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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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No.11684390 [Reply] [Original]


KAIRU: Have you ever thought about making a Korean character? (◀I asked this because it's a dream for countless Touhou fans in Korea.)

ZUN: Oh, I've never particularly thought about a Korean one. I don't know much about Korea in detail.

KAIRU: Korea also has various youkai and ghosts that would make good character material. Would you research about some?

ZUN: I see. I'll consider that from now on.

So ZUN was considering adding a Korean Touhou character in response to an interview with a Korean fan. Do you think he ever will? Korea does have some interesting mythological figures like the dokkaebi and the gwishin, and it's not like ZUN hasn't used non-Japanese creatures before (vampires, devils, etc.).

>> No.11684401

He should add a character from my country first.

>> No.11684425 [DELETED] 

Ded game.
Ded fanbase.
Better leave the sinking ship and hop into something more popular.

>> No.11684438


>> No.11684505

>ZUN: I see. I'll consider that from now on.

That's just the polite way of saying "no, I don't care, fuck off."

>> No.11684567

Japan hates Koreans.
At least Japan and China were on friendly term during 600 - 900.

>> No.11684618

Since we have a bunch of Chinese characters, I don't see why the hell not. I don't know anything about Korean mythology but it's always interesting with newcomers with new backgrounds and a different way of seeing the events that occur in Gensokyo. The plots always seemed to boil down to clashing thoughts/opinions/priorities among different characters after all.

If there's bad history between Japan and Korea it might just make things more interesting. ZUN doesn't seem like the type to take sides after all.

>> No.11684641

Add a corean pig to my 2hu? No way! w

>> No.11684690

korea steal japan origonal culture. korea is fake culture.

>> No.11684696
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1386117543951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone hates everyone else
what's your point?

>> No.11684698

i want a murican touhou. Marisa's long-lost older sister with big tits and a bikini who doesn't know japanese.

>> No.11684702
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x1820, 1385806873611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu's already American enough for Gensokyo

>> No.11684703
File: 77 KB, 848x480, 1347146093192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she is.

>> No.11684705

So a plastic youkai with strange obsession with shit and terrorizing Gensokyo to give her apology juice?

>> No.11684715

want a qt russian wodden-legged 2hu

>> No.11684749

I want a Santa 2hu and a christmas themed game.

>> No.11684767

it could be a 2hu who used to be a bear but turned into a 2hu after eating garlic in a cave. this is a real korean legend fyi.

>> No.11684795

We would finally have a Touhou to post on new years on the year of the bear!

>> No.11684795,1 [INTERNAL] 

<me> hello
<me> hello you just spoke in #4chan
<me> could you tell a janitor to stop deleting my touhou thread on /jp/? i don't get why he's doing it
<ALTERNATIVE> check out the topic
<me> i wasn't banned
<ALTERNATIVE> its for general questions as well
<ALTERNATIVE> include relevant information
<me> well could you just tell him in the janitor channel or something?
<me> http://archive.foolz.us/jp/search/image/FQ9jD0Zk4XdSQeTPS-zEIw/
<ALTERNATIVE> you have to use the email
<me> this isn't trolling, i didn't invent that interview, it's on an external site
<me> this kind of thing always happens, i always email, nobody responds
<ALTERNATIVE> because it's just a 'korean culture' troll
<ALTERNATIVE> I can't help you with this
<me> no it's not
<me> read the first thread
<me> like, the earliest
<me> i only added that part afterwards
<me> this is a real interview, it's not like i made that wiki page a year ago just to troll with it now
<ALTERNATIVE> it is also mainly about korea and is designed to focus the topic on korea
<ALTERNATIVE> also, dont repost deleted material
<ALTERNATIVE> I can't help you with this, you will need to send an email or use the feedback system
<me> well how could i repost this in a way that would be allowed?
<me> it is about touhou, it's a touhou interview with the creator of touhou, i found it earlier today and i thought it was interesting
<me> ZUN (the creator of touhou) said he'd look into a korean youkai for his series
<me> he has added other non-japanese monsters (particularly vampires) to his series before, and plenty more in the PC-98 games before that
<me> i admit spelling it "corea" was mostly an in-joke, but it's not like i'm trying to start some international war here
<me> here are some similar threads:
<me> http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11196354
<me> http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/10945689
<me> http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11498674
<me> http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/8817815
<me> http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/10474724
<ALTERNATIVE> stop with all the messages
<me> some of these even focus exclusively on western monsters
<ALTERNATIVE> you have to wait while your request is being processed
<ALTERNATIVE> so just wait
<me> i have emailed dozens of times for months
<ALTERNATIVE> I'm talking about now

