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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 28 KB, 500x333, sujiman_cocoro_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11674995 No.11674995 [Reply] [Original]

Onahole thread, other is auto-sage.

Sujiman cocoro: http://daimaoh.co.jp/item3404.html

>> No.11675012 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 340x355, 1334044113458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you hide your onaholes from mum and dad?

>> No.11675021

In the closet with the loli panties.

>> No.11675042

That's one damn expensive onahole. I want it though.

>> No.11675068

locked drawer

>> No.11675071

I share mine with my pops

>> No.11675136 [DELETED] 


>> No.11675141

>other is auto-sage
So what?

>> No.11675142

They clean them for me

>> No.11675163

Hey fuck off, the thread is still up and it's certainly not going to 404 anytime soon.

>> No.11675239

Kill yourself the other thread isn't even on page 10 yet. Stop disturbing the rest of /jp/

>> No.11676275
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Locked safe.

>> No.11676290
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>> No.11676309
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1386113966282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered LO Kupaa and Virgin Cafe. I hope this is good.

>> No.11676483

but then they cant use it afterwards

>> No.11676581

Renge-chan is so cute.

>> No.11676636

I want to take Renchon to the city and watch her reactions to stuff.

>> No.11676820

My safe would get too smelly.

I don't hide them, because no one ever comes in my apartment.

>> No.11676837 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 665x493, 1349840820939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your onaholes smelly or something? Gross...

>> No.11676839

Does that turn you on?

>> No.11676844 [DELETED] 
File: 407 KB, 535x480, 1351490991783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it? There's no way that's even remotely a turn on.

>> No.11676849

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

>> No.11676851 [DELETED] 
File: 488 KB, 488x448, 1381707637846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure about that Trevgay? Fuckin' homo

>> No.11676856

They do if I don't clean them, which is usually, since I alternate between them and forget if I cleaned them or not.

>> No.11676862 [DELETED] 


Id fuck a milk ona-hole...so fucking hard.

>> No.11676944

do u guys microwave these shits

>> No.11676968

I clean mine immediately after fapping. Hot water and soap + my fingers to scrub it. then I leave to dry in fresh air before boxing it up again.

>> No.11677008 [DELETED] 

>mum and dad?
how old r u?

>> No.11677016 [DELETED] 

Turned 18 last week, you frickin nerd4life.

>> No.11677026

>caring about it
My parents know about my daki and onaholes, they just don't say anything about it and everything is alright.
You need to have cool parents for that, though, and definitely not christian rednecks or some shit.

I don't really care what they think about it, but I'm sure they don't know I have these loli scented panties, jesus, I'd give millions upon millions to have a cute girl wear them for me.

>> No.11677076

This Xmas I've asked everyone for just money. I'm expecting that I'll get around $400 and I'm planning to spend it all on lewd things for myself.

I'm planning to get this : http://en-nls.com/quickview.php?pid=38060&c2=12001014
for sure (whenever it is in stock) I just love the position of it and it looks perfect for fitting some cute panties around.

Although I am a bit worried, its a bit cheaper than I imagined a large one would be. I hope that doesn't mean the quality isnt good. The Gokujyo Namagoshi is nearly $300 and apparently the quality is really good, I just dont like its position.

>> No.11677077

13cm? wow, even mine is bigger.

>> No.11677080

But you don't have millions which is why you're both a virgin and a nerd.

>> No.11677092
File: 421 KB, 590x915, lo kupar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had the LO Kupar. Used it 3 times. It's definitely meant to be a tight hole and it is excellent for its type. But I'm too big for it and it's just not much fun for me to use. I threw mine out because I figured I'd never use it again.

If your dick is relatively small / thin, it might work for you. I had a Satori (also made by Magic Eyes) at one point, which was similarly tight. The texture and the material on the LO are much improved.

>> No.11677093

I've been wanting to order a puni hole DX for several months now. Im so scared though because theres a ton of loli art. Its all over the box and it includes CDs and manuals with loli art. I've heard hit and miss stories with nls actually complying with peoples requests to remove it from the box and remove the art. (sometimes they do, sometimes they dont) and I just dont think its worth the risk here in amerifat land. Especially with all the stories popping up recently of guys getting busted for loli drawings.

>> No.11677094

Your comment brought a smile to my face. That would be wonderful. I want to take her to Time Square.

>> No.11677096

You could have donated it in the gift'/trade thread. It's not like you have STDs.

>> No.11677103

Just tell them to ship the hole in its plastic bag wrapped in bubble wrap in packing material in a cardboard box only, no box or art or manuals.

It's kinda shitty but that's all you're really after right? At least you live in the land of the free. Canadians get busted for owning hug pillows.

>> No.11677122

Your dick is too big for the LO Kupa? I have a 6 inch girth and can (barely) fit in mine. Of course it's incredibly tight and the hole pushes it out very often, but I do use it regularly.

>> No.11677126

Ah, it never occurred to me that someone would use a secondhand onahole.

I don't usually /jp/ and unaware that there was such a thread. Will look for it in the future.

>> No.11677132

I've ordered loli onaholes and have never had anything bad happen to me because of it.

>> No.11677139

I've bought the Puni DX from NLS twice now. No problems getting it as-is. I have used DHL delivery on both occasions.

It can fit inside, but the material is stretched thin and the pressure / tightness are just not my thing. When it's all lubed up and you accidentally slip out of it, it's a mess trying to squeeze back into the inner canal. YMMV of course.

>> No.11677154

I find the slight difficulty trying to get back into such a small onahole to be pretty lewd. I liken it to being with a loli and slipping out of her.

>> No.11677163

most countries won't care anyway, but if you want to be safe tell NLS to remove all "art", you can specify remove box art, cds, manuals.
put some exclamation marks, they should do it.

my experience with the LO was the same

>> No.11677192

What happened to the first one? Perhaps I should rethink my decision.

>> No.11677198
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"Upperbutt" ?

>> No.11677209

Still have it. It's in good shape still. The second one was for a friend. The thing to look out for with the puni DX is the wall between the two canals.gotta be careful not to stretch or even tear that layer. If you keep it well lubed and mind your angle of approach, it is a fantastic toy and should last.

>> No.11677224

you just spread out the inner bits over your dick and its smooth sailing. the problem is that the inner portion tears off of the outer portion leading to a big problem. not sure how to fix it rly

>> No.11677248

Which onahole most feels like an actual loli?

>> No.11677292

Give me the lowdown on how the virgin cafe for me will ya. I'm curious to know what 'virgin' onahos are like (hymen and all).

For that matter, can anyone suggest onahos with cherries featured in them? I know, I know, they really are only good for one use if I want that 'first time feel', but I really wanna know.

>> No.11677297

Puni Hole DX is a very convincing size and shape.

On the cheap side of the price scale, I think http://en-nls.com/pict1-34864?c2=12001215 feels very realistic.

>> No.11677317

If you are really that scared just order it locally so customs won't bust yo nigga azz.
You'll be fine either way though; well 99% fine with nls.
>The second one was for a friend.
i wish i was your friend... none of my friends buy me loli hips.

>> No.11677333

Ah, the finer things in life

>> No.11677360

Wait, does My Trousseau actually feel like a loli? I have that one and I think it feels abnormally good. Is that what a loli feels like?

