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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11776209 No.11776209[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you even bother janishit? The only people that actually shitpost are going to ban-evade anyways, and the people that actually wait out bans are just those that got caught in the crossfire of your autism.

>> No.11776209,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why is milk such a subhuman?

>> No.11776209,2 [INTERNAL] 

She is not a subhuman, she's... normal. Who SUBHUMAN here?

>> No.11776209,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'm subhuman and proud. That's not irony. I'm subhuman in the same way elves are subhuman.

>> No.11776209,4 [INTERNAL] 

Son, I am unicorn.

>> No.11776209,5 [INTERNAL] 

Where's sparky?

>> No.11776209,6 [INTERNAL] 

that's called superhuman dude...

>> No.11776209,7 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone help me spam the OP image, thanks.

>> No.11776209,8 [INTERNAL] 

It's gross I don't want it on my HD

>> No.11776209,9 [INTERNAL] 

I think its pretty funny to be honest.

>> No.11776209,10 [INTERNAL] 

Where's 4chan?

Where's sparky?

Where's Milu?

>> No.11776209,11 [INTERNAL] 

I'd like to help but I'm banned from all boards for shooting my thick dick-milk inside the janitor 's ass without his permission.

>> No.11776209,12 [INTERNAL] 

I'm banned right now myself.

>> No.11776209,13 [INTERNAL] 

We're all banned right now.

>> No.11776209,14 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking janitor.

>> No.11776209,15 [INTERNAL] 

Fuckin' Janny. I miss the days when your post was deleted, no warnings, no bans, no bullshit, end of the story. Why does he has to request a ban for every post he deletes?

>> No.11776209,16 [INTERNAL] 

I seriously have no idea, guy can't just delete a post has to ban request it and start shit.

>> No.11776209,17 [INTERNAL] 

This bothers me the most.

>> No.11776209,18 [INTERNAL] 

You're finally giving in to the jan, aren't you? You can't even take a mute anymore. You're pathetic.

>> No.11776209,19 [INTERNAL] 

My shit just gets deleted all the time.

Protip: Shit gently, don't fucking erupt your anus all over the place and expect not to get muted.

>> No.11776209,20 [INTERNAL] 

>MySQL error when posting
>no updates on status.4chan.org
>moot and dicksucker brigade in japan
>Please support 4chan by disabling your ad blocker on *.4chan.org/*, purchasing a self-serve ad, or buying a 4chan Pass.

>> No.11776209,21 [INTERNAL] 

>using MySQL


>> No.11776209,22 [INTERNAL] 


I'm scared. I haven't heard from Milu and Sparky in a few days. Did they finally do a joint suicide or something? sparky plz dont die :( i rather have milk jump off a bridge or something

>> No.11776209,23 [INTERNAL] 

I don't get why they keep banning for evasion now under the assumption everyone is evading. I mean if the person is a ban evader they're obviously not going to give a shit if the ban is for 3 days or 30 because they aren't waiting it out.

Its like a teacher threatening to give a kid ISS on the last few days of school.

>> No.11776209,24 [INTERNAL] 

it's like fucking your mom with a condom when she's on her period

>> No.11776209,25 [INTERNAL] 

You can't rule out the possibility that they're ban evading because they're using a new connection or a proxy.

>> No.11776209,26 [INTERNAL] 

So? And evader is even more likely to evade if you ban him from all boards for a month.

Make it a day and he might be too lazy to bother.

>> No.11776209,27 [INTERNAL] 

So if you ban him for a day he'll just wait for the next day, but if you ban him for a month he'll need to make an effort to either find a new connection or a new proxy, since both of those are not infinite there's a point where he won't be able to evade anymore.

>> No.11776209,28 [INTERNAL] 

Takes me 30 seconds to change my IP
If my post just gets deleted I chuckle to myself and go do something else
If my post gets my banned I gotta put janny back in his place and change my IP as many times as it takes

>> No.11776209,29 [INTERNAL] 

That's why I said

>You can't rule out the possibility that they're ban evading because they're using a new connection or a proxy.

Besides, not everyone wants to reset his IP at every ban. I mean, a lot of people do, but it's not really worth the effort when a mod or a janitor can delete your post or ban you with a few clicks.

>> No.11776209,30 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck is ISS?
Is that some new privilege shaming mechanism on the new generation of kids? I knew you faggots were all underaged.

>> No.11776209,31 [INTERNAL] 

>it's not really worth the effort when a mod or a janitor can delete your post or ban you with a few clicks.
seriously i'm tired of resetting my shit. pausing all my torrents and i can't do it if using ddl or in a game
i can't believe its more work to shitpost than it is to be on topic

>> No.11776209,32 [INTERNAL] 

In school suspension. It's like special ed for problem students.

>> No.11776209,33 [INTERNAL] 

>In school suspension
So they finally figured out that sending you home was hardly a punishment at all? Hahaha no wonder all the kids these days are so whiney.

>> No.11776209,34 [INTERNAL] 

International Space Station ;-)

>> No.11776209,35 [INTERNAL] 

haha epic :D

>> No.11776209,36 [INTERNAL] 

I'd just like to remind everyone that the janitors come here and post shit like >>11776209,31 to try and kill your morale.

>> No.11776209,37 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you have to pause your torrents? If your client shits itself because of no internet connection, instead of waiting and retrying later gracefully... you know what I don't think there is a client that doesn't, you made that up silly.

Definitely jan-jan.

He will never kill my JAPANESE YAMATO DAMASHI.

>> No.11776209,38 [INTERNAL] 

Death to the janishit.

>> No.11776209,39 [INTERNAL] 


- turbonerd
- touhou autist
- owns at least 1 fumo
- never says anything mean to anyone on twitter
- browses /jp/ and /v/
- plays DOTA 2
- between 16-21 years old
- ashamed of his NEET lifestyle and desperately trying to get back into college
- connections to the 4chan inner circle
- timezone matches that of RJ's operating hours

This guy has to be the janitor. retard janitor

>> No.11776209,40 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks a lot faglords milk's twitter is protected again.

>> No.11776209,41 [INTERNAL] 

It's funny because it's just Brad and his friends that spam this shit. They do it to try to make milk hate us more and more so she doesn't leave him for a better /jp/ boyfriend.

>> No.11776209,42 [INTERNAL] 

Those fucking niggers

>> No.11776209,43 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not Brad or one of his friends.
