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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12088713 No.12088713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Useless shit brained mods/janitors will be remembered as the ruiners of 4chan. They line the pockets of moot by shaping his community so that it is full of pass buying normies. They receive for this no pay and no remembrance. They like to think they are performing some greater deed by keeping this site clean and helping ``enhance'' it. That is false. They drive away the old users and replace the old culture with a hugbox pass vending machine. Their lives are worthless, spent living to the will of moot, they are moot's niggers. Much like the internet equivalent of a literal faggot they are mentally flawed, naturally promoting not their own ideas (children) but those of moot, designed to afford him an extravagant lifestyle while they waste away their lives toiling against nothing. They are followers, small men, untermensch. These are subhumans the world would be better off without.


>> No.12088713,1 [INTERNAL] 

Time it took to type this shit: 5 minutes.
Time it stayed on the board: 5 seconds.
Time it took the janitor to delete it: 0.5 seconds.

Shitposter status: buttpummeled.

>> No.12088713,2 [INTERNAL] 

i think he's trying to make the janimod feel bad about himself

unfortunately he's someone who takes perverse pleasure in shutting down people he thinks are retards so he's probably enjoying it

>> No.12088713,3 [INTERNAL] 

Janiscripts too strong

>> No.12088713,4 [INTERNAL] 


Stay ignorant dude. Kigmod is getting a rustling

>> No.12088713,5 [INTERNAL] 

oh no he has to delete the same spam which he has deleted every day for N years

totally rustled

>> No.12088713,6 [INTERNAL] 

sup saegrimr

you can't even do it for free anymore LOL

>> No.12088713,7 [INTERNAL] 

i suppose you think moot fired redwood too

>> No.12088713,8 [INTERNAL] 

why would he fire redwood?
why would anyone think redwood was fired when he was defending himself on /a/?

>> No.12088713,9 [INTERNAL] 

he was "outed" that means he has to be fired

>> No.12088713,10 [INTERNAL] 

but he's a mod, a lot of the mods freely share their online identity. so what's your point?

>> No.12088713,11 [INTERNAL] 

He's a self-righteous normie but that doesn't make him any different from the rest of the mods.

>> No.12088713,12 [INTERNAL] 

the point is that saegrimr in all likelihood still has his job

unless you think that moot had a backup janitor sitting on standby this whole time

>> No.12088713,13 [INTERNAL] 

man, reporting this feels g o o d.

>> No.12088713,14 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see how a janitor getting fired has anything to do with a mod but as far as I can tell there isn't any janitor I haven't been muted since janny was uncovered, I just get handed an immediate ban

>> No.12088713,15 [INTERNAL] 

He didn't even fire MQr, who was not only outed as a janitor, but also as an lazy and incompetent one and a terrible human being. Why would he fire people who are actually doing their job well?

>> No.12088713,16 [INTERNAL] 

moot doesn't give a shit if his staff gets "outed" unless they were acting like assclowns, if you think he gives a shit about what the leter of the law on his janitor guidelines say you're dumber than moot is

>I haven't been muted since janny was uncovered, I just get handed an immediate ban
let's all congratulate saegrimr on his promotion to full moderator


>> No.12088713,17 [INTERNAL] 

thanks for that expert insider analysis from team 4chan and a look in on moot's own personal thoughts

are you moot? are you an ex-janitor sandbagging? who is this mysterious troublemaker

>> No.12088713,18 [INTERNAL] 

Redwood is still a mod, what are you talking about?

>> No.12088713,19 [INTERNAL] 

the fuck does that mean

>> No.12088713,20 [INTERNAL] 

if you think moot cares about running a strictly impartial kingdom that obeys the rules to the letter of the law you're a fucking moron

source: the last ten years on 4chan

>> No.12088713,21 [INTERNAL] 

>ten years

>> No.12088713,22 [INTERNAL] 

>4chan was born 20 years ago

>> No.12088713,23 [INTERNAL] 

You're on moot's position for one month, what will you do to "save" /jp/?

>> No.12088713,24 [INTERNAL] 

close /b/ and redirect it to /jp/ for the entirety of the month

>> No.12088713,25 [INTERNAL] 

I never said that but okay
have fun with your conspiracy theories

>> No.12088713,26 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking delete all generals
Ban anyone making generals
Ban kancolle
Ban babymetal
Remove all mods and janitors from /jp/

>> No.12088713,27 [INTERNAL] 

so basically the same thing

>> No.12088713,28 [INTERNAL] 

ISP ban party.

>> No.12088713,29 [INTERNAL] 

remove it for 29 days and bring it back the last day which most shitposters will have moved to different boards by then.

>> No.12088713,30 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck people who like any of the mods and fuck people who want no mods.

>> No.12088713,31 [INTERNAL] 

let's all stand in awe of this impartial beast of a man

>> No.12088713,32 [INTERNAL] 

I'm neutral towards that estrogen bag.

>> No.12088713,33 [INTERNAL] 

make a /weeb/ board for all the 2hu and kanshit

delete /jp/ and make it a general on /vg/ instead

>> No.12088713,34 [INTERNAL] 

Delete /jp/, create /2hu/ and /vn/.

