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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 427x615, smugtoram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11999802 No.11999802 [Reply] [Original]

You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects.
OC should pertain to light/visual novels, figures, and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).

>> No.11999804

Wait, is that Irisu guy's lines?
Cute satoram.

>> No.11999813

Who's Irisu?

>> No.11999819

Not him

>> No.11999823
File: 17 KB, 467x482, sheepneet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet SheepNEET dude.

>> No.11999839

Have you forgotten?

>> No.11999842

Wow, that was fast
poor Irisu, she's getting old...

>> No.11999848
File: 129 KB, 300x425, fwish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I painted a fish! Who paintfag here?

>> No.11999855

>a fish
You meant a chameleon?

>> No.11999858

That's a protoceratops with a cool scarf dude.

>> No.11999877


>> No.11999882
File: 158 KB, 517x213, inktest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your inking settings on photoshop, /jp/?

>> No.11999886

uhm... b-black?

>> No.11999888
File: 427 KB, 800x843, enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12000088 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 200x200, richard-stallman-fsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Doujin , is in fact, a Doujinshi, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Doujin plus shi. Doujin is not an indie publication unto itself, but rather a collective group of people preforming a shi made only possible by comikets, the internet and fandoms.

Many Doujinshi fappers or users like yourself fap and use Doujinshis every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, Doujinshi which is widely used today is often called "Doujin", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically a Doujinshi, developed by a Doujin.

There really is a Doujin, and these people are using or fapping it to their works, but it is just a part of the material they fap to or use. Doujin are the artists: the people in their mother's basement, lonely apartments and so forth that allocate their government's resources to the material you fap to or use. The Doujin is an essential part of an operating non proprietary consumer, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete shi, or publication and the consumer of course. Doujin is normally used in combination with the shi publication or distribution methods: the whole system is basically Doujin with shi added, or Doujin plus Shi. All the so-called "Doujin" distributions are really distributions of Doujinshis.

>> No.12000096

>doujin works
>group artist's works
check and mate athiest

>> No.12000097

Request something 2hu related. No lewd pls


Also the 誌 suffix refers to books and magazines only. Get out of /jp/, pleb.

>> No.12000113

someone pls draw parcy getting mad at SJW

>> No.12000124

Byakuren smoking weed and getting caught by Shou.

>> No.12000191

No, because you can't even spell Parsee's name right

>> No.12000215
File: 946 KB, 1000x1700, belly witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12000371
File: 90 KB, 640x441, sekibankihamlet_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12000441

Sorry, but I've never read Hamlet.

>> No.12000449

It's the famous scene where Hamlet delivers a soliloquy while holding a jester's skull. Don't worry, I never read that part either.

>> No.12000703

Going to request this again since that anon never delivered.

Mokou wearing Jotaro's clothes and hat in whatever pose you like.

>> No.12000842
File: 181 KB, 1000x1300, 20140327c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12001069

I love you.

>> No.12001169

That arm is too long.
The shoulder looks disconnected.
And the chin is gigantic.

>> No.12001172

That arm isn't remotely too long--if anything, it's almost too short. Your complaints clearly don't have any basis.

>> No.12001186

It's perfectly fine. The arm is foreshortened, the shoulder connects well enough and the chin isn't gigantic. Are you that same guy who always complains about anatomical problems with his style? It's stylized. Why don't you come up with something better before you whine?

>> No.12001188
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x903, lasg copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I painting.

>> No.12001190

I almost thought that was "lpsg copy" and started to wonder how it related to the Large Penis Support Group.

>> No.12001261


>> No.12001277

who's speaking to whom?

>> No.12001336

I got it.
Everything you like is absolutely perfect and you don't want anyone to change or to improve.

Sorry for bothering you.

>> No.12001345

>pick none

He's been drawing the same shit the same way for years. I'd like to believe that he does some amazing artwork in secret and only posts his simple girl sketches here but it's probably not the case. Not knowing just shows how new you are and where you belong (/ic/).

That aside, where's your artwork? This is the /jp/ OC thread not the help thread on /ic/.

>> No.12001402

Way to be discouraging, dude.

>> No.12001437

Style isn't an excuse when you don't know what you're stylizing.
If he wants to draw giant chinned girls with construction flaws and never improve like a typical deviant art artist then it's a shame.

>> No.12001489

Take it easy.

>> No.12001490

I like it.
boring shit... discuss about design rules, if you want to be technical. this kind of style improvement crap is out of context everywhere but fine art academy. and for good reson, since at least 70% of people that wins bread with drawings have at best amateurish competencies.
let Loomis take it easy in his graphite gave pls

>> No.12001528

What's the point of posting your drawings here if people can't criticize it?

>> No.12001563

Some people just like sharing drawings in a stress free environment.

>> No.12001614
File: 222 KB, 1228x1337, 2014-03-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A plain girl.

>> No.12001619 [DELETED] 

I discovered how to fix my triangle problem. Now making these is more interesting. I'll be sure to work hard on the textures. I should try to make the cockpit look more round perhaps too.

>> No.12001625

I said its stupid, not that you shouldn't do it.
if I had to criticize something here >>12000842
it would be the skirt folds and the missing right arm, not that his proportions aren't correct.

>> No.12001626 [DELETED] 


>> No.12001636

The arm is obviously hidden behind the body.

>> No.12001640

make an anime out of it!
make a doujin out of it!

>> No.12001646


>> No.12001649

Her left arm is too fleshy, especially her forearm.

Now someone scream at me again for pointing out some flaws.

>> No.12001654

When did these threads turn into such a hugbox that praises mediocrity?
Some of you are even using the "my style" thing unironically.

>> No.12001662
File: 2.51 MB, 1904x1354, 常識.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have nothing left in you life, you still can start drawing

>> No.12001666

For awhile now. For that reason I stopped posting incomplete works or stuff that I only spent a couple hours on.

>> No.12001680

Any artist that screams at someone for giving them measured and well-intentioned advice deserves to stay mired in their own hubris and shitty habits.

But what do you mean by "fleshy"? Not the person who drew the cute loli, by the way. I do draw some stuff as a hobby, so I'm just curious.

>> No.12001693 [DELETED] 

Why do you want that much to criticize them in the first place?

>> No.12001701

nothing should have ever given you the impression that they can't.

>> No.12001712
File: 80 KB, 700x500, 1396024799572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to see some of your work, that test looks neat.
Did you draw that? I'd like to see more too.

>> No.12001729
File: 237 KB, 536x726, kanako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend suggested i posted my drawings here, i hope /jp/ likes them.


>> No.12001731
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1200, tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12001736 [DELETED] 

>a friend
get the fuck out.
Your arms are shit but i really like your drawings c:

>> No.12001740

I almost cried out loud.
Those arms are fucked up man! Really fucked up!

>> No.12001741

Thanks, i will do it right next time

>> No.12001748 [DELETED] 

Okay, but take it easy! By the way, how old are you?

>> No.12001756

w0w Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy - Copy

I like this art, by the way. Is it yours? I'd like to see more.

>> No.12001761

It turns me on.

