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File: 177 KB, 292x366, nigggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12048201 No.12048201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>feelio when blewed so many loads to CP me balls got rekt n i started juicin out blood n shite

just die in me sleep already

>> No.12048201,1 [INTERNAL] 

I never thought I'd see niggy feeling suicidal...

>> No.12048201,2 [INTERNAL] 

that chair when...

>> No.12048201,3 [INTERNAL] 

He's always so upbeat and eager to tell us about his janny shitting adventures......

Is this the end?......

>> No.12048201,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12048201,5 [INTERNAL] 

in sickness or health me shite
luv if youre going to cringe at me gaping chest wound instead of trying to help im just going to kick the bucket right now
i didnt marry you for your motor skills
i married you because you have tiny wrists
now shut up and kiss me
a girl so pale shes transluscent
like a greasy napkin
primordial feels
the only solution is to have 3 gfs
an internet gf
your wife gf
and a regular gf
youll never be unhappy again
but the strain will probably kill you
take a shite in a sink and watch it float
take a shite in a sink and watch it float in japan
spot the difference
there's a funny meme in here
flights of fantasy and living a lifetime in the blink of an eye like that
although me crippling bowel pain puts tears in me eyes i cant help but laugh at it all
me legs
me pipe
me bones

R.I.P. Niggy (1947-2014)

>> No.12048201,6 [INTERNAL] 

>feelio when niggy meem is more than 1y old now....

>> No.12048201,7 [INTERNAL] 


post more like this

>> No.12048201,8 [INTERNAL] 

>take a shite in a sink and watch it float

why did this give me legitimate feels..?

niggy... where are you now...

>> No.12048201,9 [INTERNAL] 

because thats what we do

thats what youve been doing
shitteing on jannys pool and then
we watch it


on w

>> No.12048201,10 [INTERNAL] 

oooooooooh im seein shite now

the enema was me redpil janny can you see these stains they want you outta here

>> No.12048201,11 [INTERNAL] 


ME: What are you doing, Anonymous?
YOU: Making shitposts with a poorly coded Niggy emulator.


>> No.12048201,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12048201,13 [INTERNAL] 

board is literally /v/ tier tryharding
im out cya virgs

>> No.12048201,14 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12048201,15 [INTERNAL] 

I remember crying thinking he was really leaving us

>> No.12048201,16 [INTERNAL] 

where do i even find cp nowadays.

>> No.12048201,17 [INTERNAL] 


you shouldn't be asking such questions fbi sama

>> No.12048201,18 [INTERNAL] 


By cutting off your dick

>> No.12048201,19 [INTERNAL] 

you have set them all on fire
they think they've found a new messiah
and they'll hurt you when they find they're wrong

>> No.12048201,20 [INTERNAL] 

>feel when niggy meme is older than you
