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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 273 KB, 1202x1600, babymetal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11749674 No.11749674 [Reply] [Original]

Is this band a joke?

>> No.11749682

Is this thread a joke?

>> No.11749687


>> No.11749695

I wish the band got more publicity considering they're the ones writing the tracks. I don't mind idol worship when the idol actually does something. Fucking weeabs.

>> No.11749696

I don't know, I only listen to Tool.

>> No.11749697

The one on the right is cute.

>> No.11749701

You are a Tool.

>> No.11749704

woah dude 3deep5me

>> No.11749722

As if Tool is 3deep4any1. Baby's first "Prog" Rock band.

>> No.11749734
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>> No.11749738


>> No.11749739

Man, kids these days don't like the Tool.

>> No.11749741
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>> No.11749742
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I thought it was. But apparently last thread went over 200 replies.

Go figure.

>> No.11749746

Little girls aren't metal.

>> No.11749745
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>> No.11749747
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>> No.11749752
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>> No.11749756
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>> No.11749761

What type of metal is this?

>> No.11749762


>> No.11749765 [DELETED] 

Murp > Babymetal


>> No.11749766

Tool isn't rock, you moron.

Tool is metal.

>> No.11749767


>> No.11749769


"Kawaii METAL"

>> No.11749771


>> No.11749772


>> No.11749773

What a fuckin' pleb we have here, boys. Listen to your commercial garbage all you want, but don't pretend they're not shit or unique in any way.

>> No.11749775


>> No.11749776

I thought it was at first, but then I found I like some of their music. Too bad it costs so much to buy/ship; I'll just have to download rips


>> No.11749778


>> No.11749781


you've never spent any time on any metal forum, have you?

>> No.11749784


>> No.11749793


I think he was being ironic or something.

>> No.11749795


>> No.11749797


>> No.11749801

You've never spent any time listening to music past what you can find on the radio have you?

>> No.11749800
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>> No.11749803
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>> No.11749807

Metal forum?

What the fuck is this? You must like to eat shit by the spoon.

>> No.11749806
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>> No.11749808
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>> No.11749810
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>> No.11749812

who are you quoting?

>> No.11749813

I didn't quote anyone, dipshit.

>> No.11749815
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>> No.11749816
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>> No.11749817
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>> No.11749821


>> No.11749874

What's more embarrassing, listening to idols or listening to metal?

>> No.11749878
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>> No.11749881
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>> No.11749882
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>> No.11749884
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>> No.11749885
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>> No.11749891
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>> No.11749894

Is this guy their manager?

Is he telling them to be more dark?

>> No.11749899
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>> No.11749904
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>> No.11749907
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>> No.11749914


>> No.11749917
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>> No.11749918
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>> No.11749921
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>> No.11749922
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>> No.11749930
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>> No.11749931
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>> No.11749932 [DELETED] 

who's the fourth one?

>> No.11749934

Who's the fourth one?

>> No.11749938
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>> No.11749940

The cutest thing there is is when Moa-metal bites down on her tongue saying 'deatttthhh'

>> No.11749941

sumire uesaka

>> No.11749943

Stop being mad, Steven.

>> No.11749945
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>> No.11749953
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>> No.11749964

It'd be cool if /jp/ talked about good music from japan instead of shitty gimmick groups

>> No.11749972

Needs more bloom.

>> No.11749983
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>> No.11749986
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>> No.11749989
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>> No.11749990
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>> No.11749992
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>> No.11749997
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>> No.11750011


>> No.11750030
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Would you still love Moa in an au where she was in a country music gimmick group?

>> No.11750075
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>> No.11750096
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>> No.11750102
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>> No.11750116

basically japan acknowledge metal as a kids thing.

>> No.11750117
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>> No.11750119
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>> No.11750122
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>> No.11750125
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>> No.11750129
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>> No.11750130
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>> No.11750132
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>> No.11750133
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>> No.11750140
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>> No.11750141
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>> No.11750155

So only the oldest one sings?

This. I want to talk about Ryo Fukui, Number Girl or even fucking Bloodthirsty Butchers. Not girls group #74592. Getting kind of sick of your shit, /jp/.

