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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 123 KB, 765x536, japan-nuked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11704848 No.11704848 [Reply] [Original]

Let's imagine scenario that some huge disaster destroys Japan. Now there won't be any new Japanese media. What will happen to you and communities such as /jp/?

>> No.11704853

Slowly consume the thousands of terabytes of media that still exist and will likely never get to experience all of in a single lifetime.

Or open a portal to gensokyo. Next question.

>> No.11704857

sort my 6TBs of pixiv porns

>> No.11704860


>> No.11704863

We'll put on our hazmat suits and go into the ruins to find whatever is left. It will be just like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. only we'll be collecting figs instead of artifacts.

>> No.11704865

We all become fujoshi because the only things left we haven't seen/read are BL and girls dating sims.

>> No.11704877

You can always go back to school and become a delinquent to bully nerds.

>> No.11704908

Continue my process of normalfaggization, complete the jump to books, maybe finally start working out and studying.
Honestly, the sooner i jump ship, the better, even if i'm unable to start a family for one reason or another, i still can become a monk or a priest.

>> No.11704914

Who looks at new Japanese things?

>> No.11704914,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think reading is a very normalfag hobby. I don't think normies like reading.

>> No.11704925

Get out of here stalker.

>> No.11704926

I've been trying books lately but it's so hard. I enjoy reading but my brain is like "dude why are you reading there's a computer in front of you".

Sometimes I go outside with a book just so I'll read, but there aren't many outdoors places it's acceptable to read in. For a few days I just got buses in circles and read on the buses, but then they'd always get full or someone would be too noisy and it ruined everything.

>> No.11704937
File: 197 KB, 960x1620, 1300115925567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'd go back to old entertainment, probably hold it as sacred since Japan was no more (sacred fags would be insufferable, just like Katana fags are now).

There is a shit ton of stuff we haven't even consumed yet or that was forgotten.

Anyone remember that video where some guy goes on abandonned roads in Japan on a motorcycle? It was nice and trippy at times.

>> No.11704933

Well, some ancient civilizations are long dead but people still reads their works.

Think Gilgamesh.

>> No.11704943

Don't you have a park or something nearby?

>> No.11704944

>I've been trying books lately but it's so hard. I enjoy reading but my brain is like "dude why are you reading there's a computer in front of you".
That's my problem exactly, i can't force myself to read for more than 2 minutes, even if the book is interesting, it's even more embarassing considering that i used to be a bookworm before.
Oh well, at least there are visual novels.

>> No.11704948

Yes but it's full of children and they're distracting. And slightly older children who are aggressive.

>> No.11704956

So they will teach Otakudom in high schools?

>> No.11704969

Maybe in the east somewhere, never in english speaking countries. English speakers care too much about their flawed worlds with messages and shit. Then again so does most of Japan. NGE and LoGH get the praise they get because they're so fucking western.

>> No.11704994

Catch up on like 3 decades of stuff from Japan I haven't watched or played, and continue mostly playing video games.

>> No.11705014

I would scavenge there

>> No.11705029

Probably give a ton of aid/charity to the intl. Red Cross etc. and urge/guilt-trip the government into letting the refugees stay here. After people get done enough grieving, business would go on, and people might come up with some similar creative outlets. Probably would.

Let's not let that happen, though, eh? Support the ongoing international fallout fuckup testing ban. And watch out for australia, those guys are really stupid and right next door.

>> No.11705048


No shit it's about Germans.


Japanese high schools and giant robots are as Japanese as you can get. It's time to accept that maybe the world is more similar than different and that some tacked-on Christian symbolism doesn't make something "Western" (Christianity is a big part of Japanese culture and history, for instance).

What would be "Japanese" to you? Period dramas? Fantasy series with creatures not stolen from other countries (all 2 of them)?

>> No.11705061

Holy shit weeaboo. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.11705065

Shut up retard. Start thinking and then post.

