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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1165182 No.1165182 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a faggot for putting off playing this.

The script is gold, the gameplay's quirky but addictive, and the sparse CG is pretty hot. First game I've ever gotten EXCITED over an HCG (just with breasts, if you know what I mean).

The reason I put it off is because I watched the whole Underwater anime back in '06 and didn't think it was worth it. Fortunately I've forgotten some of the more interesting parts (Completely forgot the whole "Rakshain" thing, etc.), and the anime doesn't flesh out certain things the way the game does.

Game is missing an Eruruu/Karura HCG, though.

>> No.1165205

>The script is gold

>> No.1165203


>> No.1165210


You have the literary taste of a nigger book.

>> No.1165209
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>>The script is gold

>> No.1165213


I think he meant it as a metaphor.

>> No.1165218
File: 22 KB, 296x370, 1219272126133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The script is gold

>> No.1165221

Where did those little drawings come from?

>> No.1165219



>> No.1165229

>>Game is missing an Karura HCG.

Wait, what? No it's not. Carrier arrived.

>> No.1165234

There's a lot of fanservice in the script, I assume OP meant that.

>> No.1165233


Pretty sure he meant a Karura + Eruruu CG.

Get it?

If you mean the story's quirky and entertaining, sure. If you honestly think it's an epic-scale presentation, you're an idiot.

>> No.1165235

He said Eruruu/Karura, as in Karura molesting Eruru.

And besides, Karura's H-scene was one of the most rushed and unexpected of them all.

>> No.1165239

Yes, I know what he's saying... but the script isn't gold at all.

>> No.1165247
File: 41 KB, 639x481, 1219272605591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember taking this screencap ages ago.


>> No.1165252


>> No.1165249

>the gameplay

>> No.1165255
File: 40 KB, 639x479, 1219272772255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And the next~

>> No.1165270

The whole Rakshain thing was the high point of the game. Nothing after could motivate me as much as the village being burned down and everybody dying.

>> No.1165287

The anime is much beter than the game.

Hard to believe, but it's true.

>> No.1165290

Just shit as opposed to worse shit?

>> No.1165306

is it better than the anime? anime was good decent but I just couldn't get into it.

>> No.1165309

The game never quite got the feeling of immense war.
Probably because the battles only had a few people in them each.

>> No.1165500

In that sense, yes.

I found both anime and game entertaining. The anime unexpectedly turned into a war story with visible strategy, and the game had a lot of entertaining scenes. The game's combat and level up systems weren't too bad, though nothing remarkable. I probably won't ever go back and finish all the hard modes, but there's the chance.

>> No.1165515

Is this one of the games you have to have Japanese language support on your computer for?

>> No.1165513

I'd play the PS2 version if given the chance.

>> No.1165554

Maybe it´s because i played the game first, but i downloaded the 9GB torrent for the bluray version of the anime (after the english patch came out if my memory serves me right) and i haven´t finished it, and when i had the game i played it every day for 2 weeks until i finished it

>> No.1165556

I think if you don't, the character spacing is the only thing that screws up.

>> No.1165572

Awesome, I might have to check this out then.

>> No.1165578


>> No.1165594

Never happened to me

>> No.1165646

It really stumps me why anybody would recommend this 'game'. It's a mediocre VN with a shitty story combined with really bad turn based strategy. As far as I know, putting two bad things together doesn't make them good.

>> No.1165659

Uta is not for everyone. I'm not saying that you either love it or hate it because that's a silly cliched line. If you take the game apart it's not exceptional in any way, and for this reason it's just another average VN for some people.
However, it really shines if you can emotionally attach yourself to the characters, most importantly to Eruruu. It's one of my favorite VNs/animes because it can stir up some pretty powerful emotions if you can immense yourself in its world.

>> No.1165658

>it is good.

>> No.1165657

Because people have different tastes.

>> No.1165661

Actually, a negative multiplied by a negative makes a positive.

>> No.1165662


Hey yeah, you're absolutely right. I mean, just look what happened when your parents came together - you were born.

>> No.1165674

Yes but in this case we're adding, not multiplying.

>> No.1165693


You should take that angst with you back to /b/.

>> No.1165701

Welcome to the world of animu, where the majority of fans only get involved if there's a particularly unique character, who has a particularly unique and super flashy fighting skill and who whores themselves out for 9/10ths of it's duration, but acts totally innocent when not.

>> No.1165703


>> No.1165721

Uta made me cry more than all other VNs combined.

>> No.1165725
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>> No.1165734
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Sperm song is slow.

>> No.1165788

I went through Utawarerumono, honestly don't see why so many people dislike it. I thought it was great. Especially the SRPG battles. They're not complex, but then again neither was mario bros, and that was pretty fun.

Maybe I just haven't ben through the "better" ones so I'm not spoiled yet, but fuck, you people sound like those goddamn audiophiles who complain about "horrible" sound from, oh dear heavens, that dinosoar of an "mp3" format. Lord knows I should CLEARLY only enjoy fifty gbs lossless music tracks or else it's complete shit unworthy of being fed to dogs.

>> No.1165799

Uta was pretty good. That all, said my peice.

>> No.1165836

I liked how the missions were hardly ever:
Defeat all enemies
Leader is killed

There was always some goal to reach, some fort to destroy, some target to kill, some time to survive or some bitch to rescue.

>> No.1165852

personally I found the anime more enjoyable than the game... yeah it didn't explain things as much, but I was simultaneously reading explanations from people who knew Japanese and had already played the game (particularly for better explanation of all the stuff near the end).

As was already said, it gave more of a feeling of actual wars being fought, also the whole part with Niwe actually was more substantial in the anime. And one of the biggest things for me was that the humorous scenes were just funnier when animated instead of only being text + a few selections of character portraits.

My main problem with the anime was that by eliminating all the H-scenes *and* anything related to them, Yuzuha became a completely pointless character in the anime. She really didn't have any story at all, she was just there to develop Oboro's character and then disappeared after Aruruu got Gachatara

>> No.1165876

I also didn't like how the real Hakuoro had no real importance.

>> No.1165938

My main problem with the anime is that they made anyone who wasn't Genjimaru or Hakuoro completely worthless the second Avu Kamu were introduced.

>> No.1166040

To be honest, I found Yuzuha pretty pointless in the game too. She didn't have a clue about what was going around her, as Hakuoro said, she was more like a pet to Oboro than someone with free will. She was passive during the whole game besides that extremely awkward h-scene because she wanted babies, even though she should have known that Hakuoro already loves Eruruu

>> No.1166089

>>extremely awkward

More like, extremely AWESOME