>> No.12001770

That's double lewd!

>> No.12001776

Yes, the original is in one of the previous threads. I post occasionally, but it's usually just cruddy sketches.

>> No.12001778
File: 952 KB, 809x1643, finalsmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12001779

someone draw parcy pls

>> No.12001781

What kind of parcy do you prefer?

>> No.12001780 [DELETED] 

Are you the guy who draws weird conjoined twins and toilet bowls?

>> No.12001784

I can't stop laugh

>> No.12001796

Forgot this

>> No.12001805
File: 765 KB, 1400x1000, 2014-03-28_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I'm always happy about feedback for my drawings and even though I might not reply I always read it carefully.

>> No.12001809
File: 35 KB, 600x510, temp jpg copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw that many toilets...

>> No.12001839
File: 256 KB, 960x540, shimapanfridge2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I solved my triangle problems and I managed to make it all look sleek.

Now that I have it all put into manageable chunks I can make nice textures for it.

>> No.12001842 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 640x360, 1389415883579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying a new pose?

>> No.12001858

All the time. Perspective and anatomy are hard to get right, but I'll keep doing my best.
Very cute reaction image, by the way.

>> No.12001953

So cute. Can work on the foreshortening more on the second one, its still a bit awkward looking. But I like the effort.

>> No.12001956

I like the pose, very cute. I think the bottom half of her can be a bit taller, it seems a tiny bit short to me.

>> No.12001990

I love you so fucking much.

>> No.12002072 [DELETED] 


Ham has too many fans you can't get away with critiquing him, even wihen you're right

also Ham himself believes he's a professional so he will not listen to your critiques or take them into consideration

>> No.12002092 [DELETED] 

I hate it when that happens
Oh well

>> No.12002098

So when can we stop talking about the artists themselves?

>> No.12002103

I don't think shoulders work like that... But the rest is good.

>> No.12002162 [DELETED] 

>has too many fans
>himself believes he's a professional
let me translate in english:
>more than two people like his drawings
>he draws what he wants
it begins.
same shit with magister. with the female drawfag. with those two other guys that disappeared in the past years.
if you really care about the presence of a particular oc maker, remember to avoid giving positive feedback in the thread /jp/.
positive feedback kills the oc. don't do it. be a responsible poster.

>> No.12002236
File: 188 KB, 1007x720, duk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What art software do you nerds use?

I was trying to get by with free software but GIMP is utter shit and Krita is better but still frustrating and slow, so I'm tempted to just pirate Photoshop and be done with it.

>> No.12002239

Sai to paint
Paint.net for photo manip

>> No.12002248

That's not a bad duck. Are you the same guy who drew a fucking duck?

>> No.12002254

adobe is paying viral marketers now?

>> No.12002264

Ok cool, I'll try Sai. Got a recommended crack?
What about "Manga Studio", I think I remember some people saying they dropped Sai for that.

Thanks, and no, I've never posted a drawing here before.

I just want to know what the best digital painting program is, ideology be damned.
Maybe Krita works better on Linux but my tablet doesn't have Linux drivers.

>> No.12002265

Painter 11 for lineart and coloring, Photoshop Elements 12 for the finishing touches and pixel art. N-no bully pls...

>> No.12002311 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 1000x1000, 1334171390697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12002314

It's not adobe's fault freetards don't know how to make a good art program.
GIMP is garbage. Luckily Krita is good.

>> No.12002341 [DELETED] 

To help "artist" improve, if the artist didn't like it they wouldn't post or don't have to post

there's nothing wrong with trying to help or point out problems or even giving an opinion

>> No.12002345 [DELETED] 

>stress free
oh you mean like a hugbox?

it's called Deviantart,Tumblr and Pixiv now

>> No.12002351 [DELETED] 

wow that looks really good you're the best person in this thread, Gainax will hire you soon

I sure hope you can read my compliment

>> No.12002362

I've seen this before...

>> No.12002367

if you reverse image search it links back to a /vg/ thread

>> No.12002373

How about you post your own drawings to get to post critique like a sort of real-life drawing workshop? That way you can get some feedback while giving feedback too. So you contribute OC and you contribute critique. Everybody wins. That way it doesn't devolve into /ic/-tier shitstorms with 151 posts arguing about the structure of some character's kneecap but only 21 actual images get posted.

>> No.12002389 [DELETED] 

We didn't bully marmo
He bullied us
>tries to act like a qt pls no bully grill
>turns out he's an alpha male with a qt 3D gf

fucker rused us ;_;

>> No.12002394
File: 70 KB, 1305x791, pointless thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12002399

What's in the box

>> No.12002417

your skill is superb, are you going to make a comic with these characters?

>> No.12002631 [DELETED] 

Wow! Amazing :-)

>> No.12002630
File: 385 KB, 700x1104, wah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a little embarrassed for drawing this one since I definitely rushed drawing it, didn't give it the proper effort. Surprised to see it

its been almost 4 years since i drew Irisu for the first time. My does time fly.

>> No.12002677

Even if you rushed it, it's one of my favorite drawings of Irisu. Thank you for your continued effort.

>> No.12002693

guys I want to learn to draw, If I drop loads of money on a tablet will I feel encouraged to do it
Can you recommend me one

>> No.12002694

Learn to draw with pencil and paper first dude.

>> No.12002703

I dont want to, im nearly always on my pc and to break away to draw seems dumb. However if I use a tablet...

>> No.12002717

You can still draw on paper and play around on the computer. Either way you are going to be turning your head/switching windows all the time. Its up to you if you wanna drop a bunch of money though before you even know what you are doing. Ultimately just have fun and take it easy.

>> No.12002723

Yes I want to drop money, reccs?

>> No.12002750

Wacom/bamboo are the generally trusted brands. Do you have any drawing experience at all or is the beginning of a new journey for you?

>> No.12002794

Beginning, use to doodle a shit ton in school on paper tho.

>> No.12002810

probably the one with their mouth open

>> No.12002850
File: 4 KB, 960x540, maid_game_0019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding DirectInput support, already have XInput working but I wanted to use my generic gamepad.
I tried SDL2's joystick API first but I got a bit confused.
I wanted to learn to DInput a while ago anyways so I'm doing that now.

>> No.12003263

Intuos pro medium or large for starters. Accept no substitutes. That will run you up 350-500 dollars.

>> No.12003314

Dropping money on something isn't going to motivate you, but if you insist, Monoprice, Huion, and other UC Logic-based tablets give you superior performance to Wacom tablets for like 1/5 of the price.

If money is no object and you're some spoiled trust fund brat, feel free to waste thousands of dollars on the most expensive tablets available and never use them.

I strongly suggest you take >>12002694's advice and just practice on pencil and paper first. There's nothing fundamentally different about drawing on paper vs. drawing digitally. Gotta learn your fundamentals before the difference even matters. Thinking you need a tablet to art is like thinking you need a sound-proofed recording studio to music, or thinking you need a top-of-the-line PC to program. It helps if you're on the top, but it doesn't make a damn bit of difference when you're just starting out.