>> No.11677368

Locally? I wasn't aware that theres any place that would sell a Puni Hole in the US.

>> No.11677374

yeah dude

>> No.11677378

>Let my fliphole white air dry as normal
>Mold in the vaginal canal after 1 month, unusable after 2
What the fuck? My first 2 flipholes lasted for 6+ months each.

>> No.11677381

Thats great, thanks. I wonder if theres any downsides from ordering from this site rather than straight from nls.

>> No.11677482

I asked in the other thread, but didn't get any real replies.

Does anyone know where to buy Onaholes that ship to Vancouver, BC (Canada) that are:

1) legal

2) prefer to be bought with bitcoin/paypal... but gift visa is okay too

3) ships within the country or doesn't take 2 weeks to get or paying a ton in duties and other shit

>> No.11677517

>loli scented

What exactly does that smell like?

>> No.11677521

Seconding this request. I really need to know this.

>> No.11677523

The only "onaholes" you can buy domestically in Canada are tenga, you can find them on normal Canadian online sexshops.
If you want good shit you need to get a credit card and stop being a pussy.

>> No.11677532

What was the verdict on Secret Twintails after the hype?

>> No.11677533

Don't be a moron and import. Most places take Paypal, and pretty much every onahole is legal so long as you're careful with the box art. Now shut your fucking mouth and stop asking to be spoonfed, everything you want you can find for yourself.

>> No.11677535

>pretty much every onahole is legal

>> No.11677536

Was looking at the flip hole black... everyone had a hard on for them 2 years ago. Are they still worth a purchase at $79?

You seem edgy man... go rub one out.

>> No.11677550

Yes, because an onahole where you can ask the packaging to be removed is the same as a child sex doll.

Stop being a fucking idiot, seriously.

Tenga is shit, there's plenty of recommendations around if you can be bothered to read

>> No.11677556
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x1200, gallery_1_19_813531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem in Canada is that what constitutes a "sexual depiction of a child" is largely up to the border officer that checks your stuff. Their judgement is pretty much accepted as final and there is no due process involved in determining if something actually violates Canada's obscenity laws before charges are laid.
For example this image was deemed by a border officer as child pornography. This was the image that was at the centre of that case that made the rounds a few years ago.
When things are this hyper-paranoid and arbitrary it stands to reason that a loli-hole sans box would raise major red flags.
Fuck this country.

>> No.11677559

Get lost, crossboarding trash.

>> No.11677565
File: 43 KB, 400x279, too lewd!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11677567

How would they even differentiate an adult hole between a loli hole unless you bought something blatantly obvious like the girl in the box?

>> No.11677568
File: 490 KB, 758x1200, 1386157642430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

countering the lewdness

>> No.11677569

That's also illegal on /jp/.

Enjoy your ban, pedo scum. I will also notify canadian police. Get ready.

>> No.11677570

this is a worksafe board ill have you know

>> No.11677571 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 429x500, janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope janny and his mod crew appreciate the irony when they ban me for that (not even explicit) picture.

>> No.11677574

>not even explicit

The picture clearly shows genitalia. Also, say how to the red jackets, when they come for you.

>> No.11677578
File: 216 KB, 1000x820, 1386158150576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11677581

I will end you, filename shitposter.

>> No.11677583
File: 60 KB, 800x586, alluka137756838632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will slit your shit and reap your corpse

>> No.11677586

Not if I drown you in onions and garlic first.

>> No.11677590

one or two? one: good but don't last long. two: great but don't last long

>> No.11677610

I feel guilty for disposing my onaholes.
What do

>> No.11677616

my first onaholes I threw away in some stupid guilt trip.
get some other ones and don't do it again

>> No.11677620

I think most of us just dispose of the ones that suck, if that's what you mean. Can hardly keep them all after a while.

>> No.11677838

I don't know that most people here can say for sure what a loli feels like (this is a good thing). I just think that My Trousseau feels more like a realistic vagina than most onaholes I've owned (about 20 different toys in the past year-plus). Its size and box art suggest loli, and the toy itself is reasonably sized and shaped for this purpose.

If we're talking holes that are just plain tight, there's Satori and LO Kupar and any number of other holes that have a narrow canal. Tight alone doesn't make a good or believable hole, though.

>> No.11677910
File: 640 KB, 1280x720, lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because there are 2 holes, it could be possible to share Puni Hole DX with someone else for 3 some type play, but because of its size, it's going to be a tight play or you might end up tearing up the toy.

Oh boy.

>> No.11677912

are onaholes warm and wet like real pussies or are they just cold rubber

>> No.11677914

you have to heat them up, genius

>> No.11677920

like on the stove

>> No.11678024

there was a guy claiming to have suffered testicular torsion from forcing his dick through an onahole hymen

>> No.11678044

most people just toss them in the microwave for a bit before using them

>> No.11678045

salty coins andmilk
here we go again.

>> No.11678085

Important question: Do you cum inside your onaholes?

>> No.11678113

Wait till you're married for that!

>> No.11678145

Quick thoughts on some holes I got a four months ago and never bothered to post about.

innocent Sister

This is seriously the worst hole I ever used the material is far too firm and its just uncomfortable and hurts to use, Cannot comprehend how this is such a huge seller. Threw it out after second attempt to use.

Wet Meiki Monster Wakefulness

My favourite hole from this order as far as feeling goes, nice and soft, inside texture feels fantastic but not overstimulating. Unfortunately it lacks durability broke when I burst through a weak section. Bubble outer design makes if have thick and thin sections thus susceptible to breaking through. would be better without this but they want it to look cool.

You're My Idol!
Only hole I still have from this order. Feels great more stimulation than the above and slightly firmer. Took me some time to get used to it but I like it very much. Well built hole used it for months and still going strong.

>> No.11678193

How are those USB Heaters sold on n-nls? I recall someone saying that they heat unevenly or something but I don't remember.

Anything else that heats evenly and is also lube proof so you can use it to heat the lube too?

>> No.11678333

I must now possess this onaho, I must contest my 2' goodness against this 'iron hymen'.

>> No.11678455

What's the best lubricant for onaholes?

>> No.11678464

I heard a lot about the アーカイブ it seems it's getting good reviews all across the board ;)

>> No.11678604

really now ...?

>> No.11678631

Isn't that kind of the point?

>Well built hole
it's based on luck though. There's surely wet meiki without any thin spots and you're my idols that break quickly (like mine).
some are of course inherently flawed in design

put lube in onahole, put it in something waterproof and put it in hot water

>> No.11678707

The white one or the pink one?

>> No.11679141
File: 41 KB, 500x444, 51slrXRgxsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the Monster Wet Shin and ZXY. My dick is not going to survive.

I don't see any major differences over cheaper ones though. Did I waste my money?

>> No.11679226

No you have to use a condom.

>> No.11679272

Personally for warming onaholes, I prefer to dilute a thicker lube into a more useable/pleasurable consistency with boiling/very hot water. When the prepared lube is put into the hole, it will warm the inside. For the outside I place the onahole in a tall container that is filled with hot water. I take care so no water gets into the hole and further dilutes the lube.

Having a heated water dispenser really helps.