>> No.11684795,2 [INTERNAL] 

<me> thank you
<me> i appreciate it, really
<me> this is the most feedback i've gotten ever already
<ALTERNATIVE> I think your thread will now be allowed, but if it ends up going to shit it may be removed anyway
<me> thanks, i think that's fair
<me> sorry for bothering you, it just gets annoying when you have to qualify every not-a-general thread like this every single time
<ALTERNATIVE> its fine
<ALTERNATIVE> I don't use /jp/
<ALTERNATIVE> please remember that reposting deleted threads is not usually permitted
<ALTERNATIVE> we request you use the email or the feedback system for questions or concerns about the website
<me> sorry
<ALTERNATIVE> I apologise about your issue not being handled
<me> is it okay if the janitor makes a mistake?
<me> e.g. this was deleted: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11678579
<me> so i reposted it and the janitor left it: http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11678580
<ALTERNATIVE> I don't know /jp/
<ALTERNATIVE> first one looks like pokemon
<ALTERNATIVE> second one looks like toohoos
<me> yeah i guess that was my bad
<ALTERNATIVE> I know janitors dont catch everything
<me> it's a pokemon-style touhou spin-off, most people know it by now
<ALTERNATIVE> and the reports system is a big part of moderation
<me> well i say this in a nice way: not everyone is out to get the janitor, so it would be cool if we could have more "benefit of the doubt" or "innocent until proven guilty"
<me> i don't know, maybe i'll write a longer email some time, hopefully someone will pay attention to it
<me> thank you for your time and patience

>> No.11684795,3 [INTERNAL] 

>i don't know, maybe i'll write a longer email some time, hopefully someone will pay attention to it

No chance of that happening. ALTERNATIVE just wanted you to stop spamming him, he doesn't actually give a shit and was probably worried that if he said anything wrong it would be reposted on 4chan for months

>> No.11684795,4 [INTERNAL] 

ALTERNATIVE is surprisingly reasonable.

The "no repost" rule is surprisingly retarded, though.

>> No.11684795,5 [INTERNAL] 

>not everyone is out to get the janitor,
n1 gj m8

>> No.11684795,6 [INTERNAL] 

Your email will never get answered.

>> No.11684795,7 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, this nerd is total socially inept. ALTERNATIVE caved in midway through the first log just because he sensed what kind of fucking autist you are. He then pretended to care just so you fuck off already. It's fucking hilarious how you took him seriously.

>> No.11684795,8 [INTERNAL] 

Still, he seemed nice. Not even just sucking up to him. He actually responded to my concerns, and compared to the 8 other mods I queried, that's a big deal.

Yeah I don't get it either. It's like an easy way of covering mistakes. "We were wrong ... but you shouldn't have rubbed it in! Three day ban!"

I've written some really constructive emails and I very much doubt anyone has listened to them or something would have been done by now. I know that sounds conceited but I've written a couple about how overzealous the janitors are, yet nothing has changed even with the exact same topics.

>> No.11684795,9 [INTERNAL] 

I know it won't. The janitors are too neurotypical. They don't care for my tables and lists.

So? I get what I want either way. I don't see what autism has to do with that. I wish there were some actually autistic janitors who knew the rules and took things at face value rather than "what might be the case".

>> No.11684795,10 [INTERNAL] 


You guys like to joke that Janny reads warosu but what if they actually do? What if they post links of Warosu's Greatest Hits like that Brigs thread on /j/ to show moot what is waiting /jp/ once they get fired?

Do you think it was a good idea to post that log here, really?

>> No.11684795,11 [INTERNAL] 

I think he does and if that log confirms it, so be it. The sooner the policy of "content, not poster" gets implemented, the better. That should be basic etiquette of anonymous boards, whether you're a hardcore troll or just some guy who wandered in one day.