>> No.12003339
File: 254 KB, 760x850, okuuppai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt like the world needs more Okuu's unyuus.

>> No.12003341

Oh there are some differences.

First, you have to remember how much one has to erase when first starting out, and I can speak from experience that it's a bit demotivating when you see your own shitty, half erased scribbles on the crumbly paper and have to constantly grab a new sheet because you can't bear seeing those shitty sketches all the time.
On a tablet you can erase everything super fast and start on a clean canvas anew.

On paper you also need a good light source.
And a mirror to spot errors better.

On tablet everything goes faster, cleaner, and you have a better overview over your drawing.

>> No.12003347

Those are some intense warheads.

>> No.12003362
File: 24 KB, 467x808, 1344494869856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monoprice, Huion, and other UC Logic-based tablets give you superior performance to Wacom tablets

Don't spread misinformation. Wacom tablets reign supreme for a reason.
>wireless and wired included (no need for the wireless kit anymore)
>better design
>battery free pens
>better drivers and driver software
>better compatibility with programs

>> No.12003364

But paper's infinitesimally easier to learn how to control, especially when you lack the motor skills (when you're starting out), since tactile feedback and all that.

Also you can draw with a pencil anywhere as opposed to in front of your computer.

>> No.12003367

>Also you can draw with a pencil anywhere as opposed to in front of your computer.

Where's he gonna go draw? Outside? There's also these things everybody has called a laptop.

>especially when you lack the motor skills
You'll get used to it within a week or less depending on how often you draw.

>> No.12003382

>You'll get used to it within a week
Not a chance, dude. Even when you get used to it paper is always more comfortable to use.

>> No.12003385

That's subjective, this discussion is over. Get back to posting oc.

>> No.12003449


No they don't.

>> No.12003454

They who?

>> No.12003552

There's an explosion in my pants!

>> No.12003558

is it sai? What are your brush settings, I can't figure out how people get dat soft slightly blurred line.

>> No.12003657
File: 312 KB, 1230x897, cirno_coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12003701

Exactly what is Cirno trying to teach us about probability?
Is there a joke that I'm missing?

>> No.12003718

what does the three means, it doesn't make any sense

>> No.12003743

it looks like she wants to calculate the probability of three coins all coming up the same side. The above is the probability tree (I took this class in German, so that might be the wrong word) showing all possible outcomes. The chart below sums up based on the number of heads, giving 1/8 for both all tails and all heads, and 3/8 for one and two heads/tails respectively.

How all of that is related to Cirno is still a riddle to me. Is it just because she's an idiot?

>> No.12003849

I should have been more clear. I meant that the UC-Logic tablets have much better price performance ratio.

Maybe the top tier Wacom tablets blow every else out of the water, but I can't afford to drop hundreds of dollars on a tablet. My Huion H610, on the other hand, is waaay bigger and waaay better than the Wacom Bamboo I was using before, and it was actually cheaper to boot.

>> No.12003894

I'd still wouldn't trust those brands simply because of drivers.

>> No.12003909

>That will run you up 350-500 dollars.
>For starters
are you serios

>> No.12003921

Wacom drivers are completely shit too. Whenever I put my Win7 pc on standby, the driver crashes and I have to restart the service manually. Sometimes even that doesn't help and I have to reboot the pc, which is a pain.

>> No.12003965

Originally it is a response to some OC thread where the character could obtain an item by trowing a coin. Every brunch of the tree was related to its item. I decided to elaborate it a little. And, yes, Cirno was chosen due to her genius.

>> No.12003967

Have you tried reinstalling them?

>> No.12003972

(The drivers I mean)

>> No.12003983

A dozen times. It's a common problem without a solution that many people have.
Apparently it is caused by some Windows tablet drivers fucking shit up, but no one really knows.

>> No.12004001

This happens to me too and I thought this was a problem on my end. It can't be helped I guess.

>> No.12004016

Same here
That's annoying

>> No.12004025

To be the best you need the best.

>> No.12004135

I bought an intuos3 9x12 used in good condition for around 250 which would have been over twice that if it was new. I don't think theres much downside to getting a used tablet. At least, I haven't noticed anything wrong with it, so I'd advice checking amazon for them. The seller I bought it from also mailed me an even better used one since the first one was DOA.

>> No.12004603

The downside is that all artists are horny bastards and beat off while they draw. I bet that used tablet of yours if covered in some dude's jizz.

>> No.12004612

Or it could have belonged to some spoiled babby who bought one because it thought it would make him a better artist then only used it once.

>> No.12004621

I draw lewd stuff but I could never actually fap while drawing. I am too concentrated on trying to actually make it look good and getting frustrated with anatomy. Its still fun though.

>> No.12004700

Oh, that makes sense too.
In that case, >>12002693-san please spend $500 on a tablet, ehehehehe~

>> No.12004714
File: 265 KB, 865x899, demonnpc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketch of one of the demon NPCs in the mansion.
I need to use a ref and redraw the hand and forearm area.

A lot of people did that and they ended up saying they barely used it.
Don't waste money on that if you're not serious.

>> No.12004715

>I am too concentrated on trying to actually make it look good and getting frustrated with anatomy.
Pretty much this. It's like not being able to make a sandwich because I keep eating the ingredients I prepare.

>> No.12004807

I spent a lot of money on an expensive tablet last year, I'm still not really good but I don't regret it a tiny bit because I use it almost everyday and it's an important goal for me to become better.

>> No.12005652
File: 1.73 MB, 431x222, happyship.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the ship is sated
he settles into the earth
winter draws his end

well, that was fun. Back to drawing.

>> No.12005733

puh-please resond ;_;

>> No.12005753


I'm not him but I do know in photoshop what you can do is duplicate your lineart and then give one of them a guassian blue filter. This will become very evident when you increase it and start to see how the top layer becomes a blurry soft glow around you lines. I don't know how you'd do it in SAI.

>> No.12005778

When I try to use the brush on a large canvas in sai, there is something like a delay when I draw after zooming out. This doesn't happen with the pen tool.

How do I prevent this?

>> No.12005835

It's sai. I'm not at home right now, so I can't post my brush settings, but I'm sure I posted them already a couple threads ago.
As for the lines, it's basically what >>12005753 said.

>> No.12005884

Not at home but posting here?
Ah damn, and I thought you were better than this.

>> No.12006011

Surely he has achieved wizardhood and mindposts.

>> No.12006873

I was tripping on cough medicine once and sincerely thought I could read and post on /jp/ while lying down in bed.

>> No.12006960

Now I want to play Tie Fighter again. cute job bub
...you mean that there's seriously people on /jp/ that need to use a computer to post? I can't believe it

>> No.12007214

More like he tried to act like a nice person until now and he's just like all the others on the inside.
The fact that he looks at pictures of ugly 3D brats and says he likes 2D loli, which is really silly to believe, doesn't help him much.

>> No.12007841 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 180x280, 1387980228984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12007888

That thing is taunting me. I want to shoot it.

>> No.12007892

The fuck is wrong with you mate, got serious problems?