>> No.11679334

>it's based on luck though. There's surely wet meiki without any thin spots and you're my idols that break quickly (like mine).
>some are of course inherently flawed in design

I believe it may be the later since the thin spots are due to outer design but I am willing to try another in my next order just because I liked it so much. Sucks about your idol though.

>> No.11679759

The inside view of these things is scaring the fuck out of me.

>> No.11679763

>tfw you don't warm it up first or use lube
>tfw you never last more than 10 seconds after getting it in

If I had a mutilated dick it probably wouldn't hurt nearly as much and last much longer.

>> No.11679785

No bro your just easily exited (or the fact that you don't use lube is increasing the friction and making you pop faster) try fapping slower (with lube) and if that dose not work use some desensitizing anal lube.

I am un-cut and can last 30min+ if I want to.

>> No.11679793


I am uncut and some onas are definitely unusable for me, you need to buy a nice and soft one that is not super tight.

>> No.11679799

>tfw cut

>> No.11679805


How can a rubber hole you stick your dick in be "unusable"? I've seen people use sponges with rubber bands.

>> No.11679812


because it physically hurts or feels very uncomfortable.

>> No.11679839

They should make one that can keep itself at 37 degrees or whatever when it's turned on. For authentic thermal energy.

>> No.11679852

Depends on how much you paid. both should be really good! Let us know how you like them.

>> No.11679855

I want a mechanised foot powered onahole think
kinda like those dildo bikes. Can control the speed by peddling.

>> No.11679856

the rends onaho warmer is good (nls sells it). its cheap and it works.
also for all you gay azz niggaz who want to heat up the experience even further, put your lube in a microwave safe container and take off the cap so it doesn't explode. pop it in the microwave for a bit (before it overflows). now you have a super hot lube that's too hot for ya dick but warm enough for your fingers (if put on directly). inside the hole it feels hot, almost too hot and is great yo.

>> No.11679888

I would be okay with an ona-bike. Getting a workout while getting off.

>> No.11680100

Heating up an ona is pointless because it just gets cold again almost instantly.

>> No.11680151

Do you have an ice cold dick or something?
They stay warm.

>> No.11680167


I find they just warm up with friction and hand heat after 5 - 10 minutes anyway.

>> No.11680197
File: 25 KB, 400x300, Mr-Freeze-Blog-Image-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have an ice cold dick or something?

>> No.11680232

Why aren't these things made to last?

>> No.11680235


Semen can ruin anything.

>> No.11680237


Because capitalism

>> No.11680241

Would this happen under communism

>> No.11680266


Weebshit in general would not exist under communism, so you are stuck with planned obsolescence. deal with it nerd

>> No.11680450

most don't last very long, but others you just can't seem to break. the reason most don't last long is because it's not necessary, people keep wanting to try new stuff anyway.

>> No.11680908
File: 659 KB, 281x220, LIFE SUCKS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being cut fucking sucks. Sometimes I last so much I lose my boner.

Fucking infuriating.

>> No.11681055

Big gaijin dicks.
The real answer is that the softness of the material does not allow it much durability. Real holes have the advantage of healing

>> No.11681098

>people keep wanting to try new stuff anyway.
Just like with real cunts, huh.

>> No.11681131

If i would have the money i would be ordering new onaholes every week.

>> No.11681158

I don't understand, how are they different?

>> No.11681181


If you think these arent different you might just be plain stupid or something.

>> No.11681209

I mean, how do they feel.
Can you really feel the difference with your dick?

>> No.11681233 [DELETED] 

Yes i can.

>> No.11681249

Yes i can feel the difference, all them bumps and other stuff are very noticable, at least for me they are.

>> No.11681347

Girls feel different from each other. I don't see why holes wouldn't.

>> No.11681377

You're blowing my mind right now.
Sorry for being new, my dick only knows right hand and left hand. Sounds like I'm missing out.

>> No.11681388


That one looks nice. Why doesn't nls sell them so I can buy one. I don't know of any other places to pickup onaholes.

>> No.11681403

They probably will at some point.

>> No.11681587

Does anybody know if the Sujiman Kupa Roa is any good?

>> No.11681703
File: 511 KB, 1000x750, DSCN0898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some onaholes last year but I still haven't used them.

They don't have an expiry date or anything right?

>> No.11681715

it's decent if the cameltoe thing looks nice to you. it's not terribly soft, but also not all that stimulation in my opinion.
at the same price class, RIDE onaholes are seriously good, they outperform the others at their price imo

>> No.11681717

Not really, not unless they are subject to seriously bad storage conditions.

>> No.11681720
File: 14 KB, 399x219, 1378316484886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't have an expiry date or anything right?
smile, sakuya

>> No.11681762

The material degrades with time. Possibly enough to be noticeable after a year, even in ideal storage conditions.

>> No.11681831

They often come with a small lubricant sample included, and the lubricants do have an expiration date, though. Why don't you try one today, anyway?

>> No.11681859
File: 34 KB, 569x320, 1336094907398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lubricants do have an expiration date
Are you fucking kidding me?! I just bought five gallons of the stuff, thinking I'd have enough to last me a lifetime.

>> No.11681864


I decided to take a look myself, and either I didn't see any, or it possibly said 2017 on one which is at least not very soon.

>> No.11681865

I hope you like anal because that's the only way you'll ever get through all that before it goes to waste.

>> No.11681982

lube generally has a "fabrication date", to ensure it's "freshness". not sure about an expiration date.

>> No.11682054

Legally it needs an expiration date,
I remember bad dragon saying there lube lasted long enough to make the issue moot but the fda said it still needed a expiration date.

If you don't live in murica this probably dose not apply to you.

>> No.11682110

Damn... the one in OP looks awesome. Will I get party vanned if I order to 'murrica?

>> No.11682111

I want that as well but damn is it costy.

>> No.11682115

It won't seem as expensive if you think of it as two holes.

>> No.11682120

Ordered a Puni dx last month.
NLS removed all the packaging with "please remove box".

Saw that aussie customs had opened the black vacuum seal to check inside though

>> No.11682167

Better get busy. Invite some friends over to play.

>> No.11682171 [DELETED] 

>see picture thread
>decide to take trip to /jp/
>see thread about adult toys
>decide to click couple links out of curiosity
>cheese pizza everywhere
Jesus Christ you guys...

>marginally deterred
>want to see if there's anything for those of us with legal mental disorders
>google for "gay onahole"
>one relevant result
>fingers crossed hoping it's not shota
>loli with a penis
Just... just omg you guys, srsly

>> No.11682173

But do they make one that that menstruates?

>> No.11682200

I'd buy it.

>> No.11682250

not sure about a menstruating one but I have seen one that had a hymen you could pop and "blood" lube would come out.

>> No.11682276

...that's just gross.

>> No.11682278


Add some red food colouring to your lube. I don't know how you would recreate the smell though.

>> No.11682293

Imagine the post office was really rough and dropped the box a lot.

You open your virgin onahole only to find the package bloody.

You just got NTR'd by the mailman.

>> No.11682349

Seems my onaholes spent a total of six minutes in customs...
I'm simultaneously relieved yet worried that these guys aren't really doing their job.

>> No.11682740

I've had lube last for years
Worst that happens is it might dry out a bit.

