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File: 29 KB, 400x279, float356.img_assist_custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1201600 No.1201600 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese toilets look like this? Guess I'm in for one wild ride. Who sits on the floor and takes a shit? Weird.

>> No.1201602

So you have to squat to use the toi

>> No.1201612
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>> No.1201610


Squat? Damn, my legs won't be able to take that.

>> No.1201623

thats not that far from some the toilets I saw in the shit holes in turkey. They literally were holes for shitting in.

>> No.1201629


I need image of a fat Gaijin attempting to use one of these.

>> No.1201634

thats a bathtub for babies

>> No.1201682

Well guess I'm never going to japan. I need to be able to move my feet around freely to be able to go

>> No.1201692

I'm too fat my layers of fat keep me from squatting.

>> No.1201702

God, I remember those fucking things. I hated those toilets. I made sure to find western style toilets or use the fucking woods when I was in Japan.

>> No.1201706
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THAT'S why L's always sitting like that...

>> No.1201729

I think I'm doing it wrong.
Am I supposed to face the hump or away from it?

>> No.1201737

there is no right way, only fail.

>> No.1201733


Anyways, aren't those toilets actually more sanitary?

>> No.1201734

When one shits in one of those toilets, are you supposed to remove your pants completely or what?

>> No.1201743

>Anyways, aren't those toilets actually more sanitary

No not really, your ass is actually cleaner than your face (on average)

>> No.1201753

These aren't unique to Japan.


>> No.1201747

ok, guys, enough trolling, get back into real threads

>> No.1201750

There is a reason you don't usually see them in the newer buildings.

>> No.1201794


all you need to know.

some people claim they're more sanitary, but if you've ever been in japan in the cubicle next to one, you are going to be sick.
i use the western toilets and the squat ones are in the next cubicle.im taking a crap, my shit is not that stinky, but the guy next to me, is taking a shit, and the whole fucking toilet block fills up with the smell of his shit. i felt so sick i wanted to throw up, but i was already using the toilet.
at least sitting on the toilet, your hips, thighs and ass form a kind of seal over the toilet to prevent everyone choking on your smell. unlike the japanese toilets.

also, ive walked into squat toilets and seen a HUGE FUCKING shit on the rim of the toilet. it was an inch away from the fucking hole in the ground. jesus, whoever the hell was there first, they were squatting right fucking over the hole, RIGHT FUCKING OVER IT and they still missed.

>> No.1201817



>> No.1201830

More like an "Asian" toilet, since these type aren't exclusively available in Japan only.. And you wouldn't have to worry about facing one of these if you happen to go to Japan, since most toilets now includes at least 1 cubicle with one of those western toilet seats that warms up and washes your ass

>> No.1201848



>> No.1201852

Oh, I saw those toilets in Italy a long time ago. It shocked me back then so now when I see them it's not "what the hell do I do with this?" Fun times.


I always figured it's easier for janitors to clean those kind of toilets and that's why you'd see them in public restrooms; you can clean them all at once in a way.

>> No.1201865

Apt description, unsavory though it may be

>> No.1201883


The water in western-style toilets helps a lot with making it less smelly.

>> No.1201885

This thread brings the phrase "Wanna see my poots?" to mind

I have no idea why

>> No.1201891
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You lie down on your back with your feet resting on the part that rises above the floor.

>> No.1202349

yeah, pretty much.

>> No.1202598

Actually if you squat with your knees raised up near your chest, you'll be able to shit more efficiently believe it or not.
When women give birth, I believe it's for the same reason the hospitals always position their legs like that.

>The water in western-style toilets helps a lot with making it less smelly.
What...so those floor toilets don't have water locks to block the smells from the sever pipes?
Then there's no way I'll ever want to get near one...

>> No.1202666

Laughed so hard I pissed myself. ROFLMAO

>> No.1202678
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>> No.1202681
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In Japan, girls watch you poop.

>> No.1202695

Its easier to wipe your ass after squatting. Thats the only real advantage I can see for these.

>> No.1202708
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still don't understand how i can squat like this and not pee all over my pants unless i take my pants all the way off

>> No.1202758

As a woman spectator of the Beijing Olympics commented on...