>> No.11705068

Not him, but I do like good edo period drama.

>> No.11705069

I wasn't the one that posted that oh mighty japanese samurai.

>> No.11705083
File: 222 KB, 896x716, 1386964290129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People probably critically psycho-analyse Super Mario Brothers at the university level someplace. Guaranteed somebody somewhere teaches a silly-ass junk course on tanuki and/or video games.

>> No.11705088

I remember some really annoying "infographic" about how Super Mario Bros. 3 was "really" a play, as though this was some huge mind blowing fact. Hopefully I was being trolled.

>> No.11705092

It wasn't really an infographic.

The intro screen was literally a curtain being drawn on a stage.

>> No.11705099

Why are you so butthurt?

>> No.11705126

But I'm not, feel free to ask this guy though. >>11705065

>> No.11705154
File: 31 KB, 500x281, 1300657997913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it: http://youtu.be/fcc-sfYY1so

There's also this channel from softypapa:

>> No.11705159

Japanese pop culture was getting too mainstream for me anyway

>> No.11705170

poor daki.

>> No.11705231

We rebuild. We become the new Japan.

>> No.11705235


Talent for nerd shit is dead in the West, we're left with normies who draw ironic nerd comics on their macbooks.

>> No.11705309
File: 82 KB, 1237x657, plsdon'tcry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu would be obliterated off the face of the Earth. She's a whore but I'd be in a rage 24/7 and take it out on myself. That is if I'm being honest.

>> No.11705315

I don't know, I could see a Central or South American country stepping up to fill the vacuum.

>> No.11705337

Let's imagine a scenario where ESL scum OP meets an atrocious death along with his family and the few other people he knows IRL.
How would it change things?

That was a trick question, it won't change shit as he's just an useless crossie.

>> No.11705357

Epic memebox dude.

>> No.11705371

It's simple: we could just finish our backlogs once and for all.

>> No.11705389
File: 77 KB, 375x188, 1366597356423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will rebuild.
The torch will be passed to us, and we will continue to produce new 2D media.
Sure, it will probably be shit at first, but that's what happens when you need to rebuild from almost nothing.
Enough media and backlog already exists to continue entertaining us for quite some time, though.

Perhaps one day the otaku of the world and the Japanese diaspora will return to Japan and start anew.

>> No.11705620

Your mom would be quite sad then ;)

>> No.11705703

Sure thing.

Actually, in 30 years Japan will lose a half of its population, so we must be ready to recolonize Japan.

>> No.11705716

We better start helping them repopulate now

>> No.11705732

Japan is pretty shit, land-wise. Poor soil, few natural resources, not much arable land. In case you forgot, the Japanese home islands being shitty and bereft of MINERALS was the entire reason for Japanese imperialism at the turn of the 20th century.

No, we should build Neo-Japan on somewhere with better clay and a population that no one really cares about. Like Borneo or Korea.

>> No.11705743

In case you forgot, this isn't /pol/.

>> No.11705784

My life would improve greatly, that's for sure.

>> No.11705831

Borneo isn't a country, polfag.

>> No.11705836

I'd be more concerned about the effects on the global economy if Japan suddenly went belly up, to be honest.

>> No.11705926

I never said it was, please learn to read.

>> No.11705941

You are stupid, stating an established historical fact (Japanese home islands are poor in resources, which motivated Japanese expansionism) has nothing to do with /pol/.

>> No.11706639

I wasn't talking about the style you dumbass. I call it western because all of the DEEP MEANING bullshit that's in it. I'm saying the opposite is stuff like kaminomi. It doesn't have DEEP THEMES and all that bullshit that westerners think it takes to make something good.

>> No.11706640

rest in peace

>> No.11706676

>DEEP MEANING bullshit that's in it
Like most anime series?

>> No.11706701

I'm going to call bullshit.

>> No.11706709


I'll just watch French and Korean animation, also I was a scifi fan before I found anime so there is always that.