>> No.12088713,35 [INTERNAL] 

That didn't work with Warosu!!!!!!

>> No.12088713,36 [INTERNAL] 

I was a photoshop wizard with a zillion reposts, and what shits my trousers about smegmir is how he was an undeniably less valuable poster and human being than me and numerous other exiles, but now he's been playing Jabba with free reigns for some two years, shooting his social superiors on sight. Two years?

He is literally Pol Pot.

>> No.12088713,37 [INTERNAL] 

You mean ``He is figuratively Pol Pot.

>> No.12088713,38 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,39 [INTERNAL] 


/jp/ died when /vg/ was made so just delete it.

>> No.12088713,40 [INTERNAL] 

i applied for janny and demonstrated my knowledge of all /jp/ topics and offered to moderate 18 hours a day

alas they did not choose me

>> No.12088713,41 [INTERNAL] 

I really like that picture.

They get so many applications there's no way the can go through all of them. They probably throw out most of them at random.

>> No.12088713,42 [INTERNAL] 

Ban all 2hu and nekoshit threads.

>> No.12088713,43 [INTERNAL] 

sudo rm -f /etc/4chan/jp/

>> No.12088713,44 [INTERNAL] 

Which distro does the W use? I'm running Debian

>> No.12088713,45 [INTERNAL] 

rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/4chan/jp/’: Is a directory

You're looking for -r to remove directories. However I think there's a problem past that, /etc is for system-wide configuration files, if you think you're ``deleting /jp/'' it wouldn't be there, it's traditional to put websites under /var/www

Also, you do not need the trailing /, just "/etc/4chan/jp" would be it.

>> No.12088713,46 [INTERNAL] 

I was just kidding dude... I'm using xampp with apache so my websites are under htdocs.

>> No.12088713,47 [INTERNAL] 

>so my websites are under htdocs.

And where exactly is that kept?

>> No.12088713,48 [INTERNAL] 

What specifically? Debian Sable? If so, why are you running a server OS?
Debian Jessie or Sid? If so, that's pretty sweet, dude.

>> No.12088713,49 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,50 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,51 [INTERNAL] 

You mean the directory? Something like /opt/lampp/htdocs.

>> No.12088713,52 [INTERNAL] 

Debian testing/unstable and everything based off them (Ubuntu) are complete garbage though. The only good Debian is Debian stable, and it's fine on the desktop too. Like you might guess, the testing/unstable branches of Debian have incredibly bad quality control and are actually very unstable and unpolished. You're not getting stability, and you're not even getting up to date packages, you're not getting anything really, there's no point in testing/unstable unless you're a Debian developer or just misinformed about what it is. Just use Fedora if you want up to date packages. The quality control there is incredibly high because Redhat, and they know what they're doing, while still being bleeding edge.

There's exactly 4 distros that I think should be used on the desktop, Gentoo, Fedora, Debian stable, and OpenSUSE. The rest are crap.

>> No.12088713,53 [INTERNAL] 

Ubuntu has changed a lot recently, it still has lot of bugs and problems concerning how it mounts the drives but believe me, it has changed, still not good as Debian stable though.

>> No.12088713,54 [INTERNAL] 

>Like you might guess, the testing/unstable branches of Debian have incredibly bad quality control and are actually very unstable and unpolished.
I've Never Had A Problem™.

>> No.12088713,55 [INTERNAL] 

Um... is this /g/?

>> No.12088713,56 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12088713,57 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,58 [INTERNAL] 

sup lelcunt? ;)

>> No.12088713,59 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,60 [INTERNAL] 

Change /mlp/ to /mlpk/ - Pony & Kancolle to contain Kancolle generals

>> No.12088713,61 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,62 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,63 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,64 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,65 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,66 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,67 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,68 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,69 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,70 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,71 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,72 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,73 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,74 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,75 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,76 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,77 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want those kancolle normies on my board.

>> No.12088713,78 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,79 [INTERNAL] 

I'm the originator of the WAROSU HOWL OF <x> meme and you can't use it like that... I will sue you...

>> No.12088713,80 [INTERNAL] 

too bad kazisho

>> No.12088713,81 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,82 [INTERNAL] 

By the way I wanna give Senjogahara a big hug and we can just hug each other forever.

>> No.12088713,83 [INTERNAL] 

Replace hug with fug and I feel the same way.

>> No.12088713,84 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,85 [INTERNAL] 


Why are you pretending to be him?

>> No.12088713,86 [INTERNAL] 


It's unhealthy to constantly try to assert your masculinity and heterosexuality all the time, even where it's completely irrelevant. It shows everyone around you your insecurity.

What happened anyway? Were you raped by one of your soldier buddies in Afghanistan, and you've never felt safe and pure since?

>> No.12088713,87 [INTERNAL] 

PISS BLOOD>>12088713,86

>> No.12088713,88 [INTERNAL] 


What's wrong?

>> No.12088713,89 [INTERNAL] 

Are you shitting me? /mlp/ is the peak of nerd normal.

>> No.12088713,90 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12088713,91 [INTERNAL] 

He merely responded to shitposting by shitposting himself.

>> No.12088713,92 [INTERNAL] 