"There's like, a zone just past your knees. If you pull your pants down around there then it's good sailing."

>> No.1202770
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>> No.1202840

I had to use one of those a couple of times when I was in Algeria. I just don't understand how to squat like that. If I stand on my toes, it's difficult to keep my balance. If I don't, I can only bend my knees so far. In both cases my knees start hurting after a while. Maybe the problem is my body?
Anyway, the prospect of having diarrhea and having to one of those is downright frightening.

Am I bad person if the first thing I thought after seeing that was "Danjo! Danjo! Danjo!"?

>> No.1202851

I never used on in Japan. Generally they have a cubicle with a western style toilet as well.

>> No.1202861


>> No.1202903

i had one of those western styled toilets that were heated and sprayed warm water up my ass in my apartment.

>> No.1202926

Some people are actually smart enough to not want to wipe their clean baby smooth ass all over a disgusting public toilet seat.

>> No.1202931

Not when half the toilets of this variety don't have a flushing mechanism; the janitor comes every 3 days to purge the piles of shit that have accumulated.

>> No.1202932

Toilet paper? Make barrier? Double/triple up if paranoid?

>> No.1202941

Too many times have I built up a layer of protection only to have piss on the bottom of the rims seep up through the paper and touch my clean butt anyway.

>> No.1202945

Wipe b4 use?

>> No.1202950

It's not safe to use public toilets. This is why I can never leave home.

>> No.1202954

I do wipe, and I said on the bottom of the rims, as in underside of the seat. The edge of the paper ends up touching the water droplets on the bottom and the piss goes up the paper up to my ass.

>> No.1202972

I usually wipe the underside too, and at least in my case, any leakage is only due to my own lack of aiming. My condolences that it doesn't always work for you.

>> No.1202991

I know I should wipe the bottoms too but it's just so disgusting. I miss Japanese bathrooms where everyone doesn't piss all over the place or at least cleans up if they miss.

>> No.1203332

I'm fat and I've used these things. Either I'm not as fat as the people complaining in this thread or I have super legs, because they weren't hard to use. As for knees hurting or cramping or whatever, how fucking long does it take you people to shit, 4 hours?

>> No.1203345

These toilets look like upside down urinals. It makes me wonder if a japanese visitor to america has ever shat in a urinal.

>> No.1203804

i take it that you never been to the army or long trip camping?
but yeah i understand it, took me a year to get use to it

>> No.1203806


I have seen this once in elementary school and once again a few years ago. Baffles me every time.

>> No.1203815

its called japanese people are soo strong they work out even when going to the washroom

>> No.1203826

I remember seeing one of these types of toilet while on holiday in Dubai. I chose to hold it in until I got back to the hotel.

>> No.1203827


Pfffffft, are you unable to squat or something?

I've taken a shit in some random guy's backyard. TWICE.

>> No.1203831

i always failed when i first starting using them, because i was sitting low rather than truly squatting. To do it comfortably and balanced, you cant be bent over, the straighter your posture and lower your ass, the easier it is to balance

>> No.1203833

You should see some public toilets in former soviet union countries. You would faint.

>> No.1204009

pics nao

>> No.1204026

This one isn't former soviet and in borkspeak, but still pretty horrible.

>> No.1204031

I never like using them because I don't like the idea of urine and fecal matter splashing all over my pants.

I know it happens anyway (if you don't believe it, wear sandals or something next time you use a urinal, it isn't water splashing on your feet), but the less splashback there is, the better.

>> No.1204032

China's countryside: Worse toilets ever.

Basically it's just a ditch a foot deep which they charge you one yuan to use. The piss and shit from the whole day is left in there accumulating flies and maggots.

There's no walls whatsoever, so you get to see some poor Joe squatting with four things looking down while you take a leak.

It ain't no joke.

>> No.1204039

If you sit on your seat and squat the shit just slides right out your ass.

>> No.1204036

>you cant be bent over, the straighter your posture and lower your ass, the easier it is to balance
Well, duh. That's common sense. Anyone who thought they would have bend over must be....really weird

>> No.1204045

I have no problem with these toilets. They're easy to use.