>> No.12008577

I really want to draw or color something, but the current drawing i'm working on is really hurting my confidence every time I work on it I almost no where. It's been much harder lately to use my brain and critically think about the steps someone took to color something a certian way. I'm trying to do better than my last coloring attempt, and since it's been so long the fear of failure is really getting to me. I've been asking around in various places if someone could let me watch them color so I could get ideas on how to do things but nobody is willing. Sorry for the blog post, but does anyone know what I could do to get around this and boost my confidence?

>> No.12008646

Parcy angry at onis

>> No.12008667

Screw drawing from your imagination for a while. Take a photo and try to copy/learn colors from there. Keep things simple till you get your confidence up. If you reaaaally want to drwa characters in anime style and not some landscapes, use a portrait photo or something to try and copy the colors I guess. (not my recommendation though since to be able to color well you kinda have to learn to visualize 3D forms from 2D). There are tutorials on dA or youtube and what not too. I know I sound like the typical /ic/fag probably, but that's how I learnt and I'm doing pretty ok, so..

>> No.12008687

Honestly you have to just push through it, that's the hardest part of learning to draw. Breaking through that wall where you have at least some confidence in what you create. But just remember everyone started off pretty bad at some point, but if you keep at it you can basically grind your way towards improvement.

>> No.12009302

I like Crow's Paw Parcy

>> No.12009431

Im bad at finding tech stuff, can someone link to a tablet 120 is budget

>> No.12009469

Just get a wacom bamboo. It's of pretty good quality and a whole lot cheaper than Intuos.

>> No.12009517

google Bamboo wacom, get the poorestest
welcome to Poverity Arts International!

>> No.12009541

Started at the bottom now we're here. (Intuos master race now after starting off with Bamboo)

>> No.12009546

Don't listen to the Wacom shills. They've probably never even used anything else.

>> No.12009567 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 210x210, 1337267804157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uses a battery free stylus, which is rechargeable

>> No.12009574

Give them a break, they probably hired some random Chinese dude to translate this.

>> No.12009654

can I get a decent pro con list

>> No.12009662
File: 274 KB, 1106x1809, 2014-03-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to hear that your love is that weak. For me, 2D and 3D are like yin and yang. You can't have one without the other. Just be sure to keep everything inside your head.

>> No.12009683

Lewd and cute. I want to spank her butt. I need to draw some more lolis.

>> No.12009708


>> No.12009717 [DELETED] 
File: 2.35 MB, 701x599, Kapanet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute sound!

>> No.12009721

Have $100 wacom bamboo
served me 2 years and i can say its complete shit
flimsy stylus; doesn't like to remember key binds; only 1024 levels of pressure sensitivity
get a better product and save you money and get a Huion
Also dropping a fuck ton on Huion's 22" monitor tablet when it comes out

>> No.12009834

why are you trying so hard to sell the huion

>> No.12009877

My love for 2D characters is probably much stronger than every other person's love and that's why I dedicate everything to them.

I saw other people like you on the internet who began looking at loli characters just because they were looking for a legal replacement for the real thing. That half-assed form of love of yours for 2D is not real love, it's just an excuse.

>> No.12009896

Because Wacom are the Apple of the tablet world (high quality but overpriced) and I don't think it's right that they "own the market" mostly based on brand name, or that beginners are told to get a tiny Wacom when there are greatly superior alternatives in the same price range.

I have no attachment to Huion, I was shilling the Monoprice tablets made from similar parts a few years back before Huion took the crown.

>> No.12009919

>mostly based on brand name
You're not doing a good job by promoting chinese knockoffs with battery based pens and possibly even worse drivers than the wacom ones.
Wacom's aren't even that ovepriced.

>> No.12009965

>Wacom's aren't even that ovepriced.
intuos pro small (2048 lvl of pressure sensitivity)$230
Intuos Pen and Touch Small(1024)$100
Huion 610 pro (2048) $80

>> No.12010058

I've tried all of Wacom's 'recent' Intuos Pros, 4 was the worst, 5 was ok-ish, but I think that 3 is the best.
My Medium Int 3 lasted with me for 6 years man, and I bring it to places without being careful and what not. Adding on to my hours and hours of drawing a day, enough for the drawing surface to have a blotch in the middle where I usually draw. When he finally broke I just went to eBay to get another int 3. Those are great

>> No.12010294

There's no significant difference between 1024 and 2048. Tablets aren't like cpus and gpus where you pick based on specs. What's most important is the feel of the tablet, the ease of use, convenience and compatibility. 1024 is adequate and 2048 is just blowharding. Do you know why wacom tablets are more expensive? Because of the battery free pen. Chinese knockoffs tablets can ramp up the specs of their tablet to make it sound better because it costs nearly nothing to do so.

>> No.12010369

whats with you and the battery free pen?
is it worth the extra $150
If a small tablet company can put 2048 Lps even on their $40 models why can't a large company do the same with their $100 models? (which they can do easily)
its because $PROFIT$
What advantages does a "intuos manga"($100) have over a Huion 610pro($80)

>> No.12010413 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 503x340, 1395619985462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because wacom is a Japanese company.

>> No.12010433 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 436x424, 4iVv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12010443 [DELETED] 

Cute original content, guys. How long did you spend drawing those?

>> No.12010489
File: 249 KB, 750x1047, W.I.P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have some original content I drew then

>> No.12010510

Stop being autist

>> No.12010513

I look forward to the finished product.

>> No.12010543
File: 158 KB, 693x800, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random doodle from a while back

>> No.12010559

Why have they been twisted in a complete circle about their waist?

>> No.12010569

sorry, i couldn't decipher your english
What do you mean by "they"

>> No.12010579

I believe he means the dress. Its twists quite a bit around her body. You overdid it one the folds.

>> No.12010595

come to think about, i guess they are

>> No.12010596

now my wacom drivers are lagging
time to restart my computer

>> No.12010613

You don't have to restart it completely. You can just manually restart the drivers in the services window.

>> No.12010724

never had this problem with my huion
just saying, you can spam drivers fud all you want but this has never happened to me

>> No.12010787

I mean the person. It looks like their body is twisted up with the way you did the creases.

>> No.12010866 [DELETED] 

It's clearly a girl, just use "she".

>> No.12010932

The body looks really good so far, but something's not right with the head, to be precisely, the chin.
I have the same problem when drawing from that perspective and I can't quite figure out a solution.

>> No.12011293 [DELETED] 

I didn't check out the last thread much. Is that weird frustrated guy still trying to derail the drawthreads?

>> No.12011595 [DELETED] 

Mhh, weird.
All I see right now is you trying to derail the thread.

>> No.12011820
File: 486 KB, 1078x2002, 2014-04-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First full picture in a while. Man, these take forever.
But looking at the finished girl really makes it worthwhile. I hope this is okay on a blue board.

>> No.12011825 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 258x334, 1379733396577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute! 10/10 loli

>> No.12011832

Would cuddle tenderly,

>> No.12011848

You need to work on your anatomy. The ankles and feet aren't well defined. Her belly button and far breast shouldn't be visible from this angle, and her breasts are too high up. She looks like she has pectus excavatum. Her feet look strange too, her toes are too similar in length.

