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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11663409 No.11663409[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn to write, program, compose and draw?
I want to be the next ZUN.

/vg/ is terrible and I don't like going on any boards other than /jp/.

>> No.11663413

Program >>>/g/38357122
Draw >>>/ic/ >>>/jp/OC

As for writing, does that really matter? You aren't making a VN, right?

>> No.11663414

achive satori

>> No.11663415

Download introductory books and then practice a lot.

>> No.11663416

Well, I don't know much about drawing or composing, but codeacadamy is a decent site for learning basic programming.

>> No.11663417

whoops fucked that up >>>/jp/oc

>> No.11663422

Stop being ironic, there's nothing to learn from the oc threads

>> No.11663425

If OP needs help holding a pencil or drawing a circle, I don't think theres anything on 4chan that can save him.

>> No.11663435

Only overachieving chinks draw perfect circles anyway.

>> No.11663443

You really think that any 4chan board can help you with something? you know that this place is an haven for the failures, the weak willed, the lazy, manchildren, delusional beyond any possibilty of costructive redemption sad poor fucks of the first and second world? you know that, despite the thousand of users, the ones that actually managed to make something, I mean really actually a thing, are under the sum of the fingers of two hands? want to accomplish anything? take the door, forget about internet for a while. what, you can't? then don't bother making public announcements, they will not make your dreams come true, they will only bother our own autistic havens from reality

>> No.11663446

Dat projection.

>> No.11663451

get a load of this successful strong-willed hardworking mature grounded happy rich third-worlder

>> No.11663452

Dat denial.

>> No.11663468

/ic/ actually does have SOME talented artists though..

>> No.11663468,1 [INTERNAL] 


stay mad fags

>> No.11663531

Do what ZUN did
Learn to program
Learn an instrument
Wing it with all the other stuff

Or do what Toady does with Dorf Fort and just make your game a bunch of ASCII bits, claiming you need to use your "imagination" to see the awesome graphics, then sell crayon drawings to fund your autism sim.

>> No.11663531,1 [INTERNAL] 

>then sell crayon drawings to fund your autism sim.
fking epic

>> No.11663541

You don't. Just steal fucking everything. Say you have been inspired.

>> No.11663549
File: 19 KB, 365x175, 1354627754458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get our ass off 4chan and start practicing on a daily basis. Read the resources and put them to good use. Make a daily schedule or something and stick to it. Write your goals on paper.

You won't get anywhere without working your ass off first. You won't even be able to BEGIN to make a decent videogame. Per aspera ad astra.

>> No.11663563

>/vg/ is terrible

The AGDG threads are tolerable sometimes, if you can filter all the drama and language wars.

>> No.11663580

OP, you want to make a Touhou game?

>> No.11663596

Yeah, whatever dude.

>> No.11663615

Learn Java and be an Enterprise™ programmer.



>> No.11663619

Is Java hard? I'm supposed to be learning it for my university courses

>> No.11663628

No. It's the language designed for buzzword enterprise "programmers". It is made specifically to keep retards from shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.11663633

>I want to be the next ZUN

In that case, you don't need to be able to do any of things.

>> No.11663646

Writers do this a lot.
Not enough that you can notice. But most novels have characters, plots, endings, etc. ripped from other works and grafted onto them.

>> No.11663648 [DELETED] 

.-`_ ._'-.

>> No.11663663

In the same way that gun safeties are only there to keep retards from shooting themselves. They're useful anyway.

>> No.11663675

why you don't go to agdg?

>> No.11663730
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Have /jp/ ever made a text adventure? It's easy and I'd play it.

>> No.11663734

I wanted to make a text yukkuri sim in C++ but I gave up while trying to learn Curses

>> No.11663748

Except that "safety" in programming means bloat.

>> No.11663760

How to draw:
download glen vilppu course and andrew loomis books.
How to write:
download Robert Mckeet the story, lajos egri dramatic writing, TTC writing creative non fiction, TTC writing better sentences, Joseph Cambell the hero's journey.

How to compose:
google musician transformation pack learn piano torrent.
google the book a New approach on composing.
google music theory software.

How to program:
google SICP youtube.
learn about recurssion.
learn about divide and conquer in coding.
google C++ bjarne book.
learn something about computer architecture (assembler).
learn to code in C#
learn XNA

>> No.11663770

>google SICP youtube.
>learn about recurssion.
>learn to code in C#
>learn XNA
All useless, sorry man.

>> No.11663777

>implying OP can do a more complex game than 2D touhou.
yes, he can use unity, but he can't learn to code with it.

>> No.11663786

This, XNA is dead and C# is dying off too. Neither of these are portable either, why target only MS platforms when you don't have to?

>> No.11663787

Is there a benefit from using recursive methods instead of regular ones?

>> No.11663791

>XNA is dead
What is monogame?
>C# too
[citation needed]
What is mono?

