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File: 51 KB, 640x480, Yukito_Kunisaki_Air_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1175245 No.1175245 [Reply] [Original]

Your thoughts on Key's stuff, /jp/?

>> No.1175247
File: 71 KB, 768x384, snapshot20080821235828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like it

>> No.1175251

It's cute.

>> No.1175253

Clannad is almost identical to Kanon?

>> No.1175257

I only liked Planetarian.

I really tried getting into Clannad, but god, it just seemed plain obnoxious to me.

>> No.1175266
File: 158 KB, 600x887, 1219404311389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Little Busters EX, I'm in love with Haruka.

Anyways KEY is a very solid company, all their stuffs have been above average so far.

No, Kanon is a much more straightforward crying game, Clannad is closer to something like Family Project focusing on the "healing" moments.

>> No.1175268
File: 42 KB, 704x392, UGUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute uguu~~

>> No.1175273

Planetarian and ONE (Key before Key) were awesome.

>> No.1175278

I heard the male protagonists in the big three (Air, Clannad, Kanon) were the same guy personality-wise. True? Because I thought Yukito was awesome.

>> No.1175284

You are a fucking retard if you think ONE is somewhat better than Clannad, Air or even Kanon.

>> No.1175285

In different degrees, but basically.

>> No.1175292

If by obnoxious you mean you're afraid to play and like it, well that's a problem.

>> No.1175296

I was referring to the girls.

>> No.1175302

I've watched Air, Kanon 2006, Clannad, and played planetarian.

I mainly liked Kanon and Clannad for their comedic value. Air is super sad and was by far my favourite of the bunch.

Say what you want about the arcs involving the minor characters, and even the 1000 A.D. part which are dull and kinda dumb, but the main stuff involving Yukito, Misuzu and her mother is untouchable. Nothing in Kanon or Clannad even comes close to it.

>> No.1175309

Play the After Story of Clannad.

>> No.1175316

Indeed. I enjoyed Clannad as a whole better, but the Air arc really was the best so far out of the Key stuff I've played/watched.

>> No.1175342

>I've watched Air, Kanon 2006, Clannad

Clannad game >>>>>> Clannad anime

You can't simply pull all the routes together without explaining the Illusionary World thing. I hope the upcoming After Story series will make up for it.

Kanon anime in other hand is pretty good. I'd say if you don't have enough time to sit and play the game you can just watch the show.

I heard the Air game is better than the anime, I'd love to play it but I don't know Japanese. Better wait for the translation project to finish.

>> No.1175377


Yeah, I've heard good things about the After story, and I've purposely not read WHAT those good things are specifically while waiting for the OAV.

>> No.1175405

>I've watched


>> No.1175419
File: 140 KB, 450x690, 601442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harucchn is love.

>> No.1175425


Yeah, yeah. At least I'm up front about it!

>> No.1175506

Go play some real games made by real companies like Type-Moon you bunch of faggots.

GAR men and GAR women >>>>>>>>>> retarded girls

>> No.1175556

Personal preference doesn't make me inferior. \(o_O)/ I just prefer cutesy sad stories over bad-ass adventure tragedies.

>> No.1175592


Her voice... is like putting a nail to a chalkboard...

>> No.1175597

ONE is shit.

>> No.1175607

It's shit. Pure AIDS.

>> No.1175609


Not exactly, Kanon protagonist is the wittiest of the bunch, Air protag is a tsundere drifter, Clannad guy is ... fairly witty, and blunt

>> No.1175616

She's pretty cute when she's not going crazy (which is kinda often during her route, *cough*). Same VA also does Reverie/Yumemi.

>> No.1175627


So it's just the "rap" that she's all SCREECHING BLEARASAWEFGH in?

>> No.1175632
File: 175 KB, 600x600, 1359631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when her shouting.

>> No.1175639

Planetarian is good. Air and Kanon are passable. Clannad is mostly crap, with a few good moments.