>> No.11750160

oldest does vocals
the other two do the screaming

>> No.11750163

if I know what you mean

>> No.11750173

If anyone's wondering, the pic is from the last song of Su-metal's 2012 birthday concert.

>> No.11750193

a lot of shaky cameramen

>> No.11750344

>Not girls group #74592
>Getting kind of sick of your shit, /jp/
go check the doujin music threads. crows claw? demetori? SSH? nah, only homemade dj stuff and pop singers with template guitar riff
the people with a taste- not good, but at least a taste- have long gone from this board.

>> No.11750372
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>> No.11750384

metal was indie and DIY before indies and hipsters were a thing, /mu/ crossie fag. and idols are for the lolz and fwap, it's totally normie if you get pass the pedobear

>> No.11750390

I still want to know why SSH removed almost all of his music from his homepage for download and only left his original works.
I suppose it may have been in the wake of the one guy getting arrested for making SIC figures but Kurogane and other keyboard/metal cover artists still kept their library up for download.
Maybe there's an old torrent somewhere still with seeds. I miss not having his music after my HD burned out.

>> No.11750417


>> No.11750419


>> No.11750443

Metal is the most masculine music genre. It's impossible for women to produce metal. Men are playing the instruments and singing behind stage.

>> No.11750455

BiS will always be more edgy than any idols.
who the hell is infocus and why does he dress and act like a hiphip hipster fag? does he cosplay as a princess for helloweeb?

>> No.11750459

>implying men sing like little grills

oh you kek!

>> No.11750460


Here. Not all of the old remixes (which I heard from him changing his style), but still a nice collection.

>> No.11750464

its mike desu
watch the video, its subbed

>> No.11750489

just watched one of their dvds 2 songs the 2nd song was a song they never play live so was really happy to see them play it live

>> No.11750713


>> No.11750883

Hell no. Have you even listened to their songs?


They encompass the original intention of heavy metal: to defy conventional forms of music. Now that what makes heavy metal as it is has been established, they're defying that.

>> No.11750892

They acknowledge everything as a kids' thing. What are you talking about?

>> No.11750936
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>> No.11750947 [DELETED] 

The solo concert in Singapore had the half-fish, half-lion Merlion God assist the half-metal, half-idol girls in their Metal Resistance. No one in the crowd expected that.

But that didn't make me laugh nearly as much as when the crowd went clamouring for an encore and it sounded so damn much like "KanColle"...

>> No.11750951

The solo concert in Singapore had the half-fish, half-lion Merlion God assist the half-metal, half-idol girls in their Metal Resistance. No one in the crowd expected that.

But that didn't make me laugh nearly as much as when the crowd went clamouring for an encore and it sounded so damn much like "KanColle"...

>> No.11750957


>> No.11751071
File: 404 KB, 1280x781, yotsu-nein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get that fake, commercial idol-nonsense out of here.

>> No.11751131

Nah that's what I mean. He used to have all of his music, save the Lost Child ost, his first album and his touhou remixes up on his website until some big purge back in 2009. Still good stuff there but nowhere near what he used to have.
Maybe it was just server issues with storage space.

>> No.11751152
File: 154 KB, 916x711, GQfnX72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about a hug

>> No.11751196

I'm sorry anon, but I don't want to accept someone who taints art by creating for a different reason than their desire to create. It's absolutely unforgiveable.

>> No.11751205 [DELETED] 

hi, i just wanted to say konbanwa~ this is the jp board sos i know i may knot fit in because i m new here but why do japanese p e o p le speak like "t h i s?"
thx for answering in advance.

>> No.11751207

She looks so fucking sad lmao

>> No.11751338
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Flagitious idiosyncrasy in the dilapidation

all better options

>> No.11751350

I enjoy how this band makes all the elitist metal faggots mad.

>> No.11751365


Victim from a mad metal band. That ain't right.

>> No.11751379

But all metalheads are elitists.
If you don't like what I like, you're a collosal faggot for liking other things.

Except stoner/sludge metal. Those guys are cool.

>> No.11751474

Are they planning on putting out a full length?

>> No.11751526

>Neckbeards getting mad their secret club is being invaded
Best thread on /jp/ so far.