>> No.11682790
File: 175 KB, 790x564, 1-1139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about Monster Kakusei? Or maybe Midara will be better?

>> No.11682832

Why do they feel the need to make it ugly on the outside too?

>> No.11682841

Because girls are ugly on the outside too

>> No.11682842 [DELETED] 

Because they think that you need to move away from that stuff and get a real woman at some point. It's not rocket science to get one ffs.

>> No.11682922


Someone just talked about his kakusei(wet wakefulness) >>11678145
it's pretty decent for the price

>> No.11682939
File: 103 KB, 600x600, resize002_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing keeps coming back in different variations, this time bondage-themed

>> No.11683233

>bondage themed

I thought it looked like a pastry.

>> No.11683253 [DELETED] 

You guys should just get a girlfriend like the rest of us.

>> No.11683255

pretty bad durability, the inner linings began dropping out from the hole after my first use.

>> No.11683265

Looks like a chainlink fence...

>> No.11683450

It's here! o(≧∇≦o)

>> No.11683505

Is there a tool or website that can translate from image data? I can't read these instructions.

>> No.11683676

Ha, are you fucking kidding me. The entrance tore after barely five minutes of use. Will this be a problem?

>> No.11683695

It can't take big gaijin dick

It's all about how it feels, bro.

>> No.11683697

the one OP posted?

>> No.11683722

Naw, that's just probably just gaijin conceit. I assume this is common in Japan too.

Nope, this one: http://www.jlist.com/product/EXE371
I rate it 2/5.

>> No.11683746


Should have known better

>> No.11683750 [DELETED] 

You could have bought two of them (three excluding shipping)
that's why we always recommend a proxy like JSS in this thread
only queencatadulttoys is -somewhat- affordable, but not always

>> No.11683752

Oh, I just copied the first link that Google returned when I searched "taimanin onahole". I didn't actually buy from them.

>> No.11683756

Did it at least feel good?

>> No.11683758

>I didn't actually buy from them.

I see.

Well, that's okay then. Your reputation remains intact.

>> No.11683774

Well, as I said 2/5. Nothing really mind-blowing and the entrance tore on first use. Clearly, the hole was modeled after old and loose Asagi from TA3 instead of tight athletic Asagi from the first two games, since the inside was nothing special either.

Hole is noisy as fuck. I used to laugh at the sloshing sounds in H-anime, but that's exactly what using this thing sounds like. It's also extremely shallow, so it's mildly amusing to see the silhouette of your dick poking out of the other end.

>> No.11683922

Squeeze it before you enter it should generate a vacuum,
also my 17evo has tears in the entrance but it works just fine.

>> No.11684033
File: 2.50 MB, 620x650, 1386229068042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In preparation for the future I just my first onahole, a Lilith Spiral Dot (soft). Did I do good?

>> No.11684042

You shouldn't buy into the hype.

>> No.11684065

the gif sure lacks emotion. anyway, I have the spiral dots, it's one of my favorites. if you're not used to soft you might need to grow to like it, though.

>> No.11684067


Well, from the info I gathered it came down to either Tomax or Toy's Heart for me and from what I understand Toy's Heart material is on the hard side, on top of less durability due to the good ones being dual-layered.

>> No.11684078 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 500x500, 72ddeb717d44886e159339aceda6aad8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/tards thread

>> No.11684413

I have one as well. It's alright if you got the soft version. I wish I didn't waste money on it and just bought the monster wet shin.

Its got good size and really soft and grips on to you. You could almost use hands free because of the weight. The only bad thing about it is cleaning it.

>> No.11684453

I need one

>> No.11684807

>tfw you never last more than 10 seconds after getting it in
I want to stop knowing this feel.

And I do it to shit that has girls saying shit like 童貞早漏チンポ etc etc during the hscene.

>> No.11685040 [DELETED] 

...this is why you have sex with an actual orifice attached to a consenting human instead of a poor replica.

because they'll get you going again a second time~

>> No.11685120 [DELETED] 

>because they'll get you going again a second time~
Fucking idiot. Here's your reality check :
- She'll laugh, optionally at your face, get bored and look elsewhere to find real satisfaction.

>> No.11685137 [DELETED] 

That's if you lack any self confidence and the person hates you to begin with... or maybe on a first time with a new partner.

You all need to stop being so self-defeating about real vagina enjoyment possibilities.

>> No.11685154 [DELETED] 

And you need to stop being an idiot thinking that real vagina enjoyment is possible for everyone.

You're lying to everyone and you're lying to yourself. Get out and take a good look at what reality really is.

>> No.11685157 [DELETED] 

>lying to yourself

Actually, as proud bodily possessor of one such orifice, I can say it's pretty enjoyable.

>> No.11685165 [DELETED] 

You really are dense, aren't you? I was merely pointing the fact that since YOU managed to get one, it doesn't mean that everyone on Earth could do the same. The "since I can do it, then you can do it" line of reasoning reeks of hypocrisy, but then again what could I expect from a normal.

>> No.11685166

Your first problem was buying onaholes from shit companies who would rather brand their garbage with hot anime girls than actually put the effort into making a good hole. 0/10 on your choice, anon.

>> No.11685171 [DELETED] 

Ha wow, for literally implying I have a vagina, half the thread got deleted?
Messed up modding... I see what you all mean.

>> No.11685169

I have the Lilith Uterus Soft and it's the favorite and most realistic out of the three holes I have.

>> No.11685201

Nobody cares about your blogging, or what you think people should be doing. Let us talk about our plastic vaginas and fuck off.

>> No.11685739
File: 131 KB, 480x640, photo2us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried Sujiman Kupa Roa? Found a lot of good opinions but it looks really small...

>> No.11685748

Bought mine online using a paypal account and had it shipped while they were away.

I have an Ikea Galant Drawer on casters that has a built in lock on it.

>> No.11685928

It is small, it's pretty well made but I don't quite like it. Used it about 3 times, but it feels pretty hard and ends up like rubbing rubber over your dick.

>> No.11685938

I have the roa. It is OK, nothing super special. No real standout qualities to speak of besides maybe durability and embedded AG+ ions in the rubber. In the same category I prefer either of the Tsurupeta Girls (soft version or idol Cadet). Both are similar size but feel much better.

>> No.11685949

the only thing good about it is that it looks nice, it's cute to have one. but yeah it's small and sensations aren't that impressive

>> No.11685981

uh fuck sorry I mixed up the roa and rina, was talking about rina.

>> No.11686075

what show is this from?

>> No.11686090

i...i can now name 48 different sex positions in japanese

>> No.11686164

Non Non Biyori

>> No.11686166

My Puni DX just arrived. I was thinking about showing it off here on /jp/ but I'm afraid people will see my piss bottles and dirty room and make fun of me. Plus I'd feel bad if someone asked me to post a video of my fucking it, I'm ashamed of my small dick. It's really nice though!

>> No.11686185

Take a picture for me anon

>> No.11686194

Show me your anus, please.

>> No.11686256

Well after saying this much, it'd be a crime not to post a picture.

>> No.11686725


I just noticed my puni dx has evolved an extra hole between the front and back canals.

Don't think it will be any issue except more likely to leak out in the other hole.

