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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 74 KB, 960x1280, 2fAK6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11808726 No.11808726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

At the essence of Otaku Culture is the image used as a drug, a way of numbing psychic pain. But this drug lasts only as long as the man stares at the image... . In otaku perception, each gesture, each word, each image, is read first and foremost through sexuality. Love or tenderness, pity of compassion, become subsumed by, and are made subservient to, a "greater" deity, a more powerful force... . The addict to otaku media desires to be blinded, to live in a dream. Those in the thrall of otaku media try to eliminate from their consciousness the world outside otaku media, and this includes everything from their family and friends or last Sunday's sermon or the political situations in the Middle East. In engaging in such elimination the viewer reduces himself. He becomes stupid.

>> No.11808731

Joke is on you, I was already stupid before picking up these interests.

>> No.11808748

I wouldn't say he becomes stupid, just that he has a way to remove himself from reality for a short time. It also shows that he has finally realized that nothing in this world can make you happy enough other than anime/manga etc. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

>> No.11808755

deep shit m8

>> No.11808759

Yeah, that sounds right. I don't think sexuality is the right word though. Being an "otaku" really has nothing to do with sexuality, inherently.

>> No.11808760 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1389781267920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously cannot stop playing with my ass hair. it's unbelievably soft. If a 2D girls head grew out my ass it would feel like this.

I don't know how it happened. Every other time I've shaved my ass it grew back normal. Could it be the soap I'm using? I switched to Dr Bronner as body wash but if I use it on my head the hair gets dry and stiff. It could be the combination of Bronner's and ass residue or sweat. Whatever it is I totally recommend trying to reproduce this if you ever had the fantasy of patting a 2D girl on the head, it's just a step away from the real thing.

>> No.11808765

If you use the word "otaku" to describe yourself or your hobbies unironically, you're stupid.

>> No.11808770

Isn't that what "stupid" is? A lack of intelligence, being as a dog consuming.

>> No.11808781

He didn't describe a stupid person. He described a person that is in despair over the idea that the world has nothing to offer him. This man consumes otaku media in an effort to forget his hopeless situation.

You can replace otaku media with any other hobby and it would be the same.

>> No.11808789

Some hobbies are constructive. Others are escape.

To escape is to become stupid.

>> No.11808807

You can have a meaningless hobby and still retain your intelligence. It would all depend on how obsessively you pursue that hobby. As long as you remember your despair and why you are doing what you are doing from time to time you will never completely lose yourself to the hobby.

You won't get any smarter but you won't be getting any dumber either. Hell, you might even learn a thing or two about yourself and be better for it. Of course wisdom and intelligence are two different things. You can be dumb as hell and still know the meaning of life or whatever.

>> No.11808823

I believe he is saying that you become stupid during the act of escape. Yes, you return to your intelligence afterward, but the action is no different from drug addiction.

Whether you grow or regress is debatable, though most 'otaku' seem to regress or remain child-like.

>> No.11808843

Oh. Well I wouldn't disagree with that then. It's much like fapping then in the sense that when you are doing it all you care about is that and nothing else matters until you get your fill of it. Then afterwards you think back to what you just did and all you can think is "Wow, what a waste of time. I could have been doing something else in that time."

Though the difference, for me at least, is that I usually don't regret sitting down for a few hours to watch something.

>> No.11808879
File: 55 KB, 500x721, 1365536981493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do most otakus in japan have jobs and lives?

>> No.11808884

ur a faget

>> No.11808884,1 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't been able to recreate this.