>> No.12011853 [DELETED] 

>She looks like she has pectus excavatum
what do you mean "looks like", show some sensitivity you asshole!

>> No.12011866 [DELETED] 

>She looks like she has pectus excavatum.

Actually, some loli's breasts just grow like the guy drew.

>> No.12011883 [DELETED] 

He is giving some logical advice and there is no reason to get angry over this type of comment.

If the guy who scribbled the pic fixes his bodies that are full of deformations and perspective errors then he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.
Maybe he should try a good anatomy book instead of the children photos that he uses as reference.

>> No.12011899 [DELETED] 

I think he was making a joke like she actually has pectus excavatum.

>> No.12011914 [DELETED] 


>> No.12011925

The light source seems to be in front of her, so there's shouldn't be a shadow there, it makes it look concave. It's not like that part of her chest should even be visible though.

>> No.12012307 [DELETED] 


>> No.12012314

I am afraid to draw.

>> No.12012324

Don't be afraid, have fun.

>> No.12012330 [DELETED] 

Calm your autism, you missed the joke

>> No.12012669

>Man, these take forever.
How long did that take you?

>> No.12012716

I switched from Sai to Clip studio paint and i love it
Does anyone else use Clip studio paint?

>> No.12012735

Can I pirate it?

>> No.12012757
File: 2.46 MB, 2100x1700, dsfasfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12012760

I bought the program so im not 100% sure you can, but there there is a free trial if you wanted to try it
I don't know if the link works or not but you ca try it(don't blame me if you get virus)

>> No.12013290 [DELETED] 

I can't have fun when you're having fun.

>> No.12013314

I can't have fun when you're having fun.

>> No.12013376
File: 306 KB, 720x1440, 2014-04-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say at least 7 hours. I use alot of layers when coloring, so quite a bit of time goes into organizing them.

Thanks and noted. I realized the angle is impossible but I still wanted to draw her belly button, so I just went and did it. Belly buttons are very cute.

After her mother remarried, she was really looking forward to her new older brother.
Wanting to make the impression of a reliable little sister, she put on her best clothes and finally mustered up the courage to meet him.
> "I-It's a pleasure to meet you."
> Uaah, he's really staring at me.
> I wonder if he thinks I look weird...
> Please just say something already.

>> No.12013486

I don't have fun.

>> No.12013586

The wig looks like it's about to fall off that characters head.

And 7 hours too damn long for something like that other pic

>> No.12014424
File: 412 KB, 969x1350, tifa_pros_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone on /i/ wanted hooker tifa.

>> No.12014426

>too damn long
so it's got the opposite problem that you have?

>> No.12014433

The lighting looks inconsistent, and the far hand looks very flat due to it. That hand's thumb is also missing nail polish.

>> No.12014440

ah. After all this time my lighting is still awful. I need to fix this.

>> No.12014451

You seem to understand perspective, it's just another aspect of it. It shouldn't take that long to correct.

>> No.12014532


Perhaps the one on the right is slightly better? I should try to think about this more in my next image. I think my problem is both not knowing the forms of the body and also lacking a property way to define them with shading. Too soft a brush and it is impossible to do, too hard and it looks unnatural.

>> No.12014537 [SPOILER] 
File: 463 KB, 981x675, tifa_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot the image...

>> No.12014549

It looks a lot better, but it still seems a little off. I think you need some more hard lines in the shading (in appropriate places of course) like how you did with the cast shadow on the thighs and arm. Don't spend forever on it though, it's just a silly request from /i/ and I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

>> No.12014565


I know, I was mostly going back over it for my own benefit to learn my mistakes.

>> No.12014697
File: 123 KB, 786x655, plants copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also sketched some weird plants. I plan to do something with them like another pixel image.

>> No.12015492
File: 315 KB, 996x1076, 2014-04-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's quick sketch: Flan getting caught after going through the fridge past bedtime, trying to sneak off with some soda. Some kind of punishment would be in order.

>> No.12015502

I think losing her legs is punishment enough.

>> No.12015506

Where are her nips?

>> No.12015519

removed as punishment

>> No.12015527

Where's the blood or scars then?

>> No.12015547

Flan is a vampire, those things heal fast.

>> No.12015571 [DELETED] 

I've read somewhere that scars develope because we heal rather fast so that the cells can't align properly or some shit. But since "somewhere" probably was 4chan I don't think it's very credible.

>> No.12015578 [DELETED] 

I bet flan does this on purpose so I can punish her with lots of rough sex.

>> No.12015652 [DELETED] 

I'd say it's very likely. Maybe I should make that the next picture.

>> No.12015981

That pic looks like a piece of うんこ.

>> No.12016068 [DELETED] 

It's actually true, it happens usually on kids because they have faster cell regeneration than adults. There are interesting documentary out there about the human body, it's really interesting.

>> No.12016097
File: 104 KB, 628x689, yuuenti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12016113

Well nice to see you're still alive

>> No.12016418 [DELETED] 

At least you didn’t draw a character I like this time, because I only allow good artists to draw them in some instances.
Stick to original or those ship characters.

>> No.12016442 [DELETED] 

I'm the best artist. One day I will show it to everyone.

>> No.12016599
File: 345 KB, 1170x1080, flan_excited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I did.

Flan got like that by herself while watching me prepare her punishment. How much is she actually looking forward to this?

>> No.12016627

I think it's beautiful. I want to bully her so much.

>> No.12016642

My ochinchin feels strange

>> No.12016656

It's not good punishment if they enjoy it, anon.

>> No.12016678

Is it just me or are your body parts getting worse with every new drawing? Look ta those feet and shoulders for example.
And why do you type out those weird little stories if you could just post the picture and be done with it?

Ah okay, just keep ignoring comments like mine that try to wake you up a little because the next few comments will praise you anyway with something like "Oh wow I want to punish her", "let me impregnate her!", "you are such a pro!" "how do I draw those lines..!??!!", or "this gives me a boner".

My guess is that you didn't realize that these type of comments always come from people who don't draw themselves and are probably underage, so you keep posting your pictures every few hours and think it's fine.
What I want to tell you is just that you won't improve if you keep behaving like this, boy.

>> No.12016691

What did I say? I didn't even look at the next few comments and I knew people would post something like this instead of helping the artist.

>> No.12016693

He's improved a lot if you compare it to his older flans.

>> No.12016715

He has started drawing more of a character's body and his older ones all looked the same and were drawn in almost the exact same position.
This doesn't mean that the rest of the body now automatically looks good.

>> No.12016753

While I do agree that there is room for improvement, you can at least try and and tell him what he can do to fix those feet and shoulders if you are such an expert on all of this. The toes on the feet seem a little small to me, and he needs to work a bit on foreshortening overall. Best advice I can give considering I'm pretty shit at drawing feet myself is look at some real feet or his favorite loli feet artist's work and practice breaking down the structure of the feet so he can understand it. Stop being so buttmad that he is gaining popularity. Why don't you post your own work instead or modify the drawing and show him what he can do to fix it? Also he can write stories if he wants, that is OC in itself. Some people like it.