>> No.11663798

>What is mono?

>> No.11663805

Mono is kind of good but it has it downsides.

For example, the game I was making in it had deadlocks and video card bugs.

It's better to learn some OpenGL and C++ since you will understand how these things work in the backend.

>> No.11664910

XNA is not dead. Yeah it's no longer officially supported but do you really need frequent updates if you're coding a 2d danmaku?

>> No.11665096

The fuck you talking about? Everything other than mantle is dead.

>> No.11665171

/ic/ has and had a few professionals that frequent the place

>> No.11665201

I dunno man. Programming always seems to me kinda boring. I mean it's really tedious work.

>> No.11665216

It can be really rewarding when you complete a project or solve a difficult problem, though.

>> No.11665223

That feel when no OC thread...

>> No.11665229

Someone photoshop a mock-up of this thread without the Touhou image.

>> No.11665241

Just give it a few hours, one of the OC dudes will make one with a new drawing.

>> No.11665244

Make one instead of crying because people don't do what you want.

>> No.11665245

zun worked for this outfit called "amusement makers" before he was indie

that suggests to me you would need to wind up being gainfully employed before starting your own business

so whatever you would do to learn how to get paid to compose video game music etc.

just posting some DA garbage and/or other begging on the internet and hoping to get a "green light" or a "kick start" or whatever doesn't mean your shit's going to turn out to be another touhou or even cave story

furries will pay for anything, it doesn't mean you're actually saleable, they're just mildly crazy

>> No.11665260

>furries will pay for anything, it doesn't mean you're actually saleable, they're just mildly crazy
If they pay I get money right?

>> No.11665264


The furry commission market is really crowded now. But if you manage to find someone, I remember /ic/ actually had a tutorial on how to get comissions from furries without being screwed by Paypal.

>> No.11665266

um yeah, along with you're a furry artist and liable for it whenever somebody turns out to have the job of suing people who draw poorly-done gay gore porn of smurf garfield or whatever the fuck

you know? I mean holy shit

>> No.11665339

Amusement Makers isn't a company.

>> No.11665353

Amusement Makers is, like, a computer club in his college or something to that effect.

>> No.11665357 [DELETED] 

The most ironic part is that I'm the reason that I hate warosu now.

I tried posting anonymously but everyone just accused everyone else of being me or people used my name to post. I even left for 2 months and you faggots were still talking about me daily when I came back.

I'm a literal, unironic cancer. The only choice is to follow the path of Lt. Ripley and Arnold by killing myself, but there's no melting metal furnaces around here.

Le sigh.........

>> No.11665362

I have a hard time believing anyone who goes on 4chan and claims to be good at anything, unless he's a drive by poster. TruNEETs spend 14 hours a day sitting in front of the computer, they have no time to do anything else. Normalfags have no time either, since they're busy with college, relationships, work etc. The actual number of people who dedicate their lives to practical hobbies (as much as we dedicate ours to 4chan and the internet in general) AND browse 4chan more than 3 hours a day must be ridiculously small.

You should also note that the people who have something to be proud of don't get anything out of anonymous imageboards. Normalfags are egotistical and will want to post somewhere where they can show off and make themselves known.

>> No.11665366

Jesus christ, that took you guys long enough.

You are going to have to have the calibre to work with people, though, even in the event you actually find some western dojin group that isn't a total joke or some culty forum you need to beg on IRC and pay money for an account on.

>> No.11665377


Take a look at the creative boards sometimes. Of course "good" is a relative word, but there are people working on a professional or semi-professional around here.

People use image boards for a variety of reasons, but sometimes the creative folks just want to show their stuff for opinions/praise, and look at the progress of other peers to feel motivated.

I know I work on my stuff while my favorite threads on auto get new replies.

>> No.11665378

You can browse 4chan all day every day and not waste much time on it, only replying when there's something interesting going on. Not everyone is a batshit crazy NEET spamming his shitposts 24/7. In fact, there's maybe a few dozens of you on the entire site. If you call everyone else a normalfag, well...

>> No.11665378,1 [INTERNAL] 

'sup, bro, it chest-burst time!

>> No.11665390

>You can browse 4chan all day every day and not waste much time on it
>all day
>not waste much time on it


>> No.11665396
File: 73 KB, 512x512, alice_but_i_dont_want_to_go_among_mad_people_invitation-r61ed4b56dbef43d7aee70571f52b6fa0_imtet_8byvr_512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget the mad, half the fuckers who have been here for a while are fucking crazy.

>> No.11665405

I liked that book.

>> No.11665404

That's just the Warosu shitposters, all 3 of you.

>> No.11665411

am i a failure if I'm a drug dealer with lots of free time

>> No.11665415

what kind of drugs?