>> No.11684795,12 [INTERNAL] 

>The sooner the policy of "content, not poster" gets implemented, the better. That should be basic etiquette of anonymous boards.
Basic etiquette of anonymous boards means that people can only tell it's you if you go out of your way to advertise it, in which case you get whatever's coming to you.

>> No.11684795,13 [INTERNAL] 

Unless you're a janitor or a moderator, in which case you can new easily see the IP address/hostmask/user agent.

Nobody should have to go out of their way to hide any of these elements. If someone is a serial shitposter and they post a thread, the thread's content should be judged, not the user posting it. This is why giving janitors this ability a month or two was such a bad decision on moot's part.

>> No.11684795,14 [INTERNAL] 


If you are so positive that janitors are regulars here why do you even want to associate with Warosu when you try to argue that they are overzealous?

Do you think moot would take a look at all the shit that goes on here and decide "yeah, these guys have a point"?

>> No.11684795,15 [INTERNAL] 

I think it shouldn't matter. Though for what it's worth, this thread was deleted after this /ghost/ posting began.

>> No.11684795,16 [INTERNAL] 

Feelio when I'm the only person on the jay to ever get a mod to respond to an e-mail and get the janny in trouble because of it. It's my my greatest contribution and is unlikely to ever be topped... Mods ignore you in IRC, then ignore your e-mails, then ignore the feedback page. Why even have a way to contact them if everything is ignored?

>> No.11684795,17 [INTERNAL] 

Janitors cannot see IPs. Which is quite funny because I've started serious threads numerous times and then proceeded to samefag right after and slowly turn them into off-topic garbage. Needless to say, I am not banned because the retard janitor cannot tell the samefagging.

>> No.11684795,18 [INTERNAL] 

>This is why giving janitors this ability a month or two was such a bad decision on moot's part.
Is it confirmed that they can? And even if they can how is that different from mods or moot himself being able to see it?

I've had the moderator say he told the janitor to stop doing something but I don't think that counts as "in trouble."

>> No.11684795,19 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if they will answer queries if you add them on Steam? Maybe if you e-mail one of their personal @4chan.org e-mails instead of the mods@ address? Or perhaps you have to go to a real life meet up - I know that this has got at least 1 person a janitor position so it could be the best way of getting any concerns heard.

>> No.11684795,20 [INTERNAL] 


Mods used to point out samefagging in the past and it led to more samefagging so they just ignore it.

Sometimes you have to samefag the hell out of a thread to get past the first barrage of shitposters and into real discussion.

>> No.11684795,21 [INTERNAL] 

Janitors have been able to see some form of identification for the past few weeks at least. You can easily confirm this. I don't want to be the whistleblower on this one because I'm not a confident person, but hopefully someone will do it in my stead.

Look at the opening post to this thread: it's about Touhou. I listed several similar examples of threads in IRC. There's no reason for this thread to have been deleted. I seriously wanted to discuss this. I wasn't just trying to rile people up or whatever. This is a real interview. Check the link and its contribution history.

The thread was either deleted because I posted in the Asuka spammer thread, or because I posted in Warosu. None of my other posts were deleted. This thread hasn't been judged on its content but because of one or two other posts I made.

>> No.11684795,22 [INTERNAL] 

>This thread hasn't been judged on its content but because of one or two other posts I made.
try not making shitty posts in the future

>> No.11684795,23 [INTERNAL] 


Swallow your tears and deal with it. Now that the mods know you're part of the Warosu brigade you have no case anymore.

>>11684795,12 was right, you got what you deserved.

>> No.11684795,24 [INTERNAL] 

Is the original post of this thread rule-breaking? Did the thread deserve to be deleted?

This is all that matters.

I'm not just speaking on principal here, this is the site rules and it's on the janitor application page.

>> No.11684795,25 [INTERNAL] 

You got banned and all of your posts got deleted. Big deal. It's not written anywhere that it's supposed to happen, but it always has anyway.

>> No.11684795,26 [INTERNAL] 


You go out of your way to be an obnoxious poster (or at least associate with people who are) and then complain that you are treated as such?