>> No.11706724

Wait, why would a volcanic zone be without any minerals? Seems silly.

>> No.11706725

That was very relaxing. I like that he didn't play music, so I could play my own.

>> No.11707200

``if he isn't like me, he's a nazi!"
>>>/a/ is that way retard.

>> No.11707202

The disaster is called Fukushima it already happened and the world already suffers from it without even realizing.

>> No.11707719


There is too much stuff out there that it would take 60 lifetimes to go through.

>> No.11709016

I would be dead if that happened. I can't wait.

>> No.11709029

`` and '', not `` and ". Two opening quotation marks, two closing quotation marks.

>> No.11709033

Go watch K-On!, you retarded piece of shit.

>> No.11717895

/jp/ would probably get better.

>> No.11717940

That was my problem too, having been a bookworm in the past and all. What can i say, you eventually get back into the habit if you persist; visual novels are fine and all but there's some good stuff out there you can only get by overcoming dependence on visual storytelling (or whatever it is that makes you an adhd faggot).

>> No.11722332

I think it'd greatly improve the lives of everyone on /jp/ because clearly it's the influence of Japanese media and nothing else keeping us from leading active, social and normal lives.

Yep, that must be it.

>> No.11722357

I really hope there's another catastrophe, it would make the plane tickets and the overall booking cheap as HELL.

I could finally go there and prove why Portuguese cuisine is still superior to the Japanese one, which was vastly influenced by the Portuguese to begin with!

>> No.11722378

Most of the volcanic soil is in lands which are too steep or out-of-the-place to be productive to farm, since most of Japan's volcanic activity was relatively long ago in comparison to other islands in the "Ring of Fire." Mind you, people have tried to farm it, only to wash away the topsoil after a few seasons.

>> No.11723207

All surviving Japanese will move to Torrance in California. Torrance will likely be renamed some weeaboo name like Tokyo-3 or some shit.
California becomes a bastion for weeaboos.

>> No.11723239

Move to japan and live in my post apocalyptical japan with mutant lolis!

>> No.11723946

Mutant lolis would probably be futas anyways.

But some people do enjoy a good futa loli.

>> No.11723960
File: 460 KB, 1280x1024, Flag-of-Brazil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brazil would open up as a new source of media with all the japanese expats living there.

>> No.11723967

What, with compounds inhabited by maybe-clones of famous anime directors, with shadowy figures controlling the threads of their lives in hopes of recreating the industry for a second bid at cultural domination?

>> No.11724037


>mutant loli futa

just found my new fetish, thanks jaypee

>> No.11724053 [DELETED] 

This thread is extremely /a/.

>> No.11724069


I finally would end my life.
Japanese entertainment has sustained me for years.
If Japan was gone, I would be gone.

>> No.11724073

Would you grab your noble katana and banzai into some normies?

>> No.11724076

I'd sooner learn Korean than Portuguese.

>> No.11724105

that's what normals will take care of. /jp/ isn't a bunch of dirty primitive farmers, they're consumerists.

>> No.11724107

If Japan got destroyed I'd probably celebrate then go to Korea.

>> No.11724106

brazil hates traps though. a lot of japs would be killed for looking like a girl.

>> No.11724124

You don't like melonpan, konpeito, and tempura?

>> No.11724685

And Starfish?

>> No.11724725

Not true, tranny prostitutes are basically tolerated (and patronized) everywhere.

>> No.11724729


>> No.11724734

I guess I take it back.

>> No.11724735

I think that perhaps Japanese people living in Korea and the USA would continue to make "Japanese" media such as anime and VNs. With no competition from Japan, the Korean and American artists would get really good and suddenly, there would be professional level stuff coming out of other countries.

>> No.11724761

I've never seen anything like that. Did the place the road lead to get completely abandoned or something?

>> No.11724781

Yeah I guess the Korean artists and manhwas would flourish.

>> No.11724840