>> No.1175649

Type-Moon >>>>>>>>>>>>>> KEY
Ryogi Shiki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tomoyo
Shiki >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yuichi
Archer >>>>>>>>>>>>> Yukito
Gilgamesh >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunohara
Akiha >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kyou

>> No.1175657

Good games, brilliant anime, but shit drama around it being posted on online imageboards.

>> No.1175671

>Planetarian is good because it started on 4chan. Air, Kanon and Clannad are crap because it started outside here on forums like Animesuki. I'm Anonymous, I'm legion! I must hate Animesuki and everything that comes form there. It's my duty!

>> No.1175679

Passable is not the same as crap, dumbass.

>> No.1175691


>> No.1175702

>Gilgamesh >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunohara

I like both.

>> No.1175723

Planetarian is good. Air and Kanon are passable. Clannad is mostly crap, with a few good moments.

Air is probably the best KEY game ever made in terms of writing, Clannad is the most popular but it's also pretty good. I'd say it's the second best.

Planetarian isn't the best game written by Maeda, /jp/ will try to make you believe it but it's not true.

I believe you never played any of these games.

>> No.1175731

Air Arc was brilliant in manipulating people into crying like little girls. For that Key deserves some respect.

>> No.1175755


Tru dat, homie. I do wish they would learn the proper position of the homo sapiens sapiens' mouth, however.

>> No.1175763
File: 151 KB, 690x900, a41c7d7512c997c0b882456357834623e159f300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1175770

If you can't get over simple drawings I recommend to go play something else like Milk Junkies or Do you Like Horny Bunnies?.

>> No.1175774
File: 10 KB, 139x200, 1215029101381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me everytime I watch/play Key's stuff. Why must God be so cruel in the world of Key?

>> No.1175775

Oh wow. Are you actually defending Key's art?

>> No.1175820

Why not? I see no problem with it after like 10 minutes of gameplay. My focus goes entirely to the dialogues and the text.

Itaru's drawings actually fits the story very well, it reminds me of shoujo mangas.

>> No.1175856
File: 472 KB, 1600x1200, 55cad0adabbc23198db1b553b72d532f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly for me Clannad was phenomenal.
I cried at the end of Tomoyo, Kotomi, Sunohara, Misae and Fuuko and even routes like Yukine or Kappei managed to be extremely entertaining and touching.
The best thing about them was that I never felt "manipulated", it was touching without really being overdramatic.
And Nagisa+After is simply the best route I've played in a VN.

>> No.1175865

I like Key but you're an idiot.

>> No.1175877


Heh, I wasn't trolling. I just kinds gets me off guard every time I watch AIR. But it only happens when their mouths are closed, they draw 'em pretty big when they talk.

never played the games, sorry

>> No.1175885

Yeah, you're totally not making a troll comment at all.

>> No.1175928

I hate when I see a good thread and it's already 45 posts but whatever. I like KEY stuff, especially OP pic. One of my favorite anime series ever. and I'm dying waiting for this translation. I'm close to just playing it RAW ;_;

>> No.1175952
File: 88 KB, 643x508, ugu6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not liking old KEY designs is just normal, Itaru's drawings were quite bad specially in ONE and Air.

I for one love her drawings, people say IT'S BAD AND YOU SHOULDN'T LIKE IT but I don't care.

>> No.1176100

How can you enjoy the After Story? It's about somebody becoming a normalfag, and features the most annoying girl in the game. I really struggled to read all the way to the end, because it was so boring.

Kotomi's route is the best route.

>> No.1176115

We should display brand loyalty for visual novel producers and decide that since we like Type Moon we must therefore hate Key for being different and refuse to consider the games produced by Key on their own merits.

>> No.1176129


Oh god, how deseperate can trolls go...

>> No.1176143

The After Story was a rollercoaster of emotions from the cohabitation arc to the end, it's the best route in the game by far, Nagisa herself get a lot of development too.
I have no idea how someone can find it boring.