>> No.11686966

For Tsurupeta what would you recommend - soft or cadet? First one looks rather plain and tight but the other looks too loose. Can you describe diffirences when using both of them?

>> No.11687413
File: 62 KB, 400x300, 1_1371799873_m_IZIpE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any experience with this?

Been wondering if I should buy it.

>> No.11687437

At first I thought this was the wind-up torch I have.

It's a good wind-up torch.

>> No.11687591

the fuck?

>> No.11687626

Are there any horse pussy ona holes? Or monster girls.

>> No.11687632

>Are there any horse pussy ona holes?
Bad-dragon has some. They're disgusting.

>Or monster girls.
There are a few, although they're mostly just cheap novelty crap with silly packaging, so don't bother with those.

>> No.11687799



>> No.11687811

Just go use a real horse.

>> No.11687815
File: 495 KB, 800x1131, pure bitch fairy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few fairy-themed ones. They're basically normal onaholes except with maybe a bit more detailed figure at a higher price. Some try to exaggerate the bulge.

>> No.11688076

I actually have the original fairy onahole, and for the price it's a great quality buy. I fucking love it, and would definitely buy a second one if this one broke.


>> No.11688413

I hated mine. I barely felt a thing, only the tight grip of the toy. The new version is slightly different from the old though, might have improved.
doesn't like like NLS have it though

>> No.11688519


I liked it too. Was a good purchase.

>> No.11688585

Oh man i have been wanting to order Puni DX for a while now and now that i would have the chance to do it im not so sure.

>> No.11688626

I'm going to buy a tenga (only thing really available in Canada), what does /jp/ recommend?

black, cup, eggs, etc?

>> No.11688634

it's a bump limit. BUMP LIMIT.

>> No.11688666

>only thing really available in Canada
you can easily buy non-loli things, at en-nls or through proxy
probably loli stuff too if they remove the art for you
you shouldn't get tenga if you want something worthwile

>> No.11688760

One last question guys: opinions on Girls in box worth it?

>> No.11689156

Feels good but it's a bitch to clean. Pretty heavy and expensive for something so small too.

>> No.11689313

This big?

>> No.11689999

>I'm going to buy a tenga (only thing really available in Canada), what does /jp/ recommend?
100g corn starch
250cc water

>> No.11690108

Rends A10 Piston

The same company that made the Cyclone

>> No.11690672

I have it. Overall feel can be made to resemble a blowjob or straight up banging, depending on which settings you choose on the controller. There are something like ten patterns to choose from, and ten levels of power. In practice, only about half the settings are actually usable because they are more designed for use with a bullet or the Cyclone than with this toy. But really, you can get a convincing blowjob out of it and a variety of other feels.

You can hold it with one or both hands, or you can set it on a surface for fully hands free play. For bed use, I set the Piston on a pillow, insert myself, and choose a setting. A towel helps the toy to glide smoothly. There is a good amount of power and the motor doesn't strain at all.

Rends sells two hole sizes, and picking the right one really makes a difference. The S-M size comes with the unit, so if you're thick you'll want to order a M-L hole at the same time. They're only like $10 on NLS, and they're really meant to be semi disposable anyway. The hole is a stretchy, gummy rubber tube with a pair of collars that help anchor it within its plastic and foam holding cup. As the piston motor moves back and forth, the tube stretches and slides along your shaft.

When I say the cups are meant to be semi disposable, it's primarily because hole maintenance is tricky. The tunnel is pretty long, and the outer rubber collar isn't sealed or separate from the foam holder / chamber. So you can rinse the tunnel out repeatedly, but it's hard not to get water into the foam chamber, which can lead to gross things. And my normal length fingers don't reach all the way into the end of the tunnel, so it's hard to get all the lotion and jizz out without a lot of trouble. You can pull the insert out of the cup, but it's initially glued in at the base and at the inner collar. After you clean and replace the insert, it still works well enough, but the inner collar can sometimes pop out because it's no longer glued.

>> No.11690688

Overall I think it's a great toy. There's nothing else that offers fully hands free play, especially at this price point. The sensation is even nicer than using a large sized hip such as a Puni DX.

One last consideration for this who don't live alone - this is a plastic and metal machine with gears and moving parts and so forth. It is not silent, and you probably don't wanna use it in a quiet home late at night with mom / dad / imouto all fast asleep.

>> No.11690713

For monster girls, the Meiki Shin discussed above is what you want. Very tentacle-ish.

>> No.11690778

Most? What in your experience is the most realistic?

>> No.11691149

Other guy, but Meiki Shin (not loli) is right up there in my book, as are alice stage holes because of their material.

>> No.11691231

what was your first onahole? did you hit the jackpot or did you upgrade to a better one? did you ever get a cheap one that was better than a super expensive one?

>> No.11691282

So I'm wondering if anyone's had any luck with this one. Looks a little too soft, but thought it'd be best to ask around here first.

Got the MILKくださいES a week ago and it's been pretty nice so far.

>> No.11691284 [SPOILER] 
File: 307 KB, 1500x1500, 81hGFlIFu2L._AA1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped the image

>> No.11691306 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, is that a copy of Milk's vagina?

>> No.11691309 [DELETED] 

No it's a mouth onahole
which could be Milk's mouth

>> No.11691310

My first one was a very soft 500 yen one. You must not be too rough on it or you will make a new hole on its side.

>> No.11691380 [DELETED] 

I'll just leave this here


>> No.11691394

there's lots of cheap ones that work impressively well (like RIDE's stuff), high-end toys are worth if if you want the best
personally I use both my cheap and expensive ones

RDC said it's really good for the price.

>> No.11691442
File: 80 KB, 500x500, oh-1180_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks absolutely adorable.

>that tongue

>> No.11691467

what type of lube is safe for onaholes?

Waterbased? can I used water based w/ dimethecone or no?

>> No.11691529

I hear everyone talk about the 'zxy' and it seems right for me but as a newbie I don't know what model that refers to. I'm guessing it's an acronym?

>> No.11691531

Anyone have any experience on girl in the box hard edition?

>> No.11691538

Meiki Zhang Xiao Yu

>> No.11691550

>Meiki Zhang Xiao Yu
Thank you!

>> No.11691548

I use H2O Lube (Sliquid) but it's expensive.

>> No.11691576

So how worn down do your onaholes generally need to be before you start considering throwing them away?

>> No.11691642

Great review, thanks.

I really wanna use some handsfree toy in combination with my Rift for muh immersion.

I pretty much assumed it was loud, luckily I'm home alone often.

>> No.11691696

I got a Lilith Uterus as my first hole, so I'd say I hit the jackpot.

>> No.11691710

No. Dimethicone is a silicate and will damage the toy. Use only waterbased lubes. Anything from http://en-nls.com/plist_p-19001019 would work fine.

Some western examples would be Astroglide, ID, Wet, etc.
Eastern ones I can think of are Pepe and Peace.


>> No.11691729

how about oil based lubes and food grade oils?

>> No.11691740

Your dick will either fall apart or spontaneously combust.

>> No.11691759

well i cant let that happen. guses im going in dry.

>> No.11691764

How the heck did you last more than few minutes? I feel like i'm just wasting lube to come after 3min.

>> No.11691765

? only when it's either pierced I suppose, otherwise there's no real downside to it being worn out

>> No.11691769

Should get better with time.