>> No.11665418

It's even easier now with the catalog and the auto update and the thread watcher. It's super easy when you only browse slow boards such as /jp/.
It was a bit harder before these features. But now 4chan has become so time efficient I HAVE to do other shit while browsing to not get bored. I don't know if I should like it or not.

>> No.11665422

Well it used to be anything I could turn a profit on but now it's exclusively weed and mdma.

>> No.11665434

See, thats not cool at all. You should at leas keep a small stock of hallucinogens and amphetamines. Right now your whole market is frat fucks and useless party girls.

>> No.11665456
File: 25 KB, 327x365, satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frat fuck, frat fuck, it's allright

>> No.11665458

I'm sorry :(

But you're actually really right, I should expand considering those are really easy to transport and the punishments are very lenient.

What hallucinogen do you suggest bro? I have some 25i sheets I was experimenting with but they aren't visual heavy.

As for amphetamines I used to be on a prescription for adderall and sold those too (lol) but they're really bad for you long term so I stopped.

>> No.11665482 [DELETED] 

Salvia is really easy to grow, and has a limited market. I dont know whether or not you want to take the risk in trying to move it though.

LSD is the classic, but since 2008 or so, the market has been fucking shot due to a major raid. It needs to be kept cold, so toss it in your freezer in tinfoil, but it is small, and has a high turnaround.

DMT is a strong, perhaps too strong hallucination, and may cause problems. At the same time, its easy to make, but can be iffy to move depending on the area.

25c has become a commonish replacement for LSD, as is 2c-c. Both are really small doses, so they are simpler to hide and store.

Ritalin and adderal are you best bets for easy to move stimulants, my guess your market is young adults, so you dont want to deal with higher end shit like coke, or white trash drugs like meth or crack. The users will cause more problems for you then they are worth, and depending on your market, are too much of a risk. Ritalin and adderal can be easy to move if you are near a college, and that makes a convenient source as well.

It its really all based on your market man, if you are near a liberal arts school, then hallucinogens will have a higher market, while if you are closer to a engineering school, adderal and ritlin will sell better. Good luck.

>> No.11665486

Salvia is really easy to grow, and has a limited market. I dont know whether or not you want to take the risk in trying to move it though.

LSD is the classic, but since 2008 or so, the market has been fucking shot due to a major raid. It needs to be kept cold, so toss it in your freezer in tinfoil, but it is small, and has a high turnaround. Everyone has heard of it, and it has a high markup.

DMT is a strong, perhaps too strong hallucination, and may cause problems. At the same time, its easy to make, but can be iffy to move depending on the area.

25c has become a commonish replacement for LSD, as is 2c-c. Both are active in really small doses, so they are simpler to hide and store. At the same time, few people have heard of them, so prepare to do some advertising.

Ritalin and adderal are you best bets for easy to move stimulants, my guess your market is young adults, so you dont want to deal with higher end shit like coke, or white trash drugs like meth or crack. The users will cause more problems for you then they are worth, and depending on your market, are too much of a risk. Ritalin and adderal can be easy to move if you are near a college, and that makes a convenient source as well.

It its really all based on your market man, if you are near a liberal arts school, then hallucinogens will have a higher market, while if you are closer to a engineering school, adderal and ritlin will sell better. Good luck.

>> No.11665524

thanks man have a good week

you sound like an ex dealer btw

>> No.11665535

I hope you OD, get shot, or thrown into prison and gangraped every day, drugs are destroying society

>> No.11665550

Is this guy fucking serious

>> No.11665561

you wouldnt believe how corrupt the cops are here, I was in a hit and run and I got off with a 100 dollar ticket


>> No.11665572

The guy is just trying to make a living man. We have all made choices before, and just like every human who has made a choice before, there are consequences. His customers make that choice, not him, not you. We do what we need to survive. I spent some time as a fence before, and I am sure that is worse for humanity then a guy selling light drugs to students. More people then you think steal or sell drugs on the side to get by. Most get sick of the risk and get out before anything happens. You think you have seen everything until the local padre comes to you to help move a stolen radio from a choir members SUV.

>> No.11665585

His "clients" are teenagers and college students who don't know any better.

>> No.11665606

Bullshit, when I broke the law as a teenager, I was well fucking aware of it, and knew the consequences, and balanced them with the benefit to me if I pulled it off. Kids know what they are doing.

>> No.11665613

No, faggot. Those consequences affect me. They affect everyone. When drug addicted losers run out of cash they go out and harass people or rob them to get their next fix. If we got rid of ALL drug dealers there would less violence in the streets

in b4
"but the war on drugs is costing us a lot of money and it isn't working!"

Of course it isn't. The government isn't doing enough. In countries like Kuwait, Qatar and China you will get shot for dealing drugs, that's how they got rid of their drug problem

>> No.11665629

OR maybe have a more balanced distribution of wealth so the poor people aren't fighting amongst themselves for scraps

but you know your short sighted moronic viewpoint is cool too I guess