>> No.1176145

Does the game even explain the illusionary world or what the orbs are?

>> No.1176153


>> No.1176157

The game doesn't outright explain it but leave lots of hint in Yukine, Kotomi and the After Story

>> No.1176161
File: 77 KB, 500x650, 95e3c658ea617ed45dbff978272edaf8581485dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's about somebody becoming a normalfag

Well, it's not like Tomoya wasn't normal to begin with. And since Nagisa is my favorite I really liked After Story.

Girly tears were shed;_;

>> No.1176164

I agree

>> No.1176167
File: 138 KB, 958x911, Anotherstory-16-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to have a family now.

>> No.1176175

Everything becomes quite clear in After Story.

>> No.1176176

Bu... But I thought that anon hated Nagisa and called her coachroach...

>> No.1176183


Anon is just Tsundere.

>> No.1176195


dat ass

>> No.1176197

Hmmm, not yet...

Where are they?
Is the robot thing merely imagic? I mean we see Nagisa trying to go there as well but the body doesn't move.
Who is exactly the girl by the tree found by Fuuko? Ushio? But Ushio is with Tomoya and Nagisa...

>> No.1176202
File: 84 KB, 600x500, 2368abab39b93a1c8e4d99e018f8f4f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm not Anonymous...

>> No.1176204

Chiisana Tenohira is now playing in your head and you can't stop it

>> No.1176211
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, 1219350921963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traveling with Ushio and meeting with Tomoya's grandmother was another one of my favorite parts of any Key VNs. Jun Maeda is really good at making me bawwwww.

>> No.1176220

If only would they have kept the awkward travel and finish on this scene, the movie could have been redeemed.

And not even close.

>> No.1176227


Robot is Tomoya

>> No.1176262

That's not the question, the thing is does it happen, or is it purely an imagery thing?

>> No.1176289

Explained in Kotomi's route, a parallel world
I guess you can see it both way but Ushio does explain in the last illusionary scene that Tomoya has the ability to live in both world, Ushio probably inherited that ability so yes it probably really happen
It's Ushio, her another story side story refers about it, Tomoya said that Ushio got sick and disappeared but was later found sleeping next to the hospital

>> No.1176333

Tomoya is the robot, his spirit was collected by Ushio(she has a thing for robots, it was the first present her father bought for her). She couldn't get away from the Illusionary World, you kept dying and going back to life but she couldn't. Now that her mother is alive you have enough light orbs to make her wish come true.

>> No.1176350

>>It's Ushio, her another story side story refers about it, Tomoya said that Ushio got sick and disappeared but was later found sleeping next to the hospital
Ah, okay, so she didn't appear magically from the other world, it was the same one who "moved"... (Now why it happened...)

Oh yeah, is there a translation of the dialog appearing as the video when Ushio is born?

>> No.1176390
File: 164 KB, 646x505, afc9f05f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

渚~坂の下の別れ is now playing in your head manually

>> No.1176416
File: 442 KB, 640x480, BAWWW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1176204 is superior, but you still got me.

Pic related

>> No.1176430

Just wondering, where do they drop the hint that the unmoving robot is Nagisa?

>> No.1176439

She's the one who joins Tomoya, so I considered that it was her spirit who joined them, but as she died, the garbage doll didn't move neither.

>> No.1176481

Tomoya is a horrible father.

>> No.1176550
File: 123 KB, 800x600, lbex2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key is awesome.

But I only liked one of their titles.

>> No.1176574
File: 90 KB, 600x879, 1202477169983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wonder why... OH WAIT.

>> No.1176594

Basically, Kuda speaking that 'charm' or whatever it was at the leadup to her third H scene was the hottest. thing. EVER. It wouldn't even have to have been a leadup to a H scene and I'd have still been able to fap.
But, seriously, I just felt the story and characters were superior to Key's earlier titles.

