothing more than DONATIONS. if i dont want to pay, i dont have to. and i never have.

>> No.1212008

guise like i keep sayin play GarmRO its cute anda fun you wont regret it

>> No.1212034

The shitty community is what killed /jp/RO. And if you had any ideas for the server, well then too fucking bad. The whole thing was ran on a circlejerk basis.

>> No.1212039

Give me a link, better fucking worth it.
That´s what i say, unless they decide if they´re going to charge you or sell CS items i won´t go back to iRO

>> No.1212075

stay far away from that shit
wings and custom maps are a no thank you.

>> No.1212088

No thank you

>> No.1212092

Then what server should I play.?
Something easy modo, I am not in the mood to grindan right now.

>> No.1212096

Oh yes I think I read somewhere a while ago that RO is going to have an overhaul in someway.

One thing I read is that the stat increasing system is going to be changed or something.

Well, whatever they do they really do need to do it.
Class/equipment balance is already pretty much destroyed, and to add in yet another higher up class that's even more powerful without changing things would just be plain ridiculous.

>> No.1212099
File: 205 KB, 1024x768, 1204020530612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best error ever

>> No.1212106

i wish i was a girl

>> No.1212113

I wish to be the female novice.

>> No.1212115

great resource for pserver players. to the top left you can search for servers by rate range, features and rating.
is actually in the top 5 for low rate but since you are a lazy faggot try noob fury ro.
that seems about right.

>> No.1212126


>> No.1212127

i wish i was still a novice fightan lunatic ;_;

>> No.1212132
File: 60 KB, 560x600, Demitri_Maximoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as planned.

>> No.1212138

third classes is the reason they are changing things around. the new level cap for those classes will be 150 or some shit. so of course to please the people that are still paying on official servers but are too lazy to trans they have to create work arounds. hopefully the server i am playing on will do some of the balancing that gravity sucks at. expect sinx to once again be the only class you need.

>> No.1212155

>third classes is the reason most people that already left will come back.

>> No.1212165


lol, my fucking bard>>>>sinx´s

>> No.1212172

EverQuest rules 3_3

>> No.1212178

don't start with g/a/ia or whatever faggotry.

>> No.1212188

lol no

>> No.1212189

What the fuck.

>> No.1212191

>people that already left will come back.

ro rule #1

>> No.1212193

Man, if only real life had errors like that.

>> No.1212214

Just saying
lol, yes
Sadly, not true for me so far, once DerRO died i stopped playing RO. But as i said, once 3rd job Bards are implemented, you fucking bet i´ll come back.

>> No.1212236

I don't think so Tim

>> No.1212240

is it that you never really leave?

also those changes fucking suck. why are they messing with my assumptio? i want halved damage on ALL attacks. i mean it works well if i already have high defense but damn.
wait a sec...thats fucking broken. if i cast assump on a class with 50 defense they will be immune to all damage for a sec. but then it say increasing BY 200%. so someone with 50 should get 150 def. shit this could be sweet. my HP could have either 70 or 105 def. im thinking 70 but shit if i dont want 70% damage reduction.

still i wish they wouldnt mess with the game. they are terrible at it.

>> No.1212267

>Cards and equipment that affect or increase your attack power only affect your equipment attack power.

I love this one.
Now if people want decent damage from their weapons they'll actually have to get a good weapon, instead of just carding up the lowest level shit in the game and becoming a god simply because it has many card slots.

>> No.1212307


>> No.1212336

>Monster Arrangement and Re-leveling
>- The spawn of most monsters across the game world have been widely changed.
>- Areas are changed so that maps generally group monsters of similar level together.

Does this mean I can finally go back to geffen tower without having to deal with those fucking flies?
You know, that area meant for LOW LEVEL CHARACTERS?

>> No.1212340

Isnt it like dmg you get form mosters and then that halved. So if you have 50 def and you get 20 dmg form a monster asum gets it do 10 dmg

>> No.1212344

I would fucking play RO again.

>> No.1212350

Geffen tower was never meant to be a low level area.

>> No.1212355

I remember killing a sinX twice in a pvp duel with my bard. The first time I used unbarring octave, the second time without it.

>> No.1212368

Now why would I want to go back to the cestpool of gaiafaggotry that I had to put up all those years just for some stupid fucking class update.

Ro is contaminated, therefore it is complete shit. It's also corean.

>> No.1212383

thats how old assump worked. but what it seems like they are saying is that they will double your def. def works in that if you have 50 def you reduce damage by 50%. so if they double that 50 def with assump, you should have 100 def and 100% damage reduction. mdef works the same way as well.

>> No.1212394

I wouldn't say "never" because before there were hunter flies, it was a low level area.

>> No.1212427

So yo´re telling me all those Jakk´s, Nightmares, Dracula, ghouls and loli marionette were meant to be low level?

>> No.1212428


The first floor used to be good for low levels, you retards.
Then the people at gravity decided to be cocks and put hunter flies everywhere, an enemy more than twice the level of the poison spores there and have so much attack, evade and attack speed that it's practically impossible for people to train there.
Higher levels aren't even going to bother with them because they wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.1212435

whoops, meant to make "movement" as one of those, not put "attack" twice.

>> No.1212471

Way to be a retard. Geffen1 was a good grind from 30 to probably 45ish before they put hunter flies in there. It was a very popular low level area, and players usually push to have hunter flies removed, like >>1212336 did.

>> No.1212499

Goddam RO newfags.

>> No.1212509

Did 30 to 56 on my first Knight on iRO there! Good old pre-Comodo.

I'm not sure why I'm arguing with you. A fully geared sinx will rape any other class because of ridiculously overpowered EDP and soul linked SBs

>> No.1212592

is this how that works or what?
true testament to how terrible gravity is at reworking their own game.

>> No.1212639

GOD-POING/Christy has made a RO server called ROFX
Actually was pretty good, too bad after like 6 years of life has been closed

>> No.1212675

iichan RO board

>> No.1212705

FX RO... why does it sound so familiar...

>> No.1214413

I find it funny that RO2 looks exactly like a game that's already been out for half a dozen years, Rose Online.

>> No.1214456

Which is made by gravity, which I played, in which I have a Scout ;_;

>> No.1214487

isn't it free now? shit must suck so bad.

>> No.1214491

Dunno, I played a private server anyway.
It's worse than RO

>> No.1214529


/jp/RO didn't have 1/1/1. It was something like 10 or so.

>> No.1214543


Isn't Rose Online closed?

>> No.1214554
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1219986267250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are third jobs in RO?

What level to do have to be for that? Level 999?

>> No.1214575

You can be either level 99 second class or level 99 rebirth to become 3rd class.

Also get this shitty gook game off /jp/.

>> No.1214577

/jp/'s overpowered. Gravity needs to tweak that "push button to win" skill.

>> No.1214583

so i herd that /jp/ likes MMORPG´s

>> No.1214598


But it doesnt work that way. You choose between 2-1 or 2-2 and from there you either transcend or sit on your ass and wait for 3rd jobs

>> No.1214611

I lol´d.
