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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 835 KB, 1600x1617, 1189886826082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1187994 No.1187994 [Reply] [Original]

you know, for some reason my ears sometimes start ringing after I fap.

Is this a bad sign?

>> No.1187999

It's lupus.

>> No.1188000

Probably, but WHO WAS EARDRUM?

>> No.1188003

I think that means your brain is leaking out of your dick.

>> No.1188008

It's never lu--

>> No.1188014

Why is her knee on the back of her leg?

>> No.1188024

Actually it is pretty simple anon.
It means you have unhealthy blood pressure.
When you work yourself up while fapping you are exciting your body and your heart has to work harder, exerting more internal pressure. As a result thin flexible membranes swell. One of the thinnest of such membranes are in your ear. Ear swells, nerves get pressed on, get stimulated, false sense of hearing something. You probably need to lose some weight and exercise more so your heart is sturdier.

tl:dr OP is on his way to a heart attack.

>> No.1188031

Sometimes when I fap, I get a bit of a head ache. Am I doing it too much?

>> No.1188036

Actually it means exactly the same thing as stated in >>1188024
Except the swelling is closer to your brain.

>> No.1188037


well that blows then.

I'm only around 182 lbs though, and I get a bit of exercise at my job, but my blood pressure has been kind of a problem through my life. Damn.

>> No.1188051

Then do some more cardio. Fapping and sex in general is pretty cardio intensive. Seriously, fap and check your pulse near/after the moment of truth. It's not sprinting, but it does work somewhat similarly.

>> No.1188047

How is this /jp/ related?

>> No.1188050

Exercising is hard... Can't I just eat vegetables, or something?

>> No.1188058

Post more high priestess.

>> No.1188065

Japanese people fap.

>> No.1188069

why am I still staring at this.

>> No.1188071

/jp/ = Medical Advice

>> No.1188082

it's my favorite ws pic to fap to, honestly.

>> No.1188088

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.1188096

Yeah! So? Don't tell me you have sex or something.

>> No.1188107


>> No.1188114

stop cumming in your ear.

>> No.1188120

More amputation please.

>> No.1188128

How is babby formed?

>> No.1188145


How girl get pragnent

>> No.1188156

I don't actually think it is, look at her leg and you'll see that it doesn't have an outline. The artist just hasn't finished the pic, or it's too big and he couldn't be bothered to finish it, so it just fades into nothing.

>> No.1188174


>> No.1188203

I have to come to /jp/ more often.

>> No.1188202 [SPOILER] 
File: 215 KB, 848x1000, 1219610736862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmu. ;__;

>> No.1188219

/jp/ - Touhou and Medical Advice

The fact that you know so much about this kind of scares me.

>> No.1188239

Hey, not everyone has to be a complete NEET.
NEET habits but two degrees and work. Though I'll probably start getting really confused once my loans are paid off and I have money piling up. Hopefully I don't develop bad habits like being a figfag because of it though.

>> No.1188246

I wish I had degrees and work. Oh god. ;_;

>> No.1188252

It's not so hard if you're motivated, anonymous !
All you have to do is put your heart into it.

>> No.1188253

No, you're kind of missing the point here.
I have degrees, and work, but then my free time is spent like a NEET. So if you're not working, and living like one, then you are living the dream.

>> No.1188256

Fuck. I had to pick the one day where a mod was on /jp/.

>> No.1188280

But see, I can't live like this forever. Eventually I'll have to work, but instead of working a decent job I'll be working a really shitty one.

>> No.1188287

Nah, you should try really hard finding something you're good at.
That way, you won't want to kill yourself every morning going to work.
Hell, you might even make money while having fun
But it ain't always easy.

>> No.1188288

This is also me.

>> No.1188298

Could be worse. If you can guess I work in the medical field.
Friend of mine is a nurse at a GI clinic (gastrointestinal.) You want to talk about shitty jobs? GI clinics are poop and nothing but the poop. Also cameras up asses, etc.
Though the stories about 50 year old 400 pound black men coming in, yanking their pants down, and bending over and asking "Dat look like hemorrhoids to you?" since they can't see themselves are pretty terrifying. Then again he just went to nursing school. I spent 6 years in college hell.

>> No.1188304

I'm good at playing eroge and laying in bed. How many jobs do I get?

>> No.1188313

You could try getting a job as a mattress tester ?

>> No.1188307

Holy shit, worst job ever.

>> No.1188309

Also big protip for people worried about getting shitty jobs from the college grad:
Enroll in a vocational school for accounting immediately. The job is tedious, but the pay is VERY good and if you establish yourself there is a good chance you can work 3-4 months during tax season just working your ass off then spend 8 months as a shut-in. You can really earn 30-50k in 3-4 months when the demand is exploding.

>> No.1188319

Your friend has the worst job ever.

>> No.1188340

Yeah, but he puts up with it for a year or two and then he's got enough training/work experience/school to move to the next step. Next he'll work on being a radiologist's assistant (x-rays and shit) and he is supposedly on path to be an MRI technician which is pretty much playing nurse to a big hulking magnet and computer. Eventually he'll be making pretty good money. Difference is instead of spending 6 years in college he will have spent 1.5 in school, 1.5 staring at broken asses, 1.5 doing x-ray shit, and 1.5 more school or so. Two different types of shitty training/work.

>> No.1188350

The answer for every /jp/sie is car mechanic.

>> No.1188367


>> No.1188400

Im a car mechanic. Shit is SO cash. And you can take it easy.

>> No.1188401

>Holy shit
I see what you did there.

>> No.1188420

Well, it is a shitty job.

>> No.1188479

I don't care about cars. Does this disqualify m from being happy as a car mechanic?

>> No.1188490

You'll learn to love cars.

>> No.1188521

How does /jp/ and car mechanic fit together?

>> No.1188530

How does /jp/ and journalism fit together?

>> No.1188541

How does /jp/ and investment banking fit together?

>> No.1188552

>/jp/ fitting in.

Does this make sense at all?

>> No.1188560


Here is how:
They don't fit. None of you lying NEETs have jobs!

>> No.1188557

By the people who post in /jp/.