>> No.1176624


needs to be made a scout in tf2


needs to be made a spy in tf2

>> No.1176740

Great stuff, little praise here on /jp/ (Or at least, Key threads aren't as frequent as, say, Type-moon faggotry)

>> No.1176763
File: 325 KB, 800x1288, 1219447681031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookin kinda healthy there, rewrite girl

>> No.1176806

Ryukishi07 + Tanaka Romeo.

>> No.1176828

Higurashi + Cross Channel and Yume Miru Kusuri. I don't see how this can go wrong.

>> No.1177450

I love Russia.

>> No.1179576

Oh, this is where it went.

>> No.1179589

Above average.
However I do feel that their retard and down syndrome girl lead is getting old.

>> No.1179611

I hope you're not including Yumemi or Rin in there.

>> No.1179619

Key just needs to get away from Jun Maeda and Yuuichi Suzumoto, which they just happen to be doing for Rewrite, so I think it should turn out to be pretty decent.

>> No.1179635

Key = boring trash

Too corny to be romantic, too obnoxious to be cute, no action and paper thin plots

>> No.1179640

>no action
Haven't played Little Busters! EX yet, have you?

>> No.1179654

KEY is shit.Type moon is better.

>> No.1179661

best visual novels out there. i can't wait for the After Story anime

>> No.1179662


>> No.1179690

Key does good stuff,but it's too repetitive (LOL MIRACLE) and sometimes tries too hard to be dramatic.They improved with Clannad IMO,mainly because they added more lulz compared to their previous works.

>> No.1179694

still better than type moon

>> No.1179707

KID = nitro+ > TYPEMOON > KEY

>> No.1179715

I hate reading about retards.

>> No.1179714

>They improved with Clannad IMO,mainly because they added more lulz compared to their previous works.
..What? Clannad came before Air and Kanon.

>> No.1179721


>> No.1179731


Yeah, without Sunohara it would be just a Air/Kanon clone.

>> No.1179732

Kanon- Air-Clannad -Little busters is the order, i don't know when palnetarian came out.

>> No.1179739

Probably after Clannad as its art is much better.

>> No.1179740

Planetarian came out after Clannad, before LB!.

Dousei -> MOON. -> ONE -> Kanon -> AIR -> Clannad -> Planetarian -> Little Busters! -> Little Busters! EX

>> No.1179741


>KID = nitro+ > KEY > TYPEMOON


>> No.1179749

No, just no. And Akio is equally awesome as Sunohara in the After Story.

>> No.1179759

is LB! EX out yet?

>> No.1179766

Yes, and it's the best Key title, so go play it.

>> No.1179772

Different artists.
Planetarian came out about half a year after Clannad.

>> No.1179779


>> No.1179783


>> No.1179780


>> No.1179781

Is that so? Is it bearable with machine translations or is the plot difficult?

>> No.1179793

Haven't tried it with machine translation (I don't have any translation software) but the writing is fairly straightforward and normal for Key so maybe.

>> No.1179803

I've just started Nagisa's route. What am I in for?

>> No.1179802
File: 20 KB, 566x323, 1219479496126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou started sniffing Kaguya's freshly pooped diaper.
And so she did so.

MEANWHILE Kaguya and Eirin were taking a bath in an onsen while Tewi and Reisen were forced to scrub every inch of them.
''Au au au!'' Screeched Reisen.
''Au au au!'' Screeched Tewi.
And then Eirin gave them dicks and they fucked.

>> No.1179807


>> No.1179824

if nagisa is the first path your doing you wont be able to get the after story...you essentually have to play every one else BEFORE you do nagisa to get the after story

>> No.1179829

Oh, okay. Thanks.

>> No.1179836 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1219479951349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. Get to After Story first then we'll talk.

>> No.1180531

Seriously? The artstyle is kinda putting me off and I heard that apart from the refrain part, it was just so-so

>> No.1180572

Air patch fucking when

>> No.1180589

srsly bro

>> No.1180708

Little Busters EX is much better than the original.