>> No.12016891
File: 407 KB, 1170x1080, flan_not_amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't ignore comments ``like yours'', I just ignore your comments. They're surprisingly easy to spot, Bully-kun.

Yeah, It's always foreshortening/perspective, hands and feet. But those things just take time and many, many sketches.
Right now, I mostly use LEE and Inuboshi as anatomy reference.

>Flan wasn't exactly impressed by your performance.

>> No.12016918

Not "bully-kun", but it's more then just that. There's a lot of awkward looking small things that add up to make it look strange. Don't learn from just ero artists, try to learn from reality, it'll help a lot.

>> No.12016943

Criticism isn't bullying.
You're totally winging the anatomy in some of the pieces and referencing stylized art for that is just retarded.
The proportions, placements of features and things like that become more apparent as you do angles other than front. You're just guessing where to put somet things.
For examle >>12015492
The eyes feel slapped on, the belly button doesn't look like it's at the right spot and the shape of the torso is messed.

>> No.12016949

I started using http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/ since someone recommended it a few threads ago. It's not as fun as drawing from ero doujinshi (the models aren't as attractive) but I guess it does help me alot.

>> No.12017017 [DELETED] 

That's some nice meme-texting there. How long did it take you to think that up?

>> No.12017106 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 408x408, 1378894959020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long did it take you to think that up?
As long as it did to make the drawing.

>> No.12017111

I save images from the idol threads to use as reference. Those sluts wear such silly clothes and make such silly poses. Perfect for anime drawing.

>> No.12017133 [DELETED] 

Since you started spamming your pics, nearly all other artists disappeared. Nice job.

>> No.12017139

He mindbroke all of them and bases all his pics on that.
That picture of flan is actually what he's doing to one of the artists.

>> No.12017147 [DELETED] 

I don't think I want to share anything with you anymore, /jp/.

>> No.12017151 [DELETED] 

Stop being a little bitch you dork.

>> No.12017160 [DELETED] 

Wow, two months already passed since I drew anything...

>> No.12017176 [DELETED] 

Hard to say. I think up stories for every picture while drawing, even if it's just a little sketch. You should try that, it can be really fun.

That's a good idea actually. Idol costumes are very creative. But they might be a little too hard to draw. I'd like to try drawing casual clothes.

By browsing /jp/ for a couple years, you should've gained the ability to automatically filter out shitposters/bullyposters. Of course you can still read them for entertainment.

>> No.12017184 [DELETED] 

Wow, I do the exact same thing. They are nice for references

>> No.12017189

I've been saving them for this purpose but I never get around to actually drawing

>> No.12017190 [DELETED] 

I don't even want to visit this board anymore. Only OC threads hold me here. If this place was deleted then I wouldn't have anything to do with this crap anymore.

>> No.12017194 [DELETED] 

Most of the people here feels the same, don't think you're alone

>> No.12017225

When do you guys feel you're able to draw the most? Does night time help you relax enough to sit down and stay focused?

>> No.12017272
File: 175 KB, 668x2195, vgoestothemovies 4 of idunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I'm working my way towards the true ending for this comic I started instead of settling for the obscene one I made.

What do guys think..?

>> No.12017277

*you guys

I'm sorry, I'm always so nervous when actually posting here.

>> No.12017287

...I like it.

>> No.12017288

>Does night time help you relax enough to sit down and stay focused?
Yes. I can't draw very well during the daytime for some reason.


>> No.12017295

An accurate description of posting on /jp/
Some people just like to vomit diarrhea over nice things

>> No.12017301 [DELETED] 

Our beef with /v/, if we had one, would probably be more about all the JRPG threads we used to have on /jp/, instead of them fucking off to /v/ where they belonged.

As it stands, I wish we had just kept the JRPG threads. They would've offset what was to come, making /jp/ a nicer place.

As long as they banned the faggots posting them.

>> No.12017312 [DELETED] 

I remember those!

Like Persona! Because /v/ was so anti-weeaboo.

>> No.12017319 [DELETED] 

I miss the glory hole threads

>> No.12017320 [DELETED] 

The only people who should have been banned were faggots shitting up threads they didn't like.

>> No.12017322 [DELETED] 


>> No.12017330


... Dude.
Are you that triangle blue guy or something? Or are you just copying his style like those people making the 4chan brawler inspired on his drawings?

>> No.12017332

I am excited for the next thrilling installment.

>> No.12017346

I'm just emulating his style. Learning from him.

As for the 4chan beat-em-up game, I'm taking a break from it so I can focus on my studies. I'm not sure if I'll actually go back to work on it or just leave it all together. There's a few too many things wrong with it and I'm not sure if it'll be worth investing time towards..

>> No.12017404

Does this foxy girl have a name?

>> No.12017466

Heh. I like it.
Your drawings are very emotive.

>> No.12017623
File: 138 KB, 747x710, yuuenti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been around.

>> No.12017654

He's actually super dead.

>> No.12017676


I near to learn how to get nice clean lines like yours.

>> No.12017687

I'd stick my dick in between those thighs. Please draw more hips and tits like those

>> No.12017688

Are you new?

>> No.12017693

Are you retarded? Since when did asking an artist to draw more of something equate to being new?

>> No.12017872
File: 231 KB, 651x826, plartrs copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'll ever get these paintings to work...

>> No.12017916

Please keep posting. You are still better than the loli or midget artists.

>> No.12017920

I like it, I admire people who can create an atmosphere like that. Fight on plant-kun.

>> No.12017932
File: 456 KB, 1102x947, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not so bad. Everyone must start from somewhere.

I shall try. The plants in specific I hope to incorporate into a project, so far it has been a little difficult though.

I will stop spamming the thread now.

>> No.12017968

i'd rather do that with lily.

>> No.12017969

Its hardly spamming when you're contributing images. More so than the "help me buy a tablet" or arguing about references.

Oh come on, those are pretty good too. I just wish he'd upload the lewd ones offsite so I don't have to go into the archives to save them.

>> No.12017989

You could also just spent 2 months drawing yourself and then you are already as good as them. It isn't that hard to draw like that is you aren't interested in realistic proportions.

>> No.12017994

Keep posting. Also do you post your stuff anywhere else?

>> No.12018001

Is it finally the return of magister? Will the golden years of the /jp/ oc thread finally return?!

>> No.12018004


Only on tumblr, which I don't really like. So many people on that site are awful.

I put it in the subject if you are interested. all the explicit stuff goes to arefrigerator

>> No.12018007

I don't have a tumblr so I can't follow you, but I do have you bookmarked. Keep up the awesome work, including the lewd stuff.

>> No.12018017
File: 92 KB, 751x547, schoolgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12018018

That's real cute.

>> No.12018041

Well you're better than me

>> No.12018044

That's really fucking niece!
check the feet proportions though

>> No.12018141

Doesn't tumbrl support RSS?

>> No.12018477

Fucking furshitter christ.

>> No.12018481


Only sometimes and when I'm paid to. I don't actually like furry things all that much.

>> No.12018509

I'm miffed. Draw Kasen.