>> No.11691776

fuck they're expensive. whats the difference between hard and soft firmness?

>> No.11691778

You probably want Soft. I got Regular and I felt even that was too firm.

>> No.11691782

id want it to feel like im forcing my dick into something tight. does the soft one just kind of gently glide? and does the regular firmness feel like you have to work to get it in?

describe to me the sensation you get when using either of them.

>> No.11691795

Kinda hard to describe them but you will feel penetration (on the cervix?) at the end of the Lilith Uterus. But you might want to look into tighter holes instead if that's what you're after. Tsurapetta for the softer side and LO Kupar for a harder one on the top of my head. I hear the LO Kupar is so tight it's hard to keep your dick inside.

Puni DX is also great for this but that's going to cost you.

>> No.11691802

tightness is kind of overrated, you might want to check out the tsurupettas
the uterus is only good in "soft", all other firmness suck. it isn't tight though (why would you expect it to be tight?)

>> No.11691806

cuz the hole looks small? is it wrong to want it to be tight?

>> No.11691810

Onaholes come packaged with a small amount of lubricant, you know?

>> No.11691858

Hell no
Even worse than silicone based lubes

>> No.11691877

What do you do to help with chafing? I've been edging for 8 hours straight for the past few days and the only thing stopping me is my penis is too sore.

>> No.11692071

You seek help from a therapist. Masturbating 8 hours a day doesn't seem very healthy for you.

>> No.11692080

Enjoy your vasocongestion.

>> No.11692105

This guy seems to be fine to me, works for him, works for me


>> No.11692106

Im gonna start depositing money on my paypal account and after few months im gonna make bulk order from NLS, and maybe something from hotpowers for example smoking phantom seems interesting.

>> No.11692772

I must say the sensation of climaxing inside an onahole is rather overrated. I think I actually derive a greater degree of satisfaction from watching my ejaculate fly across the room.

>> No.11693121

queencat is sold out of the puni DX apparently. I hope they re-stock around Xmas. Planning to buy a few for myself and my roommates.

>> No.11693142

Are you going to share them with your roommates?

>> No.11693200

Can you insert into the flowthrough of puni hole DX?

>> No.11693249

Does anyone have one of those body pillows?

I want to know how it feels like compared to hands, and it seems much more arousing when you can thrust into something. Using it by hand is too boring and is like regular fapping

>> No.11693299

You mean a plush doll? They're pretty nice if you have the disposable income but you can honestly just get by with a belt and some pillows probably.

>> No.11693306

QueenCat is having a clearance sale on Lilith onaholes. Now's the time to grab one.

>> No.11693522
File: 1.26 MB, 1198x800, puni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these coming in tomorrow morning and it's gonna be my first onahole. Probably not a wise choice for my first in hindsight but I had some money left over in my Christmas budget so I decide to go all out (I bought this one along with two other types this being the most expensive one of the lot).

As a beginner I do have some questions that I probably should've asked her first (I didn't even know /jp/ had an onahole general). I know about hygiene and maintenance I've been researching this for quite a while now but this questions are a bit more specific to my case/preference.

First off did I fuck up by not having them remove the package? I live in the US and I've never had a problem with customs but this is my first time I've ordered something this lewd so I'm a little worried even though I got a message saying that delivery is scheduled for tomorrow.

Secondly I know these stuff isn't very durable, a lot of reviews I've read say that the anus starts tearing after the first use. How does it fare in relatively warm water? I'm thinking about taking it into the shower with me. Would urine case too much damage/staining (Not into watersports but I just want to be sure)?

Finally I've seen pictures of it wearing panties like this, what kind of size underwear fits it?

Sorry this is so late but it was in the spur of the moment everyone's gonna be out of the house for the next two days so I had to act fast and stealth deliver all that shit.

>> No.11693628

That panty is from Sana Sasakura Twin Tales. It's small, like 3 year old small, no idea on the actual rated size but it's also a little tight on the Puni so you can probably get a cute little kid's panty or something and it should fit.

As for the rest don't worry about it. Customs will be fine, mine got checked in Hong Kong and I'm still here. Hygiene, just clean it after use and use a chopstick with a rag on it to dry. Puni DX is actually really easy to clean for a hip. I haven't had any issues with durability, it's actually one of the more robust holes I own.

>> No.11693677
File: 22 KB, 290x220, oh god why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind cute, you want to know what isn't? When they make the entire goddamn head! I looks like someone made a fuckable Yukkuri.

>> No.11693745

If its coming tomorrow then it got past customs just fine.

>> No.11694115

fuck it easy!

>> No.11694160
File: 27 KB, 202x183, keneiji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel?

>> No.11694178

Is there any options for fedex. A mail box is inaccessible in my current location so i got to do pickups at fedex locations. Problem is most options ive come accross price over $20 for shipping.

>> No.11694205

Quick question, if you buy this off NLS do you also need to buy the R-1 Starter Set as well?

>> No.11694222

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu every single shipment option is usps and if its not it redirects through them. I'm almost certain usps doesn't let you send packages to there offices for pick up either...

>> No.11694313

christmas comes early, my tsurupetta soft has arrived. btw she's a bit bigger than I thought.

>> No.11695040

Would /jp/ accept used onaholes as a christmas gift? I have one that I'm thinking of tossing out but I might as well give it away. It's in great condition, I just like my other two better and have plans to buy two more over the holidays.

>> No.11695071

Does anyone here have any experience with living onahole (and by this I mean real vagina) ? Because , 2 months ago, I started wondering if living onahole and man-made one felt very different.

If no one knows, I plan to rent some good hooker to answer the question myself.

>> No.11695074

Higher quality onaholes feel very close to the real thing, the only difference is that you don't have to wash a whore.

>> No.11695096

Please kill yourself.

>> No.11695219

beyond lewd

>> No.11695262

I don't doubt that there are poorfags here desperate enough to accept your used goods.

>> No.11695267

Enjoy your STD.

>> No.11695353

To spice up the occasional non-onahole fap, I just ordered some cute striped pantsu to wrap around my dick

>> No.11695402

I thought of this and asked in the other threads before. Not much luck though

>> No.11695414
File: 273 KB, 581x667, 1375221949208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a 17 evo just to see why it's recommended often and I have to say that after testing i for the first time in optimal conditions (warmed), I'm a bit dismayed.

I'm not sure if it's just onaholes that feel like that in general or my dick is shitty but it wasn't even that good. I might even say my hand feels better. I was fapping with the onahole for so long I even got bored and went soft when I just left my penis in. I was pretty excited when reading that people would put it in and it would be so good that they came in 10 seconds but now I'm wondering if they're just quickshot virgnerds.

>> No.11695435

The 17 evo is pretty shit, and the bordeaux isn't much better. They're too rubbery and they aren't all that stimulating or tight either. I honestly don't get why people recommend them so much, the only good thing about them is the suction.

>> No.11695470

Question: how does it feel inserting your muscle stick into the onahle? Does it hurt?
Is that thing made of wax? Is that thing feel like an actual skin? Is it warm?
And why do most of the pictures on its box have loli characters?

Sorry im just so curious about it, Im planning to buy one out curiousity but just to make sure Ill ask some questions here first

>> No.11695472

Your dick isn't made of muscle, idiot.