>> No.11751541

I actually think that his originals are the best of his production. not much but better than nothing
>Except stoner/sludge metal
pray to never meet one of those post-intellectualoid selfentitled flabby slugs outside internet. even 16 years old norwegian satanists are more bearable
Best post of the thread
thanks for the Gallhammer.

the rest of you guys are bitch ass punks

>> No.11751544

The first two a horrible, they can neither play nor sing. Having throat cancer is not a singing talent.
The others are okay, why can't your taste be consistent?

>> No.11751567

I don't like the singer much, but the instrumentals are nice

>> No.11751568

I wish idolfags died.

>> No.11751570

you can't kill what's not alive

>> No.11751626

What counts as metal these days anyways? I always hear things like "That's not metal" about things that sound like they would be. I can't identify the 500 sub genres that everything has these days so maybe that's my problem.

>> No.11751634

It's pretty subjective. People that say something isn't metal are usually just elitists. Whether or not they like it, this is metal. Lots of people hate nu-metal; but it *is* metal

>> No.11751654

I've been wondering for a while. What do responsible, socially well adjusted adults listen to?

>> No.11751678

The one on the right keeps smiling in photos that's not metal at all.

>> No.11751714

responsible, socially well adjusted adults listen whatever they want, just like otacore truneets.
its only little shits like you that care about these things.

>> No.11751724

WOW! I just wanted to know what was perceived as a normal taste in music, man.

>> No.11751745

Whatever they want. I interviewed with a consultant at one of the big four, and he told me he listened to jpop and idols.

>> No.11751749

The only "normal" way to listen to music is without making your favored genre your lifestyle like with metal heads is what you're saying.

>> No.11751773

I never said that wasn't normal, I'm just saying you can listen to whatever you want. He could have listened to elevator music if he wanted to, I was just pointing to him as an example. If you want to make your style of music into your lifestyle, you can.

>> No.11752084

Yes, coming out 26 Feb next year.

They're also performing in Budokan in March 1-2.

>> No.11752090
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>> No.11752093
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>> No.11752094
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>> No.11752194

>Is this band a joke?

It's Japanese, so yes.

>> No.11752193
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>> No.11752215 [DELETED] 

I wish idolfags died.

>> No.11752307

They should do a collab with Dragonforce.

>> No.11752326


>> No.11752330

I wish edgy poster's would die but I guess they would want that anyway.

>> No.11752335
File: 108 KB, 640x424, 9257421745_6eaa2fc249_z_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11752340
File: 91 KB, 640x1136, Q0RuMzD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wishing doesn't do anything
you need to work hard to make your dreams come true anon.

>> No.11752370


>> No.11752368

>I wish edgy poster's would die
Don't cut yourself on that edge bro.

>> No.11752407

no they cant die staying safe indoors everyday

>> No.11752432


>> No.11753472
File: 164 KB, 1244x720, img1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's now a singapooru joke too. legend has it that if you drink the puke of the demonic merlion metal god, you will gain hardcore loli powahs!!! but pls don't drink real merlion puke, anon. its puke is full of chlorine and "nu-water".

>> No.11753517

They're probably going to modify the story for each country they end up going to. And it'll be freaking hilarious each time.

>> No.11753523

No, this board is a joke.

>> No.11753525

Who cares? They're entertaining.

>> No.11753527

Not depressive enough for me. I prefer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMMk_QIQ3qU

>> No.11753529

would it be cool if they were japanese-finnish?

>> No.11753531 [DELETED] 

We don't like gooks over here, web.

>> No.11753539

I wish the idolfag janitor died.

>> No.11753601

They look hot and sweaty.

>> No.11753640

This merlion god legend seems legit.
okay I'll give them a chanche

>> No.11753663

So this is why it's called Babymetal.

>> No.11753698

Su turned 16 on Decemeber 20. Just earlier this month.

>> No.11753722

they will be the youngest girl group to perform at budokan in march

>> No.11753807

that's child bearing age in sweden and somalia

>> No.11755172

I love the fact that they keep breaking age records.

>> No.11755181

Tool isn't Prog Rock. It's soft rock.