>> No.12018624

>Only sometimes and when I'm paid to.
Are furries still willing to pay upwards of $100 for weird porn commish? Last time I dealt with the fandom was in 2008 just before the Bush bubble burst.

>> No.12018628

I think so.

>> No.12018694
File: 5 KB, 160x120, pomf=3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12018725

You're right, the feet are kinda big. I was afraid they'd be too small, but I guess I overdid it.

>> No.12018766

ok I bought a tablet, how do I draw

>> No.12018774

How do I figure out what colors are the right ones for shading the skin after picking the base? Not just skin, but anything. I always end up having to spend lots of time adjusting its values but never know which one looks the best.

I know about how light bounces off of stuff and onto the skin and can change the color or whatever, but nevermind that part.

>> No.12018776
File: 79 KB, 678x1243, ass7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I certainly will.

>> No.12018782




Make a new file and paste in the base color and then use the sliders. For skin I've usually found the best choices are two colors into the shade, an orange intermediate and then a really dark red. You may never see the full scale of the red's darkness but the point is it will give you all the colors in between when you shade especially with the orange.

keep the pallet. It's absolutely essential you place your colors else where and plan it. Not having the right values will cause you to slowly lose contrast and saturation as you pick colors on your work.

>> No.12018783

>I know about how light bounces off of stuff and onto the skin and can change the color or whatever, but nevermind that part.
Fuck that for a sec, start with 3 colors, base, dark and highlight, get the values right cause if your values are wrong nothing will work.
When shading, don't fucking use the same hue, shift it, and mess with the saturation.


And learn color theory so you know which hues and saturations go together.

>> No.12018793

I read about color theory but I didn't really know how to apply that to this.

I'll go ahead and make a pallet then. Or just start making custom swatches in SAI if you think that's fine too.

>> No.12018798
File: 45 KB, 412x556, milkbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These aren't like that but ok I'll remember that.

I never realized you were the one doing all the traps, your landscape stuff is a totally different mindset entirely, that's pretty neat.

>> No.12018841


Thanks. I don't really like the huge tits but your lines work, especially the eyes are always great. I hope I can get that kind of precision although I can't get used to SAI so I used photoshop. I've been working larger so when I scaled it down any errors aren't as pronounced.

>> No.12018870

Don't worry, next time you'll avoid that mistake.
the sequence seems good conceptually, but needs more steps between the keys
so mag, its years that we talk anonymously about your fucking drawings. did you manage to make some money or start a project with them?
I think you're set at this point

>> No.12018889


>> No.12018902

First connect the tablet, then put the pen against the tablet, et voila you are already drawing!
Optional : git gud.

>> No.12018916

When I first started I just tried emulating my favorite artists' styles for a while before trying to form my own. I studied the structure of their pictures trying to learn "manga" anatomy. It gave me some bad habits in the beginning because most manga anatomy is obviously stylized and not accurate so soon I started studying and working off real life references. You can take a look at a lot of tutorials and videos on the net too to help you out, especially with learning the features of specific programs like sai or photoshop. What it all comes down to is you just have to keep practicing and really work at it. If you are just starting off there is going to be a long period where everything looks awful, but once you reach that breaking point where you draw something that seems acceptable its an awesome feeling. You'll probably look back it down the road and wonder how you ever thought that was good, but remember you are always growing. So start drawing.

>> No.12019042
File: 51 KB, 600x800, [2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12019052

...is she giving birth or its her lower body?

>> No.12019059
File: 14 KB, 600x390, [1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's her headless conjoined twin i think

>> No.12019068

Very cute anyway. too bad you will not color it...

>> No.12019103

pussy ajoint twins

>> No.12019224

wheres a good place to get said tutorials

>> No.12019235

pal its not that hard, just take the tablet pen and draw. do you need someone to show you how in flockdraw or something?

>> No.12019271


>> No.12019690


I thought you were supposed to be dead?

>> No.12019836

Webm is neat!
It even plays at 60fps

>> No.12020710
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a Sa/k/uya. It's still a WIP, and I'm making improvements as we speak. Shading looks like shit because I have nothing but a HB mechanical pencil with me right now. Any tips or constructive criticism and such for me?

>> No.12020759

that game is promeesing

>> No.12020761 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 589x332, You did well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay for a 14-year-old's drawing.

>> No.12020782

Sorry to tell you, but the shading is your smallest problem here.
You fucked up the anatomy pretty bad, to name just a few errors:
Hands are too small as well as deformed, the right arm is longer (and also too long) than the other, the body is too linear - The human body is not a linear construct, not even when the person is standing straight. You completely forgot about things like the thorax' placement, the pelvis' form...
Her right leg is completely out of plac, too, and way too long in comparison to the left.

Her face isn't well done, either. The eye seems to be placed too far on the left and the chin would only work if her jaw would be quite twisted.

I hope that could be of help, I strongly recommend checking the human body and using references if this is you level of drawing.

>> No.12020788
File: 305 KB, 1600x1200, IMGP1235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12020792

giga moe
...is it hard to do huge drawing on the walls?

>> No.12020802

It's funny to see how nice the face looks and how screwed up the hand is.

>> No.12020899

Man i was about to draw something but then i saw hizashi no naka and my intuos4.
And now i'm going to do it.
Wish me luck.

>> No.12020908

Do what? Draw the girl?

>> No.12021125

fucking try hard critique jesus christ

>> No.12021334

I don't see why this is "try hard". It's just regular critique.

>> No.12021346

Why the fuck is everyone so angry with criticism lately? As an artist I would love to hear what I can do to try and fix a drawing. I know this isn't /ic/ but as long as you are giving actual criticism and advice rather than malicious bullying I think it's nice.

>> No.12021367

I love you. Keep up the good fight.

>> No.12021391

it's just a guy shitposting.

that or he's a deviant art "artist" who posted his turd, and instead of getting his ass kissed, licked and slurped he got it slammed with critique so hard it still hurts.

>> No.12021421

it's not helpful, it's pedantic and shallow. it's more like a checklist of useless and overly specific observations that don't really say anything overarching for the artist to keep in mind as he draws his next piece. more like something to beat the artist down for the final and equally useless recommendation of "checking the human body".

>> No.12021434

The artist asked for criticism and >>12020782 has provided criticism.
The observation that the arms don't have the same length and neither do the legs are overly specific observation that the artist shouldn't keep in mind controlling when he draws his next piece?

>> No.12021436

This. And stop calling it critique, retards. What you're doing is called feedback.

>> No.12021456

no, it's trivial at best and avoids asking what underlying misconceptions actually lead to the artist making that mistake in the first place. do you honestly believe there is a person out there who does not understand that arms should be of the same length?

>> No.12021474

The arms are at different poses which makes gauging their size more difficult to the untrained eyes, otherwise the artist would have advoided that. By calling out this error the artist is enabled to see it and betters his performance to do so in future works. I'm interested in what you would have written instead? I'm sure the critique could have been better but it's still not bad.

>> No.12021483

>the sequence seems good conceptually, but needs more steps between the keys
Ah, thank you. I wanted to add a few more frames but I got lazy since it's kind of hard to work with easytoon. I'll put more effort in next time.