>> No.11695477
File: 220 KB, 1000x750, 101220135250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute striped pantsu
If you have a fetish like me, for these scented little girl's size panties then I recommend it.

Picture related. Best purchase of my life.

>> No.11695482

How does night love story package look like ? Is it a blank box with stuff in japanese written on or is it more explicit ? It's probably my mother who would open to the mailman and I don't want her to know I have an onahole.

>> No.11695496

Why the hell does your mom open your packages?

>> No.11695510

She doesn't open them. I'm asking what will be written on the box the mailman hand to her. If it's only my adress, then it's no problem. But if there are inscriptions like "night love story, japanese sex shop" or "onahole" or "R18", it will be a problem.

>> No.11695514

Why some parents have complete disregard not only for privacy of their offspring, but also for the law?

If you live in the USA for example, opening your mail is a federal offense. It is also a crime in any civilized country in Europe. You can sue them, it doesn't matter whether it's your parents or not.

>> No.11695521

They're completely discrete. They usually ask you what you want to written on the package, if you don't specify they write "figures" if I remember correctly.

Even the bill is on "12Bmoons" or a similar name. No mention of "sex" if any kind. Also they package it in black foil (the internals); package on the outside is completely plain and no one would think there's a fucktoy inside.

Look at their privacy page or some shit.

>> No.11695518

Have you even been to the site you fucking mongoloid?


>> No.11695520

assuming you still live with your parents. yea - good luck with that.

mom im going to sue you for opening my mail. Fine - get out of my house. you have 24 hours.

>> No.11695527


>> No.11695535

Thanks for the answer, sorry for being a retard and not looking hard enough.

>> No.11695634
File: 16 KB, 140x175, AO034_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any experience with the My Little Sister series? Just ordered the Kirino one, pic related, want to know what it will be like.

>> No.11695661
File: 62 KB, 364x364, 1384902931876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to order this too because I wanna fug kirino but can't afford NLS's ludicrous shipping prices.

>> No.11695733

>>11694313 here
Fuck I put too much lube and it feels nothing, gonna try that again later...

>> No.11695842

I'd rather pay more for shipping than pay for overpriced shitty toys.

>> No.11695864

The kirino hole is like 600 yen dude.

>> No.11695872

has anyone tried one?

>> No.11695926

I'm pretty sure an e-packet from NLS is cheaper than j-list or wherever else you would get character branded toys from.

>> No.11695960

18 dollar shipping for a 6 dollar toy hardly feels worth it. Maybe if I get all three plus another lube it might be more cost effective.

>> No.11695962

Good places to buy cute panties?

>> No.11695965

The Seventeen series is highly praised for providing a fairly unique kind of stimulation. Obviously you'd be disappointed if you purchased it as your first without having anything else to compare it to.

>> No.11695979
File: 577 KB, 572x620, 1381734955045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that so? So what can/should I compare it to? I'm up for buying another one.

>> No.11696022

Lilith Spiral Wave is a popular one, although I've never tried it. Allegedly, the soft one is the best. It's on clearance here: http://www.queencatadulttoys.com/lilith-spiral-wave-masturbator/

Lilith Uterus is also said to be good, and of course there's the famous ZXY.

>> No.11696076

Is it the Spiral Wave or Spiral Dots that was said to be super stimulating? I forget.

>> No.11696112

They both look insane to me, I might end up buying one. $20 is too great a deal to pass up, honestly.

>> No.11696129

Yeah, I just ended up grabbing one of each in Very Soft. I really like my Uterus even though I bought it in Regular. A shame they only have that one in Hard atm because I'd like to get it in at least Soft.

>> No.11696192

Have you ever bought an onaho because of the package/gimmick?

>> No.11696232

I bought the fairy onahole on the gimmick that it's a fuckable fairy. It turned out pretty well, honestly.

>> No.11696264

What temperature do you like your onaholes?

>> No.11696277


>> No.11696297


>> No.11696340

Room temperature is fine. It honestly warms up with use. Using it during a hot shower heats it up nice and well though.

>> No.11696355

Yes. The Piston is sold as a stand alone attachment for the R1 controller, same as the Cyclone.

>> No.11696600
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Anyone have any idea what happened to Libidoll? They were supposed to be a cheap alternative to expensive Volks dolls for using dollhos by the same creator. They were supposed to come out in October but I haven't heard any news since.

>> No.11696626

kirono hole is only okay, it insn't particularily good. pretty small, too

other guy bought japan tamatoys pantsu + smell items, I just bought ordinary stuff from local amazon

seventeen evo is pretty shit, look at the pastebins or at what got recommended in past threads, you should look at what's interesting to you

>> No.11696644

Link to pastebins?

>> No.11696710 [SPOILER] 
File: 105 KB, 479x640, traphole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw no good shota/trap onaholes.

The only one in stock at NLS looks really floppy and has pretty lame reviews. There used to be 2 better ones at kanojo toys but looks like they're out of print. Also I've never been able to find pic related ;_;

>> No.11696833

So NLS is going to stock the one OP posted soon. I think I'm going to go for it

>> No.11697144


just read old threads for info

>> No.11697246

Regarding the 17 series it is completely shit I find you cant trust the Japanese reviews at all when it comes to onaholes, well unless you have Japanese dick.

>> No.11697291

I quite liked the seventeen bordeaux although its durability is shit. not sure about the rest in the line

>> No.11698981
File: 2.44 MB, 300x200, revving intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I just dropped the biggest load of spaghetti all over the EMS lady yesterday. Everything was going well when I opened the door she was acting super friendly to the point where was unnerving. I started getting nervous like she was on to something. She smiled and said enjoy before she left and that's when I looked on the package and say that it said RUBBER TOYS in fucking capital letters next to my name on the invoice. FUCKING GOD DAMNIT NLS DISCREET MY ASS!

>> No.11699115
File: 40 KB, 540x350, dollho-body-doll-onahole-set-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who know both: apart from the doll fetish pleasure, how would you rate the Dollho in regard to other onaholes?

>> No.11699257
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 1386814961557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually received two in the mail today (one VDD the other Type.60) Apparently they offer different kinds of stimulation one is tight while the other offers better suction but I haven't gotten a chance t try them yet. I'll let you know once I get a chance to install and use them.

>> No.11699459
File: 35 KB, 244x390, 1386753689252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New user here, do I still need to lubricate it if I'm going to take it into the shower with me or is the shower water/precum enough of a lubricant?

>> No.11699471

Water alone is a shit lubricant. If you're that much of a poorfag you can use a little bit of body-wash or shampoo to fuck your toy.

>> No.11699490


>> No.11699892

Does anybody have the image/a guide to ordering from hotpowers? I can't into jap.

>> No.11699902

Assuming your not a troll (which you likely are),
who did you order from?

>> No.11699906

It's in his post, son.

>> No.11699915
File: 224 KB, 600x800, DD010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VDD Dollho is the only onahole I've used. With abundant lubricant it feels close enough to the real thing for about halfway in, but pulling it all inside reveals it as considerably short (and I'm only 5 inches). I've just used it a few times and it has some small cracks on it already (I clean it with hand-soap). I don't know how much it is supposed to last or if there's anything I could add to give it a longer life.