>> No.11755193

The Japanese music industry is a joke

>> No.11755199

This is my fetish.

>> No.11755203

Sometimes sounds like thrash, but mostly like power metal from the two or three songs I've listened to on this thread.

I'm finding a hard time believing they actually write these songs. They obviously don't perform anything outside of vocals either. Maybe just the lyrics? Regardless it's a pretty gimmicky band, not unlike many other metal bands, though.

>> No.11755327
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>> No.11755338
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countdown japan

>> No.11755407

Although gimmicky, it is somewhat listenable. Most songs sound a lot like shonen OPs

>> No.11755442

It's kind of cute

>> No.11755589

Like the music. Hate the american/christian goth image.

>> No.11755906
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>> No.11755910
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>> No.11755913
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>> No.11756342
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Finally, anal bum will be released in two months time!

>> No.11756595


people really underestimate how easy and simple metal really is, its surprising. the whole metal scene is probably so over saturated and shitty by now that i'm not surprised though.

>> No.11756898
File: 97 KB, 436x688, Moa Kikuchi Twinklestars Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11757595

Are those guys as tall as 13 year old girls?

>> No.11758820

Does anyone understand what they are doing with the Budokan tickets? Is it members only or something?

>> No.11758848

>mfw Japanese Metallica cover band actually looks like fucking Metallica
Or are those guys just cosplaying? Please tell me they're just cosplaying.

>> No.11758926
File: 581 KB, 2048x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis nig in't cosplaying

>> No.11759444


They're actually pretty fucking good.

>> No.11759521
File: 67 KB, 400x600, su-metal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who does the vocals? Obviously they do the clean vocals; but unless they use some kind of voice manipulation, they aren't doing all of the screams/growls

>> No.11760783

uve nvr been wit a girl

>> No.11760813

I don't think they are really defying anything.

>> No.11760877

They look like they lack any and all personality.

>> No.11760897

They rarely have enough screentime in shows to show off themselves

>> No.11760954

a whitu piggu s touching lolis!!! unforgivable!!!!

synthesisers and voice samples are way cool , bro

>> No.11761177
File: 331 KB, 1280x720, 1388511394182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they do. Go watch Sakura Gakuin's DVDs, shows, performances etc. They appear regularly in them since they're members of the group, and Babymetal was originally the heavy music club(subunit) of the school-themed Sakura Gakuin. And they do show off their personalities in them.


>> No.11761193

is there like a site where these are subbed?

>> No.11761301
File: 606 KB, 1280x720, moa_confession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the channel of the video where some of the bonus DVD segments are subbed, then there's four subbed episodes of one of their shows along with other stuffs here http://www.hello-online.org/index.php?app=xbt&showinvisible=1&search=sakura+gakuin&cat=0 , and that's it I think. The only Chinese sub I found is of their recent Mujack appearance which Moa was on. But if you're on /jp/ you should be able to at least get the gist of the situation when watching without subtitles. So yeah, better start learning Japanese if you want to fully understand them.

>> No.11761321 [DELETED] 


they do its called "heavy metal so cool and hard bro we just have serious faces and only have one night stands with guys with tattoos"

>> No.11761327


all metal artists are super serious no fun allowed if thats what you mean.

>> No.11762474

Do they do all of the screams?

>> No.11762485
File: 200 KB, 780x780, 1332263051051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Algerians took my precious AMF

>> No.11762498


Holy shit this.

I still listen to Bathory and stuff but my god this is so true.

>> No.11764300

You have to buy the BABYMETAL APOCALYPSE booklet, become a fan club member with its code, and then enter a lottery for arena tickets.
Good luck!

>> No.11765864

Do these girls do this out of love for metal or just to sell?

>> No.11766450

they're idols
use ur nuts

>> No.11767950
File: 150 KB, 1080x1000, dekomori-sanae7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They gave Dekomori a backstage pass, because they wanted her dick.

>> No.11767969

But having sex with them is.

>> No.11775810

They're going against the standards of metal, are they not?

>> No.11776857
File: 880 KB, 1920x924, shit_on_mu's_dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone go to /mu/ and shit on their dreams

>> No.11776882

I love how the heavy metal and death metal genres are sourced.