I wonder what kind of discussion you were expecting out of this thread that wasn't the usual KOREA IS PIG bullshit.

>> No.11684795,27 [INTERNAL] 


In fact, I think you should totally bother ALTERNATIVE on IRC again and show him this discussion, that should put him on your side again.

>> No.11684795,28 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't associate with anyone or do anything. I guess I did get all my posts deleted for posting in that Asuka spammer thread.

I'm sorry. I don't know what you want me to do. I just saw this interview and wanted to post about it. Now you're all picking on me and I don't get it. I'm not trying to bring /jp/ to its knees or show everyone who's boss. I just wanted to have a thread about this ZUN interview about Korean youkai.

Now I need to sleep. Not going to lie, this whole thing has brought me way down. Blah blah I'm a huge pussy or whatever. Fuck you. I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't want to hurt anyone or do anything bad. I just wanted a thread. I also made that Alice mare thread. Sorry for trying to post things I thought were on-topic. For fuck's sake.

>> No.11684795,29 [INTERNAL] 

ZUN and Korea will still be there tomorrow, you can try then.

>> No.11684795,30 [INTERNAL] 

Also, if you cleverly make it look like you're not the same person, they might not ban you!

>> No.11684795,31 [INTERNAL] 


Don't post on off topic threads, specially when they are started by people shitting up /jp/ for over a year.

I know how tempting that shit can be. I do it a few times too. But if get shit for doing that, so be it.

Judging posts by the content and not the poster only applies to other peers, it definitely does not apply to mods. I'm sorry dude, try to be a better poster next time. And that means don't be a whiny piece of shit when your stuff get deleted even if you think it belongs. The memory of the Saten and Kuroko autists are still fresh in the minds of /jp/.

>> No.11684795,32 [INTERNAL] 

If he didn't want people to post in off-topic threads he shouldn't have called us the new /b/. It's not like you can expect a fucking threadban, they haven't given those out in years.

>> No.11684795,33 [INTERNAL] 

You really shouldn't be posting in off topic threads like asuka spam anyway.

>> No.11684795,34 [INTERNAL] 


I don't try to understand how moot's mind works. He called for a raid but it was taken out by the mods within a few hours.

I have a weak suspicion that he only does that shit to increase /jp/ traffic, as most of the ads 4chan sell are targeted to otakus.

>> No.11684795,35 [INTERNAL] 

Moot's doing things like that to boards when shitposting becomes unmanageable. It lets people blow steam and tire themselves out. A few hours/days later crackdown begins and leaves the board fresh and clean. Think of it as an enema.

At that point in time, due to a mod fuckup, we had a cancerous permabumping shitposting thread with thousands of replies that spilled all over the rest of the board. Basically the lowest point /jp/ was in at least a year. He most likely knew that and just took the opportunity to do what he normally does on a much grander scale. And it worked perfectly, morning /jp/ was nice and on-topic.

And even if he was just being funny, there'd be no lasting harm and he knew it. Trust the man - if not in his benevolence, then at least in competence. He has a decade of experience in herding shitposters, he might have made some fuckups along the way, but he knows what he's doing now.

>> No.11684795,36 [INTERNAL] 


I fucking hate moot, but I'll side with him over these shitbags on Warosu anyday.

>> No.11684795,37 [INTERNAL] 

Makes sense. Especially since most of 4chan's userbase hates otaku related stuff.

>> No.11684795,38 [INTERNAL] 

Do you browse the same 4chan I do?

>> No.11684795,39 [INTERNAL] 

>And it worked perfectly, morning /jp/ was nice and on-topic.
That's true... it was a bit surprising, but in the next days after the raid the board was in a really good condition.

>> No.11684795,40 [INTERNAL] 


The con thread was the best thread on the jay in all of 2013. Jannyboy must have been in tears all night, all those ban requests that went ignored :)

>> No.11684795,41 [INTERNAL] 

I thought it was one of my better threads, too! It's too bad no one wanted to meet up, then we really could have made it great.. (; ̄Д ̄)

>> No.11684795,42 [INTERNAL] 

top kek

>> No.11684795,43 [INTERNAL] 