>> No.12021485

Useless and overly specific by what means?
No, sorry, even if it was basic stuff, criticism was provided and every point made is correct. It is also explicit criticism. And even if it was feedback, there would still be enough information for the receiving party to react and improve.
You should also decide on wether it's shallow or overly-specific.

I also hope neither of you is the guy that posted the picture in question.

I don't think it's really a matter of understanding it, but of consciously working with it.
If he was actually aware of how the body works while drawing, he would not make such mistakes.

And last but not least, stop insulting everyone by default, try being nice for once.

>> No.12021488

I'd assume it's not harder as much as it's a lot more tiring.
Having to draw standing up and do a stroke with your entire arm, whereas you normally do it with a movement of your wrist, and then moving all around the frame, should be tiring as all fuck.

>> No.12021501

Don't draw with your wrist! Draw with your entire arm.
If you draw with your wrist you will limit your movement and your lines will suffer. It also puts more stress to your wrist which is considered unhealthy.

>> No.12021512

I'll draw however the fuck I want faggit.
My arthritis and carpal tunnels prove me right.

>> No.12021524

Then keep sucking and die because of handcramps, you ungrateful scum.

>> No.12021532

Oh I will, I will.

>> No.12021535

The wrinkles in the paper kind of ruins it. That hand too...

>> No.12021537

I just wanted to point out a few mistakes for him in order to let him see the errors of his ways. I don't know if it's criticism or feedback or where exactly the difference between these two are, but I also didn't want "it's good if for a 14-year old" to be the only response he'd get.
I think I pointed out somehow useful things, even if it's obvious.

That being said, instead of flaming me for not helping him, you could try to explain him some stuff. That is what he was asking for.

>> No.12021736
File: 684 KB, 3000x3000, lo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just something I drew today.

>> No.12021818

I didn't know the kanon 2002 artist browsed /jp/

>> No.12022165

that's terrible but strangely stylish. try doing more defined lines and disregard any semblance of tridimensionalism. maybe something interesting can came out

>> No.12022748

If he learns to color he can be in any moege.

>> No.12023150
File: 1.35 MB, 954x1044, Satoraam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12023246
File: 12 KB, 302x336, 1396759679487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This project will get done, ganbare me

>> No.12023273


>> No.12023341

I hope those aren't boobs

>> No.12023457

Why? Because I can't draw her bodysuit correctly ever? Or that it ruins your lolicon fantasies?

>> No.12023496

Because you placed them absolutely wrong

>> No.12023501

Then redline it for me

>> No.12023715
File: 13 KB, 302x336, 1396759679487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must go wider

>> No.12023744

Magister, pls go.

>> No.12023986

Cute sheepNEET dude.

>> No.12023995
File: 463 KB, 1366x768, easymyass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time using SAI, not as easy as i thought

it look horrid compared to what i can do in Photoshop CS3

>> No.12024003

Turn off the stabilizer.

>> No.12024012

I would never recommend turning it off completely, but S-4 is a bit excessive.

>> No.12024124
File: 2 KB, 48x64, player_right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animating walk cycles seems like it's going to be the hardest part. Hopefully doing it with a silhouette in mind will help.

>> No.12024167

If that's the silhouette you made, then you should be fine. That looks pretty fluid.

>> No.12024185


Oh okay. I still have to do a frontal and back one. thankfully I have these muybridge things to help although only dwindling motivation.

>> No.12024204

Thank you! This will probably be very helpfull to me.
For what will it be?

>> No.12024248


I'm making a game. After long hard troubles with unity someone told me that for point and click adventure games there is a program called Adventure games studio. So now I can mostly focus on doing what I do best and ensuring the art looks great and the story remains solid.

I will try not to fall into the stigma many indie people have created about pixel art because I actually enjoy working on it a lot.

>> No.12024257

The only stigma is those lazy shitty games where the characters are made of 8 pixels upscaled to god knows what size.
Use a decent resolution, don't make lazy work and people won't dislike it.

>> No.12024269

Cool, keep us updated.
>I will try not to fall into the stigma many indie people have created about pixel art because I actually enjoy working on it a lot.
I know, I'm the anon that discussed pixels with you a few threads back.
How many frames is that? It looks so smooth.

>> No.12024280

Twelve. I think I may need to add more or at least fix it. It still doesn't quite look like hes walking properly.


>> No.12024298

It looks good to me. The walk is a bit stiff and mechanical looking but that's not really a frame thing. That may be me over analyzing it and may not be an issue if it's implemented. What type of mood are you setting your point and click adventure in?

>> No.12024304


I wanted to try horror or some sort of mystery/thriller but I'm not so certain because I can't quite form all the story together. I'm hoping by the time I get the main character walking sprites done I will figure it out. I do know if there is to be any kind of humor it will be dark. The reason why is I am trying to several pieces somehow fit and I can't quite figure it out. In the end I may need to just drop some ideas to make it slide.

>> No.12024367
File: 2 KB, 48x64, player_rightdupe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kind of looks like hes stomping but I guess stomping helps convey hes actually walking forward and not moonwalking. I also got his mass right, he looks more solid.

>> No.12024721

S-1 to S-4 is practically for doing straight lines. Turn it down to 7-15 for doing long, smooth lines, and 0 when you want to go crazy with it doing like frills or something.

>> No.12024998
File: 4 KB, 48x64, player_rightdupe5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I still may need to fix a few things.

>> No.12025023

His far hand is missing?

>> No.12025026


That is a good question. It must have been lost as I clipped away the silhouette. I will fix it.

>> No.12025047
File: 4 KB, 48x64, player_rightdupe6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really get it to work. It's so subtle. Then again it's going to be 2x so I guess it will look okay at that size.

>> No.12025073

I really don't think that much dedication to detail is necessary, but if you want to be anal about things, I guess you could point out that the right hand swings about two pixels further than the left.

Keep up the good work, it looks great.

>> No.12025258

Is there no way to save your swatches or scratchpad in SAI? It doesn't save with the file.

>> No.12025586
File: 77 KB, 313x468, elf_maaaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another npc sketch
Lost my sai line settings

>> No.12025775
File: 747 KB, 1000x1385, 1001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12025966


Neat. Are these for the maid game?

>> No.12026340

Yeah, I have a few more to design

>> No.12026382
File: 2 KB, 35x65, player_back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think the up and down animations would be so hard. These ones are only 10 frames so hopefully it isn't an issue.

>> No.12026699

It looks nice, I like the movement in the shoulders a lot.

>> No.12026727

Meant to post this in the last thread before it 404'd but forgot.

>Male maid.

Okay...main girls look adorable.

>> No.12026803

Shit nigga that's good.

Reminds me of Tibia, except not ugly as all HELL

>> No.12026879


ah, it probably shouldn't be that sketchy. I will work on it more. I like this idea of setting up the overall shape. I'm not sure if it's a good method but it has helped with making sure it all kind of slides and works as a black outline.

man in tibia everyone was in this weird ass Brazilian perspective. they always looked like they were going to fall over.