>> No.11699939

I can show you the invoice if you don't believe me. I'm not a troll and I fucking wish it was a joke.

>> No.11699940

Then he must be a troll and I must be blind.

Unless you tell nls otherwise it says "figure set".

>> No.11699945

Not the case. I've received shipments from them in the past labeled "computer parts" without my input.

>> No.11699957

the "make shit up for customs guy" must have dropped the ball,
I say send them an e-mail complaining abut the lack of discretion who knows you might get a voucher or something.

>> No.11699967

Include the little story of a completely awkward encounter with the delivery guy.
Although I don't think the delivery guys actually give a shit since it's just one parcel among thousands. I'd be surprised if he even read the damn thing.

>> No.11699990

I think you're overreacting a bit. "Rubber toys" is pretty nondescript in my opinion. It's not like they wrote 'artificial vagina' on the box or anything.

>> No.11700006

>>11698981 >>11699940
that's what they use when you choose DHL, they need to be somewhat descriptive for legal reasons. it's been mentioned in past threads.

it's in the pastebins

>> No.11700012 [DELETED] 

>We are very sorry but we cannot change description for DHL shipping. Basically, we write like the following examples.
Masturbators / Dildos... "Rubber toy"
it's even on their website http://en-nls.com/page_shopinfo.php

>> No.11700015

Correct, it's even written on their damn website: http://en-nls.com/page_shopinfo.php#whyshop3
>*We are very sorry but we cannot change description for DHL shipping. Basically, we write like the following examples.
>Masturbators / Dildos... "Rubber toy"
>Lubricants... "Lotion"
>Vibrators / Bullets... "Electrical toy"
>Inflatable dolls... "Float"

>> No.11700025

That would explain why it did not happen to me I went with SAL.

I guess should not use DHL if you don't want a technically true description on the customs form.

>> No.11700033

I've ordered DHL in the past because it's cheaper when you get to very large orders to the US. If you make the first few items as items that might list as "cleaner", "towel", etc you're in the clear because they fold the paper so it only lists about the first 3 or 4 orders in my experience.

I've used http://en-nls.com/pict1-27929?c2=9999 for "cleaner" and the stuff actually works very well. I'd recommend it. http://en-nls.com/pict2-32738-9999?c2=9999 works for "paper towel". http://en-nls.com/pict1-975?c2=9999 and http://en-nls.com/pict1-5069?c2=9999 will probably list as something indescriptive as well but I forget what they list as. If you happen to order them then if you can list your experiences then that would be great.

>> No.11700053

I've been working up some cash and have decided to buy a double hole / mini-hip. I don't know if I'm ready for a full size hip yet. I have no real preference in stimulation or softness.
The puni is straight through so it's tons easier to clean, but the EI is cheaper. I have more than enough for either, I could even probably get both. What would you get in my stead, anon?

>> No.11700137

a girlfriend

>> No.11700141

3DPD, please go troll somewhere else crossboarder.

>> No.11700202
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>> No.11700249

Why would you use DHL for a light toy?

>> No.11700316

I'd say don't get Puni Fuwa, it's really small. If you know that and still want it, it should be okay.
The Extreme Impact is kind of old, nowadays better materials are used in toys, but it shouldn't be that bad. Not sure about its durability.
There's also EXE's Puni Hole DX and their new REAL, that last one isn't all that large which might be your best bet to be honest.

>> No.11700349

It's 70 compared to the ~120 for both the DX & REAL. I don't know if I should get the puni for ease of storage, or just wait for a DX/REAL.

>> No.11700358

Whelp, I ordered it. 90 bucks... it feels so wrong.

>> No.11700367


>11700349 here, I might just end up getting this new one. The only thing that concerns me is how you would end up cleaning it. How do people tend to clean their hips?

>> No.11700375

all cleaning should be done with lint-free cloth like microfiber. hotpowers sells this:
if you're a little craft you can just put cloth on chopstick and see if that works

try not to be too autistic about cleaning, a good thing to do is just to use it a lot, every time you use and flush it it's clean again,
it's mostly important to have it clean and dry when you leave it a lone for a prolonged time

>> No.11700376


>> No.11701114
File: 860 KB, 600x313, 1386478028497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11684033 here. It arrived and holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Really easy to clean too. Goodbye world.

>> No.11701202

I did a little experiment with spinning onaholes; IE attaching an onahole to a spinning thing to discover the new experience.

My findings:
1. Not really worth doing.
2. Fans do not provide enough torque. You need a power drill. This has 'gonna rip my dick off' on it but it's fine so long as you use plenty of lube. You can notice when it starts to grab your dick since it warms up with friction before then.
3. How I attached the powerdrill to the onahole was as follows; I glued (hot glue, real hot glue) a golf tee to the bottom of a suitably sized plastic cup, as central and straight as possible. Attaching the chuck of the drill to the tee allows me to spin the cup. When the onahole is inside the cup (I was using an old 17 I had) the onahole spins with the cup.
The golf tee was just something I found- wooden pencils cant' withstand the torque. Anything thin enough to be in a drill but strong enough to withstand the torque and easy enough to glue to a cup will do. I could have probably drilled small holes in the bottom of the cup and screwed the tee to the bottom but I didn't want to break a cup for a stupid thing like this.
4. Use plenty of lube. The friction heats up your dick and is the bigger danger. Also set the drill to a low setting since when cumming you will just grip the damn thing at maximum.
5. Interestingly it's difficult to tell that I'm actually orgasming. the pumping feeling you get was drowned by the constant stimulation of the spinning. However;
6. Not worth the effort- simple in-out usage of onaholes is superior. You can keep it slow and stimulating with that, but with spinning it's.. well, it's kinda numbing. You don't really feel it.

>> No.11701217
File: 252 KB, 371x371, 1341826206224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10/10 post.

>> No.11701376

I'm thinking about actually getting so onahole in the OP, so I'm looking around for reviews.
WTF onahodouga:

>> No.11701431

But there are 3 holes anon

>> No.11701802
File: 4 KB, 353x149, 5KEz5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this say, /jp/?

>> No.11701955

invalid zip code

>> No.11702106

Anyone got some panties on puni and what size would fit best?

>> No.11702312

That's weird, it says "Plastic Figures x 3 ", "Novelty sheet x 1" on my box. Is this a recent thing? I only ordered from them a month ago.

>> No.11702349

Were you using DHL?

>> No.11702722

Yup. Maybe it was an accident on NLS' part though.

>> No.11702744


I still need to find that virgin onahole, /jp/anophiles! Help me find that bustable cherry will ya!

>> No.11702857

What did you order?

>> No.11702875

Forgive me for linking to jlist but this is what you are looking for: http://www.jlist.com/product/GODS176

>> No.11702908

One onahole, two bottles of lube, and a pack of plastic sheets.

>> No.11702915

>the hymen in its inside cavity, the thin membrane that all virgins have.
Talk about false advertising.

>> No.11702927

I'm sorry, I meant "all REAL virgins". Didn't mean to offend the vagbeards that buy our dildos.

>> No.11702941

Some girls are born without a hymen, retard.

>> No.11703005

Huh, maybe they changed their policy? Guess I'll have to wait and find out. Just made an order with DHL.
